Straits Echo, 27 January 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1091 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. I 1 aiY S.SSV8 THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Offick—Shanghai, China. CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. 1200 000 deposited with the Hongkong Government at a special protection for onr policy holders The ONLY company that has this deposit. The Company fcr the Chinese. Every Kind of Policy Issued.
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    • 19 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. ’i >\ f>> -a r >v. j}&* (riAWO LEE A Co., S0 Jg
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  • 313 2 Income UiniiniNhcd in IVii Years by Flfly i*er Cent. In the coinage report published on December 28, it was noticed that there bad beeu practicilly no imports of aovereigns into ludia during tbn < ffijial yens 19t8-1909, report* tbe Ad’oaite of India This uuu-ual condition
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  • 790 2 Fith-ealiitß and Contagion. Tbe Second International Scientific C mft• rence on L'prosy, wbicb is taking pace ai Bergen, resumed its sittings receutiy, and Dr. Newsboluie, tbe del-gate represeutiug G «at Britain put before the Conference ihe lufor m ition which be bad obtained with the aid of tbe
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 53 2 Not the Ordinary Kind. Chambciurn's Cooeb R-nidf is not a comm d e*rt» da» C'Uib m itu e. ll is a m«>ri!t»i>>u« uiiiei» for all tuo troub'cs >me au i daaav'O'.a coa>p>:c<ti»oa r<suliui|{ f m 0»M 10 I !.•> lead. h oa'.cbial os itl;»#*. For •alt) bj all 1> apcrsa
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    • 501 2 Di 15 >ss of Strassburg introduced (.0110Nail in the treatment of the tnos* painful of diseases to which mankind is liable It is better, safer ami more effective than other pieparations of Copaiba, Cubebs or plain Sandalwood oil. These tiny Capsules superior to Copaiba. Cubebs. and Injections CURE Ihe same
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    • 1877 2 PRITCHARD CO. CHINA, GLASS, LAMP FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. lour Post Bedsteads, 2' Taper Pillars aith Gold Bands, Extended Foot Rail, I* Bress Head and Foot Rails, I* Filling Brass Vases, Double Mosquito Rods, Lath Bottoms. 4' x 6'6" Cash »32 40 5' x 6'6* 135 55 6’x6'6" »37 80. Combination Bedsteads,
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  • 44 3 Vent)» I A'jmtt D*i As» ayn Colombo A G ACo. 27ih Jau Divanha Singapore A O ACo. 21* b Ltitzow Colombo B M A Co. 2nd F.i Sikh Glasgow 3 B ACo. 4'h B mg lo« Loudon S IJ A Jo. 5:u
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  • 32 3 f riBe't fur Singapore .0 &Co. Jill Ip.i toha lOoloinbi V U AUo. Lut»)w iHio^apoie B M 4(Ju. KeK 8 kb Singapore IB AO’. Msngi oe Sio^apwe -i 3. BA Jo.
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  • Shipping.
