Straits Echo, 10 August 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1030 1 GUINNESS’S TIANO LEE a Co. L\l 'Si -s H 7 4 v-; 22 50L£ AOESTS BASS’S ALE. T H E eastern shipping Company, Lid., (ENGINE WORKS.) Engineers, Shipbuilders, Brass Iron Founders. BANKS OhartsrecJ Dank of India, Australia and China. IN CO RPO RATE D BY ROYAL CHARTER. j 81,200,000 J
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    • 32 1 va <r* £> -t. ac I r ->-. :-U 55, S i Z 4 SAW' “O 4 cr: O H -I--UI =a UI \THt DAI NIPPON BREWERT -I c/a Ex] OKYC.JAPAN m CQ < H
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  • 1284 2 Ruffs. Shoes, and Stockings. Women i are wonderfully clever. They i manage to adapt their figures to the varying 1 fashions in the most extraordinary mannerWhen hips are in, hips they have. Now that both waist and hips are for the moment taboo, the smart woman shows
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 45 2 Should be Kept in Every Household. A® a result, of savine my child I regard Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kennedy as a medicine which should l>e in overv household.— John Adams, Merchant, Cold Liver, Nova Scotia. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale A gen is.
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    • 372 2 Gonosau (iu capsules) is well tolerated by the digestive apparatus no complication of auy sort occurs, aud its action is most favorable in Cystitis. Approved by the leading specialists of the day. NOTICE. TO the Sporting Public and Clients that I beg to make known that from this date Mr.
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    • 1397 2 BKTN. JOSEPH L. EViSTON.” NOTICE OF SALE. NOTICE. THE Captain, Owners, and Agents of the above named vessel will not lie res pousible for any debts contracted by the crew whilst the vessel is in Port. By Order, P. VV. KOBBLEE. Master. Penang, tiih August, 1908. 410 PENANG HOTEL. 31,
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  • 28 3 f uw A gr. nt Due Malta Colombo A.G ACo. 13th Aug. Marmora Singapore A.G. ACo. 15 th Prinz Eitel Friedrich Colombo B M ACo. 20th
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  • 21 3 Vessel» For A newt* Malta Singapore O ACo. Aug Marmora Colcmbo A G ACo. PriDZ Eitel Friedricb Singapore B.M ACo.
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  • Shipping.
    • 169 3 Kum, Br. s.s., 2,077, Bailer, Bth Aug. Calcutta, 2nd Aug., Gen.— B. Co. Agamemnon, Br. s.s, 4.461, Robimon, Bth Aug., Singapore, 6th Aug., Gen. W.M. Co. Nippon, Aus. s s., 4 050, Parrabochia, Bth Aug., Singapore, 6th Aug., Gen.— S. K. Co. Astrba, Br. cruiser 4,?60, Ryan, Bth
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    • 21 3 10th August. Sree Bangka, for Batu Babra. Canton, tor Dindings and Teluk Anson. Japara, for Pulo VVeh, Olehleh and Padang.
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    • 97 3 Fom Tongkah—Per Malacca, to-morrow, I p.m. Tongkah—Per Avagyee, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Langkat—Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Asahan—Per Petrel, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore—Per Pin Seng, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Pulau Langkawi and Setul—Per Flying Dragon, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Hue Leong, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Port
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  • 350 3 Per P. and O. s.B. India, connecting with tb« Milta at Colombo, due at Penang on 13th Aug.:— To Penang (from London, July 17) Mr. and Mrs. J. Beckles. To Singapore (from London) Mr. and Mrs. A. Jamieson, Mr. and Mrs. R. Forrester, Mr. A. Mitchell,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 765 3 Coy. Arriv.^ 1 «eP»rtnre 9 Mail Service. Outwardwith India *'> v ictoria INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., JLtd. sitW^HoBewerJ. Britannia Date. Steamer. Connecting with S.S. Due London. Aug. 15 Marmora 29 Delta Sept. 12 Delhi 26 Malta Oct 10 Devanha 24 Delta y oV 7 Arcadia llimataiQ Macedonia
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    • 467 3 (SHXPPIN HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. FREIGHT SERVICE. Next Sailings for Singapore, China and Japan. s.s. Brasilia 15th August, 1908. Next Sailings Homeward. VIA COLOMBO. s.s. Saxonia, for Havre and Hamburg 15th August, 1908. Taking cargo at through Rates to Antwerp, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Copenhagen Lisbon, Oporto. London, Liverpool, Glasgow, Marseilles. Trieste, Genoa, Ports
