Straits Echo, 29 March 1909

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 973 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. TIANQ LEE A Oo Y Zr Or o i i J*A c* V. «S a <N 50L£ AOEKTS. BASS’S ALE. r h k banks. > EASTERN SHIPPING Company, Ltd., (ENGINE WORKS.) Engineers, Shipbuilders, Brass iron Founders. Engineering Appliances Fittings in Stock. Works, 7 Weld Quay and Stores Offices
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    • 5 1 PfIANQLEE A Co., Sole Ageats,
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  • 407 2 Gambling Farm Held Up. The Timet of Malaya on 25th inst. says For some time past Kiuta has been particu- larly free from crime but apparently our bad characters were lying low and waiting to bring off a coup, and such a c up they brought off
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  • 502 2 Considerable excitement was created last Tuesday in the Klang district by the report thit a tiger was at large on Golden Hope Estate. So far as is known, the beast was seen by the conductor, who immediately informed Mr. Prior. Shortly after this, the tiger
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  • 90 2 May the momentous time in which the German War Ministry was founded remain for all time a warning never to Btand still, never to rest in the labour for the Fatherland, to regard no sacrifice for its glory and welfare as too great or too heavy,” said
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  • 64 2 The demands of the Basuto Chiefs, who sailed for South Africa after their visit to the King, were (1) A request for the retention of the National Council —a gathering representative of the natives; (2) the preservation of native lands; (3) the prohibition of the entry
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 100 2 A Sprained Ankle. A« a rule a man will feel well satisfi d it lie can holible around on crutches in two or three weeks after spraining his aukle, and if 19 two or three months before he is fully recovered. This is au unnecessary loss of time, for in
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    • 578 2 Gonosan like other preparations of Copaiba and Sandalwood oil does not affect the kidneys or disturb the stomach and is well tolerated by the patient even after lengthened treatment Trials by the Medical, Profession solicited. Samples free on application to anv of the chief Penang Chemists. For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow
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  • 30 3 YnteU F row Agents Due Kleist Singapore B.M.ACo. 30th Mar. Bulow Colombo B.M.&Co. 1st Apr. Beuavon Loudon S.B.ACo. 2nd Assays Colombo A.G ACo. 8th Delhi Singapore AG&Co. 10th
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  • 30 3 Yestelt For A'/enfn lit'**’*' Kleist Colombo B M ACo. Mar. Bulow Singapore B M ACo. Apr. Benavon Singapore S B ACo. Assaye 3 njjapore A.G ACo. Delhi Colombo A.G.ACo.
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  • Shipping.
    • 74 3 Avayyee, Br- s.s, 247, Campbell, 27th Mar., Tonpkah, 26th Mar Gen.— E. S» Co., Ltd. Perak, Br. s.s., 258, Crichton, 28th Mar., Deli. 27th Mar.. Gen —E. S. Co.. Ltd. Carlyle, Br. s.s., 331, Treweeke, 28th Mar, Teluk Anson, 27th Mar, Gen-—Kwong On. Pin Seng, Br. s.s., 378, Davideod,
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    • 56 3 29th March. Dagny, for Colombo and Tuticorin. Canton, for Dindings and Teluk Anson. Hok Canton, for Langsa, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Sabang. C. Apcar, for Singapore and Hongkong. G. Apcar, for Calcutta. Un Peng, for Pulau Langkawi, Perlia and Setul. Flying Fish, for Port Weld and Taiping. Sexta,
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    • 220 3 For Pangkalan Brandan—Per Petrel, tomorrow, Ipm. Trang—Per Leong Ho, to-morrow, Ip.m. Deli—Per Perak, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Batu Babra—Per Padang, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore—Per Pin Seng, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Carlyle, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore—Per Ipoh, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Singapore, China and
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  • 288 3 Per I. G. M. 8.8. Buelovo (from Hamburg, 25th Feb due at Penang on Ist Apr. To Penang Mr. and Mrs. Diedrich Picker. Mr. A. Maurer, Mr. G. Qade. To Singapore Miss Annie Krause Ariens, Miss Kate, Mr. C. H. Bild. Per P. and O s.s.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 943 3 P. 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrival 8 and Departures. Apr 8 Attayc 22 Delta May 6 Oceana |f 20 Delhi June 15 Devanha Mail 8«rvlc«. Outward connecting with do. do. do. do. Homeward. India Victoria Mooltan China Macedonia FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. 1st Olats and Clan To London by
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    • 440 3 (SHIPPING,) NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. MAIL LINE. IMPERIAL. LEHMAN e? THE fast and well-known mail steamer s ot this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton. Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice veraa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki and
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  • 96 4 Jostle* »atltfle« 6761 y body and Jortlce atone KnblUhed dally (e*r«pt Honriayt.l IT 11 CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penang PRICE DAILY LOUAI U 4 par annnn OUTBTATIONR Hcitaitt Ultra «All. miTION (Pont Free) »16 UABI.K ADDRKS3 Echo—Penang.’* Telephone No. 343 S.B.— All buiueda communication*
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  • 714 4 The Times correspondent at Belgrade says that the Belgrade Press need not be taken too seriously. Reuter’s telegrams to-day show us that the Times takes itself too seriously, and that the Russian Press is too serious. It is a mistake anywhere to take the Press too seriously. Its
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  • 43 4 The N.-D.L mail steamer Bulow, having left Colombo at 2 p.m. yesterday, is expected to arrive here on the Ist proximo at 10 a.m. and will leave for Singapore, Chins, and Japan, probably at 2 p.m. on the same day.
