Straits Echo, 24 December 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 880 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT TIANQ LCe A 00. 9 U o X Ih <2 &D?P SOLE 40ENTS. BASS’S ALE. THE SHANGHAI ULIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office—Shanghai, China. CAPITAL. TAELS 1,000,000. «200 000 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection for onr policy holders. The ONLY company that has this
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    • 26 1 IHE BEST BEER IN THE FAR KASC mm Co 5 > ■z Vi fc -c> 'V iN<5 '0 /ok v n TIANO LEE A Co.. Sol, a
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  • 4642 2  -  [All Rights Reserved.] BY EDWIN PUGH (Author of The Stumbling Block,” etc I. •'There ia a ghoat, of course, Mr. Bon dam aaid the Bugar Qirl. (She wna American: the only daughter of Jan Van Foorts, the mighty Sacchaiioe King.) Oh, yea,” answered young Bond
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  • 74 2 December, 1909. n HW. L.W. H.W. L.W. l-MM©. AM AM PM PM24th 10.10, 3.57, 10.36, 4.23 25th 1102, 4.49, 11.27. 5.15 26th 1153, 5.40, Nil. 6 06 27t h 12.19, 6.22, 12 24, 6.26 28th 12.29, 6.32, 12.55, 7.08 29th 1.21, 7.34, 1.46, 7.59 30th 2.12,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 71 2 A Good II ouiteliold Liniment. Wli**n a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain R«ltn is k**pt in the h»'U»e the p«ina of burns and sc «Ids tnry l»e promptly relieved, cuts and bruises quickly healed. aw» Kings promptly teduced and iheumatism and neuralgia robbeil of their ter.oia In f« c t for
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    • 336 2 The curative action of GonOHiUl is attributed to its being antiseptic and anaesthetic, Manufactured by J. D Riedal Ltd Berlin, and sold in form of capsules. 40 in a bottle. THE CURE OF CONSUMPTION Active > Principle of Cod Liver Oil with Creosote. M« u o°sbtE (Chapoteaut) RELIABLE AGENT IN
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  • 43 3 P 'nm Ayen?» Dm, Benvorlieb Tondou |s B Jo 24» h ]>ec. P. Ludwig Sn»e*pore B M A Co >4, h Dtvmba Colombo O-ACo. oOtb D,!id Sngprue jA.O Jo lit J n rntz hitel Fiielucl. Colombo B M &Co j 5tb
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  • 38 3 For Aj'.h:* Or Benvorlich Singapore IS.B ACo. l)-*c P. La i wig Colombo B M A Co. I )<* V U b ■S n ex pore OACo. r> >ii* Prirz Eit*-I Colombo A.G sCo. J*o. Friedrich Singapore B.MACo
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  • Shipping.
    • 134 3 VaUntijn Dut s a 243. Scbletie, 23id Dec. Suitinporp, 18 b Dae. Gen.—ll. L A Co Paehhtnba, ltr aa, 511 Cane 23*d Dec, Moultneio, 19;b D<-c., Gen —II. L. A Co. A T ora Hr. as., 4 179, Phillip», 23rd Pc. Y k. burnt, lat D c-, Geu—A G.
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    • 91 3 24th Dkckmukr Valentijn, for Deli, Batu Hahia, Ai-ahau nd Paneh. Tong Chum, for Kelab liotorua. for Tongkab. Pa dang, for Batu Habra. Silesia for Colombo and Tutiooiin. Pin Seng, for Port Swetteuhain and Siuga* pore Hole Canion, fo Lancia, T Semawe, Hegli. O.ebleh and Sabtng. Malacca, for Teluk Auaon.
