Straits Echo, 23 July 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1006 1 SOLE AO ENTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT. «6 S» CD O £3 A ft <S w 22V ftssvfl TIANG LEE A Co. T H K eastern SHIPPING Company, Lid., (ENGINE WORKS.) BANKS. > Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Engineers, Shipbuilders, Brass Iron Founders. Engineering Appliances Fittings
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    • 27 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. HOddlN sT Y 7 -L <>s > -o CD 7» •*> 4 n *h m 10KT0 TIAWQ LEE A Co., S»J« Ageata.
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  • 1000 2 Huge Gathering in Hyde Park. Though the great demonstration of women suffragists in Hyde Park on Sunday (June 21) gathered a record multitude, numbering anything from three hundred thousand to half a million people of all degrees, it was patent. Bays Lloyd' Nexen, that curiosity, and not
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 78 2 A Sheep Shearer’s Trials. I have followed the shearing seasou through New Zealand and all over Australia," says Mr. R. L. Mcllean of Duntroon, N. Z and the changes of water and tucker always briug an attack of diarrhoea. The only relief I can obtain is from Chamberlain s Colic,
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    • 461 2 A Good Suggestion. Carry a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic' Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy iu your hand luggage when travelling. 1« caunot be < b tained on board the train or steamship. You will then be protected against attacks of diarrboei, change of water and diet so often brings on. The
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    • 1018 2 “DE SUMATRA POST.” Daily Published at Medan-Deli, IS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER OF SUMATRA. N. KANDA (OK OSAKA, JAPAN) No. 8, Church Street, Penang, IMPORTER HIGH-CLASS ANTIQUE A MODERN FINE ART WORKS OF JAPAN. C THE SALES ROOM, 88, Bishop Street, Penang. Undertake the Sale by AUCTION of Merchandise (either sound
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  • 38 3 Vestels fro» Agents Due Moyune Singapore W M ACo. 25th July. Bengloe London S.B.ACo. 25th Delhi Colombo A.O ACo. 29th Japan Singapore A.A A.Co. 30th Devauha Singapore A G.ACo 1st Aug. Titan jSingapnre YV.M ACo. 3rd
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  • 26 3 Ves»elt For Lea »»<»•> Movune Antwerp W.M.&Co. Jjly. Bengloe Singapore iS.B.&Co. Delhi Singapore A.G.&Co. Japan Calcutta A A .A.Co. Devanba Colombo AO&Co. Aug. Titan bivorpool W.M.&Co.
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  • Shipping.
    • 71 3 M A.BTiuuchßß, Dut. a.»., 827, Potiewijd, 22nd July, Padang, 13th July, Gen H. L. Co. Gokben, Ger. s.s., 5.150, Wilbelrai, 22nd July, Singapore, 20th July, Gen.— B. M. Go. Tkesta, Br. 8.8., 3,428, Willis, 23rd July, Negapatam, 19th July. Gen.—H. Ij. Co. Hye Leong, Br., s.s., 296, Treweeke, 23rd
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    • 59 3 23rd July. Jin Ho, for Langkat. Mary Austin, for Asahan. De Kock, for Deli and Langsa. Cornelia, for Port Swettenhatn, Port Dickson and Malacca. Hebe, for Deli. Canton, for Pangkor and Teluk Anson. Flying Dragon, for Pulau Langkawi and Setul. Pegu, for Langsa, T. Semawe, Segli, Olebleb and Sabang.