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    • 58 3 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. rpHE 8.8. Hong Moh, Captain R. 8. Bain* L bridge, is expected to arrive here on Wednesday and will leave for the above ports on Friday, the 14th inst., at 3 p.m. For freight or passage apply to KOE GUAN Co.. Agents for WEE
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  • 99 4 Justice a everybody and justice alone Awrten. Published dally (except Sundays.) AT TH» CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penary. PRICE 1)411,V LOO AI 52* per annum OUTBTATIONB Postage Kxtre. MAIL BPITTON (Post Kree) $l5 04BLK ADORKS Echo —Penang.” Telephone No. 343. H,b. —All bostnoss romiuuniranonK
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  • 408 4 Exactly seven years ago yesterday the crown of the greatest empire the world has ever seen was placed upon the head of King Edward, who has worthily maintained the traditions of all that is best in the British monarchical system. He had a difficult task before him in
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  • 98 4 H. E. Sir John Anderson, High Commissioner, F. M. S., who travelled to Port Swettenham by the F. M. S. yacht Sea Belle, arrived in Kuala Lumpur from that port by last evening’s train, and presided at the opening of the Agri-Horticulturai Show at II a.m. this
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  • 596 4 Thk following business in tin has been done to-day Penang Straits Trading Co., 25 tons at 869.37| Eastern Smelting Co., 50 69.25 Singapore Straits Trading Co., 150 69.50 T0ta1...225 tons. Rangoon rice is quoted here to-day at $164 per coyau. Scarcity of water is being experienced
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  • 167 4 The magnificent, three-storeyed edifice, opposite the present Railway Station, which has been in process of erection for the last three years, will be opened for business in about a month. No ceremonial opening, we are reliably informed, will take place. In the ground floor the various
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  • 699 4 Vote of $13,500 Passed, At last Friday’s meeting of the Legislative Council the Colonial Secretary moved fora vote of $l3 500 for a tug for use in connection with the Government Wharves. Penang. He explained that a telegram bad been received stating that the launch Puffin
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  • 536 4 The Government Gazette of August 7 con tains the following items of information His Excellency the Governor has app ouit ed the Hon ble Captain Arthur Young* c.m.g., to be his Deputy during his absenin the Federated Malay States, whither h proceeded on the Bth iußtant. The Keppel
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  • 180 4 Tbe following tin mine outputs for the month of July are reported Societe des Etains de Kinta Pcl9. 2,625 Bruseh Hydraulic (for 15 days’ working) 245 Chenderiang Mines 703 Pahang Consolidated Tons 100 A fancv dress dauce is to he held in the Klang Club on
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 325 4 JUST RECEIVE O NEW STOCKS OF CHAPPELL’S RELIABLE PIANOS LONDON MADE. They can be nupplied either in Vertical or Overstrung Models and with octaves, or the regular 7. SECOND TO NONE FOR TONE AND ACTION and sold at the LOWEST PRICE for which a GOOD PIANO can be bought. a
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    • 100 4 A Well-Known Remedy. There are few peoples in this country s j J have nr>t used, or at least heard of Chain lain’s Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea RenMWJ* It i 3 the first thing they think of w eD Z or any member of the family are stru with Diarrhoea,
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    • 111 5 (Supplied by Reuter Tabriz and Turkey. j oßi 9th August.—A telegram from Crsburg states that a party of Young 5 bare arrived at Tabriz and are a propaganda for tbe unification j/TliP Mussulman States under a Liberal Constitution. The correspondent of tbe Daily Telegraph jeberau states that
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    • 180 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Russian Note to the Powers. London, 9th August.—Russia has communicated the Anglo-Russian reform scheme with regard to Macedonia t;o the Powers, but onlv for information. She considers that in view of the events taking place in Turkey the Powers should defer any action
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    • 38 5 Armstrong Co. (Supplied by Renter.) £1,000,000 Debentures Issued. London, 9lb August, —The shipbuilding firm of Armstrong Co. Ltd., are issuing debentures for £1,000,000 at 102£ and bearing interest at 4 per cent, for extensions m Italy and Japan.
