Straits Echo, 1 June 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1207 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. TIANQ LEE Co. HE PS <v a Or <2 /v £A SOLE AOEKTS. BASS’S ALE. BANK!» THE Eastern Shipping Company, Ltd., (ENGINE WORKS 3hartared Bank of India, Hongkong Shanghai Australia and China. Banking Corporation ANI) DOCKYARD.) INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital Rocarve Fund Reserve Liability of
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    • 23 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. UQddfN ■m Y s > CD 7* i-4 > ft r** Tom TIANQ LEE A Co., Soto AgeaU,
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  • 1451 2 In tb&t direction,’ the Cat said, waving t foil right paw round, lives a Hatter and in that direction/ waving the other paw, live» a March Hare. Visit either you like; they are both mad/ If Alice’s adventures bad led her to the show-room of a fashionable
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 49 2 Get It To>day. Do not. neglect your family. Chamberlain's Colic. Choltra and Diarrl cea Reme>ly m sure to bo ueedel when least expected. It coats hut a small amount to keep this medicine always on hand and it is economy mi the end. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 333 2 An American Newspaper Man Recommends a Well Known Remedy. Not long since the following editorial appeared in the Centertown, Missouri, U S. A., Leader The editor knows by personal experience that Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will cure diarrhoea, and we have heard like testimonials from other reliable people
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    • 1994 2 FOE NEARLY TWO CENTURIES MAKTELL’S BRANDY HAS KNOWN BUT ONE QUALITY, THE BEST. YOU KNOW IT BY THE BLUE AND SILVER LABEL. WE LEAD Why? E C u We Offer You the Easiest Terms. We Always Have a Large Selection. We Hold the Sole Agencies of Best Makes. We are
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  • 37 3 f'r.-.r* Ag'nJt D« 9 Devanha Colombo A G ACo. 3rd June. Oceana Singapore A G &Co. 5th Piinz Eitf-I Pnedrich Singapore B M.ACo. 8 h Yorck Colombo B M ACo 9th Benworlich London S.B&Co. 10th
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  • 29 3 V esael» For Adroit >r*> Devanha. Singapore A. G.ACo. June. Oceaua Colombo AGACo. Prinz Eitel Friedricb Colombo B.M ACo. Yorck Singapore B.M ACo. Beuwurlicb Singapoie SB ACo. 1
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  • Shipping.
    • 265 3 Teucer, Hr. b.n 5 805, Parkinson, 29th May, Liverpool, 2nd May, Gen.—W. M. A Co. Kentuck, Br. s s., 2,996, Paddle, 29ih May, Port Swettenham, 28th Mav, Gen. W. M. A Co. Segura, Br. ss 4.744, Hayes. 29th May, London, 26th Apr Gen. —B. 4 Co. Min, Br. ss,
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    • 39 3 ltx Jons. Jin Ho, for Langkat. Mary Austin, for Asahan. De Kock, for Deli. Flying Dragon, for Pulau Langkawi. Pin Seng, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Sappho, for Teluk Anson. Ipoh, for Port Swettenham and SingaporeMalaya, for Deli.
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    • 97 3 Pom Negapatam and Madras —Per Teesta, tomorrow, 10 a.m. Trang A Pang Nga—Per Deli, to-morrow, lpmTeluk Anson—Per Cornelia, to morrow, 2 pm. Dindings—Per Tong Chay Un, to morrow, 4 p m. Calcutta—Per Lai Sang, to-morrow, 4 p m. Singapore, China A Japan—Per Devanha, to-morrow. 5 p.m. Pangkalan Brandan—Per
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  • 311 3 Per P. and O Ba. Macedonia, connecting with the Devanha at Colombo, due at Penang on 3rd June To Penang (from Loudon, May 7) Mr. C. B Ussber (from Marseilles, May 14) Mr. and Mrs J. Hereon (from Brindisi, May 16) Mr. E S. Hose. To
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 516 3 P. 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Kxpwlwl Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outward. juiia 3 Devanha connecting 1 with Macedonia 17 A»»ayc July 1 Delta 15 D elhi do. do. do Homeward. Moldavia Mantua Mongolia June 5 Oceana 19 Delhi 3 Devanha Data. Steamer. July 17 A/saye 31 Delta Connecting with
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    • 375 3 (SHI PPIN G.) NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. IMFKKIAL GERMAN MAIL. LINE. e MS ■*X£ vi’: sjSMSSi *r, THE fast and woli-known mail b.mmt i s o' this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice versa) Port Said, Suez,
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  • 100 4 ;«ur« Ntlrilri every lody end Justice alene— Knhltaho.l ilm.ll y (e«<*i»p» Hnnriay*.' *T T B CRITERION TRESS, Lid., No. 226—232. Beach Street. Penang PRICEDAILY LOO A l |M pot »n>nn> OITTHTATIONH Postage B*t,r». KAIL EDITION (Poet Free) »11 OAHI.K ADDRHSS Echo —Penang.” TV.**pl one No. 343 H,B.
