Straits Echo, 18 January 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1079 1 TIANQ LEE A 00. gss 9 Or mmm Ts m.'? ire srxe AOents. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office—Shanghai, Chiu. bankb CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. 1200 000 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection for onr policy holders The ONLY company that has this deposit. The Company
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    • 20 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST SffiiNn m w i '5 Ji» fOKT h*NO LPE A Co., Soto Ajoota.
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  • 828 2 Oa each sde of the Atlantic a great setisitioa baa beeu cauaed t>v the report of the special agents of the Immigration Cominis- I ■ion aa to the condition* under winch steer- age passengers are taken fiom European to 1 American pons The report, which was
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  • 348 2 Leavening Influence of Europeans. We are accustomed (sr>y* the Consular leport for Foochow) to look tn China aa the tvpe of a consei vative country par excellence. Some of her institutions have existed from time innnemorii l and to most of us, who consider the matter at
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 72 2 No Opium in Chamberlain** Cl ugh Remedy. There is not a particle of opium or other narcotic in Ch ttnbei lain's Cough Remedy, »ud never baa been sire*» it wre first ffered to the pubiic It is as safe a for a child a» for an adult. Tlda ieni
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    • 354 2 Look After Your Health. If you have a cough, cure it Ac< ug'i is a symptom of more serious trouble. Cham* berlaiu’s Cough Remedy is the test c btainable and you need have no lesitancy in using it as it contains nothing injurious. The George Town Dispensary, Wholeaa'e Agents. CHAPOTEAUT’B
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    • 521 2 IPOH MARBLE WORKS. xpqh-peh^b:. i This business is now under 'the management of Mr. Ravensway, who lias made a great reduction in all prices and who will be glad to quote for Marble Flooring Tiles, Table Tops, Wasbhnnd Stands, Cemetery Memorials of all kinds etc., etc., on application. A large
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    • 1050 2 NOTICE. Notice i»i>pi*Tv bivcu i i>»t iUa part uerkb'p wbicl» has for lonif tunc p<Kt b°Po cum ied on f y Wee Bwee 800 anil Cbee Boon E >uf. in ibe 1 1; <lp or busmen* of General Stoiekeepca, at 93, B««rh S 'Pei Penane. uuder the fim of Gitn
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  • 41 3 Venelt fi'rnm Agmt$ Cut Bulow Singapore BM ACo 18 li J-in VorcU Colombo B M A Co. I9ib Beni iworii Condon S B ACo. VS d sitaye Colombo a ACo. 27ib IJ Vaulin Singapore A a ACo. 29th ff
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  • 30 3 1' tilt’s fur i V» Bui >w Colombo B M aCj. JdU Yoick S'Diapoie B.M ACu. BeuUwer» Siok'dpore 3 B AOo A»s.»ve Singapore Colombo 4.0 AOo. Ds»mh» A.O A7o.
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  • Shipping.
    • 79 3 Ayutk'a, Ger. 422, Grosae-LohniMM, 17th Jm A»«lmn. loth J.tu Geu SKA 00. Sea Meic, Colonial Govt. Schooner, r >oo Coleman, 17ib J <n, Smgapore, 15tb J«D. Malaya Ger at., 348, Loewe. 18 h Jan, Belawao, 17lbjan., Gen—B M. A l’4. Ban Whatt Soon Br. a a.. 199 Gully, 18;b
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    • 69 3 18th Janoabt > Olenoijle, for Singapore lfory Auttiv, for B '.M«n Leona Ho, for Trang. T t Peak, tar Deli. Van Swoll, for Singapore. Avagyee for Port Swettonbam and Singapore. Malacca for Teluk Anaon Pegu for Langaa, T. Smniwe, S <gli, Olebleb, and Sabang. Tvoh, for Pott Swctteubain and
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    • 88 3 Fim Kelah—Per Tong Chum tomorrow, 9 a ui. Pang NgaATrang—Per De i, tomorrow, 1 p.n. B*tu Babra—Per Padang, tc-morrow, 1 Itingkat—Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 1 p in. Teluk Anaon—Per Han Whatt Soon, tomorrow, 2 Bindings—Per Tong Chay Un, tt-uiorrow, 4 p.m. Singapore, China and Japan—Per Yorck,
