Straits Echo, 25 August 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1157 1 GUINNESS’S STOW. tiang lee A Oo. '6?r a >*'y o 7 h u 7 <2 <2 s SOLE AOEHTS. BASS’S ALE. Et M. I* Ml R* > THE Eastern Shipping Company, Ltd., (ENGINE WORKS AND DOCKYARD.) Engineers, Shipbuilders, Brass Iron Founders. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China INCORPORATED BY
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    • 17 1 «SW™. (>%- 5M- o •jl o y> > “G Vt CO -fSR r>>/ '^IPKTb^^' TIANG LEE Co., Sole Agents,
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  • 320 2 In the preamble of the new India Councils 1 Hill statutory recognition is given for the first time of the province of Eistern Bengal and Assam. The two tracts were made into a province, consrquent on the partition of Bengal. A rumour was revived the other day,
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  • 658 2 It is said that a new supply of. radium has been discovered iu ortugal by Thomas H. V Bower, a member of the American Institute of Mechanical Euginters. A certain stream, the mine of which is not disclosed, was reputed to have therapeu ic properties. Mr. Bower
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 32 2 (ionosau capsules coutain only the purest East ludian Sandal wood oil and Kawa Kawa. The fit at dose quickly removes violent inflammatory symptoms, bots of 40 capsules at all dealers and Chemists.
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    • 515 2 The most rapid and satisfactory results are obtained by treatment with GonoBan (Kawa Santal). Booklet and sample to medical men free on application to any of the chief Penang Chemist?. APIOLINE I For Ladiot only. 7, Is superior to so-called apiol, steel drops, tansy or pennyroyal and is a safe
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    • 1515 2 1909 MODELS The Penang Khean Guan Insurance Company, Ltd. DARRACQ MOTOR-CARS. 1 •Sft ffti mm J, ■XTOTICE is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting of tbe shareholders of The Penang Khean Guan Insurance Company, Limit'd'", will be held at theOffi e of ti e Coinpmy, No 34 Beach S
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  • 36 3 Vessel» From Agent Vue Assaye Colombo A.G-ACo. 25th A ns?. Goeben Prirz Eitel Singapore BM.ACo. 31st Friedrich Colombo B.M ACo. 1 st Sep Bendor an Loudon '.B ACo. 4'h Devanha Singapore A.G.ACo. 1 lib
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  • 25 3 Vetkels For A(i<nb Lgfve> Singapore G &Co. Aug. Goebeu Colombo BMACo. i’rirz Eitel Friedrich Singapore B.M.&Co. Sep. Bendoran Singapore S B&Co Davauba Colombo \.G.&Co.
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  • Shipping.
    • 65 3 Avayyee. Br. 8 8 247. Campbell, 24'h Aug Puket, 23rd Aug Gen.— E. S Co., Ltd, Cornelia, Br. g.3., L»4. Williams. 24 b Aug. Port Swetteubam, 23rd Aug Gen.— E S Co., Ltd. Teesta, Br. it, 3.428, Willis, 25tli Aug., Singapore, 23rd Aug, Gen.— H. L. A Co Canton
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    • 51 3 25th August. Teesta, for Negapatam and Madras. Lian Choo, for Kedah. Leong Ho, for Traug and Pang Nga. Padang, for Batu Babra. Avagyee. for Teluk Anson. Landrat Sclieiff, for Rangoon. Hong Wan I, for Singapore, Hongkong, Amoy Swatow. Un Peng, f >r Diudings. Flying Drayon, for Port Weld and
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    • 106 3 Foa Singapore, Cbiua and Jipau—Per Atsaye, to-morrow, 7 a.m. Kedah —Per Tong Chuan, to-morrow, 10 a.m. Tongkab —Per Rotorua, to-morrow, 1 p m. Deli—Per Perak, to morrow, 1 p m. Port SwottPEham, Port Dickson and Mai a ca—Per Cornelia, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Traug—Per Sree Bangka, to-morrow, 1 p.mRangoon—Per
