Straits Echo, 20 February 1909

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 970 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. tianq LEE A 00. a X o V as SSAD SOLE AO ENTS. BASS’S ALE. T H E BANKS EASTERN SHIPPING Company, Lid., (ENGINE WORKS.) Engineers, Shipbuilders, Brass Iron Founders. Engineering Appliances Fittings in Stock. Works, I Weld Quay and J 37, Stores Offices Beaoh Street. bartered Bank
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    • 18 1 HE BEST BEER IN THE EAR.EAST. ,#s ®7s I 3 :»^v E TIAWQ LEE A Co., Sole Ageata*
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  • 316 2 New P. 0. Liner. The chairman anti directors of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company gave a luuctieon on boaid tteir new steamship the Maltaa in the Tilbury Dock on Jan. 2(jthSir T. Sutherland, replying to lhe toast Success to the Malwn," proposed by Sir W. H. White, Sitid
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  • 556 2 The following story is accredited to the London Sunday Circle, a paper we never heard of. The story is a lie Such hair, whether cut from living or dead, is utterly unsuitable for the purposes named. A somewhat disquieting discovery has lecently been made by a Chinese
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  • 633 2 Waiting for Dk.-th. Old Lady in Ckylon Tells of Her Remarkable Restoration by Hr. Williams’ Pink Pills. One of the chief causes of the enormous popularity of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People—nt the present moment undoubtedly the most widely-sold medicine in the World—lies in the fact
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 59 2 Don’t Take the Risk. When voa have a bad cough <*r cold do not let it drag aloug until it bee mes chronic or develops into an attack of pueumouia, but give it the attention it de-ewc* and get rid of it. Taka Cbamberlaiu’s Cough Kemedy aud you are sure
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    • 183 2 KTOTICB LTHOUGH the old Straits Settlements A Dollar ceased to be legal tender on tbe Ist Jauuarv, 1909, tber9 still appears to be a large number of them in tbe possession of peisons who have not been able to exchange them for the new Straits Settlements dollar within tbe time
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    • 2039 2 IN GREAT BRITAIN MARTELL’S BRANDY is to be found throughout the Clubs, Hotels, and in almost every gentleman s house, and is prescribed by the Great Majority of English Doctors. IN GREAT BRITAIN IT IS EQUALLY THE FAVOUHITE. YOU KNOW IT BY THE BLUE AND SILVER LABEL. [TO Made to
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  • Shipping.
    • 209 3 Palma, Br. s s., 4,913, Cockinau, 18th Feb., London, 16th Jan., Gen.—A. G A Co. Kleiet, Ger s.s., 5,122, Meyer, 19tb Feb,, Bremerhaven, 13th Jan Gen. —B. M- Co. Mishina Mam, Jap. s.e., 5,270, Moses, 19th Feb., Kobe, 90th Jan., Gen. B. A Co. Diotned, Br. s.s 3.005, Sorrible,
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    • 105 3 20th February. Thongwa, for Madras, taking mails for Europe, etc., via Bombay. Bharata, for Rangoon and Calcutta. Mishina Mam, for Colombo aud Tuticonu. Ping Suey, for Stugapore aud Japan. Ayuthia, for Asahan aud Balu Bahru. Petrel, for Pangkalan Braudau. Perak, for Deli. Sportsman, for Batu Bahru. Leong Ho. for
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    • 18 3 Fom Deli—Ter Hebe, 22nd instant, noon. Pulaii Langkawi and Setul—Per Flying Dragon. 23rd instant, 3 p.m.
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  • 265 3 Per P. and O. ss. Malwa, connecting with t lie Macedonia at Colombo, due at Penang on 25th Feb. To Penang (from Marseilles, Feb. 5) Mr. J. Gordon. To Singapore (from London, Jan. 29) Mr. and Mrs Higbet, and Mr. B. Humpbteys (from Marseilles) Mr. Harrison.
