Straits Echo, 22 October 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1062 1 tianq LEE Oo 0, err DO oo g K c/i oo >o VyX/ jj 25 z \C£' \v* m /'v. SOLE AOEMTS B ft N S THE Eastern Shipping Company, Ltd., (ENGINE WORKS AND Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL ‘CHARTER. DOCKYARD.) Engineers, Shipbuilders, Brass Iron
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    • 26 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. 1 dM s Oy TIANG LEE Co., Sole Agents. 7 X CD > CO K ft ft x> 'V fokto
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  • 2213 2 lUcy Revelations About Her Friends in the Smart Set. A stir in the world of letter*, and a veti'ahle furore in fashiouable society, have been caused bv the publication of the Coun ess of Cardigan’s reminiscences For the search light which the author tlnws on hpr intimites spires
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 49 2 A Safe Medicine. I>«iu t l>e afiai.l to give bamberlaiu’s Remedy to yrur cbi'dren. It is icteud«d especially for couglß, colds, croup aud whoopiog cougb. and it is tbe lest medicine made for these do eases It contaius to opium or olhei mrcotic. The Qaorge Town Dispeusary. Wholesale AgeDts.
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    • 559 2 THE CURE OF CONSUMPTION Active > Principle of Cod Liver Oil with Creosote. MORJKotE (Chapoteaut) RELIABLE AGENT IN TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS OR PULMONARY PHTHISIS Sold by all Chemists. For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. I'' HE s 8 Hong Bee, Captain J. Home, is expee’ed to arrive be e on
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    • 1293 2 I THE W OATINE PREPARATIONS. A Beautiful Face —A Matter of Culture. EVERT WOMAN WHO VALUES a clear, beautiful sk u must ke’p it cleau. A clean skin d< ties tlte lavages of time and climate. 1 Oatiue is tbe best skin cleanser. It removes the di*t from the pores.
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  • 34 3 Vestel t t'rom Ageith Due Himalaya Suyprore A G A Jo. 23 d OjI Lu z >w Siugapoie \i M.aCo. 20:11 Kleist Colombo B.M &Co 27 h Assaye Colombo A.G.&Co. 4th Nov
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  • 35 3 Ve$se J t Fir A jtn( he ’V* Ii unalby i Colombo A G ACo Oct. I U ZOW Colombo B II a Co. Kleikt Singapore B.M ACo Asoaye Sngapore A G ACo. Nov.
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  • Shipping.
    • 78 3 Atjeh. Dut. p.B, 393, Pcpbes, 21st Oct, Langsa. 20th Oct, Gen.— H. L. Co. De Kock, Dut. s.s., 335, Fleeming, 21st Oct.. Deli, 20tli Oct., Geu —H- L. <fc Co Ban Whatt Soon. Br. a s 199, Gully. 22nd Oct. Teluk Anson, 21st Oct., Gen.— E S. Co Ltd.
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    • 59 3 22nd October. Malacca, for Tong kali. Oniapere, for Tongkab, Kopali, Kenong, Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy. Pin Seng, for Port Swetteuham aud Singapore. Sappho, for Teluk Anson. Sree Bangka, for Pulau Laugkawi, Perils and Setul. Qlenlochy, for Port Swettenham, Singapore, Cliiua aud Japan. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld aud
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    • 111 3 Fo» Calcutta Per Lightning, tomorrow, 9 am. Kedah Per Tong Chuan, to-morrow, 10 a in Colombo aud Tuticoriu—Per Kanagawa Marti, ti-morrow, 11 a.m Rangoon and Calcutta—Per Palitana, to-morrow, 11 am. Ceylou, Australasia, India, Aden, Mauritius, Egypt, and via Brindisi, for Europe etc. —Per Himalaya, to-inorrow, n>on. Deli Laugsa—Per
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  • 491 3 Per P. and 0. sb Nore, from L mdon. Sept. 25, due at Penang on 24th o.ct To Penang Miss K. Gill, Miss Wallick, Miss Anderson, Miss A. Cbarle6\vorth, Mr. and Mrs D. Ritchie, Mr. aud Mrs. A. \V. Just, Mr. and Mrs Ald worth aud
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 821 3 P.&O. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Ssrvlct. Outward. Nov. 4 Astaye] connecting with Mongolia 1H Himalaya Marmora Dec. 2 Delta More a n 16 Delhi Mod tan 30 Devanha Mantua Homeward. THROUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. March 26, Macedonia. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. lat Olm te4 C'Uw ro
