Straits Echo, 21 August 1909

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1170 1 uU IN NESS’S STOUT. tianq lee a 00. ft ft tL r* s'-*» >1 o a mtfuwr yjUj ft ft Aw A* ĔT &£AD>S SOLE AO ENTS. BASS’S ALE. banks? THE Eastern Shipping Company, Ltd., (ENGINE WORKS AND DOCKYARD.) Engineers, Shipbuilders, Brass Iron Founders. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and
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    • 26 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. Sr 2 fihi mn i TIANG L*E CoT Sole A vent*. ‘VsS AT V A i d > VfBSBK o
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  • 1194 2 Lord William Cecil would be an unworthy BO n ot a distinguished father if he did not possess generosity, perception, and great candour. He would not be a Church of England clergyman if these qualities had uot been subjected to a certain amount of atrification. Recently when he
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 58 2 Don't Ignore Slight Injuries. Don’t neglect giving eveiy cut, wound or biuiae prompt attention, |>iood poison inay appear and an ujlv §cir or eveu he loss ot a limb result. Cbamkierl iid’i P«iu Biirn it au antiseptic, heal« the wuuud rapid l and all danger in avoided by itm ute
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    • 514 2 It has been satisfactorily demonstrated that thousands of persons have to thank GonOSiUl for restoration to health and happiness. It is astringent and antiseptic and has never been kuown to fail At all dealers m Patent Medicines and Chemical in bottles of 4“> capsules. RIGAUD’S HaWGA of JAPAfI TOILET WATER
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    • 2252 2 TENDERS FOR REVENUE FARMS. riIENDERS are invited for the lease of Revenue Farms in the State of Noith Borneo I from the Ist January, 1910, as set out hereunder. REVENUE FARMS IN THE STATE OF NORTH BORNEO. 1. In making arrangements for the leasing of the Farms for the next
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  • 39 3 Vessel From Agent» Due De; ffliuger Colombo B.M ACo. 23rd Ang A ssaye Colombo A G.&Co. 25th Goebeu Singapore B.M A Co. 31st Bpndoran London J .B ACo. 4' b Sep Devanha Singapore A.O A Co. 11th
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  • 29 3 r- For jerJ' w Drtiffl'nger Singapore B.M ACo. Aug. A swayo Singapore G-ACo. Goebeu Colombo B.M. ACo. Beudoran Singapore S B ACo. Sep. Devan ba Colombo G ACo.
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  • Shipping.
    • 195 3 I Prinz Ludwig, Ger. ss. 5,708, Binzer, 18th Aug., Yokohama, 31st July, Geo.— B M. Co. Jin Ho, Br. 88,110, Wright, 2)tb Aug., Teluk Ansou, 19th Aug., Gen. E. S. Co., Ltd. Kistna, Br. ss., 524, Learmont, 2 )th Aug., Singapore, 18th Aug., Gen.—H. L. Co. Perak, Br. s
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    • 103 3 21st Auoust. Thongwa, for Madras, taking mails for Europe, etc., via Bombay. Palamcotta, for Rangoon aud Calcutta. Padang, for Batu Bahra. Perak, for Doli. Jin Ho, for Teluk Anson. Kistna, for Port Swettenhain and poreBoth, for Laugsa, T- Semawe, Segli, Olelileb, Sabang, Padaug &z., Batavia. Hok Canton, for Langsa,
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    • 90 3 Fo* Tongkah— Per Malacca, 23rd instant, 1 p in. Deli—Per Calypso, 23rd iustant, 2 pm. Deli—Per Malaya, 23rd instant, 4 pm. Pulau Langkiwi, Perils and Setul—Per Sree Bangka, 23rd instant, 4 p m. Singapore, China and Japan—Per Dcjjlinger, 23rd instaut, 5 p m. Laugkat and Pangkalan Brandan—Per Petrel,
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  • 337 3 Per I. G. M. 8 8 Derjflinger, from Europe, 15th July, due at Penang on 23rd Aug. To Penang Mr. J. de Cbaufepie, Mr. J. S. C. Casteleijn and family, Mr. Robert Nagel', Mr and Mrs G W Th Ton Guerard, Mr. L. Gunther, Mrs. B.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 763 3 BRITISH INDIA p.&o. Steam navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Ootward. A.iir Atsayc Sept 8 Delta 1 22 Himalaya connecting with do. do. Mooltan India China Homeward. Mar. 12 26 Apl. 9 23 May 7 21 Delta Macedonia Devanha Am if,e Delta Delhi fakes by mail steamers. lit
