Straits Echo, 19 January 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1029 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. TIANQ LEE A Oo O ft o m rv «f-v fiTADt! SOt-g AORNTS. BASS’S ALE. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Hkad Orrict-Shanghai, China. CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. f200 000 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection for oor policy holders The ONLY company that has this
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    • 18 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. m O' stokk ri A NO LEE A Co.. Sol* Afmta.
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  • 962 2 SAD BTORY OF FRENCH CAPTAINS DOWNFALL A Talented Odicer. Seldom has a sadder story been told than that woich bas just beeu uutolded before tbe c>urt martial at Toulon, wbeie Torpedo-boat Captain Lair was charged with desertion and embezzlement, telegraphs tbe Paris corresponded of The Standard Tbe unfortunate
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  • 162 2 A trawl S»hermau named William Jos-pb Jarvis, wit,i was sentence! to s'X months tiard labour a* Abe'deen for breaking mto the Sailors' Home left the follow,ng Irtter on the premises add e-sed to tfe manage ess Dear Madame.—Please accept my deepest apologies for putting your office in slight
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 37 2 Dr l$o*< of Strassburu introduced (iotioHHII in the ireatmeot of the mo»* painful of disease» to which uraukmd is liable It is better, safer and more effective than other preparations of Copaiba, Cubeb* or piain San.lilwvKxf oil.
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    • 545 2 APIOLINE (CHAPOTEAUT) For Ladttt only Is superior to so-celled apiol, steel drops, tansy or pennyroyal and is a safe remedy for ladies when about to be unwell Recommended by the leading French specialists, to remove pain, cramps and irregularities peculiar to the sex. Sell by all Sold In bottle:
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    • 1590 2 SPECIAL OFFER! SPECIAL OFFER! To Readers of Straits Echo. WONDERFUL VALUE. 35/-MAGNIFICENT REAL SILVER LEVER WATCH For 18/6 Only. To introduce our good» we will now forward post fiee) lor Postal Order, 18/6 only, Real Silver Lever Watch (L.dy’s or OeDt’a). The.e watches are skilfully coustruc ed. thoroughly reliable timekeepers,
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  • 50 3 Veuf ii o»t Agm't D*t Y orek BeoUwem X»-ay> D Ttniit -Sikh Buglue Cioniht) r. u.iou Colombo 3 n»: ifmte HI ts^ow f,llUl]'II 15 \i <t0o. |l9tb Jan S B <t' Jo. 23 a tl ACo. 27ib (J AC |29.b SBACo. 4th J’«b. 3 1$ Jo. 5'.b 1
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  • 40 3 f (wait Fo' r».ck S IK ip.trf* (1M4 1 V J<n lifD 1 wcrs Smi' ip <re S.IS4C) SiDtr^poie A.O o. D Tiubt ;Oolonib t G <fc >'k'i Singapore S.BAOo. Feb. Betigloe Sin k f i re S.B Jo.
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  • Shipping.
