Straits Echo, 19 October 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1118 1 TIANG LEE A 00. AW -2 r o. o tco OO 5^ on c/a oo oo '\r V W oo oo .Xj oo oo 3 m AV A oftv SOLE AO ENTS. THE Eastern Shipping Company, Ltd., (ENGINE WORKS AND DOCKYARD.) BANKS Engineers, Shipbuilders, Brass Iron Founders. Engineering Appliances Fittings
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    • 25 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAS*. W I r\V AD 7 o (22: 4' I 3 XPKTO, T|ANG LEE A Co., So/e Agea ts.
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  • 1076 2 The approaching anuui! gathering of ii brari ins in the city of Sheffield remiuds us that the developments of this comparatively new literacy force is proe>ediug apace, aud promises to materially influence th i life of the uatioD. YVe have called this force uew, yet, strictly
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 65 2 Khcu :n at is ill. More thau u ne out of every teu tubes of ihrumatibiu aie simply rheumatism of tie mu.->cles, due io cold or damp weather or cbroiiic rheumatism. In such cases no internal treatment is required. The free application of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm ii all that is
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    • 593 2 It has been satisfactorily demonstrated that thousands of persons bare to thank GOUOftatl for restoration to health and happiness. It is astringent and antiseptic and has never been known to fail At all dealers in Patent Medicines and Chemical in bo'tles of 40 capsules. CHAPOTEAUT’S NO CURATIVE TASTI PRINCIPLE NO
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    • 635 2 BRETEL MIES BUTTER, THE BEST ON THE MARKbT, Packed in 2 lbs tins. For prices apply to G. H. SLOT Co., Agents. THE 44 OATINE PREPARATIONS. 9 A Beautiful Face—A Matter of Culture. I EVERY WOMAN VHP VALUES M a clear, beautiful skin must ke?p it clean. I® A clean
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    • 301 2 WANTED. A0X8HIKR for a led I import fi m S-tU'ity icqui ed $5,COO. Salary accoidiug to qualificationsApply to MERCHANTS, 13-10 9 706 c o Straits Echo TO LET, NO. 33, NORTH AM ROADJ Apply KENNEDY CO-, 13-7-09 517 4. Bishop Street. TO LET. AVOND TjE,” But'erworth, sea-side. pi»tlv furnished, w.i'er
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    • 448 2 ALLEN DENNYS&CO. Forwarding, Insurance, ng, insurance, Estate and ommission Agents Properties valued and loans arrant on good security. m Agents for The Property Insurance 0 L t f ONDON Fi a The Marine Insurance Co-, of Mi (Mi„ The Penang Transhipping and Forwarding Co. The following Properlies in hand FOR
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  • 36 3 F»u,ei» t A gt a Due D vacha Colombo A G &Co. 20th Oct. Himalaya Siagproie A.G ACo. 26 (1 Lu z >w Singapore IJ M.aCo. 26 'h Kleist Jolouibo B.M &Co 27 h
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  • 29 3 i <■’**' For Ajbttt* l.r'Wf' Daraoba S nz»p orf> A GACo Oct. Hianalay t Colombo A G ACo.'ZOW Colombo l> M A Co. Kleit>t Singapore 1 B.M ACo
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  • Shipping.
    • 48 3 Ban Whatt Soon, Br. B.a 199, Gully, 19th Oct., Teluk Anson, 18th Oct., Geu. E S. Co., Ltd. Avagyee, Br. s.s 250, Campbell, 19th Oct., Belawan, 18th Oct, GeD.—E. S. Co., Ltd. Omapere, Br. 8.8., 340, Bell, 19ib Oct, Tavoy, 14*b Oct., Gen.— E. S. Co., Ltd.
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    • 43 3 19th October. Rotorua, for Tongkah. Jin Ho, for Laugkat. De Kock, for Deli. Malaya, for Deli. Perak, for Port Swettenham and Singapoie Sapj'ho, for Teluk Auson. Ipok, for Port Swetteuham and Singapore Mary Austin, for Pangkalan Brandan. Tong Chay TJn, for Trang.
