Straits Echo, 15 September 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1168 1 bU IN NESS’S STOlk. tiano LEE Co.< S<y* fsA /'/«vy SOLE 40ENTS. BASS’S ALE. BANKS THE Eastern Shipping Company, Ltd., (ENGINE WORKS AND DOCKYARD.) Engineers, Shipbuilders, Brass Iron Pounders. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. .’1,200,000 .31,575,000 .£1,200,000 Engineering Appliances Fittings in Stock. Engine V'orks,
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    • 30 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. ■S' ymi N,„ a 7 x o 69 > “O S 5 «<. .s' >1» I *3 9> OK TO LEE A Co., Sole Agents.
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  • 716 2 One ot the halfpenny papers has let loose a Colonial journalist in E inland, who has been writing up bis impiession*. A clever skit on these articles appetrs in the Dai y Chr nicle It assuuiei to tie by S Stiutou Stubbs,” “news editor of the
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  • 431 2 Au eyo-witneis write* to the Times of Ceylon: 1 hud the pood fortune to witness a fi;bt between a lour f< et Cobra di Cupella and a full-growu common mongoose (the Mugatea of the Sinhalese; Empitai of the Tan i s). Oo first catching sight of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 855 2 TME GOVERNMENT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. THE GOVERNMENT OF PERAK. THE GOVERNMENT OF KEDAH. OTICE is hereby given on behalf of the 1 1 above named Governments that ten» ders will be received at the Office cf the Resident Councillor. Penang, up to noon on the 1st of October, 1909.
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    • 1621 2 SIEMENS BROTHERS DYNAMO WORKS LIMITED. ELECTRIC LIGHT, POWER AND TRACTION ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS. Contractors to: The Admiralty, The War Office, The Tost Office, The Office of Works, The Crown Agents for the Colonies etc., etc. Head Offices: Caxton House, Westminster, London, S W. Dynamo Works: Stafford, Staffordshire. Cable Works:— Woolwich,
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  • 43 3 V melt fr<< At Ay* tits D%* Lu<zow Colombo K M &Co 15fhSepf. Bulow Siiikjapoie B M.ACo. 16th Gh^z^i London S B &Oo 16 li Benalder London S B &0o 7th Himitlaya Colombo \.G&Co 22 ad Assayg Sin^aprce A.O.ACo. 25 b
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  • 34 3 I'esrelt For A eat* 1 Bulow Colombo' B.M.ACo. Sept. Lutz >w Siuim po e B.M ACo. Gbazoo Siu^apore S B ACo. Bnoaldf r Siu^apoie S.B ACo H imtlay.i Smgapoie A.G.&Co. Assayn Colombo A.G.ACo,
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  • Shipping.
    • 44 3 Qha'.ee. Br. ss. 3,242, Cave. 14‘b Sept-, Liverpool. 13th Aug., Gen—S P. Co. Maetsuijcker, Dut. rs, 1,337, Klein, 15th Sept, Sabaug, 14h Sept., Gen —H. L. Co. 1 C>mton, Br. s s.. 105, Hava Sjhib, 15th Sept., i'eluk Anson, 14th Sept., Gen.—Kong Soon.
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    • 56 3 15th September De i, for Pang Nga and Traug. Malaya, for Deli Ban Whitt Moon, for Teiuk Anson. Tong Hong* \or Rangoon. Pegu, tor Langsu, T. Seraawe, Segli, Olehleh aud Sabang. Tong Chay Un. for D.udiugs. Mamhang, for Sstul. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taipiug. Lut~oiv for Singapore,
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    • 116 3 For Kediih Per Linn Choo, to-morrow, 8 a in Ceylon. Australasia, India, Aden, Egypt and via Naples, for Europe etc. Per Bulow, tc-morrow, noon. Luigkat Per Jin Ho, to morrow, 1 p.m. Asabau—! er Mary Austin, to-morrow, 1 p in. Port Swettenham, Port Dickson aud Mala ca—Per Cornelia,
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  • 439 3 Per I G. M. s.s Lutioio. from Europe, 12 h Aug due at Penang on 15th Sept To Penang Mr. F L. Platte. Mrs. Mrg. Picker, Miss Esa Brimmer, Miss M. de Wiliigen To Singapore Mr. Aliens Koppais, Capt. Jolis Miussen, Mr. M. Sauders, Mr. Belton, Mr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 878 3 P. 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrival» and Departures Mail Service. Outward. j. Himalaya connecting with China ..-ii..' Macedonia Moldavia HomewardOct. <> Delhi •JO Derail ha [Hip. 6ep. 25 lOd 9 21 Nov ti 20 Dec. 4 18 |Jau. 15 29 Feb. 12 28 Mar. 12 26 Apl. 9 May
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    • 462 3 (S HIPPING NORDDfcUTSCiiLR LLOYD, BREMEN. iMPLKIAL CERII.-N MAIL. LINE. II fa. L &.M Xfe \*SJ X 3 v r S, .n ;V f-i -t nTrHE fast and woil-known m.- i iui*i»o th.s Company s.di Toi.n itty £»oui Bremen, Hamburg via Kotterdain, Antwr rp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseii-es,
