Straits Echo, 4 January 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1086 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. TIANQ LEE 00. 9>V > '~-r* i SOLE AGENTS. BASS’S ALE. the shanghai life INSURANCE CO., LTD. Hkad Orrics—Shanghai, China. BA N K S CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. «200 000 deposited with the Hnnflkong Government as a special protection for our policy holders The ONLY company that has this
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    • 20 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. HOddIN 1» <s^ “O *1 fOKT TIANG LEE St Co., So/e Agent a.
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  • 666 2 Do Shipping Subsidies Pay In anticipation of ship subsidy legislation in the United Bta the American Com* missiotier of Navigation bag drawn up a formidable list of mail subsidies, Admiralty subventions, aDd navigation bounties paid by other» n.i'iotis He m-kes out a total of upwards of i'J 000 000
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  • 436 2 Important Trade-mark Case Before the Court. An iuterestiug Hade mark case ciroe ot. before Mr. Wolfergtan, at Singapore, when Cbiong Fye Wan. ot 16. High St 1 pleadel guilty to applying a false tiade maik to bolt Its of sceut. Mr Y*i borough appeared for tbe
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 49 2 Look After Your Health. If to» l»*** l a eou>>h cuie it A cough is h symptom of more serious troub'e. bam betUm'» Cough Kfmclv is the best obtain able aiui you r.e.-d have no hesitancy in using!' as' it contains nothing injurious Tbe George Towu Do-p»nsary. Wholesale Agents.
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    • 553 2 How Coughs and Colds Are Cured in Burma. Tim following letter from Ike Superintend <!• n' of tbe Muu:cipal < ffije at Mandalay, Mr. K. J. 8 evens, shows that the method of CJiing colds in llu.raa is not unlike that ustd in almost every part of the civilized world
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    • 1380 2 XFOE MARBLE 'WORKS. IPOH-PERAS. We litre from III in date autboi is»rd Sir (),wald Pbillip* O' ffitb Jones to sign our fir;u per procuration SAND1 LANDS, BUTTERY CO. 3 1 10 5 This business is now under the management of Mr. Ravensway, who lias made a great reduction in all
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  • 39 3 VtitcU At om Age ah Due G ebeo Siogapore B.M ACo. 4'b J,»u. I’ricz Lite Fried licl Joloitlbo B M ACo 5 b Beticleucb Tioodoa i B ACo. 8ih Patban llaSgOW S B.AGo. 8 h (IT .1
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  • 28 3 Venal For A •/«(»<* Itr-V 0 e'' n .Colombo B M <ICo. Put/. Eu*L Fr’«drieb Stop» pore BM ACo Beoc'euch iSiegnpore 3-BA'o Paihi» [Htngnpere 8 B AC’o Jan.
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  • Shipping.
    • 47 3 Avagyee, Br. s.s., 250. Campbell. 3rd Jan, Singapore, let Jan Gen.—£. S. Co Ltd. Malaya. Ger 348, Loewe, 4th Jan, Belawan, 3 d Jan., Gen—B. M A Co. Ban Whatt Soon, Br. a a., 199. Gully, 4th Jan Teluk Anson, 3rd Jan Gen.— S Co. Ltd
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    • 56 3 4th Januakt. Vurtcaerts, for Singapore, Cbna aud Japan. Leonq Ho, for Trang. Penh, for DeliMary Auitin, for Pangkalan Brandii’. Malacca, for Teluk Ansojo Avagyee, for and Singapore. f 1 Ivoh, for Poll Swettenbam aud Singapore. Mambang, for Setul. Ooeben, for Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Egypt and via Naples, for
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    • 131 3 Foe Kelah —Per Tong Chum, to-morrow, 10 a nr. Pang Nga A Trang—Per Deli, to morrow. I p m Tongkab Per Botorua, tc-morrow, 1 p.m Langkat—Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Batu Babra—Per Padang, tc-morrow t p ir. Teluk Anson—Per Ban Whitt Soon to-morrow, 2 p in. Bindings—Per
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  • 447 3 Ptr P. and O. as Nyania, from London, Dc. 4, due at Penaug on sth Jan. To Pemng Mr. Gargill, Mr. G. R. Tucker, Mr. Jacques To Singapore Misa J V. Taivat, Mr. T. J. B. Wearne, Miss Wtdls, Mr. F. White, Mr. H. D. G.