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    • 91 3 Foa Madras takiug mails for Europe, dc., via Bombay—Per Thongwa, to-morrow, 10 a m. Krugoon and Calcutta Per Dunrra, tomorrow, 11 a. m Mergui, Tavoy and Mou'inein Per Pachumha tc-morrow, 11 Paugkilau Hraudau Per Jfary Austin, tomorrow. 11 Deli—Per Perak. lo*morrow, 11 n.m. Colombo and Tuticoria—
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  • 411 3 Per P. and O. s.h Mnntua, from London, Dec. 3 connecting with the Deoanlia at Colombo, duo at I’enang on 30th Dec To Mr Duncan. Mr. W. L Lewis Mr. W. J. Murray, M.s. Wilkinson. Mr. It Biugham. Mr A Mackie, Mr. E M. Hawes. To
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 742 3 P. 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals and Departarea. Mall B«rvlcw. Outward. U*c. 30 Devonha connecting with Mantua £*r >. < A.uaye Malvca Homeward. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Fob IITTBNDBD TO 8a.11,. Doe |London. Singapore. (Three times a week). Tan. 29 Feb. 12 26 Mar. 12 26 l
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    • 418 3 (SHIPPING.) NORDDLUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. V\ v\ A -r--1909. 1910 au 1 i>n»fno tinsCompanynil fortnightly from Bremen 1- liambuigrm Rotterdam. Antwerp. Southampton. Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples’ .connection Marseilles, Naples. Alexandria an«l vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden’ Loiombo. I enang. Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki and Kobe to
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  • 95 4 4 NtM« »T*ry body tad twtln Hona—•'vbllskMl dally (e*o»pt »o**«Uy>) TUB CRITERION PRESS, Lit., No. 226—282, Beach Street. Penang PRICK: MILT LOCAL H 4 .per mmmm OCTHTATIONS Paata*» ««tra «AIT. aniTloi* (Poat rrM) 111 UAKI.B Al>l>K*BB Echo— Penan#.” r»li pti >ne No. 543 All boalnoM rommonlratkxM ■hoald
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  • 476 4 The Liw is not always a Hass. Today we wish to record our grateful appreciation of the perspicaciousness of s a magistrate named Humphreys, who 1 has been ripping some red tape trimuiings off the robe of local justice, and behaving like a man of common
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  • 718 4 The following business iu tin has been done to-day Penang Eastern Smelting Co. buyers, no sellers Penang Tin Exchange, 12£ tons at 7 15 Straits Trading Co. 25 7t> 621 Singapore Straits Trading Co., 75 76 6 Total 112j tons. Tin 16 quoted in London
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  • 175 4 Following i* the list of Public llolidy 8 •o be observed in the F- M S iu 1910 Cbioese New Year Thursday and Friday. lOib aud 11th February. Good Fi iday aud E »t»'er Friday, Siturday and Mon lay, 25 h. 26ih and 28 h March.
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  • 396 4 I'll ild roll’s Treat. The Children's Treat at the Engineers’ Pi tun e is as fixe I a fes'ival as (Jhristmis and eve y whit as j *llv. To a large number of children in Peu-ug it is synonymous wi h Christmas Every year the Commirfee of this
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  • 318 4 A Cise of kidnapping was boa-d by Judge Hall, yesterday. 1 he parties conceined we e two Chinese women A girl, aged about seven or eight years, Fong Ah Wong by mr 7"l he victiin Toe accused were Chiu Ah Kim and Chin Ah Ngi the former was
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    • 274 4 To thb Editor or the Straits Echo. Daar Sir, —Yesterday being Tung Chiy, one of the Chinese festival days, and one which is the happiest next to the Chinese New Year Diy. was celebrated with much pleasure at the Ko gsce
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  • 103 4 By “Early Bird.” Friday morning 24th Dec Although somewhat cloudy, the e was a light breiza blowiug acioss ’he com so this morning, which unde watching the training a very pleasant occupation, and whan the first horse came out a very fair crowd was at tbe railsThe woik
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  • 274 4 St. George’s Church. Christmas Day 7- am. Holy Communion. horal Matins and Choral Cele--10-30 a m. Oration of the Holy Communion. Service Woodward in E. St. Steph n’s Dat 8 a.m. Matins (Choral). 8- a iu. Holy Communion. 9- a.m. Chinese Service. No Sunday School. 0-0 p.m Evensong
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 532 4 THE GRAND HOTEL, I POH. 7 Tho ONLY First Class Hotel in Ferak, An Ideal Place for Families Spending Week Ends I Single and Double Bedrooms with Private Bathrooms. Electric Bells. Tennis. Excellent Cuisine. Cold Storage Supplies Weekly from Singapore. Hotel Porter Meets All Trains. TERMS MODERATE. Txlbobams: CKEET. Ipoh.
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    • 52 4 No Opium in Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. There is not a particle of opium or other narcotic in Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, and never has been siuce it was h at offered to the public. It is as safe a medicine for a child as for an adult. The George Town Dispensary.
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    • 25 5 (Echo Special.) Shot a Tiger. Kuala Lumpur, 24th December.—Mr W. Hay. while out pig-hunting, shot a nine-foot tiger point-blank in the jungle.
