Straits Echo, 9 February 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 939 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. a <2 •2 rrj h N 30 w. *3 N 5 rv *3iv s.ssva TIANQ LEE A Co. T II E EASTERN SHIPPING Company, Ltd., (ENGINE WORKS.) banks Engineers, Shipbuilders, Brass Iron Founders. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. incorporated by royal CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking CorporationPaid
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    • 20 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR’EAST. a Y r 05 > 5 > to iMS /OKTO TIANO LEE A Co.. M Affid.
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  • 146 2 Prince Regent Dealing Severely with Opponents. The Chinese Government has telegraphed to all its Ministers accredited abroad to recommend for special high appointment those students in their respective countries who are considered to have a thorough knowledge of matters connected with constitutional forms of Government. The Government
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  • 198 2 Gigantic Undertaking Commenced Near Plymouth. A large party of commercial meu aud representatives of public bodies last month visited the site of the new ocean dock and harbour which it is proposed to eiect in Wembury Bay, about four miles from Plymouth. Huge breakwaters are to be
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  • 288 2 Bv far the most thrilling story of the Messina catastrophe is that contributed to Lloyd’s News by Mr. Doresa, with the special interest for Englishmen that it contains a, tale of pure heroism ou the part of the captain and crew of the Welsh coaliDg steamer Afonwen.
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  • 469 2 During the two years thit have elapsed since the Prevention of Corruption Act came into operation its value has been sufficiently demonstrated by the results directly achieved. Twelve convictions may not seem a very large number, but they have a typical character which gives them importance-
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 60 2 Don't Take the Risk. When you have a bad cough or cold do not let it dray along until it bee >mee chronic or develops into an attack of pneumonia, •but give it tho attention it < e ervps uud get rid of it. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and you
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    • 490 2 A Popular Remedy in South Africa. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been in Sjuth Africa for a number of years, and the fact that it still retains its popularity as a cure of coughs, colds and croup is certain proof that it gives satisfaction. Morum Bros general merchants at Tarkastad, Cape
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  • 29 3 Vetttit t f*>tn Ayentg D%« Dilta Colombo A G &Co. 11th Feb. Devan'ba Singapore A.G.&Co. 13tb Lutrow Singapore B.M.ACo. 16th Kleist Colombo B.M.&Co. 18th BenlawerB London S.B.ACo20th
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  • 29 3 Vettelt For i ‘•"vet Dilta Singapore A.G ACo. Feb. Devanha Colombo A G ACo. LfilZOW Colombo K M.aCo, Kleist Singapore B M ACo. Beulawers Singapore jS B.&Co. 1
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  • Shipping.
    • 166 3 De Kock, Dut. s.b., 565, Visman, 7th Feb., Laugsa, €th Feb., Gen.—H. L. A Co. Mary Austin, Br. s.s., 121, Harvey, 7th Feb-, Asahan, 6th Feb., Gen.—E. S. Co., Montrose, Br. s s., 2.884, Glegg, Bth Feb., Liverpool. sth Jan., Gen.—S- B. A Co. Pin Seng, Br. s.s.,
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    • 54 3 9th February. Jin Ho, for Lang Rat. Mary Austin, for Asaban. De Kock, for Deli. Sportsman, for Dindings. Pin Seng, for Port Swettenham and Singa* pore. Carlyle, for Teluk Anson. Flying Dragon, for Pulau Langkawi. Mambang, tor Setul. C. Apcar, for Singapore and Hongkong. Ipoh, for Port Swettenbam and
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    • 201 3 Fob Negapatam and Madras—Per Tara, tomorrow, 10 a.m. Teluk Anson—Per Cornelia, to-morrow, 2 pm. Rangoon—Per Sexta, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Colombo and Tuticorin —Per Persia, to-morrow, 2 pm. Langsa, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Sabang —Per Pegu, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Dindings—Per Tong Chay Un, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Singapore, China
