Straits Echo, 20 January 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1201 1 SOJ.h 40 P STS. GJiNNESS’S STOUT. X] >3 •3iv sssva TIANQ LEE A 00. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Hk\d Quick—Shanghai. Chin». CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. £200 000 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection for onr policy holders The ONLY company that has this deposit. The Company
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    • 26 1 HE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. MOddIN f 1 4 2 5 I^s »> V? \9 jK^ ro«f r» A WO LEE A Co.. Sole Afntm.
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  • 1328 2 One may be very little o' a doc pie and yet admire the work of that strange genius j who died in Weimar ao late a* 1900, au<l is already a kind of universal claaaio. The first complete authorised English transition has just beets published, aud the following is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 349 2 Bea Those tiny Capsules superior to Copaiba. Cubebs. and Injections CURE the same diseases as these drugs in FORTY-EIGHT HOURB without inconvenience. Knch Capsule heart the name. WWJ Paris, 8, rue Vivienne Soli by all Cbamiit*. CHETIT FESTIVAL FIREVOFKS. 7 pm. on, January 27. h. Carriages and Rtkodi is
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    • 1785 2 tt Isle of Skye Whisky. Royal Scotia Whisky. For prices apply to G. H. SLOT Co., AGENTS. SPECIAL OFFER! SPECIAL OFFER! To Readers of Straits Echo.” OFFICES TO LET/ N.'g. 1 acd 3. Bishop S’ o'. lately occu pi>*d by ibe Me.canlile B«nk of ludia. Ltd who have lemovtd b>
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  • 52 3 Feu el* *rom Agent» r«s Beuliwer* l.on 'ou *B4Co 23. d J hi. Xmayn 1 'olonilx» V O&Co. 27. h Devaun i V 0 A Co. 29 b Tail i in Colombo U M A'Jo. 2nd Frl) Stkli Glasgow S B AOo. 4rh B T^loe Loudon d B
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  • 38 3 «W,A r,.T 1.,»- Benin wer» S'oirapore SB&Co Jan A«g «ye 3 oeapore 4.0 ACo. D v mh» C<<fnnib > vO&Cj. Ij'l'ZIW jS ujapo^e ft M AOo. Feb. S'k'i jSi"gipoTe i Beutjoe [Singapore 3. B Jo. dJifl 1 r
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  • Shipping.
    • 139 3 Qlenogie, Br. 2,393. Paddle, 17ib Jan., llingoon, 14‘h Jan., Rice.— Ban Joo Seoß. Japan B r a a., 38 6, Olifent, 18th Jan, Calcutta, lllb Jan, Qen.—A. A- A. Co. Dovre N >r. as 733 Poulaeu, 19ib Jan., Salving, 15th Jan., Coal. —P. S 4 Co. Pera, Br. aa.
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    • 70 3 20th January. f Lin’i Choi, lor Keuah. iroxea of y a r' l r Chiua and Japan ongkab. Pct.j'fM. AMaban. Cornelia, for Port Swettcnbaw, Port Dickaon and Malacca. Sree Bangka, for Trung Pera, for Singapore and Japan. De Kock, for Deli and Luigaa. Johan,ic, for Singapore and Hongkong. Canton,
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    • 131 3 F«m lie lab Per Tong Chuxn tomorrow, 10 a m Rangoon Per Tong Hong ic- morrow, 2 p m Port Swet'eobain aud Singapore—Per Fin 'eng, to morrow, 3 p in. Teluk Anson—Per Malacca, ti-morrow, 3 p m. Calcutta—Pei O A/icar. to morrow, 4 pm. Pulau Langkiwi, Perils and
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  • 457 3 Per P. and O. ss. Mawa, from London, D-e 21, 1909. connecting with the Assaye at Colombo, due at Penang on 27th Jaii To Penang: Mr and Mrs. W Dell. Mr. c A. Ltw, Mr. VV R Armstrong, Mr.'C. R Gilt list. Mr and Mrs C.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 506 3 P. 0. Steam Navigation Coy Expected Arrivals md Departure*. Mail 8*rvic*. Outward Jan 27 A wye connecting with Fab. 10 Delta 2t Macedonia Mar. 10 Detanka Mutton Moldavia Mongolia Marmora Homeward. THROUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. March 25, Macedonia. TAKES 11Y MAIL STEAMERS. lit Clan lad Ulan I n t or
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    • 489 3 (SHIPPING NORDDLUTSCIibRJXOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. mn amsmfflßJ -K 'i® ft ‘3» d&s r pUL fast and wr’l-known IWIIU gulJ7 lIl)UI nretnen 4. Hatnbu gum l.ottomam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples liV 1 inn \1 "M 1«. 1 ra n i n 1 re net so, this Company