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  • 38 3 Vessels hr o ms Agents Dm» Benlawera London 3.B A Co. 20tb Feb Macedonia Colombo \.G &Co. 25th Britannia Singapore \.G.&Co. 2t>f b P. R ueut Luilpolu Singapore B.M.ACo. 2nd «Mar P. Ludvig Colombo B.M.ACo 4fb
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  • 27 3 VetreU For 4f/ Benlawera -vn^apore 3 B A Co. Fob. Macedonia 3't)^ap<we VGACo. BntauDia Colombo A.G.&Co. P. Regent Luitpold Colombo B.M.ACo. Mar. P. Ludwig Singapore BM.ACo.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1428 3 (SHIPPING,) P. 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outward. Feb. 25 Macedonia connecting with Maltca Mar. 11 Delhi do. Mongolia loDevanha do. Marmora Apr. 8 Amsayc do. India 22 Delta do. Victoria Homeward. THROUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. 8.8. Macedonia March 26. FARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. Ut
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  • 98 4 fnarira aatune* everybody and Iwr.lce alene *mw, ‘'nhltahed dally letiwi» antxlaya.l *T T» K CRITERION PRESS, LW., No. 226—232. Beach Street. P*»nang. PRICE DAI I ,T LOCAL |S4 per unam OUTHTATIONH PwtAfft Ultra «All. BWTION (Post Free) 116 OAKI.H AM»tt-dS Echo —Penang." Telephone No. 343 411 romr-tinlratioo*
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  • 825 4 A profoundly philosophical person has remarked that in life it is the little L things that tell, and a flippant one has replied that a iybody with a small brother or brothers knows that. Young has it that Small saints the mouutaiu, moments make the year. Ami trifles
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  • 234 4 The following business in tin has been done to day PensDg Penang Tin Exchange. buyers, no sel’ers Eastern Smelting Co., I «4.091 buyers, no sellers Straits Trading Co.. 50tnns at. 64 971 Singapore Straits Trading Co, 125 64.97| Total 175 tons. Tin is quoted in
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  • 947 4 Production of Engaged.” In some places that we know of, a productiondike that of the Penang Ama- teur Dramatic Club's »t the I own Hall last night would have enjoyed the plaudits of a crowded house. With Sir W. S- Gilbert s words. Mr. H. A.
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  • 351 4 Despite the smalloess of the audience last night, consequent upon the inclement weather, the Hippodrome put on a very excellent programme, many of the items in which were different from the previous three days, and several entirely new. The Jen de la llose found much
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  • 91 4 The list of handicaps for to-morrow’s 200 Yards Handicap Swimming Race is issued as follows: Ptart. Go. 1. R. Frohl ch 5 25 2 J. H Km 7 23 3 J. jes 9 21 4. L Gnrris 9 21 5- F A K'etyscbmar 10 2d 6. W
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  • 463 4 DuriDg the thunderstorm yesterday evening a little Tamil aeirl was struck by lightning in Burmah Ro id and had to be taken to the Hospital where it was found that she was slightly burnt and suffering from shock. After being attended to she was well
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 431 4 BUY A GRAMOPHONE. $25.50. OUR SPECIAL OFFER. $25.50. MACHINE TH/IT WILL SING AND TULK. I ARTISTIC CABINET, FLORAL HORN, $25.50. $lOO secures vou BRAND NEW PIANO. fisK for particulars. C) cr .Cr s <?’ FOR HIRE c: oy NEW PIANOS %Sa% $lO psr month. Tuned Free. %T THE ROBINSON PIANO
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    • 102 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) I lie t irst Lord Explains. London. 19th February ..-Mr. Reginald McKennt, First Lord of the Adm.ralty, replying in the House of Commons to Mr. Carlyon Bellairs, Liberal member for King’s Lynn, said that the term of Lord Charles Beresford s appointment was as
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    • 86 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Situation Still Hopeful. London, 20th February.—Reuter learns that there is nothing to warrant the rumours of a storm brewing in the Balkans, owing to Austrian ultimatum to Servia with which the papers are filled. Bulgaria’s Appeal. London, 20th February.—Bulgaria has appealed to the Powers
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    • 57 5 The Mauretania. (Supplied by Reuter New Trans-Atlantic Reconi. London, 2ffih February.— A telegram from New York states that the Mauretania has created a new record for the long course, doing the journey in 4 days, 17 hours and 50 minutes. This is better than the Lusitania’B record by 100 minutes.
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    • 23 5 (Supplied by R°vter.) Winner of the Waterloo Cup. London, 20th February.—Dendrases beat Such a Sell in the coursing for the Waterloo Cup.
