Straits Echo, 12 February 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 956 1 BASS’S ALE. to o V V t O' u U i o pi <n 3: 4 b O vo <y _^o« < H •inois s.ssHNNino T H E EASTERN SHIPPING Company, Ltd., (ENGINE WORKS.) Engineers, Shipbuilders, Brass Iron Founders. Engineering Appliances Fittings in Stock. Works, Weld Quay and [ices 37,
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    • 23 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR;EAST. Y 7 O I i at^ --j z <r <0 TOKTO,' riAIMC LEE A Co., Sole Ageata*
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  • 213 2 An American exchange gays that the plans ot the North German Lloyd Steamship Company to mako its lino a worldgirdling service have received additional impetus with the unofficial announcement that the German company’s officials have been negotiating with the officers of the Western Pacific Railroad for
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  • 273 2 Conclusions of national importance have been arrived at by the Royal Commission appointed to inquire mto the question of afforestation in the United Kingdom, with special reference to its remedial effect upon unemployment Except that Mr. S Wilson, m. p., while signing the report, considers certain passages
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  • 499 2 Rufus Hildreth Thayer, the new judge of the U. S. Court for China, is a native of Plymouth, Michigan, aud is about fifty-five years <>f age, his father having removed from Massachusetts to Michigan in the early part of the last century. He was born on
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 50 2 Kwp it Handy. You may not Deed Chamberlain’s Couch Remedy now, but at this season of the year you are liable to need it within twenty-four hours. It is, without doubt, tlie best on the market for Couchs, colds, croup and whooping c>ugh. The (ieorge Town Dispensaiy Wholesale A gouts.
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    • 632 2 Gonosan capsules contain onlv the purest East Indian Sandal wood oil and Kawa Kawa. The first dose quickly removes violent inflammatory symptoms, bots of 40 capsules, at all dealers and Chemists. Cheap Week End Excursions to Selangor. First class return tickets will be granted per s.s. Kistna,” timed to leave
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    • 1721 2 TOWN JHALL. February? 22nd, 23rd and 2bth, A CARNIVAL OF COMDEY. Hugh J. Ward’s London Comedy Co. INCLUDING Miss Grace Palotta in the following latest and greatest farcical successes:— THE BOX PLANS ARE NOW OPENED AT THE ROBINSON PIANO Co. 8-2-09 122 Prices, $3, 32, and 31. ALBERT GOLDIE, Bueinets
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  • Shipping.
    • 97 3 Ban Whatt Soon, Br. s.s., 199, Milne, 11th Feb., Tongkah, 10th Feb., Gen.—E. S. Go.. Ltd. De Kock, Dut. s.s., 565. Visman, 11th Feb., Deli, 10th Feb., Gen. H. L. Co. Kawarhi Mam, Jap. s s., 3.782, Petersen, 12th Feb., Yokohama, —Gen.—B. Co. Persia, Aus. s.s., 3,779, 12th Feb.,
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    • 56 3 12th Febeuahv. Sportsman, for Batu Bahra. Rotorua, for Port Swettenham Singapore. Vorwirls. f r Tongkah. Ivopah, Renong, Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy. Selangor, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Carlyle, for Teluk Auson. Malaya, for Deli. Un Peng, for Pulau Langkawi, Perlis and Setul Flying Fish, for Port Weld and
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    • 80 3 Fo* Ceylon, Australasia. India, Aden, Mauritius, Egypt and via Brindisi, for Europe, etc—Per Devauha, to morrow, noon. Tongkah—Per Sappho, to-morrow, pm. Asahan—Per Mary Austin, to-morrow, 1 pm. Langkat—Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Tongkah—Per Ban Whatt Soon, tomorrow, 1 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Cornelia, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Port Swettenham
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  • 363 3 Per I. G. M. s.s. Kleist, (from Bremen, 13th Jan.) due at Penang on 18th Feb- To Penang Mr. A. S. Haynes, Ur. R. Romer and family, Mr. Fritz Vogel, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. C. Sehoevers. To Singapore Mr. W. Criisemann, Mr. Fritz Kupper, Mrs.
