Straits Echo, 12 October 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1101 1 TIANQ LEE A 00. w O i—--00 o m n OT r ‘1 r 1 -■"i U" VV O oo c-n oo z O 0 oo 0O UJ ss 50 V W S c*a .> SOLE AGENTS. .1*. I* THE Eastern Shipping Company, Ltd., (ENGINE WORKS AND DOCKYARD.) Engineers, Shipbuilders,
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    • 24 1 I'HE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. /£> h X 05 o> > “O CD ft 5 V C*D Tom TIAWQ LEE A Co., Sole Agtnu,
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  • 533 2 Tbe E ist C ust of t he Malay Peui"rula h au unknown country to moat ol' us. W lieu we asked Mr. VV Dantniu where he bad been lately, and were told up the the place thus named h d to be sought for, the puzz'e being
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  • 294 2 The Ktid of a Sad Business. Mr. C. J Roberts was brought up for trill at the British Court f>r S:am ou Oe r 1 before his Honour Judge Skiuuer Turner. The charge was that on the JO ii day of April, 19u8, h 8 did receive,
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  • 115 2 Tbe following unclaimed letters aie lying at the General Post Office Letters Beatson, J. Kaufmann, P. Dubois. A. Ofrier, A. Duncan, E. W. Roberts, J. Everaars. A. M. Rosenfeld, J. Gilbert, M. P. Sassoon, S. <rillies, Capt. A. M. Schneider, L. <»rey, Miss M. Seileru, Count
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 40 2 l>r Boss of Strassbur<* introduced (lOHO* Mil in the treat meut of the most painful of diseases to which mankind is liable It is better, safer and more itfective than other pieparations of Copaiba. Cubobs or plain Sandalwood oil. r
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    • 2676 2 CHAPOTEAUT’B HUo/ NO CURATIVE TASTE PRINCIPLE NO OF SMELL <(»L) NO LIVER NAUSEA OIL MORRHUOL Is superior to Emulsions or Oil, it cures Incipient Consumption, Coughs. Bronchitis ami Scrofula Each tiny Morrhuol capsule is extracted from a teaspoonful of cod liver oil. Recommended at the Paris Academy of Medicine, for
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  • 41 3 t •/>#» Due ir*rir z Ei'el Fr iedrich P. Alice BiUdity DcVdoba Himalaya Singapore Colombo London Colombo Siagproie n M.i Co. C M ACo. BACo A G-ACo. A G A Jo. 12<h Ob». 13 b 15’h 20 tb ‘23 d
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  • 47 3 1 l e**eL t j 1 -vr, j 1 1 P ina; Eilel F edricb P. Al ee Beuartjr Devanha Hiinal iy,i Colombo Smwapoie SiQi'ap >re Singapore Colombo B M tCo B.M .ICo S BA Co AOA.Co. A.G A Co. 1 1 1 1 0 Mil?
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  • Shipping.
    • 76 3 Perak. Br. ss„ 258, Milne, 11th Oct. Singapore. 9th Oct, Gen—E S Co, Ltd Rotoiua, Br. s.s., 556, Glenday, 11th Oct., Tongkah, 10th Oct., Gen E S. Co., Ltd. Ban Whatt Soon, Br. ss, 199, Gully, 12th Oct., Teluk Anson, 11th Oct Gen E S Co., Ltd. Malaya, Ger.
