Straits Echo, 15 January 1910

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 927 1 TIANO LEE 00. 7SOLE AO ENTS. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Hkad Office— Shanghai, China. CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. *****00 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection for our policy holders The ONLY company that has this deposit. The Company fer the Chinese. Every Kind of Policy Issued.
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    • 15 1 iHE BEST BEER iN THE FAR EAST- Oil l JTIAWO LEE A Co- S.U Agmata.
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  • 375 2 A letter from the Bnud of Irvim-'s Shipbuilding and Dry Dock* ’Company to the i shareholders ha* beeu tamed reviewing the results of the wo kirn; of t 11 Cbiiatopher Fume*»'* c< •|a<tneijr scheme. Tboae lesuits, tl.e Id er »ta'p* are from every point of
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  • 300 2 Nows ha* beeu rswived of tbe death of Mr. George Enux Evans, the Austral an poet, at Iha age of 40 Mr. Evans wos English by birth, beiug the son of the late Joliu Kr«t*. a Qintn's Couus I. Boucher and Tress n«r id
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  • 238 2 The Loss of the Waratah.” At Lloyd's tin liuer IVarafoA was posted a* missing, which means tint for all legal purpose*, including the a )tt lenient of claims the stcamor is now regarded as lost Probably uo cue of a missing stciliter li s ever sroued so much inteust am
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  • 129 2 M. Li'bmi to k up for the fi st times cioent rtograph »n I so up*rat>r in his Automette ae r i pla at M,,u mel >n. Q ol pict'trev were obtained M B 4riot unleMo k a fl ;ht at Ci-n Mautinople in the presence
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 50 2 (■OIIOHUtI like other pr. pa rat ions of Cnpaiba aud Saudtlwood oil deea not affect the ktdtievs or disturb the stomach aud is well tolerated by tbe patient even after lengthened tte 'aunt Trials by the Medical, Profession solicited. Sample- [roe on application to any ot tire chief Pining Chemists.
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    • 490 2 RIGAUD'S OF JAPRH TOILET WATER JtBewart of Imitation». -*r RIGAUD C* TERFUMERS 8. rue Vivienu#, 8 Ptns-F rsnct The Penang Committee, Taojong Pagar Dock Board. GOVERNMENT WHARVES AND PRVE RIVER DOCK. TENDERS FOR COAL. 1- Sealed Tender* will be irceived at (be Pes’dent Councilor’* Office. PeDang. up to no>u on
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    • 1550 2 SIEMENS BROTHERS’ DYNAMO WORKS, LIMITED. ELECTRIC LICHtTPOWER AND TRACTION ENGINEERS, AND CONTRACTORS. MEASE IE TEE PRICE 07 OIL. (New Petroleum Ordinance.) SIEMENS "TANTALUM” LAMPS OEEAT, SAVINS. Why pay a hi&h price for oil, when Electric light with our lamps is a cheaper better iliuminant Prices ft Particulars on application to
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  • 38 3 Veutlt f*rt m Agtntt Dm» D 1 i S oospore A 0 AC 15 b J*o. BuIjw Sui^ipote B M AUo 18 b Yoick Colombo B M A Jo. I9ib AasdVb Colombo A G ACo. 27tb
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  • 28 3 reife/i For A J* Hi* v* 1 Delhi Co'oinbo VO AC'o Jail BuIjw Colombo B M AC > j Yot\i Singapore B.M A (Jo. A«sa ye Singapore A.O.ACo!
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  • Shipping.
    • 151 3 Petrel, Br s.s., 124, Eides, 13th Jan Asahan, 12th Jan, Gen—E 8. Co., Ltd. TarijO Maru, Jap a s., 4 627, Christiansen, 13th Jan., Yokohama, 22ad Dtc, Gen —B Co. De Kock, Dut. s.s., 335, Fleeming, 14*.L Jan., Dal', 13th J n Gen—H. L. Co. Seneiambia Gor. it, 2.380,
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    • 84 3 15th January. Jin Ho, for Langk it.. Petrel, for Aaahan. Sree Bangka, for Trang. De Kock, tor Deli and Langsa, Ban Whatt Soon, for Teluk Anson. Hebe for Deli. Kilt ’.a, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Atjeh for Lrugsa, T Semawe, Segli, Sabang, Olthleb, etc. Kidi i Sang for
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    • 40 3 Ft» Singapore. China and Japan—Per Japan, 17'h instant. 3 p m. Poit Swettenham and Singapore—Per Ivoh, 18th instant, 4p .m. Ceylon. Australasia, India, Aden, Egypt an 1 via Naples, for Europe etc. —Per Bu’ow, 18th instant, 6 p.m.