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    • 233 3 For Tongkab—Per Malacca, to-morrow, 1 Tongkah—Per Avagyee, to-morrow, 1 p.m* Port Swettenham and Singapore—Per Vorwarts, to-morrow, 1 Teluk Anson—Per Hye Leong, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Mergui, Tavov and Moulmein—Per Kapurthala, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Sdadras taking mails for Europe, etc., via Bombay—Per Thongwa, 25th instant, 10 a.m. Pangkalan
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  • 205 3 Per P. and O. s.s. Mongolia, connecting with the steamer Delhi at Colombo, due at Penang on 29th July To Penang (from Marseilles, July 10) Mrs. Gray. To Singapore (from London, July 3) Mr. W. A. Fell, Mr. A. G. Harrington. Mr. R Cardwell (from Marseilles)
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  • 36 3 P. O. SAILINGS. Mall Service. Outward*. Homb wards. Delhi 2D July. I Devan ha 1 Aug. Malta 13 Aug. Marmora 15 Extra Service. Outwards. Homiwardh. Palma 3 Aug. I Sardinia 8 Aua. Non if 99 M
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 790 3 P. BiQ.Sleain Navigation Coy. Lpedei Arn^? Mail Service U“ twnr l tb Mongolia lu l coooeeW ;w fca do Vidona UcvnH HomewarJ Connecting Due I>ate. I Steamer. wlth s.S. London. n Moldavia Ung. 30 Zt {W. dipt* 13 1, n.itn \Maeedonia 7.7 ,p f 12 Delhi Mongolia |Oct. 10 FARES
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    • 391 3 (S J£2 IP PI N G.) HAMBURG-AMERiKA UNIE. Next FREIGHT SERVICE. Sailings for Singapore, China and Japan. s.s. Ambria s.s. I stria. ith August, 1908. Next Sailings Homeward. VIA COLOMBO. for Havre aud Hamburg oth August. 19t*8. Taking cargo at through Kates to Antwerp, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Copenhagen Lisbon. Oporto, London,
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  • 98 4 ■lnsure satisfies everybody and Justice alene Smtrson. v'ub'lshfvi dally (except Sundays.) at th 1 CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street. Penang. PRICE IMllif LOCAI f 24 per annnm OUTSTATIONH Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Foet Free) (15 CABLE ADDRKS Echo —Penang.” Telephone No. 343 s.ft.— All business
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  • 1290 4 Come, let us reason together.” That is the spirit in which we wish to approach at this juncture a subject matter that in the past appears to have given rise to much argument. In mechanics, excessive friction generates heat which retards the progress of the machine, and
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  • 138 4 The following business in tin has been done to-day Singapore Straits Trading Co., 7 buyers, no sellers PeTang Penang Tin Exchange. buyers, no sellers Eastern Smelting Co., 7 ia buyers, no sellers *i Straits Trading Co., 50 tons at 68 ?5 Tiu is quoted in
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  • 584 4 THE ASSIZES. (Before Mr. Justice Fisher) Fabricating False Evidence. Yesterday atteiuoon the hearing was resumed of the case in which a Chinaman, named Ng All Long, stands charged with the above indictment by planting chandu. Ki Bun Siew, the clerk ol the complainant, was cross-examined at considerable length.
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  • 285 4 (Before Mr. Scott Attempted Suicide in the Dock. Having received certain information Detec tive Sergeant Thrale, at about 8 15 p in. on Tuesday last, marked fourteen coppers and save the money to a Chinaman, named Chu Chin, with certain instructions. About half-au-hour later, Seigeant Thrale, in
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  • 680 4 Penaug Free School vs. Aiurln. Chinese School. The League match between the P„, Free School and the Anglo-Chinese which was played on the C. K 0 yesterday afternoon, resulted in *7 T 1 the former team by one goal to nil ti f r was considerable delay in
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  • 149 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following were the results of tl* f played yesterday Championship C. c. Rodgers beat A. G Autbooj. 6—4; 4—6 6—4 Mixed Double Handicap Mr. and Mrs. Andersou beat Mr. aDd Mrs. Lees, 6 2 4 6 6 —2 Mrs. Keun and Iveus beat M
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 862 4 i THE PENANG ADVERTISING AGENCY, j Bill-Posters and (General Advertising Contractors, No. 7, Church Street, Penang, S. S. J No. 303; Telegrams “PADDY.*’ H I crated Malay States, Kedah, and the East Coast of Sumatra (Ned. Indies). NOTICE. Messrs. GRAHAM Co., Ltd., HAVE OPENED A BRANCH DISPENSARY at 11c, BUCKINGHAM
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    • 64 4 Try This for Chronic Diarrhoea. Many sufferers from chronic diarrhoea have obtained prompt relief by the use of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Some of the worst, cases of this disease have been permanently cured by it after other treatment and skilled physicians had failed. Try it and you
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    • 69 5 s. PP iM h Kn rr London, jj r R Laidlaw, Liberal Cm r a rrSUhire, E„ asked Col. S of Slat* for the Si«. to coo»*f tb«qae.t.ou of refu.tng tocoStiDueta.MdifafW'"* in the Federiwl Malay statea after the lease of the prpaent Farm eiptra»- V (j
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    • 45 5 (Supplied by Reuter Still Liven to Fight Another Day. London, 23r«l July.—The report that Admiral Rojestvenskv is dead is untrue and arose from a confusion of persons. It was a man of the same name who died while undergoing treatment at Bad Nauheim-
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    • 124 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Voting Turkey Party Active. London, 22ud July.—A telegram from Salonika state* that six batteries of the Anatolian Rediffs have proceeded to AlouaHtir. The Young Turkey Party have formed a regular government at Achrida aud Rezua. Ureek vs. Bulgarian. A Ureek band has killed thirty Bulgarians aud
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    • 94 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) America Triumphant. London, 22ad July—Americau representatives have won the fiual heat of the 800 metres race, the high jump, aud also most of the heats in the sprints at the Stadium yesterday. Walker Wins the 100 Metres Race. London, 23rd July.—Walker, the South African,
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    • 185 5 (Supplied hy Reuter.) Rockefeller Wins on Appeal. iOU( on, 23rd July —A telegram from bh.cago slates that the United States Circuit m 0Urt baa on appeal, quashed the decision imposing a fane of $29.000.000 on the Stand- Company for violations of the A re-trial cf the
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    • 35 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) j i h I tin K »t Ttbrii. Place ai Tabriz S(f,ltiDe,ook that two I U Monday and it is reported wound*]. UDdred P*°P le were killed or i i j
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    • 69 5 {Supplied by Reuter.) '«d«\SW Audience. leaving’ T Count Komura, who to N lt pi n «“Monday to take up Cabinlf filS n Minister in the new i w 'th the Kin.c ,ye8 u erda v 1)iu an audience i et,er of recall °u hft P re8ent#Hl his Secrfi,
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    • 38 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) posing ofDe’ Beer Mines. Lon.lon, 23rd July.—The De Beer Dia down fbJir D 1 C ,npany has ,lecided to close 1 U Ujlues necessitating the discharge of 200 Whites aud 1,200 natives.
