Straits Echo, 1 October 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1084 1 uU IN NESS’S ST 01 k TIANQ LEE A 00. *r > 1 V i a K \v 4&EAO& SOLE AO ENTS. BASS’S ALE. BANKS. THE Eastern Shipping Company, Ltd., (ENGINE WORKS AND DOCKYARD.) Engineers, Shipbuilders, Brass Iron Founders. Engineering Appliances Fittings in Stock. Engine Works, Y Weld Quay >
      1,084 words
    • 33 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. W/ cVo CS/. o y ir f -a. > 3 >r n? vife z “S' .'Vf? vtfivy >\ i" <t V/. > *3 //S TIANG Li.-. Co., So/e Agents.
      33 words

  • 720 2 We have received, remarks The Time a. from a British subject lesideut iu Siam, who signs himself Civis Roman us," a teller protesting against the ncent treaty. The letter states Article 6 provides that British subjects shall enjoy the rights aDd privileges enjoyed by the natives of
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  • 143 2 Bird Gorell, the arbitratoi in the dispute between the Greit Eistem Railway aud its employees, went thoroughly into his tafk. He rode on the engine of an express train so ibat he might see for himself the work which the fireman had to do. Mr.
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  • 79 2 Will y u kindly print the best puu in the English language,’ wrote a reader to Collier Weekly Here is the reply: It occuis in the last verses of Thomas Hood’s Faithless Nelly Browu’: Bis death, which happened in bis berth, At forty-jdd befell They weut an
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  • 197 2 October, IWl D H.W. L.W. H.W. L.W. A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M. 1st 1.34, 7 43. 2.01, 8.13 2nd 2 26, 8 39, 2.52, 9.05 3rd 3.18, 9.31, 3.43, 9 56 4th 4.09, 10.22, 4.35. 10.28 5th 5.00, 1113, 5.26, 11.39 6th 5.52, Nil.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 57 2 Chamberlain’* Pain Bilm. Y-'U will hunt a g od while before you liuuneot that i* < qnal to Chamber lain m Pain Hilm. In coca of rheumatism ami sciatica it lelieves the intense pain and makes sleep aud rest possible. Soreness of 'he muscles, swellings aud lamer(Bs are quickly leliesed
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    • 440 2 THE CURE OF CONSUMPTION Active Principle of Cod Liver Oil with Creosote. eosoTl (Chapoteaut) RELIABLE AGENT IN TREATMENT OF v TUBERCULOSIS OR PULMONARY PHTHISIS Sold by all Chemists. For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. rpHE BS. Hon<j Moll Captain K S Bain_l_ bridge, is expected to arrive here on Satuidav,
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    • 1649 2 EEITISH-MADE CYCLES. INSPECTION" INVITED. THE SHANGHAI GO LIFE INSURANCE LI". ALL MACHINES ARE COMPLETE WITH LUCAS LAMP AND BELL. TOOLS AND TOOLBAG AND REPAIRS OUTFIT. 1 >*» 9 t O L IV f 9 1 O 9 Can be had with either inverted or roller brakes, rubber or rattrap pedals,
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  • 48 3 ViTttelt fr'rii »i Agent* Due Daiffl ni?er Siturapoie B M.ACo. 2od OjL B°n.iFoQ London 3- B A Co. 2 id Ddlln Colombo G&Co. t»' b V. Alice Colombo B.M &0o. 13 b Beuat 1 v London S.B&Co 15’ h Himalaya jji igprcre A.G Jo. 23 d
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  • 43 3 T'egse 't For u ’t>' >.e V Dai ffl ncer Colombo B M A Co. 0 0-. Benavon Singapore 8 B A Co Dallii Singapore A G-ACo P. Alice Singapore B.M ACo fieuarl v Singapore 3.B <*Co Himalaya Colombo A G ACo.
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  • Shipping.