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  • 409 3 Per P. and O. s.s. Mooltan. from Loudon, July 30, connecting with the Aseaye at Colombo. due at Peuang on 25th Aug- To Pennng Mr. H. G. Harris, Mr. W. Roberts. Mr. S Robert 8, Mr. F. H. C. Sperling. To Singapore Mr. J P. Macaulay,
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  • 37 3 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Servce Outwards. Homkwards Anaye 25 Aug I Caledonia 28 Aug. Delta 8 Sept Devanha 11 Sept. Extra Service. Outwards Homkward. Ceylon 31 Aug. I Syria. 3 Sept. Somali 14 Stpt. j Sumatra 17
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 792 3 P. 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Sarvlca. Outward Aur 26 Auuye connecting with Sept. H Delta 1 22 Himalaya do. Homeward. Mooltan India China Sucnoer. Connecting Due Oct Nov Caledonia Devanka Attaye Delta H malaya Delhi Devanka Ahsii ye Himalaya Delta Delhi Devanha Arcadia Attaye Delta
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    • 543 3 (SHIPPING,) NORDDLUTSCHLR LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL MAIL LINE. £9 ■T VtT'rT. r:_5F y 25 ii tijjp? ife 2* *‘ZS:; "i~- r i T* ,>t *Y-, \v 2''' r f^^a-* aBi L -Kucwu iw.i.i 8 hu;: .jo *iiis Couiganveail fortn'ghtly f&ni Bremen». Hamburg via Roue dam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Napies,
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  • 99 4 J n-tlf* nIMm BTcryloly and jnatlrc a!< ne. "qbllahod dally («leapt Mnndaya.l »t mi CRITERION PRESS, Lid., No. 22#>—232. Beacii St root. Pmiimov PRICK: liOOil |8« p^ r «mm, OUTBTATIOHN Pwt«(r Mitra ««II BDITION (Post Free) Sis UAKI.K A IH>K KBH Echo—Penang." T'«Uphon«> No 343 *.S.-A! I
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  • 1194 4 The Timet discussing the South African Union Bill, which will enable South Africa to take her proper place beside th* other great self-governing Dominions in the councils of the Empire, finds it difficult to approve the qualification which limits membership of either House of Parliament to persons of European
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  • 78 4 The fol low nj; in till him l>HHn doue to day Singapoie Straits Trading Co > buyer?, uo tellers j Penang Penang Tin Exchange, 25 tons at bit 35 Eastern Smelt mg Co., 25 (962 j Straits Trading Co., 50 69 65 Total 100 lorn-.
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  • 702 4 Following are the Agend i for to morrow’s meeting »1 the Municipal Commission: 1- Miuutrs of last mee'ings to be read and co. firmed. 2- Any special business the Pre.*ident may bring forwrrd. 3 Return of free services for electric curreut aud water supply etc 4 Report from
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    • 284 4 (Echo Special.) Malays Preparing a Demonstration Singapore, 25th August.— The weather for the wedding of Mr. G. U. Farrant to Miss Anderson, which takes place J the Presbyterian Church this evening is at present most perfect. The Malays, under the auspicies of the Malay Football Association ar
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    • 33 4 (Echo Special.) Stndayan Estate. Kuala Lumpur.—The Sendayati Estate, Negri Sembilan, has been floated in London with a capital of £40,W0. It is 1,000 acies in extent, planted over with rubber.
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    • 51 4 (Echo Special.) To Be Unveiled in October. Ipob, 25th August.—The Birch Memorial has been completed, and the clock chimes are now going. It is understood that the bust of Mr. Birch will be unveiled at the end of October by Sir John Anderson during his visit to
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    • 32 4 (Echo Special.) Increase in Imports and Exports. Singapore, 25th August.—The trade returns for the second quarter show an increase in the imports of $959,661 and in the exports of $1,940,089.