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    • 120 3 For Kedah Per Lian Choo to morrow, 9 a m. Negapatam and Madras —Per Thongwa, to morrow, 10 a m. Singapore—Per Pangan. tc-morrow, noon. Pang Nga Trang—Per De'i, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Batu Bahra —Per Padang, to morrow, 1 p.m. Rangoon—Per Landra t cheif tc-morrow, 2 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per
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  • 458 3 Per P. aud O. s s. Moldavia, from London, Sapt 24. connecting with the Devanha at Colombo, due at Pemng on 20th Oct To Penang Miss C G. Swau, Mr. 11. Pearson, Mr. H. W. Firmstone. To Singapore Mr. J. MacDougall. Mr. A H Atkinson, Mr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 706 3 P. 0. Steam Navigation Coy. KxpH*t*Ml Arrivals and Departures. Mail Sarvlca. Oat ward. Oct. 20 Devanha connecting with Moldavia Nov. 4 Aetoye Mongolia 18 Himalaya Marmora ])3c. 2 Delta Morea 10 Delhi Mooltan 30 Devanha Mantua Homeward. THROUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. March 26, Macedonia. FARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. tat CImi
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    • 420 3 (S HIPPING NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPKKIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. f six. u s ft ■rim am 3 v r 1 *.’■>-* >*v -c' >■ t' v THE fast and woii-known mail s earn» i>o: this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Napies, (connection
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    • 59 3 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. r 8. s Hong Bee, Captain J. 11 > me, A. is expected toariive hoi eon Thursday, aud will leave for the above ports on Saturday, the 23rd inst. at 3 p in. For freight or passage apply to KOE QUAN Co, Agents for
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  • 97 4 Jostle* bettiflea »T«ry body and 3 notice alone "nbllshsd dally (eaoept Monday »T TUB CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Btrmt, Penang. PRICK: DAILY LOCAL |H per annnn* ODTBTATIONB M Pootago litre. KAIL iniTION (Poot Free) lit OAKI.N ADDRKSB Echo—Penang." Telephone No. 343 A,A.—All bnotnoM rotnmanlreMoo* otioald
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  • 725 4 The Echo was right when it said that the Municipal Commissioners had power to deal with insanitary dwellings without wasting public money on reclamation schemes. The owner of really insanitary property is not in a position to defy the authorities, if they proceed under
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  • 210 4 We had been expecting for some time the Hon. Mr. Adam’s questions with regard to the virtual isolation of Penang by the Government’s East Const choice of railway route. It was quite time that Penang’s claims were voiced. When Sir John Anderson spoke, at the Straits Association
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  • 187 4 w e are not of those who have been fussing about the removal from Penang of the Malay States Guides. We do not fear that they are likely to be needed here. We have had elsewhere some experience of riots far worse than any probable here,
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  • 35 4 Messrs. Tye Kee Yoon and Gan Ngoh Be? have each contributed SlO 000 towards the District Hospital C ffi i Fund The Resident Councillor has written thanking them for their greit generosity.
