Straits Echo, 6 August 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1036 1 GUINNESS’S STOU. TIANG lee A Go. Atr y,>\ ra -er” 0 SOLF. 4 f/f/VT-S. BASS’S ALE. Eastern Shipping Company, Ltd., (ENGINE WORKS Chartered Bank of India, Hongkong Shanghai Australia and China. Banking Corporation* AND DOCKYARD.) Engineers, Shipbuilders, Brass Iron launders. Engineering Appliances Fittings in Stock. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid
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    • 30 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. •K V T/h 7 O 05 a n j| 5 50 <o > I\'‘ s>k Si II v« TIANQ LEE A Co., Soh Aimti.
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  • 421 2 We publish below an extract from a letter addressed to the Madras Standard The facta contained therein are interesting read in# to those unacquainted with the methods of administration obtaining in the Nativ States of India. The Native State concerned is called Travancore aud is in
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  • 632 2 Britain’s Foolish SelfDepreciation. Lord Curzon Denounces the “Cant” of Pessimism. Lord Cut z in of Kedlestou opened the new science buildings at St. Paul’s School, tree ed by the governors to commemorate the t'ourhuudredth anuiversary of the school. In doing so Lord Cu z m said that one of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 59 2 Proper Treatment for Dysentery and Diarrhoea. Tbe great mortality f-om dysentery and diartban is due to a lack of proper treatment at the first stages of the d'spare Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Dariboer Remedy is a iel table and effctive medicine, and when giveu iu icmon ihlu tiaie wdl prevent
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    • 491 2 Don't Ignore Slight Injuries. Don't neglect giving every cut, wound or bruise pr >mp‘ a t! eutior. lood poisoa may appear and an ugly ‘■car or oven the loss of a limb result. Cbamberl lin’s Pain Bi’m is an antiseptic, heals the wound rapidly and all dauger is avoided by
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    • 1398 2 BUTISa-KADE INSPECTION INVITED ALL MACHINES ARE COMPLETE WITH LUCAS LAMP AND BELL, TOOLS AND TOOLBA6 AND REPAIRS OUTFIT. Can be had with either inverted or roller brakes, rubber or rattrap pedals, road racer, flat or upturned handles, 74t0 81 gear, X or diamond frame. Cycles have De Lux Saddles with
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  • 29 3 Vessels F rom Agents Du» Benlawers Devunba P. Ludwig Deifflioger London Colombo Singapore Colombo S B ACo. A. B. ACo. B.M.ACo. 6 b Ang. llrh »7th 18th
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  • 28 3 f' «JiOil For A :>l* Bf*n!. wei s Sio^apoie 3.B ACo. Aug. Devout) a Singapore G ACo. K’ Lndffig Colombo B M ACo. Deiffl oger Siugapore B.M.&Co.
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  • Shipping.
    • 126 3 Sea Mew, Br. s.s.. 500, Coleuan, sth Aug., Singapore, 3rd Aug.—Colonial Govt. Cadmus, Br. s.s., 1,070, Heard, sth Aug., Singapore, 3rd Aug.—H. M. 8Gunboat. Sea Belle, F. M. S. Yacht, 400, Ahmat, sth Aug Singapore, 3rd Aug.—F. M- 8Govt. Sappho. Br. p.s., 329, Treweeke, sth Aug Teluk Anson, 4tb
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    • 56 3 6th August. Yalentijn, for Deli, Asahan, Batu Bahra and Paneh. Ban Whatt Soon, for Langkat A Pangkalan Brandan. Rotorua, for Port Swetteuham A Singapore. Olen/alloch, for Singapore, Hongkong, Amoy and Swatow. Sappho, for Teluk Anson. Glemtrae, for Singapore, China and JapanUn Peng, for Pulau Langkawi, Perlis and Setul. Fying
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    • 97 3 Fob Keaah—Per LianChoo. to-morrow, 7 a.ra. Madras taking mails for Europe, etc, via Bombay—Per Teesta, to-morrow, 10 a in. Ringoon and Calcuita—Per Nuddea, to-morrow, 11 a m. Trang—Per Leong Ho, to-morrow, 1 p.mBatu Bahra—Per Padang, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Deli—Per Perak, to-morrow, 1 p,m. I’eluk Anson—Per Jin Ho, to
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  • 412 3 Per P. A O. 8.9. Morea from London, July 16, connecting with the Devanha at Colombo due at Penang on Hih Aug. To Penang Mr. J. H. Johnson, Capt. Mac Dermot, Mr. E H Pitt. Mr. F. Physick. To Singapore Mr. G. C. Gillan, Mr. F.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 645 3 f, 0, Steam Navigation Coy. Kipicted Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outward Aug. 11 Devanha 25 Ass "ye St.'jit. 8 Delta 22 Jiima'aya connecting with do. do. do. Morea Moot tan India China homeward. Due |Aug C>ep FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. lit <>'!**• Sod Ciatt r I >ti ilfiTi I