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    • 521 3 (SHIPPING.) NORDDEUTSCHER ELOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE!. m 4 •r- ;V' *JSV-' sw&sr?3SK& T-. <-y>»■1 ■if 3f H *5 m tins Co a u fast and well-known mail scauri ompany sail fortn.ghtly from Bremen, Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexardria and vice
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  • 99 4 J i-Uf* rat I*flee everybody end lattice aicne '’«ihltHhed ri*lty (eirept 4* Tt B CRITERION PRESS, Ll«i., No. 226—232. Itaacii St root. Ponan v. PRICE lUII.T LOOM per m.. OUTBTATIONA I’oetJW K,tr» 4*ll HPITION (I’oef Kreel (IS UAKI K A l)l)R KgS Echo—Penang." telephone No. 343 «.a.-
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  • 586 4 We presume that it is just as important to the interests of human kind as it ever was that the North Pole should be discovered and definitely located, yet there seems to be a sort of slump in North Poles. There are expeditions preparing or engaged, but
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  • 749 4 Tbe following business in tin has heei< •lone to day Singapore: Straits Trading Co .1 $6B 92 1 buyers, uo sellers a Penang Penang Tin Exchange, buyers, no sellers j Eastern Smelting 0o. t 25 tons at GO 00 Straits Trading Co.. 75 GO (0
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  • 136 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following was the result, of the tie played yesterday Championship A. G. Anthony beat Neubionuer G —2. 9 11, 6—2. 'I ho following ties have been fixed for Monday, 23 d inst. Smgle Handle ip, C ass C G. H. Lees vs R tebie
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  • 602 4 ELEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY, St. Oeorge’s Church. 8 a m.—Matins (Choral). 8-30—Holy Communion (Plain). In a m.—Alatins (Chinese). 5 p m.—Sunday School. 6 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. Presbyterian Church. Divinp service will Ire held at Prye Dock J at 9.15 am. aud in the Presbyterian Church, Northam
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    • 35 4 (Echo Special.) Elaborate Arrangements. Ipoh, 21st August.—The entries f or the Ipoh Olympics are very good. The arrangements are most elaborate. i„ eluding a variety entertainment and a dance at the New Club.
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    • 49 4 (Echo Special.) 7s. f»d. per lb. Kuala Lumpur, 21st August.—The Planters Stores Agency has received a wire that No. 1 plantation rubber L 7s. 6d. per lb. Downward Tendency. Messrs. A. C. Harper Co. have received a wire that the market is dull and shows a downward tendency.
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    • 98 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) rowers Take Further Step. London, 20,h August.—Reuter’s Constautiuop’e correspondent says that the Powers have presented a joint note counselling l urkey iu energetic terms not to push relations with Greece to such an extreme as will jeopardise peace in the Balkans The Powers and Turkish Interests.
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    • 52 4 {Supplied by Renter Haldane Tells Commons. Loudon. 20th August—Air Haldane told the House of Commons that the reason for the Dake of Connaught ceasing to serve on the Promotion Selection Board was that it was considered essential that the Board should consist of i fficers in active
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    • 45 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) Hushed Through. London, 20th August.—The House of Commons has passed tbe Third Reading of tbe South African Unioi Bill Some amendments to tbe Colour-Bar clauses (forbidding persons of non European desceot Legislative representation) were rrjected in tbe Committee stage.