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  • 296 4 t The following business iu tiu l> is been t done to-day Penang s Penang Tin Exchange, 100 tons at $69.65 9 Straits Trading Co. 50 70'2, Eastern SmeltiDg Co, 100 70 02, Sintapore S raits Trading Co., £00 7J02^ i Total 550 tons. Tin
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  • 1059 4 Yeslonlay’s Successful Experiments. The vacant plot of grouud opposite the Jin ickisha Station in Penang Road was chosen 1 by Mr. A. Wigley, Managing Director for the Far E st of the Yorkshire App!ituc« Foe Comp my. as the scouĕ of bis expaiinnonts tfc (fciafiOitrate the rfficienct
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  • 973 4 C. R. C. vs. Crescents. The Crescents were outplayed in every point and at every of the game in their r Leigue match against the Chiuese Recreation Club on Victoria Green yesterday afternoou 'I'beir attack, on those rare occasions when 0 S. A. Rahman got ptmSPgsiou of the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 189 4 PRITCHARD CO. THORET’S BEST QUALITY BLACK BENTWOOD FURNITURE. Armless Cliairs, Open Hack, 16" Seat, Arm 20" Armless Chairs, Cane Hack, 16" Ann <1 20 $2-25. 84-41 8:1-1 85-40. Bentwood Settees, Length 44", Height 37", Bentwood Reclining Sofas, with Adjustable Head Bentwood Rocking Sofas, Adjustable, Cash Price, 9-90. $22-05. $20-48. Bentwood
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    • 35 4 For Whooping Cough. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedywill keep the cough loose, eipectoratiou ear' aud render the fits of coughiDg less frrque nt and lea» severe. The George Town h> lB F eu sary, Wholesale Agents-
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    • 105 5 (Echo Special.) Kaninhed for Five Years. ]pol), 18th October.—The British Resident, Mr. E. W. Birch, held the Banishment Court at the Chinese Protectorate to-day-.* Te Maun, the Acting Manager of Chop Wall Yik, was bound over to keep the peice in the sum of $2,000 with two sureties.
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    • 32 5 (Echo Special.) No Disturbances but Several Arrests. Kuala Lumpur, 19th October.—There were no disturbances in connection with the rickisha strike yesterday. This morning and yesterday several headmen were arrested.
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    • 22 5 Echo Special.) Return front Singapore. Kuala Lumpur, 19th October.—Mr. H. Conway Beltield, the British Resident, has returned from Singapore.
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    • 53 5 (Echo Special.) Opposed by the Unoflirinls. Singapore, 19th October. —The second reading of the Chandu Bill was opposed by the unothcials, the Hon. A. R. Adams remarking that his reason was the changed attitude of the Government in extending it to Penang which was not averse from
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    • 111 5 (Echo Special.) Imminent Need of Economy.” Singapore, 19th October. —The Supply Bill passed its second reading by 11 to 1. The lion. John Turner was not in favour of using the pruning knife, hut for the introduction of a taxation in conjunction with the F.M.S. and Johore.
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    • 75 5 (Echo Special.) The Colonial Secretary’s Reply. Singapore, 49th October. —With regard to the question asked by the Hon. A. R. Adams as to the reason of the withdrawal from Penang of the Malay States Guides, the Colonial Secretary said that Government did not feel justified in expending
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    • 60 5 Should Imports be Taxed (Echo Special.) I he Hon. John Tumor's Question. Singapore, 19th October.—The Hon. John Turner will ask at the meeting of the Legislative Council that before the budget is passed a committee be appointed to go into the question of increasing the revenue by means of taxation
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    • 66 5 (Echo Special.) Govern ineut. WiH'Consider Offer of Private Companies. Singapore, 19th October. —Replying to question put by the Hon. A. R. A'lunis as to the future development of e rad way system in tta Peninsula, b,r Arthur Yfj»nn{|, Secret»r/, 841,1 that G(svermnent was not consfderlnS an extension of
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    • 79 5 (Supplied by Reuter) Meeting Possibly Postponed. London, 18th October. —Despite the Premier, the Bavarian Diet unanimously passed a resolution demanding the denunciation of the extradition treaty with Russia. The Novoe Viemya describes it as an insolent, demonstration intended to irflime the hostility of a section of
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    • 35 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Lipton Intends Trying Again. London, 18th October —Sir Tbomas Lip ton has sailed for America to try and arrange for a race for the America Cup under modified rules.
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    • 75 5 (Supplied by Reuter The Northern Territory. Loudon, 18th October.—A telegram from Melbourne states that the Federal House of Representatives has passed the second reading of the Bill transferring the northern territory to the Commonwealth. Deakin’s Comments. Mr Alfred Deakin, speaking in the House of Representatives, declared that if Australia
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    • 94 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Trafalgar Square Demonstration. London, 18th October. —A demonstration in protest of the execution of M. Ferrer was held at Trafalgar Square. Ten thousand people were present aud violent speeches were made by the Socialist members of the House of Commons who denounced King Alfonso
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    • 36 5 f Supplied by Reuter.) Nine Displays by Frenchmen. London. 19:h October. —The Blackpool aviation meeting has opened The French competitors gave nine displays both at Black pool and Doncaster toeuormous and delighted crowds.