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  • 182 5 Wholesale Dismissal of the Native Police. Investigations have been made as to the serious allegations against the water police in the recent disastrous flower-boat fire, at Canton. It was averred that the police refused to permit junks and sampaue to participate in the work of rescue, with
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  • 237 5 The event which set Manila a-talking during carnival wet-k was the visiting journalists taking over the Manila Times and producing a British edition. The make-up was completely altered. Advertisements appeared on the front page and the news was set up without the scare headings so common in American
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  • 257 5 Strange Disappearance off Steamer Penang.” Mr. C Allison, the passenger from London to Shanghai who fell off the P. and O. steamer Britonnia not long ago as she was °ff Port Dickson .md kept himself afloat for several hours t• 11 rest by fishermen, seems to have so«n“
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  • 146 5 The Government in Java have separate schools for Europeans and natives, but had none for Chinese until lately when the Celestials began to agitate in the matter. The Government met their wishes in the large towns, but the Chinese wanted more schools to be established wherever
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  • 547 5 A Consular report fur Tokio contains an interesting circular addressed by the Japanese Vice-Minister of Agriculture and Commerce to the various chambers of commerce established in the country The circular intimates that in consequence of the growing intensity of competition, inventions, trade marks, and other industrial
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  • 426 5 As auuouuced by Reuter. President RoOsevelt spoke ou January 18. at a Methodist missionary meeting, which was held at the Metropolitan Methodist Cburcn, i t Wasbit g ton. to celebrate the diamond jubilee of the establishment of Methodist missionsin Africa Incidentally his speech contained a
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  • 490 5 Side by side with the advances made in wireless telegraphy systems there has beeu progre-s also with the older methods of telegraphic transmission. Certain notable achievements have been recorded from time to time iu line telegraphy over long dis- j tances. but all that 1)*« feeo hitherto done
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  • 154 5 QUINgUAOESIM A—SHROVE SUNDAY! St. George’s Church. 8 a in.—Matins (Choral). 8.30 a m. Holy Communion (Plain) 10 a m.—Matins (Cbiuese). 5 p m. —Suuday School. 6 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. Presbyterian Church. Divine Service will be held iu the Presbyterian Church, Northern Road, at 9 a.m and 6
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  • 272 5 Ihe judge of the Liverpool Court of Passagp has displayed au unique regard for the val’tie of judicial time. How much was all hp deemed it necessary to say to the jury in an action for damages Even Lord Brainwell. that master of judicial brevity, said nothing quite
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  • 266 5 Arrived. Per as. Kltist. 19th T 'eb., from Bremen Mr Carl Wecker From Southampton Mr. Gatteridge. From Genoa: Mr. A. S Haynes, Dr. P. Rrm«r and t’aniilv. Mr F. G. Wente, Mr. and Mrs.T. A. C Schreoers, Mr. G. A. Middendort. Mr. N A. W. Geisom, Mr. W. Arriens.
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  • 40 5 To-e»at. Ist Dav of 2nd Moon. Volunteer Rifl° Competitions. Football C. R. C. vs. Y. M. C. A., Victona Green. Th'/ New Japanese Cinematogniph, corner ofCitnpbell S"e*t an 1 Road, 7-30 pm. and 910 p.tu Entire Change of Programme
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 35 5 Gonosan capsules coot» m only the purpst East Indian Sandal wood oil and K iwa Kawtf. The first dose quickly removes violent inflammatory symptoms, bots of 40 capsules. :it nil deaWk and, Cli**tnista. -r- n
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    • 802 5 Alcazar Cinematograph, King Street Theatre 8-30 p in. Hippodrome CircuH. D:fo Kramat, 4 30 p m and 9 30 p.m. P. A. D- C.. Engaged,'’ Town Hall, 9 15 pm. To-morrow. 2nd Day of 2nd Moon. Ibe New Japanese Ciuematograph, corner of Campbell Street and Penang Road, 7 30 pm,
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  • 2528 6 Early Reminiscences of China." Sir E. K- Fremantle, g.c.b., presided over the monthly meeting of the China Society, held itrCaxtou Hall, Westminster, when Sir John McLeavy Brown, formerly Chief Commissioner of Korean Customs, lectured on his early reminiscences of China. Sir John talked for an hour without
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  • 130 6 Pbhah*, 20th Februabt. (By courtesy oj t/*e 1 t **rtere4 Bin London Demand ..2/3£ 4 months’sigh- Ban) 2 4 T S 3 Credit .2/4 T 3 Dociinenur» '«icuUa. Demand Bank Its 174; t 3 days sig 'Vr«• 176 Bombay. DeiilMin) hi t >4 M >nim«in. Demano Bam l 3
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  • 182 6 Gold Leaf $64.60 B. Pep} er( W.Coast 31b5.5 oz.) no stock White Pepper $l7 75 sellers Trang Pepper 13} sales Cl >ve« 37 50 tales Mace 74. —sellers dace Pieinnw 63. —sales Nutmeg* 110 s 18 —sales SNo 1 6.65 sales „2 no stock Basket 3.65 sellers T*pioe; Flour
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  • 182 6 PntiHo, 20th February, ISO 9. B»rr— cit. Soup call» ]4 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Cttrry Me*i 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail eacli 30 Tongue 30 Feet 20 Heart 30 Liver per catty 30 Pork— Pork per catty 82 Pig’* Hea.l 2Q Feet 24 Tongue 30
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  • 1144 6 o 2 i a Oaj ital. Number of Shares issued. s Divi-I*»n<?s Name. 3 CC 1903 .907 1901 1907 1903 1901 1907 1901 1699 1906 1907 1905 1906 1904 i 906 f 1907 1907 1904 J 6 1907 i 1905 1905 1892 1905 1907 1907 1906 1907 1907 1906
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 180 6 WROUCHT-IRON TUBES AND FITTINGS. Large Stock Always on Hmml. ADAMSON, GILFILL.AN CO., LTD. NOTICE!. For the last two years ASAHI BEER was sold at a reduced price as the importers were fully aware that in order to introduce the brand successfully great inducement must be offered to the drinking public.
