Straits Echo, 8 January 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 903 1 SOLE AO ENTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT. > *4 <z. tiv s.ssvg TIAMQ LEE A 00. T1IE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE 00., LTD. Hkad Office—Shanghai, China. CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. (200 000 deposited wiih the Hongkong Government as a special protection for our policy holders The ONLY company that has this deposit. The Company
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    • 26 1 The best beer in the far east. s v •f /C /<§Z|o I*E 2 m —3 r* 0» ZZ Tour TIANCLEE A Co., Sole Ageau. j
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  • 990 2 However we may define humour, it ia tbe moat honeat of the gift*. Humour, in fact, tell* the truth at all c at*, and yet whaterer the truth may be, tells it so that we enjoy i*. Other kioda of truth-telling we may respect, but we do not live
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  • 156 2 January, 1910. H.W. L.W. H/W. L.W. Date. AM AM. PM. P.K. Bth 9.43, 3 56, 10,14, 427 9th 1011. 4.24. 10 37, 450 10th 11 01. 5.14, 1124, 537 11th 114«. *59, Nil. 6.20 12th 1226, 639, 12.45, 6.58 13th 1.05, 7 18, 1.25, 7.38 14th
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  • 672 2 IN SINGAPORE FtoM Malarial Fever. Their Father, The Light House Keeper. Rela-es The Facts and Gives Heartfelt Thank* to llr. William»’ Pink Pills. Mr. M. Gomes, tho light-keeper at Fort Canning, Singapore, has been mauy years in the L'ght-House Service, and enjoys a high reputation for integrity
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 108 2 How Coughs* and Colds Arc Cured in Httrnta. The following lei ter from tbe Superinien dnnt of the Municipal office at Mandalay. Mr. H. J. Steven*. show* that tbe method of einiog cold* in Burma is not u.l ke that used in alimst every pirt of the civiliz'd world. He
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    • 834 2 SIEMENS BROTHERS’ DYNAMO WORKS, LIMITED. ELECTRIC LICHLPOWER AND TRACTION ENGINEERS, AND CONTRACTORS. ME INThTPMCE OF OIL. (New Petroleum Ordinance.) ‘‘Timor LAMPS CHEAT SATINS. Why pay a high price lor oil, whei Electric light with our lamps is a cheaper better illuminant Price* Particulars on application to:— Telegrams: SIEMENS, PENANG. Telephone
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    • 1123 2 NOTICE. DEPOSI IOK3 in the Bank »re lem >o tend id thwir Pa»* Books bvtwrpn lb® 3rd and Isth JjDUiiy, 1910, for Audit, incompliance wiib the Rule* »nd Reju’atioos under tbe Sating* Bank Ordinaire. Pars Bocks msy b« forwarded Le® bv post to tbe Snp-'iinlendent of tbe Bank. O. GORDON
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  • 44 3 Veitelt Du* Beuoleucb Pa'b*'j Arcadia I) 1 i Butov Yoick liindoa SBAOo. BU»gow 8 B ACo. Colombo 0 AOo. nijapore t 0 ACo. Siagtpore B.M ACo Colombo B At &Co. 8 b Jan. 8 b 13 b 15 b 18 b I9ib
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  • 36 3 z z- n b O w r ffo b g er j£ J w<i o o'r.'-u--r; O C K r; ri ifHII iOJ CO J J S a O Ci c a c o Mill'
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  • Shipping.
    • 143 3 Palawan Rr s s.. 2,995. Lirgden, 7yh Jap. I Port Swetfunham, 6ib<Jan, Gen A G. A Co. Mary Au*tin, Rr. 121, Allan. 7th J m., Rrandan, 6 h Jin Gen —E- 8 Co, l td. Ajax Rr. 8 8.. 4,478, Husband. 7ib Jan.. Y.lobami, 14'b Dec-. Gen.—W. M. A
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    • 101 3 Bth Ja.-tuart Taroba, for M dras takiug mails for Europe to., vi i 15 Bharat t, for K mgoon and Calcutta. Lxan Cho\ fot Kedah. Sa/ijiho, for Tong kali. •Har* Au.t, for Pangkalau Brandan. Beany Ho. for Tranp, Teu-er, for Siugapoie. Pejn. for Langs*, T. Setnawr, S»gli, Plebleb and
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    • 78 3 Fos Colombo and Tuticorin —Per E F Ferdinand, 10th iuslant. 10 Biug ipore Per Undid*. ]0 li instant 8 p.m ruUu Laogbawi. Perils aud Setul-Per Un I eng. 10 h instant, 4 pm. Deli—Per Malaya. 10 k iuslant, 4 pm. longkab —Per Rotorua, 11th iustant, I p
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  • 321 3 I er P. aud O. as. China, from London. D.c 17. connecting wiili the Arcadia at Colombo, duo at Penang on !3ih Jan To Penang Mr. W 0. Hastie To SinjJ pore Mr W Herr», Mr. P T Wngbt, Col T Y Wright. Pei 1 Q.