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  • 83 4 4 mttaßm mrybdi ]vtlrt ikin* ‘aHllalM* 4*l|f |n(wp' "«Mu i» ri CRITERION PRESS, Lid., No. 446—im, Kmtli Street, P«n»n* PRIOR 'All,l UK'il IM .per Ut'TMTATIoH* Ko*t««* Ann •aii. aniTiod ipom met in OAMI.S ADIIKIRH Tchr—Penan*.” telephone No. <4S 'h .bi/ilnM be sridiee» ri Nattev Inlenrieri for pebllcetlot
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  • 1842 4 Renan is supposed to hare said that all civilization has been the work of aristocracies.” The statement remiuds us of the schoolboy's remark about pins, which had saved thousands of lives, by people not swallowing them.” We have assiduously refrained from studying Kenan. The above quotation, approvingly made
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  • 78 4 The following business in tin has boon done to-day Penang Straits Trading Co.. I buyers, no seller* *<ws2 1 Penang Tin Exchange, 50 tons at 7l lu Eastern Smelling Co., 50 7457 J Singapore; Strait* Trading Co., 5'J 74 52) Total ...150 tons. Tin is
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  • 139 4 Lawn IVnnia Tournament. Fol'owing were the results of the ties played yesterday Mixed Double Handicap; Mr. aid Mn. Wright Motion w o. from Miss Hogan and Hodge; Mrs Dunn and R-idu> o from Mr. and Mrs. Lees Double Handicap, Class B. Hall and Drummond heat Mourm and
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  • 438 4 An e qui y wis held ino the alegtd tnu'der at Simpmg Anipat, full particulars of which appealed in our ia>ui last Monday, by Mr. Goldib'rpe at the Bukit Tambun Ccurt yesterday. The hea ini will be cm tinued on Friday week at the N.bong let»! Court.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 387 4 XPOH MARBLE WORKS. IPOH-P ERAS. This business is now under the management of Mr. Ravensway, who has made a great reduction in all prices and who will he glad to quote for Marble Flooring Tiles, Table Tops, Waslihund Stands, Cemetery Memorials of all kinds etc., etc., on application. A large
      387 words
    • 61 4 A Follower of Influenza. An attack of influei n n often followed bj a persistent cougb, which to mrnv prorei* re4t annoyance. C» n-nberl .in’. C«u*k Remedy baa been ex'eosirely used and *itk good aucceai for the relief anl core of tk» eougb. Many cases bare bon cured aft« other
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    • 26 5 {Echo Special.) Accu*ed Acquitted. Singapore, 20th January.—The Malacca Chetty who was charged with abetment of forgery at the recent Assizes lias been acquitted.
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    • 38 5 (Echo Special.) Ashore off Pnlan BlnUng. Singapore, 20th January.—A Norwegian boat, the Otcar 11, is fast ashore at pulau Bintang, 35 miles from Singapore. The Tanjong Pagar Dock tug Vnrunn left for the scene this morning.
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    • 24 5 (Echo Special.) Appointed Lloyd’s Surveyor at Cardiff. Singapore, 20th January.—Mr. F. W. Webb has been appointed Lloyd’s Surveyor at Cardiff.
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    • 220 5 (Supilied by Renter) Asquith at East Fife. London, 19tl> Jauuary —Mr. H H.Aiquitb, speaking st Eisl Fife, said th.t (be most remat ksbl-r feature of the elections was that the Conservative gams were mainly in tbe small English towns. The industrial centres were solid for Free Tiade.
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    • 67 5 (Supplied by Reuter Favoured Couutriett. Loudon, 20th Jtnuary.— President Taft has aigued proclamations grauting tariff rates to Great Hritaiu (excepting tbe Colonies), to Italy, Russia and Spain (including the Coloidei), and to Tu'key except mg Egypt. A semi-1 fficial hint has been giveu to Germany aud
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    • 46 5 (Supi lied by Reuter Off Shooting. London, 20th January.—Tbe Duke and Duchess of Counaugbr, Princess Patricia and Priuce Arthur of Connaught start to morrow on a shooting expedition in E<st Africa. His Majesty the King was present st s farewell dinuer given to them.
