Straits Echo, 29 January 1910

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 924 1 mm T ■> fi TIANQ LCft ft BASS’S ALE. x e •mois^twn' SOLE AO ENTS. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head OrFiCK— Shanghai, China. CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. 1200 000 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection for onr policy holders The ONLY company that has this
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    • 21 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. NOdd/N 3 Sv'iis CD 3J roH r r IAWC LEE Jk Co.. Sate Anatn.
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  • 340 2 Id tbe New Year sitimgs of (be First Chamber (Holland) tbe Java Budget dealt with. Tbe priocipal matters uude. discussion were Christian missions, opium, aßd finances The necessity »f tiuaucul support to missionary socie'ies was strongly advuCi ted bj Mr, Fi*u»at-n. b t the Colooia' Minister decline* to
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  • 666 2 Regarding German comme cial relations with Cuiaa, the annual rrport of tinHamburg Clumber of Commerce stales lhai the consequences of the crisis of 1907 have still been felt at Shanghai aud iu China during the whole of 19 9- Imports tbete bare remained restricted, and
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  • 59 2 January, 1910. H.W. L.W. H.W. L.W. U ,e A. M. A. M. r. M. r. M. 29th 2.27, 8 40, 2 44, 8 57 30th 3 01, 9.14. 3.18, 9.21 31*t 3 25, 9 48, 3.52, 10.05 Apparent time of Sunrire and Sunset for January. 1910.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 67 2 Begin Treatment at Once Hate you a w«ak ihroat V If you c<u not be tooetrpful. Y>u cannot treatment lot only E'cb cold nW* y u mot* liible to another and ibe last ut al#»ys the banjo' to cure It yeti will take (Jharr.lte Uin’e Cough K ma-ty at tie»
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    • 489 2 RIGAUITS OF TQlldfT WATER okBewart of imitation RI6AU0 A C’ PERFUMERS 8. rue ViTienne. 9 Pdni-Frtnc* For Singapore, Hongkong, Amoy and Swatow. 8. Seanj Bee, Captain W T. I. Ltikinf, 18 expected to arrive here from Riugoon. on Monday, the 31et luatunt. ami will leave for the above porta on
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    • 1621 2 CARRERAS, LIMITED. Tobaccos Cigarettes. For particulars ft prices t app'y to G. H. SLOT Sl Co., V AGENTS. SEMENS BROTHERS’ DYNAMO WORKS, LIMITED. ELECTRIC LICHtTpOWER AND TRACTION ENGINEERS, AND CONTRACTORS. INCREASE IN 111 PRICE OP OIL. (New Petroleum Ordinance.) SUMS’ TANTALUM LAMPS 8REAI SATINS. Why pay a hifch price for
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  • 50 3 Veueh Agetii Dut D -»»ntid Si D2* pure A 0 AC 29. Ii Jan. Lu z >w C 'loin ho It .VI AO. 2nd Ffh. ■Skh Qlaaxnw S I! AO. 4 h B<ncloe [jiuil'n 3 B A J,». 5 f l» Dalu Colombo A (i AC.'. lOib M
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  • 27 3 A«. D Ttnbi Oolomb G ACo. .1 *n Luxow Singapore B M ACo. Feb. S.ku Si"(j4pcr<- *.BAC\ iirtn.j 1 Singapore S.B &y,<t nju Singapore iA.G ACo.
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  • Shipping.