    • 115 3 Weetaria, Br a.i.. ,*>Bs, Slatford, 18tb Jan, ltangoor, 14 b Jan.. Oil.—Siraita Petroleum Co. Sappho, Hr. is, 828, Upton, 18th Jan., lougkib, 17ib Jan., Qen—A. 0. A Co. Tung Hong, Br. 1,314, William», 18th J n, Ringoon, 15;b Jan., Gen.—E. 8. Co., Ltd. Bulow Ger 9,028, Povesib, 18th Jan.,
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    • 53 3 DEPARTURES 19th Januar* De-’i, for I’aug Nga aud Truf/g. Padang, for Bttu Ha lira, f Jin Ho, for Laugkat, Han Whitt Soon, for Teluk Anson. Mambang. for Setul. Tong Chay Un, for Bindings. Plying Dragon, for Port Weld ami Taiping. Btt'ow, for Osylnn Australasia, India, Aden, Egypt aud via Naples,
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    • 108 3 Eon Kedah—Por Lion Choi, to morrow, 10 Hmgapore, China and Japan—Per Yorck, to-morrow, noon. Tong kail Per Safipko, to-morrow, l p.m. Asahan —I er Petrel, to morrow, 1 pm. Port Swollen ha ir, Port Dickson and Malacca— Per Corn'ha, to morrow, 1 p 111. Trang—Per Sree Bangka,
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  • 413 3 Perl G. M ss Yir-ck, from Em-, e. due at Pen I lie 011 19th Jail To Pena g Mr Ctir B»hrens, Mr. F. K'au-e and lunily, Mr O Vogel, Mr, W. G van Kienisd jk, Mr. A Diukert, Mr. T. Steig. To Singapore Mr. and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 477 3 P. 0. .Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arm*to and Departures. Mail Service. Outward. Jan. 27 A**aye roruecticg with F«h. 10 Delta 21 Macedonia Mar. 10 Devauha Mo l tea Moldavia Mongolia Marmora Homeward. THROUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. March 25, Macedonia. TAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. In Clan tad Oita* To Loudon by
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    • 538 3 —(9 It IPPINO NORDDfcUTSCUfcK_LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. A UathU ?r Wm V- r?r ii'; pHt f**t and well-known ui. 1 t,in/..i> o Company mil fortn'gbt y from Bremen. 1. Hanibu gem t.o.te u*n;. Au’werp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algieis, Genoa, Napiea, (connection Marne l !es, Naples, A'exat.dra and i ice
      538 words
    • 70 3 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swalow and Amoy. r P HE# lr °*3 wra 1 Captain JH. X H.iuswurtb it exprced t ci aniTebete from Rirvmn, on Eiids». th*> 2l«t mi ao>, and will leavn for the aboro porta, ou Saturday tbe 22’jd iniTant, at 3 p tn. For freight or passage,
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  • 88 4 i »*r* «Mia» imjMy iM j—tie» a km» 4«(|y |M(*r' n| CRITERION PRESS. Ltd., 22(U Itanrii Slnwit, r«HHn h PRICK •All.? LOOAI m per OtITNTATIONA Biirm «All eiMTIOR (Port Free) 111 UAKIJ ADOKNHM "Echo- Penang.’ l.olw No. HAS All nagMaaaW— «honKi be addrnetd o I *f Intended
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  • 1385 4 The chief trouble of a man who, in the evangelical phrase, gets religion,” is the attitude of his neighbours. They say “it will not last,” or “it is not genuine.” A well known traveller in China, Mr. Jean Rodes,” who is distinguished chiefly by the fact that
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  • 75 4 The following business in tin his been done to day Singapore Straits Trading Co.. buyers, uo sellers j Penang Penang Tin Exchange, 1 7160 buyerf, no sellers j Strait» Trading Or., 50 tons at 7 1 20 Tin 18 quoted in London to day at
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  • 680 4 Lhwh Tennis Tournament. Following were, the results of the ties pLy'd yesterday Single II nolle ip, Class A Croucher beat Dt»'d 6 2. 6 2; E’cheuberg bent B'earley 6—4 2- 6 6 -2; Whitlock i r o from J. G An'bony. Single Handicap. Class 15 A S
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    • 1140 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) IBS Members Returned. London. 18 b January.— Including yesterday’s elections the following have been ie turned to Patliament: Unionists 92 Liberal 77 Labour 16 Nationalists 13 This represents a gain ot 37 Seats by the Unionists. 7 Liberals. 1 Labour Party. Unionist Gains. lb)
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    • 40 5 (Supplied by lleuter.) Ten Soldiers Arrested. London, 19th Jan —Ten men of the 10th J at Raiment, which is stationed at Calcutta, have bceu arrested for sedition. The loyalty of the Regiment as a whole is unquestiouid
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 370 4 XPOH MARBLE "WORKS. IFOH-FERAK. This business is now under the management of Mr. Ravensway, who has made a gieat reduction in all prices and who will be glad to quote for Marble Flooring Tiles, Table Tops, Washhand Stands, Cemetery Memorials of all kinds etc., etc., on application. A large stock
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    • 32 4 (•onoflan i» a happy combination of Kawa Resina with Oleum Santali in the proportion of 1 part h'awa Kawa to 4 parU Oleum, Sautal cure* eaaily. no eomplicationa All chemiata and dMlara.