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  • 363 3 Per I G. M. ss. Lutiow, from Europe, dun at Penang on 19th Jan To Penai'g Mr. Chr Behrens, Mr. F. Ivaine and lamily, Mr O Vogel, Mr. W. G van Riemsdjk, Mr. A. Dankert, Mr. T. S'eig. To Singapore Mr. and Mrs. Wijnsouw, Mr. .1
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  • 36 3 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Servlca. Outwards. Homrward*. Atiaye 27 Jan I Delhi IS Jan. Delta 10 Feb. Dtcanha 21 Extra Service Outwards Homrward. Java 19 Jan. I Sieil a 21 Jan Peru 20 Syria 4 Feb
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 861 3 Pi 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outward. Jan. 14 Arcadia connecting with 27 At»<ye Feb. 10 Delta 21 Macedonia liar. 10 Devanha Homeward. Pereia Molwa Moldavia Mongolia Mannora Date. Stesmer. Jan. Feb. VI ir. Apl. May 15 I Delhi 29 Devanha II Arcadia 26 Amu
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    • 455 3 •(S HIPPING.) NORDDEUTSCHER_LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPEEIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. m -is*." r. r T rr.-pi. -Afjyj. j %'ljfes.i fTMIE ftst and wall-known un. 1 a tamtisoi mis Company sail fortnghtiy from Bremen, 1- Hamhuigvta Koite'dum, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marsei’les, Naples, Alexandria and vice versa) Port Said, Sue*,
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  • 95 4 nnaw raryMr Mi Iwtlee ilom ■'sMlaliM A ally Nwityt) 4» T»1 CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. M 6— 88a, Hsach Btrswt. Penang PRICK: DAll.t UXIil rn P« «"aw OtTTBTATIORR M f«ata«a Sitra. «Alt. SIMTIOS (Poat Praal 111 DIM milk Ml rcho—Penang r.laphona No. X 45 •.«.-111 >Hia IW—iMiaon
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  • 507 4 H DOLLARS. We beard »oine little while ago that owing to the circulation of the large number of bad dollars, —good as to metal but bad as to origin—people were "fighting ahy of dollars on which a small H appeared under the King's effigy. Enquiries we made of a bunker
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  • 822 4 The following husmnss in tin hue been done to-day Peneng: Penang Tin Exchange.) 973 80 bujers, no sellers Eastern Smelting Co., S') tons at 74 25 Singapore Strait* Trading Co.. 150 74 25 Total ...20) tone. Tin ia quoted in London to-day at X 147
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  • 385 4 IN CIVIL OKI iINAL JURISDICTION. (B fore Mr. Jurti e Woodward Lee Hun Neoh and Another vs. Chcah Tek Noun and OthersThis action w«* disposed of yesterday. The plaintiff* we:e Leo lluo Neob, a woman, ami Cbeah Choo Chip her sonThe defen laota were Cheah Tek Soon, Ctieali
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  • 388 4 About thirty people dined together last night at the Town Club bv way of niaikiug the success*ui conclusion of the cruise of II M 3. Pinafor*." At one end of the >oug table sat Sir Joseph Sykes; at the other Dick Neubronuer, Mcs-rs Hamilton and ’lb Jits worn
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    • 152 4 H. DOLLARS. No Specie 26/1910 To THI Kdiio* of TM Slams Echo. Sir The question as to whether dollars with a small capital H underneath the King’* Imad are genuine having amen, I have tbe bocotir to inform you that these dollar* are aquatly genuine with those without this letter.
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  • 123 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Tibs fixed fob Monday, 17th Jan. Double Handicap, Class A Southam and Anthony vs. Stronuch and Eichenberg (4>. D.Hilda Handicap, Class B. Stokes aud Kinder v* Lamb aud Lungley (1); King and Ritcbarda v* Oxenbam and Durwatd (Ol Single Handicap, Class B. Hammond vs.
