Straits Echo, 6 October 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1110 1 TIANQ LEE A 00. BASS’S ALE. I W ■p\ '^7*i 'WIS S.SSSNNinn SOLE AO ENTS. THE Eastern Shipping Company, Ltd., (ENGINE WORKS BANKS bartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. AND DOCKYARD.) Engineers, Shipbuilders, Crass Iron Founders. Engineering Appliances Fittings in Stock. Engine Works, Weld Quay
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    • 35 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. Sp ”5 w i 4 <p V 5 CW o cs o Cl > iyl Z CD to 0 'r QKTQ 1 Ti (JtS <ft Oo, B S»J* 4j4mu.
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  • 460 2 A correspondent writes With regard to the enquiry male by Mr. Kennaway. of Tanjoug Malira, the other day, on the subject of seiweed preserve, I think that what he means is seaweed jelly. If that is so. the seaweed can be obtained in Kuala Lumpur—though not always; but
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  • 630 2 To Get to the North Pole Follow the man from Cook’s.” Motto for Picture Postcard Actresses A miss is as good as her smile Life’s Little Tragedies.— M-. Lloyd George paid a visit to the aeroplaue shed without attracting attention.” The latest from Palis Five o’clock Tea. A 4
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 33 2 For Whooping Cough. Ctive Chamberlain's Cough I, will keep the cough loose, xpectoralion eaiv and render the ti's of c< ughing less firquent nnd less severe. The Gejrge Town Dispei ar Wholeßa’e Agents
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    • 584 2 A Remedy That Cures Colic. Some lime back I b id a very bid attack of colic." says Mr. C. Pienaar of Middelburg, Cap* Colony. I saw an advertisement in the paper of Cbiinberliiu’s Cole. Cholera and Diarrl cei Remedy, whuh I at once got from the chemist, Mr. C.
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    • 1826 2 V SPECIAL NEW LENSES. SMOKED, AMBER OR CRYSTAL, From $1,50 to $2.50 per pair. WANTED. RUBBER ESTATE. IilOR c uversiou iuto a L mited concern. Must be a sound property. Send reports by Expert, age of trees, Area planted ;ind implanted Copy Leate Map and plans, and lowest puce cash
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  • 38 3 Vestel» 1 A genis Due Delhi Colombo A G-AOo 6ih 0^. Prirz Ei'el Friedrich Siuuapore II M.a Co. 12th P. Alice Colombo B.M ACo. 13th Benarty London S.BACo 15th Himalaya Sia^prore A.G A Jo. 23 d
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  • 32 3 i'esse’i For 4 't<Z Dallii L Singapore A.O.&Co. Oct. PriDz Eitel Friedrich Colombo B.M A Co P Alien Smgapoie B.M ACo 1 Beuartv Singapore 8 B ACo Himalaya Colombo A.Q ACo.
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  • Shipping.
    • 213 3 Ban Whatt Soon, Br. e.s.. 199, Gully, sth Oct.. Teluk Anson, 4th Oct Gen. E. S Co., Ltd Avagyee, Br. ss 247, Campbell, sth Oct.. BelawaD, 4 h Oct., Gen —E. S. Co-, Ltd. Omapere. Br. s.a, 340, Bell, sth Oot., Tav»»y, 29tb Sept, Gen —E S Co Ltd.