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  • 31 3 Vf.tsel» AVl/Bi Agent» Dub Devanha Singapore A.G.&Co. 13 b Feb Lutzow S'ngapore B.M.ACo. Hith Kleist Colombo U.M.&Co. 18'h Benlawers Condon S.B ACo. 20tb Macedonia Colombo A..G &Co. 25 th
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  • 28 3 Yfttdt For 4 Devanha Colombo A.Q «&Co. Feb. Lu zow Colombo K M.aCp. Kieiat Sngapore BM&Co. Benlawers Siugupore S B A Co. —-w Macedonia Singapore A.Q.&Co. 4
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1363 3 (SHIPPING.) P.&O. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals and Departure*. Mail Service. Outward Feb. 23 Macedonia connecting with Malwa Mar. 11 Delhi do. Mongolia 25 Devanha do. Marmora Apr. SAxsaye do. India Homeward. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd, Fom Imtbndbd to Sail. Stbambb. Date. <a., Connecting Due Steamer.
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  • 94 4 'a«tir« •atlufles everybody and I net ice alone —«<•«•»•)» Kubllahed daily (except Monday*.» AT TEE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penan*. PRICE: DAILY IXX)AL |M per annum OUTBTATIONB Poetage Ultra. KAIL MIHTION (Poet rree) 115 OAKLR AUDRKS3 Echo—Penang." Telephone No. 343 All baalneee rominnnirarton» ehoald
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  • 754 4 He would be a very queer man who would object to the encoura'jemeut in all possible ways of international friendships. It is better for nations, as for individuals, to be amiable and sociable, and those who in speech or writing tend to maintain raeial or national antipathies are
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  • 581 4 The following business in tin has be°n done to-day Penang Straits Trading Co.. 7 60 buyers, no sellers Penang Tin Exchange, 5 tons at 65 3 > Eastern Smelting Co ,50 65.62-j Singapore Straits Trading Co, 75 65.62 i Total 150 tons Tin is quoted
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  • 772 4 ORDINARY MEETING An ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held at the Municipal Offices yesterday afternoon, when tne following gentlemeu were present: —Mr. F. J. Hallifax (President) and Messrs. J. W. Hallifax. L. H. Clayton, Lim Cheng Teik and Dr. P. V. Locke, with Mr. L M.
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  • 686 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following were tbe results of the ties played yesterday Profession Pairs. Rrgersand Haslam (Electrical Engineers) beat Hodge and Brearley (Bankers), 3—6 6—4; 6—4. Goldie and Waugh (Merchants I) belt Criswick and Whitlock (Brokers), 6—2 6-4. Singles Handicap, Class C. Mourin beat Rilev (bye), 6—0;
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 451 4 GOVERNMENT GIRLS' SCHOOL, j rpHE Government Girls’ 8ehnol will rp 1 oppu on Motidav. iho b»th msiant after the ('liineso New Year Holidays 'J lie following ft os will he charged Special Class $4 per mouth all other Classes $2 per mouth. A. E. PRINGLE. 12-2-09 124 Inspector of Schools.
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    • 58 4 Don’t Take the Risk. When you have a bad cough or cold do not let it drag along uutil it becomes chronic or develops an attack of pneumonia, but give it the attention it de lerves and get rid of it. Take Cham'e-lain’s Cough Remedy and yju are sure of
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    • 62 4 Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This Remedy always wins the good opinion, if not the praise, of those who use it. The quick cures, which it effects, even in the most severe cases, makes it a favourite everywhere. It is equally valuable for children, and when reduced with
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    • 112 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Successful Visit. London, 12th Feb. —The British and German papers seem to be agreed that the Royal visit to Berlin has been a striking success, some adding quaintly that its success was beyond all expectations.” The King's frank and definite assurance of friendliness has
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    • 134 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Schools Rill Rejected. London, 11th February —The Californian Assembly has refused to pass the Japanese Schools Bill. President Roosevelt’s Congratulations. London, 12tb February.—President Roosevelt has telegraphed to Mr. Gillett congratulating the Californian Assemblv on its rejection of the Japanese Schools Bill. He adds that California having
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    • 63 5 Supplied by Reuter.) The Chain of Defence to be Extended. London, 11th February—Mr. R. B Haldane, War Secretary, speaking at ihe dinner of the Territorial Army at th« Ritz Hotel, referred to the negotiations with Britain’s overseas dominions with a view to the creation of an Imperial
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    • 31 5 (Supplied by Renter.) Another Outrage. London, 12th February—A Bengali student shot and murdered the native Public Prosecutor at Alipore- He has beeu arrested and is believed to be an Anarchist.