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    • 55 3 12th October. Leony Ho, for Trang. Avagyee. for Del). Petrel, for Pangkalan Brandan. Maetsuijcker, for Singapore. Perak, tor Port Swettenham and Singapore. Sappho, for Teluk Anson. LvoU, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. A Apear, for Singapore. China and Japan. P. E. Friedrich for Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Egypt and
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    • 109 3 Fob Kedah Per Tong Ghuan, to morrow, 7 am, Iraug A Pang Nga—Per Deh, to-morrow, 1 p m. Tongkah—Per Rotorua, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Batu Bahra—Per Fadang, to-morrow, 1 p m. Teluk Ausou—Per Ban Whott Soon, to morrow, 2 p in. Singapore, China Japan—Per Frinzess Alice to-morrow, 3 p.m
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  • 451 3 Per I O. M. s.8. Prinzent Alice, iron' Europe, 15tb Sept., due at Penang ou 13th Oct. To Penang Mr. Carl Luhmaun, Mr. K. Sohlundt. Mr. A. Kettiger. To Singapore Mr. and Mis. A. A. Everts, Mis. M. Adam, Miss Olga Petterson, Mr. and Mrs. R
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 795 3 P.&O. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail 8«rvica. Oct. 20 Devanha Nor. 4 Attaye 18 Himalaya D#c. 2 Delta Outward. connecting with Moldavia h Mongolia >. Marmora Morea Homeward. THROUGH STEAMER TO LONDON March 26, Macedonia. FARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. Ut 01am OImb l'o London by Sea £66
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    • 389 3 (S HIPPING NORDDEUTSCHER_LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL. GERMAN MAIL LINE. k swMTJJJI Iv-k v 95 Zf TOS; 951 -9 T»~-r i»I -Vg’l to .jj- *Zi~* Vh > **S r IfeLS I I fasl and woii-known mail s eanib<au. this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen 5. via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar» Algiers,’Genoa, Naples
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  • 99 4 J iMtir* «ttaflee everybody end justice »lon« "nbllthMl dally (except Monday at Tea CRITERION TRESS, Lid., No. 226—282, Beach Street. Penang PRICE BAIL? UMJAI f 94 per annnn- OIITHTATIONS Poet age extra. All. eniTION (Poet Free) $l5 UAKI.K ADORSBB Ichc —Tenant." Tatopbon* N«>. 848. All baelneee rotnmnnlratlooH
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  • 1629 4 The Unofficial section of the Legislative Council may be likened to the modern wife who insists on the deletion of the word obey from the marriage service. The Official section has just taken the role of the helpless, angry husband, who seeks to intimidate the shrew by breaking
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  • 401 4 The following busmens in tin baa been done to-day: Penang Straits Trading Go., A n r bb9 40 buyers, no selleis Penang Tin Exchange, 75 tons at 69 10 Eastern Smelting Go 100 6.9 50 Singapore Straits Trading Go, 225 69.52^ Total 4' 0 tons. Tiu
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  • 991 4 V. C. 0. vs. c. R. c. Tbe P. C. f. were unab'e to avenge their defeat on the Pangkor Road ground in the friendly match which was played on the E planade yesterday. They put a very strong team on the field with Neubronuer in the forward line,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 341 4 pTHE CRAG HOTEL, i SANATORIUM. I PENANG HILLS, j “As good an Hotel as any in the Straits.” I —Singajwre Free Prexx, 27th March. 2 SARKIES BROTHERS, I Proprietors. J i NORTHAM HOUSE PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, H. BODOM, Photographic Artist, 15, NORT II A M ROAD <0 orner of Transfer Hoad.)
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    • 36 4 For Whooping Cough. Give Chamberlain’s Cough Reroedj. will keep the cough loose, expectoration and render the fits of coughing less f'*'!' 1 aud less severe The George I own l >l,, l* u sarj, Wholesale Agents
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    • 115 5 (Echo Special.) Mr. SeM Tiang Oman Wilis. Singapore, 12tli October. Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith delivered judgment in favour of the plaintiff in the case of Tiang Cbuan ve. The Rubber Concessions Ltd. The counterclaim of the company was dismissed. Plaintiff claimed for the return of the title
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    • 27 5 Echo Special.) Gloomy Outlook. Singapore, 12th October.— lt is raining here and the outlook for the Autumn Meeting of the Singapore Turf Club is gloomy.
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    • 25 5 (Echo Special.) Hack Again in November. Kuala Lumpur, 12th October.—Mr. R. Laidlaw, Liberal member for East Renfrewshire, is expected here in November.
