Straits Echo, 2 June 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1141 1 TIANQ LEE Oo. vmfe,.. s a a O CO 0 a •LV\ V O m w. c/3 oo Z C/3 r <2 -o 2 V& m AVv A a 09 ;5QLfi AOEKTS. THE Eastern Shipping Company, Ltd., (ENGINE WORKS B A H K S AND DOCKYARD.) Engineers, Shipbuilders, Brass Iron
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    • 29 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. NOddfN 4 Y 7 cs ar O) > CD 9> >6 <V 3 'r. Ml £q rOKTO >TIANO LEE A Co,, Sate A|u<«.
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  • 488 2 The question of a lare**r and a cheaper source of raw material for the making of paper has for some time been a subject of study among experts, since it is now generally admitted that the quantity of available wood* pulp, which for many years filled up
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  • 375 2 New Treatment of Timber. The American Consul of Managua for wards to his Government an article from a daily newspaper of Bluefields explaining a new process for safeguarding timber against the ravages of the white aut. The article reads; A new process has been discovered for warring
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 71 2 An American Newspaper Man Recommends a Well Known Remedy. Not loop since the following editorial appeared in the Centertown, Missouii, U S. A Leader: “Theeditor knows by personal experience that, Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diirrbcei Kennedy will cure diaribcer, and we have heard like testimonials from other reliable people in
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    • 2497 2 B y* "K 5-bo 15 x 3 C O' T Qj Orf <1 as V ft a® crtc ro c as a* ffl C-> i D .—'<1 8 1 IK h\9 1 D 8 < -<S >-n r*i 1 c s ffl'fcoiR tt K. »"3 OC P 'I ff '<
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  • 41 3 Yettelt P’ron: A g* nts Dm Deranha Colombo A G ACo. Hrd June. Oceana Singapore A G ACo. 5th Piidz Eitel Fr edricb Singapore B M.ACo. 8 b Yorck Colombo B.M ACj 9th Benworlich London S B ACo. 10th
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  • 32 3 fttieli For Aii cut* Lt vf' Devaoha Singapore AG A Co. June. Oceana Colombo A .G ACo. PriDz Eitei Friedrich Colombo B.M ACo. Yorck Singapore B-M.ACo. Beuworlicb Singapore S B ACo.
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  • Shipping.
    • 100 3 Petrel, Br. as., 124, Allan, Ist Juue. Tongkah, 31st May, Gen.—E. 8. Co., Ltd. Omapere, Br. s.s., 340. Bell. Ist June. 'JTavoy, 26th May, Gen—E. S. Co., Ltd. Avagyee, Br. a a., 247, Campbell, Ist Juue. Tongkah, 31st May, Gen —E. S. Co-, Ltd Teesta, Br. a s., 3,428,
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    • 44 3 2nd Jons. Teesta, for Negapatam and Madras. Deli, for Trang aud Tang Nga. Cornelia, for Teluk Ansou. Tong Chay Un, for Bindings. Lai Sang, for Calcutta. Flying Fish, for Port Weld and Taiping Devanna. for Singapore, Cl iaa and Japau Calypso, for Deli.
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    • 118 3 Fo* Pangkalan Brandan—Per Petrel, tomorrow, 11 Port S wet ten bam. Port Dickson aud Malacca—Per Ban Whatt Soon, to-morrow, 11 a.m. Deli—Per Perak, to-morrow, 11 a m. Trang—Per Leong Ho, to morrow, 11 a m. Tongk'ih—Per Vorwarts, to-morrow, 11 a.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore—-Per Taroba, to-morrow, 11
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  • 311 3 Per I\ aud O. s s. Macedonia, connecting with the Devanha at Colombo, due at Penang on 3rd June To Penang (from Loudon, May 7) Mr. C. B. Ussher (from Marseilles, May 14) Mr. and Mrs. J. Horeon (from Brindisi, May 16) Mr. E S. Hose.