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  • 223 4 (From Our Own Correipondent) Taiping, 14 h January. \h examination for the Seuior and Junior Clciks in the service waa held in the Town Hall ou Wednesday under the supervision of the Inspector of School*. There were about half a di zau candidate* in all. including some from
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  • 150 4 SECOND SUNDCY AFTER EPIPHANY. Nt. George's Church. 8 a m.— Matins (Choral). 8-30 a.m—Holy Communion (Plain) 10 a m.— Matins (Chinese). 5 p m.—Sunday School, fl p.m.—Evensong anil Sermon. Nt. Mark's Church. Buttsrworth. 5 p.m.—Divine Servioe. Presbyterian Church. Divine servioe will be held in the Pres byterian
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 707 4 TEE GRAND HOTEL, I E» O H The ONLY First Clais Hotel in Ferak, An Ideal Place for Families Spending ‘Week EndsElectric Bells. Single and Double Bedrooms with Piivate Bathrooms. Tennis Excellent Cuisine. Cold Storage Supplies Weekly from Singapore. Hotel Porter Meets AH Trains. TERMS MODERATE. Tklegrams CREKT, Ip«h. P
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  • 235 4 Obituary. Mr William Stuart lucky. We icgret to ti ive to announce tlif* death of Mr. William Stuirt I.ckv, Ii“iii«lent Maniger, Government Wliirvos, Penang, which to>k place at the General Hospital •khort ly after noon today. The drceasrd gentleman w,i* appa eiiby we'l a few weeks Igo; tie ffi dated
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    • 68 5 (Echo Special.) Police Slat ion Pillaged. Singapore, 15lh January.—Forty Chinese gang robbers held up Tangkah Mimr last Monday and pillaged the houses and police station. They secured the rifles uii<] ammunition of the police force and killed a Chinaman at the Opium Farm and wounded nine. No
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    • 41 5 (Echo Special.) New Order. Singapore, 15th January.—With retard to the Malacca Sewerage System it is gazetted that the toties should daily remove the nightsoil to Pengkalan and thence beyond the harbour limits to be discharged into the sea.
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    • 218 5 {Echo Special.) Finding. Singapore, 15th January.—Following is the finding of the Court on the stranding of the King George 1. Whs lbe King George properly found unit in a thoroughly seawoitby condition on leaving Hongkong ou the 22nd October. 190.1 ?—Yes 2. Was the King George pioperly
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    • 127 5 (Echo Special.) Singapore Keg lat r»r •hips Singapore, 16th January.—Mr. M. Rodeaae has been appointed Acting Registrar, Singapore, and Mr. H. Baldwin, Secretary to the Chief Justice, Deputy Registrar. Leave. Mr. P. J. Sproule, Solicitor-General, has been granted 13 months’ leave of absence and Mr. C. G. May,
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    • 103 5 (Supplied by Reuter Three Unionists Returned. London, 15th January.—Tbe Elections have already begun bv the unopposed return of three Unionists—Mr. Joseph Chamberlain for West Birmingham. Mr. J. W. Hills for Durham city, and tbe Hon. W. E. Guiuness for Bury St- Edmunds. Election Tactics. The Liberal papers and
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    • 32 5 (Sup) lied by Renter.) Proposed Expenditure of $100,000,000. London. 15th January —President Taft, in a message to Congres., proposes tbe expenditure of $lO *,000.003 for the irtiganon snd waterways.
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    • 30 5 (Supplied by Renter A Return to Work. London, 15th January.—A telegram from Sydney says that the wharf labourer* have returned to work tbe P- and O. boats.
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    • 39 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Agreed to by Australian Board of Control. London, 16th January.—The Australian B uird of Control baa agreed to tbe triangular cricket acbeine and baa invited South Africa to send a team iu December.
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    • 61 5 (Supplied by Reuter Twelve Shops Destroyed. Loudon, 15tb January.—A fire took place at Kilhuru recalling the fire which occurred at tbeCUpham Drapery establiahmen* a few days tefore Xmas Twelve shop, were des troyed. As it was an early closing day only 100 employees were on the premises, all
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    • 125 5 (Supplied by Reuter A Warning. London, 14'h January.—Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, in a long manifesto to tbe nation wbom be addresses as Britons and patriots, said We are losing our comparative position in tbe world It is impossible to play fast and loose with destiny. You have an opportunity
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  • 324 5 (Echo Special.) New Year Meeting. Following are the handicaps for the first day of the New Year meeting at Kuala Lumpur Ths Hall,wat Handicap. Value $3O0 —A haudioap for all Gallo «Sts. Entrance $l5. Distance 6 furlongsFly 10. 2 Cyclone 8 2 Ia Parola 9 9 Did
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  • 1679 5 (From Our Own Correrpondent.) London, 24'h December Christmas is likely to be spent iu the old fashioned way in many puts of the Country, snow being largely in evidence this eveuiog in the enuntrv —slush in the city. Tbe following passengers have booked for Penang -Mr. and
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  • 607 5 Messrs J bussed Grant and Co.’s Kd ber Shore MHikot Report, dated December 23rd, says, m .uart i The Market for Malty Rubber Company Sh in's, in spiienf tlie n -ar-.ipproach of the jjlolidayji, has been very active, and a large buriuess buVheeu' transacted in most shan s
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  • 98 5 Abbivbd. Per g.s Arcadia, 15th J -n.. from Marseilles Mr. M. Creraer, Mr F. Cremer. Mr C. Coliird, Mr. J. R Brown, Mr. W. O. Haslie, Mr R Riby.and Mr. J. Miclennan. From Colombo Mr. H Turnivall, Miss Kvngdom, Mr. 8 Weston, Mr. C. J Acton and Mr. 11.
