Straits Echo, 24 January 1910

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1008 1 uUINNESS’S STOUT. TIANQ LEB 00. 8 5 SO Lb AO ENTS. BASS’S ALE. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Oxxick—Kbanghmi, China. CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. >200 000 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection lor oar policy holders The ONLY company that has this deposit. The Company fer
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    • 19 1 THE BEST BEER FAR EAST >■9 2 3 <4 r ®/J«e s > V* IriANQ LEE Co., Sole A fat*.
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  • 842 2 An elderly Redruth gentleman remenil e s i the bread riots at Redru'b six'y seven yeais ago, wben tbe corn harvest failed and Protection brought a terrible famine on the land. Tdo rich landlcd* who filled Parliament would not take the tax oS corn, aud altbougb the
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  • 277 2 Arc irdtng to Professoi Gustaf the Europe»!! people* fonn two cl the lougbeaded norltiern race aud the shortheaded mid European lace Iu lhe couise of a description of them be maintain*.— "ibe N nth European race branch cannot properly ad• pi itself to tbe demand* made
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 37 2 Riedel's UoilOMan 18 Dot unpleasant to takes and is not atteudel by those distressing by- ff-cts which so often accompany the use of balsams and Santal oils It has secured un qiinliSod i>r»i>e tn.m t|.e leadinj S(wuluia
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    • 454 2 '1 lie most rapid and satisfactory result* «re obtained by treatment with Uonotutn (Kawa Siotal) Booklet aud sample to medical men free on application to any of the chief Penang Chemists. These tiny Capsules superior to Copaiba, Cubebs, and Injections CURE the same diseases as these drugs in FORTY-EIGHT HOURS
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    • 1670 2 46 Isle of Skye Whisky. Royal Scotia Whisky. IMIF, usual uion'bly sale $f Pawnbrokers' forfeited ple*K'fti> tor sums excwiiog $lO will b? lieKi puucualljßt 11 o’clock a no ou TbMisdav. Friday and Sa unlay. the 3 d, 4 IT and sth proximo. No. 42. Beach For prices apply to G.
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  • 39 3 4^««/» Dus Ai«ay« 1 Colombo (1 ACo. 27<b Jan D »anba Singapore A 0 AC>. 29'h L« i >w Colombo B M ACo. 2 nd Feb. s-kti Obsgow |S B AOo. 4 b ogioe London SBA3j. 5tb
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  • 25 3 For A*(MV0 Singapore \.QACo. Jio D tnh» (Colombo I01‘!o. [jll'l )W Singapore B M A (Jo. Fe*' U kh Singapore «.BACo. Beu^loe Singapore S.BAJo.
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  • Shipping.
    • 266 3 Jin Ho. Br. »8.. 110 Eides, 22ud Jao Liogkat, 21st J*n Gen—E. 9 Co., Lid. Dairy Br. *.8.394 22nd Jan Langka', 2l*t Jan Nil Ka'x Bioa. Ltd. Min Br. as, P 67. Griffin, 22nd Jan, Lingkat, 21»t Jan, Kerosiue.— Ka<t Bros L'd. Uniting. Dut e.s 27', Holufi, 22ud Jan,
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    • 70 3 24th January Hebe, for l)eli. Qlenogle for Rangoon. Fun Stood, for Oehleh, Pulo Web Ac, Padang. Canton for Dindingsand Teluk Anion. Hok Canton for I augsa, T. Setnawe, Segli, Olebleh and Sibang. Hong Wan I for Singapore, Hongkong, Aiuoy and Swatow, Malaya, fir Deli Lightning, for Calcu'ta Un Peng,
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    • 74 3 For Kedah—Per Tong Chum, tomorrow, 7 a in Lingkat—Per Jin Ho. to morrow. 11 s.m. A«ahan—Per Petrel, to-morrow, 11 a.m Traug—Per Sree Bangka, to morrow, 11 a m Pangkalan Brandau—Per Mary Attifin, to morrow, 11 ain Deli —Per De Kock, to.morrow, 11 a.m Port Swettenhain and Singapore—Per Avagyee,
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  • 355 3 Per P. aud O. sa. Malwa, from London, Dec 21, 1909, connecting with the Aeeaye it Colombo, due at Pcntng on 27th Jan To Penang: Mr. and Mr*. W. Dell, Mr O. A Law, Mr. W. R Armstrong, Mr. C. R. Gilliat, Mr aud Mr» C.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 803 3 P. 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Kxprrtrt Arrival* and Departure*. Mail Sarvloa. Oatward. Jan. 27 Atenye connecting with Feb. 10 Delta 24 Macedonia Mar. 10 Devanha Homeward. Mo lira Moldavia Mongolia Marmora THROUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. March 25, Macedonia. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. lit Ulaaa M 0law I n I ourfoo