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    • 331 5 {Supplied by Reuter.) All the Defendants Found Guilty. London, 10th August —The trial of the Mile End Guar.liuus on a charge of con"piracy and contravention of the Public bodies Corrupt Practices Act concluded on Saturday after a twenty-days’ hearing. A verdict of guilty was brought against
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    • 63 5 {Supplied by Reuter.) *o* Artificial Restriction of Families. CoS°“’ 10th August.—The Lambeth The a 18 conc u< l e< l its sitting. ci»[ r IC<D P,B h°P 8 condemn the artifi*ith r». ll 'i >U am ‘bes. The resolution lUO( >cent L 6 re m arriago of
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    • 20 5 (Supplied by Renter.) Arrival at Auckland. London, 10th August.—The American Pacific FI et has arrived at Auckland.
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  • 447 5 Severe Encounter Between Police and Chinese. Never since the famous riot in Wayang Street iu 1902, when two men were shot before tbe rioters could be subdued, have the Singapore Police experienced such a tierce encouuter as they did early this moruiug, says Friday’s Strait i Times
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  • 368 5 Thus a correspondent to the Times of Celyon “At last there was only one cooly,” sings a planting poet in one of your recent issues, which reminds me of a story I heard wbeu at the Straits. It related to a place up Perak way,
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  • 91 5 Handicaps, llie following are the handicaps for the first day’s racing (18th Aug at Taiping Rack 3— Ex Griffin Race. Second Start 10 7 Cartoon y 7 Connaught Ranger 8 0 Rack 4—The Trial Stakes. Lady Broekleigh 9-5 Quorrobolong 8 5 Lynwood 8 0 Race 6 —Oten Galloway
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  • 132 5 Annual General Meeting. At the cnnaal general meeting of the members of tha Singapore Cricket Club, held at the Club Paviliou on Thursday last, Captain A. H. Young, c.m.g., was re-elected President for another term amidst applause, and the following were elected to form the Committee
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  • 213 5 The Ladies* Bisley. A Ladies’ Bis‘ev is to b-* held in Taiping on September 21st and 22nd and will be open to all the ladies’ rifle clubs in this part of the world. All ihe events, with the exception of one, will be fired for with the miniature
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  • 338 5 Arrival of the “Maine” and “Alabama” iu Singapore. The American battleships Maine aud Alabama arrived at Singapore at 10 30 a.m on Friday, from Manila, en route homeward, via Suez. The list of officers of tbe battleships shows a considerable change in the personnel from the time they
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  • 307 5 I he following description of British Malaya was delivered by Lieut. Holland at the Starboard Lights ’’entertainment in Singapoie the other d«y British Malaya is a tract of territory variously descritied by the g'orious British Public as beiug in China, India and Burma. It is conveniently divided for
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  • 325 5 Amidst every manifestation of the deepest sympathy and greatest grief, the remains of tbe late Dr. J. W. Barrack were interred at Teluk Sisek on tbe 16 h July. From the time that his remains had been brought back to Kuantau, until the cortege left
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  • 205 5 Arrived. Per ss. Palitana, 9th Aug. from Singapore Mr. Jus'ice Law. Messrs J. H Baldwiu and V-»u Somereu Per ss. Perak. 10th Aug., from Port Swettenham Mr J 11. Pye, Mr H. Kiug. Mrs. Venoing, Miss Maclean From Singa pore: Mr. Bailey, Mr. D- Gilchrist and 8 Chinese Ladies.