    • 96 3 Nam Sang, Br »...2 591, I ske, 28th J*o. Calculi#, 22 id Jau, Ueu.—B A Co. Mary Austin Br a 121. Allan. 28 h J‘u As.ili.m 27ib J#n, Oeu E 8* Co.. I id. Dilwira Br. s.s. 3 4>9, Kerr. 29ib Jan Singapore, 27ib Jan. Oeu —H. L. A
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    • 106 3 29th Januakt Kamo Marti, for Colombo ami Tuticoiin. Ihlunra, for Rangoon and Calcutta. Sree Bangka, tor Pangkilan Brandan. Iforv A aatin, for Asahau Rotorua, for Tougkah Janet Nico' l, for Teluk Anion Kistia, for Port Swetienbaiu and Singapore. Atjek for Ling#., T Seuiawe. Segli, Sibanr Oirb'nh etc Hong Moh,
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    • 89 3 Po» Dali Par Hebe 3lst instant, 2 pm. f'ulau L«D||ka«n, Perlis and Setul—Per Un I'cng 31st instant, 4pm —Per Sappho. 1st prox mj. 1 p n IMu Babr.i—Per Padang. 1st proximo, lpm. Dali Per Perak, l«t proximo, 1 p.m. 1 unit Par Leung Ho, 1 it proximo, 1
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  • 464 3 Per P. aud 0. ss. Sun hi, from L union, Jau 1 1910, due at Peuaug on 31 St Jan To Penang Miss D- Macdonald, Dr. and Mrs J. Co.iper and child, Mr. S Moigau, Miss Fi. Abson. I o Sing tpore Mr- O, Glendiuning, Mr
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 783 3 P A 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Kxpwlnl Arrivals and Dopartnrr*. Mail Ssrvlos. 0 at ward. VIIWUI. Delta connecting witll Moldavia 24 Macedonia Mongolia Jfanmorm Fob. 10 Delta 24 Mace Mur 10 Dtvanha Homeward. THROUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. March 25, Macedonia. TAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. tat Olaaa M Ola to Tc
      783 words
    • 453 3 (SHIPPING NORDDEUTSCHERJ-IOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. m m tt sdfc? r PHh fast aud well-known u 1 .ran *iso ift'aCoiupsuy sail fortnightly from Bremen, 1. Hanitiir g t>i*« Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Oenoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexaidria and vice vena) Port Said, Sue», Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore,
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  • 85 4 ntWn wibo«> )—Uf lUMimI <>ll, (ncwfrt *•"<'» 7-) T TUI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. W 6—832, Beach Straul, Penang PRICE o*l LV LOtlll IX par MOOT» OCTHTITIOH* Psatag* iim. 111. ■lllTlon troat rrMl 111 oiki r iimogs Fcbt—PenaiK.” l«l#f hou« Mu ■«!■< *n MmmroMWiM-mnoa* ahnal* h* Mldiaard
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  • 1081 4 The Radicals appear to have promised Ireland Home Rule. We have already expressed the opinion that this was tactically unnecessary and politically unwiae. English feeling is very much against it, and bigger and more important issues (from our point of view) are jeopardised by its introduction. The one
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  • 408 4 Tim followiug busmeai in tin his Iwn dene to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange.) |73 .75 I uyera, no teller* Siraita Trading Co.. 25 tons at 74 30 Eastern Smtrltmg Co 125 74 30 Singapo h Mraiie Trailing Co.. 75 74.35 Total 225 ion*. Tin is quoted
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  • 1339 4 ORDINARY MEETING. Au o diua*y meetiog of the Penang Rural 1 Ros'd was held yesterday afternxm. at tbe Lind Offi e wbe 1 there were preeeet Mr. A. j C*vei>dt'l>, CixkoUir of I/nd Revenue (ih libs Chair). Mr J E. Nathan. Dmtr.ot Offi er, 141 lik PuUu
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  • 600 4 Lawn TennU Tournament. Following were tbe result* of tbe ties played yesterday Champiomhip; Stu'.bam b+it Haslam 6 Mixed Doubles Mr and Mrs. Neubronner te 0 from Mr. aud Mia Martin. Doubles, Clssa A. Croucber and C*vendi*h beat Goldie and Brewrley 11 -9; 2- 6; 6-2 Doubles, Class
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 760 4 THE GRAND I P O H The ONLY First Cla:s Hotel in Perak, An Ideal Place for Families Spending Week Ends. Single and Double Bedrooms with Piivate Bathrooms. Electric Bells. Tennis. Excellent Cuisine. Cold Storage Supplies Weekly from Singapore. Hotel Porter Meets All Trains. TERMS MODERATE. Tklboram* CREEL Tp-'K P
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    • 83 4 A Remedy for Croup That is Absolutely Safe. Cr up ia the awat preta'ent dunce tbe dry oo d weather of the early winter moniba. Parent* of yooag children tbonld be prepar d for i*. All Ibar ia ia s bottle of (bamterlaia'a C. ejb R-medy. Many rootbare are sever
      83 words

    • 41 5 (Echo Special.) Mr. Thomson Takes Over. Kuala Lumpur, 29th Jan. —Mr. H. W. Thomson, Asst, to the Resident Commissioner, Kelantan, yesterday took orer the duties of District Officer, Klang, from Mr. Crum Ewing, who goes to Kuala Piluh.
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    • 80 5 (Echo Sjtecial.) Visit to Johorf. Singapore, 29tb January.—H- E. Sir John Anderson left Johore Bahru at 10.30 last night aiid arrived at Kuala Pilali on the new line at 8.40 this morning. He held a reception, and received an address from the Chinese population. The
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    • 43 5 Sh/>/ tied by Reuter Official Announcement. London 29th January —lt is omcially Announced that tbe Kiug will open Palliament on tbe 21at Febiuaiy. Ibe Unionist* will inUeduss a fiaoal motion a* au auModmeot-to tbe addreee or to tbe new Budget.