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  • 35 3 P. 0. SAILINGS. Mill Service Outwards. Homswardb Devanha 3 June I Oceana 5 June Aetaye 17 Delhi 19 Extra Service. Outwards Homk wards. Malta 8 June I Pern 31 May. Sardinia 22 Somali 10 June
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 586 3 P.&O. Steam Navigation Coy Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outward. June 3 Devanha connecting with 17 Aemye do. July 1 Delta do. 15 Delhi do 29 Caledonia do. Aug. 12 Devanha do. Macedonia Moldavia Mantua Mongolia Marmora Morca Homeward. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. let Olaw tad Ulan l’o London
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    • 499 3 <JS HIPPING,) NORDDLUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL. GERMAN MAIL LINE. SO* MS VK ae mipMp V ?sae>^BE C? r T H w a i6 a d this Comply St -M fonuightly from Bremen. rrnnn«2r m0U I? Vla otter^ T am Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples &K ,0n T> Marsei^ s
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  • 96 4 J wtlrt ««.tlrfleK everybody end Jnitlre tleee -*»«<*. »'nhH«-h“d rtRUy («Tiwpi NnmUyO V 1 CRITERION TRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penang PRICK HAIM MMIAI tM per «innni OUTSTATIONR Poatage litre. VAIL lIMTION (Poet Free) 915 CAHI.B AI)I>K HBS Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343 A.A.—All bnetne** Potmnanicatlon# eboald
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  • 1028 4 William Watson, who writes poetry aud essays, has just written of John Davidson, who used to do similar things until he mysteriously disappeared, leaving a letter threatening suicide, that he died because he could not make a living.’* Mr. Watson accuses the nation of criminal neglect.
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  • 73 4 The following business iu tin has been done to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange, 50 tons at $66.55 Eastern Smelting Co., 100 66 87J Straits Trading Co., 150 66 87£ Singapore; Straits Trading Co., 75 66 92 Total... 375 tons. Tin is quoted in London to-day
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  • 506 4 A wire has been received in Penang stating that dredge No 2 working 482 hours, obtained 482 pikuls of ore, and that dredge No. 3, working 469 hours, obtained 590 pikuls. Time was lost on account of idlers New idlers are expected this week. A
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  • 862 4 Second Ordinary General Meeting. The second ordinary general meeting of tbe Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd held in its registered office, F M. S. Railway Buildings, on Saturday last, at 3 30 p. m. The Chair was occupied by Mr. H. .lessen, Managing Director. After
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  • 915 4 Crescent Football Club vs. St. Xavier’B Institution. The Crescents and St Xavier’s Institution met in their League match ou the Esplanade yesterday afternoou before a large concourse of spectators. From start to finish the game was well contested, each side proving equ illy strong in the first half
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 682 4 NOTICE. IS hereby given that we, the uudersigued Lam Hor Tuck aud Lam Hor Choy, have this day sold our interest iu the sauce manufacturing business kuowu as Chop Bee Hoang, at Cintra Street. Penang, to Koe fc'oo Huan, and that we shall no longei be lea pon Bible for
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    • 48 4 Get It To-day. Do not neglect your family. Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is sure to be needed when least expected. It costs but a small amount to keep this medicine always on hand and it is economy in the end. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Ageuts.
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    • 39 4 A Remedy that Never Fails. No matter how severe an attack of diarrhoea may be, Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy never rails to give relief. You cannot afford to be without it. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 35 5 [Echo Special.) Football and Cricket. Kuala Lumpur, 1st June.—In the football match against Perak, Selangor scored two goals and Perak two. U cricket, Selangor went in first and compiled 221. Perak 137.
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    • 94 5 Supplied by lteuter.) Midnapur Priaoners Win Appeal. London, 2nd June—A sensation has been caused at Calcutta owing to the High Court, on appeal, acquitting three Midnapur prisonerg who bau been sentenced to imprisonment. Reuter's last word on this subject was on Mhv 7th, when he said: The trial
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    • 54 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) German Progress Didn’t Excuse Panic. London. Ist Juno—The Civil Lord of the Admiralty (George Lambert) speaking at Bishop’s Nymptou, in Devonshire, said it. had now been ascertained that it was impossible for Germauv to have seventeen Dreadnought» ready by July, 1911. So far only
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    • 68 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Zeppeliu’s Splendid Feat. Loudon. 2nd June—Count Zeppelin was landing to replenish his petrol when he collided with a tree. Ninety feet of the balloon’s framework was ripped up and the forward rudder destroyed. Germany is wild with enthusiasm over the feat of travelling nearly 600 miles
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    • 39 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Mr. Beak in Forming New Ministry. Loudon, 2nd June—A telegram from Melbourne states that the Governor-General haviug refused to order the dissolution of Parliament, the Cabinet, resigued Mr. Deakin is lormiug a new Ministry.
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    • 25 5 (Supplied by Reuter lau Hamilton Gazetted. London, 2nd June. —Geueral Sir lan Hamilton has been gazetted Adjutant General to the Forces.
