Straits Echo, 8 October 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1072 1 GUINNESS’S STOU'i. tiano LEE A 00. t 1.1 /V' 1 Y llW'* f SOLE AO ENTS. BASS’S ALE. BANKS THE Eastern Shipping Company, Ltd., (ENGINE WORKS AND DOCKYARD.) Engineers, Shipbuilders, Brass iron Founders. Engineering Appliances Fittings in Stock. Engine Works, Weld Quay > and 37, 41 and Stores Offices 43,
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    • 37 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. .Y h > eSi ,r 2^ H/ PI %r V a: C-3 o A 2 > 'I VSf u c Ai rj Jw -V/, <OoKTO^ TIAWQ LEE A Co., Sole Agent a.
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  • 805 2 VIVID DESCRIPTION OF TIIE RECENT DISASTER. Twenty Lakhs of Dollars Damage. Fo ,cho and neighbourhood were badly bat'ered by the typhoon which Bwept in from the sea on September 15 From the Foochow Echo, we gatbar that the storm wis the worst experienced there for twenty years
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  • 236 2 Chinese Soldiers Flocking into Mongolia. A Russian corresp indent, quoted by the Dalny Vostok, from which the report is translated. sends the following sensational news from Kiakhta From China to Mongolia are passing numerous Chiuese, obviously ueither artisans nor agriculturi.>ts. Their ages range from eigbto* to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 97 2 A Remedy That Cures Colic. Some time back I bad a very bad att ck nf colic,” aays Mr.C. Pienaar of Middelburg, Cape Colony. I gaw an advertisement in (be paper of Cbainhei 1 lin’s Colic, Cbolera and I).ari loe i Remedy, which latol ce got from the chemist, Mr’
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    • 544 2 A Safe Medicine. Don't be afrai 1 to give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to your chi'dren. It is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup and whooping C( ugh, and it is the best medicine made for these diseases It contains no opium or other narcotic The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 1521 2 CIGARETTES. “BLACK CAT. 99 Oj 3lst December. 1907. this Cigarette had only beeu on the matket three years, yet its sales during 1907 were five times its sales during 1906—and it is still men as ng in the same proportion. Price 40 cents per 50. "CLARENCE. 39 We guarantee these
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  • 50 3 F etseh iDue Prii z Eiel Ft ted rich Siugapoie li M.A Co. 12 h 0 f. P. Alice Colombo B.M AOo. 13 h HeiJ ill ly London d.B-ACo 15: h Devauba Colombo V G ACo. 20 th H iiuaia va 8i .^pioie G A Jo. 23 d
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  • 43 3 Vetie Ftr t e t<- Priuz Eilel F. ied; >cb Colombo P. M A Co. Oot. l*. A iica 3 tpO'6 li.M ACo Penalty S' n^:ip ie 3 B ACo Derail b* Silica poie A G ACo. Himalaya Colombo A G ACo.
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  • Shipping.
    • 166 3 De Kock, Dut. s.s, 565, Fleeming, 7ib Oct, l)e'i, 6th Oct;, Gen. —H L. CoFuh Wo, Hr. as., 45}, Suewin, 7th Oct, Langkat, 6th Oct., Kerosine.—Ka«z Bros. Sappho, Hr. ss, 329. Treweeke, 7th Oct, Teluk Anson, 6th Oct, Gen. —Kwong Ou. Atjeh I)uf. s 8., 393, Pophes, 7th Oct,
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    • 49 3 Bth October. Lian Choo, for Kedah. Omapcre. for longkab, Ivopab, Reuong, V r ictorii Point, Mergui and Tavoy. Pin Seng, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Sappho, for Teluk Ausou. Un Veng, for i’ulau Langkawi, Perlie and Setul. Knm Sang, for Calcutta. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taipiug.
