Straits Echo, 13 October 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1064 1 uUINNESS’S STOUi H w C > <3 Co o i 2 ,5> H m 30 s. > X o N 'v JTV&SSVB BANKS. > THE Eastern Shipping Company, Ltd., (ENGINE WORKS AND DOCKYARD.) Engineers, Shipbuilders, Brass Iron Founders. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid
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    • 31 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. jioddlN Mjy Y m 2s C 5 O 60 > i s 3» CD v o fh :.Vs| N V' TIANG LE£ Co., Sole Agents.
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  • 540 2 From the Report of the R >yal Survey Department dealing with the work of 19 6 07:— 'The niture of the country iu Puket does not lend itself by any means to rapid survey All along the coast and for some distance inland in the districts
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  • 477 2 Is Courage Declining Says a wii er in a London pap3r: —1 can hardly be denied that the general increase in comfort among white men is accompanied by an apparent diminution in moral and physical courage. 1 say apparent because dogmatism is out of place iu discussing the matter. In
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 65 2 Rheumatism. More than n ne out of every (en ctses of rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the muscles, due to cold or damp weather or chronic rheumatism. In such crses no totem t| treatment is rrquired. Tie free application of Chamherlaiu’s Tain B.lm is all that is needrd, an 1
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    • 622 2 Accoiding to all accounts we have the assurance that UOflOSail is one of the most valuable discoveries of modern pharmacology and is far ahead of all preparations of Copaiba, Cubebs, etc. It is the safest and most successful. At all Chemists and Dealers. apioline! (CHAPOTEAUT) IL an sit V* to
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    • 2565 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. next Ordinary Meeting of the I Municipal Commissioners will be held at 330 p.m. at the Municipal Office. Thursday. the 14th instant. 3 W. MARSH, Acting Secretory to the Municipal Commissioneri MUNICIPAL NOTICE. NOTICE is beieby given that the books containing the Annual Valuations of and iates imposed
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  • 39 3 Fees* It b row Agents Due P. Alice Colombo B.M &Co. 13 h Oc'. Benarty London S.B&CJo. 15 th Div.mha Jolombo A.G&Co. 20 tb Himalaya Siagprore A G Jo. 26 d l.ii zow Sintgapore B M.dCo. 26th
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  • 31 3 Vetsei$ For '.r or P Alice Singapore B.M ACo Oct B*- arty Singapore S B ACo Devauha Singapore A Q &Oo H imalaya (Colombo A.G ACo. Lutzow Colombo B.M ACo.
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  • Shipping.
    • 185 3 Indrapura, Hr. s s 3,152, Kelway, 11th Oct., Singapore, 9 li Cot., Gen.—A- G. GoHristavia, Gor. s s., 4 163, 11th Oct., Hamburg, sth Sept., Geo.—B. M- Co. A- A/icar, Br 8 8,2.931, Stewart, 12th Oct Calcutta, 6th Oct, Gen—A. A. A. A Go P. E- Friedrich, Ger ss
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    • 48 3 13th October. De i, for Traug and Pang Nga Rotorua, torTougkah. Fodang, for Batu Bihra. Ban Whitt Soon for Teiuk Anson. Tong Chay Un, tor DiudingB. Plying Dra on. for Port Weld and Taiping. Pruuess Alice, for Singapoie, China and Japan. Malaya, for Deli. Maetsuijcker, for Singapore.
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    • 102 3 Foe K^dah—Per Sree Bangka, to-morrow, 8 Ltngktt—Per Jin Ho, tc-morrow, 1 p.m. Asahan—Per Mary Austin, to-morrow, lpm. Port Sweitenkam, Port Dickson and Mila ci—Per Cornelia, to morrow, 1 p.m. Deli Lingsa—Per De Kock, to-morrow, 2 p in. Port S.vettenham and Singapore Per Thongwa, tr.morrow’, 3 p.m. Singapore,
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  • 353 3 Per P. and O. s s. Moldavia, from London. Sept 24, coantenna with the Devanha at Colombo, duo at Penang on 20th Oct To Penang Miss C G. Swan, Mr. H. Pearson, Mr. H. W. Fa mist one. T Singapore Mr. J. MacDougall. Mr. A II
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1115 3 P.&O. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Oct. 2H Devanha Not. 4 Afaye 18 Himalaya p*c. 2 Delta Mail 8«rvica Outward. connecting with Moldavia Mongolia Marmora Morta Homeward. Date. Steamer. Jan. Oct 23 Not. 6 20 Dec. 4 18 1 15 29 Feb. 12 26 Mar- 12 26 Apl.
