Straits Echo, 22 June 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1091 1 SOLE AO ENTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT. B3M ffi w i f>7 i u s tp o x dfe hg&s 's ’3IV S.SSVB TIANQ LEE A 00. (banks the Eastern Shipping 'bartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Company, Ltd., (ENGINE WORKS AND DOCKYARD.) Engineers, Shipbuilders, Brass Iron Pounders. Engineering Appliances Fittings
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    • 28 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. A C^> O Of >s. V > re* < I Xi V r e 07/ SV.fIV'A 'TIANG LEE A Co. t Soie Agent*.
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  • 1003 2 The Italiaus have every reason to be proud of the latest, development of their State finances. The conversion of their national debt of 8 milliards of lire, which was carried through 3 years ago, and the re gular surplus shown bv the budget since that period would
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  • 151 2 Figures for First Five Months. The comparative statement of cultivated rubber exported from the Federated Malay States during the years 19)9 and 1998 gives the following statistics a•g I s s O X ZZ 2 t: o o -.2 25* 6-1 W E ft SB
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 72 2 An American Newspaper Man Recommends a Well Known Remedy. Not, loan since the following editorial appeared in tho Centertown, Missouri, U. S. A Leader: "The editor knows by personal exp3rienc3 that Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will cure diarrhoea, aud we have heard like testimonials from othor reliable people
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    • 429 2 Colic and Diarrhoea Cured. After an hour's suffering from cramp colic or diarrbcei. the best remedy obtainable can not give lelief too qu;ckiv Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and D arrlcei Remedy is the best medicine in use for these ills. It always gives proupt relief even in the most severe and
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    • 2395 2 TENDERS FOR REVENUE FARMS. TENDERS are invited for the lease of Revenue Farms in the Stale of North Borneo from the Ist January, 1910, as set out hereunder. REVENUE FARMS IN THE STATE OF NORTH BORNEO. 1. In making arrangements for the leasing of the Farms for the next Farm
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  • 29 3 Vemeh Firm Agmi» Dtn Lutzow Iv'e'st De’ta Devauha Simjapore Colombo Colombo ingapore B.M.ACo. B.M A Co A G AOo \.G ACo. 22ndJ jue 23rd 1st July 3rd
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  • 26 3 J rtfrh F.r A v* it* f T,utz)w Colombo B M ACo June. Kleist B M.ACo. De'ta Singapore G ACo. July. Devaoha Colombo \.(i &Co.
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  • Shipping.
    • 77 3 Slavonia, Ger. s.s., 2.829, Peter, 21st June, Colombo, 16th June, Geu—B. M. A Co. Sardinia Br. s.s 4,126, Talbot, 21st June, London, 22nd May, Gen-—A. G. A Co Stalzengels, Ger. s.s, 3,554. Schmidt, 21st June, Newcastle, (N. S. W.) 2nd June, Coal.—McAlister Co. Cornelia. Br. s s 14 >.
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    • 49 3 22nd June Petrel, for Pangkalan Brandan. Perak, for Deli. Leong Ho. for Traug. Sree Bangka, for Batu Bahra. Fuhwoh for Laugkat. Sexta, tor Singapore and Hongkoug. Pin Seng, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Sappho, for Teluk An*on Reael, for SingaporeIpok. for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Mambang, for Setul.