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  • 36 3 P. O. SAILINGS. Wall Scrv’cc OOTWABOS. IIoMKWAROK Arcadia 13 Jun j Dr hi /5 J an Amaye ni Dtcanha 2* Extra Service OOTWAB... lloNtWAlD. Java 17 Jun. I Sicilia 21 Jan Sundi 31 Syria 4 Frb
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 599 3 P.&O. Steam Navigation Coy. Expect'd Arrivals and Depart a rne. Mail 8arvloa. Oat ward. J»b 13 Arcadia connecting with Penia 27 Awye Molten Feb. 10 Drill Moldavia 21 Macedonia Mongolia M»r 10 Deranha Marmora Homeward. THROUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. March 25, Macedonia. FARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. tit Ulan m Ulan
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    • 436 3 (S HIPPIN NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE Ĕ 5-» •Sfi/j&SkvzZ&t rz r*t£rr. .a-i 1»9klz*2S- >'- 2i 3-T..IZ'5 Ssted.-r.Lii. J&itofflC Kt- s we kno n 1 ,f an lrfo 1,1 sCoirparv sail fortnightly from Bremen (connection* 1 k ,er^ n ''"'"•T. Hmitlmrapt™, Gibraltar. Algfere, Genoa, Nap'es’ Alexa.dr.. and n«
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  • 96 4 I WtKw WWflrtl Ui )Wtltl itoM A ally (MMft <■!» m CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 826 28*. Hooch St root, Penang PRIOR: UAll.t IXH'AI 101 per WM> OIITHTATKIH* Pisfl litn. «ah. «niTioo irox r>Mi us UAH Allltkisi Ichc—Penang.' rslaphoua No. »48 A.A,— All MHimm pooo—kitlww should lx
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  • 574 4 THE BLUE BIRD M. Maurice Maeterlinck’s fairy or allegorical play, “The Blue Bird,” at the Haymarket, has pleased all the critics, delighted the play-going public, hut it has not yet done the good it ought to do. The Blue Bird symbolises the happiness we are all pursuing. There is a
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  • 260 4 The Lotteries. Rice 1 The Stable S »kes Subscrip tions $6OO, Cartoon 175. Frou Frou $l6O, Pelurn $9O. Sexui t $llO. Total $1 035. Rice 2. The Kedah Cup. Subscriptions $6OO, Fairy Maid $220. Huguenot $9O. Nepsul »17. Ardroae $9. Ard Patrick $2BO. Total •1.2!6 Rioe 3
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  • 371 4 A renruder may he givan to members of the Penang Cricket Club tbit the Tennis Tournament entry lists close on Monday 10. h Januaty, at 6p m Owing to the deferred departure of the «.a Lin u’a the Wa>ang Kassim is giving another performance to-morrow
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  • 230 4 Extraordinary Meeting. An extraordinary mee'ing of the Penang Rural Board was bel yesterday afternoon, at the Land Office, when there weie praaent Mr A Cavendish, Collector of Land Revenue (in the Cbair), Mr. J. E. Nathan, Diitrict Officer, Balik Pulau, and Meaar». Qan Ngob Bee and Cheah
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  • 733 4 (Frttn Our Own Corrttpondeni Taiping. 5 h J .uuarv Dr. Wiight, S’ati Surgeon, cased his connection with tie MeJicel Department on the 31st I tec., 1909. aud with Ins letiremeul there disappears from the service another of that old band mI public servants who as the years go
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    • 100 4 ‘(Echo Special.) Adjourned till the 15th. Singapore, Bth January.—The King George Inquiry was continued yesterday. A sen man from the hospital declared that the Captain and Chief Officer were drunk on the night of the disaster. After the stranding every one did as he liked. Mr. Hastings
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    • 164 4 (Supplid I ij lleuttr No Quarrel with Germany. London, 7'h January,—Mr. 11. H. Asquith, speaking at Bath, said that not a single poser was shaping i's policy on the assumption r f an Anglo German war. There was no cruse of a quirrel with Germany anywhere discernible.
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    • 41 4 (Supi lied by Renter The Osiris Damages Her Propelior. London. 7th January.—The P. A 0. steamer Oiirie, which carries the mails between Port Said and Brindisi, artivrd at Port Said thirteen hours late owing to a damaged propelior.