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    • 169 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Turks Intervening. London, 2nd June.—The Times correspondent at Teheran reports that Turkish regulars have occupied Persian territory at Sujbulak near the frontier. Reuter’s correspondent at Tabriz says a large force of Turks is stated to be about to occupy Khoy Salmas, Urumia. The district officer of
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  • 4060 5 THE ASSIZES. (Before Mr. Justice Braddell.) Alleged Forgery. Complainant in the Box The case against Joseph buutb and a Malay, named Ismail, was begun in the Supreme Court befoie Mr. Justice T. de M Braddell yesterday, when we published in full the charges against the two accused. The
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  • 326 5 A Word with Investors. During tbe past week m >re than one correspondent who has sought our adv’ee with regard to Plantation Rubber shares ha? raised tbe pont as to such investments being of a wasting character, writes the Financier. The idea that a rubber plantation, uuder capable management.
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  • 180 5 The painful death of a small child by an explosion in extraordinary circumstances is rep>rted from Nagasaki. A tiny boy named Yamashita Tesusuke, aged 2, living at Hoahika-maru, Nagasaki, was playing with lus sister aged five, on tbe beach near their home, when the lb tie fellow
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  • 150 5 The Chiueso community intend sending home to the Secretary of State for the Colo nies a long petitiou protesting against the recently passed law making spitting in public places a crime, says tbo S. C Morning Pott The prayer of the petitiou will ask that
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  • 114 5 Porto Hican Assembly Hit Hard by Taft’s Message. The message sent to Congress by President Taft anent the situation in Porto Rico came as a thunderbolt out of a clear sky to the islanders. There seemed to have been no thought ou the part of the assembly that
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  • 95 5 Arrived. Per ss. Perak, Ist June, fiom Deli Mr. De Gong. Per s Teesta, 2nd June, from Port Swettenham Mr. O. P. Gnffi'h-Joues. From Singapore: Messrs. E P. Holloway, J. C. Holinberg. L R. Laziroo, Ong Cboon Nooh and children. Saw Wbce Eang, Tan Chong Kee and F. G.
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  • 85 5 To-dat. 15th Day of 4th Moon. League Football Mohammedans vs. Free School, Victoria Green. Town Baud. Esplanade. 6 to 7 pm. The New Japanese Cinematograph, corner of Campbell Slrret and PeHang Road, 7-30 pm. and 910 p.m. Grand Change of Programme The Great World Circus, McAlister Road. To-moreow. 16th
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  • 17 5 English (Dtvanha) ..3rd June China (Oceana) ...sth China (P E. Friedrich) ...Bth German Yo*ck) ...9th
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  • 17 5 O Full Moon June 4th Last Quarter lDh O New Moou 18'b Firs* Quarter 26th
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 72 5 Colic and Diarrhoea Cured. I After an hour's suffering from cramp colic or diarrbcei, the best remedy obtainable osn not give relief too quickly. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is the I)®#*, medicine in urb for these ilia. It always Rives prompt relief even in the most seveie and
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    • 43 5 According to all accounts we have the assurance that (jotlOHan is one of the most valuable discoveries of modern pharmacology and is far ahead of all preparations of Copaiba, Cubebs, etc. It is the safest and most successful. At all Chemists and Dealers.
