Straits Echo, 11 August 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1180 1 GUINNESS’S STOI TIANG LEE a Co. W *s/ ,*;k V V ,<< <i-. 4 »y~ "<"f\ ji-»i l 5' '1 i-A fP Vv --r A g>/ S&igpft? x SOLE APE MS,. BASS'S ALE. banks THE Eastern Shipping Company, Ltd., (ENGINE WORKS AND DOCKYARD.) bartered Dank of India, Australia and China.
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    • 31 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. m st T HL ±> C 5 a Co > "O 3> CD R vs ft -e> $0 Tokyo TIAWO LEE A Co m So/e A|— <■.
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  • 2441 2 1. The Revenue for the year under review was less than that of the yeir 1907 by 1718.082-10 and less than the Estimate by $112'070. The actual decrease is due to the fact, that in 19'v)7 certain arrears of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 68 2 Don’t Ignore Slight Injuries. Don’t neglect giving every cut, wound oi brume prompt attention. l.lood porno a may appear and an ugly sear or even i lie loss ul a limb remit. Chainlrei latu’a in 8 1 1 in is an antiseptic, beats tha wi uud rapid hr ami all
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    • 398 2 Sold the World Over. We have in stock many colic and diarrhoea med c nes.” says K. M. White, a p:oinnent mecbaut of Turtle Bayou, lex., U. S A.. “butseM more of Chamberlain’s Col c, Cbo’e a and Diarrhoea Remedy than of all others put together. The George Town Dtspensaty.
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    • 2212 2 TENDERS FOR REVENUE FARMS. TENDERS are iovited for tbe lease of Revenue Farms in the State of Noith Borneo from the Ist January, 1910, as set out hereunder. REVENUE FARMS IN THE STATE OF NORTH BORNEO. 1. In making arrangements for the leasing of the farms for tbe next Farm
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  • 29 3 Vessel» F rum Agents Due Delhi P. Ludwig Dei fliinger A ssaje Singapore Singapore Jolombo Jolombo A. &0o. B. B.M &Co. A.Q.&Co. 14th Ang. 17th 18tb 25th
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  • 27 3 Vestel» For 1 tjf Hi i> I.e’ve L> lhi P. Ludwig nger Assaye Colombo Colombo Siogapote Singapore A G A Co. B.MACo B.M ACo AGACo. Aug.
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  • Shipping.
    • 42 3 Hebe, Br. s.s, 346, Inkster, 11th Auk., Singapore, 9th Aug., Gen.—W. M. Co. Canton, Br. s.s., 105, Bava Sahib, 11th Aug., Teluk Anson, 10th Aug, Gen.—-Kong Soon. Taroba. Br. 5.»., 3.657, Jacobs, 11th Aug., Singapore, 9th Aug., Gen. —H. L- Co.
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    • 49 3 11th August. Taroba. for Negapa'am and Madras Lian Choo. for Kedah. Malacca, for Tongkab. Jin Ho. for Teluk AnsoD. Landrat Scheiff, for Rangoon. Hebe, for Deli. Tong Chay Un, for Dindings. Mambanq, for Setul. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taipiug. Leong Ho, for Trang and Pang Nga.
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    • 118 3 Fom Singapore, China Japan—Per Dtvanha, to-morrow, 8 a.m. Kedah—Per Tong Chuan, to-morrow. 11 a.m. Trang Per Un Peng, to morrow, 11 a.m. Bata Bahra—Per Padang, tomorrow, 11am. Laugkat and Pangkalau Brandan—Per Ban Whitt Soon, to morrow, 11 am. Port Swettenham. Port. Dickson and Malacca—Per Cornelia, to morrow, 11
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  • 459 3 Per P. A O. e.s. Morea, from London, July 16, connecting with the Deeanha at Colombo due at Penang on llih Aug. To Penang Mr. J. H. Johnson, Capt. Mac Dermot, Mr. E H Pitt, Mr. F. Physick, Mr. H. Waugh. To Singapore Mr. G. C.
