Straits Echo, 6 January 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1080 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. -Jr v; O k SS3P TIY s.ssva THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head OrrtCK—Shanghai, China. CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. $2OOOOO deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection (or enr policy holders The ONLY company that has this deposit. Tin Company fer the Chinese. Every Kind of
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    • 21 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. Y H i .jt3 5 CD to 'OKT TIANO LEE A Co., Sale Ag€ata.
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  • 873 2 What Colonial I'npeia Say About the UrlaU in the Motherland “The threatened English elector will now have seen, with a thrill of gratitude to our Colonists throughout the wo Id. that the whole Empire washes him well iu his task of curbing the House of Loids,"
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  • 107 2 Th) tiam Piett of the 16:h ult. prints the following:—We sincerely tegret to tfport the death of Piiocess Sirimsh, the wife of H U 11 Piiccti D-lok Nobhsrsdb, who wis drowned in one of tbe artificial I kesof the Diisf P*k P .lace grejuds on the
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  • 207 2 Jimiiarv, 1910. Date. HW L.W. HW LW A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M. 6th 7.35, 147, 8.10, 2.23 7th 8.42, 2.55, 9.13, 3.25 Bth 9.43, 3.56, 10,14, 4 27 9th 1011, 4.24, 10.37, 4.50 10th 1101, 5.14, 11 24, 5 37 11th 11 46, 5
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 103 2 Ilow Coughs and Colds Arc Cured in Burma. The following letter friiti iLe Snperiuten. dpnt of th« Muucipsl ilB-o at Mandalay. Mr. K. J 8:******. ►bows that the method of cuiiog colds in IJuima is not unl-Le that usrd iu almost erery part of the eifiliz-d world. He says: “l
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    • 388 2 Look After Your Health. If jin I live a cough, cure it A cough ie symptom of rnoro soiious tri üb'p. Cham beilai i’* Cough Remedy i< the lx st obtain ati'e and jo 1 no. d have no hesita cy in uh ng it, as it c.iutan a nothing
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    • 1385 2 HAROLD SMITH is now doing business on Doubles and Straight Out CN ALL EVENTS. Office: E. O. HOTEL 8 THE EMPIRE WATCH i« a" l»«-li-h-mude Walth »il htir'ifUHt i'“' v NOTICE. We have’from this tin's suthoiiapd Mr Oswald PbilLps G ffit i Jones to fcign our ti ai per piocumt
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  • 46 3 tViie/l Ay.**» Dm a Bencleucb B id Jon 8 1'. A'Jo. 8tli J,iu Patban (Jl»«gi>w S B AGn. 8 b Arcadia Colombo jAUACo. 13 b l) 1 i Amijapore AGACo. 15b Hal iw SiuRiport* B M ACo I81I1 Yoick Colombo 15. M ACo. 19ih
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  • 39 3 fi TĕTTĕT» Far 1 trih r. Benc’euch nz«p>re 3.B ACo. J ID. Pathan S ngipeie 3 B ACo. Arcadia SiDgapoie b(U ’o. Delhi Colombo O AOo. Bril j* Colombo R \1 ACo f J.'Ck Singapore B M.A o.
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  • Shipping.
