Straits Echo, 11 January 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1053 1 S OLE APERTS GUINNESS’S STOUT. A**" H; f A <bls& •3iv sssva TIANQ Left 00. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office—Shanghai, China. CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. 1200 000 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection for oar policy holders The ONLY company that has this deposit. RANKS
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    • 17 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. Th mui ?< 1 13 TIANO LEE A Co., So/e AgtiHt.
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  • 143 2 I a little funny boy Accoutred «a a Scout I aaid—" My little funny boy, Come, tell me why you're out He puckered up hit little mouth And blinked bta little eye* He trembled, itiimmered, dtopped hi* pole In terror and surprise. Whv. little man," I grn'ly
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  • 331 2 Q —What are.yop t A r M 4lOWnTf Parliament (’e you this position 'r A-—My constituent?, at the General Election wherein I was made a person of importance, and transformed from a haimlese bore into a pompou* nuisance Q —Wbat did your agent then for you A.
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  • 349 2 List m mtb a new ope a was produced at the 8»voy Theatre. •••Fallen Fairies,’ so far as the book is concerned, is a new version of The Wicked World.’ which was produced neatly thirty seveu years ago at the Hayintrkot, with Mr. and Mrs. Kendal. Mr J.
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  • 172 2 January, 1910. n H.W. L.W. H.W. L.W. A. M. A.M. P. M. P.M. 11th 11 46, 5 551, Nil. 6.20 12th 12.26, 6.39, 12.45, 6.58 13th 1.05, 7.18, 1.25, 7.38 14th 1 46, 7.59, 2 07, 8 20 15 th 2.28, 8.41, 2.49, 9.02 16th 3.10,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 70 2 iNo Opimn i» Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There is not a particle of opium or other narcotic in Chamberlain's Coiirth Kerned;, and never lias been since it was fi st offered to the public It is as safe a meeicme for a child as for an adult. This reined; is famous
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    • 460 2 The most rapid and satisfactory results are obtained by treatment with UoilOSMIl (Kawa Santal) Booklet and sample to medical men free on application to any of the chief Penang Ohemists. CHAPOTEAUT’8 NO I'l'RATIVE TASTE I’ltlSCIPLE SO S.M ILL cod NO MVER NAUSEA OIL MORRHUOL Is superior to Emulsion» or Oil,it
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    • 1028 2 FROM 1715 TO 1908. MARTELLS’ HAS INVARIABLY REPRESENTED THE EZOHESTQUALITY TO LET UNFURNISHED. BRANDY. YOU KNOW IT IIY THE BLUE AND SILVER LABEL. FOR THE RACES. A KODAK CAMERA with canvas case and shoulder strap complete, price $7-75. George Town Sales Room. ••THE 1 GRANGE.' No 9 Logan R-sd. From
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  • 31 3 V*tsĕl$ Aqmti 1 Dut ArC'idiu Colombo IA G.&Co. 13tb Jhij 0 1 i uafipore AGaCj. 15 li Billow Siogipote BM &Co 18 b Yoick Colombo 1! A) <tCo. 19ib
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  • 29 3 r titti» For 4 I»r Or A'Cllia S neapore a.a <tco. Jau. LMtii (JolomL'j A .Q A 'u BuIjw Colombo B M.ACo. Yorefe •S.nijapore 1 B M AUo.
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  • Shipping.
    • 86 3 Bencleuch, Br. ss 2,678, MacMillan, 10th Jau., Loudon, stb Dec., Gen.— 8. B. Co. Fathan, Br. s 3.176, Chaplin, llKh Jun Liverpool, otb Dec.. Gen.—B B A Go. Muratha, Siamese 450, Haurowiix, 10th Jiu., Tongkab,9 h Jsn Geu.—Biame«e Govt. Perak. Br. 258, Milue, llih Jan, Deli, 10'h Jin Gen—
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    • 39 3 11th January. Bolurwi, for Tongkah. Petrel, for A»ahan. Jin Ho. for Huhj IPdn I. for I’aagom. Avagyee, for I’oit Swetteuham and Smga pore. Malacca, for Taluk Anson. De Kock, for Deli. Tnoh, for Pori Swetteuliam Bird Singapore
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    • 94 3 Fob Keflrth—Per Lion Choi, to morrow, 8 a.ra. Negapatam and Madrai Per Thongvsa, to-morrow, 10 ».nr. Deli—Per Calyno, lo.tnorrow, 11 Trang Pang Ngu—Per Dc i, to morrow, 1 p in. Teluk Anson—Per Ban Whatt Soon, to mo ■■row, 2pm. Bindings—Per Tony Chay Un, to morrow, 4 p.m
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  • 414 3 Per P. and 0. a.s. China, from Londou. D c 17, connecting with the Arcadia at Colombo, due at Penang ou Nth Jan To Penang Mr. W 0. Hastie. ToSlngipore Mr W. Berry. Mr. F, T Wright, Col T. Y Wright. Per 1 G. M. ss.