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    • 69 3 6th Octjbkr. Teesta, for Negapatam and Madras. Deli, for Pang Nga and Trang. Ban Whatt Soon for Teluk Anson Landrat Scheiff, for Ringoon. Clara Jebsen, for Singapore and Hongkong. Pegu, for Langsa, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleb and Sabaug. Tong Chay JJn, for Diudiugs. Attyanax, for Port Swettenham Singapore. Flying
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    • 104 3 Fo* Kedah—Per Tong Chuan to-morrow, 10 a m. Trang—Per Leong Ho. tomorrow. 1 p.m. Poit Swettenham, Port Dickson and Mala ca Per Cornelia, to-morrow, Ipm. Tongkah—Per Rotorua, to-morrow, 1 p.rrPangkalau Brandan—Per Petrel, tomorrow, Ipm. Deli— Avagyee, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore—Per Tarobx, to morrow, 3 p
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  • 396 3 Per P. an<l O. s.s. Macedonia, frotu L >ndon, Sept. 10, connecting with the Delhi at Colombo, due at Penang ou 6th Oct. To Penang Mr. W. VV. Acton, Mrs Hamilton. Mr. F. Nicholls To Singapore Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Crunnav, Mr. and Mr«. J.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 780 3 P. 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail 8ervice. Outward. Oct. 6 Delhi connecting with Macedonia 20 Devanha Moldavia Not. 4 Aetaye Mongolia 18 Himalaya Marmora Homeward. THROUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. March 26, Macedonia TARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. Ut 01 AM fo I ondon by Sea £66 r,
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    • 511 3 (SH I P PIN G.) NORDDEUTSCUER LLOYD, BREMEN IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. I V m v r f S-C->-r5> 1 -r i (> THE fast an<i well-known mail s earnerso this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and
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  • 94 4 4 in» «aritAr* erms body ani Jmtlcr alcne ”»hilikNt i<»ll|r (MW •111 CRITERION PRESS, LM.. No. 22fi—2X2. Beach Strop». Pansnw PIUCK All.l lAX il |M p*r •*>< OtiTSTATinm* ittn. «II lOITIMK (P(M frw» m OAKI.K AIMIKirSS Echo Penang.’ I'«!*plii>nr No. X 43 All bMun roomminilaw ihmlil b«
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  • 1012 4 This is evidently getting a new and greater prominence at Home, judging by Reuter’s wires. We observe that we gave in error the names of the Daily Xev:t leader-writers, who resigned in protest against the Government’s treatment of the S. ffragettes, as the names of the women
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  • 400 4 The following business in tin bag been doue to-d*y Penang Penang Tin Exchauge, 50 tons at $7O 00 Eas'em Smelting Co, 50 70 33 Straits Trading Co.. 75 70 35 Singapore: Straits Trading Co, ICO 70 35 Total 275 tong. Tin is quoted in London
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  • 377 4 S. X I vs A.-C. 8. Dje uo’ici given to the Hon Secretary of 'he League would have saved a deal of inconvenience and disappointment yesterday when not a single icenber of the Anglo Chinese S hool team turned up on the Esplanade to iday tff tie L-vagu*»
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  • 134 4 Penang Team for Taiping. There was no regular prac ice at Kampoog Bibiu last Monday as the I’ L R C. has its close season dunog the mon'b9 of October and November. The following ladies from Penang will shoot at the Taiping Bisley to be held
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  • 388 4 Mr. Goodrich, of Messrs Sindilauds, Buttery and Co very kindly informs ns thit bis firm bas received a telegram from its London House this morning giving the price of Plantation Rubber best sheets as 9/ per lb. This is tbe avera e price realised at yesterday's auction
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  • 709 4 Very Poor Attendance. The meeting convened by Mr Pinhorn connection with the Victoria Da? Celebrat, was very poorly attended Eicepiiog t tw.. pies3 representative* and the Hoo ij Bland and M-. Pinhotn, 'he Pre-id*! t h the H d. Secretary e -p ctivrU 0 f concern, there
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  • 202 4 The item of $45,000 inerted into n«j veir’s Budget for the pu P >se of raising dam of the Bubit Ser*y* Resei voir Nh«'uld iff some way towards helping to solve the a pr problem iu Pr> vinca Woileslev er more to quantity an 1 better
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1268 4 PENANG GOLF CLUB. A SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING will be be!d id tbe Club House od Saturday, tbe 16‘.b instant, at 6 30 p m for tbe purpose of considering tbe following proposal. To alter Rule 23 to lead Tbe entrauce tee shall be $50 etc. W. FOX, 6 10-09 751a
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    • 47 4 A Safe Medicine. Don’t be afraii to give Cbani* aI Cough Remedy to your cbi'dren r teuded especially for coughs, colds, t-ro P aud whooping cough, and if is the ieine made for these diseases I* conf ai opium or other narcotic The Oo<>^ Dispensary, Wholesale Agents
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    • 24 5 (Echo Special.) Spreading to All lown&hips. Ipol), stli October.—The Japanese boycott is spreading to all the townships. Trouble is feared at Kampar.
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    • 46 5 (Sujplied by Renter.) And His Lonely Furrow. hondoD, s*b October- —Lord Rosebery, in decl'tnug an invitation to speak at Birmingham. said More speeches would involve mv return to politicrl Controversy from which I have long wi'hdrawn and to which I hope never to le’urn.'’
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    • 37 5 (Supplied ly Reuter Are They Spies? Loudt n, sth October. —Seven men and three women were arrested at Rheims. It is believed they are part of a gang of Qer man spies.
