Straits Echo, 10 August 1909

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1052 1 S OLE AGE STS. GUINNESS’S STOUT. *-> tf- r?/ lilt v- V- \:uJ7IW p!* g \«aa\ -A\ .C, -AA i j. W n#* ~31V S.SSVR TIANG LEE A Co. BANK S > THE Eastern Shipping Company, Lid., (ENGINE WORKS AND DOCKYARD.) bartered Bank of India, Hongkong Shanghai Australia and China.
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    • 31 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. HOddfN (Wife 4 sP T /£> 7 x 05 o -c <0 > ~a CD > <®V>? m C*D Tom T1ANQ U5S Ml Oo, t Sole AgeaU.
      31 words

  • 1256 2 Evils of Protection. Tbe Senate in Washington last, month adopted tbe maximum and minimum provisions of the Tariff Fill, which imposes ;tn additional duty of 25 per cent, ad valorem on all articles made dutiable in tbe Bill, but authorises tbe Piesident to remove the additional duty in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 491 2 THE mmumi TEK SOON THEATRE. TO-NIGHT! TO-HIGHT!! MARYSAN OK “A EUROPEAN GEISHA.” Bew tchii a Most Comicil Chaining Music!/ Clowns!! /Accrete 6!!! New Actors Actresses. New Scenery, EVERYTHING- NEW AND COMPLETE I 7-8 09 594 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. flAENDERS will be received at tbe Resi A. di nt Councillor’s Penang Office,
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    • 1441 2 0. K. BRAND. pm mum GBR WANTED. the Quriin'iiie Station, Pulau Je?fj<k an Expeiienced Diesser, Temporaiy Service Salary $5 > per momh Applications will be received by the Senior Medical Offiier, Penang. 7 8 09 595 For prices, apply to G. H. SLOT Co., IMPORTERS LOST. AT the Penan* Club
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  • 29 3 Yette’» Fi am Age ni» Due Devunba Colombo A.GACo. llthAng. Delhi Singapore A.G ACo. 14th P. Lmlwig Singapore B.M.ACo 17th If De ffliager Colombo B.M ACo. 18:b
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  • 32 3 F etsels Fur A .tut' /.<• -ve Dev» i) b a Delhi P. Ludwig Dei ffl nger Singapore Colombo Colombo Singapote A G.&Co. A G ACo. B M ACo. B.M.ACo L Aug.
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  • Shipping.
    • 206 3 C Af car, Br 8 8., 1,730, Hudson, 9th Aug, Hongkong, 27th Julj, Gen. —A. A. A. A Co. Jacoba, Dut. s.s., 1,873, Greger, 9th Aug., Batavia, 7th Aug., Gen.—H. L. A Co. Pin Seng, Br. s a., 378, Davidson, 9th Aug., Singapore, 7th Aug., Gen. —E. S. Co.,
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    • 50 3 10th August. Tong Chuan, for Kedah. Petrel, for Asaban. Sree Bangka, for TraDg. Fook Sang, for Singapore, China and Japan. Pin Seng, for Port Swettenham and Singa* pore. Sappho, for Teluk Anson. De Kock, for Deli. Fpoh, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Malaya, for Deli. C Apcar, for Calcutta.