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    • 81 4 (Supplied by Reuter Amicable Settlement. London, 20th August.—Beutei’s representative at Tokyo learus that an official an nouucement of an amicable settlement of all questions outstanding between China and Japan will be made shortly. Dispute Settled. London, 21 August.—Router’s correspondent at l\,kio states that the ChinaJapan m-'inorandum which
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    • 64 4 (Supplied by Reuter Eighteen Bills Dropped. London, 21st Aug.— Mr. Asquith’s ment on the progress of public business say* it is intended to pass ten Bills, including t jf Finance Bill, the Irish Laud Bill, the London Elections Bill, aud two Bi dealing with the decisions of
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    • 28 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) Arrangement Made. London, 21st Au*. —The Imperial Conference has cl «d The arraa&« I,e with Canada now only awaits ratification the Canadian Parliament-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 274 4 thĕ~“cr ag" hotel. i SANATORIUM. PENANG HILLS. 1 “As good an lintel as any in llie Straits.” i Singapore Free Press, 27th March. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. NORTHAM HOUSE PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, H. BODOEVS, Photographic Artist, 1s NOR TII A M RO A I) (Corner of Transfer Road.) Photographs taken throughout the
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  • 5194 5 in appellate jurisdiction. Before Sir W. If. Hyndman Jones. C J Mr. Justice Thornton, and Mr. Justice SercombeSmith) Boufltead k Co. vs. Straits Government. Judgment Reserved 'j ie hearing of the appeal against the ]wiMon of Mr Justice Braddell in the Weld (< N*y lieclamation case was concluded
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  • 169 5 Arrived. Per f.s. Perak, 19tb Aug., from Deli Messtp. D Sindmann ami Harrison. Per s.r. Lian Choo, 20ih Aug, from Kedah Messrs Jack. Parqual. Per ss. 2lst Aug., from Singapo o Mr. Ciifio Kim. Per ss. Palawcotta, 21st Aug., from Sirgapo.e Mr. J. S Klaas. Per e.s .Sardinia. 21
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  • 69 5 To- DAT. 6’h Dav of 7th Moon. I he New Japanese Ciretnatograpb, corner of Campbell Street aud Penang Road, 7-3«) pm. and 9-1«) Grand Change of Programme The Wayaug Aishih Tc-k Sam Theatre, Nj ii Siminah.” Farewell Performance. To-morrow. 7ih Day of 7ih Moon. 11th Sunday after Trinity.
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  • 36 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service Outwards. Homewards A usage 25 Aug. j Caledonia 28 Aug Delta 8 Sept Devanha 11 Sept Extra Service Outwards Homeward. Ceylon 31 Aug. Syria 3 Sep>t. Somali 14 Seyt Sumatra 17
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 239 5 KTOTICE. GOVERNMENT OF KEDAH. r IMI E Government of K<dah gives notice -L that no application for agricultural or miniug land or for any concession whatever will he entertainej from any company or syndicate which has the word “Kedah as part of the name of the company or syndi* cate.
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    • 1736 6 A Rangoon Muslim’s Munificence. To mi; Eduok of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, It. is gratifying to note upon reliable authorities that Mr. Abdul Carre in Jamal, a Moslem gentleman of Rmgoon, has granted Rs. 200.0C0 for Mohammedan Education Whether tins donatiou would he exclusively devoted to Rangoon
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  • 563 6 {By a Banker The early diwu is gradually extinguishing the glittering lusfc-o of the stars in the eastern hoiizon, and a pale glow is slowly sufifusiug the violet hue of the star spangled heavens; though the western skies are still biiiiiant in a multitude
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  • 122 6 Penang, 21st A gust. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4,* 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4/ 3 Credit 2/4§ 3 Documentary.. 2/4V* Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 175 J 3 days’ sight Private 176 J Bombay, Demand Bank 175£ Moulmein, Demand Bank 175 3 days’sight Private 177
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  • 191 6 Gold Leaf $61.81 B. Pepi er( W.Coast 31b5.5 oz.) no stock White Pepper $l6 37$ sales Trang Pepper 14 75 buyers Cloves out of season Mace 80. ta es Mace Picking 66.50 sales '3'utmog» 110 s 18.50 sa'es JNo 1 580 sales 2 no stock Basket 3.85 sales Tipioca