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  • 109 5 To-day 14th Day of 7th Mood. Public Holiday. Agricultural Show, Kuala Lumpur. Towu Band,.Esplanade, 9 to 11 p.m. The Pathßacop o Kiog Street Theatre, 7-3 i) p in. and 9 30p.m. Japau’s Living Devils,” corner of Penang Koad and Campbell Street, 9 p. ra Wavang Ibram, Kwala Kangsa Theatre
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  • 17 5 Bnglish <MaHa) ...13'hAug Ohm» (Marmora t ...loth China (Schamhorsh ...19th German P. Eitel Friedrich) ...20ih
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  • 18 5 O Full Moon Aug. 12th Last Quarter 19th O New Moon 27'h First Quarter S-pt. 4th
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  • 36 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Homewards M'tlta 13 Auy. Marmora 15 Auq Devanha 27 j Delta $9 Lxtra Service. Outwards Homewards. Nore 18 Auq. I Nubia 22 AugPera 1 Se 1. I Syria 5 Sept.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 64 5 As a Last Resort. B fo'e going to the expanse of calling a doctor for a cape of diarrhcei or dysentery, procure a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and you will be more than pleased with the result. There is not another medicine in the world that
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    • 45 5 A Message from Australia. Messrs. Williamson Co., Jundab, Queensland, writes: Chamberlain’s Colic Cbolera and Diarrhoea Remedy enjoys a great reputation in these parts. It has effected some really remarkable cures, and there is scarcely a home without a bottle." The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 41 5 A Stubborn Disease. Rheumatism is considered by the iredical men to lie the hardest disease ihere is to control, but Chamberlain s Pain Bilm has remarkable rower over it One application will give relief. The George Town Dispen sary. Wholesale Agents
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    • 384 5 I BANE HOLIDAY. The Exchange Banks will be closed on Wednesday, 12th August, 1908, which has been proclaimed a Public Holiday. TO-NIGHT! TO-NI6HT!! GRAND HOLIDAY PERFORMANCE. THE WAYANG IBR A M, KWALA KANGSA KOAD THEATRE. WILL STAGE, A Most Interesting Play. CHARMING ACTRESSES! MOST COMICAL CLOWNS I Boors open at
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  • 999 6 Tbe House of Commons weut into Supply on tbe Civil Services and Revenue Departments Estimates on the lC'h ult. On a vote of *11.821,571 for tbe salaries and expenses of the Post Office, including telegraphs and telephones, M r S. Buxton made a humorous speech. He
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  • 853 6 Are you in pain, my little man asked the kind old gentleman. No,” answered the boy, the pain’s in me.” Client—•• Didn’t you make a* mistake in going into law instead of the army Lawyer—“ Why Client By the way you charge, there would be little left
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  • 256 6 Sanguine Chinese Mine-Owners. Writing on the 29th ult. the Ipoh correspondent of the Malay Mail says Despite the long period of low prices, the Chinese mi «-owners seem to have it firmly fixed in their heads lhat we are shortly to see a leturn to the unduly
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  • 183 6 Gold leaf $65. B. 311»*«.. s no stock White Pepper ..$15. —buyers rraug Pepper $10 buyers Jor India Cloves (picsed) out of season >]ace 70. —nominal \lac« Pickings 58. —sales Nutmeg» 110s 19 —buyers r No. 1 6.65 sales Sugar < 2 no stock Basket 3.50 sellers Tapioca Flour
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  • 176 6 Pknang, 10th August, 1908 Beef— et». Soup (>er catty 12 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 60 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 30 Fork— Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head 2) Feet 26 Tongue 32
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  • 1196 6 o -J Number of i 5 3 Capital. Sbares > j Last Dividend. Name <5 jy S I issued. x 5* 3 5 o 1 ca co o <J Mining. 1903 300,000 30,000 10 10 31 for vear ending 31/3/08 Belat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. 6 75 7 25
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 38 6 Prof. Schmidt prefers Gonoean (SantalKawa Riedel’s) to any other preparation of Santalwood oil. Although he used the drug in more than 20 cases, he has uever observed any sigus of nausea, fluuleucy, nephritic pains, pruritus nor skin emptions.
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  • 375 7 Taxes are to be levied in China on native produce, mines and cattle, the proceeds of which are to be utilised for the development of Mongolia. l'be Minister of Education has obtained sanction from the Throne for the appoint* ment of Mr. Foo Tseng Hu as Director of
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  • 512 7 Directors’ Report for 1907. ’lll* following is the report of the Directors of the Socicic des Etains de Kinta for 19u7 'lha total output iu tin ore won from the various concessions amounted to 1,577,660 kilos, agaiust 1.609.706 kilos, in 1906 This is made up
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 25 7 The French Medical Profession rely on Sautal Midy to cure chronic bronchitis, kuluey aud bladder trouble, as well as dis’ charges from the unuary orgaus.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 799 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. KBSIDIK# AT No. 21a Penang Road. “v m i A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mills. TEA V tea SOLE AGENTS FOR PENANG, PATERSON, SIMONS Co., Ltd. I J TYPEWRITERS. 9
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