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    • 113 3 Foa Negapatam and Madras—Per Taroba, to-morrow, 10 a m. Kedah—Per Lian Choo, to-morrow, 11 a m. Tongkah—Per Malacca, to morrow, 1 p.m. Trang and Pang Nga—Per Deli, tomorrow, 1 pm. Teluk Anson—Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 2 p m. Rangoon—Per Lamlrat Scheiff, tomorrow, 2 p.m. Dindings—Per Tong Chay TJn,
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  • 390 3 Per P. A O. 8.3. Morea, from London, July 16, connecting with the Devanha at Colombo due at Penang on llih Ang. To Penang Mr. J. H. Johnson, Capt. Mac Dermot, Mr. E H Pitt, Mr. F. Physick, Mr. H. Waugh. To Singapore Mr. Q. c.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 851 3 f, 0. Steam Navigation Coy Y.x ppctwl Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outward Aug. 11 Devanha 25 Axe"ye Bent. 8 Delta 22 Himalaya connecting with do. do. do. Morea Mooltan India China Homeward. KAkBS BY MAIL STEAMERS. lit Ola ii Sod Clan r (l l.ontionbj 8e» AI66 £44 To Moneille*
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    • 413 3 (S HIF»J5?XiSfi3,) NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. IfttPttKlAL. uiuRMAN MAIL. LINE. <t> v Hr «sTT eSE in.. Wr'-j¥ m v-1 r PHK fast and we 1 now u nia emit 0*11; aCompany sail fortnightly from Bremen, 1- Hainbu;g e d.nn, Amwe> p, Southampton,Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice
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  • 98 4 J wUr* satieties everybody and luetlre alcn* a *«ihltch**ri dal!y |e**r-i»r “m'dRy*.! 4T TI B CRITERION TRESS, Ui|., No. 226— 232. Beach Street. Penauy PRICK DAILY liOOAl 18« ret anno.. OUTHTATION* IWatre Kitra Kill ■IMTION (Poet Free) «15 UAKI.K AIHIKKSH Echo —Penang.” Telephone No. 343 0.B.— All
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  • 705 4 When we threatened Rudyard Kipling with a dog-whip, we went too far, in the opinion of an admirer who hails from a country where anything not au grand serieux was never yet understood. As a matter of cold-drawn horse-sense, we have never supposed that Rudyard Kipling pins his faith
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  • 123 4 It is not often that the PenaDg Town Hall gets such closely picked audiences as the one that massed last uight to see "Our Boys” bv the Ipoh Amateurs. The G veruor was (here with his fimily* and sSff also the U.C., with a parly. The players were
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  • 45 4 The R>yalmiii steimer D vinhn having itfr Colombo at 9pm on Safuday 1 is», is expected to arnve heie at 6 a.m- on Thursday. 12 li instant, and will leave for S ngapore and i biua at 9 am. thr same J iy.
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  • 532 4 I’he following business in tin Iwei lone to day Penang Penang Tin Exchange, at ,i t st>i 25 buyers, no sellers Eas'ern Co., 50 tons at 67 62| Straits I'tadiug Co, 73 67 62^ Singapore Straits Trading Co. 125 67 65 'J’ota! 250 tons.
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  • 1011 4 On Saturday. Aug 7tb, 1909, H. E- the High Commissioner paid his state visit to H. H. the Sultan of Kedah, to formally establish the transfer to Britain of Siam’s suzerainty. Everything pasted off iuavmy satisfactory way, thanks to the courtesy aud excellent
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  • 921 4 A meeting of toe Planters’ Association of Malaya, was held at the Grand Stand buildings, Race Course, at 10 30 this morning. Mr. C. M Cumming Chiirmau of the Association, presided, and about tweuty members were present, with Mr. H C. E Ztcharias, Sec etaiy in
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    • 35 4 (Supplied by Renter.) Head of Co-ordinated Forces. Loudon. 7(h August-—The papers believe that the Kitchener announcement foreshadows his appoin'ment as head of the forces of the Empire when they are co ordinated.
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    • 34 4 (£uiplied by Reuter) Meet Again. L mdor, 9 h A us: us*. —'I he K <iser, return ii’g fiom his northern tour, on Saturday met the lsar iu the Kiel Canal.
