Straits Echo, 2 September 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1167 1 SOLE AO ENTS. GUINNESS'S STOI T. '4 5 m j 3 ,40 •mv s«ssva THE Eastern Shipping Company, Ltd., (ENGINE WORKS m A, K K AND DOCKYARD.) Engineers, Shipbuilders, Brass Iron Founders. Engineering Appliances Fittings in Stock. Engine Works, Weld Quay > and 37, 41 and Stores Offices 43, Beach
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    • 30 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. m st T is CS s\ »4.3; r“TJ > z 3> fW C 3 ft u m Ti ANG LEE A Co., Sole Agents,
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  • 894 2 The Amjual Report for 1903 of the Veterinary Department reads as follows The work of the Department has been carried on during the year without interruption, although showing decreases under most headings, its progress may be considered satisfactory, the general financial depression being largely accountable for the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 72 2 llow to Prevent Blood Poison. Carelessness and neglect are the chirf cause* of blood poisoning. A cut or hrui e, however slight, should have imuedii'e at tendon A good liniment and oue that n« t only gives prompt relief ftom piio. bu» be ng antiseptic, heals the wound without maturation.
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    • 491 2 Chronic Diarrhoea. Many sufferers from chronic dia*rlcei have obtained prompt relief by the use of Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Some of the waist case* of this disease have been permanently fund by it after other treatment and skilled physicians had failed. The George Town D speosary, Wholesale Agents
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    • 1532 2 DUTCH CIGARS. La Senorita, Cric 1 et Club, Marine, Flor-de-la Vega, Carle Blanche, Carmen, El Concepto, Agnila Blanca, Prince ssas, Togo, Flor Prado, La Vista, Flor Mirquesa, per box of ICO 100 10 as 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 f 2 00. $2 25. *2 25. $2 50.
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  • 45 3 Vessel» F tom Agent* Due Bpndo: au London S.B <tCo. 3rd Sept. Delta Colombo A G.&Co. 8th Div.inha Singapore A G &Co. 11th Bulow jSiuirapore B M.a Co. 14 h Lu' 70 v [Colombo B.M &Co. 15*h Beoalder !London 8 B &0o. 17th
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  • 36 3 V esseb For A ,rut> 4* **> Bsndoran j Singapoie 3 B &Co Sript. Ddila |Smg:ipord G&Co. I)-»vanba ’dumbo G &Co. Rulow Colombo M A Co. Lut a >w Singapore B.M &Co. Benaldgr Siugapore 3B AOo
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  • Shipping.
    • 90 3 P. E Friedrich Oer. s.s 5,001, MalcboW, Ist Sept., Bremen, 28th July, Geu- B. M Co. Qoeben, Ger. s 8., 5,150, Chelms, Ist Crept Yokohama, 14 h Aug Gen —B M. Co. Thonjwa, Br. 8.8., 3.428, HerriugtoD, 2nd Sept,, Madras, 26’h Aug, Gen.— H L. Co. Lightniiy. Br. s.s.,
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    • 45 3 2nd September Mary Austin, for Asahan Cornelia, for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Mala' ca. Sree Bangka, for Trang. Canton, for Bindings and Teluk Ausju Thongwa, for Port SwetteLhim and Singapore. Mambanq, for Setul. Ban Soon, for Laugkat. De Kock, tor Deli and Liugsa.