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  • 36 3 P. O. SAILINGS. Mall Service OOTWAEDS. IIOMIWABOA Arcadia S3 Jan. I Delhi tf, J an Anaye 27 Dtvanha 29 Extra Service OUTWABO* liOM AWARD. Nyania 6 Jan. I Pa'aw, a 7 Jan Java 17 Sicilia 21
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1048 3 P. 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected ArrlixU and Depart are*. Mail Sarvlca. Oatward. J»b. 13 Arcadia conwotia* with 27 Anoye Feb 10 Della 24 Macedonia Mar. 10 Deranha Pertia Mo lira Moldavia Mongolia Marmora Hone ward. THROUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. March 25, Macedonia, TARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. lit Glu* tu
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    • 459 3 (8 HIPPIN <3 r NORDDEUTSCHERJIOYD, BREMEN. UCFE&IAL OERHAN MAIL LINS. amnaaußßOi m ■m* U. 5* 2 mmm r- L. "«'r THE fast and well-known 1 < earn* rs.o- tins Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hambutgeix-Kwttprdam. Antwerp, Southampton,Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, 'Naples, Alexandria and vice vena) Port Said, Suez,
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  • 86 4 I mihli m 4 lattamn-nw "•MhW 4«lty luwpl NMt, r»i CRITERION PRESS, Ltl., No. M6—*W, Haoeh Street, Penang PRIOR: ■All.* IMU .Pm rerwn, OUTETSTIoM flp hln. «ah. •i*ithih irm rtwi OARI.B AIM»* MM Echc—Plan*." r«l«fhnM No. X4I A.A.- AH Mmm nMnmUmi ihMIA b« mUiiw d til lilllU.
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  • 330 4 CIVILISATION President Taft told the recent Washington Convention of the Laymen’» Missionary Movement that iniuionarie» in China were a great civilising force.” They were introducing civilisation to the Chinese. When we hear ignorant foreigners—ignorance of Chinese history being meant—talking of civilising a people who have the oldest surviving civilisation in
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  • 360 4 The Lotteries. The result of the first day's lotteries is as follows Rice 1. The Maiden Piste. Lotteiy, $6OO, Roulette $2OO, Pars King $l5O, Piiucess Julians $4O. Total $990 Race 2. The Giffiu Rice. Lottery, $6OO. Kitty $l5. Fairy MaidsloJ. Huguenot $5O. Nepsul $35. Aidross $25 Ard
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  • 467 4 January 3rd, 1910, "k *I 2 3 Mr».L tngharo-Carter 310 34 31 6’> Miss Joau S.hi h 310 34 31 65 Mr*. Sprout* 310 34 29 63 MiasWeinyss* 310 31 30 61 Mr*. Webb '22 29 28 57 Mrs. Hamilton 310 80 27 57 Miaa Junes
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  • 980 4 What Reform* I Would Being in if I wrkk Made Hsadm stir” By Lim Cheng Kan. A b'y’sessiy on such a subject ss this must, iiiore or less, lie speculative. B<dug thou piactically a miter of sprculalion it i cannot be expected to be eutrely free of
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  • 369 4 THE ASSIZES Be/ort Mr. Juttiu Wooded) Opening. The first Assign of the veir were to d*v opered by Mr. Justice Woodward i he esse of Bigamy was first taken up The a< c ued. a Chin*man named Lim Li Tat aliat Mahomed Noor, pleaded not guilty.” The Salicitor
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  • 367 4 Several of (be more old ftshioned papers publi h a '‘chronology’’ for 1909 Why should the Echo not f Let us try. Thus January.—Nothing happened woitb mertioning. February—The Echo man returned to Penang from Europe. Heavy rain storm. Several suicides. Match —The Echi man put up for all
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 240 4 ESTABLISH LD 1850. THE PENANG DISPENSARY. LIMITED, (LATE GRAHAM A. CO LTD.) 4, Beach Street, Penang. Wholesale and Retail Chemists and Opticians. Prescriptions Carefully Dispensed under European Supervision. Estates supplied nt tha Lowest Possible Wholesale Price». Price Lists on Application. Eyes scientifically tested free of charge. Branch: 110, BUCKINGHAM STREET,
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    • 36 4 Get a Bottle To>day. Guard the health of you? family by keeping at hand a bott'e of Chamberlain’* Cough Bemely. It bag no rqual for cough*. cold» and eroup. The George Town Di*pen«aiy. 1 Wboleaale Agent*
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    • 44 4 Cure That Cold While You CaiT lfcMpr .po' d the «mail amount a hottle of Cbamlvrla.n. Coueh Remedy would co|l ,2ht now run the'riak of a cold I < eyeleting ium pneumonia, which may mean a by doc-or’s till. The George Town Dispensary. Wholesale Agent*.