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    • 57 5 (Supplied by Reuter Will Turkey Compensate the Powers? London, sth October —A telegram from CoDstintinople states that the German Embassy has presented to the Porte a claim for the losses the Germans suffered during the Adana distuibances. The Fiencb and Italian embassies will shortly present their claims.
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    • 59 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Political Papers Startled. London, 6th Oct —The Premier has started for Bilm iral, quite unexpectedly, having been telegraphically summoned by the King The greatest importance is attached to the visit by the Lobby gossips. In Liberal circles it is believed that the highest
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    • 21 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) At French Ports. London, 6'h Oct.—There are renewed shipping strikes at Marseilles, Bordeaux aod Havre.
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    • 48 5 (Supplied by Reuter Blocking Bills to Enforce Claims. London, 6th Oct. —Iu the absence of certain expected concessions, the Itish party in the House of Commons is vigorously opposing the licensing schedules of ihe Finance Bill. The debate is likely to be prolonged.
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    • 45 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Food Getting Hearer and Work Ncarce. London, 6th Oct.—There is growing di* at the steady rise in the price of foodstuffs The prospects for the coming winter Xfe describ'd as of the gloomiest, especially *ilh regard to unemployment.
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    • 76 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) 1. S. Minister lo China. London, 6th October.—A message from hrancisco says that Minister Crane, who to have sailed thence yesterday for "tta. received a telegram recalling him to “shington. He said he did not know the hut presumed that the Government «H* discuss with
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  • 2173 5 THE ASSIZES (Before Mr Justice Thornton Cintra Street Murder. After the luncheou interval yesterday the Assizs Court resumed the hearing of the Cintra Street murder case. Cross examined by Mr. Adams. Ebrahim said I keep no books or rent receipts The business, which belonged to my brother, was
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  • 1035 5 (From Our Oum Correspondent) Public entertainments are extremely rare in this our slee r y little hollow, so it was with no little pleasure that we looked forward to the third appearance ot this talented amateur society which tock place on Saturday night at the Tuwo
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    • 145 5 To THE EcirOß OF THE STRAITS ECHO. Dear Sir, 1 b. j g to bring to your kind notice the following grievances and solicits your kind redress through the medium of your valuable journal. At the Chowrasta inaiket even if any respectable
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  • 132 5 Handicaps for the First Day. Lawn Stakes: —Hirrier 8 0, Indra 7 7, Ailsa 7 9, Shaf:e bury 9 8. Cartoon 10 2 Frou Frou 10 5, Melecbut 9 2, Dacoit 8 7, Salute 9 9. The Governor’s Cup: —Castro 10 0, Duibir 9 7, Gillo 8
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  • 540 5 By the Bo neo on 3rd October, the following shipments were nude For Marseilles op f Barcelona/Valencia etc—Paterson, Simons A Co. Pis. 1684 03 Copra. F<>r London —Aylesbury A Garland Pis. 63.72 Para Rubber; C S. Seng A Co 1 C*«e Zinc Plates. 1 Case Wood Measures W
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  • 47 5 Arrived. Per 8 8 Teesta, 6:h Oct., from Por. Swettenham Mr. Chew Boon Hean. From Singapore: Messrs. E. P- Holloway, J. C Holmberg and L R Lr xiroo. Dr PARTED Per ss. De K ck. sth Oot., for Deli Mr. aud Mrs D A den Boesterd.
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  • 83 5 To-dat. 23rd Day of B‘h Moon. Town Band, Esplanade. 6 to 7 p.m. Ledge Royal Prince of Wales, 9 p.m. The Now Japanese Cinematograph, corner of Campbell Street and Penang Road, 7-30 p.m. and 9-10 p.m, To-morrow 24*b Day of Blb Moon Church Work Association, 10-30 a m Town
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  • 23 5 English (Delhi I 6th O-1. China De'ta 9?h Olnna i P E Fr.ed'ich) ...12 r h German (Prinress Alic r) ...13th
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  • 19 5 I.ast Quarter Oct. 6 h O New Moon 14th t First Quarter s:2nd O Full Moon 29th
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  • 32 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service Outwards. Homewards Delhi 6 Oct I Dilta 9 Oct. Devnnha 20 Himalaya 23 Extra Service. Outwards Homeward. Nan.ur 11 Oct 1 Nile 16 OctPoona 18 Ceylon 30
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 58 5 Rheumatism. or Ilian n ne out of every ten cases of Hre simply rheumatism of the Muscles, due lo or damp weather or r,| inc rheumatism- In such cases no ■uteru« l treatment is required. The free Pplication of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is is ueedt d. and it is certain
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    • 36 5 (lOnoaan brings about satisfactory results without the aid of any local treatment and is the latest and most scientific Remedy and far superior to combinations of plain Sandalwool oil. Copaiba etc. At all chemists and dealers.