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    • 30 5 {Echo Special.) Two Shopliouses Destroyed. Kuala Lumpur, 24th December, A fire broke out at Pataling Street at 5 o’clock yesterday morning. Two shophouses were burnt down.
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    • 34 5 (Echo Special.) Opening by the Saltan. Kuala Lumpur, 24th Dec.—Yesterday His Highness the Sultan of Selangor opened the Mosque. It was an impressive ceremony. There was a big gathering of Malays.
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    • 21 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) New Ministry. liODdou, 24th Dec.—Senor Beirao, says a telegram from Lisbon, has formed a Progressist Miuistiy.
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    • 44 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Two Vessels Sunk in Oporto Harbour. London, 24 h Dec —Gales and heavy fl rods are reported from Oporto. Seven steamers in the harbour are in a dangerous position. Two vessels and many lighters were iunk.
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    • 101 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Floods and Wrecks in Devonshire. London, 23id December.—Disastrous floods are reported from Devonshire and numerous wrecks are reported on tha coastsI Blizzards and Snow Drifts. Loudon, 23rd December —Though the temperature in London is 53° Fab. bbzzards continue to blow. The trains proceeding to the
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    • 32 5 (Supplied by Reuter State Entry. London. 24th December. —King Aitert of Belgium yesterday proceeded in a proce'MOn from Lackeu to Brussels and made bis s c entry into the capital.
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    • 34 5 Supplied by Reuter.) (iovernment Troop» I>eft*»t*><l. London. 23rd Dec-Oenor»l E.trod* completely defeated the Nicaraguan ment troops. Six hundred nen of both armies were killed and wou le thousand nine hundred Government troops surrendered.
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    • 45 5 Supplied by Renter sisuv strike have been committed for t^iai. [On tb.2l»tinft. Reuter g iu It is reported that <O.OOO P* t j ie failure will be without gas to-night j „,40©«’ of th.) coal supply in ooneequ* strike.— Ed., i>. 2T.]
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    • 60 5 Supplied by Reuter Government As J l^i r Vionß P,>ort Educational meeting London. 24th 8 of the Committee of tbe G f the Lord Exhibition under the presidency the Mayor a resolution was pa* j 6U pport British Government to accord offic. a l^.upj-^ to the Educational Sections
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  • 482 5 M.i' Vw tr tbM of tbs ”*.*/ii- BuIU j I I hey ba.e bees "riuoed in rank to tb.t of Ferier 1*1? Couocillor. on tbe Fed. .1 Council, end tb.t .bey refold lo nt throughout tbe recent bn.mee. meetings of the Council Tbi. the P' Ft»*.,]
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  • 431 5 The owner of the premises at 186 Q leen St., Singapore, who bad been served with a nuisance notice to demolish the buildings and had been ordered by the chief magistrate to carry this out, appealed against the magistrate’s decision Mr. Crabb Watt, who
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  • 404 5 Tbe scene of the great struggle wa» trsDiferred from the Upper to the Lower Chamber, and in a roaring, close-packed, excited Douse tbe Prune Minister brought forward bis re-elution the action of the Lords to be a breach of tbe Constitu ion and a usurpation of the
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  • 274 5 A favourable seisou has beeu very opportune, padi planters were not very mucb disposed to pay any water rate at all it. says much to tbe credit of the administration iu Krian that, at the end of tbe year, ibeie waonly left $l7B as arrears ot
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  • 255 5 Mr. L tbam has latelv beau democstrating the practical utility cf his aerop ant* by using it in preference t the railway or the motor car to keep a shooting appointment. According to an exchange He had been invited to join a shoot iug party
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  • 430 5 Valuable Cargo Destroyed. At about 730 o’clock this morning (14 b), just as she wiseuteriug the haibour troin the north, tb# O-rmau mail s!e<rnei Print Ludwig sice riled I h «I there w is au out h.u.rk of fiie on bond. 'lbe dit-coverj
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  • 516 5 A RRivcn. Per h s Sumatra, 22 nd Dec from L >ndon Miss Phillips. Mr. R. E Siuder--, Mr. A. M Goodman. Mr. J.i« Oonie, Mr. and Mrs. Keilich. Mr. G G. Taylor. Mr Jis Sellar aud Mr. H M- Simpson. Fiom Port S:id Mr. R K Gordon Walker.