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    • 286 5 (Buppli d ly Reuter Unionist Constituencies. London, 23th .January.— Unioniata have been elected for East Grimstead, Dandle, Watford, Guildford, Weat Derbyshire. Liberal Const it nencos. Liberals have been elected forButberl.inishire, East Lanark. North Ei.t Lanaik. Boaworth, Poole, Sou'b Lanaik, Argyle shire, Barnstaple. West Cornwall, North Worcestershire, South
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    • 130 5 (Supi lied by Reuter Seine Ntill Rising London, 28 b January.—Despite a fall in tbe upper readies tbe 8-ine ia riamg and the streets in Paris nre collapsing. The Anieri can Embassy was inundated and had to be abandoned. Tbe Chamber of Deputies wacut (0 and members
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    • 55 5 (Sup/lied by Reuter.) Military League Dissolved. London 2stb Jauuaiv —A telegram from Athena says that tbe Military League has agreed to dissolve at tbe instance of M. Rilli and M. Tbeoloki» who made tbe dissolution s condition for the convocation of tin National Assembly to reviae the Constitution. Tbe
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    • 44 5 (Supjdied by Reuter Adjournment. London. 29ih Jaouiry—Tbe Hungarian Diet having, by a large maj rrily. pasaed a vote of no confidence in the Cabinet on thr I7ib January. M Hedervany thereupon read a drcree adj aiming tbe Diet to tbe 24>h Match
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    • 41 5 (Supplied by Reuter In England and France. London. 29tb Jan— Snowstorms and gaits disorgiDifiog the telegraph semes in England and Frat oe and there ha* been a number of wrveka on the French and Spanish coaa's Many weredrowied.
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  • 367 5 (Echo Special.) Toddy's Handicaps. Kuala Lumpur, 28tb January.—Following are the weights for to-morrow Galdowat OairriK Handicap Trypanosomiasis 12 7 Tentu 11-0 Hleceboy 12 5 Silvertail 10 0 Bluiot 12 0. Late Night 912 Maballab It 7 Radiant 9.11 Gay Lad 9. 7 If tbe loweat weight accepting
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  • 948 5 (From O’ r Own Corretpondent London. Janua’j 7 b. A “Gentlemanly Poster. The Liberal-Unionist Council issued a potter which will not meet with the warm approbation of the Chancellor of the Excbe quer. It shows a Dumber of peers, of whom s.vaoty served in South Africa, iu
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  • 592 5 (From Our Own Correspondent Taiping, 27 January Tbe Taipusam festival began here on Tuesday Ia the evettiug the Cbettiea weut in piocessioD with the oar containing their God to the rent le at the waterfalls and returned last evening. Tbe crowd win uot so great aa in former
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  • 293 5 8E p i U \GESIM SUNDVY. St UrorEt'’s t'lniirli. 8 a m—Matin* (Choral). 8-"0 am.— Holy Communion (Plain). 10 it in—Matins (Chinese). 5 p in.—Sunday 8ch' ol 6 pm.—Evensong and Seviuon. Court House. Itukil Mertiijim. 9 a in —Divine Service. Presbyterian Clmrrli. Divine service «ill lie h»ld
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  • 164 5 A IKITII) Per ».k f.itn Choo. 7th J tii from K ‘lab Mr. R. Mitchell Per»* Pi« 'eng *4 7 b Jar., from Siogrpore Mr. end Mr* Luang U..kaut an) Mr Kboo Boon Kheok. Per n Ban Whalt Soon, 18 b Jan fiom lea k Anaou Mr. G. II
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  • 42 5 T«>-lIAt. 19'h Day of 12lb Moon. reining Ladiea Rfl Club "At Home.'' Kampunp Bahru, 4 p in. Strait* (Jiueniatogtup Penang Road, 83> p.m. TIIMOMOW 20 h Dav of 12'ti Moon. Septungesim 1 Sunday. S'raii» Cinematograph, Peuang Road, 8 30 p ni,
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  • 17 5 Obina (Devnnhat ~.?9ih Jan Ohm» (Detfflinger) lai Frb German (Lntiowi ...2ad Engliah I Delta > 10th
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 25 5 Tb« first violent inflammatory »ymptom» Quickly disappear after treatment with K»e-J-i', IjiiaoMitl Capsule» No better preparation now on the market. Certified by the leading Speculate
      25 words
    • 50 5 GonOMII like other preparations of Copaiba and Bandalwood oil does not affect the kidneys or disturb the stomach aud is well j tolerated hy the patient even after lengthened treatment Trials by the Medical. I Profession solicited. Samples free on appli- j cation to any of the chief Penang Chemists.