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    • 57 3 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. riIUE s.s Hon: Bee, Captain J. Home. ia f-xppcitd to arrive hero on Thursday, and will leave for the above ports on Saturday, the 18 h instant, at 3p m. For freight or passage apply to KOE GUAN Co. Agents for WEE BIN Go-
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  • 93 4 J Ur* •atlifl** everybody end ]n*tlre alone "nbllul.rrt dally (e»rt-i'i Kn»a»yi nni CRITERION I’RESS, Lid., No. 226—‘232. Head) Street. Penalty, PRIOR •MM LOOAI |>4 per -uu. OUTBTATIONB PoeUge Rstrm «All. ■IHTION (Poet Free) »1» UAKI.K ADDRKBS Echo —Penang." Telephone No. 343. M.-411 boelneee communication* nhonirt be addreeeid
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  • 327 4 Even a Mark Tapley attitude toward Reuter’s lugubrious message about the crops to-day might be irritating to some minds, but we have decided, after a little reflection, not to help in any way the depression such a telegram is calculated to promote. With the town submerged, and the
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  • 254 4 We quite agree with the views set forth by Observer efsewhere in this issue that a Maternity Hospital and an Infirmary for children would do more towards keeping down the infantile mortality than a Municipal Nurse. At present we have no such hospital in ?enang. The
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  • 191 4 There are people who believe that the P. and 0., in allowing its second-class passengers to dine late, is doing them an ill turn. They say that late dinners or suppers are unhealthy. Doctors disagree about the influence of sleep on digestion, as on almost everything else.
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  • 274 4 The immutable manner of the controversialist can only be indicated in some such phrase as in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be.” The Straits Times man, who claims to be able to teach all his critics the A. B. C. of Housing Reform,” right up
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  • 426 4 Tli* 1 following business in tin has been dviue to lay Penang Penang Tin Exchange 5 buyers, no sei ers Eastern S:n: I’iog <’<> 25 tuns at 68.45 Straits Trading Co, 50 68 50 Singapore; Straits Trading Co, 75 68 45 j Total 150 ton
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    • 183 4 To thk Ediiok op tub Straits Echo. Dear Sir, I wiite, in no bos'ile spirit, to correct an e ror which has crept into your issue of the 6th instant. Your Kuala Lumpur correspondent, writing to you re this yeir’s Football League C-m, etition, states “that
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  • 531 4 To the Ediior op tub Straits Echo. Sir, lt is surprising to see what a large number of Asiatic women go iu for feeding bottles to nurture their infants. Wheu questioned whv. they say. “The Orang Puteh do it.” Unlike the Orang Puteh, they do not see
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 257 4 TIANG JOO CO., PENANG. JUST RECEIVED NEW SHIPMENT OF “NEW-HOWE” BICYCLES! Light and Easy Running! Elegant in Appearance 2 British Made Throughout 2 2 2 K Fitted complete with Lucis’ King of B Is” Plited L imp. PI ited Sp-ings Saddle, Pump, Toi ls and To d ha,’)* All _'i>t
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    • 44 4 It has beeu satisfactorily demonstrated that thousands of petsons have to thank GoilOSiin for restoration to health and happiness. It is astringent and antiseptic and has never been known to fail. At all dealers in Patent Medicines and Chemical in bottles of 40 capsules.
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    • 48 4 Chronic Diarrhea. Many sofferers from chronic u ,i,e u*e 01 have obtained prompt rebel oy Cbambei lain’s Colic, Cholera aud 1 of thi* Remedy. Somo of the worst case* disease have been permanent!.' cu"i after other treatment and skille! had failed. The George Town Dup o Wholesale Agents,
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    • 37 5 (Echo Special.) Death Sentence. Ipoh, 14th September.-— l'he Sitiawan nll ,i er case has concluded. Veera Thoroiio was sentenced to death, Martho Tomiio to five year.’ rigorous impnsonmellt; and the remaining five accused were’discharged.