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    • 56 5 (Echo Special.) Mofement Spreads to Kuala Lumpur. Kuala Lumpur, 12th October—The anti-Japanese boycott by the Chinese has epread to Kuala Lumpur. Chinese lecturers have been appointed to explain the true facts of the case. The situation is quiet and the towkays are co-operat-ing with the authorities to induce
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    • 68 5 (Supplied by Reuter Tsar to Visit Italy After All. London, 12th October.-—Owing to tbe improvement in the Tsarina’s health, tbe Inar will start from Yalta for Italy on the Udi inst. Afterwards be will visit the King of Koumania aud will leturn to Livadia on the 25th inst. Ihe
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    • 194 5 (Su/ plied by Reuter-) Au Explanation. London, 12th October —A telegiam from "ssbington states that tbe lenall of Mr [he U. S. Minister to Peking, was due de ™'“PnientB involving his trness. Tbe lat Department learns that Mr. Crane responsible for the publication, at Chi in(T w iat
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    • 52 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Juvisy Meeting. London, 11th October.—The attendance at the aero meeting at Juvisy, near Palis yesterday was 200,000. The railways were blocked for miles with crawling trains and thousands did not arrive until evening. Mobs who were unable to return borne wrecked the stations at Juvisv
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    • 122 5 (Supplied by Reuter-) Warning to the Peers. London, 11th October.—Mr. Lloyd George, Chancellor of the Exchequer, in his speech at Newcastle, declared that the present social system was fraught with peril for the order of things represented by the Peers. Points of View While the Uoionist
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  • 582 5 PASSENGER FINED AT COLOMBO Trunk Patches Fire at Marseilles. The Time» of Ceylon of tbe2ad inst. says; A case, instituted under Section 446 of tbe Merchant Shipping Ac f 1894, came before Mr G A Colbert, Acting Master Attendant, at tbe Joint Police Court, Colombo, today,
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  • 785 5 David Garrick.” Tnis famous play, by the Bindmanu Comedy Company at the Town Hall last night, cannot be said to have added to the laurels of our visitors. Speaking quite honestly, the audieoce did not 6eom to care very much for it. The note of disappointment
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  • 287 5 By tiie Delta, on 9»h October, tbe fallowing Penring shipments were ma 'e:— For Colombo —Habib O «man Co. Pis. 1 100 Boiled Rice Bigs 1 0(X>; Ghista Bros Pis 550 Boiled Rica Bigs 500. Pis 49 Peail Sago; B. Nowrosji Co. Pis 50 Pearl Sago For Bombay—B
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  • 125 5 A RKIVKD. Per ss. Sree Bangka, lOrii Ocb, from Kedah Mr. W I) Fisher. Per s.«. Ipoh 11th Oct. from Singapore: Mr. Mrs. and Miss F. G. Weute, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Graig, Mr. D- T. Sanders, Mr. Currie, Mr. K C Nicboll. From Port SwettPnham Messrs. P.
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  • 88 5 To-dat. 29th Day of 8 h Moon. League Foatbill Bt. X ivier’s vs. Govt Service, Esplanade. Bandmann Comedy Co, Town Hall. Mr Preedy and the Countess.” riie Now Japanese corne> of Campliell Street aud Penang Road. 7-30 p.m. and 9-1 > p.m. To MORROW 30th Dav of Bth Moon.
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  • 24 5 Ohma (P. E. Fr 'edrich) ...12 bO t. German Primes Alics) ...13 h English Devanha i ...20ili Cb ia {Himalaya) ...23 d
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 35 5 A Safe Medicine. Ooutfl! w afra to R' T Chamberlain’s teudivl me< ty to your children. It is in--4D<l wh,/^ eCla y for cou ßbs, colds, croup “Piutii r 686 diseases. It contains no 1
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    • 46 5 GoilOSan like other preparations of Copaiba and Sandalwood oil does not affect the kidneys or disturb the stomach and is well tolerated by the patient even after lengthened treatment Trials by the Medical, Profession solicited- Samples froe on application to any of the chief Penang Chemists.
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    • 209 5 NOTICE. My wife, Qnah Ho Tboe. a daughter cf Towkiy Qj.ih Cbooi S:ng of Taiping. '\r.ik who was married tome on the 16 h day ol 12. h moon, last year (7rb January, 1909 bas on the 14‘b dav of 7fh moon this vest (29th August. 1909), left mv protection
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    • 379 5 NOTICE OF RE-SALE. TO BB SOLD BT public; auction, On Thur., 14th Oct., 1909, AT 12.45 P. M., At Bukii Mertajam Police Station, The undermentioned land and herrdita meats of Lim Cheong of Bukit; Mer»jiin, in respect of which oue Teo Ah Khoo w is defaulting Purchaser at the Public
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  • 24 5 Obituary. {Echo Special.) Mr. Yeo Swee Hee. Singapore, 12th October.—Mr. Yeo Swee Hee, proprietor and manager of the Singapore Cold Storage Depot, is dead.