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  • 510 3 f Perl G. M aa. Yorck, from Europe, due at Penang on 19th Jan To Pena l g Mr. Cbr Behrens, Mr. F Krauie aud tamily, Mr 0 Vogel, Mr. W. G vau Rieuiad jk, Mr A. Diukert, Mr.'f. S'eig. To Singapore Mr. aod Mr*. W'jnaou*,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 474 3 P. 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals and Departarw. Mail Sarvloa. Oat ward. Jan. 27 Amo ye connecting with Malwa Feb. 10 Delta Moldavia 24 Macedonia Mongolia Mar. 10 Devanha Marmora Homeward. THROUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. March 25, Macedonia. TAKES RV MAIL STEAMERS. let Ulaae M CUM I'o I onrinn
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    • 444 3 (S HIPPING NORDDEUTSCHER _LLOYD, BREMEN. XMFE&IAL GERM A. 17 MAIL LINS. iw frT ir+c IBL m s. r fist Hud web-known u< 1 iau>im>' ltnsCompany sail fortnightly from Bremen. L Hamburg vts hone darn, Antwerp,Southampton,Gibraltar, Algiers,Genoa, Naples, (connecuon Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice vena) Port Said, Suet, Aden, Colombo, Ponang,
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  • 86 4 J HtMw mrfboiy ud 'IiMUIimI 4»llf liMopt «inmlm T CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 3*28—111, Heach Btra»t. P»Ti«n, PRIOR lAII.V U»I1I m vm OUTHTATIORS r<Xa«» «turn «til SIIITI»* (Twt Prwl 111 otHi a tniiHiKi rcho—Penang.' r«i«r»mu N* 248 tII MMrta mnantritloM «hnalt lx Kid raw d Taa MiliSll.
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  • 532 4 A Singapore contemporary expresses great anxiety regarding a report tliat the Chinese Board of Foreign Affairs has revived the ancient order forbidding emigration. The report appeared in the form of a translation of a Peking telegram to the Wah Tim Yal Po, dated the 3rd inst., and
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  • 751 4 Tbe following business in tin has been done to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange, 62} ton* at >73.,'■5 Eastern Smelting Co., 75 74. Singapore Strait,» Trading Co.. 75 74 Total ...212} tone. Tin ia quoted in London to-day at «G146 sa. caah and JKI47 15*. three
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  • 1032 4 IN CIVIL ORIGINAL JURISDICTION. Before Mr Jusliea Thornton P. L. P. P. YlsTanadan Cbrttj VM. Lee Ans llunh. Defendant Commuted to Prison for Perjury. 'I lie hearing of <li a action was concluded last week, but judgment was reserved till to day. Tbe claim wa* for the recovery
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  • 141 4 Following were tbe scores made by the P.L R.C in tbe practice at Kampong Bahru yesterday X X r O "Z Miss Thornton 22 29 31 60 Miss Werayss 31') 80 31 60 Mis Mawley 310 30 27 67 Miss J. Smith 310 26 30 56
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  • 108 4 Xman Treat, 10(19. Receipts: To subscriptions through Mis. I’oomey $6109 Miss Young 24.00 Mr Joo Hock 6-05 Mr Wye Ch ion 30 50 Mr. GuanHo 29 00 To advance from Supdt. to balance 232 Expenditure By Whitcaway LiidLw A Co $4O 42 I’ntc'iard A Co.
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  • 212 4 Lawn Toiinia Tournament. Following were the results of the ties played yesterday Championship: Basagoiti beat Lonsdale 6—l 8-6. Double Handicap, Class A Southam and Anthony to. o flora Stronach aud Eicbenberg. Double Handicap, Class B. Lainb and Luugley beat Stokes and Kindei 6 4 8 6 Pie
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  • 182 4 (For Ihe Quarter Ended January 16 United U. 8. The Kingdom, America. Continent tin 1,550 tons. 350 tons. 165 tons I Flour 425 Tapioca Flake 25 |y l Pearl 25 4!15 87 Copra 50 225 Pepper 15 $5 White 45 The Colonial Government Scliomer. Sea Mew arrived here
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 665 4 TEE GRAND HOTEL, I P O H The ONLY First Class Hotel in Perak, An Ideal Place for Families Spending 'Week Ends Single and Double Bedrooms with Private Bathrooms. Electric Bells. Tennis. Excellent Cuisine. Cold Storage Supplies Weekly from Singapore. Hotel Porter Meets All Trains. TERMS MODERATE. Trliqrams: CREET, Ipoh.
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    • 26 5 (Echo Special.) Mr. C. W. Darbishlre. Singapore, 18th January.—Mr. C. W. Darbisbire succeeds Mr. E. C. Ellis on the Legislative Council.
