Straits Echo, 28 October 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1107 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. TIANQ LEE Co. /-r/ ■> v VN. \OU w 50 LE AO F NTS. BASS’S ALE. BANKS, > THE Eastern Shipping Company, Ltd., (ENGINE WORKS AND DOCKYARD.) Engineers, Shipbuilders, Crass Iron Founders. Engineering Appliances Fittings in Stock. Engine Works, Weld Quay > and 37, 41 ar Stores Offices
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    • 18 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. i~ v X'</_ *om-. I l., r" > c 5’ A pints.
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  • 996 2 (Concluded from yesterday's issue-) Mr. Gumming then moved the following resolutions: That the question of recovei ing advances made iu India to a limited extent be con sideied and it possible steps betaken to make the lecovery of such advances legal.” Mr llarrisou secouded. Mr. Trump thought it
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 52 2 A Safe Medi cine. Don t be afrai i to uive Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to yt-ur cbidren. It, is intended especially for coughs, colds, ctoop and whooping cough, and it is the best medicine made for these diseases It cos;taiu.> to opium or other narcotic The George Town Dispensary, W
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    • 523 2 A Remedy That Cures Colic. S >me time bick I bad a very bad attack of colic.” says Mr.C. Pieuaar of MiddelburgCape C dony. “I saw au advertisement in the paper of Chamber Iain’s Colic. Cholera and D anboei Remedy, which I at ouce go from the chemist, Mr. C.
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    • 1433 2 NOTICE. JUST RECEIVED s.s. more:. A Large Consignment of Records. SINGLE, $1 EACH. DOUBLE SIDED, $1-50 EACH. All the Latest Songs, Bands, etc. ROBINSON PIANO C" L TD. l THE W OATINE PREPARATIONS. I® A Beautiful Face —A Matter of Culture. EVERT WOMAN WHO VALUES a c'ear, beautiful skin mu9f
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  • 35 3 r 4 t-om Dm Benlomand London |s B AOo 30-b 0^,. Assaye Colombo A.G-ACo. 4hN.v. Delhi Siagprore A.G &',‘o. 6 b P. Keqent Luitpold S’ngapoie B M.-iCo. 9ib P. Ludwig Colombo Ib.M.ACo. lOlb
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  • 32 3 Veste't For Ar*'- j tr rBen’omand Assart» Delhi l*. Rodent Luitpdd P. Ludwig 1 S B &0 >. Singapore A G&Oo. Colombo A G &‘'o. Colombo B.M &Co. B.M ACo Ojt Nov.
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  • Shipping.
    • 75 3 Gor bs 5.135. Dewe»9, 27 h Oct, Yokohama, 9th Oct, Gen.— B M. <fc Co. De Kock, Put. 335, Fleeming, 2 7 <h Oct., Deli, 26'b Oct, Gen.—lf L. Co. Canton, Sr 55,106 Rava Sahib 27fh Oct. Teluk Aosod, 261 h Oct Geo.—Kocg Sood. Kleist. Ger., s s.. 5,122
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    • 71 3 28th October. Hebe, for Deli. Malacca, for Tongkab. Dc Kock, for Deli and Langsa Cornelia, for Port Swettenbam, Port Dickson and Mala ca. Jin Ho, for Laugkat. Petrel, for Bafu Bihra and Asaban. Sree Bangka, for Trang. Canton, for Dindings and Teluk Anson Taroba, for Port Swettenbam and Singapore
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    • 145 3 Fo* Kedah—Per Tong Chuan, to uiom w, 8 a m. Deli. Asahau, Ritu Bahn aud Paneb Per Valentijn, tc-morrow, 11 a.m. Port Swettenbam and Singapore—Per Pin Seng, to-morrow, 3 pm. Langsa, T. Setnawp, S>gli, Olehleh and Sabang—Per Hok Canton, to-morrow, 3 p m, Teluk Anson —Per Sappho, to-morrow,
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  • 499 3 4 Per P and O s 3. Mongolia, from Lon Jon. Oct 8 connecting with the Assaye at Cok in bo, due at Penang on 4th Nov. To Penan.4 Mrs G F. Adamson, Mi E. II• Syer, Air. and Mis. 15 C. Knight, M M. Duncan,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 996 3 f. 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals and Depart a res. Mail 8ervlca. Outward. Not. 4 Assaye connecting with Mongolia 18 Himalaya Marmora Dec. 2 Delta More a 16 Delhi Mooltan 30 Devanha Mantua Homeward. THROUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. March 26, Macedonia. FARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. lit Claw tad CUM
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    • 358 3 (S HIPPJ NG.) NORDDEIJTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL. viLHMAN MAIL. LINE. ti v H. •~-v~ <7 -v A-r v. THE fast and wu:!- uown ma:; a earnerso tb s Company sail fortnightly from-Jreinen* Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice versa:) Port Said,