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    • 454 3 (8 HIP PIN O.) NORDDEUTSCHERJA.OYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. a pi 2E- b 3E= THE fast bd(l well-known n, 1 earners o> ibis Company sail fortirghtly from Bremen, Hamburg tit a bone dam. Antwerp, Southampton, Giiiraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and t nee versa) Port Said,
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  • 99 4 I hn ttfl*- body a. d }«tlr« alone w «blUhMl dally (•«c*r» *»wnday ar tub CRITERION PRESS, Lid., No. 92R—2W, llencli Stroot. Pour b PKIOF OAIM LOCH h |l« -per anmnr OCTRTITMIIII Koeraye Bur». «All. imTIIIH tPoot lift 0A HI R AIHIRPBM Fclio— Penang." r.1«,.ti..n, No >I4N
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  • 507 4 Apathy apparently still dominates the responsible officials of the F. M. S. Railways, in respect of the small but important reform we have repeatedly recommended in connection with tickets and labels. The Sphinx may be a picturesque beast, and highly ornamental to the desert, but its
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  • 35 4 Tin fun'ffined) is quoted here to day »1 ♦73 50tuypis "i> sellers and at Singapore (rr fined) at $73.87, buyers no «lets llriifoou rice is quoted today at $l2O p.-r coyan.
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  • 714 4 Tuesday, Jail. 25. CoNvranoN or S Papl 8 «.no. —Holy Communion. To morrow, an effijial holiday, there will be no Erho Mr James Crsbb Watt is appointed to assist the Attorney General. The Austro Hung-trim Oontul st 8m a poie is gi z tied as Erwin, U
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  • 533 4 Kline; Linesman Electrocuted. f A rarl accident le.ulting in ihe electrocution o(2<!|Kiine limnnan employed by the Government Ti L-phone Department, took place ve'-terdav morning at tbe junction if Penang and Gladstone Road» aid right opp-t.iro tbe M igazire I'olice StatioD. How it all Impi one 1 no
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  • 147 4 Toe Pe.oaug Vo unteers had rt dry on Sunday, lb*» full in being at the corner of Bu m>ib and Gottlieb Rmds at 730 am Forty fire members of tho Corps, he.ide* forty Cadet a, took part in tbe maiceivre* wh'ch wee pone through. Ttie general ide» »n
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  • 292 4 At the Annual General Meeting of th® A C S. Uiinn held on Saturday at tbe Union’s premises, 497 Penang Road, the Rev G F Pykott (Life-President of the Union) occupied the Chair, wheu tb« following gentlemen were elected flScers for 1910, r't Mr. S Augustine, b*.
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    • 29 4 (Echo Special.) Officials beat Unofficial» Kuala Lumpur, 24tlt January.— In a cricket match between officials and unofficials which was played on Saturday the officials beat the unofficials.
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    • 57 4 (Echo Special.) First Day’s Tips. Kuala Lumpur, 24th January.—The race prospects are excellent. Following are the tips for to-morrow’s events: Galloway Handicap.— -Fly. Champion Griffin Race. —La Paloma Selangor Stakes.— Second Start. Ex-Griffin Handicap. —New Clium. Weld’s Hill Stakes.— Lynwood. Novices’ Race.— Seedtime. Selling Race.— Ditguite. Negri
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    • 48 4 (Echo Special.) For Dishonouring a Cheque. Singapore, 24th January.—Captain Ewart of the steamer Kuching sued the Hongkong and Shanghai Rank for $5OO ns compensation for damages suffered in consequence of dishonouring his cheque. The defendants admitted their error and apologised. Judgment was reserved.
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    • 34 4 (Echo Special) Refloated. Singapoie, 24th January.—The Norwegian steamer Oscar 11, which ran ashore at Pulo Bintnng, has arrived. She was refloated on Saturday. 900 tons of rice meal had to be jettisoned.
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    • 23 4 (Echo Social.) Bought by tho Stephen i'uul Company. Singapore, 24tti January. —The Step, lien Paul Company has bought the steamer Wilhelm.
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    • 92 4 (Supplied by Reuter Premier'd Speech in the Diet. Loudon, 24 b January.—A telegram from Tokio states that the Diet bai been convened. Iu hi* pencil tbe Ma'quis Katsurs, Prime Minister of Jap in, said that Jipuu's relations wi<b the Treaty Powers wer» mout harmonious. The alliance with Great Britain
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    • 41 4 (Supplied by Reuter Contre Said to bn in Armenia. London, 24'h January.— E rtl.quake* are recorded at several European ceuties. Shock* were felt at Cardiff Paris aud IceUud. It ia believed that tbe centre is iu the Caucasus or Armenia.
