Straits Echo, 23 June 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1111 1 SOLE AO ENTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT VvS > 10 z Vk -i o !L l jf. jj* v SSI tfe#? '3IV s.ssva THE Eastern Shipping Company, Ud., (ENGINE WORKS 23 .a. sx ss AND DOCKYARD.) Engineers, Shipbuilders, Brass Iron Founders. Engineering Appliances Fittings in Stock. Engine Works, Stores Offices ks, Weld
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    • 5 1 LEE A Co,, Sole Ajeats,
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  • 785 2 Further Enquiry into Charge Against Fire Chinese. The preliminary enquiry into the Johore piracy and murder wax resumed iu the second magistrate’s court, at Singapore, on Friday, Mr. Hastings Rhodes, the deputy public prosecutor, conducting the case for the Crown. The five accused appeared as stoical and
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  • 242 2 Possible Stroke of Fortune for Nagasaki. Mr. Katankt. a well knowu merchant iu Oura, Nagasaki, has discoveied a rich bed of coal iu the narrow channel between Kurose Island and Sikito Island, near Sasebo- The discovery wis made by shell divers, and is lying bare at the bottom
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  • 229 2 By the ss. Delhi on 19th June, via Colombo and Bombay, the following Penang shipments were made For Colombo- —H. J. Hamilton Pis.. 25 34 Para Rubber R M A R. Palaniappa Chetty Pis. 1,100 00. Boiled Rice Bags 1.000; V. R. M. S. Saminathan Chetty Pis. 1,375
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  • 996 2 Tuesday, the 27th> Thursday the 29th and Saturday, the 31st July 1909 FIR8T DAY. Tuesday, 27th July, 1909 1—The Maiden Plate. Value $500. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale reduced 141bs All horses imported into the Straits or F.M S.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 392 2 Dr. Boss of Strassburg introduced GOIIO~ sail in the treatment of the most painful of diseases to wbicb mankind is liable. It is better, safer and more effective than other preparations of Copaiba. Cubebs or plain Sandalwood oil. For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. THE s s. Hong Wan I,
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    • 241 2 Entries Close at 5 p. m. on Thursday, 15th July, (except for Race 9, Third Day, which closes as stated); Handicaps for the First Day will be published on or before Monday, 19th July, 1909. A penalty of 7 lb. is incurred in a handicap by the winner of any
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    • 684 2 1909 MODELS. DARRACQ MOTOR-CARS. sa w&mm. 6 Single Cylinder Car, 7-9 H. P. Double Cylinder Cars, 8-10 10-12 H. P. Four Cylinder Cars, Six Cylinder Car, f 14-16 H.P., 18 H P. I The Four Inch [25-35 H.P. 50 H.P. Gars complete with High-tension Magneto ant Battery (dual ignition), Folding
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  • 35 3 Vt8$ els Ft um. Agent* Die# Lulzow Singapote B.M.ACo. 24‘hJune B>*nlarig London S. B &Co. 27th Delta Colombo A G &Co 1st July Devanha Singapore A.G&Co. 3rd Bencleuch London S B &Co. 8th
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  • 28 3 V For A* r.utzow i Colombo B M A Co June. Baularig Singapore S.B.&Co. Da’ta Singapore G ACo. July. Devanba A.a.&Co. Bencleuch Singapore 3 B ACo.
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  • Shipping.
    • 124 3 Mary Austin, Br. 8.8., 121, Harvey, 22nd Juue, Asaban, 21st Juuo, GenE. S. Co, Ltd. Malaya, Ger. 8. 9., 34b. Loewe. 22nd Juuo, Deli, 21st Juue, Geu.—B. M. A Co. Ban Whatt Soon. Br. s.s.. 199, Gully, 22nd June, Malacca, 21st Juue, Gen.—E. S. Co., Ltd. Malacca, Br. 8.8.,
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    • 42 3 23bd Junk. Deli, for Paug Nga aud Traug. Kleist, for Singapore, Ckiua and Japan Cornelia, for Teluk Ansou. Malaya, for Deli. Tong Chay Un, for Bindings. Fining Fish, for Port Wold and I'aipiug Reael, for Singapore. Sexta, for Singapore aud Hougkoug.