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  • 93 4 Jostle* aatlallea everybody and ]oetlre alcne ‘'nbllaheri dally (eiiwpi *nnd*» IT ti CRITERION PRESS, Lid.. No. 226—232, Beach Street. Pon»n. PRICK DAII.Y LOOAI fit per OUTHTATIOHB Poetage Ritra «All. BIMTION (Poet Free) lift UAKI.R ADMKKSB Echo— Penang.” r«l«phone No. 343 *.M. -All boalneee tWNMaIIM ohoaid he addle*'
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  • 1061 4 We were always *at a loss what to think of the late Chang Chih-tung. His was a puzzling personality. He was a charming host, and most Europeans did declare him honest.” His classic learning was famous, his goodness of heart obv;ou«, his thoughts impossible to divine. He was
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  • 606 4 Arrival in Penang. Although expected at 7 30 pm. yesterdav. the Lutzow did not act ually arrive until neai Iv two hours later, and anch >red some disrat e" out On the steimer’s arrival M Tve K*»e Yoon. Chinese Consul. Mr. Cheib Choon S?ng. former Chinese Consul Mr.
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  • 814 4 .Mahomediin Recreation Club vs. Penang Wanderers. It was raining overhead and wet under foot when the Mihomedan Recreation Club and the Pecan# Wandeters met to play off their L?a'guj fixture on Victoria Green yesterday afternoon. The Mahotnedaus, who are well up the League ladder now. found the net
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  • 83 4 The following business in tin has bfen done to-day Penang Straits Trading Co, ««non buyers, no Btllers *6if o Penang Tin Exchange, ‘67 tons at 69 45 E tsteiu Smelting Co., 150 69 80 Singap ore; Straits Trading Co., 200 69 85 Total 387£ tons.
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    • 131 4 To TUB Eoiiok of toe Straits Echo. Daar Sir,—Some months ago you published an account of Mrs Case’s case against R,| ev Hargreaves for injuries received re i r „n piping obstructing the road. I believe the Dr.’s statements were permanent injury.” lam sorry to say
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    • 151 4 To ths Editor or the Straits Echo Dear Sir,—l felt BUre y OU wou ld not mjgg to remark oa a statement that the former (Great Britain) stands at the head of the civilized States while the latter (China) is but slowly emerging from absolute barbarrsm Not so Though
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  • 534 4 Last wefk the Echo told the story of the arrest of Vilayet Shah, a Punjrbi Mihomedan, who was alleged to have victimised some of his countrymen by a false pretence, to wit that be had come down here to enlist rectuits for the Hongkong P-dice Force.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 318 4 THE CRAG HOTEL.! SANATORIUM. j PENANG HILLS. I “As good an Hotel as any in the Straits.” —Singapore Free Press, 27th March. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors, t oooo oooo mo 000c 00« oooo gogg GOGG mo om 0000 moooo<ooo»«OM NORTHAM HOUSE PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, 15, NORTHAM ROAD, 15. XMAS MAILS. In order
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    • 34 4 Dr Friedl sender testifies that (iOMOHHM exerts a favorable influence in removing complications and haemorrhage; also more rapid and satisfactory results are obtained by it than by any other preparation of Sandalwood oil etc.
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    • 33 4 For Whooping Cough. Give Chamberlain's Cough Keniedvwill keep the cough loose, f xpectora |OD e and render the fits of coughing 'es- s and less severe. The George I own •arj, Wholesale Agents-
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    • 218 5 (Supplied by lienter World-wide Sympathy. London, 27tb October—The papers publish columns of articles on the assassination of Prince Ito and sympathise with Japan in the loss of a nr eat statesman. Prince Ito’s son has arrived at Genoa where be received the news of his father's death. Home
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    • 45 5 (Supplied by Reuter Lord’s Amendments to be Rejected. London, 28'h October. Mr. H H As quith announced that the rejection en bloc of the amendments of the House of Lords to the Irish Land Bill will be moved on the sth November.
