Straits Echo, 24 March 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 951 1 TIANQ LEE A Co. H r o ft (trrr^rzss cn C; C> >■ on C/3 ii on -I c/2 3 <2 as la a m \N 57 •J 3 D® SOLE AOEMTS. THE EASTERN SHIPPING Company, Ltd., (ENGINE WORKS.) Engineers, Shipbuilders, Brass Iron Founders. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia
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    • 31 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. sP < vV YA 5 IKA C 2) o <A S: f J 3 ?> a?/ *S>\ &2S 'f4 roftrq^> Tl ANG LEE Co., Sole Agents,
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  • 32 2 The Public Accounts just published show that JE359.289 was wasted on the King's Coronation. The estimate before the coiemony was .£125,000. This is not c editable to anyone concerned.
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  • 35 2 Mrs. Tyndall, the widow of the great scientist, is founding a gold medal to be awarded annually for inventions tending to diminish danger and preserve life among those engaged in mining operations.
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  • 28 2 The inc rme of the Church of England for the year ending Easter, 1908, was for— General Purposes «£2,690 954 Parochial Purposes «£5,285,792 Total «£7,976.746
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  • 45 2 “The solution of the servant problem in Berlin—and it is even more acute here than in London—lies in the apartineut-house with the common kitcheu. The Einkuechenbaus.’ or, as I shall call it, the Onekitchenhouse, is Berlin’s latest s:cial development, says the Mail.
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  • 62 2 The gross receipts of twelve main English railways in the last half-yetr of IPOB were ,£46.072.000 —a decrease of «£798,0< 0 on 1907. The expenditure was «£28,463 000 a decrease of «£666,000. The net revenue was J617.609.C0J —a decrease of «£132,000, or 0 7 per cent.,
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  • 66 2 Mr. Percy Lewis Dale, a clerk employed by the Loudon and North-Western Railway Company at Crewe, has attained the degree of Bachelor of Science at the University of London. This success ha 9 achieved without, interruption to his official duties, which occupy him from 9 a m to
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  • 125 2 We boast that our safety rests upon the sovereignty of the people and that this makes our Republic the Samson of the ages,” says U. S. Senator Taylor. But has uot Samson been shorn of his locks while yet lie slumbers with the ballot in
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  • 127 2 Dr. Jameson lives and learns,” says the Saturday Review. “Is there a single South African question on which he has not come to admit himself iu the wrong He was the leader in the Riid yet after a big war he was the mail
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  • 146 2 Fiom the Registrar-General’s Returns for 1907 it appears that over 30,000 persons in England and Wale* die each 3 err from the various forms of caLcer. This appalling moitality makes this d sease the greatest scourge of our race and time. The supreme ne d in
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  • 220 2 By Rudyard Kipling. “This poem has hitherto been looked upon as ‘lost,’ only the fi st six lines remaining within the general memory of men, including the autlior,” says the Ameiican Bookman. “The entire poem, fourteen lues in all, recently discovered iu the columns of a Pac
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 36 2 Itdedel s Qonosan is not uupleasaut to take and is not attended by those distressing bve fleets which so ofteu accompany the use of balsams aud Santul oils. It has secured unqualified pcaise from threading Specialists.
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    • 541 2 Prof. Schmidt prefers Gonosan (SantalKawa Riedel’s) to any other preparation of Santalwood oil. Although he used the drug m more than 20 cases, he has never observed any sigus of nausea, flatulencynephritic pains, pruritus nor skin eruptions. The Penang Khean Guan Insurance Company, Ltd. NOTICE >s hereby given that pursuant
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    • 1601 2 WROUCHT-IRON TUBES AND FITTINGS Large Stock Always on Hand. ADAMSON, GILFIL.LAN CO., LTD. WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF A GRAMOPHONE NOT THE CABINET OK HORN? Why! the SOUNDBOX, of course! Well, buy a J00C0PH0NE It is fitted Avith a First Quality Concert Soundbox, Tvhich is guaranteed to reproduce
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  • 41 3 Vrtiff» Fr‘>m Agti0* Du 9 Devanha Colombo A G ACo. 24 h Mar. Macedonia ■Miic» pore A G ACo. 26: b K eifet S e B M >( Co. stftk Bulow Colombo B.MlCo. 1st Apr. Be uavon London S.B-ACo. 2nd
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  • 42 3 Vet*e!s Fvr A y*.i. Lee. vet Devanba 3 n^apnre A G ACo. Mar. Macedonia Joloanbo A G ACo. Kleiht Mom bo K \1. Co. 1 11 1« w S’njj ipo r e B \1 ACo. Apr. Beoavoo 3iugapore 3 B ACo-
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  • Shipping.