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    • 447 3 (SHIPPING,) NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPeiHIAL. UiiRMAN MAIL LINE. V' O' f. V.v v 9 I pH E last ar I w< known ma ean< so t Ins Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, ilambu:-g«ia Ko.:e dam, Antwerp, Son,hampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples’ (connec; on M arret hes, Nap‘es, Alexandria and vice
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  • 100 4 j Hr* mttFflpn everybody and ]natlre alcne ■'••siiahrd dally loiorr' “ondaye.» iv r- m CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. ‘22*» —232, Bear'.i str««l. P«rv«n.. PRICE •All. V I All' AI fS« OUTSTATIONH Poetagp K*tr* «ill. (lIITIIIN ll'ad Fm) *l5 UAKI.K ADIIKKSH Tcbo Penang.” telephone N<>. 343 ».j.- ail
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  • 894 4 A private, kind, and too complimentary letter from a Gentleman has in one shot inflated and deflated us. He recognises that our remarks last week about gambling were made in good faith, but he adduces a few arguments to show that we do not fully understand
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  • 672 4 The following business in tin has eon lone to-day Penang Straits Trading Co, d $67 °0 buyers, no sellers Peuang I'in Exchange, 50 tousat 6 >-85 Eastern Smelting Co., 100 67 20 Singapore: Straits Trading Co.. 75 67 30 Total 225 tons. Tm is quoted
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  • 991 4 JLungkawiwarrisShortly after 4 j-.tu. yesterday H. E. the Governor left his office iu the Government buildings for the Residency- He then went to the Golf Club, where he played a game of golf, and was ashore until 7 BO p in. when he returned ou board
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  • 150 4 In the District Court, yesterday afternoon Haj-e Harnz.b, a Malay, wis charged with intentionally making a false statement, while being legally hound under an oath testate the truth, to wit, that premises No. 32 Dato Krum.t Road belonged to him. Messrs. Wright-Motion and Nambvar coudoc’ed the prosecution while
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  • 666 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following were the results of the ties plaved yesterday Championship: A. G Anthony beat A Brerrley 8 6 6—4. Profession Pairs: Kinder and Linton (P WD.) w o from Haskins and Savi (G. S.) Goldie and Jones (Merchants) beat Mnir and Macintvre (G 8.)
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 388 4 EASTERN ORIENTAL HOTEL. AFTER “OUR BOYS ON Monday 9th August. Seats to be Engaged Previously. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. NORTHAM HOUSE PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, H. BODOM, Photographic Artist, 15, NORTHAM ROAI) (Corner of Transfer Road.) Photographs taken throughout the day. Sundays toy appointment. Portraits of the Highest Technical Excellence in all Modern
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    • 57 5 (Echo Special.) Taking Over at New Year. Officials Nominated. Singapore, tith August.—*The Government is taking over the manufacture and sale of opium at Singapore, Johore, ,nd Malacca on and from January 1st. Mr F M. Baddeley will be in charge at Singapore. Mr. J.
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    • 18 5 (Echo Special.) Judgment Reserved. I poll, August G.—ln the Mengleinbu Lode Case, judgment has been reserved.
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    • 120 5 (Sup I lied by Router) Vigorous Action by Turkey Anticipated. London, 5tb August.—The Cretan question threatens to become acute. Turkey is determined not to abate a jot of her rights. Greece in reply to the Porte’s demand for the withdrawal of her gendarmerie and militji (flicors stated
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    • 127 5 Sup} lied by Reuter.) St. Petersburg Opinion. Loudon, sth August—The toasts at Cowos, especially the refererces to the Duma, have ceated a profound impression ill' St. Petersburg. It is pointed out tint f<|r the first time in history a Russian Emperor appears as a Constitutional Monarch. Isvolsky
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    • 41 5 (Supplied by Reuter Military Gossip. Lmdon. 6th August.— Numerous contra dictory statements aie published concerning Iho Duke of Counaught and the Selection for 1 iemotion Board. The latest information is that the question of his resignation thereftoni has beeu dropped.
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    • 146 5 (>S Supplied by Ileuter.) Kiiil Trimmers Watch Budget's Favourable Wind. London. 6JI August. It" is noteworthy ut t io IhiHy Mai l publishes two columns setting forth the advantages of the Budget. He Telegraph, the Poet, and the Standard eny that the Unionist opposition thereto is Hlackemug.
