Straits Echo, 7 January 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1109 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. TIANQ LEE Oo fS itl SOLE AO ENTS. BASS’S THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office— Shanghai, China. CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. 1200 000 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection (or our policy holders The ONLY company that has this deposit. The Company fcr the
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    • 21 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. NOddlfc m-.i 'M CO 3» >\ V JStrqTSS^ TIAWQ LEE A Co., Sole Agent*. 'i
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  • 735 2 While the French girl is geneislly briughl op in a c invent, the Amaiican girl, say* Marc Debnl, in the Nouv tie Revue (Pari»). belongs to the public dotnaiu, and is, in a seme, a recogmzsd and offi dal pe «image in •ociely. "1
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  • 227 2 Who are These Dukes The Strand coniaius a sketch of ihe twemy seven weaieis of the strawberry leaves, showing who lliey are, what lley are, aud how they secured their titles in (be Slate. It is often au uusavouiy o i„in that ia disclosed. At the end the writer summaiisea
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 111 2 How Coughs and Colds Are Cured in Burma. The following Utter from 'be Sttperinlend«nt of the Miincipi) cffi'6 at Mandslav. M r K. J. S eveos. shows the method of cu ing colia in I'.ti'ina it not in.l he that u*<-d iu aI in oat ev«i* pot of the
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    • 1931 2 THE CURE OF CONSUMPTION Active > Principle of Coil Liver Oil with Creosote. (Chapoteaut) RELIABLE AGENT IN TREATMENT OF v TUBERCULOSIS > OR PULMONARY PHTHISIS Sold by all Chemists. THE TAIPUSAM FESTIVAL PROGRAMME. Tlie following in the programme of tbil year's celeh'a'ion of the Taipus>m Monday, Jan. 24 h 6
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  • 52 3 Vrtith 1 Pr„H. Age*'» Cue Bencleucb ft >odoa S B Co. 8lb Jau Pat Inf) <}lr*gow S B ACo. 8 b Arcadia U il.aiib A 0 ACo. 13 b 0 i i [Singapore |a O A Co. I5’h Bul»w jSmgapore B.M ACo 18 1. Yorek .Colombo IS M
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  • 33 3 Vette’t For i Beoc'eueh 3mgapnre 3-BACo. J .n. I’athjn iincapPTP 3 B &0u. Vct'lu Singapore Jolumb VO A >. Delhi G AO. Bui >w Jolomba B M AOu yj»ck •inmpi re B.5J A >.
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  • Shipping.
    • 111 3 Pin Seng, Br. 378, Davidson, 6th J id., Singapore, 4 h Jan., Geo.— K. 8Co. Ltd. Pachumba, Br. aa, 544 Cane, Cth Jan., Moulmein, 2nd Jan Geo.— H L. A Co. Perak, Br. aa, 258, Milne, 7(b Jan., D<di, 6th Jan Gen—E. S. Co, Ltd. Ban Whatt Soon. Br.
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    • 58 3 7th January Tong Chum, for Kelah. Pa’atonn, for Colombo aud Tuticoiin. Aguthia for Bilu Habra and Asaban. Tong Hong, for Rmgoon. Pin Seng for Port Swettenbain aud Singapoie Malacca, lor Teluk Anaon. Vaentijn, for Deli, Batu Babra, Aaaban i nd Paur-h Un Peng, for Pulau Langkawi, Perils and S’
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    • 124 3 Foe Mergui, Tavoy and Moulmein—Per Pachumba, to morrow, 9 am. Madras taking mads for Europe, etc., vii Bombay—Per Taroba, to-morrow, 10 a in. Krngoon and Calcutta—Per Bharala, to-morrow, 11 am. Kedah Per Lian Cho->, to-morrow, noon. Tongkab—Per Sappho, tc-uiorrow, 1 p m. Pangkalan Brandan—Per Mary Auitin, to morrow,
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  • 313 3 Per P. aud O s.s. China, from London, D.c 17, connecting with the Arcadia at Colombo, due at Penang on 13th Jan. To Penang Mr. W O. Ilastie. To Sing pore Mr W. Beiry, Mr. F, T Wright, Col T Y Wright. Perl G. M. ss
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  • 36 3 P. O. SAILINGS. Mall Service OUTWABDS. IloMBWABDt Arcadia 13 Jan I Delhi 18 Ja t Auaye 27 Dtvunha 29 Extra Service OuTWABD* HoMBWABD. Java 17 Jan, I Palate in 7 Jan tnnd-i 81 Sieil 'a 21
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 612 3 P. Q. Steam Nangation Coy. iipectd Arrlnl» and De-purtnree. Mail tarvloa. 0etwa*4. J«m. IS Arcadia connecting with Ptrtta 27 Anoye Fob 10 Delta No/dapui 24 Macedonia Mongolia Mu 10 Deranha Marmora Homeward. Date. Steen < Connecting with 8.8. Morea M ollan Mantua Pi nia Malwa Jan. IS Delhi 29 Devanha
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    • 440 3 (SHIPPING.)- NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. *9 IHPEEIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. gam z! €8 fast and well-known i, can i rs o' this Compaov Bail fortn’.ghtly from Bremen, Hamburg via Rotterdam,'AriMFaf£, S6utbamrton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseille*, Naples, Alexandria ana vice versa Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Ponanp, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai,
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  • 84 4 <mm iwrMf ■< win im, .ihtm "rtWirt Mil HW»>i CRITERION PRESS, UJ., IT». IK—MI, Kaarh Prauf. PRIOR: 0411.1 LOUAI m HI mm» m oitt*t*tio»i rmms Mn. «*tl. SniTloN (VM Vrasl Hi h OANI.S ABIIftMM M L'ckt r«MRg.” ('•laphon* No. #4* MW MMWIIMI ihralS h. MtlWil «Tn «ASASSR.