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  • 832 6 TWI».. s 12 for year ending 31/3/09 10 p.c. for year ending 30/4/08 7/* in 07, 6/*in 08, 4/6 09 1/- 1909 Mining 1 Bolal Tin Mining Co., Ltd. Bruaug Ltd. Bruseii Hydraulic Tin Miumg Co.,liid Obendai (Meuglombu) Lode Synd.Ltd Dull Development Co., Ltd. Gopeng Tin Mining Co. Ltd.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 115 6 Gonosan (in capsules) is well tolerated by the digestive apparatus no complication of any sort occurs, aud its action is most favorable in Cystitis, Approved by the leudiug specialists of the day. FR JUST AS Alt ADVERTISEMENT FRO! lAS TEAS LTD.. RYEw« offer this awful Pocket lan for Qi.ij I
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    • 132 6 THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES. Sandilands, Hut er> <v to Andrew Usher Go.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. AGENTS FOR FBNANQ F. M. S> r rrf CA I g tH yj jj m CLOSE KPAMO *sJ A* Oij m m m r>-5 DRINK NcEWAN’S
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  • 2182 7 I Lave been trying recently to understand wiiat is the matter with the Shah, writes au alleged Wit. He and his predecessors have always excited a considerable auiouut of imerest in this country, and I remember that many years ago, when the Shah of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1322 7 INSURANCES. The Penang KHean Giian Insurance Co. Ltd, OVflOB NO. 31 BOARD OF BlACB 8TBMT, DI MOTORS. Mr.ICbsab Cboo Yew Quab Beng Kee Khaw Joo Tok Yeob Geok Keat Khoo Hun Yeang K boo Boon Pb*y Ho Teaug Wan Mr.Lim Teang Hooi Tan Teang Swee Tan Kim Leong Khoo Beng
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 877 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Cu. t Pha U.S. A, Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. BafBIDIH* AT No. 21a, Penan'; Road. K few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mtha TEA V TEA SOLE AGENTS FOR PENANG. PATERSON, SIMONS Co., Ltd WQNG KIM MUN, No. 77a.
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  • 4751 9  -  [All Rights Reserved] BY OWEN RHOSCOMYL. t- |j, tlie w.teitt of T.lyu Alo, between >),. wootU ol BoU anil the g„, front Sit W Ou the level spread of wondrous L a t tbe head of the Hyn nres the old lT,“tlle»l House of
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  • 406 9 Lady at Moulmein. Burma, Cured of Dreadful Pains in The BA r K and Splitting Headaches by Dr. William s’ Pink Pills. About ten mouths ago I was suffering such pains in my back that walking, rising, or moving in any wav gave me most awful agony,”
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  • 79 9 U.W. L.W. H.W. L.W. Dale AM. AM. P. M P.M. 21st 3 43, 3.5«, 4 09, 10.22 22nd 4 31, 10.47, 5.00, 11 13 23rd 5.25, 11.28 5.51, Nil. 24th 0.16, 12.05, 6.42, 12.29 25th 7.08, 12 57, 7.34, 110 26th 7 59,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 81 9 Infantile Cholera. dunui r. U r l ]oo M of child's bowels to mother* °1 W f <fUk f r »hould I e a warning 111 a few l nfaDt, 'e cholera may derelop taken to d 1 act,on *honld be CMer 7°rl d l Ob«<aberlain's Colic, adow of ea
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    • 49 9 Sold the World Over. We have in stock many colic and diarrhoea medicines.” says R. M. White, a prominent merchant of Turtle Bayou, Tex-. U. S A-, but sell more of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy than of all others put together. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 52 9 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Tbia is a medicine of great worth and merit. Try it when you have a cough or cold and you are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which it affords. It is pleasant to take and cau always be depended upon. The George Town Dispensary,
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    • 59 9 Proper Treatment for Dysentery and Diarrhoea. The gre.t mortality f om dysentery and diirrfcoei is due to a lack of prnyer treatment at the first stapes of the disease. Chamberlain’s Colic. Cboler i and Diarrhoea Remedy is a reliable and rfDctive medicine, and when given in msonable time will prevent
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    • 76 9 FOR WALKER’S EVERYDAY COOKERY BOOK for the Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States. PRICE *l. POSTAGE EXTRA. CASH WITH ORDER. FROM THK “STRAITS ECHO” OFFICE, Penang FOR SALE. Guide to Penang, BY THK LATK B. B. Skertclily, r. e.s. Price 50 cents. Worth a Dollars copy.**) TO UK HAD AT
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 692 10 iFOR SALEJ PANTUN SHAR-YER SINYOR LAYLAR, OK SILAM BARI, TRANSLATED FROM JAWI INTO ROMANISED MALAY ABOO PINCH Price 50 cts. “TALES OF MALAYA/’! BY NOV READY! 64 “SOUTHERN CROSS,” e Containing 18 very interesting short stories dealing with life in the Malay Peninsula. (241 PAGLS DEiMI-OCTA’ 0 Price $1. MAY
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