Straits Echo, 5 November 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 962 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. TIANQ LEE A Co. m a W £Li.^.'yeis.\e>\ mm Yjiml «S ia a (n AV SOLE AGENTS. BASS’S ALE. T H E BANKS. eastern shipping Company, Lid., (ENGINE WORKS.) Engineers, Shipbuilders, Brass Iron Founders. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital
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    • 26 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. NQddIN l W} §7 7 c 5 Co > a CD 6 *7> rOKTO TIANQ LEE A 00,, S»/« A—ate.
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  • 230 2 The writer of the London Letter of the China Mail, after visiting tha Rubber Exhibition and attending the dinner presided over by Sir Henrv Blake, formerly Governor of Hongkong and Ceylon, writes After the dinner I had a few moments’ chat with him
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  • 502 2 Report of Directors. The following is the Report of the Directors of the Kalumpong Rubber Co.. Ltd., for presentation at the Second Annual General Meeting of the shareholders to be held at the Office of the Company, No. 22 Kiangse Road, Shanghai, to-morrow The Directors
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 95 2 An Inquiry Answered. A geutloinau at Bembesi, Rhodesia, writes to nquie where Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy cin be procured. He ey vs he has 1 artied of the good effects resulting from its use. and as children in that Reality are often subject to coughs, he desired to give it a
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    • 448 2 A Good Household Liniment. When a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balui is kept in the house, the pains of burns and scalds may be promptly relieved, cuts and bruises quickly healed, swellings promptly reduc:d aud rheumatism and teuralgia robbed of their terrors. In fact, for the household ills, it is
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    • 1634 2 KTOTICB. THE undersigned »eg to inform tho public of Penang and the neighbouring Native States that thev have been appointed Agents for Messrs. Ingall Parsons, Clive 4 Co., Ltd., of London, and have recently recoivel a larg6 shipment of very best quality Europe ready made Coffins, Coffin Furniture and Assorted
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  • 28 3 Vessels From Agents Due Assaye P. Alice Sicilia Goeben Singapore Singapore Colombo Colombo A G&Co. B.M.&Co. A G &Co. B.M ACo. 7th Nov. 10th lOih 12th
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  • 22 3 Yettelt For Agen!* Leave* Assaye Colombo A.G ACo. Nov. P. Alice Colombo B.M ACo. Sicilia Singapore A.O.ACo. Goeben Singapore B.M. ACo.
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  • Shipping.
    • 59 3 Teesta Br. s.s., 3,428, Willis, sth Nov„ Madras, 29th Oct., Gen.—H. L. A Co. Cardiganshire, Br. s s., 2,695, Tyers, sth Nov., London, Ist Oct., Gen. —B. A Co. Rotorua, Br. s.s., 556, Glenday, sth Nov., Singapore, 3rd Nov., Gen.—E. S. Co., Ltd. Malaya, Ger. s.s., 348, Leowe, sth
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    • 62 3 sth November. G. Apear, for Calcutta. E. F. Ferdinand, for Singapore, China and Japan. Vidar, for Pangkalan Brandan. Perak, for Deli. Cornelia, for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Tong Chay JJn, for Trang. Canton, for Dindings and Teluk Anson. Teesta, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Pegu, for Langsa,
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    • 156 3 Fok Tongkah, Kopah, Renong, Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy—Per Omapere, tomorrow, 1 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore—Per Rotorua, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Rangoon—Per Sol/ond, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Hye Leong, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Pulau Langkawi, Perlis and Setul—Per Un Peng, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Deli—Per Malaya, to-morrow, 4 p.m.