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  • 198 4 The following business in tin has beeD done to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchauge. cn buyer., do sellers” bb 50 Straits Trading Co., Qbuyers, no sellers y Eastern Smelting Co., 100 tons at €6 85 Singapore: Straits Trading Co., 200 66.92 Total 300 tons. Opium is
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  • 160 4 Kirk—Thomson. A wedding took place at the Presbyterian Church, Northam on Saturday afternooD, the contracting parties being Dr. James Kirk, partner of Jamieson and Kirk and Hon. Surgeon-Capt, Penang Volunteers, and Miss Caroline Isabel Thomson who came out from Home by the Devanha a few days ago. The
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  • 186 4 C. R. C. vs. B. >l. R. The cricket match which was played on Victoria Green last Saturday afternoon between the Chinese Recreation Club and the Bukit Mertajim Recreation Club, resulted in a victory for the home team by 110 runs. Appended are the scores B M R. C.
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  • 458 4 At the Annual General Meeting held at the Golf Club on Saturday afternoon, the following gentlemen were elected officebearers for the ensuing year President Mr, Cecil Guinness. Captain: Mr. T. B. Peterkin, in place of Mr. D. A. M. Brown who is proceeding to Europe oh a
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  • 758 4 Cracker Firing Danger Calls for Exemplary Sentence. Charged with causing death by a rash act, by throwing lighted crackers into the upper room of a house in Cheang Hong Lim Lane last Chinese New Year, as a result of which a large quantity of other crackers in the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 550 4 The New Japanese Cinematograph. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT!! GRAND PROGRAMME. All Excellent Pictures! Don’t fail to come to your favourite show, “THE BEST.” THE CRAG HOTEL. SANATORIUM. PENANG A perfect health resort and an ideal spot for spending' holidays and week ends. Bungalows for families, also single and doable rooms. Private Bathrooms
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  • 121 4 Obituary. We deeply regret to record the death of Mrs. Trotter, wife of Mr. W. H. Trotter, of Pendamaran Estate. Klang. Mrs. Trotter, we learn from a contemporary, was laid up with an attack of peritonitis at the Hatton Nursing Home, Colombo, and passed away on the 17th inst. Mr.
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    • 27 5 (Echo Special.) Lord Meath Addretsses Singapore Schoolboys. Singapore, 29th March.—TLe Earl of Meath addressed two thousand schoolboys to-day, and explained the Empire Day movement.
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    • 290 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Tentophobic Times.” London, 28th March.—The Times in a leading article asserts that Germany, by forcing Russia to assent to the annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina without consulting the Powers, has inllicted a rebuff upon the peaceful diplomacy of the Powers. Germany, further asserts the Times,
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    • 45 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) From the Japanese Emperor. London, 28th March.—Tbe Japanese Ambassador at Paris, on behalf of the Emperor, has handed to President Fallieres a collection of lacquered boxes, as a token of appreciation of bis attentions to Prince Nasimoto in France
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    • 30 5 (Supplied by Reuter-) More Intelligent Anticipation. London. 28th March.—Tbe report that Prince von Buelow was resigning in consequence of the split in his party is emphatically contradicted.
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    • 35 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Mayor Asks for ±**250,000. London, 28th March.—The Lord Mayor °f Sydney has appealed for a fund of a quarter a million sterling, with which to buy 4 Drtadnuught.