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  • 1328 6 Result of Johore Transact iou. The claim of a Malay broker named Manap bin Daud acainst au Arab, Syed Alwee bin Ziin A 1 Juffree, was continued in the Supreme Court yesterday, says Thurs day’s Singapore Free Press, before Mr. Justice T Sercorabe Smith The plaintiff claimed
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  • 126 6 October, 1909. 11. W. L.W. H.W. L.W. AMle A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M. 12th 1100, 4.47, 1126, 5.13 13th 11.52, 5 39, Nil. 6.05 14th 12.17, 6.30, 12.43, 6.56 15th 109, 7.22, 1.34. 7.47 16th 2.00, 8.13, 2 26, 8.39 17th 2.52. 9.04, 317,
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  • 124 6 Pknano, 12th October. {By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4 8 6 5 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 3 Credit 2/4$ 3 Documentary.. 2/4 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 175$ 3 days’ sight Private 177 Bombay, Demand Bank 175$ Moulmein, Demand Bank 175 3 days’sight Private 177
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  • 212 6 Gold Leaf ..$64.8) B. hepj er(W Coast 31b5.5 oz.) no stock White Peppei $27 —nominal Trang Pepper out of season Cl 'v«> out of season 92.— tales la»c 80. —sellers 110 s 20 —sales r No. 1 6 25 sales Sugar 2 ,tock t Basket 4.85 sales T Flour
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  • 192 6 Pua.ho, 12th October, 1909 Bbef— ft* Soup P« r cm 14 Roast h 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Mea* 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail «ae». 30 i'ougu* 55 Fee* 15 Heart 30 Liver pei catty 35 P<‘RK— Pork If- cat?, 32 Pig’s 11 ««mi 20 Feet
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  • 1639 6 i 1 1 j 3 j 7^-* 3 Number of tJ 5 i t Capital. Sbtre* Dividends. Name J 5 issued. a '3 a "S < Ou X 35 3 j L Mining. i 903 300,000 3*>,000 10 10 ,12 for year ending 31/3/09 Belat Tin Mining Co.. Ltd.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 63 6 Rheumatism. Moie than u ne out of every ten cases of th< mualism are simply rheumatism of the muscles, due to cold or dump weathir or chronic rheumatism. In such cases no iuterual treatment is required. Tlip free applicatmu of Chamlerlain’s P«;u is all that is ueedtd, and it is
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    • 478 6 A Remedy That Cures Colic. Some time back I bad a very bad attack of eo!ic.” says Mr. C Pienaar of Middelburg, Capo Colony. I saw an advertisement in the paper of Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and D arrbcea Remedy, which I at once got from the chemist, Mr. C. Turpin.
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  • 467 7 Messrs J. Russell Grant (Jo ’s Rubber I Sh ire M i k*t Report, dated September I 6 b, I says, iu pai t j The M&iket tor M .lay Rubber Company Shires continues to show gieit strength and I activity, and m spile ot the new issues
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  • 333 7 IL ro is a neat retort of Lord Kuollys. His M-j sty’s private sreretary. Mr. Winstou Churchill at Leicester said It is quite true that Mr. Balfour fioui ime to time emits four to five columns of insipid equivocation which the newspapers whose p oonefors be has taken the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1268 7 INSURANCES, The Penang Khean Quan Insurance Co., Ltd, H*A» 0OT1C», NO. 81. «14CB Hlßin, PIIIM. BOARD OP DIRROTORB. Mr.Cheah Cboo Yew Quah Beng Kee Khaw Joo Tok Yeoh Geok Keat Khoo Hun Yeang Ong Hud Siew Ho Tiang Wan Mr. Gan Goob Bee Tan Tiang Swee Tan Kim Leong Khoo
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    • 193 7 Chamberlain*» Pain Balm. You will huut a oil while beforo you find h liniment that s rqmil to Chamberlain’s Pain B ilm lu oases of rheumatism and sciatica it lelievea the luteuxe pain ami m .ke9 sloop and rest possible Sareursr of he muscles, swellings and lameness artquick ly leiieved
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 921 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. BaSIDINO AT No. 21a, Penang Road. A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel, 6 mth* TEA FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC. Large Check Roll Books, of 200 leaves. Price, $8 each.
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