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    • 275 3 Fox Tongkab— Per Malacca, to-morrow, 1 p.ui. 7 Port Swetteuham. Port Dickson aud Malacca—Per Ban Whatt Soon, to-morrow, i 1 pin. Deli A Langsa—Per De Kock, to morrow, I 1 p.m. L—Per Padamj, to-morrow, I p.m. Asaban Per Mary Austin, to-morrow, I 1 pm. Ceylon, Australasia, India,
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  • 154 3 Per P. and O. ss. Mantua, from London. June 4, connecting with the Delta at Colombo, due at Penang on Ist July To Pena; g Mr. E. A. Cook. To Singapore Mr. F. Tony bee. Per P. and O. s.s. Syria, from Loudon, Juue 5, due
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  • 36 3 P. O. SAILINGS. Mali Service Outwards. Homkwakdn Delta l July I Devanha 3 July Delhi 15 De'ta 31 Extra Service. Outwards Homkwardh. Syria 6 July j Poona S 6 June Sumatra SO J Namur 8 July
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 525 3 Pi 0. Steam Navigation Coy Kxperted Arrival* and l>ep»rt a res. Mail Service. Outward f„lv 1 Delta connecting with Mantua J 7 li Delhi do Mongolia »<> Caledonia do. Marmora \Z Dtvanha do. Morca Aug Homeward. Conueciiug Due [>*' S’ imer with S.B. Loudon. (July li Devon ha 17 Attaye
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    • 511 3 HIPPING,) NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. TV?*** •> V ay mzsssßk T -±£Ĕlĕ=£m \-2 fast ami now a w.x e.. i- -o s Company sail fo v in ghi!y f* ora Bremen, A Ham bn r via P tie da n,l j >..C bra i. ."cGenoa, Naples, (connection
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  • 97 4 J htln MtUfles «very body and oat Ire al«ne ’'ntillahMl dally |eac«*rt Monday*.) IT II CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Reach Street. F*enan« PRICK* OAILT LOCAL IM per annnn OCTSTATIONS Homage **tia «All. IDITION (Poat Free) SIS OAHLH ADDRBB3 Echo—Penang” Telephone No. 343 S.B.— All baatneea communication*
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  • 1255 4 On the 7th inst. the Echo reported that Aisha, an Arab woman,” had been provisionally charged with voluntarily causing grievous hurt to Nem Bee, a Malay woman.” Nem Bee died, according to the medical evidence recorded at the time, of anremia, and the Police admitted that they
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  • 50 4 The N-D. L. mail steamer Lutzow, having left Singapore at 9 a.m. to-day, is expected to arrive here to-morrow at 1 p.m. and will leave for Colombo, Aden. Suez, Port Slid, Naples, Genoa, Algiers, Gibraltar, South ampton, Antwerp and Hamburg probably at 5 p.m. on the same day.
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  • 31 4 Tbe following donations have been paid to tbe Treasury to Ihe credit of the above Fund Kboo Kongsi 8150 Cheah $l5O Yeoh $lOO Lim 50 Total $450
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  • 75 4 The following business in tin has been done to-day Penang Straits Trading Co buyers, no sellers j •67.50 PenargTin Exchauge, 25 tons at 67 10 Eastern Smelting Co., 50 67 50 Singapore: Straits Trading Co., 75 67 55 Total... 150 tons. Tin is quoted in
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  • 728 4 C. R. C. vs. A.-C. S The Chinese Recreation Club and the Anglo-Cbinese School met in their League fixture on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon before a large concourse of spectators. From start to finish the match was greatly in favour of the Beoieationists, who completely outplayed their opponents
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  • 157 4 Bowls Tournament. Following were the results of the ties played on Monday and yesterday Championship Dunn beat Rose by 21 11 Goldie beat Houston by 21 12. Single Handicap Daniel beat Bucket by 21—14. Double Handicap Dennys and Jamieson w o. from Lidell and Peutney Keun and
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    • 32 4 {Echo Special.) Large Population Homeless. Grit. 23rd June.—The village 0 f Klian Intan in Rahman was completely burnt out yesterday and a large population is rendered homeless and food less.
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    • 77 4 (Supplied by Reuter President of the Chinese Merchants’ Society’s Plain Speaking. London, 22nd June—The President of the Chiuese Merchants’ Society, speaking at Syduey, said that if Australia adopted sweeping and indiscriminate legislation it would be difficult to establish commercial relatious with China. The Chinese acquiesced to a White
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    • 85 4 {Supplied by Renter Haldane’s Hint. London, 22nd June.—Mr. R. B. Haldane, Secretary for War. has iuformed the Horning Post that the gift of an airship would be most acceptable by the War Office. Paris to London. Mr. A. P. DuCros, Conservative Member for Hastings, writes to the Daily Mail
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    • 58 4 i Supplied by Reuter (’rime Ascribed to Jealousy, London, 22nd June—Leon Ling, the Chinaman who murdered General Franzsigel’s granddaughter, is the owner of several shops. He was arrested at Schenectady. The Police ascribe the murder to jealousy arising out of the girl’s relations with another Chinaman.