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  • 38 3 P. O. SAILINGS. Nail Serv'ce Oo I WARDS. lIOMKWA Kl>m Afsaye 25 Aug I De'hi 14 Aug. Delta 8 Sept. Caledonia 28 Extra Service. ODTWA.EDB HoUKWARU. Nile 17 Aug. I Sardinia s. 20 Aug. Ceylon 31 Syria 3
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 856 3 P, 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Kxp« < t«‘«! Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outward. A up. 11 Dcvanha 25 A »s" ye Sept. 8 Ihlta 22 Hima’aya connecting with do. do. do. Morea Mooltan India China Homeward. Aug. 14 Delhi 28 Caledonia 11 Devanha 25 Attune oep Mantua Many >lia
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    • 456 3 (SI HIPPING NORDDLUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN MAIL LINE. L -< -fi; v vV r'* < w- v. l r~-- V/ -V fast and weii-knowa um k (>aii!(*i>o. *b' {Tofftylhy’ sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hambu: g via KoUe dam, Aniwei p, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples, (connect ion Mai seizes, Naples, Alexandria
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  • 102 4 J u»tic« •atlpfleH everybody end lattice alone '’nhllshpd dally (except Mondayt.l AT T) CRITERION PRESS, Lid., No. 226—232. Beach Street. Penang BRICE: DAILY LOt)AL 994 per annnrr OUTBTATIONB KoeUze K*trm «All. lIMTION (Pott Free) $l5 UAKI.K ADDKKSS Echo —Penang.” Telephone No. 343 ♦.A.- All botlnewi commanlrstlouN thonld
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  • 911 4 When some time ago the Echo asked the Government to appoint a Commission to look into municipal administration, the invitation was less meanful than monitory. It was a stick shaken as a warning, rather than a desire seriously expressed. The Hon. H. Fort at the last meeting of
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  • 37 4 The Roy.d mail steamer Devanla, having passed Sibiug at 10 pm. yesteiday, is ex pected to arrive here at 8 pm. to-day and will leave for Singapore and China at 11 pm. the same day
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  • 542 4 The following business in tin has teen Joue to-day Penang Eastern Smelting Co., 7 buyers, no sellers j Penang Tin Exchange, 100 tons at 67 35 Straits Trading Co., 125 67 70 Singapore Straits Trading Co.. 75 67 75 Total 300 tons. Tin is quoted
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  • 731 4 IN CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION. (Before Mr- Justice Thornton The following appeals agaiust the cmvic tions and sentences recorded by Magistrates weie heard yesterday afternoon Ns Tan vs. The Crown. The appellant was convic eJ by Mr. Arthur of being in possession of a bypoderm c syringe and sentenced
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  • 143 4 Following are the Agenda for Fiiday’s meetings of tbe Municipal Commission Business for Special Meeting. 1. Minutes of last neetiug to Le read an i confirmed. 2- To consider and. if approved, to pass the Ist Supplemental Budget, 1909 3. To consider and, if approved, to pa»-s a
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    • 36 4 (Echo Special.) Refused Bail Kuala Lumpur, 10th Aug,— Towkav Yap Hon Chin, who was arrested in connection with the Temple affray i n Kuala Lumpur, has been refused bail by the Supreme Court.
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    • 32 4 (Echo Special.) For $71,(W0. Kuala Lumpur, 10th Aug.—Mr. Amir the contractor, is suing the Pahang Government for $71,660 for balance of the work done on the Binta-Kuantan Road.
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    • 106 4 (<Supplied by Reuter.) Greece’s Reply to the Porte. London, 10th August.—The Greek reply to the Porte assorts the desire to he on the most friendly and closest relations with Turkey, and points to Greek enthusiasm of the uew regime. It trusts that a frank understanding as regards Crete would
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    • 19 4 (Supplied by Reuter Starts for Marienbad. London, 11th August.— His Majesty King Edward has started for Maritnbad.