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  • 312 3 Per P. and O. ss. Moldavia, connecting with the Delta at Colombo, due at Penang on 11th Feb. To Penang (from London, Jan. 15) Miss I. E Ashton, Mr. J. C. Benson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Craig and children, Mr. and Mr»; G. P. PanoD, Miss
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1008 3 (SHI PPINO.) P. 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outward. Feb. U Della connecting with Moldavia 25 Macedonia do. Malioa Mar. 11 Delhi do. Mongolia Homeward. THROUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. 8.s. Macedonia March 26. FARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. lat Clam Sod Class To Iiondon by Sea
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  • 92 4 JtMTlra Knblla* d dally (tirapt «nmlava.i »T T- K CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—2:12, Beach Street. Penang. PRICE DAII.T LOO AI $9l par mmhiim. OIJTSTATIONS PoatJMff Ultra. WAIT. ■DITION (Pott Free) $l5 OAHI.H ADDRESS Echo—Penang." Telephone No. 343. M.-AH tmniueaa common teat lonx tddreefd vn Til
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  • 436 4 That was in more wavs than one a noteworthy utterance which our reporter attributes to Mr. Yeoli Guan Seok at the opening of the new Mandarin School. Repudiating a suggestion that the founders and managers of the institution had political aims in view, Mr. Yeoh asserted, if
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  • 197 4 There is to be a special Service of Prai*e to-morr-tw (Wednesday) at St. George’s We have pleasure in acceding to a request to publish the programme, as under, omitting the hymns. Part I. Prayers and Versicles. 1. Anthem ...The Radiant Morn W oodward. WordB from Hymn
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  • 63 4 The following further subscriptions to the Italian Earthquake Fund have been received Previously acknowledged $201.80 PeDang Presbyterian Church 25 64 Joseph Heim 1.00 J. Martin 1.00 Alfred Suhl 1.00 Lee Chin Ho 300 G. Roullet 1.00 Mrju Bland 1.00 Mrs G. Hamel 1.00 Mrs. K. T.
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  • 300 4 The following business in tin lias been done to day Penang Eastern Smelting C 0..) rn buyers, no sellers j Penang Tin Exchange, 25 tons at 64 12J Straits Trading Co., 25 64.50 Singapore: Straits Trading Co, 25 64.25 Total 75 tons Tin is quoted
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  • 560 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following were the results of the ties played yesterday Single Handicap, Class A. V. Q. Savi beat H. C- Sells, 6—4; 7—5. A. G. Anthony beat W. S. Dunn, 6—4; 2—6; 6—4. W. S- Goldie beat C. C. Rogers, 6—3 6 —3. H. A.
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  • 746 4 Shoot for Monthly Spoon. Yesterday afternoon, the members of the Ladies’ Rifle Club shot for the Monthly Spoon for February. The attendance was good. The firing was over two ranges—100 yds. and 150 yds. Appended are the individual scores 100 Yards. Mrs. Anderson 331 Mrs. Mawley 32
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 423 4 TOWN JIALL. Extraordinary Theatrical Event, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, February, 22nd, 23rd and 24th, Hugh J. WARD'S LONDON COMEDY COMPANY including the famous beauty actress, Miss Grace Palotta. "The best company we have ever seen.” Times of India For years to come they will be held up as an example
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    • 37 4 Dr. Boss of Strassburß introduced Gonosan in tbe treatment of the most painful of diseases U> which mankind is liable. It is better, safer and more effective than other preparations of Copaiba. Cubebs or plain Sandalwood oib
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    • 44 4 According to all accounts wo have the assuranee that Oonosan is one of the most valuable discoveries of modern pharma* cology and is far ahead of all preparations of Copaiba, Cubebs. etc. It is the safest and most successful. At all Chemists and Dealers.
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    • 45 5 (Echo Special.) Two Drowned. Singapore, 9th February.—lt is reported that a European Police Officer and Malay Sergeant from Kuala Lumpur were drowned at Kuala Pahang on Sunday morning, while landing from the If ye Leong Their boat capsized in the strong surf.