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    • 68 5 3NT OTICE. S hereby given that all the responsibility JL of Ho Lob Yee in Chop Geo Kee, No 370b, Chulia Street, carrying on business as a licensed place for chandu-smoking, having cea»ed on the 28th May, 1909. the said business has since been carried nu under the name of
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  • 1211 6 A Club Corner Causerie. i "Pen Away” (of Penang?) writes tbe following cheerful cauterie in tbe Singapore Free Press Jt was the half hour before dinner wbeu men at their club wax reflective over life and its handicaps Gleeson flung down the paper he was reading
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  • 178 6 The following unclaimed letters, etc-, are lying at the General Post Office Letter». Anderson, J. D. Harrop. J. B. Annesley, Mrs. Holgate, H. Allix, Maurice Keiser BannermaD, G. Kirk, T. Beatson, J. Munsini, N. A. Bradley. Capt. F. Morgan. J. Browulow, K. O. Moody. Capt. Carnelly,
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  • 125 6 Pmah*. 2nd June (By court ety of th* Ckart*r*M Hunk. London Demand Sunk .2/31 4 months’ sight Han* ..2 4y'„ 3 Credit ..2/ 4 T 3 Documentary ...2/4^ aumtta, t‘ein»nd hank Kb 174, S days sight Pn **-«•< 1/6 Boml ay. Demand hank 174 M 'nimein, Demand Dan! I*3
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  • 186 6 Gold Leaf 162.50 B. Pep) er(W.Coast 31b5.5 oz.) no stock White Pepper $16.25 buyers Trang Pepper 12.75 tales Cloves out of season Mice 73. buyers dare Pick*r,-« 66.50 sales Nutmeg* 110 s 17.50 sales SNo 1 6.65 sales 2 no stock Basket 3.80 sales T.pioc. Flour 1.55 sales _!cpra
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  • 1195 6 o 2 Number of S s Capital. Share* > j Dividends Name. *5 5 issued. a ’3 i s' I S Ou X aS o 1 cr_ 1903 300,000 30,000 10 10 10 for year ending 31/3/08 Belat Tin Mining $6 75 %7 Er div .907 300.000 22,500 10
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 25 6 The fimt violent inflammatory symptoms quickly disappear after treatment with Riedel’s OoitOttatl Capsules. No better preparation uow on the market. Certited by •the leading Specialists-
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    • 71 6 1909 MODELS. DARRACQ MOTOR-CARS. as Single Cylinder Car, 7-9 H. P. Double Cylinder Cars, 8-10& 10-12 H. P. fl4-16H.P., Four Cylinder Cars, j Four Inch [26-36 H.P. Six Cylinder Car, 50 H.P, Gars complete with High-tension Magneto and Battery (dual ignition), Folding Glass Screen, Standard Cape Cart Hood, Horn with
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    • 106 6 COMMON SENSE m NUTSHELL. A new medical work on the causes most scientific St effectual means of self-cure ever discovered for nervous St functional debility, depression of spirits, &c., with practical observations on marriage and full directions for removing certain disqualifications that destroy the happiness of wedded life. It also
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    • 176 6 s> 3^ o r o NIPPON BREWERY THE DAI tf CP. LID TOKYO JAPAN V A C&MPfl The sale of Asabi Beer is rapidly increasing because the quality is faultless and those who have tried it appreciate it. Brewed from real Pi sen hops imported into Japan where labour is
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  • 1101 7 Tuesday the 27th, Thursday f/ie 29f/i, a/i</ Saturday J/s/ July, 1909 PROPOSED PROGRAMME. To be submitted to a Special General Meeting to be held on Monday, 7th June, 1909, at the rooms of the Penang Chamber of Commerce, at T-30 p.m. NOTICE.— No amendments
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  • 421 7 Pay, Pay, Pay.” Our Rural Board’s Charges. The following Schedule of Rates, Taxes and Licences payable to the Rural Board, Penang Island, as approved by the Governor in Council, is published for general information I.—Rates. On Buildings 10 per cent, of tbeannual value. On Land 5 per cent, of the
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  • 172 7 At Pilaivin, in Poland, is an enormous park of acclimatisation of 10,000 square hectares, a hectare being equal to 2 acres 1 rood 35 perches. It was lour years ago that Count Potocki enclosed this reserve with a palissade about eight feet in height, and at that
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 819 7 INSURANCES, The Penang Khean Guan Insurance Co., Ltd, H1AD OfVica No. 3». Hiaoh 8tbut, Picas*. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Mr.Cboah Cboo Yew Quah Beng Koe Khaw Joo Tok Yeoh Geob Keat Khoo Hun Kboo Boon Pbay Ho Teang Wan Mr.Lim Teang Hooi Tan Teang Swee Tan Kim Leong Khoo Beng Chin
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    • 240 7 Entries Close at F> p. in. on Thursday, loth July, (except for Race 9, Third Day, which closes as stated). Handicaps for First Day will bs published on or before Monday, 19th July, 1909. A penalty of 7 lb. is incurred in a handicap by the winner of any race
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    • 119 7 Fain in the Stomach. It is most annoying, :»s well as disagreeable, to be troubled with pains in tbo stomach, and there is no need of it, for one dore of Chamberlain’s Col e, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will allay the pain. Try it once and be convinced. The Qeorge
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 983 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr, Allen Co,, Pha U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Ccnsultatioa Free. EMIDIHC AT So, 21a, Penang Road. k few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mth*. TEA FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC. Large Check Roll Books of 200 leaves. Price* $8 each.
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