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    • 69 4 {Supplied by Reuter Makes Substantial Progress. L ndou, 9 h August—The Coufe:e:ce fuimnoned to consider measures for the defence of the Empire has made substmtal progress. A sun committee of military a perts, presided over by Geceral Sir VV. G. Nicholson, is wot ting out technical de ails
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    • 127 4 (Supplied by Reuter Turkish Minister’s Ultimatum. London 9 h August —The 'Ju'kish Min ister at Athens has verbally demandrd that tho Government rf Greece should disclaim any ambitions m Cretp He h quested a teply within a reasonable time, otherwise he would take prolonged leave Tension Acute. London, 9!i
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    • 157 4 (>'«/ plied by Reuter.) And Japan Behaving Naturally. Loudon, 7h August—Tbe Times, commenting on Jip in’s action with regard to the recoustiuctiou of the Antung-Mukdeu railway, considers that it is not surprising if Jtpan have lost patience in face of Chi nrse obstruction '1 lie position
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    • 53 4 Supp’ied by Reuter-) British Hank President. Loudon, 9 h August, —At, the request of His Majesty’s Government. Sir Babingfon Smith has accepted the Presidency of the National Bank of Turkey, uow iu course of formation. It is understood that Lord Revelsfone and Sir Alexander Henderson are chiefly interested, with
      53 words
    • 116 4 (Su] plied by Reuter.) 4 Grave Situation.” Loudon,9th August—A grave situation has arisen in the Far E *st, owing to Japan having notified her determinat on to re construct, forcibly if necessary, tbe impor tant Antung Mukden rail way conn* cting the Korean anl Manchurian systems. Despite
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    • 63 4 (Suppied by Reuter Fifth Test Match. London. lOrb Aug.-The fifth test match was played in fine, hot weather, on a f d t wicket. Australia made 325. of which Bardsley contributed 136, Trumper 73 ail( j Macartuev 50. England has scored forty for two wickets. The English team consist!
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    • 32 4 (Supplied by Reut r Unsaleable Owing to Prejudice. London, 10th August-The London butchers, especialy in the poorer neighbourhoods, found the Chinese pork unsaleable owing to pubi c prejudice.
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    • 48 4 (Su/plied by Reitsr) With Barnato Money. Loudon, August 10—The executors of the late Harry Barnato have decided to apoly the sum of .£250 000. left in their hands for the foundation of a hospital, to the buildiog aud endowment of an institution for cancer p itients.
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    • 43 4 (Supplied by Reuter July Imports and Exports. London, 19th August —Julv shows big increases. Imports were AJ3 547.573 more, aud exports .£1 781 515 more Cotton exports increased by .£523.717, wrol by <£374 633, and other yarns aud textiles by £245.250.
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  • 171 4 Smart Capture by the Police. Yesterday morning, tbe Police smartly brought to light the existence of a secret society. Premises No. 104 Rope Walk wore the habitation of the soc ety. The Chief Police Officer, the Chief Detective Inspector, the Datective Inspector and other Policemen,
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  • 145 4 The outputs for the Pusiug Lima, I'usinK Bh*ru aud Siputeh Tin Mines, for ti e month of July, are as follows Pusimj Lama: 432 pis., won by the Company. 373 Tributorr, Pusing Bka ~u 800 pis., won by the Company. 147 Tributors. Full plnnt working 10 days
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  • 204 4 Domestic Occurrence Death. At Pangkor House, on the night of the Bth instant, Elizabeth Bruce Brereton (Bett\). infant (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brereton Martin. Obituary. Mr. Khoo Cheng Beow. We regret to report the death which took place eaily yesterday morning at his residence, No. 161 Beach Street, of
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  • 4405 5 OPENING CEREMONY An Advance on Previous Years. In tbe preseuce of a large aud represeuta live gathering His Excellency Sir J.dir Anderson opened the sixth annual Agri Horticultural Show of the Stiaits Settle ments and Federated Malay States at tin Parade Ground yesterday morning. Tb« attendance, we
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  • 62 5 Arrived. Per s s Malaga, 8 h Aug., from Deli Messrs. Laureut, M?junar and child, Pelz-ir, Hegelund, Mr. and Mrs. Bastow Mr. and Mre. Graichen. Per as. Tonj Chuan, 9th Aug, from Kedah Mr. Ching Cheng Kean. Departed. Per s f. Avagijee B,h Aug., for Tongkth Mr. C. H.