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    • 115 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Opium Conference Unnecessary. London. 9th February.—ln a loug letter to the Time*, Sir Frank Swettenham questions the need of another opium commission, seeing that all matters at issue were fully investigated and decided upon by the Royal Commission in 1895. He re-iterates his
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    • 143 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Anglo-German Relations. London, 9th February.—All the leading newspapers publish references to the departure to-day for Berlin of their Britannic Majesties, and expressing the hope that the visit, may help to improve Anglo-German relations. A noteworthy article in the Berlin Tage Matt quotes a speech made by
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    • 76 5 (Supplied by Reuter Differences Adjusted. London, Bth February.—Tbo Daily Chronicle understands thar. the difference with regard tn the expend 'u e or the Navy has been adjusted. The Ad niialty has established the case of its construction programme but, acknowledged that undue speed in proceeding with the
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    • 45 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Parliament's Re-assembly. London, oth February.—Mr. Asquith, in issuing the usual notification of the date for the assembly of Parliament, warns the supporters of the Government to be in their places, as matters of grave and urgent importance will immediately arise.
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    • 50 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Catnlle Mendes. London," 9th February.—Catulle Mendes has been killed in a railway accident. [Catulle Mendes was born at Bordeaux 68 years ago. A journalist at 18, he has since been almost equally popular with Parisians as poet, playwright, author and humourist. Ed., 8. E.]
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    • 50 5 (Supplied by Reuter-) Poquelin Cadet. London, 9th February.—Ernest Alexandre Honore Coquelin is dead, aged 61 years. IThis is the younger Coquelin, born at Boulogne, and described as the best humorous actoy in Puh. lie was an enthusiastic amateur painter, contributed humorous writings to current periodicals.—Ed., 8. E.)
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  • 3129 5 IN CIVIL ORIGINAL JURISDICTION. (Before Mr Justice BraddeU- CuthhertHon and Others vs. The Attorney-General. The proceedings iu the action brought by Mesats. Boustead Co. against the Government with regard to the foreshore rights at r Weld Quay were resumed liefore Mr. Justice Braddeil after the lunch interval yesterday.
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  • 552 5 (Before Mr Brown.) Trespass. Kaja Ritanam, a Hindu, was yesterday charged with trespassing upon premises No. 2, Argyll Road, without lawful excase. It was alleged that the accused, who was formerly employed as a boy by the prosecutrix, went to the bouse m a drunken state on
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  • 318 5 Mr Douglas Osborne, at a recent meeting of the Perak State Council, expressed it as his opinion that there was no provision in “The Mining Enactment, 1904,” to facili tate the prosecution of coolies who deliberately committed a dangerous act in disobedience to orders, and moved to
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  • 50 5 Departed. Per 8.8 Bantam, Bth Feb., for Padang Mr Cban Cheng Tay. Per s s. Muttra', Blh Feb., for Singapore Messrs. B. L. Becker, Alexis ilaunan, N. L. Hausen, Abdul Razak, B. F. von Ovea aud S. Vinko. Per sB. LianChoo, Bth Feb., for Kedah Mr. Lawson, Mrs. D’Mornay.
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  • 81 5 < To-day. 19th Day of Ist Moon. P. C. C Tennis Tournament. Town Club. 6 to 7 p.m. The New Japanese Cinematograph, corner of Campbell Street and Penang Road, 7-30 p.m. and 9-ld p.m. Wayaug Kissim, [King Street Theatre. 9 p.m. I To-morrow. 20th Day of Ist Moon. P.