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    • 72 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Opium Smuggling by Soldiers. London, 29th March.—Reuter’s corresponaent a t Malta learus that an inquiry is after tbe returu of the Duke of onoaught into an alleged system of smug--5,7 opium and hasheesh from Austra via H lit n l° Egypt as military
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    • 59 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) 0 f Thanks to New Zealand. u D 29th March.—The King bas r4 Phed to tbe government of New 'l«*d trough Earl Crewe, expressing tlie. Kratll U(^e f°r the fine patriotism and B 0 P r °roptly and spontaneously °Ber f New Zealanders in
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  • 331 5 (From Our Own Correspondent■) March 26th. Big .Jewel Robbery. A big theft of jewellery coaling something like $6.0J0 or $7,000 was reported from Renong. It is alleged that a Siamese lady broker, whose honesty is unquestionable, took with her a lot of jewellery belonging to several Chinese and
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  • 503 5 The first annual general meeting of the Tapah Literary Association was held at Tapah on the evening of Monday, the 22nd inst., with the President, Mr. C- W. C. Parr, in the chair. The Honorary Secietiry, Mr S. Kbangha Mootbu. on behalf of tho members, welcomed the
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  • 358 5 The Straits Times of 27th inst. reports It was moved at yesterday’s meeting of the Municipal Commissioners that, in reply to his letter of the 4th instant, the h >uorary secretary of St Mary’s Home be informed that tbe Commissioners are unable to increase tbe number of
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  • 505 5 Decrease in Number Registered Daring 1908. Mr. F. M Baddeley, the acting Registrar of Bills of Sale, has presented his report on the working of the Ordinance during 1908. This shows that the fees collected in Singapore amount to $531 25, against an estimate of $BOO. and
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  • 225 5 At a general meeting of the Perak Turf Club, held at Taiping on Wednesday, the President, Mr. E W. Birch, c. m o, said that, though the Club was not in a sound financial position, it was very favourably situated so far as other matters were concerned—excellent
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  • 707 5 Beneficial Effect of tbe New Ordinance. More than ordiuary interest is associated with Mr. L. H. Clayton’s report on Indian Immigration for 1908 as, at the beginning of that year, tbe Tamil Immigration Fuud Ordinance came iuto force, under tbe provisions of which an assessment is levied on
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  • 275 5 Tappable Plantations in Singapore Catchment Area. At the meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners on 26th inst. the President proposed that steps be taken to utilise the existing plantations of rubber within the water catchment area for revenue purposes Mr. Broadriek explained that there were two plantations and
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  • 292 5 That Awful Lord Chamberlain. The mystery of the refusal by the Lord Chamberlain to license* a skit on An Englishman’s Home,” which the Follies intended to introduce into their programme at the Apollo Theatre, was in part elucidated by an interview betweon a press repiesentative aud Mr.
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  • 371 5 Promotiiig Trade and Friendly Relations. Au estimate of Y 1 800 000 towards the cost of an Aoglo-Japanese Exhibition to be held in London next year from May to November has been submitted to the Lower House at Tokyo. The estimate was tak-n up by the Budget Committee
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  • 154 5 Arrived. Per ss Pentakoia, 28th Mar, from Rangoon Mr. and Mrs. Fonseca, Miss On Chin Koo, Rev. Bro. Henry, Messrs. Balt, Gow Hie Wie, Ho ban, J. H. Hummel, L. J. Lambach, B Suzuki, On Tiang Hock, Tan I'hye Hock, Wallace and MolsgrovePer 8 s., Ipoh, 29th Mar., from
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  • 114 5 To-day. Btb Dav of Intercalary 2nd Moou. Town Band, Esplanade. 6 to 7 p.m. The New Japanese Cinematograph, corner of Campbell Street and Penang Road, 7- p.m. and 910 p.m. Alcazar Cinematograph, King Street Theatre, 8- pm. To-morrow. 9th Day of Intercalary 2nd Moon. Town Band, Golf Club, 6
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  • 16 5 China Kleixt) ...3Jtb Mar. German Billow Ist Apr. English Assat/e) Btb China (Delhi) ...10th
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  • 17 5 O Full Moon Apr 6th Last. Quarter 13th O New Moon 20th First Quarter 27th
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  • 34 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Homewards Atsaye 8 Apr. I Delhi 10 Apr. Delta 22 Devanha 24 Extra Service. Outwards Homewards. Pera 29 Mar. 1 Palawan 1 Apr, Somali 13 Apr. Sumatra 20
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 131 5 PENANG VOLUNTEER RIFLE CLUB. A Meet ing will be held in tbe Drill Hall, Fort Cornwallis, on Tuesday, tbe 30tb, at 5 p m., to discuss tbe proposed rules of tbe Club. All interested are invited to be present. Copies of the proposed rules can be bad on application at
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  • 151 6 Are Armies Desirable Here is a postscript to the question whether or not large standing armies are in themselves desirable adjuncts of twentieth century life A man may be a stubborn Quaker, and affirm that when some truculent neighbour proposes to slit my throat duty demands that I lie down
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  • 248 6 Naval Personnel Important. One aspect of Admiral Lord Charles Bere6ford’s withdrawal from sea life, says the' Globe, has been generally overlooked- This is the loss which the personnel, as opposed to the material, school will suffer. The Commander-in-Chief of the Channel Fleet has always beeD associated with officers
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  • 567 6 Progress and General Scheme of the New Works. For some time past it has been apparent that the present water supply was becoming inadequate to the growing needs of Kuala Lumpur, and steps were taken some time ago to find a source from which an adequate
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  • 29 6 The “Indian Civil Rights Committee’ has decided that proceedings should be taken in India to test the validity of the deportations under the Ordinance of 1818.