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  • 141 5 To-day. 25th Day of 6th Moon. H. E. the Governor visits Province Wellesley, 7 garden party at Residency 5 p in. diuner party at Government House, Bpm Argicultural Show, 2nd Day. Band, 4 to 6 The New Japanese Cinematograph, corner of Campbell Street and Penang Road, 7-30
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  • 18 5 English Devanh i > ...11th Aug China Dehi ...14th ttlima Prim Ludwig) ...17th German Derjjlinger) ...18 h
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  • 20 5 O New Moon Aug. 16th i Firm Quarter fj 24th O Full Moon 31st l.ast (Quarter Sept. 7th
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  • 35 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service Outwards. Homkwards Devanha 11 Aug. I Delhi 14 Aug Assaye 26 Caledonia 28 Extra Service. Outwards Homeward. Nile 17 Aug I Sardinian. 20 Aug Ceylon 31 „1 Syria 3 Sept.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 163 5 To meet If. E. the Governor, The Resident Councillor and M>s. Bland, “ATHrME," at the Residency, ai 5 p.m., On Tuesday, 10th inst. BRITISH INDIA S. N. CO., LTD. Special Return Tickets between Penang anil Ni'giri Hills. Under arrangement between the British India S. N. Co Ltd. and the Indian
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    • 282 5 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. A Special Meeting of the Muuicipal Com-i missioners will be held at the Munici-| pal Office, at 3 30 p.m. on Friday, the 13th August. Business1. To consider and if approved to pass j 'he 1st Supp'emental Budget, 1909. 2 To consider aud if approved to pn&a I
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  • 1599 6 The Colony vs. F. M. S. ti Some very interesting play was wit- t( nested yesterday in the match between 0 the Colonial team captaiued by Mr. O P. 'j Griffith-Jones aud the F. M. S. eleven under the captaincy of Mr. E Bradbery. w The handsome new P.
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  • 124 6 Penanq, 10th At oust. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4 1 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 s 7 3 Credit 2/4| 3 Documentary.. 2/4 ‘f Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 175$ 3 days’ sight Private 176f Bombay, Demand Bank 1754 Moulmein, Demand Bank 175 3 days’sight
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  • 180 6 Oold T«eaf $64.8) i. Pepjer(W.Coast 31b5.50z.) no stock •Thite Popper sl6§ buyers Vang Pepper 14 75 buyers Clo res out of season M «58 80.— sa'es dace Picking* 65.50 sales lutmeg* 110 s 18.50 sa'es fNo 1 580 sales Sugar I 2 no stock Basket 3 85 sales Flour
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  • 186 6 Pbnanq, 10th Auoult, 1909 Bb*f cts. Soup m per cutty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart >• 30 Liver per catty 35 Pork— Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head 20 Feet 24
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  • 1257 6 _B i j j 7~ o 2 Number ot -5 p o 5 S Csjital. Shares > Divi.W Ĕ I ifued. x 3 I O' Mining. I 1903 300,000 30.000 10 1.0 12 for year ending 31/3/09 Bel at Tin Mining Co., Ltd. ss* $6 .907 300,000 22,500 10
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 152 6 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. This is a nipflicioe of great worth and merit. Try it wheu you have a cough or cold and you are certain to be plersed with the quick relief which it i-ffrrds It is pleasant to take and cm always be depended upon The George Town Dispensary,
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    • 36 6 Riedel’s Gonosan is not unpleasant to take and is not attended by those distressing byeffects which so often accompany the use of balsams and Santal oils. It has secured unqualified pra-eo from the lead intr Specialists.
      36 words
    • 113 6 EJhK s S/ m fs m si 5T w 11 CA 5 H a 5 LSJ JJ I o CLOSE "V </ «M/9 Sft* ?> ■5 s DRINK HcEWAN’S STOUT, A Stout of excellent quality at a moderate price. See that the accompany, ing label is on every bottle. TIANG
      113 words

  • 1402 7 ORDINARY MEETI G. FRIDAY AUG. 6Present. The Hon’ble the Deputy Governor, Capt. Young. the Treasurer, J. O. Antbonisz. the Attorney-General, W. J. Napier. Tau Jiak Kim. T. S. Baker. C. McArthur. H. Fort. Absent. His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson. His Excellency Major-Gen. T. Perrott, c.B., q.o.c.t.