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    • 446 3 (SHIPPING.) NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. t- Z t i r y T’HE fast and wi-il-known mail s'eaintrsoi this Company saii fortnightly from Bremen. Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexardria and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong,
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  • 101 4 J -Ur* aattsfle* mriMy ud Jnatlce Alone-— to****". ’’<ihll*hMl <l*ll jr (UO»P( IT Tl CRITERION TRESS, Lid., No. 226—232, Beach Street. Penang. PRICE: UAIIiT LUUiI |M per Minim OUTMTATIONS m Postage Rstr*. «All. ■IIITION (Po*t Free) lit OAHI.K A !>I)K KBB I'chi —Penang.” ('«lepbona No. 34?. f,
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  • 778 4 One of our readers remarked last night, at one of the Clubs, that it was a treat to hear something other than rubber discussed, and for that reason he was obliged to Lloyd-George for attacking the Dukes. He didn't admire the statesmanship of Lloyd-George, and he
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  • 669 4 Tbe following business in tin Ins been done to day Singapore Straits Trading Co I 971 buyers, no sellers j Penang Penang Tin Exchange, 76 tors at 69 Eastern Smelling Co 75 69 35 Total 150 tons. Tin iB quoted in London t > dav
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  • 1014 4 Baud maim Comedy Co. Score. List night's audience was more than satistied, more than pleased, witb the Bandmann Comedy Company’s presentation of Mr. Preedy and the Couutess It is one of those pieces that the Halfpenny papers sometimes call Society plays, with a hi* S.
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  • 866 4 St Xayier’B vs, Government Service St Xavier’s played the last of their League fixtures on theEsplanadeyesterday afternoon when after an exciting and somewhat stren’ nous tussle they manage! to divide point, with the Government Service. Neither gjd found the net though both came niuh doing it on more
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 422 4 STHE CRAG HOTEL. I SANATORIUM. t PENANG HILLS. As good an Hotel as any in the Straits.” I i —Singapore Free Press, 27th March. 1 i SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. NORTHAM HOUSE PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, H. BODOM, Photographic Artist, 15, NORTHAM HOAD (Corner of Transfer Road.) Photographs taken throughout the day. Sundays
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    • 34 4 Dr. Fried laender testifies that UonOHan exerts a favorable influence in removing complications and haemorrhage; also more rapid and satisfactory results are obtained by it than by any other preparation of Sandalwood oil etc.
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    • 35 4 Riedel’s Uonosan is not unpleasant to t» k and is not attended bj those distreseffects which so often accompany the balsams and Santal oils. It has soc L qualified praise from the leading ap* o^
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    • 626 5 (Echo Special.) First Dny’s Results. Singapore, 13th October.—The rain, which came down early yesterday mornstopped at noon. The afternoon was threatening and oppressive, and the attendance was only moderate attendaoce on the first day of the Autumn meeting. The results were as follows 1. The Maiden Plate.
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    • 72 5 (Echo Special.) Is it Doe to the Boycott Kuala Lumpur, 13th October. —A rickisha aud gharry strike began to-day, and no vehicles can be hired. It is due to opposition to the motor buses, one of which the strikers attacked this morning, damaging it somewhat. The
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    • 49 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) New Mobilisation Department. London, 12th Oct.—The Admiralty has announced the formation of a new mobilisation department. The officers directing it and the Intelligence Department will form a standing Navy and War Cou cil which will be piesided over by the First Sea Lord.
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    • 39 5 (Supplied by Reuter Rumoured Retirement. London, 13th October. —The Neiccattle Chronic'e states that Admiral Sir John Fisher, First Sea Lord, will retire within a fortnight He will reoeive a peerage with the title of Baroa Tbetford.