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  • 37 3 P. O. SAILINGS. Nall Service. OOTWABDA. Homcwarus. Arcadia II Jan I Delhi lb Jan, Attaye 27 Dt can hi >9 Extra Service OOTW.BOI GomkwasU Java 19 Jan. Sicilia 21 Jan Snud i 31 j Syiia 1 Feb,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 692 3 P.&O. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mall Sarvlet. Outward Jan. 14 Arcadia connecting with Periia 27 Aeeaye Mahon Fab. 10 Delta Moldavia 24 Macedonia Mongolia Mar 10 Dtvanha Mar Homeward. w EXTRA STEAMERS. Intermediate Service. TH excellent accommodation tor i sd number of psnsenger*. Java t Suntla Outward.
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    • 417 3 (SHIPPING.) NORDDEUTSCHERJLLOYD, BREMEN. XKF&BI&L GERMAN KAIL LUTS. ■mm 'A «3 L v v THE fast and well-known d. 1 aeaunrao ttiis Company sail forlu-ghtly from Bremen, Hambuigtita Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples, connect m Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden. Colombo, l’enang, Singapore, Hongkong,
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  • 96 4 J 4 -tin ■!>!■ mriMi uMI lax In akin* —tmmmm dully Ituwp* •«•Ml»» TPI CRITERION TRESS, Ltd., No. 226—ms, Hearth St root, PmiKiit PRICK: •1411.1 LOOAI |M p*r HH (H’TkTiTfim fo*t*«* Bur* «411. aiMTIOH lint rml 111 OAHI.II 4IIDKIHH Echo— PenaaK." Tslapbona No. 843 4,4.-411 Mh* nMWIruIOM
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  • 436 4 Now that the Races are over, we liaie time to wonder why no F.M.S. railway official has yet deigned to tell the public why that public institution eannot see its way to add Chinese inscriptions to its tickets and labels. Idtst year a petition was submitted
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  • 286 4 One of our F. M. S. subscribers writes I shall be very thankful if you will kindly give me your advice as to what step shall I take to have the present Tamil Interpreter of the Magistrate’s Court, transferred to other place. He is very impudent, much
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  • 70 4 The following buainess in tiu has been doue to-dsy Pensna Btrait* Trading On.. P buyers, no sellers Penang Tin Exchange, 60 toos at 74 5> Eastern Smelling Co., 100 75. Singapore Straits Trading Co., 25 76-25 Total ...175 lour. Tiu is quoted in London to-day at
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  • 581 4 The December returns of tie above Company are as follows Output Piculs 465 10 Value 321 011 00 Tribute paid 2,838 66 Winking Eipeuses 3 4 035 01 Profit 314.137 33 Note.—One day’s stoppage during the month to replace flumes Mr. A. Grant
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  • 164 4 Yesterday's papeicltase wis quite a success. tbe country chosen betug eicellen'. tbe jumps numerous aud tbe right height to suit tbe field. Seventeen riders turned out to Uke part to the sport, among them being five ladies who were an eiamp'e to the gentlemen riders in the
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  • 166 4 At noon tc-lay the Central Fire Station received a telephone message to the i fleet ih.t I so No. 40 Market lane, was on fiie Witlnu iluee minu'es of the cill the motor eugiite was on the spot, l.ul by this time the fiie had already been put out
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  • 160 4 The Malaysia Advocate. Hitheito no publisher lias been able to make a rowantsed Malay uewspaper pay, although, considering ihe number of i’s potential subscribers, there ought to be a big field in the Straits for such a journal The experiment has been tried both here and in Singapore and in
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  • 227 4 On the 28ih ult. there appealed in tbe Echo au account of a fatal accident tint took place on Christmas day. at noon, in tbe stote quarry at Ayer Etant It may he remembered that while blasting operations were in progie-s. two Tamil coolies went down a rock to
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  • 442 4 Jockeys. Jockeys. B J p a *£J H V Southall I? 5 5 3 4 Ktrwsn 13 5 2 2 4 Fisher 13 4 2 2 5 Duval 14 2 5 3 4 Casson 8 2 0 3 3 Mr Borck 2 2 0 0 0 Fiynn 8
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  • 354 4 Sergeants West aud Rosa arrived from Singapore yesterday and will be stationed, the former at Pitt Street Station and tbe latter at the Central Station. Inspector Leonard, of Bukit Mertajam, proceeds to Eogland on long leave on the 21st inst. Inspector Hickey, of the Centrsl Station,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 440 4 XPOE MARBLE WORMS. IPOH-PERAS. Thin business is now under the management of Mr/ Ravensway, who ha* made a great reduction in nil prices and who will be "lad to quote for Marble Flooring Tiles, Table Tops, VVaaliliand Stands, Cemetery Memorials of all kinds etc., etc., on application. A large stock
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    • 37 4 A Weak Willed Man. Alexander Dickson. cirpenler, «aid the Captaia started drinking very beivily a fortnight oat from Hongkong. He never *>» the first officer the worse for drink He did not think the second officer touched drink
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    • 25 5 {Echo Special.) Acquitted of Ttgraney. Singapore, litli January.—Edwards, who ia alleged to be a Singhalese journalist of Penang, has been acquitted of vagrancy.