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    • 32 4 No Opium in Chamberlain’. Cough There ia not rfTTi ovrrwork narcotic in HERAP ONSS 1 child ord "v.,, ir'i Tj til* r r p«*" cbil fr ing a u. M faSif*sC c<
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    • 72 5 (Supi lied by Bernier At Vienna. London, 3rd January.—Tb« Chinese Nival Commissioners bare arrived at Vienna. Tbey were canveyed to tbeir quarter» in the Court carriage* and were .received with a guard of honour. In Anatrla. London, 4'b January.—At Vienna the Chinese Naval Commia-ioner* were received by
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    • 93 5 (Supplied by Herder Irish Unionists’ Manifesto. London, Brd January —Tbe Iriab Unionist* in a manifesto appeal to tbe electors in Great Britain to disregard other issue* and to avert Home Rule which is tbe avowed foierunner of separation and thua a atan mg menace from naval and
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    • 50 5 (Supplied by Keuter.) UoTrrnment Agrees to Demand of Military League. London, 3rd January,—A telegram from Athens states that the Government bas agreed to tbe demands of tbe Military League, vis tbe resiguation of M- Levidia, Minister of the laterior, and the abolition of the Consulate* abroad except at Constantinople.
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    • 64 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) More Details. London, 3rd Jtuuiry.—Tbe Arcadian which tank in tbe collision with the Ayrtkire iu the Irish Cbanuel. was bound tor Busra, Turkey in Asia. Tbe Ayrtkire had 200 passengers on board for Durban and Aut tralin. She was badly damaged but managed to
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    • 71 5 Sup] lied by Reuter) For Researches In Chemistry and Physits. Loudon, 4th Januaiy.—Dr. Ludwig Mond, whose death took place on tbe 13lb Deoember, 1909, has left £50,003 each to tbe Royal Society and the University of Heidelberg for researches in chemistry and physics. Raphael’s “Crucifixion.” London,
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    • 46 5 ($U}>] lied by Reuter.) Iii Sooth Afrit*. London, 4th January —In the test match at Johannesburg South Africa made 208 and England 310 in the first innings, Hobbs oontirbuted 89 and Rhodes <56 In tbe second innings tbe South Afrioans compiled 1-4 for three wickets
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  • 896 5 AUTUMN MEETING. To-day’s Programme. SCBATCHBD HoBSES DbLBTBD I.—Thb Maiden Plate.—2 50 r M Value 9500. A Race for Maiden Horses Weight sa per scale reduced 14 lb*. All Horae* imported into tbe Straita or F. M S as Subscription Griffin* at a prioe not exceeding $4OO allowed
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  • 531 5 Building to bn Startl'd at Once. Tbe S. C. M Pott of D.*c. 22nd says: Mr. H N Mody baa practically doubled bia original offer of $l50.<t0() for a university for Hongkong, Complimented oa bis inundi ce ce he d clared I love tbe colony, and what I
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  • 217 5 General Sir John Fiencb, InspectorGeneral of (be Forces, iu bis comments on the Army trainiug of the preient year, re. maiks that tbe results of squadron trainiug are most satisfactory, aud that the irstiuition bas beeu carried out ou thoroughly sound and practical lines.
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  • 60 5 (For the Fortnight Entltd Dec 31.) United U. S. The Kingdom. Ameiica. Continent Tin 750 tons. 600 tons. 25 tons. Black Pepper.. 60 45 i Flour 203 J( Tapioca < Flake 35 30 l Pearl 50 180 125 Copra 350 Dr. Cook, one of ibe alleged discoverers of
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  • 538 5 Departure tor the F.I.N. S.ilurday's'S.F' P. says j Dr D- j,\_ McDowell, c M o who for over six year. has~h*dd the appointment of Prin cipil Civil M<i<Lpd Officer fo the Colony left yesterday fiernooh by Che Seta-gor j to take over the new duties of a similar
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  • 151 5 Arrived. Per s s Ipoh 3 d Jau from Singapore Messrs F S. Evans, B Fienberg, Nunn, G P Owen, E L G oeu-ell and S B. Aichdeacnn. .From Malacca Mr. F. E Dus From Port SAoHcniiaiii: Means Ymili P«ik Tati. Ye.di P.ik Hoag, A. A Mutiny, YV. S
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  • 61 5 'I O-DAT. 23rd Day of lltli Moon. Penang Races Strai's Ciui ra itograph, Penang Road, 8 p tn. 1 YVayaog Kassi.n, 'JYk Sooj lleatre, Hawa i-Majlis 'IY-mdbbow. 24tli [>.|V ol lltji Yloor. Town Bind E*pt naile, 6 te '7 pm Royal T*rls»i u{ JVeley Lj)d»>e. 9 pm Straits Ctnematograp-,
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  • 18 5 Chin* Goebtn) 4 h Jan German (P Eitel Friebrich) sth English lArrad.%) ...13rh China {Delhi) ...15th