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  • 50 5 To-nsv. sth Dav ->f 12th Moor. I adies’ R fl 1 Shooting Penang Ladies R>fl t Club At Home", Kampong Bahru, 4 pm. Straits Cinpmatograp Peuang Road, 8 3d pm. To MORBOW 6th Dav of 12 h Moon. Second Sunday after Epiphaßy. Straiia Cinematograph, Penang Road, 8 30 pm.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 762 5 THE STRAITS CINEMATOGRAPH. To-Niglit! To-Night II Grand Programme. THC MOST WONDERFUL AND HEARTRENDING FILM entitled THE FUNERAL OF THE EMPEROR OF CHINA, just out from the URIJANORA House. The most recent sod up-to date picture over exhibited in rite Fast. Considerable efforts and expenstf£_hajt been involved in procuring this Filn^euhjcct
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  • 664 6 CHANGE IN NATIONAL CO3IUME i OF CHINA. i Loss to Silk Merchants. A Peking correspondent of the rail Mall Oaiette is responsible for the following:— There is much consternation among the Chinese at the announcement of the Prince Regent that he will endeavour to biing about
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  • 377 6 The Hon, Tong Kai Son, of P-king, was ntert.iined at breaklast at the Hotel Cecil on Dec. 20th by the society for the Suppression of ihe 0 ium Trade, Dr Janes L. Maxwell presiding. Besides the(hlirraao, the speakers included the Rjv Piebendary Fox, D. Scott Luigett,
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  • 319 6 We have great pleasure in quoting the following forciblu passage from a speech delivered by Rev J. T. Sunderland of Hartford, Connecticut, at the 42nd annual meeting of the Flee Religious Asu ciation held in Boston, Maes. U. S. A. Suroly there is no bigber ideal than that
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  • 181 6 Tbe following is the comment of a c ntemporaiyon taking over bv tbe Chinese Mi uister in Paris of the standard weights aud measures for tbe metric system We aban don hopes o' '"’hina now that it has decided to relax its muscles and adopt the metiic system.
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  • 118 6 Pknano, lfnH January, (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4$ 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4$ 3 Credit 2/4‘J 3 Documentary.. 2/4 4 Calcutta, Demand Bank Its. 174 j 3 days’sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174$ Moulinein, Demand Bank 173$ 3 days’sight Private 176 Madras, Demand
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  • 211 6 Gold Jieaf »6 t.8 4. J ej er(W Coast 31b».5 ox.) no «foci vVhite 1'epjj-i »24.75 buyers Prang Peppei out of teuton Clove» 75.— telert Mace 83,— tdl-rt Mace Plolnn*» 75.— tale» Nutmeg» 110s 19 0 teller» No. 1 6 65 to.lct Sugar < 2 no stock Basket 5
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  • 188 6 Penanc, If» 1910 Beef Soup F» r 14 Roast 4 Steaks >• 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail 30 Tongue 55 Feet •> 15 Heart 30 Lirer P«> f caOj 35 \>SK Pork P 6 «**> 32 Pig’s Head 20 Feet 24
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  • 1515 6 d i i 3 Tii s ’S 2 Numlierot U E C <? Ctp’Ul. Shares > Dividends Name. K M 5 11 t I u. r, 1905 1916 19 >7 1908 1909 Rubber. I pc. pc p.c pc. p.c. Ktii.s I i. r > 0 2 2/• D 2(|
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 38 6 Prof. Schmidt prefer* Uononan (Saatal Kana Riedel'*) to any other preparation of Santalvvood oil. Although he used the drug in more than 20 cases, he ha* never observed any sign* of nausea, flatulencynephritic pain*, pruritus nor skin eruptions
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    • 33 6 Dr. Friedlaender testifies that (lonosan exerts a favorable influence in removing complications and haemorrhage; also more rapid and satisfactory results are obtained by it than by any other preparation of Sandalwood oil etc.