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    • 112 3 Fob lirufoonaud Calcutta Per Nuddea, tornorow 11 am. Kedah Per Tong Chuan to-morrow, 11 a m. Calcutta—Per Nippon, to-morrow, noon. Cey'on, Australasia, India, Aden, Mauritius, ai:d via Brindisi, for Europe, etc—Per Delta, to-morrow, noon Asahin Batu Bahra— Per Mary Austin, to-morrow, Ipm. Laugkat—Per Jin Ho. to morrow. 1
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  • 409 3 Per P anu O s.s Namur, from London, Sept. 11, due at Penang ou 11th Oct. To Pciian}< Mr and Mrs. T. 15. Bennett Mr J Lay. Mrs J Lae. Miss Healing, (Japt F E Wood, Mr. VV. A. Wilkinson, Mrs E II B. Murray and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 905 3 P.&O. Steam Navigation Coy. Ex pH* ted ArrifalH and Departures. Mail Service Outward. Ort. 20 Vevanha conneoting with Moldavia j^ oT i Aetaye h Mongolia 18 Himalaya Marmora Homeward. through steamer to London. March 26, Macedonia. [ARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. lit Cl&M Bnd Cla*a I'n I .ondon by Sea £66
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    • 461 3 (SHIPFIF G.) NORDDLUTSCHBR LLOYD, BREMEN. !IWHbh1AL. UERM&N MAIL. LINE. -a Jm sJtvfe f' >-> **-cV J; f r L•'-V-> 2K: *7 -W- 4i» *.> 1 f Jap f ’5K/«£ -4b«^Li :>•';'•• T -j THE fast ami well-known n ail ■> raim >so tins Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg via
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  • 99 4 J -lira ntUflcw «wrybody and Jwrk-c dully Ifiwp' **i««*a* •f T i CRITERION TRESS, LI.L, No. 22f>—23‘2. Beach St root. Pmh»»», PRICK •411.1 l/OTAI n« per OUTHTATIOHI* Pnatmr** Oatro. All IHTION (Port Prael tit ADIIKKBK I'cho- Penang. 1 PolophoDo No. 348 O.M. —411 baslnera rommninraiion»
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  • 1301 4 It has been publicly stated that European public opinion in Penang is practically unanimous that the Municipal Commission should be abolished, and a Government Department substituted. If it were so, if European public opinion in Penang were really unanimous to that effect, how much should it count
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  • 74 4 The following business in tin his hern done to-day cJin^nporn Straits Trading Co., > 7Anft < i r buyers, uo sellers Penang Penaßg Tin Exchange, hovers, DO selloig 'tifots Tr.oling Co. 50 tons at 70 00 Eisiern Suieltiug Co, 50 7010 Tot It 0 tons. Tin
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  • 766 4 Tic Manager rpports tbit tie Rubber Crop birvested during the month of Sept... 1909, was 5 292 lbs estimated diy Corresponding month list year 3 001 lb c dry. Total foi first, m months of 19 9 10-25 847 lbs. est. diy. Total for corresponding puiod
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  • 878 4 P. 0. C. vs. P. F. 8. The Penang Cricket Club beat the Free S.-ho d by four goals to one in the League ini’ch which was played cn the E<plamdt> yesterday afternoon It wag a more closely contested game than the score indicates, aud had the shooting
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 263 4 THE CRAG HOTEL.! j SANATORIUM. I PENANG HILLS.! 1 “As good an Hotel as any in the Straits.” x —Singapore Free Preet, 27th March. 2 t SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors, f oooo NORTHAM HOUSE PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, H. BODOM, Photographic Artist, In, NORTHAM ROAI) (C orner of Transfer Road.) Photographs taken throughout
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    • 32 4 GonOSail is a happy combination of Kawa Resins with Oleum Santali in tie proper, tion of 1 part Kawa Kawa to 4 parts OleurnSantal cures eisily, no complications. All chemists and dealers.
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    • 38 4 For Whooping Cough. Give Chamberlain’* R«innijr. I will ke n p the loore, upec’oration iiud rend. r lie fire of c« Vrs firqueitt and los* st vere. The George Town Disj e i sar», VVholesa’e A b entB.