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  • 40 6 To protect documents of a highly confidential nature. .£223 14s. 7d. was spent on new locks and keys at the Foreign Office during the financial year ending March last, according to the Appropriation Accounts just issued.
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  • 31 6 The total naval expenditure for 1909-10 of the Great Rowers is as follows: France XI 3,353,825 Russia 10,028,831 Germany 19.592 532 Italy 6,355,294 United States 27,876,£89
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  • 62 6 The Beatification of Joan of Arc promises to attract to Rome a number of French men and women beyond all precedent. About sixty French Bisbopß and many thousands of priests are expected, and it is stated that already forty-four special trains from France will arrive
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  • 50 6 CommeicialiBm has even impregnated the doling out of air-space for each individual scholar,” says the Socialist Review. “We find that:— A prisoner has 91 sq. ft. A soldier 60 A workhouse inmate 30 A factory worker „21 A secondary scholar 16 An elementary scholar 9 (on average).”
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  • 89 6 Too much, of the kind, has been written about the Tariff question, and ten times too much has been spoken,” says the Saturday Review. The real need now is to recover the grain of truth from the tons of controversial dust iu which loose thinking has lost
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  • 106 6 Father Waggett at Cambridge said that he hoped that we might hear no more the familiar judgments of the nursery—“ He is a bad boy ;he has a bad disposition.” The real criterion was. How is the boy trying to use and control that inherited disposition
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  • 161 6 Once gentlemen wore sword-belts and gauntlets; these have disappeared but, writes Mr. Frank Crane, in the Atlantic, their ghosts still guide all tailors, and two useless buttons are invariably sewed upon each cuff, and two others at the back of the frock-coats. Somewhere about 1753 a
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  • 115 6 The following unclaimed letters and unclaimed paical are lying at the General Post Office:— Letters. Baker, Hubert Kinley, E F. Bath, N. E, Litvak, D Baker, A. Constance Leighton, J. Campbell, Jas. Marriott, Hayes Casey, Private Davy Mar pies, F C. Cornelius, Josephine Mulloy, A. A.
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  • 128 6 Pbkaha, 29th Makch (By cmrtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...2/3£ 4 months’ sight Bank ..2/4 T 3 n Credit ...2/4 T ff 3 Documentary ...2/4-gZy Calcutta, Demand Rank R». 174 1 t -i days’ sight Pnvat* L 76 Bombay. Demand Bank 174 Moniinevn, Demand Bhnk 113
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  • 189 6 Gold T<eaf 364.60 1. Pepi er(W Coast 31bs.-5 oz.) no stock •Yhile Pepper 116 45 buyers Drang Pepper 12.40 sellers Cloves 3H.—buyers Mace 73. —sales Mace Picking 63. —buyers Nutmeg* 110 s 18.75 sales SNo 1 6.65 sales 2 no stock Basket 3.65 sales Tapioca Flour 1.70 sellers Copra...