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    • 63 5 (Supplied by Reuter Too Expensive For New Zealauders.” London, 19th October.—A telegram from Wellington statea that Sir Joseph Grorge Ward. Premier of New Zealand, said that lie hope») provision would be ma»le for the renewal of the Surz contract to reduce rates on vessels trading with the
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    • 106 5 (Supplied by Renter-) Question in Parliament. London, 19 b October —ln the Hou e of Commons yesterday, Mr. L- Gmuell, N« tiooalist Member for N»»r<h Westmeaib, asked what was the cost of construction of the Harb ur docks at Hongkong, without which the Canton Kowloon Railway would
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    • 73 5 {Supplied by Rei ter How a Crisis was Averted. London, 19th October.—The Timet correspondent at Athens states that arrangements were actually made for the military oocupatitfn;of the Chamber of Deputies, the arrest of the most important politicians, the proclamation of a dictatorship on Friday evening. Only the
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    • 1897 5 To thb Editor of ihb Straiis Echo. Sir, I shall fee! much obliged if you will kindly publish for general information the enclosed correspondence that his pished between the Government and the Muslim Society on the subject of declaring Hari Rrya Puisa” and Hari Raya Haji” as public
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  • 16 5 Departed Per s.?. Pal tuna. 18 h Oct., for Smga pore Mr. Liew Kim Wab.
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  • 64 5 To-iur. t» li I)<y of 9.1 i Moon. flic New JapawsP Ciuonii corn* of Campbell Stie t and I’enani: Rut] 7 30 p in. and 9 10pm Ib-MORROW 7 W D.iv »>f 9 h Moon League Football :A- C S. vs U. R C Victoria Green Tlie New Japanese
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  • 20 5 English Devanhi' ...2d h Oit Chint Himalaya ...23 d Oh iu *Jj<\tzow\ ...26 h German (Kleiet) ...27 h
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  • 24 5 Post Quartet Oef. t 2nd O holt jd'K’k 29 h I ..»i l/ii.irt. -i Nov 5 h it NVw Mmm 13 h
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  • 42 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Scrvii.t OotwarDs. I I<»v k«v a ki>« Dfvtnha 20 Oci H>mal>ya 23 Oct Assize 4 Nov j Dtlhi 6' Nov Kxtra Service Outwards Uumkwakd. Nora 24 Oct. j Ceylon 30 Oct Palawan 8 Nov 1 Som-‘li 13 Nov
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 92 5 A Remedy That Cures Colic. Some time back I bad a very bad attack of colic," says Mr. C. Pieuaar of Middellurtr, Cape Colony. I saw an advertisement in the paper of Chamberlain’* Colic, Cholera aud D'arrLcei Remedy, which I at once got from the chemist, Mr. C. Turpin After
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    • 418 5 I PENANG COMMITTEE, TAKJONG PAGAR DOCK BOARD. r pilE public will pleise note that all bills A. against the Prye Rwer Dock and Government Wharves, Penang, must in tutu e be rendered irect to the Secretary, Government Wharves Offices, Penang. R N. BLA'D, 19 10-(0 779 Chairman. BRITISH INDIA S.
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  • 614 6 Official Minutes. Minutes of a Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Thursday, the 30th September, 1909 Present. L. H. Clayton, Esq. Chairman J W Hallifax, Esq. Quah Bung Kee, E*q. Dr. P. V. Locke Absent. F- J. Hallifax. E-q. (President). L’m C beng leik. Esq l y
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  • 401 6 A Mad Englishwoman. Ladies who cross the Atlantic will be well advised to put out their cigarettes and hand over their uusmoked supply to some male acquaintance when the immigration <. fficials come on board. We read in the Daily Mail how an Englishwoman ot sixty, cescrib ed by unprejudiced
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  • 154 6 The following uDc'aimed le'ters and unclaim«*d pircel are lying at the General Post Offic r: Letters B&scom, Mrs. Mr. E. Money. E. W. Beatson, J. Ofrier, A. Clark, Mrs. L. Price, W. G. Dubois. Alex. Peck, L. Duncan. E. W. Roberts, J. Elises, Senor Ambrosioßosenfeld. J.