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    • 162 5 (Echo Special.) “Straits Times” on Locke. Singapore, 14th September.—The Strait' Time* writes strongly of the view* expressed by Dr. P. V. Locke in the Echo with regard to the death-rate. It says: Is it possible that he is so full of ardour on behalf of the fallen
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    • 47 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) But England's Gone Fut. London, 14th September —While the prospects for a bountiful world harvest continue unchanged, the prolonged wet weither has ruined the splendid prospects that England had, and there is now grave anxiety. The crops are still largely uncut.
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    • 45 5 (Supplied by Reuter Airship Kails to Make Good. London, 14th September—The first day’s work of the military airship at the German inaiseuvreH was marred by a series of misbaps. 1 he airship was finally caught in a tree and captured in the eveuing.
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    • 71 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) IVary Interviewed. Lindon, 15th September.—Commander m T interviewed at Battle Harbour, said am the only man who ever reached the orl e I am prepared to prove it and >ave concrete proof. Dr. Cook did not *tac i the Pole. I intend to wait until
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    • 87 5 (Supplied by Reuter tj 188 Gap Lessening. r «"poudm!t afs Se P tember Rater’s corbudll n Sjdnp y Btil,PB ,hat Earl of wealth of Tern °j' General of the Commonthen AuBtral,a opened the Congress of Hedeferred 8 f on,lnerce of the Empire nations of tK m B,r
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    • 87 5 Wupplied by Re liter L i i Successful Test. Bntiib l September.— Numerous P r ***it »t F r n 1,1 Hilary officers were ,lle 10 esllel'r m l w uf M tlie lest* of b T “fliiiUtf tt 8 ,< Ullt 3 w which c*n be fired
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    • 25 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Return to Tokio. London, 15th September.—Sir Claude Macdonald, British Minister at Tokio, has left London for Tokio via Siberia.
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  • 238 5 In oue night Penang has become a Venice Almost all the roads are under water and gondolas are not easy to get. The ricksha puller, want big fares. Either that or you swim. Transfer Road is almost impassable for vehicles and there is water enough there to float
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  • 532 5 As briefly announced some time ago in the Echo, Penang patrons of amateur drama are to be introduced to “The Liars.” Mr. aud Mrs. Wright-Motion, assisted by members of the P. A. D C- and friends, are producing this famous piece shortly, in aid of the Band. The
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  • 921 5 P. C. C. vs. St. Xavier’s Institution. The unexpected happened on the Esplanade afternoon when St Xtvier’s Institution beat the P. C. C. by one goal to nil in their Letgue fixture. Both team* began shorthanded. Starr (S X 1.) did not put in an appearance on the
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  • 375 5 Europium Held Up. The Times of Ma ay a on 13 h inst. repoits. —On Snuiday ufieruo.m a daiiug gang robbi-iv occurted on a cut track close t Kramat Pulai Mines, wheu the acc >untant of the Mine was assaulted and relieved of a sum of $1,700It
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  • 110 5 To-day. 2nd Dav of Bth Moon. Town Band. Esplanade, 6 to 7 p m. Victoria Jubilee R A. Cnapter, Freemason’s Hall, 6 30 p in. The New Japanese C nematograpb, comeof Campbell Street aud Penang Road, 7 30 and 9 10 p in. Grand Change of Programme. The
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  • 38 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Maii Service Outwards. Homewards Himalaya 22 Sept. Assaye 25 Se/ t Dilhi 6 Oct Delta 9 Oct Hxtra Servicj. Outward-» Hoaikwakd Palermo 27 Sept j Sumatra 17 Sept Nan ur 11 Oct Romeo 1 Oct
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 32 5 UoilOSail (in capsules) is well tolerated by the digestive apparatus no complication of any sort occurs, and its action ia moat favorable in Cystitis, Approved by the leading specialists of the day.