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    • 263 3 For Pang Nga and Trang—Per Deli, tomorrow, 1 p m. Singapore. China and Japan—Per Kleitt to-morrow, Ipm. Teluk Ansou—Per Cornelia, to-morrow, 2 pm. Deli—Per Malaya, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Dindings—Per Tong Chay Un, to-morrow, 4 Tongkah —Per Malacca, 24th instant, 1 p.m. Port Swettenham. Port Dickson and Malacca—Per
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  • 192 3 Per I G. M. 8.8. Kleist, from Hamburg, May 2). due at Penang on 23rd June To Penang Mr. J. C. Kroese. To Singapore Mrs. W. G. Darby, Mias G. Harsman. Mr. S. J. Hartley, Mr. A. P. M. Wilking. Per P. and O. sB. Mantua,
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  • 33 3 P. 0. SAILINGS. Mail Service Outwards. Hourwakuh Delta 1 July Devanha 3 July Delhi 15 Delta 31 Extra Service. Outwards Homewards. Syria 6‘ July I Poona 26 June Sumatra 20 Namur 8 July
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 923 3 Pi 0. Steam Navigation Coy. erected Arrival» »nd Departure» Mail Service. Outward. I i 1 Delta connaotiog with Mantua V&llu do Mongolia JS Caledonia do. Marmora Devanha do. iforea Homeward. n%> Connect iDg SUimer. wilh s.S. Due London. July 3 \Devanha 17 A'taye 31 Delta China Aug. 1 Macedonia j
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    • 470 3 (SHIPPING- NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL. LINE. «V S m m L> s -r x T *oT -z CTt£>.r*T*n 1 ff 'I «HE fast and well-known ma.. ueime*»* o t h's Company sail for.n'ghtly from Bremen, Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, G ibra 1 :tar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples, (connection
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  • 96 4 J -Mr* mtUflea enrybod; and notice al*ne ■'«hllutiori dull* •»nnri»v«-» CRITERION TRESS, Ll<l., No. 226—232, Beach Street. Panama PRIOR DAII>T liOt’A 1 IJ4 wr annnn OUTBTATIONB M FoaUff* Ixtrs. MAIL BDITION (Port Fr*e) «II OAKI.R A l»l)R KBS Penang.” T*l*pbon* No. HAS jr.j,—All bastneas eommanlcaUoaa tboald be
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  • 1298 4 The Echo has pleasure in announcing that Straits Chinese are taking a sympathetic interest in the Hongkong University Scheme. At Penang, in particular, some Chinese philanthropists with a warm side to the cause of education have already promised handsome donations, and it is considered a
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  • 186 4 The following business iu tin has been done to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange, 25 tons at $67 45 Eastern Smelting Co., 25 67 82| Straits Trading Co, 100 67.82£ Singapore Straits Trading Co, 60 67 82j Total... 210 tons. Tin is quoted in London to-dav
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  • 468 4 A LADY IN IT. Hearing Fixed for Friday. Soon after Mr. Nunn took bis seat this morning. Mr. Samuel, of the firm of Messrs. Presgravn and Matthews, mentioned the case of Lim Chee Saing, who is charged, as the readers of the Echo are aware, with
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  • 534 4 Gives a Policeman Thick Ear. Reports have from time to time, appeared in the Echo, concerning the circumstances under which Nem Bee, a Malay woman who lived in Perak Road, met her death. It will be rememberer! that Aisha, who is said to be of Arab extraction,
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    • 368 4 To the Editor op tub Straits Ecua Sir. As Agents of the Malay Peninsular Agricultural Association and financial agents for the purpose of obtaining Tamil labour through the Immigration department fora large majority of the estates in the Colony and the Federated Malay States we desire to makn
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  • 356 4 A Threatening Malay. On the 14'h inst, Inspector O’Neill charged a Malay, Pacbee bin Mahomed, with attempting to cause hurt. He mentioned to the Court that the accused madly threatened to cut people with a knife; that he bad heard from the relatives of the accused
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 284 4 {THE CRAG HOTEL.! SANATORIUM. PENANG HILLS.! “As good an Hotel as any in the Straits.” —Singapore Free Press, 27th Marcb X SARKIES BROTHERS, t Proprietors. NORTHAM HOUSE PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, H. BODOM, Photographic Artist, 15, NORTHAM ROAI) (Corner of Transfer Road.) Photographs taken throughout the day. Portraits of the Highest technical
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    • 31 4 (iotiosail provokes neither discomfort, complications, nor nausea. It is the happiest scientific combination of best East Indian Sandalwood oil and Kawa Kawa. Bottles of 40 capsules at all chemists and dealers
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    • 74 5 (Supplied by Reuler.) Newspaper Fund Started. London, 21st June.—Tbe Morning Pott has received a donation of £2.000 with which to open a fund for the presentation to the Nation of the best dirigible balloon that can l>e purchased abroad. It is now appealing for £21.0J0
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    • 235 5 (Supplied by Reuter Great Britain Proposes Arrangement. London, 21st June—The Washington Pott says that Great Britain’s reply to America with regard to the Szechwan loan suggested that the American Financial Syndicate should arrange matters with the English aud other foreign banks interested, instead of re-opening the
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    • 51 5 (Supplied by lieuter Intelligent Anticipation l London, 21st June.—The Daily Mail reports that the Surz Caual Company is in negotiation with the Egyptian Government for the prolongation ot' t heir concession, and that it proposes to increase its capital in order to construct a second aud parallel
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    • 31 5 (Supplied by Reuter To Visit His Colleagues. London. 21st June—The Standard says that the Sultan will tour the European Courts in the autumn, arriving in England early in December.