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    • 502 3 (SHIPPING,) NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL. GERMAN MAIL LINE. iv r. 'i St n 8r 3ft >-v r&, Ml I CT3 THE fast and well-known mail s’, earners ot this Company sail iortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice'versa) Port
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  • 102 4 Jaettoa wtMhi wn body Bad JbbUcb blodb v fihlUhMl dallf ( *»ndi, it mi CRITERION PRESS, Lid., No. 226—232. Beach Street. Penang. PRICK: DAILY UKIAL |S4 per innnn OUTiTATIOW* M Poatac* iitrm. HAIL BIMTION (Post Pras) $ll OAK LI ADDRESS Echo— renang." Telephone No. 343. All boalnMi
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  • 635 4 How little the local papers are to be depended upon for just appreciations of such situations as that which led to a general feeling among Europeans in Ipoh that co mercy should be shown to self-assertive Chinese may be deduced from the following murderous sentiment,
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  • 711 4 Tin (unrtfiued) is quoted here to day at $69.55, buyers no sellers at Singapore (refioed) at $69 82£ buvers no sellers ai'd in London at «£l3B 10s cish and «£l4O three month*’ sight. Opium is quoted to-day at $965, aud Raugoou rice at $132 ler
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  • 223 4 Readers of the Echo are acquainted with the cise in which a baba, named Chew Cheug Chuan. wap, some months ago, prosecuted for bigamy, which charge was subsequently withdrawn by the Crown. It will be remembeied that, la'er on, the complainant, Leow Bi Yemg, summoned Chew
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  • 676 4 A correspondent of a Singapore pape r says O i Saturday afternoon, the letding Ipob towkays wete called to the Residency, aud Mr *****, in the presence of Mr. Ridges. Piotrctor cf Chinese, explained in a very clear miDipr tint the Goverum
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  • 868 4 CrescentB vs. Wanderers. A large concourse of spectators gathered on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon to witness the League match between the Crescents and the Wanderers which, after a hard tussle, euded in a goalless draw. for the fact that the Crescents played one man short yeste day’s result
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 318 4 iTHE CRAG HOTEL.! 5 SANATORIUM. PENANG HILLS.t “As good an Hotel as any in the Straits.” 5 f —Singapore Free Pres», 27th March. Z SARKIES BROTHERS, S Proprietors, j OGGO o<»«G<X>o 0000*00« NORTHAM HOUSE PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, 15, KORTHAM P.OAD, 15. XMAS MAILS. In order to avoid the press of work
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    • 36 4 Dr Friedlaender testifies that OoilOßan exerts a favorable influence in removing 1 complications and haemorrhage; also more rapid and satisfactory results are obtained a by it than by any other preparation of Sandalwood oil etc. 8
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    • 37 4 For Whooping Cough. Give Cbamberlaiu’s Cough RemeJy 11 will keep the cough loose, expectoration and render the fits of coughing less f re, l" eU and less severe. The George I own 1 1 sarj, Wholesale Agents-
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    • 27 5 (Echo Special.) W. Hrc. R. Charter. Kuala Lumpur, 22nd October.—At Read Lodge yesterday evening W. Bro. R. Charter was installed as Worsbipfu Master.
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    • 79 5 {Echo Special,) Hagan Samak and Chan Seng Estates Taken Over. Kuala Lumpur, 22nd October.—A new flotation, the Estates of Kedah, is being formed with a capital of £120,000 in two shilling shares. The company will take over the Bagan Samak and Chan Seng Estates near Parit Bun
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    • 50 5 (Supplied by Jftei ter.) Precautionary Measures. London. tflst Oct —The Tsar’s route to Italy is kept a secret Eleven thousand Italian troops are concentrated between Barfonecclia and Racconiei, Piedmont, where ba will meet King Victor Emmanuel. Numerous arrests of foreign anarchists have been made in Italy.
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    • 40 5 (Supplied by Reuter Twenty Dreadnoughts by 1912. London. 21st October. —Mr. Qeorge Lambert, Civil Lord of the Admiralty, speaking at Penicuik, Midlothian, said: We shall have twenty •'Dreadnoughts'" by Mirch, 1912, an compared with Germany’s estimated thirteen.
