Straits Echo, 13 January 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1079 1 TIANQ LEE A Oo m I as > 1 ym t* <a A. SOLE AOF\TS THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Hkad Office—Shanghai, China. B A i B 3 H CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000.000. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and Ohlna. 1200 000 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special
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    • 21 1 THE BEST BEER iN THt FAR EAST O 3 *1 CD -6 N? 58S ft® OKT TIANQLEE A Co., 5ote Afintt.
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  • 761 2 Happiness, it baa been said, depends more on the little than the big things in life, and for these little things everyone is so very dependent upon the little everyday doings and sayings of everyoue else- There is so much in the wav a remaik is phrased
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  • 237 2 It is generally agreed that the ancient Egyptians had some knowledge of electricity, but that the Israelites list any such knowledge has never been put fotward as yet. But an engiieir of Munich has written au article in a Oetman review to prove that the Israelites were
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  • 142 2 January, 1910. H.W. L.W. H.W. L.W. Date A.M. A. M. P. M. P.M. 13th 1.05. 7.18, 1.25, 7.38 HtU 1.40, 7.58, 2.07, 8.20 15th 2.28, 8.41, 2.49, 9.02 16th 3.10, 9.23, 3.32. 9.45 17th 3 55. 10.08, 4.19, 10.32 18th 4.44, 1057, 5.10. 11.23 l!Uh 5.37,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 102 2 How Coughs and Colds Are Cured in Kurina. The following letter from the Superintendent of the Municipal office at Mandalay. Mr. U- J. Steven», shows that the method of cuiing cold» m Burma is not unlike that used in almost every part of the civilized world He savs: I have
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    • 440 2 Cure That Cold While You Can. Better spend the small amount a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy wou'd eoet yo i right now than to run the risk of a cold developing into poeumonia, which may mean a big doctor’s bill. The George Town Dispensary. Wholesale Agent*. sM'lfy df/n'f These
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  • 32 3 VtittIt t'Titm» Agents D%* Arcadia f) t i B'llnw Yorck 'olomhu •Singapore Jolom ho a &Co. *.G A Co. B.Yl.&Co rt M A (Jo. 14 b Jhd15 ti IH1I1 I9tb
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  • 28 3 For l*r-v* WiciU Ddliii Bui iw Yorpk INI vogapoie Oolombj Colombo S 'nopore A.O ACo. A .O A Jo B M ACo. B M A (Jo. J*D.
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  • Shipping.
    • 87 3 Segovia. Gsr. 3.160, Stubs. 12th Jau., Colombo, ?ih J <«>., Geo—B M. A Co. Babaian, Dut., 8s 319. J lusen, 12th Jan, P. Satnbhe, 1 1th Jan., Kerogme Asiatic Petroleum Co. Sappho, Br. ss, 328. Upton, 12:h Jan, long loth, 11 tli Jhi Gen—A G Co. Teeeta Br as,
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    • 66 3 13th January Segovia, for Singapore. China and J pau Ifnr* A Matin, for PaDgkalan Bn-ujh-u Peak for Deli. ‘I Corn lia, for Port Swettet>hati.’f lT hi t Dickson and Malacca. Leung Ho for Tr.iug. Canton, f >r Dindings and Teluk Anson Teeeta, for Port Swollen ham and Singapore. llok
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    • 145 3 Korn Kedah Per Linn Choi, to-morrow, U a.m. I'ougkah Per Sappho, to morrow, t p m. 1 ongkoh, Kopali, lienong, Victoria Point, Morgui Tavoy—Per Omaiiere, to morrow, I p.m. Bitu Babra—Per Padang, to-morrow, 1 p-m. flingoon Per Lnndeat Scheiff to-morrow, 2 pm. Port Swetteuham and Singapore—Per Pin Seng
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  • 417 3 Per P. aod O. s.s. China, from Loudon. Dec 17, conuecliug with the Arcadia at Colombo, due at Penang on I4lh Jan. To Penang Mr. W O. Haslie. To Singipure :Mr W. Berry. Mr. F, T Wright, Col T Y Wright. Per 1 G. M ss.
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  • 37 3 Mall Service outwards. Homewards Arcadia 14 Jan. I Delhi Hi Jan. Aitay* 27 lit con ha 'A3 Evtra S.'rvUe Outward* Homeward. Java 19 Jan. I Sicilia 21 Jan. Cty on 26 Syiia J Feb.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 503 3 P.AO. Steam Navigation Coy. Experts Arrivals ud Depart urea. Mail Sarvloa. Outward. .tun. 14 Arcadia connecting with 27 Aieoye Fob. 10 Delta 24 Macedonia Mur. 10 Dtvanha Homeward. Penia M ultra Moldavia Mongolia Marmora Date. Connecting] Duo Stumor. wi(h gA Lon( oni Til HOUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. March 25« Macedonia.