    • 121 3 Olenogle, Hr. 2,399, Waddle, sth Jao., Amoy, 27tb Dec, Gen K G Co Nyama. 15r. m, 6,990, Bradshaw, s'h Jan., Colombo, 2ad Jan, Gen —A. G, A Co. Vorwartt Ausl. m, 3 727. Beduatr. sth Jan Colombo, 29:b Dec., Gen.—B. K. A CoPeg*, Br a a 294 SUrkey. 6
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    • 50 3 6th January Lian Cho', for Kedah. Petrel, for Asahan. Cornelia, for Port Swettenbatr, Tort Dickson and Malacca. Sree Bangka 'or Trang. Caly to, for Singapore. Canton, for Dindings and Teluk Anson De Kock, for Deli and Langaa. Thongwa, for Port Swettenbam and porePadang, for Bitu Bahra Malaya, for Deli
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    • 76 3 Fob Kelah—Per Tong Chum, to-morrow' 11 a in. Rmgojn—Per Tong Hong, to morrow, 2 pm. Port Swettenham and Singapme—Per Pin Seng, to-morrow, 3 n in. Teluk Auson—Per Malacca, to morrow, 3 p m. Pnlau Langkawi, Perlis and Setul—Per Un Penn, to-moirow, 4 pm. Mergui, Tavoy and Moulmein —Per
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  • 310 3 Per P. and O s.s. China, from London, Dec 17, connecting with the Arcadia at Colombo, due at Penang on 13th Jail To Penang Mr. W O. Haatie. ToSingipore Mr W. Berry, Mr- F, T Wright, Col T Y Wright. Perl G. M. ss. Lutzow, from
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  • 39 3 P. O. SAILINGS. Mill Serv e* OcTWArnDd. Homewaids Arcidia 13 Jan I Delhi U 5 Jan. Assai/e 27 I Dtcanha 21 Ei'ra Service OOTWAlDl IloMfWAEU. Java 17 Jan. I Pa’atcm 7 J an 8und i 31 I Sicilia 21
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 574 3 f.&O. Steam navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals ud DepwtarM. Mall Sarvloa. Mml. Ju. 13 Arcadia c 27 8*sayc Feb. 10 Della 24 Macedonia Mar. 10 Dtronkei «ia Portia jKzu Mongolia Marmora Homeward. THROUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. March 25, Macedonia. FARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. 1M OlMM Mi OiMM To London by 8#*
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    • 459 3 (S HI PPING.) NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL OERMAN 1C AIL LINE. t: wm THh fas' and well-known 11». 1 cait.tisoi tins Co in pi nv smi fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg tua itouo dam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples, Marseilles', Naples, Alexandria and tn're vena) Port Said, Sue*, Aden, Colombo,
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  • 93 4 JwrtWS •sHaCas mriMi ie* tsstlr* twins 4*llf (•■owf f •a»*** At TUB CRITERION PRESS, Lid., No. 44fi—‘284, Beech Street, Psuani. PRICK: nan.i boon n m per OUTBTATIOB* rorfsc* Stirs watt. BniTion (row tmi ns uawi.a aims irk relit PlMM*." r *l*phi>n# No. 848 1,1,- an *1w«« roMsnHstWiaa
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  • 591 4 It was not the gubernatorial reception yesterday, but a stupid remark we overheard about some people who were going to it, which led us to jot down the curious epithet at the top of these remarks. If we ran a “Julia” of our own, we would ring up the
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  • 667 4 The liOtterleH. The result of the second day's lotteries is ns follows Hacs 1. Tub Oairria Handicap lottery $6OO, Fairy Maid $240, Httgu no' $l5O. Nepaul $llO, Across $3O, 1> dlar Princess $l4O. To' at $1 270 Rack 2. Thk Ro dstbh Handicap Lo'terv $OOO, Blitz $2OO,
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    • 177 4 ,it 4°P' K £l*lo* or til K STBAIT* EcSSa Dour S much ia-Ures'ed in the rcceut Bigamy cw, pirfTculrr* of which fi»v* already beeu lepirted in your paper. I shall < ehtrem it a favour, if you will be kind en< ugli to lei me kn aw. the reason
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  • 632 4 To THU KllllOR OI TBS STRUTS KCBO. |)ui 8i r ,—G'vernment is p-one to do ihiels in it quetr wiy i e it does not bestir I'self to weigh beforehand the cnmequeuces that would accrue to the public horn its doings To p it I lie statement iu
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    • 53 4 (Echo Special.) Opening by Sir A. U. Ltw. Kuala Lumpur, sth January.—The Gardena golf course was opened yesterday by Sir A. F. G. Law, Chief Judicial Commimioner, K. M. S. Mrs. Freer drove the first ball. The Approach and Putt competition (mixed paira) was won by Mra.
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    • 66 4 (Echo Special.) Salak South Output. Kuala Lutnpur, sth January.— The December output for Salak South was 138 pikula. The machinery worked 8(52 hours during the month. The pontoon was lowered and the machinery has been thoroughly overhauled. Last Year’s Exports The tin exports for the three Western States for
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    • 48 4 (Echo Special.) Scrembau Rubber Fatale. Kuala Lumpur, sth January.—The December crop of the Seremban Rubber estate is 21,007 lbs. 7a. 6}d. The Planters and Stores Agency notify that a wire from London state that the average price of No. 1 plantation rubber is 7s. P er lb.
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    • 24 4 (Sup I lied by Reuter South Africa Heat a England. London, 6'h January.—Soaath Africa has won the first test match by 19 runs.