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    • 158 3 F< Kedah Per Tonq Chuan, to-morrow, 9 a.ji. Dali, Asahan, Batu Bahra and Paueh Vafenlijn, to morrow, 11 am. Calcutta—Per Lightning, to-morrow, 11 Batu Bahra—Per Padany, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Singapore. China <fe Japtu—Per Austria, to-morrow. 2 p.m Port Swetteuhaui and Singapore—Per Pin Seng, to-morrow, 3 pm. Teluk
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  • 404 3 Per P aud O s.s lad a, from Louduu, Aug. 13, conurcting with the Delta at, Colombo, due at Penaug on Bth Sept. To Penang Mr. J. C. Ward. To Singapore Mr. .I. M. Russell. Mrs Russell, Mre. K. Crofts, Mr. R. Bailey, Mr. F. O.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 823 3 Pi 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outward. 8 Delta tl Himalaya connecting with do. India China Homeward. Oat*. Summer. 11 Devanha 25 Aerate 9 Delta 23 Himalaya 6 Dtlhi 20 Devanha 4 Asmye 18 Himalaya 1 Delta 5 Delh i 29 D(vanha Feb. 112 Arcadia 2
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    • 539 3 (SHIPPING NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. 4. v&mammts* •w. ~Vf' I, :f■ j f-■ }fk rp.UE fact ia w. ru tii*. a piiim-: •.1 ji Company sail fonn:gntty troai Bremen. 1- Hamburg via Lo ,e dim, Am werp. Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseille Naples, Alexandria and
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  • 95 4 Jn-Mra mtlaflea everybody end Joetlce alone "nblluhed dally (except MnnriayO IT Tl 1 CRITERION TRESS, Ltd., No. 22fi—‘232. ttaacii Street. Pnnany PRICK lill.l lAK'AI 194 per n OUTHTATIONS Foet-age Kxtra «All- «niTIOW (Toet free! »15 OAKI.K ADIIRtaS Echo- Tenang.’ telephone No. 343 All baalnwa rommnnirmtlooe «honlit be
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  • 879 4 If ever Penang, like Ipoh and the joung lady, shows a desire to change its name, the name of Higgledypiggledytown is sure to be suggested. The report for last year, signed by Dr. Park as Deputy President of the Municipal Commission, indicates that such a name would not
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  • 664 4 The follov uu ItiisitiH'»» in tin has boe i lone to day Penaug Straits Trading C 0..) $6892^ buyers, no severs Penaug Tin Exchange, 87£ tous at 08 60 Eastern Sineltiug Co.. 150 68 95 Singapore: Miaits Trading Co.. 75 69.07) Total 312£ tons. Tm
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  • 707 4 P. V. 8. C. VS. M. It. C. A huge concourse of spectators gathered ou Victoria Greeu yesterday afternoon to witness the League match between the Pen aug Volunteers Sports Club and the Maho lonian Recreation Club which resulted after a line contest, in a goalless draw. B
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  • 122 4 Lawn Tenuis Tournament. Following were the results of the ties played yesterday Championship (Final): Eichenberg beat Hasiam (Holder) 6-0, 6—l, 3—6 3-6 6-1. Ladies’ Doubles (Semi-final) Mrs. Wrigbt-Motion and Miss Martin beat Miss Hogau ami Miss Ha’lifax 8-6. 6 3. AMENDED FIXIURESThursday, 2nd Sept. Single Haudicip Class
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    • 29 4 (Echo Special.) Shilling a Share. I poh, 2nd September.—l tis announced that Tekka Ltd. will pay a dividend of one shilling per share on the 7th inst.
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    • 27 4 (Echo Special.) Public Money Stolen lpolt, 2nd Sept.— Burglars broke into the Public Works Office at Teiok Auson last night, and stole $125.
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    • 48 4 (Echo Special.) New Local Flotation. Kuala Lumpur, 2nd September.—A new company, the Cheras Rubber Estates, is being floated locally with a capital of $200,000. It is being issued at $125,000. The new company will acquire the Cheras and Emmott Estates near Kajang, consisting altogether of 1,000 acres.
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    • 22 4 (Echo Special.) Heawood Estate. Ipoh, 2nd September.—The Heawood Estate lias been floated into a Company at Singapore with $550,000 capital.
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    • 56 4 (Swpp ied by Reuter Bleriot-Latham Match May Not Come Off. London, Ist Sep’enaber —M. Bleriot’s accident on the 30tb August, when bis aeroplane was destroyed as the result of a motor explosion, is more setious than was at first thought. It is very doubtful whether his prop sed match
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    • 36 4 (Supplied by ReuUr.) Chino-Japanese Negotiations Concluded. London, Ist September.— Reuter's correspondent at Peking says that, the negotiations between China and Japan with regard to Manchuria have beeu finally concluded. The agreement will be signed shoitly.
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    • 58 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) Kent the Champion Count/. London, 2nd September—Kent has won the County Championship this year, with Lancisbie 6rc t»d and Yorkshire third. Kent played 26 ma'chea, won 16 lost two and drew 8; Lancashire plaved 24 matches, won 14, lost 4 and drew 6 Yoiksbireplayed 26
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    • 40 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) An Exercise for Intelligent London, Sept. 1. —London Arfdealers Duveens purchasers K dolphe hIUI- Paris 807 nearly million nter lmC now Dougat Leven old masters quint' 1 Faieuce cbjetsdart from Maurice Ki' lUS Collection halfmilliou.