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    • 67 5 Bowel Complaint in Children. Children when teething are liable to attacks of diarrhoea and (his trouble,espacially in warm weather, should never ba neglectedThe best medicine in us*» for ailments of this kind is Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Wneu reduced with water and sweetened, it is n< t unpleisaut,
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    • 269 5 MUNICIPAL NOTICE D >g owners a;e warned that owing to tinoccurrence of a case of su-pected ctuine rallies, the shotting of unli e isel logs and the enforcem ut of fines against owners will he Ktrictiv carried out,. Owners aie advised to keep their dogs chained up or confined to
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    • 736 5 FOR SALE. WALKER’S EVERYDAY COOKERY iOOK for the St i aits Settlements and Federated Malay States. PRICE 31. POSTAGE EXTRA. CASH WITH ORDER. NOTICE. of 1M1 AT the sa t. of the property Qopalsamy and Permayee as A. S advertised tor Public Auction to-day, has been idjouined to the 23
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  • 359 6 The 80 Best Professions for the Weaker Sex. Particulars of some 80 professions for women are contained in the Fingerpost iisued by the Central Bureau for the Employment ot Women, at «ne shilling. Details are given of the cost and length of traiuing necessary, and, as far
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  • 510 6 The statemeut that a large number ol children who go to the London Council schools are in the habit of drinking alcohol, from au authority whose words bear weight, has aroused great inteiest. In a recent n jmber of the Lancet Mr. F. G Mackereth refers
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  • 223 6 If is said that the Chinese were the first to fiud cut that the peatl in the oyster is due to the itritation produced by the introduction of a p»riic!e of foreign ma’ter. This is coated with nacreous matter, and forms the ptail. Advautage was taken of this to
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  • 308 6 A Vegetable Mosquito-extermi-nator. Under this hetd a moequito-destioyiug plan' is described iu TA? Municipal Journal and Engineer (New Y ik;. Apparently its introduction however would uot be unattended with inconvenience Says the writer: Tue rffort to eliminate malaria l-y exteimiuatiug the mo quitos which are credited with transposing the penns
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  • 119 6 Penang, 15th September (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank lioudon, Demand Bank 2/4$ 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 s 3 Credit 2/4 7 3 Documentary.. 2/4$ Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 176 3 days' sight Private 1771 Bombay, Demand Bank 176 Moulmein, Demand Bank 175$ 3 days’sight Private 1774 Madras,
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  • 205 6 Gold Leaf ..$61.8) 3.1 op jei (W.Coast 31b5.5 oz.) no stock White P' slBs buyers riang I’cj p*” 14 7b buyers Clovea out of season Mace 8 7. fahs Mace Picking 68.50 sales 'Jutmeg» 110 s 18 50 sel'ers SNo 1 580 sales 2 no stock Basket 3.85 sales
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  • 189 6 Perang, 15th September, HO9. Bbef— ft Soup per cart- 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail « 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 35 Pork Pork pet cati 32 Pig’s lleaO 20 Feet 24 Tongue 32
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  • 1174 6 2 2 2 d S 1903 .907 1901 1907 1903 1901 1907 1901 1899 1906 1907 1905 1906 19 8 1904 1906 1907 1907 1901 1907 1905 1905 1892 1905 1907 1907 1906 1907 1907 1906 1902 »05 1905 1904 1905 1903 1901 1905 1906 1905 190« 190 b
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 76 6 How to Prevent Blood Poison. Carelessness and negkct are the chi; f causes of blood poisoning. A cut or biui e, however Blight, should h ive imn ediate attention. A good liniment aud one that u t only gives prompt relief from pain, but being antiseptic, heals the wound without
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    • 404 6 Don’t Take the Risk. When you have a bad cough or cold do cot let it drag along uutil it becomes chronic or develops into an attack of pneumonia, but give it the attention it deserves and get rid of it. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and you are suie of
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    • 130 6 THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES. Rutter's c\. Andrew Usher Co.'s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. AGENTS FOR t'FNANG ii F. M. S. iSr¥ e^> m m /> 7 m a to 5 yj ft o CLOSE 3BR/.N /I rr iM/ ■"Cvo* «i DRINK McEWAN’S
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  • 639 7 Enormous Hums Paid for Hats. Apropos the lecture given by Mr. Rothery on the destruction of birds at the last meeting of the National Council of Women according to information received by the last English mail Loid Averbury hopes to get the third reading of his Bill
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  • 304 7 Curious Plan to Drag Fighting Ships Ashore. Naval Constructor Hoilman, of the German Navy, has taken out a patent for a device to destroy battleships of the Dreadnought c'ass. C. inpaied with this newest engine of war. the Z ‘ppelin dirigible airship which aims among
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1382 7 INSURANCE The Penang Khean Guan Insuranc® Co., Ltd, ~,i cr N o. SI. K«*ch Btb.«. F»,... n,iD otticr, hoard or diekotoks. B Mr.Oan Gnoh Bee Mr. Cbe;ih ChooYew Quali Beng Kee Ktmw joo lok Yeoh Geok Keat Khoo Hm> Yeang Oog Hun Siew lio Tiang dn Tan Tiang Swee Tan
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    • 40 7 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhcea Remedy. This remedy hag been in use for over thirty years and has pioved itself to be the most successful remedy yet discovered or bowel cimplaiuts. It never fails. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 832 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. ft«MIOIM« AT /Vo. 21a, l*cnan£ Road. K few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mth* TEA v TEA SOLE AGENTS FOR PENANG, PATERSON, SIMONS Co.. Ltd WONG m MUN, ,Vo 77 a. Ms
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