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  • 23 5 O New Moon Jan. 1 Itb f Final Quartet 18. b O Full Moon 251 h I .sal QiiHtier Feb. 2nd
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 10 5 b*, 'i w well 1 A ,»fter A < Zstc. NUTTER
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    • 53 5 Tie* curative action ol UoilOHSin is attributed to its heiut; antiseptic and nnseitlietic, Maun I ictuled bv i D Kiedal Ltd Berlin, and sold in form of Mpmim. 4/' in a bottle. NOTICE. Mr. Fredeiick Charles Leiu ii authorised to sign our firm from thie date. HOEFELDA CO t'euang, 1st
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    • 534 5 rOR PORT SWETTENHAM AND SINGAPORE. IMIing 7 p m. Saturday, 8th instant. s. S. KISTNA” will «ail aa above. HUITENBAOH, LIBBER l’ A CO. 4 1-10 10 Agent», B. I S. N. Co.. Ltd WAYANG KASSIM, Penang’s Only Favourite TKK NOON THEATRE HALLTHE BOVERIOR'S RECEPTION Wednesday, January 6th, 1910. All
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  • 102 5 Obituary. (Swjij lied by Reuter.) Two Good Men. London, 4th January.—The death is re ported of Sir Spenser St. John, a c. m o and of Henry Rlyth, the philanthropic founder of hospitals at Ningpoand Wenchow. [8ir Spenser St. John retired on pension from the Diplomatic Service in 1896. He
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  • 1281 6 W. M.” writes in the S. F P :—Into my t terqporary possession bas come the manua t ertpt copy, with sutograpli, of An y Historical Outline of the Progress rhrongb L'fe of Peter Davey who was born in 1760' f and closed bis record in 1840
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  • 121 6 Fbnano, 4th Januabt (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demend Bank 2/44 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 j 3 Credit 2/4* J 3 Documentary.. 2/4,* Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174) 8 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174| Moulmein, Demand Bank 1734 3 days’sight Private 176 Madras,
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  • 204 6 Gold Leaf $64.8» B. Pep) er(W Coast 31b5.5 ox.) no stock White Poppet $25. seller» [Yang Pepper out of season Cl>ve» 62 tales Muse 88 .-eell-rs i llaoe Pu kmei 75. —tales 'ftitiu'v# 110 s 19— tales r No. 1 6 75 sales Sugar < 2 n>> stock Basket
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  • 180 6 Penang 4th Jahuaet, 1910. Beet— rt Soup t*" oaM > «4 Boast >• 3 Steaks Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail «*cl. 30 Tong** m Feot Heart 30 Liver P®' catty 35 Pork Pork P*' «tty 32 Pig's Heart 20 Feet 24 Tonga» 32
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  • 1027 6 a ISA i o.S I Number ot "5 3 8 S B S i Cip-Ul. Shares '> Divilend. Name. *56 1J issued. J 1905 19t'6 1907 1908 1909 Rubbtr. pc. pc. p.c. p.c. p.c. rom, I <• IWt.iMW 1,5 .0<0 2 2/ 18 20 30 25 utr 0 Mala»
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 80 6 FOR SALK CHINESE SCRIIBLIN6 PAPER FOR OFFICE USE, size 12*Xl6*, Price, per packet of 180 full sheets. (Can be out to 12* x 8*.) OBTAINABLE AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. 236—232, Beach Street. FOR SALE1. The Upheaval IN Far Cathay,” BY NO HJNG SHANO, A Novel of absorbing interest to
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  • 588 7 Nig Church Tim tij tbe lust pirpr in which au attack on tbe Hou«e of "Lords would be expected, and yet in tbe issue for Dec. 3 there is a more drastic attack tbau in my of tbe Liberal papers. "Tbe House of Lords,
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  • 257 7 Mau is not dust, man is not dust, I sav A lightning substance through his b‘ i rg tuns; A flime he kuows not of illumes his clay--The cosuiiu fire that feeds the swuimiug suns. As giant worlds scut spinning into space, Hold iu their centre
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1077 7 INSURANCES, THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BIT ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 1720 rpHK undesigned having been appointed J. Agent* for the above Corporation, are now prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE rink* at current rate*. PATERSON. SIMONS A Co. Ltd. 12o Guardian Aosuranc* Company, LI ml tod. Established 1821. Subscribed Capital
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 911 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late 0/ Dr. Allen Cu., Fha. U S.A. Charges Moderate, Ccnsultatkn Free. *»bil>iji. at No. 2ia, Penan*; Read. A few doors from the Eastern and Orlcntil Hotel. t> rath FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PUNTERS, ESTATES, ETC. TEA SOLE AGENTS FOR I’ENANO. PATERSON, SIMONS St Co. Lid
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