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    • 82 4 (Supplied by Reuter All-Night Sitting. Loudon, 10. h August.—The House ot Commons have resumed the debate on the Budget. The Opposition’s attack was most vigorous. There was an all night sitting. Clause 12 Deleted. London, 11th August —During ihe Budget debate the Government intimated tbit it will
      82 words
    • 97 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) Fifth Test Match. London, 11th August.— England is out for 352, of which lihode* contributed 66, Fry 62, Sharp It 5. (by masterly, all-rouud hitting) and Hutchings 59. The bowliDg analysis shows that it cost (totter 95 ruus to take 6ix of the wickets. Australia has
      97 words
    • 145 4 (Sup, lied by Reuter China Yields. London, 11th August—According to information coming from various sources. China has yielded to Japan in the matter of the reconstruction ot the Amung-Mukden railway. Japan has promised to make it with the standard gauge. 'lhe Cash on Delivery system has been
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 354 4 333»3»33»*************** 3333 *****330 ***************3 fro»^»»+» THE CRAG HOTEL. SANATORIUM. PENANG MILLS. As good an Hotel as any in the Straits.” Singapore Free Press, 27th March. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. ************************************************************3 NORTHAM HOUSE PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, H. BODOM, Photographic Artist, IS, NORTHAM KO A I) (Corner of Transfer Road.) Photographs taken throughout the
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    • 33 4 (xOllOSail is a happy combination of Kawa Resins with Oleum Santali m the proper, tion of 1 pirt Kawa Kawa to 4 parts Oleuml Sautal cures eisily, no complications. All chemists and dealers.
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    • 61 4 Proper Treatment for Dysentery and Diarrhoea. 'I he greut mortality fsom dysettery end diurrbeer is dun to a lack of p-oper treatment at thn first stage* <f tha disease. Cbambprlain’a Colic. Cbnkri hd D'arrbtti Knmpdv is a reliable and <ff-c'iva medicine, and when given iu rcsonablu time will p re
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  • 2858 5 Penang Firms’ Display. Although uot exhibited for competition, but merely a» au excellent illustration of noine of the chief manufactures and impo Is. t|,e stands of the commercial firms of Peu- deserve more attention than we weie ible to give them yesterday. The following n ,,,eK l>tve
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  • 823 5 Front Our Own Correspondent August 10th. A Complaint. I am nformed tbai one of the greatest handicap, to the eon mica! working of ou' mines is the very heavy railway freight charged by the F.M.S. Railways on mining machinery and coal, and though the Gov eminent has be
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  • 224 5 Arrivbd. Per ss. Ifjoh 9lh Aug, from S<ngapore Lieut Home. Lieut Clarke, Lieut. Eddis, Mr. A. S. Bailey. Mr V B. Parsons, Mr. aud Mrs. Pears, Miss Pearp Mrs Fowlie, Mr. and Mrs. P'ump'on and child, Mrs. EA. Gardiner, Miss Gardiner. Mr. W. WMe Millan, M>\ K. A Stevens,
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  • 139 5 'I'O-DAT. 20th Dav of O h Moou Agricultural Sh.)w, 3rd Day distribution of piizes by Miss Anderson, 5p m Baud, 4 to 6 p ir. P. C. C. Tenn s Ties H. E the Governor’s Dinner Party at Government House, 8 p in. Golf Club At Home,” 9 30
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  • 21 5 China {De hi) ...14th Aug China t Prim Ludwig) 17< b Qeima-a Derjflinger) ...18 h Englis l (Asaayi ..,25th
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 205 5 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. r |MlHss. Hotly Moll Captain R S Biinbridge. is expected to arrive be e on Monday, aud will e*ve for tbe above ports on Tuesday, tbe 17ib iust., at 2 p m. For freight or passage apply to KOE GUAN Co.. Agent» for WEE