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    • 31 5 (Supplied by Reuter Homeward Bound. London, 19 b Jan—The Chinese Naval Commissioners have left St Petersburg fo r China They are travelling by a special tiaiu through Siberia
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  • 102 5 Bangkok has been pi iced in quicker telegraphic communicat e i with Penang and Singapore by the woik recently completed by the Poet and Telegiapbic Dapartmeut. Formerly telegrams for Penang could not be seut direct to that place, but bad to be rs t ranemitted at Siogora Now.
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  • 945 5 (From Our Own Corretpondent-) Ipob. 19th January. Thing* Quiet. M .iters have been particularly quiet with us for some time now not even a little gang-robbety to break tbe monotony of ex isteooe No doubt tbe reviving prosperity of tbe tin industry has by this time thinned down
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  • 274 5 Farther Detail* After judgment bad been given by the Conrt of Enquiry in'o the stranding of the British ship King George, lasi Siturday. Messrs Rhodes and Peikms, on behalf f the Crown and tbe owueis of the vessel, respectively, argued the question of the cOwfs of
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  • 814 5 Says the Rangoon Timet. —There are two factors at woik—whether for the weal or the woe of the Ptoviuce remains to bo sem—in tbe steady, if gradual, withdrawal of the Chetties from Burin i, (where they have for the past half entury been the mainstay of
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  • 535 5 Mr. Barn* Shows How Free Trade Ha* Decreased Pauperism. Sposking >.t lbs N<oe Eims Baths Mr. Jo'an Burn* showed how unemployment and pauperism have diminished. la 19 6 aud 1907- winch weie empua lively good y*ais, the peuper* of LoudoD vef e 2fk l per 10 0- The
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  • 470 5 A Co r leap anient writes from Bb imo to th p Ran non Ga 'tte: Il mav be of interest, to spin tsmen to kuow what I bel eve is the first anti otitic reoord of the occurrence of the H'tntlav n Solitaiv Snipe iGallinago floli taiia) in
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  • 158 5 Tbe Malay Mail voices the following complaint It appeata that if A, who is the owner of property in Perak, desires to sell thin propertj to B, who may also reside outside IVak, l.e can sign the transfer iu Kuala Lumpur, ran huy the revenue stamps
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  • 50 5 To-oar. 10th Dav of 12th Moou P. C. C- Tenuis 1 ies Straits Cinematograph, Penang Hoad, 8 30 p in To- mo a tow ll’b Day of 12th Moot'. P C C. rannis Tiaa. Town Bard. Esplmade, 6 to 7 p tn Str»rts Cinematograp Penang Road 8 3 p.m.
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  • 20 5 English lAieay ..,27th Jan China (Devanha I „.V9 h OtuiiH De JJlinger) Ist Fob Qertnuu iLiUtowi ...2 nl
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  • 38 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mall Servlet OCTtVARItH. IIoMKWAKIIS A lea ye 27 Jan I Devanha 21 Jan. Deita 10 Feb. Aicadia 11 Feb Extra Service Outward* Homkwaku. Java 22 Jan. I Sicila 21 Jan Ceylon 25 Syia 4 Feb.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 63 5 Begin Treatment at Once. Hare you a weak throat? If to, you cannot be too careful You cannot begin treatment too early Eicb cold mrkes you more liable to another and the laat ia always the harder to cure. If you will take Chamber. lain’s Cough Kemsdy at the outset
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    • 43 5 Accoidiug to all accouuts we Lave the assurance that (lonoHiitl is dm of the moat valuable discoveriei of modern pharmacology and is far ahead of all preparation* of Copaiba, Cubebs, etc It is the safest and most successful At all Chemists and Dealers
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    • 818 5 NAS'S EY-HARRIS BICYCLES. “THE WORLD’S BEST BICYCLES” Soon after the time Mm' MASSEYS were fi r »t advertered as THE WORLD’S BEST BICYCLES, seveial other kind» of World’s Beat Bicycles popted up and tuade blurt* effort» to catch ou But they did Dot staud the lest of tone aud aie
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  • 189 6 Happy is the man that hath bis quiver full of them," but if the arrow bappeD* to be femile, grown up and unmarried, several correspondents of the Times se-m to say that the point has an uncomfortable habit of I turning inwards upon its posses»or The un
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  • 238 6 Says the Pall Malt Oaiette:- I is not in unmindfultess of the proveib, "Fo Is rush angels fear to tread,” that we beg to en!|*f a humble protest aga.ust the la es fashionable c iffure. Only a woman could describe it technically, and we shall, there fore,