    • 140 3 I Glenlogan, Br. 8 s.. 3,809, McGregor, 30th Bjpt8 j pt London, 26th Aug., Gen —B. A Oo Pachum'a, Br. s.h., 544 Cane 30th Sept., iVl<>ulmeiu, 26th S"*p\, Gen. —H. L. A Co Atsuta Maru, Jap e.s 5,284, Thompson, Ist Oct., Yokohama, Bth Sept,, Gen.— B Co. Reael. Dut
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    • 61 3 16T OCTOBER. Va'entijn, for Deli, Batu Bahra, Aaahau and Paueh. Rotorua, for Tongkah Jin Ho for Lang kit. Tong Hong, for Rangoou, Pin Seng, for Port Swettenbam aud Singapore, Hok Canton, for Laugsa, T. Soma we, Segli, O'ehleh and Sabaug. Carly’e. for Teluk Ant-on. Un t'eng, for Tulau Langkiwi,
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    • 140 3 Foe Kedah Per Lian Choo, tc-morrow, 9 a m. Madras taking mails for Europe, etc via Bombay Per Thongwa, to morrow. 10 CeyloD, Australasia, India, Aden, Egypt and via Naples, for Europe etc. —Per Derjjlinger. tc-morrow, 10 a no. Riugoon and Calcutta—Per Linduia, tc-morrow, 11am. Mergui, Tavoy
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  • 427 3 Per P. and O. ss. Ma'edonia, from Loudon, S?p». 10, connecting with the De'hi at Colombo, due at Penang on 6th Oct To Penang Mr. W. W. Acton, Mia Hamilton. Mr. F. Nicholls To Singapore Mr. aud Mrs. H. J. Crunnev. Mr. aud Mr». J. Kerr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 815 3 P. 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals snd Departures. Mail 8«rvlc«. Oatward. Oct. 6 Delhi connecting 1 with Macedonia 20 Dtranha Moldavia Nov. 4 Axsaye Mongolia 18 Himalaya Marmora Homeward. THROUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. March 20, Macedonia. TAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. lit Class Ind Class To London by Set £66
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    • 524 3 (S HIPPING.) NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. f T; WA I n*<^ rr 4*? «Sjfe: ggaa»°aa|jii!m Sr 7 'Y f§o*f''* i. r-vji. £3#tt?Tfs»£ nnilE fast and well-known ruail s eamtrso! this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseiiles, Naples,
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  • 93 4 Jaetic* MUtsflM «vary body ud ]wtlc« alone u »hll«h«i dally (etorpi Monday at tub CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penang. DAILT LOOM |a« per anna» «AU. wwipaw»«n tM -a mid AHOKABH M ficfeo —Penang.* TbtrplMme No. 343 r.8.- All Mna EOwmlr»tlonw •tumid be address d
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  • 678 4 So it was chiefly financial considerations, mid not a spasm of enthusiasm for its educational responsibility, that prompted the Government to promote the Bill for a Board of Education. A Gazette Extraordinary reached us this morning, bringing the terms of the Bill. The Unofficial Members of the
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  • 140 4 We are giveu to understand that ihe tramway extension between the Magazine and L°itb Street Station wII be open to traffic on the first of January next year Woik ou thi«. section is progressing satisfac torily aud the authorities believe that the line will be ready by that
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  • 151 4 The European who is said to have been struck on the bead by an Asiatic, with au iron bar, in the grounds of the E and O Anmxe, was attended by Dr. Bright He b*d au undeniable lump ou his head this morning, wl ru inter viewed by
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  • 503 4 Tbe following business in tin has been e done to day: Penang Penang Tin Exchange, 12? tons at 169 85 Eastern Smeltiug Co, 25 70 20 Straits Trading Co., 50 70 20 j Singapore; r Straits Trading Co, 50 70 I2j it 1- Total 137£
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  • 938 4 («over 11 input Service vs. IV ming Free Sell not. The League match between the Government Service and the Penang Free School, which was played on the Esplanade yes'erday afternoon, ended io a goalless diaw. Tbe Scholars perhaps had the better of the ex ebauges 111 the fi'st