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    • 31 5 Uonosail capsules contain only the purest East Indian Sandal wood oil and Kawa Kawa The first dose quickly removes violent inflammatory symptoms, hots of 40 capsules at alt dealers and Chemist».
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    • 269 5 JUST ARRIVED A NEW STOCK OF FINE POCKET PENCILS. Ali°0 Extra pencils to refill the finished ones, iu small boxes containing 6 pencils in each box. Prices, Large Size, 60 cts. Smaller 51 Re-fills, 30 cts. per box CAN BE OBTAINED AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LTD., 230. Beach Street NOTICE.
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  • 1718 6 Tbere was a goodly array of the legal profession, and a considerable foregathering of the public in the Supreme court, says the Shaitt Timet, when Mr Montagu Harris was required to appear in answer to a sum mons to show cause why be should not be committed
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  • 120 6 Penang, 6th October. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand fiank 2/4/j 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4, 6 3 Credit 2/4) 3 Documentary.. 2/4,^ Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 175$ 3 days’ sight Private 177 Bombay, Demand Bank 175} Moulmein, Demand Bank 175 3 days’sight Private 177 Madras, Demand
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  • 184 6 Gold lieaf ..$61.8) B. Pc) j er(W.Coast 31b5.5 os.) no itoek White Pepper $27 —nominal [Yang Peppei out of teaton Cl »ve» out of teaton M ice 92. tales \flace 80. —tellers Vutmeg» 110 s 20 —tales SNo 1 580 tales 2 no stock Basket 3.85 sales T oioc*
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  • 1675 6 a ĕt- 3 2 Number of S Capital. Share* > Dividend. Name S. E i*»ued. I X _J±J y Mining. 1 1903 I 300.000 30,000 10 10 12 for year ending 31/3/09 Belat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. t .907 300.000 22,500 10 10 Bruang Ltd. 1901 I 000,000 60,000
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 74 6 1909 MODELS. DARRACQ MOTOR-CARS. Single Cylinder Car, Double Cylinder Cars Four Cylinder Cars, Six Cylinder Car, 7- H. P. 8- 10-12 H. P 14-16 H.P., 18 H.P. lhe Four Inch 26-36 H.P. 60 H.P. Gars complete w th High-tension Magneto and Battery (dual ignition), folding Glass Screen, Standard Cape Cart
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  • 906 7 [By R O Wmstedt in Malay Mail-2 I knew him v ry well,” said the Sevang; he came from my village and we were of the same age, rode on the rump of buff does, flew kites and later made eyes at the girls together;
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  • 43 7 For Fortnight Ending September 15. United U. S. ContinKingdom America ent. Tin 875 tons. 975 tons. 175 tons. Black Pepper 65 40 .‘l5 White Pepper 15 i Flour 475 Tapioca Flake 75 20 l Pearl 86 175 65 Cop'a 300 969
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1188 7 INSURANCES, The Penang Khean Guan Insurance Co., Ltd, H«AP OfTlcr, No. 8», BOARD OF Mr. Cbeab Choo Yew Quah Beng Kee Khaw Joo Tok Yeoh Oeok Koat Khoo Hun Yeang ODg Hua Siew Ho Tiang Wan Mr. Khoo BBACH HTMIT, DIRROTORH. Mr. Gan Gnoh Bee Tan Tiang Swee Tan Kim
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    • 58 7 Chamberlain’s Fain Balm. Y u Will hunt a g od while tefo e you find a liniment that 8 fqnal to Chamberlain’s Pain Bilm. Iu cues of rheumatism aud sciatica it lelieves the Intense pain and sleep and rest possible. Soreness of 11)3 muscles, sweliiugs and lameness are quickly relieved
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 874 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha US.A. barges Moderate, Consultation Free. iiitmiki at /Vo. 21a, Penang Road. FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC. A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 ratha TEA V Large Check Roll Books of 200 leaves. Price, $8
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