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  • 383 6 Unconscious Humour in Pupil*’ Essays. The schoolboy howler is alwsys popular. The following selec'ion from a large number winch wore sent in for a pme essay competition arranged by the University Cor reipondtnt are excellent examples of the mistskes which pupils perpetrate:— Women's ei.ff age is the sta'e
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  • 200 6 Says a home paper ot tbe 9th ult.: —A c trial of really world-wide interest begins in f Vienna to day. It is expected to last at least tee day* Tbe action is brought by no fewer than fifty deputies of the Croatian < Local Diet agaieat
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  • 597 6 Tbe following notes on our parliamentary system by tbe late Mr. John F. Nisbet, who 4 ley’s predecessor on tbe ICh bll ttesw wsswtJbe writer of tbe Mattar In'if- are not n appropriate at tu.J. fl when we are in tbe throes of a General Election: Popular
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  • 125 6 Pksano, 20th January (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4| 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4J 3 Credit 2/4'J 3 Documentary.. 2/4% Calcutta, Demand Bank lis. 174) 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174J Moulmein, Demand Bank 173J 3 days’sight Private 176 Madras, Demand Bauk
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  • 213 6 Gold Iieal $61.8) 5. 1 < pi er( W Coast 3lbs.5 or.) no *lock >Vhite )Vpp..i $24.75 luyen Tvanv f'eppei out of $*aton Cl >**» 5 5 ere M 83 nil n dace P ot 7b.—tal»t Sutmev 110* 19 ‘0 teller» No 1 6 65 taiei Sugar < 2
    213 words
  • 1220 6 i I i I I j a I a I a. a d 2 Number o' j -5 3 s OtpiUl. I Share* 1 > j v Dividends Name. J? 3 i issued g 2J.J 1 I ~J 1305 I9' 6jl9 7 1908 *****1 Rubber. I pc. pc |p.c
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 33 6 (lonosaii (iu capsules) is well tolerated by the digestive apparatus no complication of any sort occurs, and its action is most ft /orable in Cystitis, Approved by the reading specialists of the day.
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    • 35 6 Get a Bottle To-day. Guard the health ot your family by keeping at band a bottle of Chamberlain'* Cough Remedy. It baa op tqual for cough*. cold* and croup. The George Town Dinpenaary Wholesale Agent*.
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    • 50 6 Look After Your Ileal I li. If you have a cougb, cu>e it A cough is a symptom of more serious trouble. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy i« the fast obtain able uud you need have uo hesitancy in using it as it contains nothing injurious The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 200 6 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. r |MlEa Hong Wan I, Captain J. H. JL Hainswoitb is expected *o anivebere (roin Rangoon, on Fiidav. the 21 at ina ant, aud will leave for the above porta, on Saturday, the 22ud instant, at 3 p in. For freight or passage, apply
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  • 376 7 Injured Husband’s Vengeance Hold to bu Justified. A sensation'll stray of a man being (tripped and fljagged was related at Long Ashton I‘olice Court, on the Somerset borders of Biistol, recently. when five men were summoned tor assaulting Albert John Croker, a s’ouetuason The de endants were
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  • 414 7 The death of Sir Alfred Jones recently ’■as given rise to some debate about the Perils of the slreuu us life Sir Alfred J ups, whoso man'll ticeut woik in many aos has b on the sul j ct of many eulogies, w s one of
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  • 119 7 •V all liar v. 1910. H.W. L.W. lI.W. L.W. D U AM. AM. P. M. P.M. 20th «37, Nil. 7.11, 124 21st 7.48, 2.01. 8.27, 2.4<> 22nd 0.05, 3.18 9.42, 3.55 23rd 9.57, 4.10, FUB, 4.31 24th 10.50, 5.03, 11.19, 5 32 25 lb 11 45,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1345 7 INSURANCES, THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. ***** flYHE undertugned having been appointed A. Agent* for the above Corporation, are now prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE risks at current rate*. PATERSON. SIMONS A Go. Ltd. 12c Guardian Aasuranca Company, Limited. Established 1821. Subscribed Capital Total Invested
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    • 111 7 How Coughs and ('olds Arc Cured in Burma. The following Inlet tn m ilie Superintendent of the M 'imcipil iffi'K at MhhliUv. Mr. U- J. SteveoH. shows that tbe method of cu iog colds in Burma is not uulike that used in almost evmv paa of the civilized wotld lie
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 949 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen A Co., Pha, U.S.A Charges Moderate, CcnsultMioa Free. ftBilDI JI0 AT No. 21a, Penang Road. A law doers Iron the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 rathi TEA *0 V TEA SOLK AGENTS FOR PENANG. PATERSON, SIMONS Co.. Ltd FOR SALE. USEFUL TO
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