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    • 549 5 SIDED RECORDS $l-25. 12 FOR $l3-50. LISTS FREE. ROBINSON PIANO C°’ L m THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO LTD. Head Office SINGAPORE. IjIIV Assurance anil Fnilnw monl in All Forma. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES Financial Agent» for Penang. RBHN. METER A 00.. LTD. Oenrrul Repreeentative for Penang. HORACE H
      549 words

  • 675 6 The huge modern printing p*tt*s injune» type «ntl iuli, tin) Ilit> «>•«! Ijf iu«i<i|ioi'« Oiuili* hand }>■«<■» j iiml them In» Ink u im radical depill linn fi mu I lit» piece** a( ttacil »'T Oattou, N<>w, lmw*>*er, mi iuvHiiii in haa l"'iiii |hh fn'ipit, mul i«iiii|iiii|
    675 words
  • 130 6 A Government of India Kcaoluiion on the treatmoi tby chaplaiua of the dead bialioa of amri'lca levieo* oue of the aid.leaf kOtudala analog out of t’huioh aud Sale coinbinatiou A oleigrman having cooacionticua actipl,» alnut tetding ih bu'ial aotrio nrer a tuicidw oorpae— wbailmr 'ho aciuplo la>
    130 words
  • 569 6 Moaan J Kuaanll O/anl 1 Cu’• l übber t Share Market Rrport, dated January 6ih. I a«ya, in part:— The Maikot fur Malay Rubber Company 1 Sbaioa contuiuea to more upwarda, and 1 trade in theae aharea ia eipandiuK every day. tjiute a l«r«e buaineea ia paaaiUK "t
    569 words
  • 118 6 PnMAtro. 29th JeNI’AKV (By ce»nrf#«y of (A* Chartered Bank London, Demand Bauk 2/4i 4 months' sight Bank 2/4} 3 Credit 2/4f 3 Documentary.. 2/4 Calcutta, LVurand Bank lis. 174} 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand B-mk 174} Moulutein, IVmsnd Bank 173} 3 day»’ sight Private 176 Madras. Demand
    118 words
  • 208 6 Hold feat Itit.BJ 8. 1 ej i 3lb«.. r > os.) no ttoek While Pfp|*i« s23} tale* Trang Peppe- out of t- aton G'oves To eel'ert Maoe 83 tell n Macs Pick fo* 75 teller! Nuuneg» 110 s I l Ofcwysr» f No l 68* eairt Sugar < 2
    208 words
  • 201 6 PBBAB”, 29TH JaHUABT, 1!10 8hI$*—, el$ Soup per call! 14 Roast ?4 Steaks 24 Stew or Ciurry Dins' 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail earl. 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Linw per caitj 35 Poa»— Pork p*>' cult) 32 Pig’» lle-vl 20 Feet 24 h 32
    201 words
  • 1142 6 4 i a a N«mtw*ot i 4 j I S e CvptUl SKaros IV» Ms Sasw k 2 it l £11 J x I o IA* 19 t I Air IAI9 Rubtwr. pc pc pc pc. p.c. ta'V s' l\.t>t 0 S 2 1* 3i A' 35 \|»Wt R»M««
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 59 6 Punier from (.roup A fi'«r uiimu»* of tnmp *w« tl>o of ii««« t«kt«* to go fot «looter, often i*"r«» iltiwoout Tho W*» )l (O koop Oh*«v(v*i Uiki'a CoUyh K'Wftli »o lho houiw, *o*l *t thr lir»t io*licol 10» of «loop liitoll».' oh'l'l >(*'**' rW*. to dk* iwl «1*0« cuio» For
      59 words
    • 43 6 Not the Ordinary Kind. t'han»WwUt«>‘a tVu<h K*m*d» ia not a tvuiitt n o> II» h miltui* ll ia M>n(i>'K U« inMilt f«»r all tK* ItoiiKn aw 4«at*>i«ia (S'uij'ln'ili >»» laaultinf .>«» vv>Ul iu lla haul »-h»a« i« lun*». (V» atW l'« all w** anJ l\«alat».