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    • 128 4 (Supplied by Reuter Sir Edward Grey’s Reply to a Scotch Memorial Londou, 25'li Aug. —Sir Edward Grej. Foreign S’crelaiy. replying to a memorial fioni Scot laud urging for a speedier ending of the opium traffic aud a lelaxatiou of the treaty obligations in favour of China,
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    • 51 4 (Sup/ lied, by Reuter U Rioters Killed. London, 24th August.—A telegram from Pittsburg states that the deathroll of e steelworkers who went on strike and wer® fired upon by the troops is eleven. Tb® strikers wrecked a portion of the steelwork* with nitro glycerine. A further outbreak,*
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    • 68 5 Supplied by Reuter Con set*ratted at Bt. Paul’s loDdca. 25'h August.—Dr. Ferguson n a »ie wam consecrated, at St. Paul’s Cathedral. Bishop of Singapore, the Archbishop Canterbury presiding. The Rt. Rev. James E C YVelldou, in a sermon, dwelt on the suitability of episcocv to the
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    • 53 5 (Shi plied by Reuter.) Celliftion in Monte Video Harbour. London. 25th August —The N-D. L. SckUiien collided with an Argentine excurH ion steamer, the Colombia, in Monte Video harbour. The Colombia sank and from 150 to 30) of her passengers, mostly women and children, were drowned. The Schlesien
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    • 50 5 (Shiplied by Reuter.) Uatmorkg Explosion* London, 24h August A telegram from Qeueva says that a terrible explosion took pi ce at a gasworks. The gasometer blew up and shook the whole city. The Death Roll. London, 25th August.—Fifty were killed aud thirty injured in the gasworks explosion at Geneva.
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    • 55 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Embassies Abroad Warn the Porte. London. 24’h August.—R uter’s cor res pondent at Uo r stantinople says that it is understood that all the Turkish Embassies abroad telegraphed to the Porte a warning of the disfavour with which the Powers view a Chauvinistic policy as part
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    • 57 5 (Supplied by Rei ter Across Turkestan, Tibet and China Loud u, 24 b August—Professor Mejrer, a representative of the Uuite i States Bureau of Agiicu'ture. has arrived at Liverpool en mute to Bitoutn, whence be starts on a botauic expedition across Turkestan, Tibet aud China tu seatcb
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    • 190 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Huge Attendance. London, 24th August.—There was a huge 8 tendauce at Rheims, where aviation trials Hre in full swing. Some remarkable speeds were attained. World’s Record Broken. M. Bleriot circled a course of 10 kilometres 8 min. 42f secs, which was a or
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 275 4 I THE CRAG HOTEL.! SANATORIUM. j PENANG HILLS.] “As good an Hotel as any in the Straits.” —Singapore Free Press, 27th March. 2 SAURIES BROTHERS, 2 Proprietors. J NORTHAM HOUSE PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, H. BODOM, Photographic Artist, 15, NORTIIAM RO A D (Corner of Transfer Road.) Photographs taken throughout the day.
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    • 50 4 Chamberlain’s Cough RemedyThis is a medicine of great worth and merit. Try it wheu you have a cough or cold and you are certain to be pleased Wl the quick relief which it affords. It pleasant to take and caD always be depended upon. The George Town Ltispeusary, Wholesale Agents.