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    • 383 3 (S PIPPING NORDDEUTSCHER JIOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. iff J J» »lgp^p gan —W WFPW-tWB,g» :< >-^jl,'l |iT'.jJ! jIMHUi far--.; .ar V fist nucl well-known m. 1 miihtmi thi»Company sail fortn'gbtly from Bremen, Hum Du i '’vm hone (Jam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Alters, Gene;», Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, A'ex.tndm
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  • 82 4 tmfitiy Mid )«OC*M ftlOn* A*llf Iniwpt MMt* rtl CRITERION CRESS. Ltd. No. OTfi—MS. Hoaoh Straoi. Pmihm« PRIOR: •All.» UMI*I |M pK OIIWTATIOH» IMo aim «II ■MITKMIIKOM Vrwl 111 oaai.a iiiiiMim Echo—Penang.' ral« P hon« No. 148 11l bMw «OOTOTOTHrmUon ihoall b* MdrMOTd Matter iDlwdad for pablteatlon •bMI«
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  • 811 4 Some little time «go we advanced an explanation of the alleged fact that the majority of resident* in the Kant who take interest in Home politics profess the Tory faith. It was that it was merely another symptom of the moral deterioration that seems to dog the foot*
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  • 320 4 Tbe following business in tin lias been done to day Penang: Penang Tin Exchan >e, 37} tons at $74-8 i Straits Trading Co., 5 76.26 Eastern 3tneltiog Co. 50 75.25 Singapore Strait* Trading Co„ 50 75.37} Total ...187} tons. Tin ii quoted in London to-day
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    • 164 4 To tn* Kinros or rnr Strut* Reno. Sir —Polygamy ia not, with reference to Hinduism. ><ppl cibla to both the sexts, aa understood by the correspondent dealing wi’h Rigani? in last evening’s issue of the Echo Hindu mile can Imre more thau oue Wife liviug whereas
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  • 417 4 Towkay Arrisled. From Province Wellesley comes nows i f one of ihe n oat extraordinary inurdeia of receit years. It sppons that, late on Tuoadry night, the C. I' U. receiseil information of a feu«p-cttd ci*> uf murder which was suop ’s»'d to have t een
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  • 181 4 Mr H A Neubronner was Ihe vicim of a particularly audacious robbery which took place at his residence in Perak U >ad jesterdiy. It appears that early ye-terday evening Mr aud Mis Neubronner went to Tanjong Hungha leaving the house in charge of a by
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  • 151 4 Harvey— Campbell. At the Presbyterian Church. Northam R »ad, yesterday afterno in the marriage was i solemnized of Captaiu D 8 Harvey of ths Tfirtl and Miss Janet Campbell daughter of Mr J Campbell, Assistant .Superintending Engineer. Erslern Shipping 'Company, Ltd Ihe hride, who looked ebanniug in white
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  • 545 4 LAWN TENNIS TOURNAMENT. Authentic Details. Following are the handicaps for the P C. C. Lawn Tennis Tournament which begins next Monday Prnfeetion Pairs, L M Woodward and BF-B Martin (Law Dr Crouclier and Dr J .rnieaoo (Med W. Procter aud Q Bi>utbam (Tel S A G Anthony
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 353 4 THE CRAG HOTEL.! SANATORIUM. I PENANG HILLS.g “As goou an Hotel as any in the Straits.” Singapore Fieri Preit, 27th March. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietor». XPOH MARBLE WORKS. IPOH-PERAS. This business is now under tlie inaiuigemeiit of Mr. Ravensway, who has niade a great reduction in all prices ami wlio will
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    • 13 4 safer sod more effective thtn Pfwpnrstiona of flnndslwood oil oub b, w pl*'D
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    • 39 5 [Echo Special.) Mandarin Hehool for Hingspore. Singapore, 13th Jan.—Mr. Wei Keong Ham, fhe Sumarang millionnire, has purchased Mr. WeeTheam Tiern’s residence in Armenian Street for a Tohnam Hokien school in which Mandarin is to be taught.
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    • 35 5 (Echo Special.) Two C/OUTictlonfl Mean Banishment. Singapore, 1 Jitli January.—Magistrate Column declares that all who may be twice convicted of selling chandu not obtained from the Government Monopoly will be recommended for banishment.