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    • 217 4 (Supplied by Reuter A C. 8. .Suggestion London, 7tb Jrnuary.— A telegram from Washington state» that the U. S Secretary of Stale, in a statement anentthe neutralisation of the Manchurian Kiilways, says that the Government believe* it to ire the most effective way to aecure for China
      217 words
    • 54 4 (Supplied by Reuter) Accident During the Inspection. London, Btb January—A telegram from Sydney states that Lord Kitchener exhaustively inspected the Liverpool camp Eightyaeven per cent, of the total force paraded during the inspection A colt gun cartridge exploded during the course of t he inspection, wounding a
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    • 35 4 (Sup/ l td by Reuter.) Increase in Imports. Ixttdon, 8 h Januart. 'l he import* for Decrmber show an increase of £3,959.899 as cm pared with the corresponding period ia the previous year.
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    • 36 5 (Supplied hy Renter.) Arrival at Hamburg* London, Bib January.—! be Chinese Nev»l Commioioners, accompanied by Ibe directors of tbe Vulcan ahipyarda at Bt#ttiD. bare arrived at Hamburg Tltey were weleomed ty lb* Oomraandaut.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 293 4 THE GRAND HOTEL, IPOH. The ONLY First Cla*s Hotel in Perak, An Ideal Place for Families Spending Week Ends. Single and Double Bedrooms with Private Bathroom*. Electric Bell*. Tennis. Excellent Cuisine. Cold Storage Supplies Weekly from Singapore. Hotel Porter Meets All Trains. TERMS MODERATE. Tiliokam. CREET, Ipob. P. z CREET,
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    • 33 4 Dr. Friedlaender testifies that (Jonosan exerts a favorable influence in removing complications and haemorrhage; also more rapid and satisfactory results are obtained by it than by any other preparation of Sandalwood oil ate.
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    • 34 4 (ioiiosan i in capsules) is well tolerated by the digestive apparatus no complication of •nj sort occurs, and its action is moat fc orable in Cjstitis, Approved by the reading specialists of the day.
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  • 614 5 T«-<lay’« Programme. I Scratched HoE'Bi Deleted I i I,—Tea Stable Stakes.—2 50 r m Value $3<K) and 150 to the Second Horae. A TTandteip fur all Ex Griffis». Entrance, |2O. D stance, ail furlong*. H. H. The Sultan of Johor,'» bam Frou Frou.ll. 4 Mr I, R.
    614 words
  • 1686 5 Wreck of the King George. Details of the Disaster. Tbe fine steel tailing ship King George, belonging to tbe Anglo-American Oil Co. wee loot in Sundi Straits on November 24, while return ng from Hongkong to New York, having come oui to tbe Orient with a cargo of oil and
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  • 235 5 Two cases of assault p>eferred acamsl some of the men of tbe Fire Biigada are pending before Mr. Lornie In the first case, six men are crncerned; in the other, four are concerned; loth tbe cists are con mc'ed in a way. The complain in',
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  • 75 5 Tbe Times pf Ma’ayei' of Thursday had thir ncta*'— Mr. Kfaoo Kim Khuin of this .office i«, we learn, the firet who has availed bimaelf of the C*»h 00-D-jliverv Parcel, aystepn. Ha received a parcel yesterday paid over the. efst aud to(.|,aleiivery. .The •Ptnjattg firm nr|¥> forwarded-jjlfe gjerrfjsgifipw.ever,
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  • 228 5 THIRD SUND 1Y AFTER QHRI3TMAB Nt Georjen’s Church. 8 n m.—Matins (Choral). 8- a.ui —Holy Communion (Plain). 9- am— do (Chinese). 5 p.m.—Sunday School. 6 p.m.—Evensong aud Sermon. Prenhytorian Chnrth. Divine service will he ljeld in the. Presbyterian Clinri-h. Nnrtham Road, at 6 pm. The preacher will
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  • 23 5 Arrived Per ss. Malaga, Bth Jan., fiom Ddi Mr, Mi* and Mtss Daticarrete. Mis* Nei-yPn. Vr. Mil-Oa, 2 Vleisrs. Klu'h, Mr. Fttikulcubiwg.