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    • 140 5 (Echo Sgrecial.) hangkat Senlang Rubber Estates. Singapore, 18th Jan.—The Changkat Seidang Rubber Estates are being Hoateil with a capital of $750,000 in $lO shares, to take over the Estates ne „r Kamunting, Perak, covering an area of 1,023 acres. The vendors will receive 27,000 shares and 83:15,000
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    • 29 5 (Echo Special.) Mr. G. K. Chamberlin Appointed. Singapore, 18th January,—Mr. George K. Chamberlin, American Vice-Consul at Singapore, has been appointed American Consul at Swatow.
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    • 515 5 (Supi lied b Km ter Hofh Sidps (irntiflpd Orer Saturday’* Kraulta. London, 17 h January— The paper* of both sides pi off or to be gratified at the to.nils of last S«t U' day's elections Tbe Liberal papers emphasise that the Unionists should hare won 29 seats
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    • 19 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) England Beat Waifs. London, 17th January.—England beat Wales at Rugby by 11 points to 6.
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    • 34 5 (Supplied by Reuter) Specialists Consulted. London. 18th Jan —The Timet man at St. Petersburg reporta that a consultation of specialists in nervous diseases took place on Saturday, the Tsatitsa’s condition being disquieting.
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    • 47 5 (Sup/ lied by Reuter Cabinet Formed London, 17th January.—A Hungarian Cabinet has at last been formed after a Crisis lasting practically a year owing to the vain iffo.ta of the independence party to f ce the Emperot’s opposition to secure economic separation of Austria and Hungary
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  • 151 5 Several mouths ago cunplaints were received by the Daily Bullet n that steamers from Manila were being discriminated against by the Singapore quarantine officials, the Dai'y Bul'etin t- ok up the matter with Dr Victor G. Heiser, quarantine officer of the port of Manila, who in
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  • 170 5 It is gratifying to note that steps are being taken by those responsible for the morality of Canton towards Ibe suppression of gambling in the province of Kwang Tung. It is gratifying that the Cantonese officials resident in Peking have given their support in the matter. It
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  • 344 5 We have received a communication from a friend in Brazil from which it appears that the Brazilian Federal Government ia about to make a move in favour of systematic planting of rubber. It is proposed to offer those who will undertake to plant
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  • 1281 5 Decision of Mirine Court of Enquiry. The official enquiry into the loan, in Sunda Straits, on November 24 of the steei sailing ship King George, was resumed at ibe Marine Court. Siugapore, on 15 b mst- '1 h major part of tbe proceedings took plice on t
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  • 376 5 Guild Robbers Attack Village of Tangkah. The following from tbe .S traiti Timet e'ahorsti s an Eeho wirb News of a serious sffur at Tauckib. in Johore teriitory. has reached Singapo e From the scanty details at presant available, it appears that early this week a gang
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  • 301 5 Hie Society for tbe Promu'gati >u of Con fuc'ao i) 'Ctruie is making groat strides in ihedist int, .sivs the ('snton Correspondout of the ILyjqkpnij Doily I'iefr A; Fi'slnn ilih-ttiwululk h .ve ,j-ist formed 'a T)ranch association,' and ItCMjres are to be held weekly |o explain the leiclilugs
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  • 51 5 Aaaivvn Per s s. Peiak, lfiffi Jau. fr nn Deli Mib 8. S'aff >rd < f>. PARI'gO Per 88 Reform 17 li Jin., for 'l'- nik th; Mr and Mn Coon’ l'ee, Mr. and Mrs Ln. Kong Min, Mis. Mwng how, Messrs. Tan Pab Huat, Phor Cheonir aud Tau
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  • 61 5 I Ton»» 8 h I>*v f 12 h M«--n Town B nd. Golf Club, 6 to 7 p.m P. C 0. Tennii Tie» Strait» Cinematograph, Penang Road, 8 ‘H) p m To-Mounn 9 b L>av of 12'h Moor. Town Bud, Espl inad- 1 6 to 7 pm P C
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  • 39 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mall Service OUTWA Rllft. lIoM KWARDN Aseaye 27 Jan Dtvanha 21 Jan De'ta 10 Feb. Atcadia 11 Feb Extra Service OCIWARLIA HoMKWAKU. f'era 20 Jan. I Sicil a 21 Jan. Java 22 I Syria 4 Feb.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 371 5 CHETIY FESTIVAL FIREWORKS. ITMiOM 7 p in. on Thursday, January li7< b Can iagos aud KL-kKhas going lo ttio Urand Stand must p-ooeed along Bir rack Road to Hospital corner and follow the curved Road. Carriages and Rickisbas etc. not goiug to tlio Grand S’aitd, will proceed along Mic Alister
