Straits Echo, 31 January 1910

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1041 1 ouiNNESS’S stout. TIANQ LEE A 00. r~ a z m /V ss .£4 SOLE 40ENTS. aiY SiSsyg THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Offick —Shanghai, China. CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. $2OO 000 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection for onr policy holders The ONLY compiny that has
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    • 20 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST NUddlN £>/ -2: 5 ’its a. 5 1 riANG LEE A Co., .Sole Agent».
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  • 389 2 From Our Own Correspondent Official Changes. Wan Yabaya, D.strict Offi er, Cbuoglone. who baa been transferred to act as Mrgbtrate, Lower Court. A l"r 8 »r. it now tbe Bupei intendin' of tLe Kedah Opium Monopoly at Alor Bar Che Mat. M -gistrate, Kwala Moda, his
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  • 716 2 Vice-Co '.*ul General George E Chain berlin le oris as follows c.ucerutug the opportunity for in >tor boats iu Stugapore:— Notwithstanding the excellent ppurtu nities for motor boaiiug rffaded by the w iters surrouading Siugupore, aud the numerous places to le visited iu the miny
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 65 2 Begin Treatment at Once. Hire you a weik hroat If s■, you cid not be too ctreful You cm not beuiu trett meut too daily E<cb col-1 mikes y-u more luole to another and tbe Ust is always the barrier to cure If you will take Chamberlam's Cougb Remedy at
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    • 472 2 Riedel's (jonosan is not unpleasant to takes, and is not attended by those distressing byeffects which so often accompany the use of balsams and Santal oils. It has secured un* qualified praiae from «I a leading Specialists. These tiny Capsules superior to Copaiba, Cubebs. and Injections CURE the same diseases
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  • 45 3 V• tit \l Aye*:» Dmt L'l z 'W Jo'omlw B M ACo. -ml Ft 1. 8.LI. llaagow S B AUo. 4 1. B I'i'loe f, md,>d d B a 5 ii D;li 'olnmbo a ac >. 10t), A ’cadid Singapore i G AC > lMi
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  • 37 3 -tieit For Ijo't iW L port* \l 4 Co. F**b. 3 k i pi g-uuie S.U A Co. Heuglue Singapore S.!! A Co. r> c |u Sttigapoie A.O 4 Co. AfCidi* Colomb > 1 A 0 ACo.
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  • Shipping.
    • 206 3 Ca digamhire. Br s.s, 2 695, Tyer», 28 b J«u. Yokohama, 31st Dec., Gen B A Co. Ceylon Br. a a, 4(91 Rivers. 28tb Jan London, 28th IVc., G»n —A G A Co. Hong 1 [oh, Br. s a 2,5 ;5. Bainbndge. 29th Jan., Amoy, 17ih Jan Gen.— K
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    • 37 3 31ft January Hebe for l>eli Canton, f >r Dmdings ami Teluk Anson, On Peng, for Pulau Laugkawi, Perils and S tul Flying DrajOn for Port Weld nuJ Taiping. Padang for Bitu Habra. Ilonj hfoh for Singapore.
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    • 111 3 Fo» Kedah l*e> Linn Cko i, te.morrow, 8 a m Tongkah Per Sappho to-norrow, I pu. Dali Per Perak, to-morrow, 1 p.m Truug— Per Leung Ho, to-morrow, 1 Pott Swn tenhmn and Singapore—Per Janet Nico'l, to-morrow, 3 p in, 'Poluk Anson—Per Malacca, to-morrow, 3 p ir. Port
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  • 475 3 Per P and 0. is. Sun la, from London, Jin 1 1910. due at Peuang on 31 St Jan To Penang Mias D. Macdonald, Dr. M's J.Coiperaud child, Mr. 8 Moigari, Miss f>. Alison To Sing tpore Mr. G. GlenJtnniog, Mr. Steonitt, M W VV. FI
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1227 3 (SHIPPIN O.) I U ii i T NORDDEUTSCHERJIOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. W PHK fast and well-known i, I tain in o> Hus Company pail fortnightly from Bremen, L Hair, tiuii; mi hcnerdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and wee verta) Port Said, Sues,
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  • 96 4 j iurvMi ud !ntk« iioM-taffH*, 4«t|y (mo*|h AT TM CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. MS—43*2, Hmch St root. Fanaoc PRICK 141 LI LOt'4l Ito mw a ouTtrriTKiN* ra aiv> ««it. miTinN irm rmi m 04 HI .4 «lIIIKIHP f ch' —Penang.’ t«l«t>llt>llr No W #,4,-411 mwim raaimwwion.