    • 109 3 Kedah, Br. s s., 135, Merlin, 2G:h Jan, Hongkong, 6 li Jau Nil—E. 8. Co, Ltd Peyn, Br. ss, 294 Starkey, 26th Jan., Olehleh. 22nd Jan Gen —Ban Ho Hio. Landrat Scheiff, Ger is., 1,012, Struve, 2SbJiu., Rangoon. 22ad Jin. Gen E S. Co.. Ltd Capii It. ss, 2
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    • 40 3 27th January Leony Ho, fur Trang. Corn lia, foi Port Swettenhtm, Poil Dickson auil Malacca. Padang, for Hitu Habra. Perak, for Deli. Canton, f ir Dindmgs and Teluk Anson Thnngtm for Port S.uttenliam and Sing» poio Samui, for Singapote
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    • 201 3 Fob Kedah—Poi Lian Chon, to morrow, Singapore, Clmia and Japan—Per Ceylon, tomorrow, il am. lonirkab, Ifopah, Renting, Victoria Point, Mergui aud Tavoy—Per Omapere, tomorrow, Ipm. Port Swettenlmm and Singapore— Per Pin Seng, to-morrow, 1 p.m Deli—l 'or Calypso, to-morrow, Ipm, Ringoou— Per Landrat Sekeiff.iO morrow, 2 p
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  • 355 3 Per P and O ss. Ma’wa, from Loudon, Dec 21, 1909, connecting with tln* Ass n/e st Colombo, due at IVning on 27th Jilt To Penang Mr and Mrs. VV Doll. Mr. C. A Liw, Mr. VV H Armstrong, Mr. C. H. Oilliat, Mr and Mis
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 684 3 P. 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Eipwfwl Arrivals and Uepartarea. MaN Service. Outward. Jan 27 Attoyr connecting with Malwa F#b. 10 Delia Moldavia 24 Macedonia Mongolia Mar 10 IMvanha Marmora Homeward. THROUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. March 25, Macedonia, FARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. IM uiim M aha To London by 8b® AW
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    • 449 3 —<S HIPPING.) NORDDEUTSCHER_LLOYD, BREMEN. XKFEB1AL GERMAN HAIL LINE. —JvM-. THE f»»t and wall-known n,. 1 earn»mo ihssCoinpany «ail fortnightly from Bremen. Hambuigeia hone ilam. Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Napier (connection Marseille*, Naples, Aleia'idria and vice vend) Port Said, Sum, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki and Kobe to
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  • 76 4 J mih ino*w Bwifciii —i )■<» tlwi a ’«MI«M4 4ally »»«»1 1« T*l CWTES'tth I'lttSS, Lid., No. WK— *W. IWwoh Btr»*r. P»n»»« PRIOR; Kill UM'll IS* oUTWTiTIows roM«» til inmMirMlM 111 u*m a siiitsvfle rcho—rca«M>" r* (•phono No. *4* «II r—-WIW. sC4rss»«i Tws liliui. ■UW ImwM l«r
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  • 418 4 There ia an opening at Penang, and other sunny place*, for a smart electrician. Perhaps Siemens’ 6rm will look into it for u*. Mr. George S. Cove, of Somerville, Mass., is laid to be obtaining electric power from »un raja, with a aimple fort of
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  • 75 4 The following bumne*s in tin has been dooe to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange, jq buyers, no sellers Straits Trading 0., 2i< tons at 7 .2» Eastern Smelting (>., 75 7415 Singapore: Strait» Tradiug O. otl 742' Total ...15) ton*. Tin is quoted in London to-day
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  • 91 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following were the results of the lies played yesterday Mixed Doubles Mr and Mrs Neubonner beat Thornton and A Anthony 6—2. 6-4 j Mrs. I)uno and &*id beat Mr and Mrs. Wrigbt-Motion6—4 6—3. Doubles, C.ass A Hen Jar son and Irens heat Hodge
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  • 183 4 Annual General Heeling. Our tbatks are due to Mrs. Jamieson for the following report The second Annas I General Meeting of tbe Penaog Ladies' R fit C ub waa l.eld ai the K-sideucy tester..ay morning at 10 3 Nineteen members were pieseut. It was decided that
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  • 371 4 A to. it ball match was player] on the E>planade last Tuesday afternoon between the Police aod the Post Office employees, tbe former led by Crptain Auderaon and the latter by Mr. 8 Green. At the start tbe Poet Office forwards abone out aud eventu ally
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  • 477 4 The Kedah We are enabled to-dsy to supplement the information giveu in onr imu, of ynatnrda? •nth regard to l 'e latent piuoksse wf the Eiitom Shipping Company. Aa she line off the Fort Pier, aide by aide with the Kedah boat», it k evident tbit the a. a. Kedah
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  • 435 4 Tbit morning, a Cb'urss youth, Lee Ah Teh, pleaded not gu-l'y before Mr Brown, to tbe charge of theft of mon-y a»] sundry articles, including a small levolver .u.d a picket of cartridge), to the aggregate value of about *****0, tbe properties of .hree d
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  • 358 4 (Echo Special. Second Day’s Handicap*. Kuala Lumpur, 26tb January.—Folio* mg are tbe handicaps for to-monow'i races Thb Nonets Handicap. New Chum ...11- 7 Peluru 8 g Seedtime 9 7 Little Lady 7U The PaxxcxßStaes«. Lucretia ...10. 0 Sweet Briar 8 lit Glee 9 6 La Paloma 8
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    • 28 4 (Echo Special.) Planting Opium Singapore, 26th January.—A revenue officer ha» been sentenced to two yesrs' rigorous imprisonment for planting opium on premises which he raided.