      43 words
    • 270 6 Ti:t NEW FRENCH REMEDf TRADE TM« iw.rUul an.l hifhlf v~T>uUr r.wdy. i;i«l IB tln-t .ntin.-ntVl ll..*|«l»W by Ruonl, K„«*n J V. 1... au,| ,|h, itwbian «II tho dra ,1 rata to l>r 0 a ui, tl„ no ol thr kind, aod tur l »<«*■> o«wytlimc Imho, to fiuyiKiycd. THERAPION Nb.lioT
      270 words

  • 195 7 Gibraltar. D.>c 26 —An uuu*ual and eioitintf «dvrnture in midseas has befallm) the l*. and 0 liter Oceana, outward bound for Bombay. Ni-ar Cap Finiiterie the Oceana met a French schoouer yacht, which was flying •OKU da of diet res*. Communication wis established. and the
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  • 333 7 ibe fuiui labouie bi a his secial aspirations as other tmn have Tbty are sydlpithdically considered in one of the essays reprinted in 'The Hills and the Vale.’ Kicb.ud Jeffries. As a man grows iu social statute so be bels the waut of little things
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  • 359 7 Thiity-ine Chinaman, who arrived if. Liverpool bv the Blue Funnel liter Dardanui ti J n 2i d from Hougkotig. appealed on he 3rd to the Immigration Bond of the oi ri against the decision of th* imtnigrann <di ets not to let thrm land. Tbs
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 809 7 IKSUR JLM OK a THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 1790 riIHE undersigned having been appointed 1 Agent* for the above Corporation, are now prepared to accept MARINE and now prepared to accept FIRE risks at current rataa. PATERSON. SIMONS A 00, Ltd. 12c Guardian Assurance Oompany,
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    • 162 7 A Follower of Influenza. Au attack <il ii II iei z> is of tea followed by i persts'cat cough, wh ch to many proves groat aunoyaucd. Cianbetl tu’s Cough II uiedj has b on ix'euatrely u-ed and with gotd Mjccess for tbe relief au l cure of tbia o»CI*• Many
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1007 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen A Co., Pha, U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Ccnsultanon Free. at No. 21a, Penang Hoad. A few doers from the Eastern and Orient? 1 Hotel. 6 mth* TEA o ft FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC. Large Check Roll Books of 200 leaves.
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  • 2286 9 Will the World bt> Destroyed? Hundred* of thousands of mile* of white bot matter, foaming through «pace like rant citarsc', »nd travelling toward* onr world at a million mile* au hour—*nch ia Hilley'* 0' met about which there i* *o much talk at present. ]t*
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  • 356 9 Mr. F W. Eastman, io Harper'*, describe» an antitoxin for fatigue. He says S nee all the fatigue >ubstanc< s known ate acid in reactiou, it would be readily inferred that the u«e of alkalis in some fotro or other would be advantageous Ou this
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  • 391 9 The following ima-tni'V t-le/nm* of reg et from about gu-> s *t re teal by Mr Walter EtnimH, of Pouch, at the smoking ooucert of thd Loudou Skt'ch Club ou the 6th ult-: Mr Asq ti'h Regie! very much, have to go In the countty. Mr. Lloyd George
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  • 1371 9 Her Miijosly helps an invalid girl In Kent. Treatment followed treatment. A cure effected hy Dr. Williams' I’ink Pills. All tbo woild knows how renlily the womanly sympathies of Queen Alexiudis •re enlisted for aov movement c noeend with the relief of suffering .As
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 150 9 FOR SALE. FOR SAX, WALKER’S EVERYDAY COOKERY LOOK for the Stiaits Settlements and Federated Malay States. PRICE 51. POSTAGE EXTRA. CASH WITH ORDER. Golds to Peneao, FROM THR STRAITS ECHO OFFICE. Pman'i 1910 HOW READY TO SHOP-KEEPERS, Chinese Calendars for 1910. PRICE $2 PER 100. BY THK LATE E. F.
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    • 353 9 FOR SALE. CHINESE SCRIBBLING PAPER FOR OFFICE USE. size 12* X 16*, Price, per packet of 180 full sheets. (('an he cut to 12'x#'.) OHTAINABI.K AT THK CRITERION PRESS, Ltd 226 353, Beach Street. 1 JUST ARRIVbD* A NEW 8T0CK OF FINE POCKET PENCILS. AL'O Extra pencils to refill the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 577 10 FOR SALE. f' "■■'"N IFOR SALE. The Early History of Penang, 1592—1827. BY E. ti. Culltn and W. h Zehnder. {Reprinted from the Strait» Rcho.") Royal Quarto. 14 F .gei. .‘.u >; J t By “TALES OF MALAYA,” “SOUTHERN CROSS,’ Containing 18 very interesting short stories dealing with life in
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