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  • 270 7 Savage Attack on Beantifnl Girl by Jealous Women. Jealousy has rarely expressed itself in so revolting a manner as in a case described by the St. Peteisburg correspondent of the Pans Patrie, who telegraphs details of a savage and revolting case of lynebiag which occurred in the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1496 7 INSURANCES The Penang Khean Guan Insurance Co., Ltd, THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE C°- L TD H Offici NO. 3«. K«*ch Btkmt, Vmsamo. HOARD OK D1RKCTORH. Mr.Lini Teang Hooi Tan Teang Swee Tan Kim Leong Khoo Beng Chin Cbeah Toon Haw Koey Joo Chew Yeoh Ooi Gark Mr.lCloah Choo Yew
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    • 75 7 CHAPOTEAUT’8 NO < TRATIVE TASTK PRINCIPLE NO OF SMELL COD NO LIVER NAUSEA OIL MORRHUOL Is superior to Emulsions or Oil, ft cures Incipient Consumption, Coughs, Bron> chitis and Scrofula. Each tiny Morrhuol capsule is extracted from a teaspoonful of cod liver oil. Recommended at the Paris Academy of Medicine,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1013 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. BMflIDIM* AT /Vo. 21a, Penang Road. FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PUNTERS, ESTATES, ETC. A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mth* TEA o TEA SOLE AGENTS FOR PENANG, PATERSON, SIMONS Co., Ltd.
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  • 4556 9  -  [All Rights Reserved.] BY CHRISTIAN LYS, Author of The Hepsworth Millions,” The Mystery of Ladyplace,” A London Cobweb,” etc. (Cohtinufifrom lad Tuesdays issue CHAPTER XL roH-it’s niece. It-,Hit the housekeeper, was au overbear- mau in the presence of bi, w.fe; with be bully of a good natu.e,
    4,556 words
  • 138 9 Datp H W L w H.W. L w7“ uate A M. A M. P. M. P.M. l(>th 6.43, 12.32, 7.10, 12.57 11th 7.34, 1.23, 8.02, 1.49 12th 8.25, 2.14, 8.53, 2.40 13th 916, 3.05, 9.44, 3.31 14th 10.07, 3 56, 10.35, 4.22 15th
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 59 9 I'ropc, Treatment for Dysentery and Diarrhcea. ail'ur roo 1 >‘j from dysentery and mm ,1 d “o l,lclt <>r proptrr I reat* /,i tirtjt stages of the disease foZh r a a’”| U n C CI Wl ,nd Diarrho,. vent anv l reuBoDal,le will pre Oeor K e I'T™ CoDB(,f
      59 words
    • 50 9 Sold the World Over. We lmve in stock many colic and diarrhoea medicines,” says K. M White, a prominent met chant of Turtle Bayou, Tex., U. S A., but sell more of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy than of all others put together. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 68 9 Infantile Cholera. Any unusual looseness of a child’s bowels duriug the hot weather should be a warning to mothers. Infantile cholera may develop in a few hours, and prompt action should be taken to avoid it. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cbob-ra and Diarrbcei Remedy, followed by a dose of castor oil, will
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    • 54 9 Don’t Ignore Slight Injuries. Don’t neglect giving every cut, wound or bruise prompt attention. Blood poison may appear and an ugly scar or even the loss of a limb result. Cbamberlaiu's Pain Balm is an antiseptic, heals the wound rapidly and all danger is avoided by its use Tbe George
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    • 94 9 “NIKKO” PHOTOGRAPHIC SrUDIO. K. S. OKANIWA, Japanese Artist, NO. 21, PENANG ROAD. NOW ON SALE. PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE m-Htnow. JUST UNPACKED. A New Shipment of ACCOUNT BOOKS. Ledger Books, Demj Folio, JS (F’scap Size), Journal Books, Demy Folio, j> Cash Books, F’scap Size, (Oblong), Plain Foolscap Books, Demy Size, Plaiu
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 636 10 [for sale!' '“TALES OF MALAYA,” i “SOUTHERN CROSS,” Containing 18 very interest ing short stories dealing with life in the Malay Peninsula. (241 PAGES DEMI-OCTAVO) Price $1. MAT BB HAD AT THE j“S I ALSO AT I Messrs. WHITE A WAY. LAIDLAWACo. g I KIM Co., Singapore. L Straits Echo”
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