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    • 33 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Third Reading Passed by the Lords. London, 27 b October. —Tbe House of Lords passed the third reading of the Deve lopnient Bill aud adjourned till November 8
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    • 37 5 The Hogue.” (Supplied by Reuter A Stokehold Explosion. London, 27t,h October. —An explosion took place in the stokehold of the aimrured cruiser Hogue while she was being repa red at Devouport. Eight men were injured, two seriously.
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    • 70 5 {Supplied by Reuter.) Result. London, 28th October.— Following is the result of the race for the Cambridgeshire Stakes which was tun at Newmarket jet» terday; Cambridgeshire Stakes, a handicap of lire value of .£1.365. Distan e 1 mile, 1 furlong. Christmas Daisy b g. by Vitez —Daisy 1 Mustapha
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    • 37 5 {Supplied by Reuter.) Put on Full Pay. London, 28*.b October.—Captain Hulbart, Warding whose being put on a balf-pay a PP'iintm«ut Lord Charles Beresford wrote strougly to the Premier, has beta re* •“ployed on full pay.
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  • 96 5 (Echo Special.) Banishment Order Rescinded. I poll, 28th October.—The Signatories to the petition, praying for a reconsideration of the Banishment Order against Leong Wan Ju> were summoned before the Resi dent at the Chinese Protectorate at 11 o’clock this morning. They were informed that because all the
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  • 1000 5 (From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Monday. The Strike. Since last I wrote to you our rikisha and gharry strike has come to an end, as I advised you at the time by telegram. It collapsed fairly suddenly, a result undoubtedly due to the firm action of the
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  • 223 5 Tourist ill Hospital. Mr. E J Wilson, an assistant in the Singapore branch of Messrs. Whiteaway Laidlaw A Co., met with a serious accident at Simpang Lima, Macalister Road, yesterday afternoon. Mr. Wilson, who is on a holi lay, only arived here a few days
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  • 781 5 American Appreciation. An interesting rep >rt on the new Anglo Siamese Treaty in relation to the industrial and commercial development of the Malay Peninsula has been submitted to the Uuited States Department of Commerce and Labour by Mr- Hamilton King, the Uuited States Minister at Bangkok- Mr.
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  • 1505 5 Buhit Lintang —The accounts to June 30 show credit balance of X761, which the direc’ois rfcommend to be cartieJ foiwiid During the year the company has purchased 264 acres for X5.36 The total acreage is now 636 acres, and 610 acies are fully planted wi'h Para rubber. Cire'y
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  • 279 5 Arrived ?er 89. Lut ow 27th Oct., from Singi p.-.c Rev. Bro. Gabriel. Mr. and Mrs. Subl. Mr Sik Yu-Hien, Mr. E Goier, Mr ml Mrs. H. Wotauabe. From Hongkong Mr. Leoug Yee From Nigasaki Mrs. M O -ki and child, Mr. K Kanek Per s.s. K e'st. 27th
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  • 66 5 To-DAT. I5'.l» Day of 9 h Moon. Muuicipil Coir mission, 3 30 p mVhe New Japanese Cinematograph, cornet of Campbell Street and Penang Itoail. 7-30 p m. an*l 9-1») p.m To MORROW. lG.h D..y of 9;b Mood. Town Band Esplanade. 9 p in. The N< w Japanese Cinematograph, come;
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  • 22 5 Hlnglish (dssit/e 1 4h N-v. China (De'hi) 6 h China <F R. IniUpold) 9 1) German (Prinz Ludvcij) ...10 h
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  • 21 5 O Full Moon Oct. 29 h I.ast Quartet Nov 5 h O New Moon 13»h First Quartet 21 -<t
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  • 17 5 P. O. SILINGS. Mall Scrvi'.c Outwards. lomrwardk Aesaye -i Nov Delhi 6 Nov Himalaya 18 Devanha 20
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 38 5 Dr Boss of Strassburg introduced (tOUOSSiII in the treatment of the most painful of diseases to which maukind is liable It is better, safer and more effective than other preparations of Copaiba. Cubebs or plain i Sandalwood oil.