    • 59 3 Japan, Br. s.s., 3.806, Olifent, 23rd Mar Calcutta, 17th Mar., Gen. —A. A. A. Co. Tara, Br. s.s., 3.651, Acbeson, 23rd Mar., Siugapo r e, 21st Mar., Gen.—H. L. Co. Petrel, Br. s.s 124, Allan, 23rd Mar., BraudaD, 22nd Mar., Gen.—E. 8. Co Ltd. Canton, Br. s.s, 106, Gillies,
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    • 56 3 24th March. Sportsman, for Batu Bahra. Tara, for Negapatam and Madras. Deli, for Pang Nga and Trang. Comelia, for Teluk Anson. So!fond, for Rangoon. Pegu, for Langs», T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Sabang. Tong Chat/Un, Bindings. Filing Fish, for Port Weld and Taipiug. Devanha, for Singapore, China and Japan.
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    • 249 3 Fos Pangkalan Brandan—Per Petrel, tomorrow, 1 p.m. Trang—Per Leong Ho, to morrow, 1 p ni. Dili—Per Perak, to-morrow, Ipm. Port Swetteuham, Port Dickson and Malacca—Per Ban Whatt Soon, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore—Per Thongvoa, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Batu Bahra—Per Padang, 26th instant, 1 p m. Tongkab,
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  • 286 3 I’er P. ami O. h.s. Marmora, connecting with tbe Devanha at Colombo, due at Penang on 24th Mar.: To Penang (from London, Feb. 26) Mr. and Mrs Harper, Mr. H. E. Tobutt, Miss M. A Palmer, Mr. J. M. Kidd (from Marseilles, Alar. 3) Mrs. YVilles-Douglas,
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  • 35 3 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Homkwards Devanha 21 Mar. Macedonia 2H Mar. Atsaje 8 Apr. Delhi Hj Apr. Extra Service Outwards Homkwards. Pera 20 Mar. I Palawan l Apr. Somali 13 Apr. Sumatra 20
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 610 3 P. 0. Steam Navigation Coy Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Bervice. Outward. Mar. 24 Devanha collecting with Marmara Apr. 8 A*saye do. India 22 Delta do. Victoria Homeward. THROUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. B,s. Macedonia March 26. FAKbS BY MAIL STEAMERS. Ist Clsm ind data To London by Sr» £66 £44
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    • 364 3 I (SHIPPING,) NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GEFtMAN MAIL. LINE. r m: •L ?jtr r; r jpHE f iat and we.Mnown ma.l tueaiur. o. this Company sail fortnightly from Bromen, I. Hamtu: g via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Napies, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice veist) Port Said, Suez,
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  • 100 4 JMttce Mtlafles ererybody and oat Ire a lane —SmmtKnbllahed dally (esoepr Hnndaya.) it PI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE: DAILY LOCAL |l4 per an non' OUTBTATIOHB M Koatage Ultra HAIL SIUTION (Poet Free) lit OA BLR ADDBIBS Echo—Penang.’ Telephone No. 343. A. A.—All
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  • 612 4 Early last year there was published an entertaining, although technical and difficult,” book by Professor Thomson on Heredity.” Professor Thomson was almost vehement in defence of the theory of that learned colleague of his who experiments with sweetpeas and other flowers. His name escapes us for the moment,
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  • 182 4 On the 19th inst., we urged upon Government, in a leading article under the caption of Magisterial Dearth,” the immediate necessity for appointing a whole-time Magistrate for the local Third Magistrate’s Court. Yesterday afternoon, the hardship caused to under-trial prisoners from the present defective arrangement formed the subject
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  • 639 4 The following business in tin has been done to-day Singapore; Strait. Trading Co SO buyers, no sellers) Penang Penang Tin Exchange,") n buyers, no seller J Eastern Smelting Co., j g- gbuyers, no sellers Straits Trading Co., 50 tons at 65 92* Tin is quoted
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    • 414 4 To ihs Ediios or the Straus Echo. Dear Sir, Your contributor on this subject seems more angry than reasonable. So far as I know anything of Chin Choay marriages, I think I am right in saying that there are no fixed and strict laws or rules to
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  • 186 4 To the Editor op the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, It is proposed to celebrate Victoria Day, May 24tb, by giving an entertainment to the boys and girls attending all the English Schools in Penang. It is estimated that there will be about 3,000 in all to provide
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  • 164 4 Following are the Agenda for to-uiorrow’s meeting of the Municipal Commission 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. Any special business the Deputy President may bring forward. 3. Questions. 4. Appointment, of Steam Engineer. 5. Personal Allowance to Municipal Electrical Engineer. 6. Statement of
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    • 615 4 (Supplied by Reu'er.) Old Women’s Agitation. London, 23rd March.—The House of Commons without a division has voted in favour of a more effective Navy. The Prime Minister denounced the Press agitation as absurd, mischievous, and unpatriotic. He said the old women of both sexes could dream in
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    • 24 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) Postal Bosiness Resuming Normal. London. 24th March.—The strike of Paris postal and telegraph officials is at an eud.