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    • 200 4 Sup/ilied by Reuter Old Age PeneioiiH. London, sth January—The speeches of Mr Alexander Ure, Lord Advocate of Sootland and others indiottiug that the return of the Unionist* would jeopardtae Old Age Pensions las* led to numerous erquiries at .the Post Office, through which department the pensions are
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    • 229 4 (Suppli d ly Renter) In Germany. London, 6 h January.—The Chinese Naval Commissioners are at present at Brrliu where they were received in aiidierce by the Emperor. Most of the German princes including the Crown Piinca was present. Prince Tsai Hsun, addressing the Emperor, expressed his re.pectahle
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    • 46 5 (Supplied by Reuter Alarm in Germany. London, 6ib January —Tba new French tariff baa alarmed the German manufacturer. It ia declared that it will deal a aerioua blow to German exporta to France and prac tically deetroy the French market for German manufacturer..
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    • 116 5 (Supplied by Renter.) Ship Subsidy Bill. London. 6th January— Congressman Humphrey introduced into the Houae the Ship Subsidy Bill with the approval of the administration It increases (lie subsidy to American ships of the second class, carrying mails to the Far F.aat and Australia, to $4 a mile; it
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 333 4 1P0H MARBLE WORMS. IPOH-PERAK. This business is now under tlie management of Mr. RavenRway, who has made a great reduction in all prices and who will be glad to quote for Marble Flooring Tiles, Table Tops, Waslilmnd Stands, Cemetery Memorials of all kinds etc., etc., on application. A large stock
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    • 37 4 Dr Bam of Strasaburf? introduced (jonosan in the treatment of the raos* painful of diaeat** '0 which mankind it liable It ia better, safer off more effect ire than other preparationa of Copaiba, Cubeba or Sandalwood oil.
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  • 329 5 (Contributed.) The "Pink Dance" which was given on Sew Year's Day at the Grand Stand, Race Course, must be voted a distinct success both from the artistic and social point of view. It was a happy thought to dress all the ladies in pink and to
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  • 409 5 Indian View of the Trimly. A correspondent writes to the Statesman A new order of things has arisen in Siam under the new Anglo-Siameae Treaty signed t 1 is year, in which British Indians have a substantial and a sentimental interest. The substantial interest consists in
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  • 644 5 JANUARY MEETING. To-day's Programme. Scratched Hob’es Deleted I.—Thi Griffin Handicap.—2 s*) r u Value $3OO and $5O to the Second Horae A Handicap for Griffiosthat have run in the Second Race, First Day. Winner excluded. Entrance, free Distanoe, six furlongs. Hon. A. R. Adams’ ch a g
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  • 1081 5 L and and House Property in Singapore in 1909. Measra. Powell A Co. of Singapore contribute the following In the early part of 1909 the condition cf tbe Singapore property market showed no improvement, and the feeling of Rtintrfhdi*itf owners and mortgagee* was that an uicreased slackness in tbe demand
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  • 332 5 By the ~DeUi, on L-t. January, Ihe following- Panting übipinoti's were made;— FW.,C±iWuU>*>.— 'M "*M- Ndordiu Pis 4) Pearl Sago.; Gbiata, Bros. Pis. 72 Pearl Sigo;' I) Nowro-ji A Co. Pis. 60 PearlSigo, PL..3 Flake Tapioca, Pis 550 Boiled Rice Bigs 500; Habib/Josuiiu A Co- Pis. 550 Burled-RfceUsga
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  • 341 5 A*Rrvrt>. Per s'.s. N a ta s;b J*n., from London Mr K. Cargill. Mr, E ioJicqo s and Mr G Reeve Sutfker. From Colotn'o Mr. L ttouapirtg Wise aud ohsffour, Mr. and Mr». Bartlet. Per Es. Frins Eitel Friedrich, 5 h Jan from Colombo: Mr aud Mrs Murray Bell.
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  • 69 5 25th 1)4v, i(f lltli Mootr PeraDg Race* <- R ice TVidf.or, E. A 0 Hot pi. II. MpS* Pinafore," Thwn Hall, 9 15 pm. Strait» Ciueraatcyraph, Penang Rom), v 8 30 p m Tomorrow 2tJli Day of’ 1 llh Moor. I’a e D moo, p, tan Club. Towu Bind,
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  • 17 5 English f-faeasTat ...13 h Jan China iDtlhir ...15'h China TL'u'oiot ...18 b German (YofckV ...lftb
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  • 21 5 O New Moon V.I Jan. ll'h t Firjf iiirher 18-h O Fu f r>loon 25th t Quarter Feb. 2td
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 35 5 Get a Bottle To-day. Guard th« health of jour family by keeping at band a bottle of Chamberlain'* Cough Remedy. It baa no rqual for cough*, cold* and croup. The George Town Di*pen*ary. Wholesale Agent*.