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  • 17 5 English Delta > ...11th Feb China (Devanna) ..,13th' a* y lAU tow) ,16th Germau Kleist) ...18th
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  • 18 5 Last Quarter Feb 13th O New Moou 20th Fnsi Quarter 27th O Full Moon Mar. 7th
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 30 5 The most rapid and satisfactory results are obtained by treatment with Oonosan (Kawa Santal). Booklet and sample to medical men free on application to any of the chief Penang Chemi*Ci»l
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    • 48 5 Keep it Handy. You may not need Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy now, but at this season'of the vear you are liable to need it within twenty-four hours. It is, without doubt, the best on the market for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 438 5 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION Tenders will be received at the Resident Councillor's Officp, up to noon of the 10th instant, for the following works:— 1. Roo.fing Sungei Piuaug Police Parracks. Supplv of metals and spawls as follows:— 1. 550 Cubes of 2" metal to be delivered from the bottom of Ginting Hill,
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    • 701 5 NOTICE. A MEETING of the General Committee ot the Agricultural Show will be held in the Governor's Office. Government buildings, on Monday, the 15th iust at 4 45 p m. Business. 1. To fix the date of the Show. 2 To elect Office Bearers and SubCommittees. W. FOX, 9 2-09
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  • 124 6 9th Fimvart (By c juries y oj the Chartered itau*.) London Demand Hunk «/3J 4 months’ sujht B*>> 2,4^ 3 Credit 2/<* F 7 4 Documeniar» —2/4 i imu, i-t-m.iml Bans It* 174 uays sitjnf PrwiM- 176 B<>iiioh>. Deniaini Bunk 1/ 3| M almoin. Demand Bank 172J i da*.
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  • 182 6 Gold leaf $64.60 B. Bepj er( W.Coast 31b5.5 oz.) no stock White Peppei $l7 50 —buyers [Vang Pepper 13{- —buyers Cl>ve* 34 —buyers Mtoe 74 sellers fclace 63. —sales Nutmeg» 1108 19- —sellers fNo 1 6.65 sales Sugar < 2 no stock ('Basket 3.60 sales T.p.oc Flour 1.65 buyers
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  • 1158 6 a x B z Number of. p f 2 Capital. Share» > Dividends Name. 28 *-3 issued. p '5 2? q§ o 2 a a- Mining:. 1903 300,000 30,000 10 110 10 for year ending 31/3/08 Belat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. 65*16 50 .907 300,000 22,500 10 10 Bruang
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 223 6 Thoroughly Tested. Chamberlain’s Cough R>medv has been examined by eminent analytical chemists who certified that it contiined no narcotics. It is not only a safe and harmless medicine but the best in use for coughs, colds and croup. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents. KORIIKLIJKE PAKETVMRT ■MTSCHIPPIJ. MEW SERVICE. Between
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    • 66 6 MARTIN’S r>T£EL* PILLS A t ranch for al. I rregul»»*tl«s. ■mikl* l.a.iic- keep a <»\ r '1 *ni .*s Kill* in the hoi.> th« •r i *»f .iay *rr»-.;i*l.-»rity of the SvMchi a t ih*-|« J/ *r;« y t* •dnMtmi'rcl 'I m>» ifM»' eoMiim ni tl». I, tic Ar'* m
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    • 48 6 THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” GIN Buttery Co “SLEDGE BRAND” MILK. Absolutely Pure. Every single tin guaranteed good. Obtainable from all the Retail Stores. MACKAY'S LIQUEUR WHISKY. The Acme of Quality. Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co.. AGENTS FOR PENANG 6t F. M. S.
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  • 843 7 Commenting on the China New Year, the Hongkong Telegraph, after some preliminary remarks, goes on to say From the European point of view last i year ended nearly a month ago, when all that was necessary to remark in the way of retrospect was recorded, but from
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1266 7 INSURANCES Guardian Assurance Company, Limited, Established 821. X2.000.000 up* Subscribed Capital Total Invested Funds wards of 7.. 4,500,000 Total Annual Income £759,000 THE undersigned have been appointed Agents of the above Company at Penang, and are prepared to issue policies of Insurance against loss by fire at the lowest tariff
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    • 104 7 Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This Remedy always wins the good opinion, if not the praise, of those who use it. The quick cures, which it effects, even in the most severe cases, makes it a favourite everywhere. It is equally valuable for children, and when reduced with sweetened
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 954 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. KBHIDINe AT /Vo. 2Is. Penang Road. A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. C) mthi. TEA V FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC. Large Check Roll Books of 200 leaves. Price, $8
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