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  • 554 4 New Zealand’s offer of a Dreadnought or two to England turns out to have been an object lesson in disguise, and it may even have inspired the framer of the recent sensational Budget. The thing was very neatly done, and the moral of the story was not
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  • 151 4 “Eclat” in Northam Road. Holland House,” tbe handsome residence of Mr. Cheah Chen Eck, j.p.. in Northam Road, has been en fete since Sunday last, tbe occasion being tbe marriage of Mr. Chen Eok’s fourth son, Mr. Cheah Tat Tee, with Miss Lim Kwee Kim. daughter of
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  • 150 4 Inaugural Banquet. The millowueis of Penang have formed an association, of which Mr. Lim Joo Teik is Secretary, with Messrs. Lim Cheng '1 eik, Lim Eow TbooD, Chan Kye Sook and Khoo Sin Kboe as Committee, and Mr. Khoo Kok Soo as Auditor. The mills so tar
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  • 51 4 Municipal Employee Killed. We regret to announce the death of Mr. J. Magness. Water Inspector employed by the Municipality, which took place at tbe General Hospital at 1.30 p.m to day from fracture of the skull. His injury was a result of a trap accident this
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  • 429 4 The following business in tin has been done to day Singapore Straits Trading Co., 81 buyers, no sellers j Penang Penang Tin Exchauge, gg buyers, no sellers Straits Trading Co., qq buyers, no sellers Eastern Smelting Co., 25 tons at €6 85 Opium is quoted
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  • 935 4 P. C. 0. VS. P. R. C. The match between the two resident Clubs on the Esplanade last Saturday afternoon provided one of the most interesting contests iu the Cricket Tournament. Tbe P. R. C. strove gallantly to stop the winning career of tbe P. C. C. and
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  • 162 4 Presentation of Prizes. The Golf Club’s Tennis Tournament was brought to a successful conclusion on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Fox, wife of the Honorary Secretary, was invited by the President, Mr. C Guinness, to present the prizes, including those for golf, to the winners. Mrs. Dunn carried off
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  • 351 4 Bowls Tournament. The following ties have been fixed Tuesday. Double Handicap: Muir aud Houston vs. Keun a» d Owen. Single Handicap J. W. Hallifax vs. J. R. Brown. Wednesday. Championship: G E. Wright-Motion vs. Dr. J. S Rose H. Starr vs W. S. Goldie. The Committee have
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 765 4 WANTED. A MOTOR CAR DRIVER. Apply, with copies of testimonials, at the Public Works Department. (Sd F. J. PIGOTT. I*6-09 401 Deputy Colonial Engineer. NOTICE. THE interest and responsibility of Mr H. Hilton in the firms of Hiittenbach Bros, and Co.. Penang and Singapore, and Hiittenbach and Co., London, has
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    • 39 4 A Remedy that Never Fails. No matter bow severe an attack of diarrhoea may be. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy never fails to Rive relief. You cannot afford to be without it. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 38 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Fifty Death* Daily. London, Ist June —Reuter's correspondent at Amoy telegraphs that bubonic plague has broken out m various parts of Southern China. There were £0 deaths a day at Tsuentsin-
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    • 29 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Fine Speed Trial. London, 29 h May-—H. M. S. Invincible steamed from Queem-ferry to Spitheid at an average speed of 28 knots per hour.
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    • 112 5 Supplied by Reuter Stormy Meeting; in the Reichstag. London, 29th May.—A telegram from Berlin states that there was a stormy scene at the meeting of the Finance Committee in the Reichstag A minority of Radicals. Liberals and Socialists withdrew their protest of terrorisation against the majority
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    • 47 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Victory For England. London, 30th May —England won the tirst test match against the Australians, which was played at Birmingham, by 10 wickets. London, 31st May.—The Australians in their second innings scored 151. England followed with 105, no wicket down.
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    • 55 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Germany Still in Demand. London, 30th May—The Times c respondent at Shanghai states that the Chinese continue to ignore their obligations regarding British interests. The Provincial Railway Bureau has publicly advertised for tenders for the supply of locomotives for the Shang-liai-H inchow Ningpo Railway, limiting
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    • 23 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) May Visit Cornwall. London, 31st May —The Times states that the Kaiser will possibly visit Newquay this year.
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    • 26 5 (Supplied by Renter.) Mntnal Notea of Regret. Lond n, 31st May—France and Germany have signed notes of mutual regret over the Casablanca incident.