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  • 132 5 The British Resident, Mr. E. L. Brockman, C M G took advantage of his v sit to Kuantan the other dav to present to Mr. W. J. Muller the Royal Humane Society’s Medal for saving life. It appears that during last Easter holidays
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  • 206 5 Chinaman sent to Gaol. The Straits Echo telegram announcing the decision in this case is confirmed and amplified by the following report from tbe Times of Malaya The case in which Yee Ah Swee described as a Straits-born Chinaman and a bricklayer, was charged with having
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  • 548 5 (From Our Own Correspondent Tonckah, Feb 10th. Beggars and Plague. At a meeting at the Government offices, at which the Deputy High Commissioner (Mom Ctiow Piak Deput) and several Chinese Towkays were present, it was decided to raise subscriptions for the purpose of sending all the Chinese beggars
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  • 266 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star, 11th February. Shipping Competition. The public here is much interested in the new steamers which the Straits Steamship Co., Ltd., put on the run The fare for a deck passage cbaiged by the Eastern Shipping (To Ltd was formerly 81-50 now it
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  • 63 5 (Before Judge Wolferstan.) Detective Sent to Jail. Yu Kim Po, D. P C. No. 161. was yesterday afternoon sentenced to six months’ imprisonment and to pay a fine of $5O, in addition, with the option of undergoing six weeks’ imprisonment, for giving false information to a public
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  • 100 5 Arrived. Per s s. Thonqwa, 11th Feb., from Madras Miss Hodgkmsnn. Per s s Dc Kock, 11th Feb; from Deli The Misses G. and W. Mclntyre, Mr. Gong A. Oe and son, Mr. Osaki Per ss. Kietna, 12th Feb., from Singapore The Misses Buntz, Craven, Lilly and Sellers, Messrs.
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  • 91 5 To-day. 22nd Dav of Ist Moon. P. C. C. Tennis Tournament Lecture to Volunteers Drill Hall, 6 p.m. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 pni The New Japanese Cinematograph, corner of Campbell Strpet and Penang Road, 7-30 p-m. and 9-10 p.m. Alcazir Cinpinamgraph. King Street Theitre, Grand Opening Night.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 181 5 Localion:-DATO KRAMAT GARDENS. HIPPODROME Circus and Menagerie. GRAND OPENING NIGHT! Tuesday, February 16th. Absolutely the Biggest Show ever seen in Penang. 25 First Class Artistes 25 A Gigtntic Combination of the Brightest Stars of the Arena from the Leading English and Continental Hippodromes. A Programme of Unparalleled Brilliancy presenting the
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    • 340 5 “ALCAZAR” CINEMATOGRAPH, KING STREET THEATRE, The Most Perfect Cinematograph Entertainment Ever Given in the Colony, The Latest and Most Up-to-date Pictures. GRAN» OPENING NIGHT, TO-m TO-NiGHT!! Extraordinary Annooncement. France’s Leading Actors and Actresses, in a Dramatic Comedy by Brada, THE BRIGADIER’S STRIPES." Says 5 he Era of this film, This
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  • 4278 6 IN CIVIL ORIGINAL JURISDICTION. (Before Mr. Justice BraddeU-) (’u Mi Wort son anil Ot hers vs. The Attorney-General. After Mr. Paterson had given evidence in the above case yesterday morning Mr. William Stuart, Lecky was called by the (,'rown aud, examined by the Solicitor-General, deposed: Mr. Lecky’s Evidence.