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    • 43 4 (Supjdied by Reuter.) American Nimrod Starts for Jungle* London, 24th March.—When Mr. Ron*?* velt embarked at New York, to begin 119 two years’ expedition against the big g au) of Africa, immense crowds cheered bun an bands played farewell tunes.
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    • 68 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) Asiatic Waters Reserved for Eagle Flag. London. 24th March St. Petersburg reports that at the conference meeting announced that the Ministry of Coro® had decided in favour of the abolition o coastal steamer traffic in the Far East un foreign fligs from October 14’b.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 270 4 The New Japanese Cinematograph. TO-NIGHT! GRAND PROGRAMME, WITH ALL THE LATEST PICTURES. A Troublesome Twitching. Chinese Fashions. Behind the Mask. TQ-NI6HT! TO-NIGHT! 1 mo CHANCE »f PROGRAMME. Astrakan Preserves. Puzzling Enigma. The Stepmother. Kate’s Birthday. Imitation Craze. A Deadly Plant. Tambourine Making. The Humpbacked Man. The Commander's Armonr, And a
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    • 38 4 The Fruit Season. Tbis season always brings on more or less diarrhoea which is promptly checked by Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy- Get a bottle and be prepared for sudden attacks. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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  • 4917 5 IN CIVIL ORIGINAL JURISDICTION. (Before Mr. Justice Braddell.) Ong Jin, Oug Mol and Law Moi vs. Foo Choo Choon. We left off in our report of Mr. Cleaver’s opening address yesterday at the point when he was arguing as to whether the plaintiffs could be said to hold
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  • 206 5 An F. M SR. eugine broke down on Monday morning between Siputeh aDd Tronob, and, pays the T. 0 Jf, traffic was seriously interrupted.” This, however, was not so bud as a landslip on the Ipob Penang line, about which our contemporary says on the 22nd inst.:
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  • 548 5 A baker’s dozen turned up on the rifle range on Sunday, where no less than five distances were fired at and some first rate work put in. Onspicuous amoDgst the scores were H. Doel’s 96, and E. Spmks 92 The following are the six best
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  • 57 5 Arrived. Per ss. Taro, 24‘.h Mar.,from Singapore: Messrs. Ed Holloway. J. C. Hoi in berg, L R Laziroo and Mohd. Ibrahim. From Port Swettenbam Mr. H. C. E. Zacharias Departed. Per s.s. Come'ia, 24th Mar., for Teluk Anson Messrs. Loke Chow Tbye, Ottojelstrup. Per as. Ban Whait Soon. 25th
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  • 111 5 To-day. 3rd Day of Intercalary 2nd Moon. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. The New Japanese Cinematograph, corner of Campbell Street aud Penang Road, 7-30 p.m. and 9-10 p.m. Alcazar Cinematograph, King Street Theatre, 8 30 p m. To-morrow. 4»b Dav of Intercalary 2nd Moon. Municipal Commission, 3-30
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 195 5 A Sprained Ankle. As a rule a man will feel well satisfied it be can hobble around on crutches in two or three weeks after spraining bis ankle, and if is two or three months before he is fully recovered. This is an unnecessary loss of time, for in many
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  • 992 6 Here is a striking article taken from the pages of the I ish Homestead. Its subject is agriculture, and yet it ends on the note of an intense life. Iiut it merely proves, what we all know when we think, that a!! life s problems, personal
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  • 307 6 At the Leysian Mission, City-road, last month, Mr. Birrell, M p., was the principal speaker at the fourth anniversary of the Monster Men’s Meeting held by the mission. Mr. Birrell said that the Leys School had set up in the City-road a kind of university where