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  • 1139 5 Mr. G. K. Chesterton attacks the sacred belief that the House of Lords is a great conservative body, a sheet anchor, as it were, i to hold Britain from drifting into radicalism < and save the country from itself. The Peers I me conservative
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  • 758 5 Tbe mystery of the action of the ultra violet rays ot tbe spectrum iu killing microbes and ferments, according lo a note oontri uted to La Nature (Pans) try G Loucbeux chemiatto the French Ministry of Finance hi-» only lately been solved by the demonstration rhet
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  • 271 5 A gigautic Triad Secret S'Ciety li .s been unearthed by the Police at Siputeli Five Celestials liaveb-eu arres'ed by the Police o < a charge of beiug member» of an unlawful society and attending a meeting of th n 8 ciety on the 9th instant, under
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  • 516 5 in lliec’ooVse of‘liM reply to the toss) of The 3taff at lloam and Ahroi I ar the third aunasl dinner in L md io of th« Hong kmg and Shanghai Ranking Corpora ion Mr W. Ad int# Oram wi4 When Ifea chi sprwrsmon get together,
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  • 367 5 In a letter to Truth, a f >rmer police o fti I at Ipoll gives his recoiled ion* of ihe diffi mines hit were i xperiencml in dealing wiib Ihe Chinese here ldeulso makes the toil,.w ing interesting s'ateinent ■a* The (fioie»»' mule's in Perak (I hid
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  • 344 5 Bv the De'lii on 15 h J miiary the follow ing Penang shipm n s were made:— K>r Colombo Gij' hrie A Co., Ltd P's. 4’. 01 'l’m; Glli»t‘i Bros PI», 10t pearl :S go; U Vowrcsji I'o Pla 52 Peatl I S tgo. pis 8 F ska
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  • 172 5 Akaivno Per s.s Mahya 18 h Jin., from JD *l l Dr and Mrs A (Jut and 3 children, Miss M 11 van de Muriel, Mrs Coopsr and 2 children Mr and Mrs Jolinaii*. M's. Koiso, Messrs. 0 Kouiuj, A. Sp.iull. F Spaull, H Gut. E. Coi ac, C.
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  • 52 5 To-iiat. 9 li Dav of 12'h Moor. rowu Band. Espl inad 6 to pin P C C. Tennis Tie* Vcoria Jnlnlee Chapter y p.’.n. Strait* Cineiuatogiap Penang R iad 8 3 > p.m. To-Moaaow 10'liDav of 12<ti Moon P. C. O. Tennis I ieg Sir<i'a Cinematograph, Penang Bond 8
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  • 24 5 Germuo Yo r ck) ...I h Jan English l Airayt' ...27 'i China < Drt)” hat 9 h G'on* De ffliny«r) 1< Feb
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  • 40 5 Mall *>etvice Out ward». HoMKWARUa Anaye 27 Jan. i Dtvanha 2 Jan Beita 10 Felt. I Aicadia 11 Ftb j Extra Service Outward* Homkwakp Peru 20 Jan. I Sieil’a 21 Jan Java 22 Sy in 4 Feb
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 101 5 How Coughs and Colds Are Cured in Kurnia. Tlie following letter from tbe Superintendent of tbe Municipal office at .Mandalay, Mr. K. J. Stevens, shows that tbe method of euuug colds in Burma i* not unlike that ustd iu almost every part of tbe civiliied world, lie mvn: "1 have
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    • 331 5 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Tli» iiltlic are reminded that when my n w building in eric’nd or when any hu ld i g i < i -luiilr or enlarged or when «ny budding which buy been vacant in ro oc^upiP'l the owner of .u;’h building «lull wrb u hf'ieo day* give notice
      331 words
    • 196 5 DOUBLE SIDED RECORDS $l-25. 12 FOR $l3-50. LISTS FREE. sauna ruvo o°' 1“ THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Hear Office SINGAPORE. Lite Antuiranc» and Kiiilowmeiit in All Forms. LIUKKAL POLICIES. LOW HATES. Financial Agentt for Penang. PEHN. MEYER CO.. LTD. General Ilepreientative for J’cnang. HORACE H JOSEPH. Local
      196 words