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    • 455 5 WANTED. A DESPATCHING CLERK. Small salary to begin with. Apply to Z Y. X., cjo Strait» Echo. 28 10-09 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Applications are invited for the post of Engine Driver for *be Municipal Fire Brigade Candidates must bold Stcood Class Certificate ss Engine Driver Salary $20 a month, to be
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  • 1437 6 Extraordinary,” murmured the Professor. He stared, aud rubbed his eyes. Then he muttered a manifestation.” That be should be able to express his feelings in words of no more than six syllables was in itself a sign of the greatness of the occasion. fie stood before
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  • 40 6 October, 1909. Date. HW LW HW LW A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. 28th Nil. 6.04, 12.17, 6.30 29th 12.43, 6.55, 1.08, 7.21 30th 1.54, 8.07, 2.20, 8.23 31st 3.21, 9.08, 3.47, 9 34.
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  • 118 6, 28th Octobkk. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4} 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4} 3 Credit 2/4 3 Documentary.. 2/4‘f Calcutta, Demand Bank Ra. 174} 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174} Moulmein, Demand Bank 174 3 days’sight Private 176 Madras, Demand Bank
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  • 208 6 Hold I#eaf 864.8) 1. i ij. er( W.Coast 31b5.5 oz.) no stock •Vhite Pepper 825.75 tales Ving Pepper •M out of season Cl'ie* out of season Hcc 92. —sales dace Pic’-’T».- 83. —sales 'Jutrnog* 110 s 19 —sales SNo. 1 675 sales H 2 stock Basket 4.85 sales
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  • 191 6 Pbwano, 28th October, 1909. >BK> rti Soup pe« «sut» 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Me*» 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail iwuli 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 35 Pork— Pork per catfi 32 Pig’» i|»»44t 20 Feet 24 Tongut 32
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  • 1433 6 3 2 Number of D g 2 2 Cap ta*. Shares > Dividends Name a 2 2 issued. 'S s' =5 < J o 8 3 i Mining:. 1903 S 300.000 30.000 10 10 -12 Jb for year ending 31,3/09 Belat Tin Mining Co L*d #ml #c .907 300.000
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 60 6 Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. You will hunt a good while before you od a I'UMnnut that i H equal to Chamberlain a Pain Balm. Incases of rheumatism and sciatica it relieves the iu’ense paiu and makes shep and rest po sible. So eness of t io tuu-cUs, swellings aud lameness are
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    • 114 6 Rheumatism. More than n'ne out of every ten cases of rh umatism are simply rheumatism of tbe muscles, due to cold or damp weather or chronic rheumatism- Iu such cases uo iuterml treatment is required. The free application of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is all that is needed, and it is
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  • 184 7 When blie leaves Linn'ob for China, says the Oregon Journal, »lie htoamer if S Dollar will have on board (no of tLe most siugular cargoes of lumber that has ever left the port. Her deck load is composed of huge unsawed logs which are destiutd to go
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  • 872 7 Commander Peary’s narrative of Ins journey to the North Pole is given below Twelve hours, 40 miles, and no sign of a lead in the march. 1 had made my live marches, and was in time for a hasty noon observation through a temporary breik in ihe
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1531 7 INSURANCES Th« Penang Khean Quan Insurance Co., Ltd. Hbad OffiCF» No. 81, BOARD OP Mr. Cbeah Cboo Yew Quab Beng Kee Kbaw Joo Tok Yeob Oeok Koat Kboo Hun Yeang Oog Hun Siew ’.I Ho Tiang Wan Mr. Kboo Hiach Bnin, rinn, DI RIOTOUS. Mr. Gan Gnob Bee Tan Tiang
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 907 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Cate of Dr Allen Cu., Pha, US.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. AT No. 21a, Penang Road. A few doors from the Eastern and Orlentrl Hotel» 6 mth*. TEA e> V TEA oOLE AGENTS FOR PENANG, ATERSON, SIMONS Co., Ltd MDN6 KIM MUN, No. 77a, Bishop Street,
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