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  • 875 5 Nays Penang Races Not No Bad. The wri’er of Athletic Notes ij the Smga pore Free Frees has a poor opinion of Penang race critics. His firs, paragraph reads thus Iu view of the extraordinary outbursts of wild exaggeration which have emanated from Penang over the past race
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  • 168 5 The Public Works Dept, of tbe F.M-S spent nearly eight million dollars on Pubho Woiks. the cost of supe: vision bein' 5 2 per cent, of the total expenditure. Here is a timely quotation from a French writer on .[French] Colonies Examine the budgets nine times out
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  • 691 5 Tbe story of a rubber plantation close to Taiping, which, since the boom began, has been tbe cynosure of the eyes of aW ep j cula tors, investors and brokers alike, reads like a fairy tale Bought, a few vears ago, at the very small sum of
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  • 368 5 Steamship Companies Taking Action in Hongkong. S'leuuous measures, says the S. C Morn ing Post are to be taken by the ompiuies winch operate vessels between Hongkong and Miuila to prevent the smugglin' of opium and thus avoid laying the vesse 1 upon which it might Le
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  • 455 5 Messrs J. Russeil Grant Co.’s Rubber Shate Market Report, dated July 15‘h, says, in part:— The market for Malay Rubber Company shares has be*u very active during the wpek. and a hrge business lias been transacted, curtailed however to a certain extent by the number of new issues
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  • 215 5 Beginning of a New Progressive Policy. Th a appointment of Mr. Charles S. Crane, of Chicago, as American Minister to China has, says the Shanjhai Times, of Ju’y 23 been tbe occa-ion of a deluge of favourable comment iu the press of all sections of the
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  • 220 5 Details of Articles of the New Agreement. The memorandum of the new JapaneseKoretn agreement for the improvement of the administration of justice anil the regula lion of the prisons in Korea, and also to consolidate the basis of Korean finance was published on July 24 It contains five
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  • 93 5 Arrivkd. Per ss. Kistna, 6'h Au?,, from Singapore Messrs. H. T. Ayoob, Eisenberg, J D de Huff. R. F Moss, S. A. Syeder and Uryenvura. From Port Snettenham Messrs. J. A. S. Basagoiti, Ghoon Kheam and Khoo Hock CLeong. Dbpartkd Por s.s. De Kock. sth Aug., for Deli Mr.
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  • 102 5 To-day. 21-t Dav of 6th Moon. H. E. the Governor arrives at Langkawi Islands at 7 a to. and leaves at 6 pm. P. C- C- Teuuis Ties. Town Band. Esplauade, 6 to 7 Hie New Japanese Ciuematograph, comer of Campbell Street and Penang Road, 7-30 p.rn. and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 38 5 exe.tH »T i,en M r t Gonosan a»«nnlio?f V r V utl ,ence iu removing andTf' 1 f <1 hiemorrha K«S more l<v P it t Bfac or v reßult obtained B*ndnlwood oil etc!* pre P ardtion of
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    • 30 5 The curative action of OOllONan is attri buicd to its beiu;» antiacp'ic and anaesthetic Manufactured bv J..D. Kiedal Ltd,, Berlin, and sold in form of capsules, 40 in a bottle-
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    • 458 5 I HAVE appointed Mr. Jobu Galbraith Palmer to act as my Attorney during my temporary absence in Europe. R. G PALMER. 6-8-09 588 To meet E. the Governor, The Resident Coimcillo and M s. Btand, “AT HOME,” at the Residency, at 5 j).m„ On Tuesday, 10th inst. BT ORDER OF
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    • 511 5 STEAMSHIP COMPANY NEDERLAND.” Fortnightly Mail Service betweeu Java and Amsterdam via Singapore, Sabang, Colombo, Genoa and Lisbon. The Mail Steamers of his Company will in future call at Tangier and Algiers both on the Outwaid and Homeward journeys. For passage or further information, appl? to HUTTENBACH, LIEBERT Co.. Penang. 27
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  • 540 6 Judge Says Bad Language Does Not Amount to Cruelty. A husband who claimed that he forgave his wi'e three times after turning her out of the bouse as many times was the petitioner in a divorce case that came before Mr. Justice Bigbam. Two co-respondents were cited —James
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  • 625 6 Intimate and Trusted Friend of Mr. W. E. Gladstone. The Maiquis of Uipon, late the Liberal leader in the House of Lords, pissed aw tv at Studley Royal, Ripou, at the age of eighty one. The death of Lady Rtpon two years ago, after fifty