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    • 77 5 (Supplied by Renter.) Parliament Busy With Finance Bill. London, 22nd June—The House of (Commons has gone iu‘o Committee on the Finance Hill, which consists of 74 clauses. The amendments proposed cover 138 pages As no “guillotine” resolution Ims been passed, no limit can be set to the duration
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    • 39 5 (Supplied by Reuter By King Next Month. London, June 22—The King will review tbe massed Fleet at Cowes on the 31st July. His Majesty has expressed a wish that the members of Parliament tie specially invited.
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    • 22 5 (Supplied by Reuter In Auguat. London, June 22.— The Tsar is expected to visit England on August Ist.
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    • 45 5 (Supplied by Reuter A Tax on Kadiiim. London, 22nd June.—Lord Iveagh announces that Sir Ernest Caßsei has ordered seven-and a-half grammes of radium from the British metaliferous mines in Cornwall for the Ktdiura Institute. The price works out at £114,000 per ounce.
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  • 696 5 Walker’s Everyday Cookery Book. This book, prepared for the Straits Sct'le mentB and F. M. S. by Mrs. Walker of Ipoh, has reached us for review. The author has sixteen years experience of this part of the world, aud before long naa obliged to note the fact that
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  • 1006 5 [By Galloway for the Echo .J There was a fair number of spectators on the course this morniug, among whom 1 noticed Mr. O it. L Maguee the wellknown and deservedly-popular Deli sportsman, owner of Bruce and Griffin No. 9. The Selangor candidates put in some strong work,
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  • 503 5 (From Our Own Correspondent j I Juue 21st. In Australia. Mr. \V- H. Munroe. lately of Messrs. McAlister Co., Tongkab, is now iu Aus- tralia. Address to Siam’s Kim?. With reference to the presentation of an illuminateil address enclosed ia a sillier casket to His Majesty. the King
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  • 149 5 A RRIVKD. Ter s-s. Sardinia. 21st Juuo, from Colombo Mr. C. 11 McCilium. Per s.s Malaya, 22 nd Juue. from Dali Mess s Safier, Johnson. Baron van Dadein Reans, Westeuberg and Stanley, Mr. aud M r». T- v<n Vol'eahoven. Mr. and M*s C Hick and child. Misses R>chusten and
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  • 102 5 To-dat. sth Day of s?h Moon Leu cue Football C. R C. vs. Anglo Chinese. Esplanade. Town Band. Golf Club, 6 to 7 p.m. The Now Japanese Cineinatocrapli, cniue* of Campbell S*rept aud Peßanc Road, 7-30 pm. and 9 10 pin. Wayauc Komedi Indian Ratoe, ’lek Soon Theatre, 8
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  • 17 5 China Lntiovo ...22nd June. German Kleitt ...23rd English (Delta l 1st July. China Devanha) 3rd
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  • 19 5 First Quarter June 26ih O Full Moon July 3rd I ih.»i Qii'irtw 10th O New Moon 17fb
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 39 5 A Remedy that Never Fail». No matter how severe an attack of diarrhoea may be, Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy never fails to pive relief. You cannot afford to be without it The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 46 5 It lias been satisfactorily demonstrated that thousands of persons hare to thank GoHOSitll for restoration to health and happiness. It is ast r ini'eot and antiseptic and has never been known to fail \t all dealers in Patent Medicines and Chemical in bottles of 40 capsules.
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    • 542 5 THE NEW JAPANESE CINEMATOGRAPH. TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT!! GRAND PROGRAMME. Ist Show, 7 30 to 9 p. in. 1. A Corsican Chastisement. 2. That Awful Mother-in-law. 3. A Tragic Rivalry. 4. Di ibolical Itching. 5. A Corsican’s Daughter. 6. 1 Never Forget the Wifo. 7. '1 he Child of the Regiment. 8.
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    • 645 5 JNT OTICE To Employers of Tniuil Labour. July Ist, 1909, free passages for labourers and tbeir families from South India will only be provided on condition that no advance made to the labourer before arrival at bis place of employment and no portion of the expense incurred in bringing him
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  • 39 5 Obituary. {Supplied by Reuter.) i Famous Juris!. London, 21st June.— Frederick de Martens, the famous Russian jurist and authority on international law, has died at the age oi 64. He was on a journey to Livonn at the time.