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    • 126 5 (Supplied by Reuter Andrasay to be Summoned. London,2lst October. —As a resu’t of the crisis of the 2Hh September the Emperor Francis Joseph conferred with the Hungarian Ministers at Vienna and appealed for the continuance of the coalition ministry. The Ministers declared that that was impossible It
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    • 14 5 (Supplied by Reuter Resignation. London, 22ad Oct.—The Spanish Cabinet has resigned.
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    • 41 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Another Explorer’s Testimony. London, 22nd Oct.—A letter from the DaJ>i»h explorer, Knud RasmusßeD, has reached Copenhagen. Rasmussen says that he has closely cross-examined Dr. F. A. Cook’s •kitnos whose story corroborates that of the doctor.
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    • 22 5 (Supplied by Reuter designs the Greek Navy. London, 22nd October.—King George of the Rear-Admiralsbip °f the Greek Navy.
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    • 26 5 (Supplied by Reuter 1 “rvliaHod by Pierpont Morgan. October.—Mr. Pierpont thn*. J-?I** 1 purchased the manuscripts of of Geor Ke Meredith’s novels for J6BOO.
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  • 605 5 Case Against “Union Times” Dismissed. The action for libel brought against the Union Timet Press, Ltd a Singapore Chinese newspaper, by a Hakka named Then Tsz Yu. waa before Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith. The plaintiff claimed $lO,OOO as damages Mr. V D. Knowles appeared for the plaintiff
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  • 396 5 Made More So by Keekless Banishments. Commenting on a remaik iu Mr Baker'» speech to the Legislative Council, that people do not come to the tropics for pleasure but to make money, and that if you tax them too much vou keep thpm away, the Singapore Free Frets
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  • 771 5 A Government Gazette Extraordinary dated October 19 publishes the Muuicipil estimates for 1910 Following a;e the 1 estimates as published Revenue. Rates $165 500 Taxes 63 850 1 Licences 7.400 Fees 8 800 Water Supply 130,000 Conservancy 85 0(H) R nts 57,620 Veteriuary Department 33.500 Mi
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  • 397 5 On Bep»ember 22, Lord Curse>u >ent the folio ving letter to the Times: —I have no desire to express any opinion upon the amus mg reappearance of ceiiam remarks of mine wbeu I left lodia in 1905 in the farewell speech of LMd Kitchener in 1909, but
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  • 109 5 A RRIVRO Per ss. Pin Seng. 21 si Oct from Singapore Mr. Lim S j ng Cheang. From Port Swetteukam Mr. O. Chuno. Per s.s. Malaya, 2 !ud o_>t., from Deli: Miss Fhnzer, Mr van Gelderu, Mr and Mis. Djelian D» PARTED Per s.'’ Toni Chum, 19ch Oct, for
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  • 70 5 To-day. 9th I)av ot 9 ii Moon. The New jap mono Cireuiaiograph, corner of Ca 111 pi tell Street anl Penang Road. 7-3 U p.ui. aud 9 1 I p.»n To-morrow 10 h l>av of 9ih Moon fhe New Japanese Cinematograph, coinei of Campbell Stie t aud Penang Road,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 37 5 Dr. Boss of Strassburg introduced (iOllOgail in the treatment of the most painful of diseases to which mankind is liable It is better, safer and more effective than other preparations of Copaiba. Cubebs or plain Sandalwood oil-
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    • 49 5 WANTED. ACASHIEIi- Salary $4O prr memera $2 00) Btcuiily required Must be e lergetic. Apply to 0 P. 22 10 l 9 c 'o Straits EchoTHE NEW JAPANESE CINEMATOGRAPH. GRAND w, V 4 f Programme TO-NiaHTI 22 EXCELLENT PICTURES WILL BE EXHIBITED AS USUAL. one: payment for TWO SHOWS.