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  • 203 6 Pbnano, 29th Mabch, 1909 Bhep— ets Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Oi Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty Pork Pork pe catty 30 Pig’s Head 16 Feet 22 Tongu6 32 Mutton
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  • 1195 6 a S 2 n a Capitil. Numbor of Shares issued. £> Dividends Name. 1903 .907 1901 1907 1903 1901 1907 1901 1899 1906 1907 1905 1906 1908 1904 1906 1907 1907 1904 1907 1905 1905 1892 1905 1907 1907 1906 1907 1907 1906 1902 1905 19 5 1904 1905
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 38 6 The Fruit Season. This season always brings on more or less diatrhoei which is promptly checked by C.hambeilain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Get a bottle and be prepared for sudden attacks. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 119 6 the -Celebrated _|FNGA USLOE PERFUME POE THE “S. B. Go. GIN IN RED CASES. Ssndilands, Buttery A Co Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Cc. AGENTS FOR PE NANO A F. M. S. HANDKERCHIEF. We have just received the above preparation specially made for us by a
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  • 1467 7 Description of the Settlement 75 Years Ago. [From The Eastern Seas, by Q. W. Earl, 1837] The commercial activity of the Chinese is 1 seen to the greatest advantage during the annual visit of the junks from the CelesM-l Empire; these remain in the harbour from December
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  • 150 7 An ordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Koyal Johore Tin Mining Co, was held at the office of Huttenbach Bros., Collyer Quay, Singapore, on 24th inst., when the report of the directors covering a period from February 21, 1908, to January 22, 1909, was
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  • 112 7 A step has been taken by the Licensed Victuallers’ Protection Society of London which is regarded not only as a deliberate attempt to evade the Children Act, but one that is l'kely to lead to untold evil in the lives of thousands of children. The
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1097 7 insurances, MACKAYS The Penang Khean Quan Insurance Co., Ltd, H,*r> Ovvica No. 81. Biach Ktiir, Pa.ais. BOARD OP DIRECTORS. Mr.Cbeah Cboo Yew Quab Beng Kee Kbaw Joo Tok Yeoh Geok Keat Kboo Hun Yeang Kboo Boon Phay Ho Teang Wan Mr.Lim Teang Hooi Tan Teang Swee n Tan Kira Leoug
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    • 68 7 Croup. T first symptom of this disease is hoarseness When Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child becomes boarre the attack can always be averted. Even after the croupy cough has appeared, the attack can be warded off by the prompt use of this remedy. It is
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    • 62 7 The Fruit Season. This season always brings on more or less diarrhoea which is promptly checked by Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Qet a bottle and be prepared for suddeu attacks. Ths George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents. The French Medical Profession rely on Nantal Xidy to cure chronic bronchitis,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 933 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, late of Dr. Alien €<>., Pha U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Ccusultation Free. »»eiDifca at Ao. 21a, Penang Read. A few doors from the Eastern and Orients Hotel. 6 mtbi TEA V uOI.E AGENTS FOB PENANO. PATERSON, SIMONS Co., Ltd. WONG KIM MON, No. 77a, Bishop Street, FOR
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  • 5881 9 rifv K. ami HeMketh Prichard in the “Windsor Magazine.*'] The seeds of impulse lie in the imagination. GiH° r l ,a( l imagination—an unlucky 2 ift in his case, for a moment’s impulse made him notorious and a ciiminal. He was a clerk, one of a herd of
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  • 55 9 “The output of coal in the (J in ted Kingdom in 1907 was 207,831.000 tons, in Germany 140.885,000 tons. Prance 35,586,000 tons, Belgium 23,324.010 tons, United States 428,696.000 tons,” says a new return. “The production in the Unite*) Kingdom, Germany, France, and the United Siaten was greater
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 39 9 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Tbe many remarkable cures of colds and grip effected by this preparation have made it famous over a large part of the civil,zed world. It can always be depended upon The George Town Dispensary. Wholesa.e Agents.
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    • 53 9 Pneumonia. This is one of the most, dangerous, and often fatal, diseases. It always results from a cold or from an attack of the grip. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy quickly cares these diseases and counteracts any tendency towards pueumonia. It is made especially for these and similar ailments. The George Town
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    • 31 9 GonoBan capsules contain only the purest East Indian Sandal wood oil and Kawa Kawa The first dose quickly removes violent inflammatory symptoms, bots of 40 capsules, at all dealers and Chemists-
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    • 44 9 It has been satisfactorily demonstratep that thousands of persons have to thank Oonosan for restoration to health and happiness. It is astringent and antiseptic and has never been known to fail. At it dealers in Patent Medicines and Chemical in bottles of 40 capsules.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 980 10 NOW READY! Ini Pantun Karang-Karangan.” Contents: Pan tun Dagang. llunda Diri. Puji Pujian. Budi. Kasih. Sambayang. Sindier. Price 50 cents. OBTAINABLE AT THE CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. 226—232. Beach Street, Penang. FOR SALE. STEPHEN'S INKS. 11 TO AS r ItHlyf'.' it! FRESH STOCK OF THE FOLLOWIRC GOODS JTTST RRIYEL. MULKEN’S 4711
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