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  • 1537 6 The soft October mist fell gently on the worn old figure as Margaret YVillden—known in the village, even among her content- poraries, as Old Marg'ret —straightened herself and tried to excite her dulled hearing to catch the faintest sound of the strokes of six from the church clocks. There
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  • 105 6 The following unclaimed letters and unclaimed telegrams are lying at the General Post Office: Letters. Allix, M. Harrop, J. B. Anderson, J. D. Howe, R. Annesley, Mrs. Margrett, F. W. Andersen, G. J. Morgan, J. Bradley, Capt. F. Muucini, N. A. Carnelly, S. W. Preedy, W.
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  • 83 6 Total Export to Date. The abstract of the total tin exports from the four Stat‘B during the months of January to May is as follows Output Duty 1909 pikuls 3u9 320.66 $2,605,075 12 1908 346 344 38 $2 *****0 22 Decrease 37.023 72 $351,095 10
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  • 118 6 Psw&we. 22nd Jvni. (By court*»y oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...2/3}-* 4 months’ sight Ban» ..2 4 i w 3 Credit I Documentary ...2/4} Calcutta, Demand Bank Its 174} 3 days’ sight PrivHr* 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174} Moulnuein, Demand Bank S days’ sight Privat* 176 Madras,
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  • 188 6 Gold Leaf 161.8) B. Pepj er(W.Coast 31b>.5 oz.) no ttoek White Pepper 317. tellers Trang Pepper 13.50 tales Cloves out of season Mice 73.—buyers Mace Picking* 66.50 sales Nutmegs 110 s 17.25 sales CNo 1 6.25 tales Sugar < 2 no ttoek (Basket 4.10 nominal Tipiocb Flour 1.72} tales
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  • 196 6 Pbnah«, 22nd Junb, 1909. Bbef— et Soup per catty 14 Roast Steaks .m 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 35 Pork— Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head 20 t eet m 24 Tongue
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  • 7 6 ANTHONY AND ANDERSON, Exchange Short Broken.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 33 6 I)r. Friedlaender testifies that UoilOHan exerts a favorable influence in removing complications and haemorrhage; also more rapid and satisfactory results are obtained by it than by any othor preparation of Sandalwood oil etc.
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    • 128 6 Get It To-day. Do not neglect vour family. Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is sure to be needed when least expected. It costs but a small amount to keep this ojedicine always on hand and it is economy in the end. The George Town D spensary. Wholesale Agents. Cheap
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    • 139 6 Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. AGENTS FOR PGNANQ F. M. S. THE CELEBRATED ‘‘S. B. Co.” GIN IN RE2D CASES. Sandllands Buttery Co “SLEDGE BRAND" MILK. Absolutely Pure* Every single tin guaranteed good. Obtainable from all the Retail Stores. BY ROYAL WARRANTS SINGE 1848. JOHN
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  • 74 7 Kindly permit us to rub our eyes. "It is not too much to say,” writes Lord Nortbcliffe, from Berlin, to one of his own organs, that accouutsof phantom Qerman airships alleged to be Hying over England and the North Sea, freely telegraphed here each day, are placing Euglaud
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  • 317 7 By a majority of two to one the Divisional Court has decided against Canon Thompson on his writ of prohibition directed to Sir Lewis Dibdin, principal of the Cautei feury Court of Aiches, and to Mr. Alan Banister and his wife, to refrain
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  • 515 7 The new race-course iu the Gruuewald, which is to lie opened by the Emperor on the 23rd of May, is, including Hoppegarteu. Karlshorst, and Straussberg, the fourth arena near Berlin for sporting meetings, to say nothing of trotting matches which have a course of their own- This
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1257 7 INSURANCES. The Penang Khean Ouan THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE C o L m Insurance Co., Ltd. iFOR SALE^ It D OfflO» NO. !1 TR *»T. BOA ED or DIRECTOR*. dr.Cbeab Cboo Yew Quab Ben# Kc 3 Kbaw Joo T«>k Yeob Oeok Heat t Khoo Hun Yeang Kboo Boon I’hay
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    • 96 7 Fain in tlic Stomach. It is most annoying, as well as disagreeable, to be troubled with p-tins iu tbe stomach, and there is no ueed of it, for one dose of Cbamberk’u's Co! c, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Reui‘dy will al'ay tbe pain. Try it ncc9 and b? couvinced. Tbe George
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 897 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Cu., Pha, US.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. KMBIOIM* AT /Vo. 2la, Penang Road. A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mthi. FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PUNTERS, ESTATES, ETC. Large Check Roll Books of 200 leaves. Price, $8 each. TEA
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