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    • 21 4 (Supplied by Renter.) A Daughter. London, 23rd June.—The Queen of Spain has given birth to a daughter.
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    • 55 4 {Supplied by Reuter.) Huelow’s Difficult Position. London. 23rd June—The Finance Committee of the Reichstag has again rejectee! the modified Death Duties’ Bill, which forms a part of the Government’s modified taxation proposals- The Conservatives, Clericals and Poles opposed the Bill. The position of Prince von Buelow, the
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    • 66 4 (Supplied by Reuter British Do Not Object to America Participating. London, 23rd June. —Reuter learns that America has intimated that, provided American interests are safeguarded, she will waive the protest to Peking. It is understood that she has been informed that so far
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    • 62 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) Troops to be Withdrawn in July. London, 23rd June. Sir Edward Grey. Foreign Secretary, speaking in the IJou&e of Commons, said that the Powers proposed to withdraw the troops from Crete in July but will retain the guard ships in Cretau waters to
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    • 71 4 (Supplied by Reuter The Premier Welcomes Members of the Duma. London, 23rd June.—A large party ot members of the Duma who are visiting' England lunched in the House of Commons yesterday. Mr Arquith, the Premier, in woloomiug them, said that the frigidity and suspicion which were formerly the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 355 4 {THE CRAG HOTEL.! SANATORIUM. j PENANG HILLS. As good an Hotel as any in the Straits.” I I SARZIES BROTHERS, X Proprietors. ZI PALMER TYRES. Information of interest to users of MOTOR TYRES, is that a REDUCTION IN PRICES of PALMER CORD TYRES is in force front beginning of the
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    • 30 4 The most rapid and satisfactory results are obtained by treatment with Gono&an (Kawa Santa)). Booklet and sample to medical men free on application to any of the chief Penang Chemists.
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  • 1146 5 From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Monday. Marking Time Till— I am afraid that it is some time since that wrote, but, to tell the truth, we have been having a eery quiet spell after our fierce outburst of festivity on Empire Day. which, iterhaps you may remember,
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  • 733 5 Following are the Agenda for to-morrow’s meeting of the Municipal Commission 1 Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. Any special business the Deputy President may bring forward. 3. Questions. 4. Report of Committee on Electric Department. 5. Report of Committee on Auditors’ Report on
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  • 393 5 (F om Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, 22nd June. More Enteric. Alter a brief lull another case of enteric fever was admitted into hospital last week which shows that the disease is stiM lurking in the town. The Doctors aver that the present epidemic is of a milder type
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  • 511 5 Telephone Secrets." English Electrical Engineers oil Trial at Antwerp. The German mail brought us this morning the latest Home papers, from one of which weelip the following The trial began on Thursday (May 27) and was continued yesterday at Antwerp of the four English electrical engineers, Messrs. Burton, CowaD, Hogarth,
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  • 1550 5 City Magnate who Lived with the One Idea of Making Money. Mr. Charles Morrison, one of the weal thiest men in the City of London, died at the advanced age of ninety-two. Reutei informed us at the time, but none of the Straits papers seemed to know
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  • 156 5 Arrived. Per s.s. Tong Chuon. 22nd Juue, from Kedab Messrs. G. D. M. Landle and J. J Lawson. Per 88. De Kock, 23rd June, from Deli Mr. Gran. From Batavia: Mr. H. Koekoek. Per s.s. Kleist, 23rd Jure, from Southampton Mr. and Mrs. Hollywood, Mr. aud Mrs. F. Tams.
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  • 95 5 To- PAT. 6th Dav of sth Moon. League Foot ball Wandere.s vs. St Xavier’s. Victoria Oieen. Town Baud. Esplanade, 6 to 7 p m, The New Japanese Cinematograph, corner of Campbell Street and Penang Road, 7-30 p.m. and 9-10 p.m. Wayang Komedt Indian liatoe, Tek Soon Theatre, 8-30 p
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  • 16 5 f'hitvi tLiitzow) ...24th June. (Delta) 1st July. Chiu* Devanha) 3rd German Prim Ludwiy) 7th
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 39 5 A Remedy that Never Fails. No matter how severe an attack of diarrhoea roav he. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy never fails to give relief. You cannot afford to be without it. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 54 5 Fain in the Stomach. It is most annoying, as well as disagreeablp, to be troubled with pains in the stomach, and there is no nped of it, for one dose of Chamberlain's Col e, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy wdl allay the pain. Try it once and be convinced. The George
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    • 514 5 I THE NEW JAPANESE CINEMATOGRAPH. TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT!! mi CHANGE OK PROGRAMME. Ist Show, 7-30 to 9 p. m. 1. The Water Production Exhibition2. A Glutton Tukeu for a Thief. 3- An Evil Day. 4. A Customs Officer Bewitched. 5. Au Old Man’s Darliug6. Tom Removes. 7. The Cause of Faith.