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    • 127 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Successful Trip by the Zeppelin Airship. London, 31st May.—Count Zeppelin’s new airship and a crew of ten left Lake Constance at. 920 o’clock on Saturday evening and reached Bitterfield. three hundred mile 3 away, at ten minutes past seven yesterday evening. In view of the rapid
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    • 33 5 Supplied, by Reuter Patten’s Wheat Corner. London. 31st May.—The Chicago gamMar, Patted, closed his wheat corner on May 7 h, with, it is stated, profits aggregating over a million sterling.
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    • 60 5 (Supplied by Reuter English Train Transport Successful. London, Ist June.—An important mobilization and railway test bus just come off successfully. The East Lancashire division of the Territorial Army, numbering 12,000 men, with 45 guns, 1,200 horses, and full equipment, was conveyed bodily to Salisbury Plain in tLirty-s
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    • 59 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Finance Bill Monopolises Rest of Session. London, 31st May —The text of the Government’s Finance Bill is of remarkable length aud complexity, and controversy over its details is expected to monopolise all the time of Parliament till the Prorogation. The Bill contains a few concessions,
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    • 34 5 (Supplied by R uter) Four Thousand Passengers Detained. London, 31st May.—Four thousand passengers are detained at Marseilles as a result of the strike. The employers still seem equally determined not to yield.
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    • 42 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Honoured Guest at Berlin. London, 31st May.—The Japanese Princes attended the annual parade of the Berlin garrison. Their presence was made the occasion of a gal» t winding up with a grand night at the opera.
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    • 42 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Preparations for Construction. London, Ist June—lt is stated in Ottawa that the Canadian Government will begin next year the construction of a fleet and the organization of a naval reservo. It is already negotiating with British firms.
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    • 355 5 (Supplied by Reuter Frenzied Politics. London, Ist June.—A sensation has been caused in Italy by a speech by Signor Marcora, the Presi lent of the Chamber, in which he urged an increase of military strength He said the fiftieth anniversary <f the glorious liberation of Lombardv ought to
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  • 380 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) A lor Star, May 28. A Shipping Case. Iu the District Consular Court, on Tu“s day last, before Mr. Meadows Frost, British Consul, Mr. C. T. Eades, Captain of the Tong Chuan. was sued by Tan Boon Tin, aud Lencbiang. a Siamese, for damaging
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  • 501 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) May 25'h. A meeting, at which H. E. Mom Chow Prak Depat, Luang Boriboon tha Government Treasure--, and several leading Chinese gentlemen were present, was held to day at the Opium Farm. It was decided that on and after the Ist prox mo,
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  • 489 5 THE ASSIZES. (Before Mr Justice Bradiell Alleged Forgery. When the postponed Assizes was resumed before Mr. Justice Braddel! in the Supreme Court this morning the case was begun of Rex vs. J seph Smith and Ismail. The charges against the defendants were as fol lows:— Charge Against Joseph
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  • 879 5 Annual Report. The Annual Report on the working of the Singapore and Krmji Railway, for the Year 1908. is as follows; The result of the yeat’s working shows a decrease ia the revenue of $8,594-39 compared with the year 19 '72 Pa-senger Traffij Receipts show a
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  • 204 5 Arrived. Per ss. Lui lula, 29th May, from Singa pore: Mrs. W. Seng Kee, Capt. Mouck Mason. Per s 8. Nnddea 30th May, from Rangoon Messrs. Chang Saw, Seng Hin, A MuckeDz e and the Great World’s Circus. Per ss. Malaya, 30th May, from Deli Messrs. Goldenbe'g, van der
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  • 96 5 To-day. 14th Dav of 4*b Moon. Whit Tuesday. Leigue Football St X»viei’s vs Cres cect Esplanade Towu Band. Golf Club, 9 15 pm. The New Japanese Cinematograph, corner of Campbell Street and Penang Road. 7-39 p in. and 9 1» p.m. The Great World Circu«, McAlister Road, Grand Opening
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  • 17 5 Enelish <Devanha) ...3rd June. China (Oceana) ...5th Chin;* (P K. Friedrich ...8th Qeriuau (Yorck) ...9th
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 73 5 Colic and Diarrhoea Cured. After an hour’s suffering from cramp colic or diarrhoea. the best remedy obtainable cin not give relief too quicklv. Chamberlain s Colic. Cholera and Diarrbce i Remedy is the best medicine in use for these ills. It always gives prompt relief even in the most severe
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    • 54 5 Fain in the Stomach. It is roost annryinp. as well as disagreeable, to be troubled with pains in the stomach, and there is no need of it, for one dose of Chamberlain’s Col e. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will allay the pain. Try it once and be convinced. The George