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    • 33 4 {Supi lied by Reuter.) Ordered to Hyderabad. Loudon, 24 b January —The 10th Jat Regiment, ten member* of which werearrr I'ed for sedition, hat been ordered to Hyderabad from Calcutta.
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    • 38 4 Supplied by Reuter Sentenced to Death. London. 24' h Janu ny.— V. kresseu.kv, be assassin < f Col Karp. £f Cl Ul of ti e Russian Srcret Police, b s ban CAurtmar* Ualled and teutenced to death.
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    • 726 5 (Supplied by Reuter Hesulls Up to Dste. Lindoe, 22nd January,—Up to date tbs following have been returned ai member* of Parliament: Unionists 184 Libatals 159 Labour J2 Nationalists 58 Enfield Returns a Unionist. The Unionists have gained EofielJ. First Lord Re elected. The Rt. Hon R ‘ginald
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    • 47 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Many Deaths. London, 23rd January—A train ot tbe Canadian Pacific Railw-y was precipitated into the river over tbe ev btnkment at Wellwood, Ontario. It is estimated that tbe number of the dead vary from ten to forty. Many weie injured
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 344 4 XFOE MARBLE WORKS. IPOK-PEKA.EE. This business is now under tlie management of Mr. Ravensway, who ha» made a great reduction in all prices and who will be glad to quote for Marble flooring Tiles, Table Tops, Waslihand Stands, Cemetery Memorials of all kinds etc., etc., on application. A large stock
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  • 599 5 Financial Troubles of a Sort ing Clerk. Mr. E. P. Holloway waa publicly examined before Sir W. H. Hyedraan Jones, in tbe baukruptcy court at Singapore. He gave bia residence a* —Rac i Couiae Rd. and his occupation aa marie* lotting clerk, at the general
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  • 395 5 Oscar II May Become a Total Wreck. Another Ship Damaged in Hendering Assistance. Friday’s Strait» Timet says The Tanjong Psgar Dock Board’s Tug Parana returned, this morning, from Sump it Bay, towing the steamer Amhertt, which had got into difficulties in attempting to tow off the stranded steamer Otcar which
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  • 1136 5 Statement, of the Funds on December 111. Some intereating oorietpondenoe baa of late taken place between tbe Governor of Hongkong and Sir Paul Chater Writing on December 31, Sir Paul Chater said that the '«solution passed on Decemhei 13, m which M r Mody concurred, was in itself
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  • 412 5 A nrtvRD. Per a a Terak 22 >d Jan. for Doli Mr Pat it k B. G ff "A P' rit. t)i tvera 23 tl Jin, fiom Calcutta Mr. Paiißvani From Ringiou: Fev. Pro B'St'ian. M. and M-s 0 iinple I', Mrs C hbiLl M'r* Kiioo Clive Tu-m M
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  • 63 5 To-P»V. 14tb D i of 12th Moon C,.C, T. o'»!» Tim Tpwm h i), Eipl »n .«l* 6 to 7 p m Strnps Cinematograph, |Vui*dj Hoad 8 30 p m. Touoiiok 15 b l>av of 12 ti Mood. Conveigioo f S’. Paul. Tai Pusum Holiday. N> issue of the
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  • 21 5 (Aseaye ...27th Jan China iDevanha) ...29 b Ooo.h DerJlitiger) l at p o 'b Qermau {Lutiow i ...2a<l
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  • 35 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mall Service OcTWARDS. IIoMKWAKD* Astaye 27 Jan I Dtvanha 21 Jan Delta 10 Feb. Arcadia 11 Feb Eitra Service OtTATARD' UoMiWAKI). Ceylon. 26 Jan I Syria 4 Feb Sunda 31 Snmatra 18
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 505 5 rJ. >r IB o m n IB a* tr i e J r o p o p fit n h ,1 t p p t ii p L r I MUNICIPAL NOTICE. PI1HE next Ordinary Meeting of thy J. Municipal Commissioners will be held at the Municipal Office at 3
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    • 253 5 SIDED RECORDS $l-25. 12 FOR $l3-50. L I STS F REE. H PiOEiNsoK run 0°- L“' THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO LTD. Head Office SINGAPORE. l.ilV ANNiiranre and Endowment in All Korina. LI UK.ItAI. POLICIES. LOW ItATKN. Financial Agent for renting. PEHN, MEYER A 00.. LTD. General llepreicntative for
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  • 1237 6 The Atlantic Monthly has been fortunate enough to secure. amoug oilier Ter; notable contribution», aome more Jipme-e letters of r that great letter writer Lahadto Hearn c These era edited by E iubntb Bisland and begin in tbe December Atlantic "Greet letter-writers, like other
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  • 89 6 The following unclaimed le'ters etc. are lying at tbe General Post Offic, Penang: Letter» Bacon, S. W. Hart, B. Beavis, Dr. Hartnell. M. A. Bilborongh, C. F. 8. Horton, T. W. Clark, F. P. Lawrie, W. D. Paris, D. P. Misso, A. Direng. W. Ormiston, J. Gamble, J.