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  • 231 6 Above tbe suggestive initials “G. M.” in tbe Time* appears the following story of Swinburne and Omar Kbayvam “Tennyson in tbe height of bis fame could write of envy of a youngster’s first effort. Swinburne was as whole hearted and as prompt, and iu his case
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  • 616 6 Ever since the Treaty between Siam and England by which the former ceded Kedah, KelantaD, Tnnggauu, etc to the latter, speculation has been rife amongst official circles as to whom the positions of the respective heads of these States would be assigned aud the public tnind has
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  • 795 6 And Some Educated Hooligans. Mr. Kmr Hardie addressed a public meeting at Bedford, last month, under the aegis of the local branch of the Independent Labour Party, and enjoyed what may be described as a mixed reception, though in the intervals he was able to work off
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  • 117 6 Penan». 23rd June. (By courtesy oj the Chartered Rank.) London Demand Bar. K ...2/3}-* 4 months’ sight Ban v .-2/4^ 3 Credit 3 Documentary ...2/4} Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs 174* 3 Jays’ eight Privat.» 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 1744 Mmimeir., Demand Bank 174 i days’ B'ght Privai*- 176 Madras,
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  • 184 6 Gold Leaf 161-8» B. Pcq er( W.Coast 31b5.5 oz.) no stock White IV-pp»-! $l7 —sellers prang Peppei 13 50 sales Clove* out of season Mace 73. —buyers Mare PicV'ntff 66.50 sales Nutmeg». 1108 17.25 sales No 1 6.25 sales Sugar < 2 no stock (.Basket 4.10 nominal Tipioct Flour
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  • 188 6 Penang, 23rd June, 1909. Bee»— cl Soup ,er catt' 14 Roast 24 Strike 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail «well 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart >• 30 Liver per catty 35 Pork Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head 20 Feet 24 Tongue
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  • 1288 6 a I (Mil 3 j Number of p C o S z j Caital. Shares It» P-tider'’* \hh»> J|j *3 :j I ,l ,ue i Is• 1 X <S S I LjJ— «5 I Mining. 1903 5 300,000 30,000 10 110 12 for yeur ending 31/3/09)Belat Tin Mining Co.,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 72 6 An American Newspaper Man Recommends a Well Known Remedy. Not long since “the editorial appeared in the Centertowu, Missouii, U S. A header: “Theeditor knows by personal ex patience that. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Ditrrbcei Remedy will euro diarrheer, and we have heard like testimonials ftom other reliable peop'e
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    • 152 6 Colic and Diarrhoea Cured. After an hour’s suffering from cramp colic or diarrhoea, the best remedy obtainable can not give relief too qu'cklv. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and D arrloea Remedy is the bast medicine in use for these ills. It always g ves prompt relief even in the most severe
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    • 150 6 Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANUS, BUTTERY Co. AGENTS FOB PfzNANO F. M. S. THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES, Sandllands, fiultery d Co “SLEDGE BRAND” MILK. Absolutely Pure* Every single tin guaranteed good. BY ROYAL WARRANTS SINOE 1848. JOHN BEGG’S WHITE CAPSULE SCOTCH WHISKY.
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  • 874 7 l)r. Morrison’s Humour. The Yokohama Foreign Board of Trade entertained Mr. Cbirol, the foreign editor of the Time», and Dr. Morrison at their annual dinner. Replying for The Press Dr. Morrison said He had to crave their indulgence; he was considerably embarrassed. The f ct was that be
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1243 7 INSURANCES. Th0 peoang Khean Guan Insurance Co., Ltd, H .0 OfflC» NO. 31. K.ACH 8TK..T. Hi HOARD OF DIRBCTOR8. Mr Cheah Choo Yew Quab Beng Kee Kbaw Joo Tok Yeob Geok Heat KhooHun Yeang Kboo Boon Phay Ho Teang Wan Mr.Lim Teang Hooi Tan Teang Swee Tan Kim Leong KhooBengCbin
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    • 163 7 Ciet It To-day. I)o nut repeat your family. Chamberlain’» Co' c, (Jholera ami Diarrhoea Remedy is su eto bo needed when least expected. It costs but a small amuuut to keep tbit rued ciue always on hand and it is economy in the end The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 915 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Cu. t Pha US.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. KtffllDlK* AT A'o. 21a, Penang Road. FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC. A few doors from tbe Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mtha TEA TEA SOLE AGENTS FOR PENANG, PATERSON, SIMONS Co., Ltd.
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