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  • 559 6 Only Survivor of Dorset's Heroic Battles. An old man. nearing his hundredth year, who is probably the last survivor of the ancient Wessex game of cudgels, is an inmate of Cerue Abbas Workhouse. His name is Mike Mullet, and a Morninj Leader representative, happening upon this worthy ancient
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  • 121 6, 24th March. (By aurtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...2/3^ 4 months’ sight Bank ..2/4 y^ 3 Credit ...2/4 T 3 3 Documentary ...2 14-^ Calcutta, Demand Bank Rh 174, 3 days’ aight PnvaM* 176 Demand Bank 174 Moulmem, Demand Bank 173 3 days'sighi Pnvar*
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  • 186 6 Gold J«eaf 364.6 > -J. i'ep] er(W Coast 31 be.s oz.) no stock Yhue 316 45 buyers Traug Pepper 12 40 sellers Clave* 3S buyers Mice 73. sales tface Pick*"-»» 63. buy rs Nutmeg» 110 s 18.75 sales CNo 1 6.65 sales Sugar 2 stock Basket 3.65 sales
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  • 182 6 Fbnahq, 24th March, 1909 Beef— eft. Soup per cutty 12 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tougue 50 Feet 20 Heart 30 Liver per catty 30 Fork— Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head 20 Feet 24 Tongue 30
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  • 1228 6 I 1 S 1 d. I => Number of J o H Capital. Shares Dnid»D r i Name. .2 imußd. \j\ w j i g Mining:* 1903 300,000 30.000 10 10 10 for year ending 31/3/08 Be'at Tin Mining Co., .Ltd. ***** 50 .907 j 300.000 22,500 10 10
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 41 6 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. The many remai table cures of colds aud grip effected by this preparation have m ule it famous over a large pnt of '.be civiitzed world. It can always lm depended upon Tbe George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 90 6 Pneumonia. Tbis is one of the most dangerous, and of'pn fatal, diseases. It always results from a cold or from an attack of the grip. Cbamfcpr'aiu’s Cough Remedy quickly cures these diseases and counteracts auv tendency towards pueuunouii. It is marie especially for these and similar ailments. The George Town
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    • 118 6 THE CELEBRATED BUNGA mOR PERFUME FOR IRE S. B. Co.” GIN HANDKERCHIEF. IN RED CASES. Sanditanda, Buttery 4 Co Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. We have just received the above preparation specially made for us by a leading French Perfumer. It is the finest perfume ever produced and
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  • 889 7 As We Do, are as We Shall Be. Au amazing story of what the spade has revealed to modern men in the Mediterranean island of Crete of a buried civilisation nearly 12 000 yeais old has just been told in the Times. The writers declare that
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1247 7 INSURANCES, The Penang Khean Guan Insurance Co., Ltd. H BAD OfVICB No. SI. BIACH MTItIBT. FlliXO. BOARD OK DIRBCTORB. Mr.Cbeah Cboo Yow Quail Beng Kee Khaw Joo Tok Yeob Geok Keat KbooHun Yeang Klioo Boon Phay Ho Teang Wan Mr. Lim Mr.Lim Teang Hooi Tan Teang Swee Tan Kira Leoug
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    • 90 7 Croup. The lir*t symptom of this disease is hoirseue»s. When Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, the aiiack can always be averted. Even after the croupy couch has appeared, the at* tack cm be warded off by the prompt use of this remedy. It
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 998 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr, Allen Co., Pha U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Consult 4ti on Fres. BMSIDIVO AT No. 21a, Penang Road A few doors from the Eastern and Orleuta Hotel. 6 mthi. TEA V TEA uOLE AGENTS FOE PENANG, PATERSON, SIMONS Co., Ltd. WONG KIM NUN, No. 77a,
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