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    • 61 4 Rheumatism. More than n ne out of everj ten rheumatism are simply rheumatism I,p muscles, due to cold or damp weather er chronic rheumatism- lu such cW' B ni internal treatment is required, I ,ie > pplicatiou of Chamberlain's Pain 111 all that is needed, aud if is ceitsin t'
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    • 69 5 (Echo Special.) F. M. 8. Rubber Co. Kuala Lumpur, 8th October.—The F. M. 8. Rubber Company’s crop for September was 28,800 lbs. against 9,478. The total output for the last four months was 85,051 lbs. against 29,281. K. L. Rubber Co. The September crop of the Kuala Lumpur
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    • 46 5 (Supplied ly Renter.) Distance Race Won by An American. London, 7th October. An Ameticau has won the Gordou- Bennett distance balloon race. He started from Zurich and alighted at the North E«st of Warsaw, a distance of 1 KO kilometre®, which was accomplished in hours
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    • 38 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Lanadowne Not Summoned by the King. London. 7th October. Lord Lansdowne denies that he is going to Balmoral. Finance Bill. London, 7th October —The Committee S'age of the Finance Bill has been concluded
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    • 84 5 (Supplied by Reuter Hi taut Pasha’s Mission. London, 7th October. —A mission headed by Rifaat Pasha, Foreign Minister of Turkey, has arrived at Livadia, Crimea, where he will meet M. Isvolsky, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affiirs. The Constantinople correspondent of the Kodnisrhe Zeifung says that Rifaat
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    • 37 5 (Supplied by Reuter Invitation Accepted. London, Bli Oct—At Wellington, N. Z‘ in opening Parliament, th« Governor announced that Field-Marsh il Lard Kitchener hud accepted his i vital ion to visit New Zsalaod.
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    • 39 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Patriotinm at Belgrade. London, Bfh October.— At Belgrade, ou the anniversary of the annexation of BrsniiHerxegovina, students paraded the streets crying Down with Austiia!’ Buildings were draped in cepe and shops were closed.
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    • 60 5 Supplie l by Reuter ior Libelling Japanese Traders. London, K<h Oct— The Times corresDonpnt at Ottowa telegraphs that the C median Government has reprimanded Mr. Hanis. fade Commissioner at Yokohama, for *'mg public insinuations against Japan* e morality A communication r m Lirwarded to To'-yo disclaiming t
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    • 51 5 (Supplied by Renter.) UHS a aml Germany in Manchnria. that uJ’r l Petersburg learns n, l the n llSBll u Consul-General at Harbin between ,lan at M"ukden have Hus» Utl the dispute as to the Mutual 8 jurisdiction at Harbin- luD"„’ehoW'a u D e hoW a lh here
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    • 42 5 Supplied by Reuter Brit’mi, London, "w 1 a,H Exports I icreaso. V, Me 'ncreiiN.wi i C n, mDO,t -s for Sep'ember Lvporti j 458.891, chiefly wool, i fH» «ilU* l„' nc,ei8w<]l b y -Cl.179,818, 1 °r(!, "U, and woollen manufac-
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    • 45 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) London Wantamen Find Infection London, 8th October.—At to-day’s mee*ing of the Common Council, it was announc d that nine per cmt. of the recently imported Cbine-e pigs ‘were aff>cted with tuberculosis The whole question was referred to the Sanitary Committee.
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  • 196 5 (From Our Own Correspondent Taiping, 6th Oct. The British Resident is expected to return to night from Ipoh. The Ladies’ Bisley Shooting Competition begins on Friday the B r b It is expected that the number of ladies present will be the largest on record. The Straits Bioscope
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  • 247 5 Consul-General's Report on Trade Daring 1908. Consul General Sir William Ward reports as follows with regard toGeiraan trade with the Straits Settlements during 19 8 A commercial crisis occurred in tbe Straits Settlements at tbe beginning of 1908. The continued decline in the prices ot the
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  • 319 5 The Pinnacle of Educational Advancement. The existence of a city iu China morp beautiful than the prettiest puts of Chicago with as well kept strfets as has Beilin and with a system of gpneral upkeep better than that of Paris, was revealed recently by ProfErnest de
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  • 2192 5 THE ASSIZES Before Mr Justice Thornton-) CINTRV STREET MURDER. Jury Unable to Agree. i r Accused Remanded i 1 he jury were uuable to come to an agree merit with regard to the principal accueed iu the Cintra Street murder case, even after a deliberation of over hours
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  • 158 5 Arrived. Per s s Fin Seng 7th Oct, fiom Smgapofe Air. B..cker, ami Mr. L iu Khye Choe. Fioin Port Swettenbam Grand Circus I'er s s Kietna, 8 h Oct, from Singapore Mi*s Vylhuis, Messrs. II 11. Harrison and L'tn Sun Ho. from Port Swetteuh >m Mr. and Mrs.