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    • 829 5 BRITISH INDIA S. N CO LTD. week AS 8 s KISTNA ia docking this she sailing on the 23rd October lapses, but she will resume her usual run to Port Swettenhatn and Singapore ou the 30tli instant. 8 8 OIL WAR A is expected to leave for Singapo e ou
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  • 77 6 October, 1999. H.W. L.W. H.W. L.W. A. M. A M. P. M. P. M. 21st 6.17, 12.04, 6.42, 12 30 22nd 7.09, 12.56 7.34, 1.21 23rd 8 00, 1.47, 8.26, 2.13 24th 8.51. 2.20, 9.17, 3.04 25th 9 43, 3.30, 10.08. 3.56 26th 1034, 421. 11.00,
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  • 122 6 Penang, 22 nd October (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4$ 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4§ 3 Credit 2/4,» 6 3 Documentary.. 2/4 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174$ n 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174$ Moulmein, Demand Bank 174 3 days* sight Private
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  • 221 6 Gold Ijeaf *61.81 tt. 1 epi er( W.Coast 31bs.5 ox.) no stock White Pepper 126 —tales r-ang Pep re» out of season Cl »vpi out of season M S'!.—tales uace l 80. —sellers 'Jntirpc* 110s 20 —sales C No. 1 ..6 75 sales Sugar 4 2 »tock (.Basket 4.85
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  • 195 6 PllilA, 22RD OCTOBSR. 1909 Bur— ett Soup l*r catty 14 Boast m 24 Steaks H 24 Steir or Curry Meat 16 Bump Stoat M 24 Ox Tail melt 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart m 30 Liver per catty 35 Pork— Pork per cat t* 32 Pig’s llemi
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  • 1722 6 _®z 3 2 Number of p 3 Capita' Shares > Dividends Name S S '-sued. i 1 L_ 4 Mining. 1903 S 300.000 30.000 10 ■lOl2 for year ending 31/3/09 Belat Tiu Mining Co.. Ltd. i $5l .907 300.000 22,500 10 10 firming Ltd. |5 25 $5 75 1901
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 102 6 A Keinedy That Cures Colic. Some time back I had a very bad attack of colic.” «ays ilr. O. Pienaar of MiddelburgCipe 0 ■lonjr. “I siw an advertisement in the paper of Chamber u’s Colic, Cholera and 1> arrkcea lieniedv, wl ich I at o ce got from the chemist,
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    • 404 6 Pain Balm. Yju will hunt a good while before you fi-id a !n intent that is equal to Chamber* lain’s Paiu Brim. lo cases of rheumatism and tciatici it relieves ihe intense pain and nukes sleep and rest possible. Soreness of the muscle*, swellings and lameness are quickly relieved by
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  • 983 7 PROPOSED PROGRAMME, To be Submitted to a Special General Meeting to be held on Monday, 15th November, 190#, at the rooms of the Penang Chamber of Commerce, at 4-30 p m. NOTICE—No amendments to this Programme wiil
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  • 858 7 Alleged Murder by Constable Kiukiung). Ou >°ept 23, Mr. Ginnell asked the Secretary of State ior Foreign Affaws whether it is iu accordance with c > su!ar piacfice, when a native is accused of killing a British subject and when a British subject is accused of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 909 7 insurances, The Penang Khean Guan Insurance Co., Ltd. HiAD Diner, No. 84. BOARD OF Mr. Cbeah Cboo Yew Quah Beng Kee Kbaw Joo Tok Yeoh Geok Koat KbooHunYeang Oog Hun Siew Ho Tiang Wan Mr. Kboo Bbacb Sraarr, Paata*. DIRECTORS. Mr.Gan Gnob Bee Tan Tiang Swee h Tan Kim Leong
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    • 268 7 Entries Close at 5 p. m. on Monday, 20th December, 1909, (except for Race 8, Third Day, which closes as stated); Handicaps i for the First Day will be published on or before the ‘23rd December, 1909. A penalty of 7 ibs is incurred in a handicap by the «inner
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    • 114 7 Rheumatism. More thin nine out of every ten if rh. umatism are simply rheumatism of the muscles, due to cold or damp weather tr chronic rheumatism- In such cases n<> internal treatment is riquired. The free application of Ch ml rrlaiu’s I’aiu Balm is all that is neehd au 1
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 883 8 W. M ANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Cu. t Pha, U.S.A. barges Moderate, Ccnsultation Free. RkSIUUfA AT /Vo. 2!a, Penartr Road. A few doors from the Eastern and Orient.'l Hotel. 6 mthi TEA *0 FOR USEFUL TO PUNTERS, ESTATES, ETC. Large Check Roll Books of 200 leaves. Price,
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