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  • 1236 5 Fifteen Defendants. The hearing of the case referred to in the Echo, a few weeks ago in which fifteen Chinese were accused of having taken part in a secret society, was commenced yesterday afternoon, before Mr. de Mello All the accused were charged with attending
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  • 63 5 At the meeting of the Legislative Council to be held on Friday next, Mr Baker will put questions relating to trade returns, Tamil coolie labour, etc. The bills relating to Native States prisoners, apportioumeut of rents courts, civil procedure aud criminal procedure are down for third reading The
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  • 209 5 Three men and a boy —this is the story silemuly recorded by the Ceylon Observer of 17tb May last, were charged to day by Inspector Ashton (Ha rbour Police), at tbe instance of R j arAdmiral SDde, for voluutarily causing distuibance to the crew of H M
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  • 525 5 Traffic Upset Near Niyor Station. The following clipping from the St a'ts Times of last Monday gives further pirticulars of the damage to the railway line at Niyor, about which our cot resp indent wired yesterday The railway liae through the 6tate of Johore has c >me
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  • 933 5 Mr. F. Harrison (’liar^ed. n The Times of Malaya <-f 23: d August, reports: —Tins morning, before Mr. F J. B- Dykes in «be Warden of Mines’ Court, Mr. Frank A- Ilarrisou was charged with having j between April 4'h and May 7th carried on mining operations
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  • 440 5 There will shortly retire, from the Malay Stafps Guides, oil pension, Gurdit Singh, its Subadar M>j >r or Senior Native Officer, and Hon. A. D. 0 to the Governor, after a meri torious service of thirty years, under the British flrg, a third of which he
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  • Passengers.
    • 90 5 Arrived Per s s De Kock. 22ud Aug-, fium De!i Mr. T. Hill Cottiugbam. Per ss. Sree Bangka 23rd Aug., from Perlis Messrs. A. Resaeca and G. Toico From Pulo Langkawi Mr. J. J. Lawson. Per 8 8. Perak, 24th Aug., from Deli Messrs D W Dostermeyer, H. J de
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  • 91 5 To- II AT. 10 h Dav of 7<h Moou. Full Court of Appeal. P C C. Tern s Ties. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. League Foitball Govt. Service ts. A. C. S., Victoria GteeD. The Now Japanese Cinematograph, corner of Campbell Street anl Penang Hoad, 7-30 p
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  • 18 5 O Full Moon Aug. 31st Bast Quarter Sept 7'h O New Mocu 14‘h First Quarter i3"d
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  • 18 5 English Astaya\ ...25th Aug China (Caledonia) ...28th Chma (Goeben ...31st Germau (P. E Friedrich) ...Ist Sept
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 44 5 1 r ,|> r Tre ,u »*nt for Dysentery «nd Diarrhoea. <liarrha?i i« <J UH to r>en,w y and •neut at the first a f ck of P ro fer treatColi/nu®! f ,ha disease. i R a reli»! I°’ ko er,i an <l Diarrhoea TV,
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    • 76 5 Infantile Cholera. Anv unu uil lo >seness of a child's bowels j ur jng the hot woaibfr should le a warning io moti e n Infautile cho'era may derelop in a few hours, and prompt action should W taken to avoid it. C i imberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhcei Remedy,
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    • 86 5 Sjid the World Over. "Wo have ia stock many colic and diarrhoea medicines,” says R. M. White, a prominent merchaut of Turtle Bayou, Tex., U. S A. but sell more of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy than of all others put together. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents NOTICE
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    • 370 5 NOTICE. IK MYDINSAH, beg to inform the •j public that lam the sole proprietor of K MYDINSAH BROS of Cburcb Street Ghaut, No. 1()0a, Pitt Street, and No. 2a, Street, all my brothers having no interest whatever in the said firm. Frozen provisions mav always be obtained at N 2a
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  • 2177 6 By 11. U. Wells. The telephone bell rings with the pe'ulaut persistence that marks a trunk call, and I gw in from some inefLctu il gymnastics on the lawn to deal with the irruption. There is the usual trouble iu connecting up, minute voices in Folkestone
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  • 120 6 I’enano, 25th Acoust. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4J* 3 Credit 2/4f 3 Documentary.. 2/4?Vf Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 175 J 3 days’sight Private 176 J Bombay, Demand Bank 175£ Moulmein, Demand Bank 175 3 days’sight Private 177 Madras, Demand