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  • 1132 4 Tbe General Manager of the F. M. S. Railways announces in another port of this paper that on and after Feb. 9th, the section of line between Gemas and Kuala Pilah will be open for passengers, parcels, goods, mineral, and lire stock traffic. If only he would anuouuoe that
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  • 1691 4 It will be en that the Echo ac-*ii uit of this b> pining wis cornet iu «II detsi'e Oa S. u'di», the etquir* Into the e'ecsrocation of Pltiijjej 4M doi eliti ■iortbiog essential thjiiyh* *«4» bad not ainiv iep6rte<l oa the ‘24 hiust. After He
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  • 241 4 The following business in tin bit heeo done to-dsy Penang Penang Tin Exchange. 50 tons at $7.1671 Eastern Pmdting Co. S'' „7412| BtraiU Trading O. 25 74.17 J Singapore: Straita Trading Cf.. 275 7417| Total 400 tonr. Opium it quoted here to-dav at $1 350.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 370 4 THE CRAG HOTEL. SANATORIUM. PENANG HILLS. “As good an Hotel as any in the Straits/’ t —Singapore Fit* Press, 27th March. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. X RECORDS. RECOROS. RECOROS. FOK DISC TALKING MACHINES. Enquirers are notified (hat our NEW RECORDS are ready—they break the record for high quality and low price.
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    • 83 4 A Remedy for Croup That is Absolutely Safe. Criup ia the moat prevalent during tbe dry oo d weather of the ear It winter montbi. Pareot* of young tbildrec aboeld be pr«P*r>d for ,t. AU that ia reeled ia a bottle of dumber Ur* 1 Congb R-medr. Man? nwrtb* n
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    • 41 5 {Supplied by Renter Ten Killed. London, 30th January.—Eight or ten men weie killed and tweuty injured owing to the expreas from Brighton, which waa travelling at the rate of 40 roils* an hour, being derailed near Stoat'* Nest.
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    • 68 5 (Supplied by Renter The Political Situation. Loudon, 31st January.—A telegram from Athens states that the Cabinet bae resigned All parties are agreed on the convocation of a National Assembly orerridieg the sntho rity of Parliament,' and the forasalion of a business Cabinet under M Bragumis Should tbia plan be
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    • 216 5 {Supplied by Renter.) Unionist Constituencies. London, 29th January.—Unioniats base been elect. 1 for Buteshire. Lewes. North Huntingdon, Honitou, 8 -nth Antrim, Stamford. Droitwicb, South Dublin. Liberal Constituencies Liberal* have been elected for Mansfield, Weatbury. West Fifesbire, Cross. Inrsrnesshire, Frome, Dumbartonshire Jtrrow. Roasand (Cromaity), Forest of Dean.
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    • 108 5 {Supplied by Renter.) Important Speech in London. London. 31« t Jan.—Count Paul WolffMetternich. the German Ambassador in London, made a remarkable speech at the oelebration of the K.isar's biitbday. He emphasised the German»’ love of pesos Wars of aggression and greed for oocqueat weie far from their
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    • 214 5 (Sup/ lied by Renter.) Merious Situation. London, 29th January —There has been incessant rain at Paris sud the fl >od* are steadily spreading to the oentral parts which are a lake. All the notable buildings are surrounded and tree* and lamp post* are falling. The tunnel* of the
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    • 29 5 {Supplisd by Renter.) New Admiral of the Fleet. London. 29th J»nuary —King Edward bat promoted Prince Henry of Prussia to be an Admiral of the Fleet.