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    • 36 4 [Echo Special.) Important Committee Meeting. Singapore, 26th January. —The Committee of tbe Agri-horticultural Sliuw meet to-day to fix a date, appoint Committees, discuss subscription and prise lists and advertising in the Straits and States.
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    • 181 5 {Echo Special.) Startling Assertion from Hongkong. Chinese officials are very persevering in trying to persuade the Hongkong Government to extradite tnen whom it wants for political offences. Such of» fences are, of course, not extraditable, so the men wanted are usually accused of ordinary crimes, like gang
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    • 24 5 (Echo Special.) Rifle (lab to he Resuscitated. Singapore, 26th January.—lt haa been decided to resuscitate tiie S. V. A. Rifle Club.
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    • 296 5 {Supplied by Reuter State of Puritan. London, 27tb January—Tbe following hate been returned to Parlianent Unionists 255 Liberal* 231 Labour 38 Natiooali*t* 73 Guinn of the Parties. There were fire Uuiouiit gains today Cirencester, New Forest, Stowinaiket, West Stafford, and Towcbester (two seat*). Tbe Liberal gained 1
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    • 31 5 (Sujjlied by Reuter.) Nouth Africa Beits England. London, 27 1 b January.— A telegram from Durban says that in tbe seooad test match South Africa beat England by 95 runs.
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    • 42 5 {Supplied by Reuter Enormous Damage ia Italy. London, 27th January.—There is a burnc»ne blowing in tbe Channel- Tbe mailboit service is suspended. Stormy weather ia re ported also from Italy where enoimous damage was done especially in Naples and Sicily.
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    • 101 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Enormous Damage. London. 27ih January —Tbe fl ods in France are amounting almost to s national calamity, dislocating the traffic and com munications in Paria and washing out thou ■anda of homes There is a similar situation in the Provinces Tbe damage is officially
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    • 31 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Attends Reception at French Embassy. Loudon. 27th January—The Kaiser attended tbe reception at the Fiencb embassy last night for tbe first time sinoe tbe Morocco dispute.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 383 4 1P0H MARBLE WORKS. IPOHPERAS. Tin» business is now under the management of Mr. Ravens way, who has made a great i eduction in all prices and who will he glad to quote for Marble loortng Tiles, lable Tops, Washlumd Stands, Cemetery Memorials of all kinds r’ n a^'cll^'on A large
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    • 65 4 Danger from Croup. A few minutes delay io treating some canes of croup, even tLe length of time it take* to go for a doctor, often prove* daogeroui. The safest way is to keep Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house, and at the first indication of croup give the child
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    • 61 4 Begin Treatment at Once. Hare you a weak throat If you cannot be too careful You einnot begin treatment too early. Each cold makes you more liable to another and tbe last ia alway* the harder to cure. If jou will take Chamberlain’* Cough Remedy at ‘be outset you will
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    • 59 4 A Follower of Influenza An attack of itfluenza is ott»>o followed b* a persistent cougb, which to imn» proses* great annoyance. Cl auberl.ia’s Coezb Kerned? bat been ►iteosirelj uteii and *itfc food success for the relief and cure of tbe cough. Uuj oases bars been Curtd «fW other wall-known reojedas*
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  • 18 4 Obituary. (Echo Special. W. Bryans, the Trainer. Kuala Lumpur, 26tli Jan.—Bryaui. the well-known trainer and joekey, 1» dead.