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    • 74 5 (Echo Special.) Transfer*. Singapore, 11th January,— At the Wesleyan Conference the following transfers were decided upon The Rev. G. C. Cobb is transferred to the Philippines, and succeeded by the Rev. Vickery as Pastor of Wesley Church. The Kev. W. E. Horley of Kuala Lumpur goes to
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    • 54 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Ureal Mosque Inundated. I, niili’ii 10th January —A telegram from Constantinople say* that heavy reins fell at Hei'ju At Mecca flood* are reported and the great Mosque was inundated on the sth mat Eight were drowned or killed by the collapse of a house. The
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    • 203 5 (Supplied by Reuter Sir Hugh Bell to Content City of London. London, 10th January—Sir Hugh Bell, who has become a Liberal, will stand as a candidate for the City of London. [Sir Hugh i* Lord-Lieut. of N, it. York* and has published several novels and plays. He
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    • 229 5 U. S. Manchuria. Supj’fied by Reuter) Knox’s Proposal Unpopular. London, 11th January.—The Timet agent at New York says it is not expected by Mr. Secretary Knox that the Powers will reply for several mouths to bis proposal with regard to hi Manchurian proposal. lleconsi’ers that whatever fate befalls it, it
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  • 2015 5 (Reminitcented for the Strait» Echo By C. 1. Harris, F. R. G. N. It wa* in Timor Dilli. that it commenced, no, not quite, for that was five yeara earlier at San Cbriatoval. in the Solomons, when I accepted the offar mide me by Wilkins f and
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  • 1571 5 Openings for Business. The following informa'ion is from the report bv H. M-Commercial Attache at Pekiug (Mr VV. P K»r), on the foreign trade of China in 1908, which will shortly lie issued Besides the depreciation of the copper currency due chiefly to excessive output
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  • 83 5 PiPAKTKU I’er ss. Perak, B(.b Jan, fot Deli Mr. and Mrs Cb. L. i) arricaneie, Mrs. A. Darricarrere and Miss M. Darri ai reie. Per 8-s. Lincu’a, O'b Jan., for SiDga pore: 11. H. the Sultan of Jobore, Mr. and Mrs. Darlinhirp, Mr. and Mis Kleinian, ff Mr.and Mrs
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  • 51 5 I»t l>av nf 12'li Moor. Lillies' K H.) Shooting. T> wn l$md, Gulf Club, 6 to 7 p ni. Straits Cmeinatogtap I’ouaug Road, 8 3 1 p in. To-Moaaow. 2nd It.iv of |2ih Moon Towu Baud, K\pl mid (i (o 7 pm Strait* Ciunmatograph, Penang lioad, 8 30 p
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  • 19 5 English lArcadU) ..,14th Jan. China I Delhii ...lfith ithin* (mu mm is h German Yo'ck l ...lMill
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 46 5 jCurc That Cold While You Can. Better ipeod tbe small amount a bottle of Chamberlain’* Cough Remedy would cost ▼oj right now than to run the riak of a cold developing into pneumonia, which may mean a big doctor'* bill. Tbe Gtorfe Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agent*.