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  • 64 5 I’O-IIA V, 27th Duv of 11th Monu. Pena eg R ices Rtce Dinner. E. A O. Hotel Strai s Cu ematogrupb, Penang Road, 8 CQ p m Waving ivrasim, Trk c Soou Theatre Vaiie’y Performanc>. T-o-mokrow 28 It Dav of 1 lilt Moor. 3rd. Sunday alter Christmas. Straijs Ciuemalograp-,
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  • 18 5 Englitdi (Arrad i> ...13th Jan Chini Delhii l.Vh Qhina (Uni km ...18 h German Yorck) ...19th
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  • 21 5 O New Moon Jan. 11th K i*i Quartet 18 h O Full Moar. 25 It > l.a.t Quarto. Feb. 2cd
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 47 5 Cure That Cold While You Can. Better apeod tbe imall amount a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy would coat to i right now than to run the ri»k of a cold derelcpiug into poeumonia, which may mean a big doctor's bill. Tbe George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents
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    • 47 5 Look After Your Health. If you bave a cougb, cure it A cougb is a symptom of more serious trouble. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ir the best obtainable and you teod bare no Lesitaucy in using it as it contains nothing injurious The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 100 5 No Opium 1 n Chamberlain’s Remedy. '1 h«rn is not n p*»lic'e of opium or other natcotic in Cfainiberlnin'k Oongh Remedy, q )jL and upvHi has been Blue-» it wsa fl »t t flood to the public It ia an info a medicine for a child us for uti adult'.
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    • 475 5 flUSSEY-HARRIS BICYCLES, “THE WORLD’S BEST BICYCLES.” 3oon after t lie time I bat MAS9EY3 were firat adverlered ><s THE WORLD'S 4 l.JO JO BEST BICYCLES, .eveml other j I kimla of M World’s Best Bicycles popped up and mide brave i effoits .to «atoh ou k Ifkao Okfick SINGAPORE. But
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  • 1974 6 Ia the neighbourhood of the lubher potato on which I waa stationed ia the Federated Malay State* we made the moat of wbat little aport there waa to be had. Oje would think that in such a wild and practically unexplored country such a*
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  • 121 6 Frnano, «TH January (By courteiy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bunk 2/4J 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4| 3 Lred t 2/4 3 Documentary.. 2/4,» Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174 J 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174| Moulmein, Demand Bank 1734 3 days’sight Piivate 176 Madras,
    121 words
  • 201 6 Qold Iieaf $61.8) R. 1’ef er( W Coast 311««. 5 ox.) no Block White Pepj,«t $25. —severs Prang out of eeaeon Cl .ret 62— $a!et M ice 83 tell rs Viace PicVirH» 75. —mlei Suttnegi 110a 19—*a/e* No. 1 6 75 »alei Sugar < 2 »<> Block Basket 5
    201 words
  • 1242 6 *3 2 j Number ol -J lo g g I Ciptal. Shares > Dividends Name. ►> 4 5 If I j A J j 1305 19 6|l9 '< 1908 1909 Rubber. ''*'7 2 r 2/ H P 4nsr'.. Mala. Rubber (V Ltd. F. Paul i«/«l 1909 150.'00 130(KMI 1
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 80 6 NEW MODEL ENGLISH GUNS. Direct from the makers at lowest prices Superior far-killing Double Breechloader* from £2-10-0 each; latest model Rifles, Revolvers, eus. Illustrated price list post free. C. JAMES A REYNOLDS, 9 Lr inder Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey, Bnqland FOR SALE!. “The Upheaval IN Far Cathay,” BY NG HING
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  • 407 7 Messrr. J. Russell Grant <t Co.’» Rubber Shaie Maiket Report, dated December 10 b, says, in part The Market for Malay Rubber Shares baa ruled ta’beridie duiiug the «reek; at the close however, markets are much firmer ami -t fair amount of trado is passing. New Issues c
    407 words
  • 456 7 Ihe Escaped Nun" Humbug. The foil vent at Fast Berg holt lu view if the il hi iiii* epreseutatious of bo Ido at St Mary’s Abbey, East Bergholt, wbi b Miss Moult, the so called ‘‘Escaped Nuu,’ is spread iig all over E iglaud, tbe Lady Abbess and Community invitel
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1230 7 INSURANCES, the LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 1720. riIHE undersigned having been appointed A (?enti> for the aboTe Corporation, are now prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE risks at current rates. PATERSON, SIMONB 4k Co. Ltd. 12c Guardian Assuranco Company, Limltod. Established 1821. Subscribed Capital £2.000,000 Funds
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    • 135 7 Gel a Mottle To-day* Guard thi he tit b of joui family hv k p|> iDg at b l id a bott'e of Cbitnberlain'e Cougb li“iDe Jy. It bai no equal for coughs, colds and croup. Tbe Georye Town Di'pen&aty, Wboleaale Agents. con MON BENSE NUTSHELL. Htt-ctual mean-. vif-cure ever
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 979 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen A Co., Pha, US.A. Charges Moderate, Ccnsultaticn Free. KaaiDINS AT /Vo. 21a, Penang Road. k lew door* from the Eestcrn anJ Orient; I Hotel. 6 mil a TEA o Sr TEA BOLE AGENTS FOR PENANG. PATERSON, SIMONS Co. Ltd THE “India Rubier&Gutta
      979 words