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  • 464 3 Per P. and O. s.s. Sicilia, due at Penang on 10th NOV. To Penang (from London. Oct. 10) Mr. and Mrs. W. Hargreaves, Miss Thomson, Miss E. D. Holden, Mr. R. K. Walker, Mr. Mr. R. K. Shaw, Mr. H. J. Alty, Lieut.-Col. R. S. F.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 848 3 pjO. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals and Departnres. Mail Service. Outward. y„r. 11* Devanha connecting with Mongolia j Delta do India do Victoria Homeward. Per. 17 Assaye THROUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. Bjs Macedonia March 26. tARbS BY MAIL STEAMERS. Ut C!a«t« iod Claw I’o Loudon by Bea £66 £4l roilareeillea
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    • 368 3 (S HIPPIN G.) HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE, FREIGHT SERVICE. Next Sailings for Singapore, China and Japan. 8.8. Scandia sth November 1908. Next Sailings Homeward. VIA COLOMBO. Taking cargo at through Rates to Antwerp, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Copenhagen Lisbou, Oporto, Loudon, Liverpool, Glasgow, Marseilles, Trieste, Genoa, Ports in the Levant, Black Sea, and Baltic
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  • 94 4 JoitUce everybody and loet.Jre alano —Kmsr*»%. rubltahed datly (evoept Monday».» AT TBS CRITERION I’RESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Reach Street. Penang. PRICE DAILY LOCAL 12» p<*r i«nn. OUTBTATIONM Foot»** Katra. MAIL IDITION (Foot Free) *l6 OABI.K ADDRESS fichn —Penang.” Telephone No. 343 A. 5 boulnes* communicat-low* uliould be
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  • 532 4 When we remember certain indiscretions of celebrated monarchs we recognise how supremely blessed is England in a king who invariably says the right thing at the right time. King Edward is the first diplomat in Europe. His international visits have done more to promote good-feeling
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  • 52 4 The N -T». L. mail steamer Prinzess Alice is expected to leave Singapore on Monday, the 9tb inst., at noon, and is expected to arrive here on the following dav at 3 p.m. She will most probably sail for Europe, via Colombo, at 6 p m. the
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  • 627 4 The following business in tin ha* been done to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange, 1 j... buyers, no sellers j Eastern Smelting Co., «0 t7i buyers, no sellers j Straits Tradiug C»>., 50 tons at 69.87 j Singapore: Straits Tradiug Co., 80 69.87* Total 130 tons.
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  • 327 4 IN BANKRUPTCY JURISDICTION. (Before Mr. Justice Braddell The Public Examinations of the following bankrupts were held to-day Re J. W. Webb. Joseph William Webb states that he is an assistant in Messrs. Pritchard and Co. His service under that firm begau about sixteen years ago. His present salary
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  • 634 4 The inquest into the death of Li Swee Moi was resumed yesterday afternoon Ohu Kui, a barber, stated I have known Swee Moi for three yens. He was an honest man he had no enemies. He told me be was going to Chiua I heard about his having been
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  • 619 4 (Before Mr. Brown.) Theft. Tan Chew was yesterday sentenced three months R. I, for theft of a bo, J° taming clothing, valued at $43, property of Chong K.m Chong, at P r 'au« n Road, on the Ist inst. 8 Theft of Toddy. A Hindu, named Ramasami,
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  • 323 4 An Impressive Funeral. Ih3 funeral of the late Mr. Wong Cboo Keng, Manager of the Perak General Farm, took place this morning. The cort>'(je left deceased’s residence in Kimberley Street at 9-30 a.m., and made its way to Mount Grskine Cemetery via Carnarvon Street,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 38 4 Dr. Boss of Strassburg introduced Gonosan in the treatment of the most painful of diseases to which mankind is liable. It is better, safer and more effective than other preparations of Copaiba. Cubebs or plain i Sandalwood oil.
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    • 131 5 Echo Special.) John A. Boyes Pleads Guilty. Singapore, sth November.—John Augustus Boyes pleaded guilty and was to nine months’ hard labour. In his last letter our Singapore correspondent makes the following reference to the case A case of special interest to Singapore people i« engaging the attention of the
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    • 149 5 (Supplied by Reuter Russia and Austria. London, 4-tb November.—The Russian Xote with regard to the Balkans has been presented at Vienna whore, iu official quarters, there is a tendency to regard it as distinctly unfriendly. Anxiety is felt as to wbat will be the next development in
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    • 115 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Taft’s Majority. London, 4th November.—Mr. Taft’s plurality in New York is estimated at IIUO.OOO. Be carried all the important and doubtful States, though bis pluralities are considerably below those of President Koosevelt in 1904. Less than Roosevelt’s. London, sth November.—Two hundred rod forty-two votes