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  • 185 7 The Old Imperial Humbug About Duly. N itional «elf interest quite ignored by Preeident Taft, in an address delivered at New Yoik at the celebration of the diamond jubilee of the Methodist Missions in Afuca. While bis remarks may be interpreted as a justification of the attitude
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  • 491 7 The Master of E ibai k, fit P. (Under'ecretaiy for India), in lbs crime of a ■*p -fell at Cunii, Mid Lotbiau, «poke of the effect on India of tar iff reform. He said India nag essentially a fiee trade rouutiy, admitting all goods on rqual
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  • 148 7 Jail nary» 1910. n H.W. L.W. lI.W. L.W. Ullto. am am pm pm loth 2 28, 8.41, 2 4!», 9.02 16th 8.10, 9.23, 3.32, 9«5 17th 3 55. 10 08, 4 19, 10.32 lHth 4.44. 10 57, 5 10, 11.23 19th 5 37, 11 50, 6
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1139 7 INSURANCES, THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 1720 f pH B undersigned having been appointed X Agent* for the above Corporation, are now prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE rinks at current rates. PATERSON. SIMONS A Co. Ltd. 12c Guardian Assurance Company, Llmltod. Establish so 1821. Subscribed
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    • 70 7 No Opium in Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. There is not a particle of opium or other narcotic iu Ch tmberlain’s Cough Remedy, and never baa been since it was first offered to the publir. It is as safe a medicine for a child as for an adult. This remedy is famous
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 965 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen A Cv., Pha, U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. IDINA AT /Vo. 21a, Penang Hoad. A few doors Ircm (he Eastern and Orient J Hotel. 6 mtb« FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PUNTERS, ESTATES, ETC. Large Check Roll Books of 200 leaves. Price, $8
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  • 4420 9 Cleverness («aid the laudlord.) No. I don't hold with it. defer folka generally oferdoe* it. Gire me good common sense anj day before your cleverness. Look at me; do you think aa if I’d aet up to be defer I'd erer hare made the Blue
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  • 169 9 Aooordiug to the N C. Daily Newt, a native dispatch says that with tire object of pipventing anti Christian troubles in China, the Miuistry of Education has hit upon the following plan —lt proposes to select a number of the smartest returned students who lately passed
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  • 788 9 F. A G "of the Japan Chronicle ia by some preferred to Matk Twain. Here ia a sample to show that our old friend’s pbwers are still aa fresh aa yesterday's mackerel Let us for a moment or two glance a‘ the following composition by
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 101 9 How Coughs and Colds Arc Cured in Burma. The following letter from the Superintendent of the Municipal office at Mandalay, Mr. If. J, Stereos, shows that the method of cuiing colds iu Burma is not unlike that used in almost ererr part of the civilised world. He says: "1 bare
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    • 49 9 Look After Your Health. If you bare a cough, cure it A cough is a symptom of more serious trouble. Cham* berlain’s Cough Remedy is the best obtain* able and you need have no hesitancy in using it aa it contaics nothing injurious. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 47 9 Cure That Cold While You Can. Better speed the small amount a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy would cost you right now than to run the risk of a cold developing into pnenmonia, which may mean a big doctor’s bill. The George Tow c Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 36 9 Get a Bottle Guard the health of yout family 1 iog at baud a bottle of Chamber!»»' oo 9 K“tnedy. It lias no (qua! for /f*osaty 1 and croup. The George To' Wholesale A geo
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    • 119 9 A Wrstched Existence. Fxplainino Wht a Dot 'T.adt Was Unhappt In Iceland. C*Dta>n M C de Va*Vp»pular official of the D.rdricht Life .ranee Co. in Batavia, Java, recently tbe following domestic expet ience: m "About' _ot months ago. whpn mv wife was reai<* J y at the Higue in Holland.”
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    • 140 9 JUST ARKIVhD. A NEW STOCK OF FINE POCKET PENCILS. ALSO Extra pencils to refill the finished ones, in small boxes containing 6 pencils in each box. Prices, Large Size, 60 cts. Smaller 5) lie-fills, 30 cts. per box. CAN BK OBTAINED AT THE CRITERION TRESS, LTD., 230. Beach Street■ FOR
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 587 10 FOR SALE. The Early History of Penang, iFOR SALe"! 1692—1827. BV E. G. Cullm and W. F. Zehnder. Reprinted trom the Strait» Echo.”) Royal Quarto, 44 F ge*. Price 91.00. MAT SB HAD AT THE OBITER.ON PRESS, Ltd., 226 232. Reach Street, Pen eng i "TALES OF MALAYA,” BT “SOUTHERN
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