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    • 415 5 FOR SALE OR TO LET, I The Hull "Ghnoyntede” iu I’euaug I Harbour, suitable for storing any kind of I goods. Apply to LIM EU TOH. 53, Broth Ht' 11l 10 26 THE BRElf EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LTD. II had Okkick SING A PORK. Life Assurance ami Endowment in
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  • 987 6 Siam is a conspicuous example of what can be scbieved in an Eistern country with Brittab advice and aid. Successive British advisers have now almost completely succeed- ed in itraigbteniog ut tbe much entangled finances of that country. Wbe>e before there was chaos there is now
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  • 436 6 Au address on missions in Cbiua and Korea from a business man's poiut of view, delivered recently at the Ipswich Town Hall by Mr. E. Herbert Fison, has been published in pamphlet form The discourse is on somewhat original lines; and well merits perusal. An address on Missions
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  • 120 6 Prnanq, 11th January. (By eourtety of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/44 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4} 3 Credit 2/4 JJ 3 Documentary.. 2/4 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 1 7-4 j 3 days’sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174} Moulmein, Demand Bank 173} 3 days’sight Private 176 Madras,
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  • 206 6 Gold leaf 161.8 4. It, er(W.Coast 31b5.5 oz.) no itock .Vhite Pepper $25. teller s rising Pepper outof tea ton Cloves 62 —talet Mace 83 tell rt Mace PicW'nt-» 75. —talet Nutmeg» 110 a 19 —talet No. 1 6 65 talet Sugar < 2 no itoek (.Basket 5 si>
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  • 199 6 Puma. 11th January, 1910. Barr— s tt Soup pet «ally 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Oz Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart M 80 Liver pe< catty 35 Pork— Pork pel oatli 32 Pig’s H«o<t 20 Feet 24
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  • 1307 6 j I i I i I a 1 3 5 o2 Nuinboroi 5 u g s is I Cipital- Shares > Dtvideuds Name 3 g I i-sued. 1 S A 5 v ~fc 1 j 1 “Lj 1905 19 '*****7 1908 1909 I Rubber, pc pc I p.c pc.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 35 6 Get a Bottle To-day. Guard the health of rout family by keepjog at baud a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy. It baa no tqual for cougb*. colds and croup. The George Town Dirpenaaiy, Wholesale Agents
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    • 102 6 flow Coughs and Colds Are Cured in Burma. The following letter from the Superintendent of the Municipal office at Mandalay, Mr. K. J. Sievena, «hows that the method of cuiing colds iu Bunin is not unl'ke that used in almost every pm of the civilized world He says: "I have
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    • 178 6 It has been satisfactorily demonstrated that thousands of petsons have to thank (JOIIOHUII for restoration to health and happiness. It is astringent and antiseptic and has never been known to fail, At all dealers in Patent Medicines and Chemical in bottles of 40 capsules. NOTICE. The premises iu the Chamber
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  • 601 7 The Engliih Bevittc. which ii now oue of the most stimulating of the monthlies, contends that the great figure as a factoi in life has passed almost out cf the sphere of things Of the Victorian guard of great tiguros i here remain to
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  • 136 7 Mr Balfour, speaking at the opening of the Mid-Kent Golf (Jlub’s course, said he was quite confident that there hud never been a neuter addition to the machinery of the lighter side of civilisation than that suppl el by tlie game of golf If had been
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  • 126 7 The following unclaimed le'tors. etc, ate lying at the Geueral Post Office, Penang Letter s Barclay, D. L. Griffin, G. E. Barclay, Mrs. H. I.awrie, W. D. Barnes, 8. H. Misso. A. Benirs, D. Molini, Signor O. Bysack, K. Ormcston, J. Cole, W. 0. Osburn, Capt. A. C.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1353 7 INSURANCES, THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INOORPOUATED BY ROTAL CHARTER A.D. 1720 ri'lHK undersigned haring been appointed I Acrentf for the above Corporation, are prepend to accept MARINE and FIRE risk» et current rates. PATERSON. SIMONS A Co, Ltd* 12c Guardian AMurtnc# Company, Llmltad. Establish»» 1821. Subscribed Capital *2.000.000 a-i T?
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    • 49 7 Look After Your Hcallli. If yon have a cough. cire it A cough i« a symptom of more serious trouble. Cham* berlain’g Cough Hemedyii the beat obtain able and you card bare no hesitancy in using it as it contnts nothing injurious. The George Town Diepiuaary, Wholesale A grata.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 907 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen A Co., Pha. U.S.A. Charges Moderate, CcnsultaMon Free KillDlVi AT A'o. 21a, Penang Road, A tew Aeon Iron Ihc Eastern and Orient.l Hotel. 6 mthi TEA <o ><? v TEA reasuiA he FOB SALE. USEFUL TO PUNTERS, ESTATES, ETC. Large Check 801
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