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  • 399 4 As announced in the Echo < f yesterdav Somasundaram Chetty was charged befom Mr. Brown, after tho lunch interval. There was a string of charges on the warrant but Mr. Wright-Motion, who appeared for ,k« el c ed to proceed with )rpp charges. When they were read
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  • 274 4 The Coroner. M r. Brown, held an inquest, yesterday afternoon, with the aid of three jurymen, touching tbe death of a Chiuaiuan, whose name was said to be Ong Sioog. The deceased was seen, by Lance Corporal No. 113, attached to the Central Police Station, dr wniug in tbe
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  • 238 4 Condign Punishment. P C. No 665 to dav charged a Chimi® 111 dealing in r.nnbos'een f< uits. with obstructing the public toad null his bokets. Tbe accused swore that t ho Police® 111 last night, d* minded from him the usua. tax lie refused to give
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 250 4 f WEILL ZERNEH,"': I 104 Faubourg Poisson iere, Paris, London A. (Eastern Branch 2» St. Andrews Hoad, Singapore. Class Manufacturing Jewellers, Diamonds, Precious Stones and Watch Dealers. Importers of English, French and Italian MOTOR CARS, L of the latest and best models Catalogues can be seen on application. Diamonds als
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    • 93 4 A Remedy That Cures Colic. Some time hick I had a very bad attack nf colic says Mr C Pienaar of Middelbure. Capo Colony. I saw au advertisement in the paper of Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I at odcb got from the chemist, Mr. C Turpin. After
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    • 32 4 Dr Boss of introduced Han in the treatment of the most p*m diseases to which mankind is li.ib!e better, safer and more effective than i preparations of Copaiba, Cubeb* or pSandalwood oil*
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    • 61 5 (Echt» Special.) IYntrkaim Pump Impaired. I nub, 30th Sept. —The pump at the fVnu'kalen mines has been repaired by Messrs. Howarth Erskine Co. It is I,o|H*tl that the repairs will be permanent. (tapeng Dividend*. Ipob, 30th Sept. —The interim dividends of Gopeng (Ltd.) and the New (Jopeng Mining Company
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    • 42 5 {Echo Special Fined $lOO. Singapore, lit October.—Mr. Montagu Harris, barrister-at-law, who was summoned before the Chief Justice in tbe Supreme Court yesterday on a charge of contempt of court, has been fined 3100. The most profound apologies were made.
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    • 66 5 Buppli(d ly Renter.) Conservatives will Not Repudiate their Obligations. London, 30th September.—A correspondent, who drew the attention of Mr A J Balfour to the Radical statement that Tariff Reform would mean tbe abolition of Old Age Pensions, has received tbe following reply No party or
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    • 32 5 (Supplied by Renter.) Japanese Ambassador Honoured. Loudon, 30th September. —The Empeior Francis Joseph has conferred the Grand Cross of the Leopold Order on the Japanese Ambassador at Vienna, M. Yasuya Uchida.
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    • 49 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) ('urxon’s Criticisms. Loudon, 30 h September.—The House of Lords has passed tie second reading of the Irish Land Bill. Lord Ciitzm described the measure as another instalment of Socialism and hoped that the House if Lords would atneud it unfalteringly, undeterred by threats.
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    • 91 5 (Supplied by Renter Now Says Lords will be Good. London, Ist October.—Political gossip is veeiiug iu favour of the belief that the Lords will pass the Fiuance Bill, though tbe L quor Trade continues to press for its lejection. City circles urge the Lards to accept it, fearing
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    • 31 5 (Supplied by Reuter Launched for Britain. London, Ist October.—The Duchess of Albany lauuchei at Portsmouth the improv ed Dreadnought Neptune, wh ch is the largest battleship built or building.