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    • 432 5 > FOR SA.LR Guide to Penang, BY THE LATE E. F. Skertchly, f. e.s. Price 50 oents. Worth a Dollar a copy,**) TO BE HAD AT THE STRAITS ECHO OFFICE. CENTRAL SALES ROOM. AUCTION SALE OF Singlets, Lamps, Cutlery, Saddlery, Glass Almirahs. Show Cases, Almirah, Writing Tables, American Desks, Shop
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  • 136 6 n H.W. L.W. H.W. L.W. IMle AM. AM. P. M. P.M. 11th 7.34. 1.23, 8.02. 1.49 12th 8.25, 2.14, 8.53, 2.40 13th 9 16, 3.05, 9 44. 3.31 14th 10.07, 3 56. 10.35. 4.22 15th 10 58, 4 47, 11.26, 5.16 16th 11.50,
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  • 122 6 Penang, 11th At gust. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank jondon, Demand Bank 2/4 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 8 7 Y 3 Credit 2/4| 3 Documentary.. 2/4'» Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 1754 3 days’ sight Private 176 J Bombay, Demand Bank 1754 Moulmein, Demand Bank 175 3 days’sight
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  • 195 6 Gold I*eaf ..$6 4.80 ■4. 1 1 ji er(W.Coast 31b5.5 oz.) no stock vYhite Pepper sl6j buyers [Yang Pepper 14 75 buyers Cb“ out of season M a* 80.— ta’es \at- P 1 68.50 tales aur- 110 s 18.50 sa’es C No 1 580 sales Sugar < 2 w>
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  • 1207 6 1903 .907 1901 1907 1903 1901 1907 1901 1899 1906 1907 1905 1906 19 8 1904 19)6 1907 1907 1904 1907 1905 1905 1892 1905 1907 1907 1906 1907 1907 1906 1902 1905 1905 1904 1905 1903 1904 1905 1906 1905 1906 1906 1906 1906 1905 1906 1907 1908
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 37 6 Prof. Sclnnidt prefers UOIIOHAII (SantalKawa Riedel's) to any other preparation of Santaiwood oil Although he used the drug in more than 20 cases, he has uever observed any signs of nausea, ilituleucvnephritic pains, pruritus nor skiu eruptions.
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    • 93 6 mm STERILIZE!) MILE. IN CASES OF 48 1-lb. Tins. 96 i-lb. Tins. as» TO BE HAD AT Pritchard Co., Tong Joo Co., Goon Yen Friends, Ho Bee Co., Zee Saw Sons, Thong Joo Co., jj? Ban Seng Co., Penang. Teik Chin Co., Xpoh. Taik Ho Co., Taiping. AND ALL THE
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    • 146 6 THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.’ GIN IN RED CASES. Sanditands, Buttery Cn Andrew Usher Co.'' SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky SANDILANDS, BUTTERV Co. AGENTS FOR PBNANQ <* F. M. S. <b W 5T 5? U> LU r u r O GLOBE BRAN 9 id “SLEDGE BRAND” MILK. Absolutely Pure. Every single
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1344 7 INSURANCES, The Penang Khean Guan (THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE C"' L Insurance Go., Ltd, TD. H 0»IC> NO. u. btb.w. 1(0AKH OK DIRKOTOR8. Mr.Lim Teang Hooi Tan Teang Swoe Tan K 1 in Leong KhooBengChin Cbeah Toon Haw Koey Joo Chew Yeob Ooi Gark Mr.'Cbeah Choo Yew Quail
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    • 110 7 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. This is a medicine of great worth and merit. Try it when you have a cough or cold and you are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which it affords. It is pleasant to take and can always be depended upon. The George Town Dispensary,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 882 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Cu., Fha, US.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. BMIDIJV* AT I\o. 21a, Penan f; Road. A lew doors from the Eastern and Orientrl Hotel. 6 mtha TEA FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC. Large Check Roll Books of 200 leaves. Price, $8
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