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    • 88 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Federal Council Summoned. boiiilon, 4th November.—The German r&leral Council of Fo r eign Affairs, which ,inl J meets in cuses of supreme importance, iH beeu summoned to confer with Prince od Buelow. Buelow to Remain. «London, sth November.—The German crisis is apparently over, the eaders uot
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    • 55 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) •'ostal Service with India Not Contemplated. Bjj? o November.— Lord Morley of •Ut U ru Secret *LV of State for India, U T 1 ldt there was no intention of taking •nil P- 8 UU(^Hr existing circumstances. *0(1 A VIOW establishment of postal Lhi e r
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  • 927 5 {From Our Own Correspondent London. Oct. 16th. Sir F. H. Lovell to Visit the Straits. Sir Francis H. Lovell, c. m. o.. Dean of the Loudon School of Tropical Medicine, will shortly proceed to the East on a special mission iu connection with that institution. Sir Hoary,
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  • 951 5 (From Our Oum Correspondent.) Taiping, 3rd Nov. Official Appointments, Movements and Changes. J Ths British Resident paid a visit to Selama yesterday morning and returned the l j same evening. The Secretary to Resident will be going j. to Kuala Lumpur on Thursday morning, on business in connection
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  • 34 5 October Outputs. The following tin-mine outputs for the month of October are reported La hat Mines Pels. 1,008 Gopeng Tin 665 New Gopeng 205 Rambutan 120 Kinta Tin Mines 425
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  • 76 5 The following items are taken from the London and China Express of the 16th ult.:— Ulu Rantau Rubber. At the meeting on 12th Oct. the report and accounts were passed. Duff Development. Gold dredging returns total 7,536 oz. from Jan. 1 to Oct. 3, against 4,829 oz for
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  • 725 5 The Ladies’ Interport Competition. The Kuala Lumpur Ladies’ Rifle Club have won the rifle-shooting competition open to all ladies’ clubs in the Straits and the F- M. S., with an aggregate score of 687. The scores of tha other clubs participating in the competition are —Penang 668; Ipoh
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  • 641 5 The Proposed Abolition. A Friend of the Schools writes as follows to the Straits Times, on the subject of the abolition of the Queen’s Scholarship: I have read with much interest, the article which appeared in Friday’s issue of your paper referring to the abolition of the
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  • 101 5 I Arrived. I Per s. s. Teesta, sth Nov., from Negapataui: Messrs. Ralley and Natesan. Per s. s. Oceana, 4th Nov., from London Mrs. W. Proudlock and infant. From Marseilles: Dr. J. Kirk, Mr. G. S. Steinmetz. Mr. F. W. Darby, Mr. H. E. Darby, and Mr. W. Duncan.
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  • 101 5 To-day 12th Day of 10th Moon. The New Japanese Cinematograph, corner of Campbell Street and Penang Road, 7-30 p.m. and 9 39 p.m. Ott’s Circus, Dato Kramat Gardens, 9-15 p m. To-morrow. 13th Day of 10th Moon. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p m. Theatrical Performance in Aid
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  • 12 5 China (Assayed ».,7thNov. China (Prinzess Alice) ...10th German (Goeben) ...12th
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 37 5 Prof.'Schmidt prefers Gonosan (SantalKawa Riedel's) to any other preparation of Santalwood oil. Although he used the drug in more than 20 cases, he has never observed any Bigns of nausea, flatulency, nephritic pains, pruritus nor skin eruptions
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    • 437 5 B. I. S. N. CO., LTD. NEW SERVICE. Between Penang, Tongkali, Kopah, Renong, Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy. THE Company’s steamer Bhadra (600 Tons) will maintain a fortnightly service between the above ports. She has excellent accommodation for first and second class passengers. Next sailing from Penang Tuesday, the 17th
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  • 68 5 Obituary. j>plie,l fey Reuter.) L 0 n,i ir Edward Law. bounced 4 f h M^ oven ber Tbe death is Uw M“j°r Sir Edward Fitzgerald j. Law was born in 1846 and was "“tic S* rv Iq®®- He entered the Diplo-H(*-rV n H<< 48 Financial and Com- Gov! He was
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  • 118 6 New York, October 19.— 1 n magazine circles here it is that President Roosevelt will accept the editorship of The Outlook when he returns from Soutu Africa. His plans are to transform the noted week into a powerful political, econoimc and moral organ, following the same lines
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  • 205 6 The first portiou of the Hedj-o/. railway has iust been completed and was opened roceotlv by a special mission sent by the sX„ The nc» line starts from Damascns and traverses the sacred places of Islam and at present ends at Medina. The ccrnTMt'OD has lieen so