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  • 123 6 Pbnano, 24th Jancart. (By couriety of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4| 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4} 8 Credit 2/4 J 8 Documentary- 2/4 Calcutta, Demand Bank Bs. 174 J 8 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174 j Mouluiein, Demand Bank 1784 3 days’sight Private 176
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  • 222 6 Gold I«e*f »6 1.8 l. t'epi er( W Coast 31b#.5 ox.) no etock •Vlnte Peppei 124.75 luye>i Trang Peppei out of season Cl •*!>» <3— trier» Mu» 88 itll-ri Hare P«rl 75 —tale» farm.-. 1 |os 19 0 teller• No. 1 6 #5 tale* Sugar J 2 *-> ttoelc
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  • 198 6 I’iwawo, ?4rH Jakpart, 1' 1) Bbk>— et» Soup o-i i 14 Pnm' ~14 Hiiwlo 24 jt»« oi Guriy Mu. 16 Bump Steak 24 Ox Tail awe. 30 Ton;» 55 Feet 15 Bear) 30 I.iv»r pe. nun 35 i’iia«— Pork own 32 Pig’s new.) 20 Feet 24 Toni'it* 32
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  • 1274 6 a I i a a o 2 Number ot s I fi '2 S Oip'tal. I «hares > Ihvtdenda Name A IS i issued, j 3 <g <8 I i 1 J 1905 19 *****7 1908 1909 Rubber, pc. pc p.c p.c. j p.c. toon a* iso.tsK, i>*.i' 0
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 44 6 It has bean satisfactorily demonstrated that thousands of persona have to thank (IOUOKan for restoration to health and happiness. It is astringent and antiseptic and has never been known to fail. At all detiers in Patent Medicines and Chemical in bottles of 4** capsules
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    • 45 6 Not the Ordinary Kind. Cbamberlatn'a Cough Remedy it not comm id. every day cough miiture. It ia a meritoriou* remedy for all the troub'eaome and dangerona oomplicationa resulting from cold in tl.e head, throat, cheat or luoge. For *ale by ell D epeneaiiee and Dealera.
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    • 39 6 wi*T 111 n »nm« COB J IHKIilitlAO* s* iflK 3BJ BAM •*-*S"*H ANOIOO ANV Ml BlMi ISOA Jt 4a w «W* Av*«n »iPjb »if<4j Ml *«ll IIII® nyi*— pm cwM pm g PPR 1«l*l| llllilHIR •act Icm r-ssriK m
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  • 636 7 Are Nonconformists Bengalees s r k-ug leading hi licit- HI the Bnhrh t tekly 1» emitted A<e Nonconformists Bengalees It quote* Mr. Zrngwill’s statement tb t ucw danger bus crept iuio British polite» with tbe appearance of "ten liks Loitl Cromer, Lord Cmzon, and Lord Mi liter at tbe head
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  • 101 7 Man cannot live by books aloue, N ir yet by learning can man live Some hue that study ciuuot give, Some hint of things we liaae uot known, Histuibs the j >y wo thought our own It wastes like water fiom a sieve. M in cauuot
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  • 90 7 January, 1910. Data Uw Lw H.W. L.W. A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M. 24th 10.50, 6.03, 11.19, 432 25th 11 45, 6.58, 12.09. 622 26th Nil. 6.45, 12 32 710 27th 113, 7.26, 1.32, 7 45 28th 1.51, 8.04, 2.09, a 22 29th 2 27,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1308 7 INSURANCES, THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BY RotAL CHARTER A.D. 1720 pH K uudersigued having bean appointed Agents for the a bo re Corporation, are now prepared to accept MARINE FIRE risk* at current rate*. T and PATERSON. SIMONS Jk Co. Ltd. 12c -f"«Guardian Atiurance Company, Umitod. Establishbd 1821, Subscribed
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    • 152 7 Begin Treatment at Once. Have you a weak throat!* If»-, you canuot bo no careful You cauuot begiu treatmeat too early. Erch cold make» you more liable to another »nt) the last i» always the harder to cure. If you will take Chamber. I riir’a Cough Remedy at the outset
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1032 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Ute of Dr. Allen A Cv., Pha, UJ~A. Charges Moderate, Ccnsultation Free. •MIDI»* AT No. 21a, Penang Road. A lew daori from the Eastern tad Oriental Hntel. 6 mthi TEA V TEA 'JfeOLE AGENTS FOB PENANG. PATERSON Cn Ltd FOB SALE. USEFUL TO PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC.