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    • 86 5 (Supplied by Reuter Resignation Acceptable.” London, 13th October. —A telegram from Washington states that Mr. Crane, the new Iy appointed U S Ambassador to Peking, is believed to have inspired a statement in a Chicago newspaper forecasting the Americin policy and stating that America was about to make
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    • 112 5 (Supplied by Reuter Lansdowne and Balfour Received in AudienceLondon. 13th October. Lord Lmsdowne and Mr. A. J. Balfour were received in joint audience by tbe King, who afterwards received Mr. H. H. Asquith, tbe Premier. Brief Audience with the Premier. Mr. A‘quith’s audiet ce with tbe Kug
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    • 57 5 I Sup/ lied by Reuter Htockbroking Under Difficulties. London. 2tb October V telegram fr.m New Y >ik states that the Federal Circuit Court of Appeal baa confirmed tbe sentence passed on tbe banker Morse in November liar year. Morse, who was on bail, was recently re operating
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    • 97 5 (Supplied b't Reuter A Huge Fortune. London, 13 A October —Tbe will of Mr. E H. Harriman. tbe Railway Magnate, was proved at J 66 *.OOO < 00 Tbe Chinese Government intends to send delegates to report on the fishery conditions on tbe Minchurian coast, so that it
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  • 939 5 Arts and Crafts. The latest Paper on Malay Subjects is an interesting pamphlet by Mr. R O. Winstedt on those arts and crafts in wbicb tbe Malay of old found oc upation and a living if not a moderate competence Sunoe of these industries survive to
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  • 455 5 For some lime p-rst agitators iu Cantou. says the Canton correspondent of the Hongkong Telegraph, had endeavoured to teviv* the movement rrgaiust the Japanese with a view of re-instituting tbe boycott against Japauese manufactures and trade. To ffect their purpose, tbe propagandists of tbe anti Japanese movement bave
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  • 104 5 Following are the Agenda for to morrow's meeting of tbe Municipal Commission: 1. Minute? of last meeting to be lead and confirmed. 2 Any special bxsines? tbe Tiesideut mav bring forward. 3 QjpstioEs. 4 Bylaws au i rcbeme of salaries for Fire Brigade 5 Report ou x'ension of
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  • 453 5 1 bis Compary’s returns for September are thus stated offijially Ou'fut Piculs 513 17 Value $2l 144 23 Tribu’e Paid $4 057 45 I xpendituie $*****6 Profit. $l2 1/1 22 Tbe question of opening a branch office of ibe Tongkih Harbour Tin Dredging Co
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  • 164 5 Arrived. Per ss. Prim Eite' Friedrich 12th Oct., from Singapore; Messrs. Cboon Beug and Meissel. From Hongkong Paul Desebrock, Norman Jk ;e aud P. C. Evans. From Kobe: M-j »r MeDerm >tt From Yokohama: Miss Geitrude Creduer Per P.B. De Koch. 13 b Oct, from Drill Mrs. Hok Mob,
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  • 83 5 To-dat. 30th Day of Bth Moon. League Football F S vs A C- S-, Victoria Gteen. Bandmaun Comedy Co., Town Ilall. An Englishman’s Home The New Japanese Cinematograpli, cornet of Campbell Stie t aud Penang Road, 7 30 p m. and 9 10 pm. To-morrow Ist Day of 9
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  • 19 5 German [Primess AHc 1 ...13 hO: English iDevanhn ...20th China Himalaya) ...23 d China L'ltzoW) ...26 b
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  • 24 5 O New Moon Oct- 14 h »-i Quart! i t 2nd O fii!! Moor 29 h I l.»st (juaiie» Nov 5 b
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  • 36 5 P. 0. SAILINGS. Mail Service OIJTWA RDB. IIdMKWARIo Devanha 20 o<t. J ILmnhya 23 Oct Aware 4 Nov Delhi 6 Nov F.xira Service Outwards Homeward Poona 18 Oct. I Nile 16 Oct Nore 24 Ceylon 30
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 215 5 WA]\TTE3D. A CASHIER for a locil import firm Security ipquiied $5,000- -Salary accoidi'Jg to qualifications. Apply to MERCHANTS, 13 10 9 760 co Stiaits Echo FOR. SALE. ■WALKER’S EVERYDAY COOKERY £OOK for the St i ait:» Settlements and Federated Malay States. PRICE *l. POSTAGE EXTRA. CASH WITH ORDER. FROM THK
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  • 721 6 Tbo burra sahib always reminds me somehow of the British Coustitution. Nothing that he writes is of any value. Y* t there is au indefinable something about him tha impresses. Jobusou rem n ked of Bui ke hat be was the sort of man that if you