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  • 513 5 By tbe Sicilia, on 22nd January tbe fob lowing Penang shipments were made; For Colombo.—H- K. Moosa Pis. 550 Boiled K'ce Bags 500 Habib Ooaman A Co. Pl* 410 Boiled Rice Haga 400; Ghiata Bros Pis 550 Boiled Rioe Bags 500 J moo Has san Pit 2 420
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  • 311 5 Smart Work By Inspector Hollywood. Tuesday's Ipoh paper says To-day we have been able to gather tome additional particular* of the gang robbery at Kuala Dipang on Saturday night, and our readers will learn with great satisfaction that that smart officer. Inspector J H Hollywood, has
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  • 255 5 From tbe j mrnal called Iu Tiulmid,” we scissor the following eximple of logorrhet. "Whatever may by the result of theelectiop, we do not tbiuk that it will iff ct u§ much. Tbe rubber boom ia as sotive as ever and with tin shewing au
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  • 391 5 More repression is what certain Anglo Indian j rurnals wan*. They want the Iu dian press to he ix'ingu shed a'tog t,l|«r possibly to leave the fi Id open to them Referring >o this the Oriental K view of Bombay siys The glaiiug iujustice of all these suggestions aud
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  • 317 5 The Biimittghaw Pott understand* the' Lord Also 1) HineP will succeed Lor Mtnlo aud stilt* that he baa already beeu sound.d aud has bis 'Vtllioguesa to accept ti e Vicnreyaltv It ia needless to say that all India will welcome lh“ appointment of Lord Mac!) >ooel) as
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  • 322 5 Piofessor Rmald Rosa writing to Ihe T>* im on tlm anhp-ct of the Malitia (JonfeißUCß at Simla, refer* to the faol that in S'plember he expressed a fear that it was Organised in n manner which would give undue n H leuce to the par'y which advo. cikted ouly
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  • 48 5 Arrivhii Per as. Malayi, 27th Jao., fr.on Dali: M». au 1 Mta V. Bdb ough. Messrs. A Zirner. Go'deul o. g, Scott, .liusen and Alberti. D I*ARTKI> Per a s hum Cboo 26'h J in., for Kedah Mrs W. E Clerver, Messrs Ryder and Lim Eow Hong.
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  • 54 5 To- hat. 17■ li I >av id lii h Moon, Municipal Commission, 3 30 p in P. C. C. Tennis Ties. Straits Cineinatogtap'', I’enaug Hoad 8 3) Tomorrow Hth Dav of 12»h Moon. P. C. C. Tennis Ties. Town Hand, Esplanade 6 to 7 pm. Straits Cinematograph, Pen
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  • 16 5 English Aifaye ...27th Jan Chtua IDevanha) ...V9'h China IDerjjUnger) Is- F,,b. German (Lutiowi ...2tl
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  • 21 5 t.asi Quarter Feb 2.d O New Moon It' h f Ftrat Quarter 17' h O Full Moon 24 b
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  • 37 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mali Service Oot'va RIIS, l|o*i»«AKOS And'y 37 Bin I Dtranki Jun. Delhi y\ f’sb I Aremdta II Feb Extra Service OOTweaoa Huhkwari). Sunda 31 Jan. I byria 4 Feb. Manila 14 Ftb. Sumatra 19
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 607 5 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO LTD. th* llllO id tl cept Ural t of tent teen act» ban. barf id »ru tted itial tli' cia i to e in mu rue l if Hkad Ornc*.—SINGAPORE. liiTt* Assurance >m«l Endowment in All Forms. LIBERAL I’OUriKS. LOW 1UTEN. Financial Ayente for
      607 words

  • 1181 6 We take the following from the Letter* t of Elmbeth on her visit to Burma, appear I iog in the Rangoon Timet < I bare observed a tendency, more or less universal, amongst people (women more esp cially) to delight m, not gossip so much. 1
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  • 557 6 Nothing to Cry Orer.” Tbe Saturday Revim says that this issue of Government and Lords has been gatbeiing toa bead these many years: That it has now come to a bead ia nothing to cry oser. If we lose, defeat oould not hare been put off mote
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  • 57 6 January, 1910. <*'• II V. 27 th 113, 7.26, 132, 7.45 28th 1.51, 8.04, 2.09, 8.22 29th 2.27, 8.40, 2 44, 8 57 30th 3 01, 9.14, 3.18, 9.21 31st 3.25, 9 48. 3 52, 10.05 Appareut time of Sunrise and Sunset for January, 1910. SCNEISE.