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  • 592 4 A fair number of our ruder*, in all probability, share the desire of our correspondent to know why a nolle protequi was entered in the recent bigamy ease, though they must be acquitted, for lack of evidence, of sharing hi* desire to marry again. The withdrawal of tbe case
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    • 597 4 To THI KI'ITOR or THE STRAIT, K< 80. Dear Sir, I wish to say a few words with refneace to the second query of your correspondent's letter, appearing in your issue of yesterday, anent the above sul j-ct. I am no lawyer; but 1 venture toenliglilen your correspondent, basing
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  • 160 4 To ms Kditor of tiir Straits Kciia l)aar Sir, “A Tamil" in your issue of the 3kl instant kindly points out the necessity ol Pu‘ lie Holidays for the Tamil Community aud briugs foiward the conclusion that “Tbeepavaly day" is the pi incipal one I take the
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  • 143 4 The following business in tin has been done to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange, buyers, no sellers *<5.3 > Eintern Smelting Co.. buyers, no sellers <' r £0 Straits Trading Co., 50 tons at 75 80 Singapore: Straits Trading Co., 25 76.3) Total ...75 tons. Tin
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    • 240 4 The “King George Inquiry. (Echo Specuti.) l *1 f Jp Sensational Evidence. Singapore, 6th January.—At the King George inquiry, Mr. L. E. P. VVolferstan presiding, tlie mate stated that the vessel was bound west ffoin Hongkong when she struck heavily against some coral rocks in the Straits of Sunda at
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    • 33 4 [Eehu Special'.) Dr. II. J. Gibbs. Singapore, 7th January.—Dr H.. J. Gibbs, Resident Medical Officer, Tun lock Seng Hospital, succeeds Dr. W. G. Ellis at the Lunatic Asylum.
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    • 28 4 (Echo Special.) Mr. Derry t« Succeed Him. Singapore, 7th January.—Mr. Derry will succeed Mr. W. Fox, who is retiring, us superintendent, botanical Gardens, Penang.
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    • 102 4 (Echo Special.) Sandycroft, Singapore, 7th January.—The Decern her crop for Sandy croft- Estate was 11,063 lbs., making a total of 63,516 lbs. on the past eleven months. F. M.S. Rubber Estate. Kuala Lumpur, 7th Januiry.—The December Crop of the F. M. S. Rubber Estate was 26,550 lbs., against 11,250
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    • 25 4 (Echo Special.). Singapore Heat Selangor. Kuala Lumpur, 7th January.—ln the polo match for the Sultan of Perak’s Cup Singapore beat Selangor by 6 goals
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    • 27 4 (Supplied by lieuter.) Who Wouldn’t Take an Arctic Holiday f London, 7ih Jmuary—The G ivernment has ermted Captain Scott £20,000 for a Sooth Polar Exj>-:4itioo^
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    • 83 4 (Supt lied by Renter A “'Tlmci” Article. London 7 h January.—Tbe Timet oontains a two column article from ita Shanghai correspondent, headed China’» Indebtedneat and aays that ibe securi y of the loan* to Chin* depends solely on tbe continued authority an 1 solvency of the Central Gov
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    • 73 4 (Supplied by Reuter As ('onscience Dictates. London, 6th January —Lord Ros»bery, is s letter advieipg the (lectori to vote for the Unionists, *aya that bs writes with pain and reluctance but aa c >nscience and patriotism dictate. The Language of Politics. The feature of tbe election campaign
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    • 34 4 (Supplied by Reuter Prince Tsai If nun Visits Imperial Chancellor. Linden, 6’h January,—Prince Tsai Haun visited Herr Von Betbmann-Hollweg yesterday afternoonHe afterwards dined with Admiral Von Tirpitt Minister of the Navy.