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    • 82 5 {Supplied by Renter Extraordinary Reichstag Speech. London, 3lst Jan.— Berlin reports that a prominent Conservative member, Herr Oldenburg, caused tbe wildest uproar iu (be Reicbstsg by declaring that the Kaiser must be able to aay to hi* effiaer# at. any time, Cake ten men and abut the Reichstag
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    • 58 5 (Suiqdied by Renter Confirmed London, 29 h January—Repotta of an Austro Russian rapprochemeut has been cmfi'med A statement from Berlin-say* that though it is too early to speak of the formal negotiation* it ia undoubted that the npproebement will be the subject of diplo mitic conversitiou TbeGermtn Government
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  • 543 5 (Echo Special.) Laat Day’s Rraalta. The attendance waa good on the laat day of the New Year Meeting but the weather was showery. Following were the resulta t I—l hb Galloway Gairria Handicap. Value 1250 —A Handicap for all 1910 Selangor Galloway Griffins that bare ran at
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  • 539 5 Ilrid’s XI vi. Jones' XI. A pick-up mutch win playel on the Esplanade on Si'nrilay sfterm on be* ween teams captained respectively by R T R’id and OP. Otiffitb Joues Them was nothing note worthy in the cricket except pi- hapa the batting of Reid who compiled 78 before
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  • 698 5 At Hone.” A most, enj »yab e “At Heme Wis given by the member* of the P. L R O. at Kimpong B-bru ou Saturday last. Tbe weather was favourable, the alien da eoa large, amt the arrangements were ex-feHeai Tb'ee cheers for M'S Bisd, the
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  • 314 5 Tim Penang Volunteers bad a fi-dd day yes’erdty, the < ffioei* present teug Com nundant A K Adams, Captain Alan Wdsou and Limit H. A. Neubronner in command of the Volunteers «ho nuroboiel thirty, and SiCind L eut. W E Mann in cmnnaml ot the Cadet*, forty of
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  • 439 5 Asiivsii Prr r.'. D vanh* 29 li Jm„ fiom Hong kong Sir Gouge Mu'ray. Mr. Mg I'll San, M M. G een. From Singapore Hon. J. aud Mrr. Turner. M. A. H. Cox. Mrs. llowlun Allen. Miss H. f. Welle, Per e.s. Linn Chuo, 29 h J tn., from
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  • 62 5 I n- ns 21st |)»v id 12*I| .Moot P. C. C Tonnia I'ie*. Town Bind, Esplanad ,6 in 7 Sirmls CiueinatiigtMp Penang R -ad 8 3 p in. I'o Mi IM so A 22ud Dav ol 12di Moon P. C. C. Ten ui* Tie* T wo.B-lid. Golf Club,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 604 5 SIDED RECORDS $l-25. 12 FOR $l3-90. LISTS FREE. ROBIN PUD 00,O 0, L“ TIE STRAITS CINEMATOCRAPH. To-Night! To-Night 1! Grand Programme. 1 A Marriage in Auvergne. 2 It in Study's Fault. 3. Chmgp ol l*i «n;? am mu 4. Iu the Gulf of Salerno 5 An Unwilling Servant--6 Change of
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  • 1359 6 Interesting Suggestions. A very interesting Report has been issued as the resu lt of prolonged irquiry by the Commission on Canals sod Waterways, of which Lord Sbnttlewoitb was chairman I' propones a Government Waterway Board the State acquisition of eiistmg canals, aod four improved main routes from
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  • 118 6 Pinang, 3Lt Jahuaby (j ßy courtety of the Chartered Dank London, Demand Bank 2/41 4 months' sight Bank 2/41 3 Credit 2/4 j 3 Documentary.. 2/4 Calcutta, Demand Bank Its. 174$ 3 days’sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 1741 Moulmein, Demand Hank 173} 3 daya’ sight Private 176 Madras.
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  • 208 6 Gold fatal 361.8) 4. I n er( W Oo*sl 81b5.5 os.) no etoch •V hii« f-pp- 3251 tale* Tung (V, pei .i. out of eeaeon Cl ,v«a ’to—tel'ere M ice 83. tell re \4ace P-i-k 7b.—teller» lutroeg. 110 s I s 0 buyer» No 1 6HJ taiet Sugar 2
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  • 198 6 Pm***, 31 t Jahcabt, 1H0 P— tit. Soup per oatta U Roast H H Steaks 24 Stew of Curry kfoai Rump Steak 24 Oi Tail eacti 30 Tongue 55 Feat 15 Heart 30 Liver pei catty 35 Poax— Pork pei call i 32 Pig’s Head 20 1 eel
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  • 855 6 Name i i Rubber. Xiiy'f' Mhlhv RtiMwrr» Ijtil K, Pai.l dtV Batu Tip» (Sdlangor) Rubber Co.. Ltd Bukit h'ajtng Rubber RaUtea, Ltd.... do Contributory... ftiiki* Rajah It-ddwr <V, Ltd Bukit Lintang Rubber Eatatea, Ltd.... do Contributory. hoely Ruidier K»> ate* Co., Ltd. do i percent Pr*> Dumansara (Selangor) Rubber
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 48 6 Not the Ordinary Kind. Cbamberlam’a Cough Remedy ia not a com ns >n. every day eeogh mixture. It ia a meritorioua remedy for all tba troubleaome and dangerona complie itioua reaulting from cold in tLe head, throat, cheat or luok*. For e*ie by all D'apanaai tea and Dealera.