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    • 43 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Once More Prospering. London, Ist October.—Tbe Norddeulscbe•?d Company for the first half of this year made a profit of a quarter of a million ®bilmg. Iu tbe corresponding period of 08 ll) cre was a loss of £350,000.
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    • 109 5 w (‘Supplied ly Reuter Jockey Club Stakes Result. London, Ist October.—Following is the rp,, ult of t he Jockey Club Stakes wbicb was riin at Newmarket yesterday: lie Jockey Club Slakes of 100 0 sows, or three yeai 0 an< l U p War( j g Tbree 'f
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  • 1112 5 ORDINARY MEETING. An Ordinary Meeting of the Municipal Commission was held at the Municipal Offices yesterday afternoon when the following gentlemen were present:—Mr. L H Clayton, Mr. J. W. Hallifai, Dr. P. V. Locke and Mr. Quah Beng Kee, with Dr. G. W. Park t Health Officer), Mr.
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  • 571 5 New Club for Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Wee Hap Ling, tbe well-known miner of Kuala Lumpur, struck a happy note when he advocated the scheme for the formation of a Residential United Club for the Chinese of all Provinces,” with extens've grounds for indoor and outdoor sports, aud with
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  • 597 5 COMMITTEE PROPOSE NEW RATE OF ONE PER CENT C, Available for Edumtiouul Purposes. A Government G>z ‘tip Extraordinary wis issued fier we had gone to .press, yesterday, notifying tlidt an o(d!uance 10-cpnstitute au Education Boaid in Hie Colony a)nd to collect an education rate is atK crt-to
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  • 390 5 Three Penang Tenders. Fodowing are the three P<?ntug tende's for the pu-chaso of the <xa'uai\e rghts during the year 1910 of The Op um Farm of Penang, Provirce Wellesley and t he Dindings The L quors Farm of Pen n g, Previrc* Welleslev and the Dindings The Chrndu
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  • 208 5 Arkivkd Per ss. Lian Choo. 29th Sept from Kedah Messrs. VV. Ludwig, B E. Mitchell and P. Money, Per ss Tong Chuan 30tb Sept, from Kedah Messrs, Ch’ng Lye Urn, Chew Eng Siiug aud W. (1. Maxwell. Per s s Teesta 30 h Sept. from Negap itam Mr. and
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  • 60 5 To-dat. 18: h Day of 8 h Moon. Town Band. Esplanade, 6 to 7 p m l'he Now Japanese Cirematograph, cornet of Campbell Street and Peuaug Road, 7-30 p.m. aud 9-10 p.m, To-morrow. 19th Day of Bth Moon. lire New Japanese Cinematograph, corner •»f Campbell Stre-t aud Penang R
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  • 18 5 China (Derjflniger) ...2nd Oct English [Delhi) ...6'li China {De fa) 9’h German [Prin-ess Alice) ...13 h
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  • 19 5 f.ast Quartnr O-Jt. 6 l> N»-w Moon 14th t Fust (Jiiitrtei i2««l O Full Moon 29 h
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 33 5 For Whooping Cough. Give Chamberlain's Cough Rpmedy. I r will keep the cough loose, expectoration ta-v aud render the fits of coughing less frequent and less severe. The George Town Disjenean, Wholesale Agents-
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    • 350 5 NOTICE OF SALE. I1Y ORDER Ob’ THOSE CONCERNED. The undersigned will sell by public; auc ion, At the Courtyard of Logan’s Buildings, Beach Street, Penang, On Monday, 11th Oct., 1909, AT 11 A M. Sharp. The Following Properties 1. All thit pioce of l»nd and hereditrmeuts situate at Beach S'reet
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    • 688 5 FOR SALE!. WALKER’S EVERYDAY COOKERY BOOK for the Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States. PRICE 81. POSTAGE EXTRA. CASH WITH ORDER. FROM THK “STRAITS ECHO" OFFICE, Penang for salu;. Guide to Penang, BY THE LATE E. F. Skertchly, r. e. s. Price 50 cents. Worth Dollar a copy.”) TO BR