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  • 213 5 To-dav. 12th Div of 11th Moon Christmas Eve. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m E. O and Crag Hotels, Xmas Dinner. Straits C ueinatograph, IN nang Hoad 9 pm Wayang Kassim. T»k Soon Theatie j A!i Baba aud the Forty Tbietes.” To-MOB BOW 1 I3tb l)»i of lpb
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  • 48 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service OOTWABDB. I I I) M K VV i K |>S Devauht 30 Dec j Deta 1 Jan Arcadia 13 Jan. j Dei hi J 5 Extra Service Odthabds llomrward. Nyanza 4 Jan j r a 'auun 7 Jan Candia 17 Siril a 21
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 27 5 S»n>.keo,berrr^ra.ion.ofeCop»ib“Dd and i. well ti<i“"T", or t‘ ,W Client even after toleratea k? Dt by tbe Medical, lengthened tree Samples free on applf tt chief Penang Cbemi.u.
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    • 53 5 No Experiment. You are oot experimenting when vnu buy Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. You are getting a preparation that has an established reputation for good backed bv a third of a century's constant use. It is famous for its prompt cures of coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. Toe George Town
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    • 496 5 ASSURM%£ W B (f 3 Hkai) Ok» .1. All *>V lUTKB Li To LIHKUAL I FttumnL -a** Ponemg. BEHN. MLYRi CO. LTD. General Reyrttettmlivt for Penang, HORACE B JOSEPH. Loral Office r u BIHN, Mbt*k ACo I TI» 167 c WAYANG KASSIM, IKK SOON Til HATH K II All.. TO-NIGHT!
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  • 120 6 Penanq, 24th December. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4$ 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4§ 3 Credit 2/4, 9 6 3 Documentary.. 2/4| Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174$ 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174$ Moulmein, Demand Bank 173$ 3 days’sight Private 176 Madras,
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  • 189 6 Gold Leaf fbl.B 1 d. Pep er(W.Coast 3lbs .5 oz.) no stock White Pepper »25.— sellers Prang Peppier out of season C* c 62. —sales M-o» 83. sell rs dace 7s. —sales *u«.roe k 110 s 19,- sales No. 1 675 sales Su S ar 2 »o stock C
    189 words
  • 1501 6 3 S A S 3 2 Nunit>er<» i 3 C C o 5 C ipit%l. .share** *> x Dividends Name. j I -2 s ~-i j J» Mining:. 1903 300,000 30,000 10 10 12 for year ending 31/8/09 IJelat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. $5f $6 .907 300.'MH) 22,500 10
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 48 6 ''atch for Symptoms of Croup. I>j not allow cn up to «’evelop Cbarnbe ‘cl p,e?eot ,be .j cb toribe first symptom, which It should »lw*j* i e kept iu th 9 Ow’t'J l n' e d e 51 U, K cb,ld, Th lv>Wu l>i*peusa,y. \V boles ile Aleuts
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    • 78 6 Colds Are Dangerous. If more people would m »ke an attempt to get rid of ihe colds from which tbev are suffer u>g. MB a lesu’.t of tbia changeable weather, there would l>e a decided decrease in the Lumber of cases of pneumonia A few doses of Chamt erlaio’s Cough
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 978 7 INIUR INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 1720 undesigned haring bees appointed Agent* for the abore Corporation, are now prepared to aocept MARINE and FIRE risks at current ratec. PATERSON. SIMONS 00. Ltd. 12c Guardian Aiturance Company, Llmltod. Establish id 1821. Subscribed CapiUl M A‘2.000,000 Total Invested Funds up. wards of
      978 words
    • 136 7 BAXTER S Co.'s BEST NAVY CANVAS. SANOiLANDS, UUTTEPY S Co. I*AV!D CORSAR SON'S WELL-KNOWN EXTRA NAVY CANVAS, No. 0. SANItII ANIIS. RIHTEBY 4 Co “SLEDGE BRAND” MILK. Absolutely Pure. Every single tin guaranteed good. Obtainable from all the Retail Stores. Johinßazley White Bros. tub PORTLAND CEMENT, “LION A/» i win»'.;
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 971 8 Amer Late of Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. AT /Vo. 2la, Penang Hoad. A lew doors from the Eastern and Oriental hotel, fi mtha TEA v4 FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC. Check Roll Books leaves. Price, $8 each. Foolscap-size Check Roll Books of 200 leaves, price, §4-00 each 100
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