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  • 1250 7 Annual Report. following is the report of the Perak Plauters’ Association i >r 1908: During the year tbeie have been held five general meetings ami three Committee meetings. Two other general ineetiugs were called, but tell througli owing to the fact that a quorum could not Ire
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  • 338 7 The following amplifies some of our recent telegraphic news. In the coming spring the Admiralty will make a further redistribution of nival forces in home waters. Generally speaking, the chauge will take the form of reducing the Channel Fleet and strengthening the forces iu the North Sea.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1110 7 INSURANCES ‘Guardian Assurance Company, Limited, Established JB2l. Subscribed Capital Total Invested Funds wards of Total Annual Income X 2.000.000 up--4.500,000 X 759.000 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE C°' L m (Registered in Singapore under “The Companies Ordinance, 1889.”) Head Office— TV inchester House, Collyer Quay, Singapore! rpHE undersigned have been
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    • 70 7 Keep it Handy. You may not Chanaberlaiu’s Cough Remedy now, but at ids season of the year you are liable to Deed within twenty four Lours. It is, without doubt, the best on tbe market for coughs, colds, croup and whoopr.g cough. The George Towu Dispen sary, Wholesale Agents. ttriniault
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    • 126 7 Thoroughly Tested. hambe'lain’a Couph Remedy has been examined bv ennuent analytcal chemiata who certified that it contained no naicotica. It is not only a safe and harmlesa medicine hut t lie best iu ti«e for cou2hs, colds and ci<>up. '1 he Gaorpe Towj Diapenaary, Wholesale Apents Cheap Week End Excursions
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1017 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, late of Dr. Allen A o*., Pha US.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. KBSIDIHH AT No. 21a, Pena nr: Road. A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mthi. TEA V FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC. Large Check Rail Books of 200 leaves.
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  • 3137 9  -  [All Rights Reserved.] BY BEATRICE HERON-MAXWELL (Author cf The Murder at Lvndean,” etc.)- It was a typically happy home, that, of the Dyarts; a menage a deux’ in which only one mutual wish aud will prevailed—an ideality lealised. Aud iu these days of incompatibilities it is always refreshing
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  • 387 9 Do Two Blacks Make One White? Ou Feb 2nd at Hongkong, the annual general meeting of the Hongkong Branch of the China Association was held, Mr Murray Stewart presiding. In the comse of a long address touching upm many tonics connect ed with China, the
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  • 1192 9 A Russian Officer's Ride. Baron Gust-af M :uuerheini has recently returned from a very remarkable j ourney undertaken m tiie interests of the Russian General Stiff. Baron Mannerheim is colonel of a Russian regimeut of Hussars,and served with distinction in the Russo-Japanese War. The starting point of
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  • 470 9 (By ft Ttan\er.) From time to time this earth receives a visit from oue of those innumerable wanderers of the skies which are pursuing tbeir lightning career in great orbits, not always around any particular star, as the planets round our sun, but after visiting the
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  • 110 9 The following unclaimed letters and telegram are lying at the General Post Office Letters. Allen. J. Hunter, Hans Auuellv. Dr. Jameison, J. Bi.ssy, Miss Rose Johnson, Mrs. A. Boyle, T. Koatia, M. SBrown, Mav Lewton. Mr. Campbell, J. Mair, F. E. Carnelly, E. S. Money, L.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 86 9 A Popular Remedy in South Africa. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has been in South Africa for a number of years, and the fact that it still retains its popularity as a cure of coughs, colds and croup is certain proof that it gives satisfaction. Morum Bros., general merchants at Tarkastad. Cape
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    • 61 9 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This Remedy always wins the good opinion. if not the praise, of those who use it. The quick cures, which it effects, even in the most severecises, m ikes it a favourite everywhere. It is equally valuable for children and when reduced with sweetened
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    • 25 9 M AC KAY’S LIQUEUR WHISKY. The Whisky of Connoisseurs. Andrew Usher fio.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co., AGENTS FOR PENANG F. M. S.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 861 10 K0NINKL1JKE PAKEIVAART MA&TSCH&PPIJ. NEW SERVICE. Between Penang k Singapore via East Toast, Forts of Sumatra, The above Company lias opened a new fortnightly gervice between Penan? and Singapore, calling on outward and inward voyages at Deli. Batu Bahra, Asahau and Paueh. Next Intended Sailing from Penang. 8 s. Valentyn (529
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