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  • 1333 6 The Stirring of the Waters. The Bpeciiil correspondent of The Timet who recently visited the Far Etst in further contributions notes that of the most stirring of changes none holds out such promise of p rmanency as the marvellous development within the last few years of
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  • 120 6 Penano, 1st OctobEb. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 6 3 Credit 2/4) 3 Documentary.. 2/4 6 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 175) 3 days’ sight Private 177 Bombay, Demand Bank 175) Moulmein, Demand Bank 175 3 days’sight Private 177 Madras,
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  • 210 6 Quid Iiea.f »64.8) i. 1 t-j. er( W.Coast 31bs.5 oz.) no stock *Vhue tVpp«i »21.50 tales [Yaiiit 1*hi r«' H 15 75 sales Cl out of season M .> 87. tales da ■*> 1’ < 80. —sellers Jutni«» 110s 18.50 buyers f No 1 5 80 saics Sugar <
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  • 194 6 Pbkanq, Ist October, 1909. Bmsr— ets. Soup f-er e*tt\ 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Me»' 16 Rump Steak 24 >x Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 35 **ork— Pork pei catt* 32 Mmml f 20 Feet 24 longii* 32
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  • 1648 6 r I s 2 Number of “5 a 5 Oh| ital. Shares > Dividends Name t -2 issued. '3 3 12 I•“ c i j j— j J Mining:. 1903 300,000 30,000 10 10 ;12 for year ending 31/3/09.Belat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. t^i .907 300,U«H) 22,500 10 10
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 78 6 K heuniatism. More than u ne out of every ten cises of e “!T‘ T a,e Bi,n rly rheumatism of the USCPH, <l ue lo C() t j or ,j am p vveal ber «r lt ,c l rheumatiMn. I,» uc h cases no 1 *1 treatm- nt is required.
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    • 434 6 (lOtlOSail like other preparations of Copaiba aud Sandalwood oil does uot affect the kidneys or disturb the stomach and is well tolerated by the patient even after lengthened tre?_‘.:nent Trials by the Medical, Profession solicited- Samples free on application to any of the chief Penang Chemiste. FOR SALE. “LIM CHEE
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  • 416 7 The prospectus of this company has been i sued to the public. The uame of the ornate is probably ibe oldest aud best known to Straits people of all the planting enter* prises in the peninsula. The capital of the ompany is £BO
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  • 217 7 At a mealing of Rubber Brokeis and Burets on the lit mst it was agreed that the Auctions sliou d take place ou Tuesdays, at tleven o’clock, and that cat logues must be rut, and simples on show ou the Monday previous by 1) 30 a in. Any
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  • 223 7 Evolutiou id nothing more or less than the mainspring of the universe,” says Percival Lowell in the August Atlantic “Grand in its simplicity, it is the oue fundamental fact cn which all we know depends From its influence nothing cau escape; lor it has fahioned
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1320 7 INSURANCES. The Penang Khean Guan Insurance Co., Ltd, Mi«p Oilier, No. 31. Kbach strict, Paata*. HOARD OP DI MOTORS. Mr.Oheah Choo Yew Quab Beng Kee Kbaw Joo Tok Yeoh Geok Keat Kboo Hun Yeang Oog Huu Siew Ho Tiang Wan Mr.Gau Gnob Bee Tan Tiang Swee Tan Kim Leong Khoo
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    • 87 7 A Safe Medicine. he afriid Jo give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to your children. It is inteuded especially for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, and if is the best medic:iie made for the e diseases It contains no opium or other narcotic The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents. NEW MODEL
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 840 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha US.A. barges Moderate, Consultation Free. BmA!I>IN« at /Vo. 2/a, Penang Road. FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC. A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mth* TEA Large Check Roll Books of 200 leaves. Price, $8 each.
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