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    • 154 5 {Echo Special.) Next Nliow in Angunt. Singapore, 13th Janunry.—At a meeting in connection with the Agri-Horti-cultural Show, Sir Arthur Young, presiding, said the estimate of cost for the next show was $25,000, of which f 8,500 would have to be subscribed. It was agreed to hold a three days
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    • 48 5 (Echo Special.) Was I'ubllc Money Wanted Singapore, 13th January.—The <Vlr«if« Vimes asks for a public statement regarding a report that the new filters on Bukit Timah Road are useless owing to an error of design or construction, and that all the expenditure thereon has been wasted.
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    • 40 5 (Snvplied by Reuter New Governor. hoodoo, 13tb January.—Captaio Heory E. Cordeaux, Commissioner at d Commander in-Chief, Somalilaod Protectorate, has been appointed Governor of Uganda. BrigadierGeneral Sir William Henry Manning, Governor and Commander iu-Chief, Nyaaaland Protectorate, succeeda him at Somaliland.
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    • 50 5 (Supjlied by Reuter) British and Russian Replies to the Porte. hondon, 12th January.—Great Biituiu ml Russia, in reply to a note from the Po'te regarding Crete, regret the insensate policy of the Cretans. They are concerting measures to pievent acts of folly, like the despatch of deputiea to Athens.
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    • 34 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Electoral Reform Bill. London. 12ih January.—At the opening of the Prusaian Diet the Kaiser ann> uooed tbst the Electoral Reform Bill would be •übmitted in a few weeks
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    • 63 5 (Supplied by Reuter Advocates Establishment of Military College. London, 12th January.— Lord Kitchener h»« arrived at Melbourne. A banquet was given in hi* honour by the Commonwealth government. In hia speech Lord Kitchener •aid that he kuew no country in the world "here young men had such"
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    • 218 5 (Supplied by Reuter Free I*lll4o Advocated. London, 12th January.—Mr. H H. Asf quitb addressed three meetings of 6.000 each i at Ipswich. He advocated Free Trade, not as an abstract doctrine, but as being the best for Great Britain’s iasular position. 1 Election Writ» Issued. Most of
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    • 38 5 (Supplied by Reuter Uradnal Improvement. London, 12 b January.—The finances are gradually improving though a notable in crease in the expenditure brings the deficit to £4.6) ,00J, but tbst is smaller than the deficit last year.
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  • 507 5 The Bradwall (F.M.8.) Rubber Estate, Limited, has been formed to acquire a Pa'a rubber estate, comprising about 2,943 acres, situated in the L nggi district, Negri Setnbilan. Federated Malay State*, and to bring the present planted area of about 680 acres into bewing, and to plant
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  • 1210 5 (Reminieccitted for the Strait > Echo) By 0. M. Marris, F. K. <». S. (Concluded from ytftnday'n issue Our course lor the Aru Oroup was about N. E. and the distance to Dobbo, the trad i iot{ port, 160 miles Wbeu we bad got a fair offing,
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  • 268 5 The Suugei Bnuru ft ilber E-tatcs. Limitsd, lias bean formed (inter a ia) to acquire rod develop tbe Suuget Hrhru estates, situated ab mi 21 miles from tbe town of Malacca iu die Malay I'eniusuts, and i.> r n«i*d the planting ot lubber, tapi ca, ocouu'e
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  • 247 5 Beit Memorial Fellowships. At a meeting Of the Srtiafa of tie University* *f L -ndoi: ou Do, 15( a letter waa lead fry or Mr. ..Uq litjd. anuroiupijug a mutrifi'in: iieptfac iop in tlie iuteicst of uitdinal ro.arrch Mr. $en v brother, the late Mr Allred Bail, h-.fl
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  • 95 5 I r Arkiucii IVr ».s. Mi uya, 13 h ,l*u from Dei Vfessr-s 11. Nau"o. C 1 1 ton, A. l’rior, lE langie, A. Ncogeiwerf, B Carrier aud A. Graham D Grshain. t’er sn. Teeth, 13 h Jin.,- from Madras Mr L Suhbiah. Kroni Negapatai)) Messrs !G. N.
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  • 45 5 I'o-OAV. 3ni li»v ol 12th Mm n. Municipal Commisrior, 3 8l) p.tu Straits Cinematogtap t, Feuaug Uuad 8 3 p m. Tomorrow 4'h I>av of 12'h M.w.u, Towu Band, made, 6 to 7 p at. Str»i'» Cinefnftogr.jph. Peusng Roa.i 8 o 0 p ut.