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    • 36 4 (Supplied hy It enter.) Next Year. Loodin. 7th Januiry.—Tbs Melbouree Argue say* a private letter mdica’aa that Pnocei Albert sod Edward will tour the Empire in 1911, probably accompanied by a •mall tquadron.
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    • 68 4 (Supj lied by Reuter.) Oratory, Abuse, and Head Punching. London. 7tb January—Sir William Bull, tbe Tory member for Hammersmith, waa addressing some factory hand» there, when a man called him a liar. Sir William challenged him to repeat if, and when he did, got down from hia motor
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    • 49 4 (Supplied by Reuter Superseded. Loudon. 7ib January—The St. Peteis burg correspondent of the Timet states that M. PLncon, who is at tbe head of tbe Far Eastern Department of the Foreign Office, ha* been *uper*eded for presenting a memorandum alleging that Japan w preparing to attack Russia
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    • 84 4 (Supplied by Reuter Within Sight. London, 7tb January.—A telegram from Washington state* that Secretary Knox bn circularise 1 tbe signatories at the Hague proponing that a prize ciuit be established by tbe Conference, invested with tbe functions and jurisdiction of an Arbitration tribunal to adjudicite differences between the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 257 4 BEST QUALITY. HORNLESS. LOUD OR SOFT. «SSSrTSriSii RECORDS $lO per doz. ROBINSON PIANO CO., LTD. XPOH MARBLE WORKS. IPOH-PERAS. This business is now under tlie management of Mr. Itavensway, who has made a great reduction i'.i all prices and who will be glad to quote for Marble Flooring Tiles, Table
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    • 275 4 lOk I’OkT SWETTENHAM AND SINGAPORE. Sailing 7 p in. Saturday. Bth inatant. S S KISI'N A will nail as abort. II U I I ENBACH, WEBERT A CO. 4 1-10 10 A,eut>, H. I. S. N. Co. Lid. OB')* «mmonaanB 1 aanMaMHHBHMW SCHOOL BOOKS JUST RECEIVED. Geometry ]3,by H ill
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    • 42 4 Accoidlug to ali sccuttuts we Lave tke assurance that GonOftan is one of the most valuable discoveries of modern pharmacology and is fij ahead pf all preparations of Ccpeiba/flubebti, etc. It is the safest and most successful. At all Chemists and Dealers.
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    • 37 4 Get a Bottle To-day. Guard the health of jroui family by keep ing at baud a bottle of Chamberlain’* Cough Remedy. It baa no (qua! for cough*, oold* and oroup. The George Town Diipenaary, WhtUaale Agent», r
      37 words

  • 2846 5 JANUARY MEETING BECOND DAY 8 RACING. Most Fitop ruble Weather. Brilliant weather favoured the second day p( the Januaiy Meeting end this reec'ed upon the attendance which ahowed a constderable improvement. in every part of the courw, upon that of list Tuesday, Tb* natire crowd which gathered
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  • 871 5 I.— The Stable Stakes.—2 50 p m Value S3(X) and 850 to the Second Horse A Handicap for all Ex Gr.ffins. Entrance, $2O. Distance, six furlongs. H. The Sultan of Jokors’s bam Frou Frou.ll. 4 Mr. L R- Yielman’s ch g Bextant 10. 6 Mr. Lim Eow Hong’s
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  • 1199 5 Mian Anderson came iu a cream corselet dress, with kilted flounce from tie kofes. 9be w <re a cream bat covered with daisies and buttercups Mrs. Farrant's dress was of green anf j wfcite striked silk Mrs Thornton was ia a white rnualin robe with black
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  • 165 5 Aaaivan. Per a a. Tin Senj fitb J m., from Siogapo.e Messrs. E- Holloway, V. Yzalmm aud U. M. Lein<\ Per as Kiilna 7th Jin., from Singapore: Mr. ami Mrs. La Mesurier, Mr and Mrv. Ibiom Mr. aud Mia. Procter and children, Mra Ooi Sane 800 and children and
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  • 73 5 To- OAT. 2(i h I>iv of 1 llh Moor. Ita e I) nc", PiiianzCluh. Town Band, Espl made, 6 to 7 pm. Straits Cim matograp i, Peuaug Road, 8 3 1 p.m. Wayaug Krsairn, Trk Boon Theatre, Ei»t I ynne Totioaaow. 27 1 Is Div of llth Moon. Peuang
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  • 18 5 English lArradm) ...]3thJan Cbiua (Delhi) ...15th I 'lima i Blil W) 18 h German Yorck) l»lh
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  • 20 5 N w Moon Jin lDh I F .at inner l«,h O hull .Muon 25th I,sat ymirier Feb. 2ud
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 155 5 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO LTO. Head Office SINGAPORE. Life AHSiirnncfl mill Endowment ill All Forms. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES. Financial Agent» for Penang. BE BN. MEYER A CO., LTD. General Repreientative for Penang. HORACE H JO3EPH Local Office o/j Behn, Mkykk ACo Ltd IC7o MASSE^Y-HARRIS BICYCLES, “THE WORLD’S