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    • 671 5 PENANG SALES ROOM BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE, TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At the Village of Maehang Bnboh, P.W., On Saturday, 5th June, 1909, AT 10 A M The following property belonging to LEE KIM CHOOI. All that piece of land messuages and here ditaments situate in Central
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  • 1158 6 Literary Man’s Parable. X WM walking in the district known as Notting Dale, looking for signs of the Millennium, when I saw on a poster these words, Wbj England and Germauy must go to war writes Mr. John Galsworthy in the Daily Mail. (Mr. Galsworthy’s plays
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  • 128 6 The following Indian prophecy, concerning the last days of the Kali Yug, or present age, seems woitb publishing at this juucture. It is out of the Ruraius. a portiou of Hindu scripture, date (circa) 1 000 b c The man who owns most gold And lavishly distributes
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  • 168 6 The hotel lodger has the privilege of being served with liquor in his hotel when the rest of the public are not supposed to have access to what a well-known publican used to call wet supplies, says a Brisbane paper. Not long ago it occurred to the
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  • 121 6 Puah«, Ist Jun* (By courtesy of V i" tjtumrtered. Thialr.t London Demand Sans 4 months’ sigh» ..2 4 T 3 Credit 2/V 3 Docuinentarv ...2/4/, aicutta, Demand bank Its 174 i days’ sigtit PI". 6 Bombay. Demand Hank 174 M mimem. Demand Bant I <3 days’ B»gbr I’rivaw 176
    121 words
  • 189 6 Gold Leaf $62.50 B. Pep| er(W.Coast 31b5.5 oz.) no stock bite Pepper $16.25 buyers I'iang Pepper 12.75 sales Cloves out of season Mace 73. —buyers kface 66.50 sales Nutmeg* 110 s 17.50 soles CNo 1 6.65 sales Sugar < 2 no stock Basket 3.80 sales Tapioca Flour 1.55 sales
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  • 1240 6 a i la'la. m o 2 Number of u C 1 5 2 Capital. Shares I>ivid*«ii« a Name. *3 a I iMued S 2 1 fc Mining. 1903 300,000 30,000 10 10 10 for year ending 31/3/08 Belat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. $6 75 %7 Ex div .907 300.000
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 39 6 Prof. Schmidt prefers U 0110 RATI (SantalKawa Riedel’s) to any other preparation of Bantalwood oil. Although he used the drug in more than 20 caseß, be has never observed any signs of nausea, flatuluneyuephritic pains, pruritus nor skin eruptions.
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    • 106 6 The curative action of GODOSan is attributed to its being antiseptic and anaesthetic. Manufactured by J- D Riedal Ltd., Berlin, and sold in form of capsules. 40 in a bottle. 1909 MODELS. DARRACQ MOTOR-CARS. Single Cylinder Car, Double Cylinder Cars Four Cylinder Cars, Six Cylinder Car, 7- H. P. 8-
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    • 218 6 s* THE GELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” GIN In red cases. Rutt-erv Cr. Andrew Usher Go.’* SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. x. O AS Mb' <P\THEDAI NIPPON BREWERY/ CP. UD TOKYO.JAPAN V COMPf® Tbe sale of Asabi Beer is rapidly increasing because the quality is faultless and those who
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  • 1122 7 Tuesday the 27th f Thursday the 29th and Saturday the 3Jst July 1909 PROPOSED PROGRAMME. To be submitted to a Special General Meeting to be held on Monday, 7th June, 1909, at the rooms of the Penang Chamber of Commerce, at 4*30 p.m. NOTICE.
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  • 987 7 Disgraceful Incidents After Taking of l'ildiz Kiosk. Tho downfall of the Sultan bas been accom pan ed by the dispersal of the most re* markable seraglio in the history of the world. Thiee hundred beautiful women, who were Abdul Hamid’s temporary spouses, thou* sauds of pretty Blave girls,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 819 7 INSURANCES. The Penang Khean Guan Insurance Co., Ltd, HMD Of fid No. 84, KSACH HTSLUWT, BOARD OP DIR KOTO RH. Mr. Cheah Cboo Yew Quab Beng Kee Khaw Joo Tok Yeob Geok Keat Khoo Hon Y«ang Khoo 13oon Phay Ho Teang Wan Mr. Lim Teang Hooi Tan Teang 6wee Tan
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    • 239 7 Entries Close at 5 p. m. on Thursday, loth July, (except for Race 9,1 Third Day which closer as stated). Handicap» for First Day will be published on or before Monday, 19tli July, 1909. A penalty of 7 ib. is incurred iu a hmdicip by then inner of nny race
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    • 41 7 Wbeu your dealer tries to palm off an imitation o! Kigaud'g Kananga Water or any old thin** wbicb is not what you want, then is tbe time to throw a little hot air into him and keep away from this store.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 983 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Cv., Pha US.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. BHSIDIWS AT yVo. 21a, Penang Road. A lew doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mth« TEA >o o V TEA FOR SAL C. USEFUL TO PUNTERS, ESTATES, ETC. Large Check Roll Books of
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