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  • 118 6 Psnano, i7th January (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4} m 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 J 3 Credit 2/4* 3 Documentary.. 2/4 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174 J 3 days’eight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174} Mouluiein, Demand Bank 173} 3 days’sight Private 176 Madras.
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  • 210 6 Gold Utf *oLB'i d. i’tpi er(W Co.iat 3tba.s oa.) wo stock iVhit» P«pp.« s2s} tale» franc Peppei out of season Cl ivt»» 75 t’l'ert M ter 83 sell rs PidriM.. 75. —sellers burning» 110 s 18 0 buyers No. 1 6 65 sates Sugar < 2 no stock Basket
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  • 185 6 Pa»***, 27th JAHtrirr, 1910 Biif— tit. Soup per o»it> U Koent ?4 Steak* 24 Stew or Curry Mem 16 Rump Bteak 24 Oi Tail a»rh 3o Tong»» 55 Fee* 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 35 "oas— Pork pe> catty 32 Pig’* H«m<l 20 Feet 24 Tongiw 32
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  • 1414 6 a I 3 a I a o 2 Number o* -5 s B J .f s Capital. Share» > Dividend» Namv S I iwaued. I <g S S x I I I cr I905I9-6JI907 l£h>8 1909. Rubber, pc. pc p.c pc. p.c. tons IMi.inw 0 2 2/ l!-; 2<
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 43 6 Accotding to all accounts we have the assurance that (JonOHan is one of the roost valuable discoverier of modern pharmacology and is far ahead of all preparations of Copaiba, Cubebs, etc. It is the safest and most successful. At all Chemists and Dealers
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  • 568 7 j In Harpcr’i Mi. Ibyce contributes remi- nisceuces of I)u wiu. id which observation ftud ir flection mo characteristically blended. He visited the great nun of scienoe sboitly before bis death, und thus describes him:— He was nearly six feet high, but did not look his height,
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  • 438 7 Paris is by n> tnoai s n cli-np town some indeed find it, rxpensive. One man, an Vinencin, has found it exorbitantly so. I n rem lined but uineteeu liourr in lovely Pur a < ind Ids hotel bill amuuutod lo 'I
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1349 7 INSURANCES, THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 17» fit UK undersigned having been appointed X Agent* for the above Corporation, are now prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE risk* at current rate*. PATERSON, SIMONS Jk Oo. Ltd. 12c Guardian Assurance Oompany, Llmltud, Ebtablishbd 1821, Subscribed Capital £2,000,000
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    • 84 7 A Remedy for Croup That is Absolutely Safe. Ct up id the tnoat pieralent duuug the dry cod wiatber of t lie only winter mooih*. I’mei.i* of young clilMteu htiould bo piepirid for ir. Ail tint medrd i« a botile of Chinilie'laiH’K Cough I! nnlt, Many moth# *K are nerer
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 948 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late oj Dr. Allen A Co., Pha, U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Ccnsult avion Free. ■ftMima at /Vo. 21a, Penang Road. a lew door* from (he Eastern and Orients I Hotel. 6 mtht TEA o TEA SOLE AGENTS FOll PENANG. PATERSON, SIMONS Co.. Ltd TUB “India Rubber AGutta
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