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  • 76 5 To- DAT. 25th Dav of 8 li Moon Engineers’ Insti'tite Cigarette Smoker, 9 p m. New Padang Java Rubber Co Au ml Genera! Meeting, 3 30 p.m The N<nv Japanese Cipemilograph. eornoi of Campbell Street, aud Penang Road, 7.-30 aud 9-1 p.m Special Pro gramme To-morrow. 26th Day
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 653 5 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. '■'I'HIE «8. Glenfalloch, Captain J. H. X. liamsworth, is expected to arrive here on Monday, aud will leave for the above ports on Wednesday, the 13*;b inst., at 3 p m. For freight or passage apply to KOE GUAN Co Agents f>r WEE BIN
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  • 616 6 In the House of Commons on Sept. 16, Mr. Ginnell asked the Secretary for Foreign Affairs what British force was specified hy the protocol, signed by the Powers after the Boxer outbreak in 1900, to remain in North China for the preservation of order, aud for
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  • 356 6 October, 1909. n H.W. L.W. H.W. L.W. A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M. Bth 7.35, 1.22, 8.00, 1.48 9th 8.26, 2.13, 8.52, 2.39 10th 9.17, 3.05, 9.43. 3.30 Uth 10.09, 3.56, 10 35, 4.22 12th 1100, 4.47, 1126, 5.13 13th 11.52, 5 39, Nil. 6.05
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  • 122 6 Penang, Bth October (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4^ 3 Credit 2/4) 3 Documentary.. 2/4,^ Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 175) 3 days’ sight Private 177 Bombay, Demand Bank 175 J Moulmein, Demand Bank 175 3 days’ sight Private 177 Madras,
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  • 213 6 Gold leaf $64.8) B. 1 ej er(W.Coast 31b5.5 oz.) no stock White Pfppoi $27 —nominal Trang Peppei out of season Cl >ve* out of season M *ye 92. —sates VlF>-1 80. —sellers lu'in». 110 s 20 —sales f No. 1 6 25 sales Sugar < 2 n>> stock Basket
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  • 190 6 PkHAND. Bth October. Iho9 Beef tt» Soup C»»lv 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meai 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail e*eh 30 Tougue m 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 35 Pork Pork p*r cat?. 32 Pig’s Mead 20 Feet 24 Tongue 32
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  • 1684 6 3 2 Number of "5 5 i Capital Shares > Dividend* Name z IKHUed. 1 '3 3 8 a- 2C x o Gta 3 j Mining:. 1903 000,000 30,000 10 10 U 2 for year omlmg 31/3/00 Belat Tin Mining Co.. Ltd. I#u .907 300,000 22,500 10 10 Bn
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 172 6 [for sale?| [“TALES OF MALAY»,”! BY I “SOUTHERN CROSS,” I Containing 18 very interesting short stories dealing with life in the Malay Peninsula. (241 PAGES DEM I-OCTAVO I Price $l. MAY BK HAD AT THS (“Straits Echo” 0//ice.| ALSO AT Messrs. WHITE A WAY, ILAIDLAW Co.. KIM V., LOCHMAN l
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  • 498 7 Tho announcement that Russia has applied for a share in the Hankow-Szsfhuau Railway loan is misleading, states »he St. Petersburg correspondent of The Times In view of her important interests at Hankow, Russia wanted to paiticipate in the loan, but the matter uppearo to have been
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  • 245 7 'lbe Hriti-b Government are apparently s ablisbiug a new principle iu Imperial government— namely, that each community should bear tbe cost of tbo maintenance of i ts own post-office. Tientsin, one of the most important treaty ports in China, lias a British concession and a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1630 7 INSURANCE The Penang Khean Quan Insurance Co.. Ltd, Hiii* 0*»IC», No. M. Hbach Stair, board or DIRIOTORS. Mr. Cbeah Cboo Yew Quah Beng Kee Khaw Joo Tok Yeoh Geok Keat Khoo Hun Yeang Oog Huu Siew Ho Tiang Wan Mr. Gan Gnob Bee Tan Ti&ng Swee Tan Kim Leong Khoo
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    • 96 7 Chamberlain’» Pain Balm. Y u will hunt a g od while before you dud a liniment that is < qnal to Chamber* lam’s P.iiu Balm In cafes of rheumatism tud sciatica it relieves the Intense pain and mk s sleep and rest possible Serenes i of the muscles, swellings and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 872 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Cv. t Pha U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. ttfSIDIKO AT /Vo. 21a, Penang Road. A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mtha. TEA v TEA SOLE AGENTS FOR PENANG, PATERSON, SIMONS 5 Co., Ltd WONG KIM MUN, No. 77a,
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