  • 1943 6 By Spencer Leigh Hughes (“Sub Hosa We are m w in the thick of if, and for (be next few weeks it will be a case of hammer and tongs, tooth and nail, on the pait of tbe champions on each side. Everyone i« say
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  • 121 6 Pknano, 19th January (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/44 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 jj 3 Credit 2/4»» 3 Documentary.. 2/4 t Calcutta, Demand Bank Ks. 174 j 3 days’sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 1744 Moulmein, Demand Bank 1 734 3 days'sight Private 176
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  • 210 6 Gold leaf 4.8 8. 1 111 et(W Const 31b5.5 oz.) »0 stock White Pepp»v 824.75 buyers Tr ,ng Peppei out 0/ season Cl ive» to.— eel'ers Mice 83. stllrs Mace Pick ••IV» 75. —sales Nutmeg» 110 s 19 0 sellers f No. 1 665 sates Sugar f 2 %o
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  • 210 6 PaXAftr, 19th January, 1910. B«r- f(| I Soup per e,ni> 14 I Roast M Steak* 24 Stew or Curry Meat lf jg Ruinp Steak M 24 Ox Tail «Mi n 3o Tongue M 55 A"*» 15 Heart 39 Liver per catty 35 Pork— Pork per catt» 0.1 Pig’s
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  • 1436 6 I i ~7T~ j" j 5 I 13C»- I «I :.2 Numfcerofj D g c 8 3 O ipiul. Sharon DifklaDdi Nam#. p g j issued. 3 3 0- I —2 1905 19 6 O iT 1908 1909 Rubber. pc. pc p.c p.c. p.c. I ms.siiw. I.5MI.I-0 2,-1 2/
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 46 6 Cure That Cold While You Can. Better spend the small amount a bottle ol Chamberlain's Cough Remedy would coat yo right dow than to run the risk of a cold developing into pueumonia, which may meau a big doctor’s bill. The George Town Dispensary. Wholesale Agents.
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    • 48 6 Look After Your Health. If you bare a cough, cure it A cough is a symptom of more setious trouble. Chamberlaio's Cough Remedy is the best obtain able aDd you need have no hesitancy in using it as it contains nothing injurious. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 68 6 No Opium in Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. There is not a particle of opium or other narcotic in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and never has been since it was first offered to the public. It. is as safe a medicine for a child as for an adult. This remedy is famous for
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  • 528 7 Dorando, the sturdy little Italian athlete who was Il.e hero of the memorable scene in lie Stadium at Shepherd's Bush at the end >t the great Marathon race of July 1908. tost a race in the Albeit Hall recently 'brougb the tragedy of a new pan of shoes.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1326 7 INSURANCES, THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 1720. 11HE undersigned having been appointed Agents for the above Corporation, are now prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE risks at current rates. PATERSON, SIMONS Jk Co. Ltd. 12c Guardian Assuranco Company, Llmltod. Establish»!) 1821. Subscribed Capital M X2.000.000 Total
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    • 37 7 Get u Bottle To-day, Guard tb beil.b of your family by k tpi°e b*ud a bottle of Cb itnberlaiu’a Cough II ine-Jy. It boa no equal for coughs, cold* and croup The George Town Diipeneary Wholesale Agen
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 931 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Ufa of Dr. AUen A Co., Pho, US.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. IMIDIM# AT No. 21a, Penang Road. A ism doon Iron the Eastern and Orient* I Hotel. 6 mthi TEA vt> TEA SOLE AOENTB FOR PENANG. PATERSON, SIMONS Co.. Ltd FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PLANTERS,
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