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  • 477 5 1 bo London and China Express of the 3rd 1 I” 8 b Al th fo,,owin S editorial on the sub ject oi the Penang Hill Railway: lor years past the possibility of a railway up the Penang Hill has been projected borne four or five years
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  • 412 5 1 he prospectus has been issued in London i of the Sekong Rubber Company with a registered capital of £80.000 k shares of £1 each. The issue was for £65,000, of which the vendors take £15.000 in part payment of the purchase price of £40.000, leaving £50.000
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  • 320 5 11ns morning the goiug was rather heavy I here was more than the ordinary number of spectators. The schooling of horses entered for the show afterwards enabled them to see some good jumping. Following are some details of the trainmg work done:— Dunrobin and Chevalier went a mile
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  • 595 5 Say8 Tuesday’s Strait* Times —Mr. M. R- rbornton, the Unofficial representative of Penang, did not make a big splash when he took the water at Friday’s meeting of the Legislative Council. He distinguished himself. however, bv supporting a Government proposal in regard to Penang in direct conflict to
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  • 1000 5 r More Details. Jlj toil,, wing details of the Pahang I uro r case «w by the Singapore r ree Pre»s It. is with regret we annouuoe the death l,y violi‘uce iq Pahang of Dr. J. W Barrack, a medical .gentleman well known and thoroughly liked
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  • 908 5 J w Tbe following items of information regardiug tin am J rubber companies m Malava > re tl f ,V n D fhe Lon(lon and China Express of tbe 3rd mst. r Rambulaii. 1 he. secretary lepoits: Returns for June jas cabled, 1 tons. n
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  • 15 5 Departed. Per b h Jin Ho, 23rd July, for Langkat Mr. Lim bin Hoan.
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  • 79 5 To-day Jotli Dav of 6th Moon. P. C. 0. r i enuis Tournament. .Matsuo’s Cinematograph, corner of Penang j Road and Campbell Street. 83j p.m. !The Pathescope.” King Street Theatie, -30 p.m. and 9-30 p.m. To-morrow. •26th Day of 6th Moon. j C- C. I minis Tournament. Town Band,
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  • 20 5 English t Delhi) ...29th July. Chma (Dev inha's ...Ist Au J German Derjjlinqer ...sth China (Priz Ludwig) ...sth
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 32 5 Qonosan provokes neither discomfort, complications, nor nausea. It is the happiest scientific combination of best East T adian Sandalwood oil and Kawa Kawa. Bottles of 4U capsules at all chemists and dealers.
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    • 33 5 Gonosan fin capsules) is well tolerated by the digestive apparatus no complication of any sort occurs, and its action is most favorable in Cystitis. Approved by the leading specialists of the day. i
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    • 410 5 NOTICE. A Meeting of the Chinese Community s*. of Penang will be held at the Chinese Town Hall, Penang, on Friday, -4th July, 1908, at 4 p.m. sharp, to consider the By-Laws to be passed by the Municipal CommissionersIt is hoped that all the Chinese gentlemen will do their best
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  • 58 5 Obituary. {Supplied by Reuter.) i T J he Bishop of New York. London 22nd July—The death is anuouuced of the Rt. Rev. Henry Codman Potier, Bishop of New York. [The Bishop of New York was born in 1831 pwuSphir tb Epu p He was a p. p of Oxford University,
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  • 304 6 Smith-Seely. A quiet wedding took place at St. Margaret’s Church, Worthing, on Wednesday, (June 10th) between Surgeon W. C. B Smith, b.n., elder son of Mr. William Buchanan Smith of Woolston, Southampton, late of Singapore, and Miss Ethel Mary Seely, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.