      155 words

  • 1317 6 A Great Trareller’a Tales oMhe Wan, derful .Scenes and People Beyond the Hi mala) an. Df. Svrtn Hediu, the grert Swelisli eiplorer, Ins just published in t«.> spleudid vilumes (Macmillan and Co.. 3 a story ot amazing human and geographical interest Called Trans Himalaya Discoveries and
    1,317 words
  • 202 6 January, 1910. n H.W. L.W. H.W. L.W. v a. u, am. p. M p. M. 7th 8.42, 2.55, 9.13, 325 Bth 9.43, 3.56. 10.14, 4 27 9th 1011, 4.24, 10 37, 4 50 10th 11.01, 5.14, 1124, 5 37 11th 11 46, 5 59, Nil. 6.20
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  • 120 6 Pbnanu, 7th January (By courtety of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4} 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4} 3 Credit 2/4 1 1 3 Documentary.. 2/4,® Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174 J 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174} Moulmein, Demand Bank 173} 3 days’ sight Private
    120 words
  • 205 6 Gold Leaf »6 1.8 t. er(W.Coast 31b5.5 os.) no ttock •Vhiie IVppni $25. —tellert Trang Pe| jer out of teaton Clove* 62—safes Mace 83 tell re Vlace Pickiiu-s 75. safes Sutroec» 110 s 19 safes f No. 1 6 75 safes Sugar f 2 ttock Basket 550 safes T.dioc.
    205 words
  • 197 6 Patti**. 7m Jaruirt. 1910. Brbf— rti. Soup par cattr U Roait h 2i Steak* 24 Stew or Curry M»i 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail ea i, 30 Tongue 65 Feet 15 Heart 30 Lirer per eat'; 31 Pork— Pork per eatt; 32 Pig’* Head 20 Feet 24
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  • 1418 6 g I i a j g 'S Number ot> 53! I g 2 Cipital. J Share» > Di»ideuda Naina J 5 ii 2 j |f [i J *****9 tl 9<«« 1908 1909 Rubber, pc pc 1 p.c p.c. p.c. ..K.s a- IMI.IN». '.5 *■«'<) 2 2/ It- 2( 30
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 26 6 Tho first violeut inflammatory symptom* quickly disappear after treatmeut witb K edel'a (iohohhu Capsules No better preparation now on the market. Certifiel bj the leading Specialists
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    • 46 6 Cure That Cold While You Can. Better apend tbe •mall amount a bottle of Chamberlain'* Cough Remedy would coat you right now tbaa to run the riok of a oold developing into pneumonia, wbicb may mean a big doctor'* hill. Tbe George Town Diapanaary. Wboleeale Agenta.
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    • 48 6 Look After Your Health. If you bare a cough, cure it A cough is ft >jinptoin of room serious trouble, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the beat obtain able aud you reed bare no hesitancy iD using it as it contains nothing injurious The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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  • 442 7 Ibsen’s Note-Books. Vary toon theie will be issued in book form a collection of Ibsen's posthumous papers. Meanwhile, tho Grande Revue publishes a few extracts, including a scene cut out of Hedda Qabler.” The following quotations are from some unpublished notes: Christianity demoralises ami paralysis
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  • 435 7 The Netherton Latent Litigation. At tbe Kdinhurgh Court of Sessions, befoie I,old Mackenzie, an sctii n was tried which is leported as follows.— lu this action the Hougkong and Whampoa Dock Co. (Limited), Victoria, Hongkong, aud their tnandatoiirs, mod the Nelherton Shipping Co. (Limited) 70 Wellington Street, Glasgow, for y£2
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1429 7 INBURAMOEB, THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCOEPORATED BY BOTAL CHARTER A.D. 1720 fIIHE undersigned having been appointed 1 Agent* fur the above Corporation, are now prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE risks at current ratee. PATERSON. SIMONS A 00. Ltd. 12c Guardian Atnurancn Company, Llmltod. EiTABLIBHBD 1821. Subscribed Capital Total In
      1,429 words
    • 71 7 No Opium in Chamberlain's Ccugh Remedy. Tbare in not a patticle of opium or other narcotic in Ch uubei Win's Cough Remedy, and never ha* been ginca it wag fi'»t r flared to the public. It is a* **fe a medicine for a child as for an adult. Thia retmdy
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 898 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen A Co., Pha U.S.A Charges Moderate, Ccnsultaiicn Free. B««1U1K« AT A’o. 21a, Penang Hoad. A lew doors from the Eastern and Orient;! Hotel. mtln FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC. Large Check Roll Books of 200 leaves. Price, $8 each. TEA
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