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    • 81 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) Col. Seely on the New Farm Contract** Loudon. 2nd September.—Col. 9eeJ> Under Secretary of State for the Colome* replying in the H"use of Cu»®'’ 0 to Mr. R. Liidldw, Liberal Member Renfrewshire, said that the Government ■> taking no steps to prevent new opium
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    • 132 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) New# of Dr. F. A. Cook. 2nd September. —News has arnved of I)r F A Cook who has beeu unheard ~f since the 17tb March, 1908, wheu be was Entering an ice floe with two eskimos and mbt dog teams hoping to dash to the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 506 4 THE NEW JAPANESE CINEMATOGRAPH. I0-II6HI! TO-NIGHT 1! GRAND 4 y v i 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. t>. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1st Show, 7-30 to 0 l*. m. A Tenant’s Revenge Pierrot’s Revenge Tbe Bean Aualie LilyTbe Lauuching of
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    • 40 4 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Keaiedy. This remedy has been iu use for over thirty years and has proved itself to be the most successful remedy yet discovered for bowel complaints. It never fails. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents
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  • 73 4 Obituary. (Echo Special.) Captain H. L. Talbot. Kuala Lumpur, 1st September.— Captain Henry Lynch Talbot, Commit sicner of Police, F.M.S., died in En<r| an( i last Monday. [Captain Talbot wan born in October, and joined the Perak service as Asst. Com missioner, 1st Perak Sikhs, in 1880. He becam« Commissioner
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  • 94 5 Statement of Account. To Subscriptions $1,367 25 Sundries 859 $1 375 84 Ry F< «> I and Drinks as per yoticheis 512 4 Amusements as per vouchers 285 12 Cost of Labour—as per vouchers 132 60 Ricksha aud Gharry Hire as per vouchers 93 39 Radges—as
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  • 57 5 The total raiufil! s.t Fort Cornwallis duimg August amounted to 14 23 inches, representing 75 hours' rain. The heaviest daily raiufall occurred on the 21st Aug, wheu the rain gauge registered 5 25 inches. Highest Temperature. am. N ON. P M K 4
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  • 122 5 For Friday’s tme'iug the chief item is Municipal Bill in Committee There will also be a motion by the Treasurer for the approval of the Council to certain additions to the Estimates of the current year, to Ihe amount of Singapore $55. 19; Penang $19,<13; Malacca $5 150.
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  • 48 5 Gcr Fortnight Ending 31at August.) To To United To the l nited States of ContinKingdom. America. ent. ‘j n 575 tons. 950 tons. •'lack I epner 50 (65 99 tons. (Flour 400 tapioca < Flake 50 Wim p Pear l 25 17u 7o‘ f* 55 c >'« -mi
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  • 125 5 teleg,,,» b on received 'l'o.le«. 371 hour., 291 > i 3 dredge 520 hours, 559 piculs, dredge started working 31st Aug. j™!' 6 Sir Willura Hyndtnau f r S'"S*pore by Ibe Tkoujw,, “PDeaL i u re are a dozen more dealt witi aQ d these
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  • 3688 5 BOUSTE ID AND CO. WIN. Full Text of Judgment. Chief Justice Sir W. H Hyndman Jones I Below we give the full text of the judgments of the Chief Justice and Mr Justice I Sercomhe-Smith iu the Weld Quay Recla- mation case. The judgment of Mr.
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  • Passengers.
    • 28 5 D eparted Per s s. Aiagyee, 31st Aug., for l>eli: Mr aud Mrs. G. Blooker. Per s s Tong Chnan, 1st Sept., for Kedah Mr. W P. Simpson
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  • 106 5 To-i»at. 18 li Di» of 7ill Moou. I' 0 C IVon s Ties. Hie New Japanese Cir*onatograph, corner of Campbell Street and Penang lioad, 7-30 p.m. and 9-ld p.m. TheEistern Biscape. Kino S’rre 1 Theatie 7 30 pin ami 9 30 p in. Grand Opening Night Tomorrow 19th I>a?