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  • 240 6 What is described as the present painful position in the Dominion” is the subject of a petition to the Chinese Government, which has recently been signed by a large number of Chinese residents in Now Zealand, ibe petitioners state that their grievance has been brought about
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  • 336 6 A (luiet Weddiug Solemnised in it Colombo. o Cevlou papers publish details of the c marriage of the Rev. John A. Gray, of I Singapore The new couple are due to arrive in Singapore by the N D L steamer i Buelow on
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  • 258 6 New P. O. Steamers. The largest vessel yet built at Greenock, the Maltm, a twin-screw steamer of 11,500 tons gross measurement, was launched on Oct. 10 from the yaTd of Messrs. Caird and Co. She is the first of two similar vessels j to the order of the Peninsular and
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  • 334 6 Messrs, J. Russell Grant Co.’s I Report. London, October. 15th. 1 The Market for Malay Rubber Company I Shales, continues to improve, and the volume I of business grows larger daily, and the gener-1 al outlook is good. I Auglo-Malavs fully-paid have been freely taken up to
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  • 117 6 Pbnaho, s*h November 4 (By ciurtesy of th* Chart***'! Hank.) London I**"'*" 1 hi ns Han. 2'4 T 3 brwlit is 3 Dt<cuin«flrc»if> •2_4s Calcutta, I)em.trut"Bauk R** .i .tav» Sigot Prwai*. l BoiiVoav. DMvihtt t'WhK 174| Moulmein, D«ino»*d Hant 1*"I 3 days’ «igoi Pfiv»»* Madras, Dematid Bhnk 1/G i
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  • 190 6 Gold leaf $65 20 B. Pepper( VV.Coast 3U>H.S 07.. no stock White Pepper $14.50 sales Trang Peppet 16 95 sales I Cloves (picired) out of season Mace 71 a e Mace Picking» 61. sales Nutmegs llo» \7\.-buyers N>. > 6.65 sales Sugar t tock rtH-Kr 3.30 sales Tapioc..
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  • 188 6 Pkhamo, 5th Novembee, 1908. Be f .v ctt Soup i- r n i Roast “4 Steaks I Stew or Curry Meat *6 1 1 Rump Steak 1 Ox Tail c, Torgue YV Liver pe>; catty 3U Pork— Pork pc* catty 34 I Pig’s Hea<l 20 J Feet 26
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  • 834 6 —a 1 1 a I I g *0-2 Number of, *3 I M 1 QV, Q r Q w I > r>iTidm»*'a Name. >, 3 2 Capital. Shares > p 3 5 2 I i#sued. 00 1 .51“ L Minins’. vm 5 :*ntntH> 30.000 10 10 10% for year
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 70 6 Children in the Home. Small children are always a source of an xiet yto pirents. Coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough atiack the little ones and serious illness tesults almost, belore-tbey ate aware of it. One 1 1 i« 1 of Chamberlain's Coif.'h I’rmedy for t he>e troubles will prove
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    • 139 6 Something for the Children. The puritv of Chamberlaiu’s Cough Remedy has long au established fact, Give it to the little ones. It contains no opium or other harmful drug and will cure their coughs, colds and croup. Tne George lown Dispensary, Wholesale Agents. FOR SAIjE. “SUNNY SINGAPORE'' BT THE Rev.
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    • 53 6 m&ckats LIQUEUR WHISKY. iyr a■R.TELL’S BRANDY. Gleslers Champagne. Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDIUNDS, BUTTERY Co. AGENTS FOR PENANG F. M. S. THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES. Sandilands. Butterv Cn BORDEN'S PEERLESS MUD EVAPORATED CREAK Absolute Purity Guaranteed, AGENTS s SAND1LAHDS, BUTTERY 4 Co..
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    • 85 6 WROUCHT-IRON TUBES AND FITTINGS. L«>re(e l»tocS* on Eittnd. ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO., LTD. IF YOU WANT TO DRINK THE BEST BEER, ORDER “ASAHI,” the beer that wins immense popularity in the Far East. It pleases the most fastidious palates, Sold by Leading Shops and Hotels. TIANG LEE CO,, SOLE AGENTS. DRINK
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  • 971 7 The deeay oi the art of preaching is one of the reasons put forward by the indifferent layman for not going to church of a Sunday. Whether the grumbler would be any better pleased if he found himself sitting through one of the great masterpieces of pulpit
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 55 7 An Infallible Remedy. No matter bow severe an attack of diarrhoea may be, Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy never fails to give relief. You cannot afford to be without it. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale AgentsRi gaud's lioeool Extract is an exact reproduction of this sweet yet powerful Indian
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 822 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr, Allen Co,, Pha, U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. MSIDIN» AT /Vo. 2 la, Penang Road. A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mth« TEA >0 e> v TEA SOfcE AGENTS FOR PENANG. PATERSON, SIMONS Co.. Ltd. WONG KIM MUN. No.
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