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  • 544 6 Picture a mission church in a public street in Singapore. It is Sabbath evening— though the streets seem no different from any other day—and the Christian Endeavour Society meets. A company of about fifty Chinese are gathered, with some women hid from view. On the pulpit
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  • 421 6 We take the following account of the Singapore Hunt Club’s Gymkhana held on Saturday last from the Straits Times The Singapore Hunt Club is perhaps not heard so much of as its general aims deserve, but its Committee have the satisfaction of knowing that, despite the
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  • 142 6 Hundreds of Thousands Starving. A Startling Report The Hongkong correspondent of the Singapore Free Pres* wires on the 19th inst. News has arrived here tint the Chinese authorities sitting at Canton have appointed a special committee to investigate the damage caused by the floods. This Committee has already
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  • 331 6 Some few months ago a Chinese gentleman who announced that he would be known as Joseph Overbeck Anderson was admitted to practice as a barrister of the Supreme Court of Hongkong. It is interesting to learn that he has just accepted an appointment from H. E. Viceroy
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  • 124 6 Penang. 23rd July. (By c mrtety of tk* Chartered hann.i London Demaita j t t months’sign* B.m* ..2-4 T l^ M 3 Credit .2/1$ 3 Documentary ...2/4 6 Calcutta, Demand Bans Rs l <4s 3 days’ sight Pnvau- 17 6 Bombay. Demand Bank 174$ Mouimein, Demand Bank 173 J
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  • 181 6 Gold I ««.5 $65. B. Pfipper) Slh». 1 •>*. no stuck White Pepper $15. sellers 1’rang Pepper 10- buyers Cioves (picked) 31. buyers 70. —sellers ilace Pickings *>5. buyers Nutmegs llOfc 13. buyers No. 1 6.30 sales Sugttr 5 2 no stock Baxke- 3.50 sellers Tapioca Flour 1.80 nominal
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  • 184 6 Penang. 23rd July, 1908 Beef— e^B. Soup t*' r catty Roast 26 Steaks 26 Stew or Curry Meat 17 Rump Steak 26 Ox Tail e*cl> 3u Tongue 60 Feet I'^ Heart 30 Liver per catty 30 Pork Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head 22 Feet 24 Tongue 30
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  • 1177 6 o-2 Number of *i 2 o 5 5 Capital. Share» > l>»«t Dividend. Name. 3 issued. p K w o O 3 fc 2S O Mining. 1903 300,000 30,000 10 10 31 for year ending 31/3/08 Belat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. 6.75 «6.75 1907 300,000 22,500 10 10 Bruang
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 68 6 Infantile Cholera. Any unusual looseness of a child’s bowels daring the hot weather should be a warning <o toothers. Infantile cholera may develop in a few hours, and prompt action should be taken to avoid it. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, followed by a dose of castor oil, will
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  • 306 7 What is a Day’s Work. Tb» following revised Rules determining what constitutes a day’s work, under the lamil Immigration Fund Enactment, have been published, in supersession of those issued on the 22nd November last 1. In cases where a labourer works on daily wages, the work actually performed
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  • 312 7 Japanese Lady Wrestler on a Charge of Ring Stealing. A comedienne’s missing diamond ring led to a charge of theft at Stratford Police Court, London, on the 27th ult., against Iris Miyako, 18, a well-known lady wrestler on the halls, a Japanese subject, of Ashworth Mansons, Maida
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  • 262 7 Some Interesting Statistics. Answering a question by Mr. MacVeagb, the Chancellor of the Exchequer stated recently in the House of Commons that the total accumulations in the Suitors Fund and other funds in the Court of Chancery, on May 31 this year, was as follows Stock .£47.509,050 9
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1108 7 BAXTER Co s UEST NAVY CANVAS. SANDiUN.)SjnrrTER^Co_ 1 S» N S well-known extra MVy CANVAS, No- 0. «MiilUiWiS. BUTTBUY Co. John Bazief Wte ros; PORTLAND CEMENT, “LION IiRAND." Sandllands, Hulterv Co., agents. PENANG F. M. S. INSURANCES, THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. BURRELL Co.’s boilbd a raw LINSEED OILS, PAINTS TURPENTINE
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    • 18 7 Rigaud'B Bocool Extract is an exact reproduction of this sweet jet powerful Indian perfume and is very popular.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 771 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. BNSIDIN» AT No. 21a Penang Road. A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mthi. TEA 4* UNDERWOOD FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC. TYPEWRITERS. Large Check Roll Books of 200 leaves.
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