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  • 894 9 The Sungei Buaya (Sumatra) Rubber Co Ltd. The statutory meeting of the above Com piny wai held »t London, on Dec. 30. Mr A. 0 Angiwr presiding. The representative of the secretaries (Messrs. Guthrie and Co Ltd.) having read tbs notice convening the meeting and the auditors’ report the Chairman
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  • 660 9 The worl I has heard much of late regarding the confusion caused by the claim* put forward by differeut Powe r respecting the railway settlements in Manchuria There has been friction at Harbin and Mukden, aud other trading stations on both the Chinese Eastern and South
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  • 468 9 A grave statement regarding the mental condition of Mr. William Wataon the dis tinguished poet, has been made by hi* brother. Mr. Robert Wataon, of Mootteal Mr. Robert Watson announces that the poet's recent atti ok on the lidies of a dia tinguialind 1 ngli«h family is
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  • 685 9 A decision of the House nf Lotds has declared that it is illegal for trade union* to maintain out of their fund* Members "f Parliament to represent their intere-t and to be subject to th )o m litio m imposed by the unions. This is
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  • 730 9 Views or Mr. .1. J. Hill. Aa to j' > ibuiiou lu the study of tho traJe of the United State* with the Orient in s-ff-ired by Mi. James J. Hilt in ho article tbwj will nop;ur iu the Jnnuiry issue of
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  • 418 9 Votes Velvet M'* Flora Annie Steel, Hie well known unveil»!, Roods this letter lo the T tnet 'Tire foil WlUg q l. u from a d lily pip'e of yiitenlsy is le-poa-itde fot Hus l«t er j l As the important period of Hiegeneial eliction is quickly appniaobiHg, <ur
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  • 661 9 Tim New Tat iff Lcgislat ion. Tli* report of Ihe Chief of tbe Rmem ol fusular Affurs to tbe Ameucan S cetiry ol War on tb* Philippine Islands for the pist year »ivs that by far tho most imyoitsul legislation ff cling the Islauds was the pro
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 63 9 A Follower of Influenza. Ad attack of ii lluei z i 1» often followed by «'persistent cough, which to tuioy prove* great annoyance. Cl auberl lin's Cough Ueuiodr baa been ex'eusife'y used and a itb good success for the relief and cure of thi* cough. Many cases have been cured
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    • 65 9 Danger from Croup. A few minutes delay in treating some oases of croup, even tbe length of time it takes to go for a doctor, often proves dangerous. Tbe safest way is to keep Chaiuberlaiu’e Cough Remedy in tbe bouse, and at the first indication of croup give tbe child
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    • 81 9 A Remedy for Croup That is Absolutely Safe. Croup is the most prevalent dmiug 11**' dry cod weather of the early winter month». Parents of young children should lie pie pared for it. All that is ueeled is a bottle of Chamberlain's C 'Ugh H Many mothers are never
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    • 174 9 FOR SALE CHINESE SCRIBBLING PAPER FOR OFFICE USE, size 12*X 16", Price, $1 per packet of 180 full sheet*. (Can l>e cut to 12*X8\) OBTAIN A BLR AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Lru 228—312, Heath Street. ir Only £1:10:0 i UUUUUdMUXs* UitUM RINGS, PINS, BRACELETS, LOCKETS ft CHARMS SET WITH REAL
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    • 316 9 JUST ARRIVED A NEW STOCK OF FINE POCKET PENCILS. lAL‘O Extra pencils to refill the finished ones, in small boxes containing G pencils in each box. I’iuoes, Large Size, GO cts. Smaller o > Ite-fills, 30 cts. per boxCAN BB OB AI,. KD AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LTD., 230. Beach
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 579 10 rThe Early History of Penang, IFOR !“tai ro i SALE. TALES OF MALAYA," 1502—1827. •v E. G. Cnlhn and W. F. iehniler. (Veprlnted irutn the Strait* hcho.‘) Koynl (Quarto, I' Ken. SOUTHERN CROSS,” Containing IN very interesting short stories dealing with life in the Malay Peninsula. (241 PAULS DEMI-OCTA'O Price
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