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    • 354 5 PENANG VOLUNTEERS ANNUAL CAMP, 1910 Soiled Tender* (marked Canteen will be received by the undersized, up to uoou <>n (be 31tl iostaut. at tbe Orderly Room, Fort Cornwallis, for the rgbt to supply tbe We' and Dry Canteens at tbe Penang Volunteers 0-imp, Kampoug Bibru, from tbe 9 h to
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  • 1282 6 Those who know the Resident Councilor of Penang will be very loth to be'ieve that of hie own initiative he could have issued the following notice, which appears to bear upon the face of it that it has been promulgated by the direction of the Colonial Government
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  • 122 6 January, 1910. H.W. L.W. H.W. L.W. A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. 18th 4.44, 1057, 5.10. 11.23 19th 5.37, 1150, 6 06, 12.13 20th 6-37, Nil. 7.11, 124 21st 7.48, 2.01, 8.27, 2.40 22nd 9.05, 3.18 9.42, 3.55 23rd 9.57, 4.10. 10.18, 4.31 24th
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  • 121 6 Pbnano, 18th Januakt. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4j 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4| 3 Credit 2/4 J{ 3 Documentary.. 2/4 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174 J 3 days’sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174 j Mouluiein, Demand Bank 173} 3 days’sight Private 176 Madras,
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  • 209 6 Gold W $61.8 i. J 111 erf VV Coast 31b5.5 at.) no stock Vl.iu Pepp-» $24.75 buyers Piling Peppei out of season Cloves 55 sd'ers Mace 83.- sell rs Mace Pick'll.*. 75. —sales Hutmeg. 110 s 19 0 sellers f No 1 665 sales Sugar 2 no stock Basket
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  • 200 6 PlHAHr, 18t* Jancakt, 1910. B*ff— rt Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Men' Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail sac 1 3q Tonyrue 55 Feet 15 Heart 3Q Liver per catty 35 ‘or* Pork per catt\ 32 Pig’s Heart 20 Feet 24 Tongue 32
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  • 1409 6 d I I a I I a o 2 Number ot •j ej 1**2 5 Cipiul. Shares j > J Diyidend* Name. S. j 3 j 1 I 1 1 1 1905 19 6119 -7 1908 1909 J Rubber. pc. pc p.c pc. p.c. I ,on f 1.5 "VO
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 48 6 Cure That Cold While You Can Better apend the amall amount a bottle of Chamberlain'* Cough Remedy would coat jo i right now than to run the link of a co'd developing into pneumonia, which may mean a big doctor’* bill. The George Town Diapenaary, Wboleaale Agent a
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    • 37 6 Get a Bottle To-day. Guard tb health of yout family by leaping at baud a bottle of Chamberlain'* Cough R medj. It has do <qual for coughs, colds and croup. The George Town Dispensary Wholesale A gen
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    • 30 6 The curative action of GOHUn i* attributed to its being antiseptic and anmstbetic, Manufactured by J. D. Riedal Ltd Berlin, and sold in form of capsules. 40 in a bottle.
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    • 44 6 It baa been satisfactorily demonstrated that thousands of persons have to thank Oonotutn for restoration to health and happiness. It is astringent and antiseptic and has never been known to fail. At all dealers in Patent Medicines and Chemical in bottles of 40 capsules.
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  • 868 7 In L imb's dialogue of books which are no boa aka*—biblta n bib is," it may be ob. seivtd tint d'Ctionatiia are not nclnded. Court caieudais directories, the works of Hume and Qibbon. ard other volumes which no gentleman’s library should be without,” are piteously pilloried, but not
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 958 7 INSURANCES, the LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 1720 rpHE undersigned having been appointed X AgeuU tor the above Corporation, are now prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE risks at current rate*. PATERSON. SIMONS A Co. Ltd. 12c Guardian Assurance Company, Llmltod, Established 1821. Subscribed Capital m X2.000,000
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    • 107 7 How Coughs and Colds Arc Cured in Burma. j The following letter from the Superintendent of the Municipal office at Mandalay, I Mr. K. J. 8tevenB, shows that the method of jcuting colds in Duron is not uul-ke that used iu almost e»ery part of iho *oiId He say»: 'I
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 949 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen A Cv., Pha, U.S.A. Charges Mode Ate, Ccnsu'tation Free. AT No. 2la, Penang Road. A tew doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel, 6 mtha TEA o V TEA H FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PUNTERS, ESTATES. ETC. Large Check Roil Books of
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