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  • 89 6 October, 1939. H.W. L.W. H.W. L.W. Uate A. M. AM. P. M. P. M. 19th 4.34, 10 47, 5.00, 1113 20th 526, 11.39, 5.11, Nil. 21st 617, 12.04, 6.42, 12 30 22nd 7.09, 12.56 7.34, 121 23nl 8.00, 1.47, 8.26, 2.13 24th 8.51. 2.80, 9.17, 3.04
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  • 122 6 Penang, 19th Octobbb (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4, 4 9 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4§ 3 Credit 2/4 3 Documentary.. 2/4^§ Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174$ 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174$ Moulmein, Demand Bank 174 3 days’sight Private 176 Madras,
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  • 206 6 Gold lieaf $61.81 d. 1 er(W.Coast 31bs.5 oz.) no stock White Peppoi .$26—telers Tram; Peppei out of season Cl «*•> out of season M 92.—sales 1 k 80. sel'ers Nutm 110s 20 —sales r No. 1 6 3u sates Sugar 2 2 no stock (Basket 4.85 sales T ukiu.
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  • 194 6 pBKAnn. 19th October. 1909 8bb*— t* Soup »tr catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Me*' 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail eacli 30 Tongue M 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 35 Pork Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Heart 20 Feet 24 Tongur
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  • 1652 6 a d. 5 J Number of -3 to 8 S 2 Capita!. Shares Dividends Name 5 a c j .a 3> 1- issued. s -s 5 C w JQ '>9 O j. -3 I Mining. 1903 -300,000 30,000 10 10 12 for year ending 31 8/09 Bekt Tin Mining
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 58 6 Chamberlain’s Pain Halm. Y>»u will hunt a good while before y< u Mud a liniment that ia equal to Chatnbei* iaiu’s Pain Balm. In cases of rheumatism and tcatic* it relieves the inteuse pain and makes Bleep and rest possible. So’euess of the muscles, swellings and lameness aie quickly relieved
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    • 404 6 Tbo first violent inflammatory symptoms quickly disappear after treatment with Kedel’s Gonosan Capsules. No batter preparation now on the market. Certified by the leading Specialists iust ADVERTISEMENT hTE. FRuI BA .ERA LID w« offer th.< M Pocket 3 Com pan lan fcr 19 penny ■IUDM Introeli] to yon oar W
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  • 859 7 George Meredith. Who cati define him IIi« style is chaos lllumnel by flashes of lightning. As a wiiter he has mastered everything except language: as a novelist be can do everything except tel] a story as an artist he is everything except articulate- Somebody in Shakespearo —Touchstoue, I
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1287 7 INSURANCES. The Penang Khean Guan Insurance Co., Ltd. Hiad Ovticv, No. W. BOARD OP Mr. Cbeab Cboo Yew Quah Beng Kee Khaw Joo Tok Yeoh Oeok Keat Kboo Hun Yeang Oog Hun Siew Ho Tiang Wan Mr. Kboo Haacm BTaaaT, Vwwam. DIRBOTORB. Mr. Gan Gnob Bee Tan Tiang Swee Tan
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    • 92 7 A Safe Medicine. Don’t be afraid to give Cbamb.ulaiu’s Cough Remedy to your cbi'dren- It is intended especially for coughs, coils, croup and whooping c« ugh, and it is the be*-t medicine made for these diseases It contai is no op um or other narcotic The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 900 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr Allen A Cu., Pha U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. t»Air>i*e at A'o. 21a. Penang Rond. A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mill* TEA 14 FORTSALE. USEFUL TU PUNTERS, ESTATES, ETC. TEA Large Check Roll Books of 200 leaves. Price,
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