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  • 192 6 Gold Leal $6LB> l. J er( W Co. st 31b5.5 oz.) no stock ■Vhite $l6 37j sales ■Vang Pep-pan 14 75 buyers Cl »vo« out of season M ice 80. —tales dact- Pirkinei 68.50 sales lutmotf* 110 s 18.50 sa’es C No 1 5 80 sates Sugar < 2
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  • 211 6 Pbhano, 25th Auou.t, U‘o9. tig Soup per CiiM.\ 14 Ro*» 1 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak t 24 '>* Tail *h o 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 35 Pork— Pork per catt> 32 Pig’s Head f 20 Feet
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  • 777 6 5 2 d Caj ital. 1903 .907 1901 1907 1903 1901 1907 1901 18)9 1906 1907 1905 1906 19(8 1904 1906 1907 1907 1904 1907 1905 1905 1892 1905 1907 1907 1906 1907 1907 1906 1902 1905 19)5 1904 1905 1903 1904 1905 1906 1905 1906 1906 1906 1906
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 31 6 The curative actiou of tionosan is attri buted to its being uulisepiic ami auseslbetic Manufactuied by J. D. liiedal Ltd,, Berlin and sold id form of capsules, 40 in a bottle
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    • 138 6 THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Go.” GIN IN RED CASES. S&ndHands, Buttery Co Andrew Usher Go.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. S4NDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. AGENTS FOR PR NANO <£ F. M. S. ><* ss /N v 3 /V 8 r </ i-j IS (fl 3 UJ rr g Ĕ o GLOBE BRAN
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  • 53 7 Mr. Orviile Wright the other day remained in the air for an hour on his aeroplane, car* rying one passenger. This was for the official test of endurance, the passing of which, with other tests, will secure .£5 000 from the United States Government President Taft witnessed
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  • 62 7 ‘‘Everywheie all over the worid the taxpayer is in revolt against the demands made on him,” says the Westminister “At present he objects to the result without resisting the cause, but by-and by the two things must be related, and then the various .publics will begin
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  • 98 7 ‘‘The announcement that tbeie w re fewer cindidates thau vacancies for the last Sandhurst entrance examination, and, consrqueutly. that all those < ffaring themselves have been admitted to the Royal Military College without competition, reveals a serious state of affairs with regard to the commissioned ranks
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  • 123 7 “A month or so ago we were all rubbing our eyes at -the si-lit of a6s per lb. quotation for rubber, and this week our powers of amazement are further taxed by a quotation of 7s. ltd.,” says the Nati'-n. What is quite clear is that it
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  • 133 7 Mr. Deakin has delivered many speeches,” says Dr. Fitchett in Lfe, “but perhaps the most striking sentence he has uttere lis one at Brisbane. He was speaking of the vast, unpeopled spaces of Australia. Within the next ten years,’ he said, ‘this couutry will rtquire to be peopled,
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  • 380 7 The inspired Mr. George Bernard Sb«w bas beeu called in by tbe equally inspired Dr. Robertson Nieoll to give his views about Algernon Charles Swinburne. Heie is Shaw:— Swinburne needed a literary inspiration He was really always a par phraser, and be could rise to tbo ideas
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1316 7 INSURANCES. Th> penang Khean Guan Insurance Co., Ltd, 0,»IC. NO. SI. gOABD Of DIRiOTOM. Mr. Lira Teang Hooi Tan Teang Swee Tan Kim Leong Khoo Beng Chin Cheah Toon Haw Koey Joo Chew Yeoh Ooi Gark Mr.lCheah Choo Yew Quah Beo{? Kee Tok Yeoh Oeok heat K hoo Hun Yeang
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    • 55 7 Don’t Ignore Slight Injuries. Don’t neglect giving every cut, wouud or bruise prompt attention. Blood poison may appear and an ugly near or even the loss ot' a limb result. Chain berUiu’s Paiu Balm ii an antiseptic, heals the wouud rapidly and all danger is avoided by its use The
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 865 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co Pha, U.S.A. ;harges Moderate, Ccnsultation Free. AT /Vo. 2la, Penan” Road. A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mth* FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PUNTERS, ESTATES, ETC. TEA V TEA Large Check Roll Books of 200 leaves. Price, $8
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