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  • 160 6 Child’s Squalid Life A mom; Dogs, Cats, Fowls and Babbits. At Peuge, James Nicholls, aged thiity seveD, and Elizabeth Nicholls, alias White, aged forty-four, were sentenced to six months’ hard labour each for cruelty to Katherine Venn, aged ten. Evidence was giveu that Inspectors Thorne aud Kyle, of
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  • 160 6 T H.W. L.W. H.W. L.W. A M. A M. P. M. P.M. 6th 3.18, 932. 3.42. 9.55 7th 4.10, 10.24, 4.34, 10.47 Bth 5.01. 1115, 5.25, J 1.38 9th 5.52, Nil. 6.19, 12.06 10th 6.43, 12.32. 7.10, 12.57 11th 7.34, 1.23, 8.02, 1.49
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  • 119 6 Penang, 6th August. (By courtesy of the Chartered, Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 s 7 y 3 Credit 2/4$ 3 Documentary.. 2/4 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 175$ 3 days’ sight Private 176$ Bombay, Demand Bank 175$ Moulmein, Demand Bank 175 3 day s’sight Private
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  • 185 6 Gold Leaf $6 4.8) i. Pr j er(\V Coast 3'bs.5 oz.) no stock iVhite Pepi.v! $17 25 telle 8 Trang 14 35 buyers Claves outof season Mice 73.— buyers Mace Picking 66.50 sales Nutmfgs 1108 17.25 buyers No 1 5 80 sate» Sugar < 2 no stock (.Basket 4
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  • 188 6 Penang, 6th AcoU-T, It 09 4*ek ets Soup per cutty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 35 Pork— Pork pei catt* 32 Pig’s Head 20 Feet 24 Tongue
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  • 1264 6 5 2 Number ot -5 ja g Capita!. Shares > Divides N*ui b J issued. s I ‘3 p 5 c a a. x <y Mining:. 1 1903 5 300,000 30.000 10 10 ,2 for year ending 31/3/09 Belat Tin Minina Co. Ltd. $5» SO .907 300,000 22,500 10
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 50 6 Sold the World Over. “We have in stock many colic and durrboei medicines." says R. M.' White, a prominent merchaut of Tuvtle Bayou, T. x-. U 8 A., but sell more of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy than of all others put together. The George iown Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 255 6 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. This is a medicine of great worth and meri‘. Try it when you have a cough or cold and you are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which it affords It is pleasant to take and cjd always be depended upon. The Deorge Town Dispensary,
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    • 44 6 THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co. GIN IN RED CASES. Sandllan Buttery Co Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERV Co. AGENTS FOR PENANG F. M. S. “SLEDGE BRAND" MILK. Absolutely Pure. Every single tin guaranteed good. Obtainable from all the Retail Stores.
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    • 102 6 BY ROYAL SINCE 1848. WARRANTS JOHN BEGG’S WHITE CAPSULE SCOTCH WHISKY. PROPRIETOR OP THE Royal Lochnagar Distillery, Balmoral, Scotland. All the Royal Palaces supplied for over Haifa Century. It excels L vscannot be Sold by Chinese Retail Dealers. TIAIn Gr LEE Sc CO., s ie Agents ASAHI. THE IDEAL
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  • 805 7 Equality of Sexes. The Representative Church Council, which began its annual meeting at Church House, Westminster, on Thursday, under the presidency of the Archbishop of Canterbury unanimously passed a resolution of protest against the proposal to confer on county courts a certain jurisdiction in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1377 7 INSURANCES, The Penang Khean Guan Insurance Co., Ltd, THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE C L TD. Of,it» WO. si. BTR..T. BOARD ok DIRBCTOEB. Mr.Lim Teang Hooi Tan Teaug Swee Tan Knn Leoug Khoo B**ng Chin (Jbeah Toon Haw Koey Joo Chew Yeob Ooi Gark Mr Cheah Choo Yew Kee Quah
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    • 158 7 Infantile Cholera. Any uniHUdl looseness of a child's bowels during tbe bot weather should te a warning to mothers Infantile cholera may derelop in a few hours, and prompt action should be taken to avoid it. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and DiarrLcei Remedy, followed by a dose of castor oil, will
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 886 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Cu. t Pha U.S.A. 'harges Moderate, Consultation Free. EMI DI1V« AT /Vo. 21a Penang Road. A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mtl»» FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC. tea TEA SOLE AGENTS FOR PENANG. PATERSON, SIMONS Co.,
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