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  • 289 6 The Viceroy’s Cop. The Viceroy’s Cup for this yejr, says ilie Asian, i 9 likely to prove a nune intercuting race than usual, as we have nothin.’ s aid ng out just uow such as we have had during «he past five or six years in Great Scot
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  • 387 6 Hunting for Porcelain in Hongkong. Lord Kitchener, the gu u st of the evening at Government House, Hongkong, last night found himself in a happy gathering, proud to do honour to the unassuming arbiter of Britain’s future, says the local Telegrai h of September 27. The function was
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  • 176 6 1 hk scheme for stadia* an Iadian cueket team to E igl.tnd Ins once more been tevive I on the B unbay side. and it is probable tl*at a epreseutative eleven will go heme oj t< ur in ihe summer of 1911 oi 1912 Itmiyba
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  • 122 6 October, 1909. Date. HW LW H.W. L.W. A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. 13th 11.52, 5 39, Nil. 6.05 14th 1217, 630, 12.43, 6.56 loth 109. 7.22, 1.34, 7.47 16th 2.00, 8.13, 2 26, 8.39 17th 2.52, 9.04. 3.17, 9.30 18th 3.43, 9.56, 4.09
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  • 120 6 Penang, 13th October. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4 3 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 6 6 3 Credit 2/4* 3 Documentary.. 2/41 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 175$ 3 days’ sight Private 177 Bombay, Demand Bank 175$ Moulmein, Demand Bank 175 3 days’sight Private 177
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  • 216 6 Gold Leaf $64.8 > 4. i 111 er( W.Coast 31bs.5 oz.) no stock •VhitePeppoi $27 —nominal Trang Pepper out of season Cl >ve* out of season VI 92.— tales la* »'•< 80. —seVers 4uini«v> 110« 20 —sales SNo. 1 6 25 sates 2 no stock Basket 4.85 sales T
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  • 203 6 Pbkaka. 13th October, Iso9 Bbbf— tit Soup i**r euM' 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Me* 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail eacn 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 35 Pobk— Pork je« catty 32 Pig’s Head 20 Feet 24 Tongue 32
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  • 1548 6 a 3 Z Numlw of Capital. Share. > D,,.dend. Nan... f j: issued. a -ts Z 3 2 0. 3 JS 5 3w zz :°o r^r 1807 5 "«MW "SSS TO J« for/ear ending 30/4/08 Browßlf Tin Co.IS 1903 590,000 444 769 1 1 n’7 LodeSynd.Ltd 1901 I‘* /t.2(M»
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 107 6 A Remedy That Cures Colic. Some time back I bid a very bid atui k Of colic.” says Mr.u I’ieujar of Aliddelhur*. Capo Colony. “I siw an ad vei i isemeut in the paper of Cbamlerl in’s Cole. Cholera ••ud i)ittril cei Remedy, wbi h I got rom tba
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    • 327 6 For Whooping Cough. Give Cbambei laiu’s Cough Remedy la will keep ihe cough loose, f xcectoration easy aud lender the fi s of coughing less and less severe The George Town Dispen R<irv, Wholesale Agents The NEW FRENCH REMEDY TRADE MARK. Th' s successful and highly popular remedy, used is
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  • 1024 7 Without buttons man is mconeeiva bta; I modern mao, that is, for primitive man was, we know, not possessed of them Our British sncestora are libel lously said to h.iTH been die-s-d in a simple c istume of woad, which I besides being most unsuitable to the British
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1270 7 INSURANCES. jht Penang Khean Quan Insurance Oo. f Ltd. nn» Of» 10». a°. >*. board or Mr. Cbeah Cboo Yew Quah Beng Kee Khttw Joo Tok Yeoh Oeok Keat Kboo Hun Yeang Oog Hun Siew Ho Tiang Wan Mr. Kboo Buoi stbbr, rum. DIRBOTORB. Mr. Gan Gnob Bee Tan Tiang
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    • 149 7 A Safe Medicine, Don’t be afraid to tive Chamberlain's Couyh Kennedy to your cbi'dren. It is intended especially for C'lijlm, colds, c oup and whooping <*, U4II, and it is the be.-t medicine made l<>r those d seaaes It couici i- ro opium or oth-" narco* c. The George town
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 883 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Cu., Pha, US.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. ftaiSIDIlT* AT No. 21a, Penang Road. A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mtha TEA FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC. Large Check Roll Books of 200 leaves. Price, $8 each.
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