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    • 43 5 NOTICE 'Flip premiers in theChnnber of Commeroe Rui'd’ng»*, ii w in (lie < ccnpilinn of Anthony A Cor, to l«t M icb. 1910 For further pgrliro 1 apply to tho Resident Councillor, Penang. Resident Com e lloi’b Offi'», Penang, 6 h Jiuuart, 1910 15
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    • 532 5 TOR PORT SWF.TTENHAM AND SINGAPORE. Sailing 7 p m. Saturday. Mil instant. S. S. K IS I N A will fail aa above. HUri'ENHACH, LIRBERT CO. 4 1-10 10 Agent*. D I S. S. Co.. Ltd. THE GREAT El STERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO LTD. Hkad Okficb SINGAPORE. Lira Assurance and
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  • 1440 6 Is Science Cutting Loose From Facts That science is brc nning altogether too i metaphysical, is apparently the charge that is made in an article on Atomic Theories aud Modern Physics bv Prof. L >uis T i More of the Uuiversiiy of Ciuc-uuati, in The i Hibbert Journal (Bustoo). Professor
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  • 118 6 Pbnano, 6th January (By rourteiy of th• Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4} 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4} 3 Credit 2/4‘ 3 Documentary.. 2/4,® Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174 j 3 days’sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bunk 174} Moulmein, Demand Bank 173} 3 days’sight Private 176 Madras, Demand Bank
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  • 217 6 Gold Leaf »61.8) 1.1 »-p jet W Coast 31b5.5 ox.) no tlock •Vhitc Peppot $25. teller» Tiang Pepper out of season Cloves 62 tale» VI ice 83.- tell-n VI ice Pu l >!«'■ 75,— tale» lutmep* 110 s 19— tale» No. 1 6 75 inlet Sugar 2 n itoek
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  • 200 6 Pshaw#. 6th Jahuaat. 1910 Bswr—r tit. Soup per catty 14 Kotut mi m 94 Steak* 24 Stew or Curry Mea< 16 Rump Steak M 24 Os Tail *a <b 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver *J>er catty 85 Poss Pork per catty 32 Pig’* 11 ear)
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  • 1591 6 -j >X I j a -SSI. Nuiul-ei ol t tj fid S 3 I Cipita 1 i Share* Dividend* Name. E issued < I I C e 1*2.' M m h, 1 I 1 I 1 I <T 1906 19'6 1907 1908 1909 Rubber, pc pc p.c p.c. j
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 31 6 tionofun is happy combination of Kawa Kesins with Oleum 8antali in tbe proportion of 1 part Kawa Kawa to 4 part* Oleum. Santal cure* eaaily, no complications All chemists and dealers.
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    • 93 6 Cure That Cold While You Can. Better spend the small amount a bottia of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy would cost yoi right now than to run the risk of a cold developing into pneumonia, which may mean a big doctor's l ill. The George Towu Dispensary. Wholesale Agents. MACKAY’S LIQUEUR WHISKY.
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  • 696 7 Official Minutes. Minu’es of a Special Meeli g of tbe Municipal Commisiioneis held on Ihuifd.y, tbe 9 b December, 1909. F regent F. J Hallifax Eq. J. VV. Hallifax, E q «>r P. V. Locke Q lab Beng Koe, E q Abient L. H. f'laytoo, Esq. Lina Cheng
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1081 7 INSURANCES, THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BY ROTAL CHARTER A.D. 17». THE undesigned haring bean appointed Agent* for thq above Corporation, are now prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE rials at cujrent rate*. PATERSON. SIMONS A Oo. Ltd. 12o Guardian Ansuranca Company, LI ml tod. EsTABLISHBD 1821. Subscribed CapiUl A2.000.000
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    • 68 7 No Opium in Chamberlain’* Ccugh Remedy. 'lh**re is not a particle of opium or other narcotic in Chmiberlain’s Cough R«*medjr, and never Img been sinca it wa« fi'gt offered to the public It ig aa aife a medicine for a child as for an adult. Thi* remedy ia famoug for
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 876 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late oj Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Cnisultation Free. BMSIDIRG AT A'o. 21a, Penang Road, FOR SALS. USEFUL TO PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC. A lew doors Iron the Eastern and Oriental Hotel, 6 mthi TEA o V TEA BOLE AGENTS FOR PENANG, PATERSON, SIMONS Co,.
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