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  • 17 5 FngKrli < A r-adni) ...14’h Jan Coiua (Vtlhii ...]Ath him. /it. „J8 h German Yurek) ...l!fth
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  • 26 5 ,i7.r x- >, t Firs’ Q.iar'ei J»n. 18G) I O Fnfl .V)o- r «5 1 h lai-r igos'V.» Feb 2ad I O New Moot 10th
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 47 5 Look After Your Health. If job bare it cough, cure it A cough is a symptom of more serious trouble, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best obtainable and you need bare no hesitancy iu using it as it contains nothing injurious. The George Towu Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 44 5 Accoiding to all accounts we have the assurance that GotiOSiin is one of the most valuable discoveries of modern pliarma- '< logy and is far ahead of all pteparations of Copaiba, Cubebs, etc. It is ibe safeat ind most suocessful At all Ohemists aud Dealers
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    • 741 5 .3 FOR SALE. 8-10 U. P. 2 Cyliuder speel, well IJutur car. in K(<od tunning order, v For turllier particulars apply lo W-i:t0 81 Mr J. R McFARLANE MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Municipal Commissioner* of George A low». Pcuung, hereby invite tenders f«{r the routing of Maik*t Stieet Bath liiiuwa Tender forms
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  • 1562 6 Observations by a Japanese Politician. I Mr. Takegoibi, M P, who lias just re- turned from an extensive trip iu the Dutch < and French colonies in the E»st, contributes •n article to the Taiyo, from which we make the following extracts The Sutnlii
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  • 119 6 Pbnano, 13th January. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4-fi 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4| 3 Credit 2/4 3 Documentary.. 2/4,% Calcutta, Demand Bank Its. 1741 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 1744 Moulmein, Demand Bank 1734 3 days’ sight Private 176 Madras, Demand
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  • 217 6 Gold I*l-0 $61.8.1 3.1 c| et(VV.O>vi»t 31b».5 os.) no stock Whin $24.75 buyer» IVni P©| pei out of Seaton Cl v« Ib—i c l'eri Me* 1 83 seller» Miic. Pick 75 .—tain 'Jiitumg. 110» 19 oteller» r No 1 665 sales Sugar < 2 no stock (Basket 550
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  • 180 6 Pbhamo, 13t* Jawuaby, 1910. Beer— Soup P« r «*'<> 14 Roast >• 24 Steak» 24 Stew or Curry Me*' 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver P®‘ 35 ’obi Pork P» r 32 Pig’» Hear) 20 Feet 24 Tongue 32 Motto*
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  • 1676 6 a I I i i I m ■g 2 Numlarot -5 a I J 4 S- Ciptal. Share» p* Dividends I t i issued. g IB® I I j -1 l *****9 61*907 1908 1909 Rubber. pc pc p.c. p.c. p.c. 1005 p iMi.ii"" ',1 ‘".O' 0 2 2/
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 35 6 Get a Bottle To-day. Guard the health of voui family hy keeping at hand a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It has no iqual for coughs, colds and croup. The George Town Dbpensaiy, Wholesale Ageuts
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    • 38 6 k Week Willed Mm. Alexander Dickson, carpenter, said the Captain started drinkiug Tory heavily a fortnight out from Hongkong. He never saw the first officer the worse for drink He did not think the second offioer touched drink
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  • 742 7 No writer of fiction could hive invent*) story half so sinister as that which ia connected with the famous Blue Hope diamondSince the gem was first brought from the Erst by Jean Tavernier, the great traveller, in 1688 it has brought ruin and misfortuoe to nearly all its
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  • 160 7 By the Pnliwati on Bth January, the following Penang shipments were made For Colombo.—B. Nowrosji A Co. Pis. 550 Boiled Rice 500 Bags; Habib Posmati A Co. Pis. 1.281 Boiled Rice 1 165 Bags, II T. Ayoob A Co. Pis. 550 Boiled Rice 500 Bags Virapa Cbetty Pis
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1400 7 INIUR ANCB«, THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. iNOOarO&ATBD BY BOTAL CHARTER A.D. 1790. rilHE undertigoed having been appointed and rilHE uadertigaed having been appou X. AgenU for the above Corporation, now prepared to accept MARINE i FIRE ritka at current ratea. PATERSON. SIMONS Oo. Ltd. 12c Ouardlan Assurance Oompany, LI ml
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    • 70 7 No Opium in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. 1 There i* not a particle of opium or other I narootic in Chamberlain’* Cough Remedy, and never baa b;en aioce it wae firat offered to the public. It i* as safe a medicine for a child aa for an adult. Tbia remedy ia
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 940 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late oj Dr. Allen U, Pha. D.S.A, Charges Moderate, Ccnsu'tation FreB. ft Mamin# at /Vo. 21a, Penang Road. A taw doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 noth* TEA o TEA SOLE AGENTS FOR PENANG. PATERSON, SIMONS Co.. Ltd TUB “India Rubber feGuttaiWia AND ELECTRICAL
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