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    • 123 6 Dr. Friedlaender testifies that UonOHan exerts a favorable influence in removing complications and haemorrhage; also more rapid and satisfactory results are obtained bjt it than by any other preparation of Bandalwood oil etc. COR MON SENSE is NUTSHELL. A new rnrdi* al work on thr raus< effectual mrant of Self-cure
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  • 531 7 Some io eietlin,’ information in regard to China's industrial development ia furnished t>v Mr A katsuka. Secretary of the Foieign Office at Tokyo, who baa just completed au rxtcuMve lour of ir quiry II? report* that ttie right* lec veiy" ciy i* now nipple- w nled py
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  • 283 7 Official Minutea. Minute» of a meeiing of the Municiosl Commi«* ou?ra held < n Thutaday, the 18 h January, 1910. Prr»rntF J Ilallifax Eq (President J. W. Hslbfex, E q. Q tab Bing Kce E q A' eeiit. I..iu Cheng IVi k, Eiq I) P V. I oc
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  • 41 7 4a*iiiuij, 1!»10. D«te HW Lw H.W. L.W. A. M. A M. P. M. P.M. 31st 3.25, «48, 3.52, 10.05 Apparent time of Sunrise and Sunset for January. 1910 8UNBISE SC.V8ET. 26th to Slat 8.07 am. 5.53 p.m.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 813 7 INBDKANCB*, the LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CttAUTKU A.D. 1720 riIHE undersigned baring been appointed Ah’nuti for the above Corporation, are DOW prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE risk* at current rate*. PATERSON. SIMONS Jk 00. Utf. 12c Guardian Assurance Company, Limited. Establish!!) 1821. Subscribed Capital X 2.000.000 Total
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    • 346 7 CARRERAS, LIMITED. Tobaccos Cigarettes. -*1 For particulars prices, appy to Q. H. SLOT Co., AGENTS. i i SPECIAL OFFER! SPECIAL OFFER! To Readers of “Straits Echo." W WONDERFUL VALUE. 35/-MAGNIFICENT REAL SILVER LEVER WATCH For 13/6 Only. r r,'l T ,0, r r°‘ l ,ur f’-'**' Order, 18,6 on!,, Retl
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 982 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late 0/ Dr. Allen A Co., Pha, US.A. lianas Moderate, Consultation Free. BIMIDIK* AT Mo. 21a, Penang Road. A lew doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. C mth» TEA o FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC. Large Check 801 l Books of 200 leaves.
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  • 4385 9 The Jealous Wife.” Play-actin',” Mid the landlord, very well for them as wants a bit of relax ilion and amuiemant, so long as you remember a» it's ooly actin’, and not real. Toe mistike a great many make is to taka it al' in aa if it was true. Whereas,
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  • 1259 9 New AnUibiographic*! Confessions by l Emerson. The Eimrr iu ceutenaiy. iu 1903. wa» maikod in the bock world by ihe publication ot a complete anuotafedediiion of me. sou’s ka aud it was intended to supplement bis more form.I writings with ibe j ,uri,«|„ Who>e
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 62 9 Danger from Croup. w ■•onto* de’ay io treating some l 'P. <ven the length of time it take* to L f r doctor, ofteo prove* dangeroua. Tbe W,T i* to keep Chamberlain'» Cough "’"dr in the house, and at tbe firet indir< D crou P give tbe child a done.
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    • 61 9 A Follower of Influenza. An attack of ii flueuzt it often followed by a perils tent cough, which to many proves great annoyance. CbamberUin’a Conzh Remedy baa been ritansive'y used and with good suooeea for the relief an 1 cure of this ooogb. Many caaes have been cured after other
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    • 210 9 Iobriaw of IUlfh Waldo Kiieeson With annotation* Edited b.v Edward Waldo f 182o"l$U "v Em T T" n F rb VoIu ‘*k> lv 3- Ill'llHated. He»*on: llonght <u Mifflin Co I IPwil MARBLE WORKS. ipoh-peeak. I bis business i* now under the uiiuiHffement ~f M» p uutde a reduction in
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 577 10 FOR BALE. The Early History of Penang, (for sale) 1502—1827. BY E. G. Cullm and W. F. Zthnder. (Reprinted I rum the Stralte Fcho.") Royal Quarto. 4-4 F gea. Price $l.OO. MAT SI HA I» AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., 321 231, Beach Straat, Penang NOW READY. “Ini Pantun Karang-Karangan.”
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