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  • 15 5 English Delta ,,.8'h Sept Chiua (Deianha) ...11th iMitia iBulcW) ...14'll German Billow) ...15th
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  • 22 5 I.asi Qn Me» Sept 7'h O Ri w Moon 14 h i Fust Quarter 13 d O Full Moon 29:h
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 152 5 TO LET. House n > ub barrack road. from Ist Oc>obe r Apply to E O MATHIEU. 2 9 09 048 No 6. Arratoon R ad For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. rnilE 8 8 Qlenfaloch, Captain J II liaius 1 worth, is expected to arrive bore on Monday, aud
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    • 673 5 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Applications tor ti» post of storekeeper for Tramway Departmeut at a nalary of §50 per mouth will be received by the uudendgned up to 4 p.m. ou Wednetsday, the 8'h instant. A security of $500 will be required. Applications should be endorsed “Storekeeper.’' Canvassing by or on behalf
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  • 2145 6 Mr. Justice Her combe-Smith t I should bave been coutent to expiess concurrence in tho judgments of my collea gues, but out of respect to my brother Brad- dell, whose decision we are reversing, I will state my views. There is no dispute as to the
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  • 193 6 September, 1909. D H.W. L.W. H.W L.W. A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. 2nd 1.35, 7.48, 2.01, 8.14 3rd 2,27. 8.49. 2.52, 9 05 4th 3.18, 9.31. 3.44. 9.57 sth 4.09. 10 22, 4.35. 10.48 6th 5.01, 11.14. 5.26. 11.39 7th 5.52. Nil. 0.18,
    193 words
  • 125 6 Penang, 2nd September tßy courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 B 7 3 Credit 2/4§ 3 Documentary.. 2/4V* Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 175 J 3 days’ sight Private 176 f Bombay, Demand Bank 175 f Mouluiein, Demand Bank 175 3 days’sight
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  • 203 6 'J.dd T*af $61.8 > V htt eiv.'V Coast 31bs.5oz.) no stock A bite $16 371 safes 14 75 buyers Cl >rcs out of season M -ot 80. —safes die** PicV»n«*- 66.50 sales 'Ju»na«t:* 110s 18.50 sa'es f No 1 5 80 sales Sugar < 2 no stork Basket 3.85
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  • 190 6 Penang 2nd September, 1909. Bbkk— f't Soup »«r cat yl4 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Me** 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail w«h 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 35 Pork— Pork |er catt > 32 Pig’s H «ad 20 Feet 24
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  • 97 6 1899 1907 1907 1890 1887 875,000 400,000 350,000 I 500,000 3.000.000 6 00 2,750 40 3,C00 10 100 10 5,C00 100 300.0C0 I 10 100 100 1 100 10 5 for 7 p c. for 1908 ?9CB iOh o. 1908 20 T>* 10* bon 3 »/3 09 Ri'ey Hargreaves
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 62 6 Don’t Take the Risk. W heu you have a bid cough or cold do to’ let it drag alone uu’il it becomes chronic or develops into an attack of pneumonia, but give it 1 lie attention it deceive* and get rid of it. Take Cham ei kin's Cough Rem»*dy and
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    • 162 6 (ionOHuil capsules contain only the purest East Indian Sandal wool oil and Kawa Kawa The first dose quickly removes violent inflammatory symptoms, bots of 40 capsules at all dealers and Chemists.' Fort sale:. WALKER’S EVERYDAY COOKERY E00K for the Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States. PRICE fl. POSTAGE EXTRA. CASH
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    • 128 6 THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.’ GIN IN RED CASES. Sandilands, Buttery Co Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. AGENTS FOI? RBNANO F. M. S. 9* I *x 5C ry CA i lU I o GLOBE BRAN 0 ft im. #7 prmm DRINK McEWAN’S STOUT, A Stout
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  • 208 7 The Hongkong Te'egraph says We have no i'iea where the Governor [of H ngkoue obtained the information which led him to the conclusion that there is a larger liquor consuming population iu Hongkong than in the Straits Settlements. Without appearing to malign our neighbours iu the South
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1412 7 FOR SALE INSURANCES. The Penang Khean Ouan Insurance Co., Ltd. 01,1« HO- <■***••• board or DIRSCTORS. Mr.|Cbeah Cboo Yew Quah H«ng Kee Kbaw Joo Tok Yeoh Geok Keat Khoo Hun Yean* Kboo Boon I’bay Ho Teang Wan Mr. Turn Mr.Lim Teang Hooi Tan Teang Swee Tan Kim Leong Khoo Beng
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    • 67 7 Bowel Complaint in Children. Children when teething are liable to ttacka of diart boat and this trouble, especially in warm weather, should never be neglectedThe best medicine iu use for ailments of this kind is Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrlcei Remedy. When reduced with water and sweetened, it is not
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 848 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Cv. t Pha U.SA. Charges Moderate, Ccnsultation Free. AT /Vo. 21a, Penang Road. A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mtha TEA v TEA FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PUNTERS, ESTATES, ETC. Large Check Roll Books of 200 leaves. Price,
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