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  • 118 6 Pmie, 12th Fibuakt. {By courtesy of-the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Sank ...2/ 3$ 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4^* 3 Credit -2/V* 3 Docuinentarv ...2/44 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174, days’ sight. Pr»*r« 176 Pombay. Ddinaud Bank 174 Mmimein, Demand Bant 173 3 days’ sight Pr*vnr> 176 Ktdras o*»m* nB
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  • 188 6 Gold Leaf $64.60 B. Pepi er(W Co«si 3lh« 50z.) no stock White Pep) $l7 75 sales Trang Hepf* 13.37 j sales Cl-ive* 37 50 sellers Mace 74. —sellers Mace Pic* 63. —sales Nutm*g* 110 s 19- —sellers SNo 1 6.65 sales „2 ao stock Basket 3.65 tellers Tapioca Flour
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  • 198 6 P HUANG, 12th Fbbbuart, 1909 Bbbv— cts. Soup l*er u.»it' 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail 30 Tongue 50 Feet 20 Heart 30 Liver per catty 30 Pobk— Pork per cati' 32 Pig’s Head 20 Feet 24 Tongu6 30
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  • 907 6 9 i S a a u o u. Capital. Number of Shares issued. > |)tvil*»ins 51 CL Nai OS 1903 .907 1901 1907 1903 1901 1907 1901 1899 1906 1907 1905 1906 1904 1906 1907 1907 1904 1907 1905 1905 1892 1905 1907 1907 1906 1907 1907 1906 1902
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 44 6 Thoroughly Tested. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has been examined by eminent analytical chemists who certified that it contained no narcotics. It is not only a safe and harmless medicine but the best in use for coughs, colds and croup. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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  • 259 7 Heavy Sentence on a Hongkong Engineer. A lino of P5OO has been assessed against Alexander McCormick, tbe second engineer of the Rubi, charged and found guilty of the illegal possession of 30 tins of opium. In handing down his decision in the case, says tbe Cablenews, Judge
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  • 607 7 Wrecked Crew’s Peril on Antarctic Island. The Antarctic islands seem to be the ouly desert islands where lonely shipwrecks are any longer possible—now all the charts are scored with routes. Those islands still lie beyond the reach of ail save the storm-tossed, lured far past the track of the
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  • 144 7 Looking through Whitaker's Almanack the other day, we came upon the following extract from a Government Blue Book which for sheer magnificence is hard to beat. The paragraph is headed Religious Creeds of Prisoners and this is how it proceeds (the italics are our own) Of the
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  • 166 7 Translations into Chinese. A complimentary address was forwarded to Leo Tolstoy by his admirers in Shanghai in celebration of his eightieth birthday on September 10 last, to which a reply has now been received through his secretary, in which the renowned author expresses his thanks to those concerned
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  • 187 7 Tuan Fane: Upholds Monopoly System. A telegram to the Hongkong Telegraph, dated Shanghai, Ist February, said His Excellency Viceroy Tuan Fang opened the International Opium Commission at the Palace Hotel to-day. The attendance was limited to the official delegates representing Europe and America, and the gentlemen of
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  • 318 7 Messrs J Russell Grant and Co. write from London on January 21st: Tbe market for Malay Rubber Company shares has been very active during the week. A certain amount of stock was put on ihe market early in the week, but it was readily absorbed and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1045 7 INSURANCES Guardian Assurance Company, Limited, Established J821. Subscribed Capital .£2.000,000 Total Invested Funds up* wards of 4.500,000 Total Annual Income J6759.000 THE undersigned have been appointed Agents of the above Company at Penang, and are prepared to issue policies of Insurance against loss by fire at the lowest tariff rates.
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    • 109 7 Grim ault and Co.’s Sarsaparilla clean sea the blood from all impurities arising from Scrofula, Eczema. Bad Legs, Skin Diseases. Pimples Soresand. A Popular Remedy in South Africa. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has been in South Africa for a Dumber of years, and the fact that it still retains its popularity
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    • 44 7 It has been satisfactorily demonstrated that thousands of persons have to thank Gouosau for restoration to health and happiness- It is astringent and antiseptic and has never been known to fail. Ai. it dealers in Patent Medicines and Cbemicul in bottles of 40 capsules.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 896 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha. US.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. AT So. 21a, Penang Road. A few doors from ihe Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mtba. FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC. Large Check Roll Books of 200 leaves. Price, $8 each. TEA .4
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