Straits Echo, 10 July 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 922 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. TIANG LEE A Co. mm, a 'U V o r-; A K SOLE *OENTSBASS’S ALE. T II K B A. K ms. eastern SHIPPING Company, Lid., (ENGINE WORKS.) Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation $15,000,000 Engineers, Shipbuilders, Brass Iron
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    • 26 1 i HE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. HOddlN ms 7 2> Q> Co > 3 CD to > to 6 *y m f» rOKTO TtANQ LEE Oo..Safe
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  • 976 2 AUTHORITIES DISCOURAGE VISIT OF FAMOUS CLASSICAL DANCER. Artist** Reply. Conscientious Chief Constable Sent to Investigate. Miss Maud Allan, whose Salome dance has taken London by storm, and who has danced before the King, the Queen, and the Royal Family, is forbiddeu by the Watch Committee to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 78 2 A Sheep Shearer's Trials. I have followed the «hearing season through New Zealand and nil over Australia,” Bays Mr. R. L. Me Ileau of DuutrooD, N. Z aud the changes of water and tucker always bring an attack of diarrhoea. The only relief I can obtaiu is from Chamberlain’s Colic,
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    • 548 2 Try This for Chronic Diarrhoea. Mauy sufferers from chronic diarrhoea have obtained prompt relief by the use of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera aud DiarrLcea Remedy. Some of the worst cases of this disease have been permanently cured by it after other treatmeut and skilled physicians had failed. Try it and you
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    • 1147 2 IT "WILL COST YOU TO CALL AND HEAR THE AUTO-RACHALS PIANOThe beauty and charm of this instrument is quite beyond description. Do you WANT to hire a Piano? We supply new ones from $lO per month. Tuned. Regularly FREENEW PIANOS from $2BO. FOR CASH WE ALLOW 10% DISCOUNT. GRAMOPHONES RECORDS.
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  • 39 3 Vessels Fro r/> Agents Due Kintuck Singapore VV.M <tCo. 1 ltbJuly. Delta Colombo A O.ACo. 15tb Calchas Si gapore W.M &Co. 17tb Malta Singapore A.O.ACo 18th Moyune Singapore W M ACo. 25th Japan Singapore A.A A.Co. 30th
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  • 33 3 Vetselt For A vent* he liveKmtuck Antwerp VV M ACoJ July. Delta Singapore IA.G ACo. Calchas Liverpool W.M.ACo. Malta Colombo A G ACo. Moyuno Antwerp W.M.ACo. Japan Calcutta A. A. A.Co. 1
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  • Shipping.
    • 150 3 Erroll, Br. 6.8., 2,886, James, 9th July, Liverpool, 6tb Juue, Gen.—S. B. A Co. Voewarts, Ger. s.s 643, Ipland, 9th July, Singapore, 7ih July, Gen.—E. S. Co., Ltd. Mary Austin, Br. s.s., Harvey, 10th July, Asahan, 9th July, Gen.—E. S. Co., Jjtd. Ban Wh/tt Soon, Br. s.s., 199, Milne,
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    • 52 3 10th July. Vorwarts, for Port Swettenham A Singapore. Padang, for Batu Bahra. Tong C/iay Un, for Trang and Pang Nga. Errol', for Singapore, China and Japan. Hye Leong, for Teluk Anson, Flying Fish, for Port Weld and Taiping. Oinapere, for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. G. A pear,
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    • 135 3 For Deli—Per Calypso, to-morrow, 9 a m. Madras taking mails for Europe, etc., vi* Bombay—Per Teesta, to-morrow, 10 a.m. Pangkalan Brandan—Per Petrel, tomorrow, noon. Deli—Per Perak, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Asahan—Per Mary Austin, to-morrow, 1 pm. Batu Bahra—Per Sree Bangka, tomorrow, 1 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Ban Whatt Soon, to-morrow,
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  • 266 3 Per P. and O. s s. Macedonia, connecting with the steamer Delta at Colombo, due at Penang on 15th July To Penang (from London, June 19) Mrs. H. P. Paterson, Mr. J. M. Chalmers (from Marseilles, June 26) Mr. J. P. Duncan. To Singapore: (from London)
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  • 36 3 P. O. SAILINGS. Mall Service. Outwards Homewards. Delta 15 July. I Malta 18 July Delhi 29 Devanha 1 An. Extra Service. Outwards. Homewards. Nyanza 21 July. 1 Namur JO July, Valina 4 Aug, Sardinia 24 M
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 768 3 Wption Coy. V w 4 i rrji.ils and Departures. 2KxF cled Am»Mail Service. Outward do A»g ls Mal 1" Homeward. iuuu(M// a Mongolia India llv 1H Malt* 2 1 /few»** I Moldavia ]5 Maniton i 29 Delta ,nt. 10 Delhi Macedonia Aug. 16 30 FAHBS BY MAIL STEAMERS. i.» l-lae.
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    • 381 3 (S HIPPIN G.) Next HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. FREIGHT SERVICE. Sailings for Singapore, China and Japan. 8.8. Silvia 13th July 1908. 8.8. Slavonia 18th Next Sailings Homeward. VIA COLOMBO. B.s. Dortmund, for Havre and Hamburg IG'.h July, 1908. Takiug cargo at through Kates to Antwerp, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Copenhigen LisboD, Oporto. London, Liverpool,
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  • 94 4 JMtkw «atiaflea everybody and joettce alene —Bmenon, fttbllnhed dally (except Monday*.) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Lid., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE: DAILY LOCAL $24 per annum OUTBTATIONH HoaUKe Ultra. MAIL BDITION (I’oet Free) «15 OAKLB ADDRK3 Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343 A.A.—All boelnea* communication* shoold be addressed
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  • 660 4 Several important questions came up for discussion before the Municipal Commissioners at yesterday’s meeting and the one that is perhaps of the greatest general interest is a water matter to which we have already had occasion to refer in these columns. Mr. F. J. Hallifax evidently recognises
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  • 52 4 Colony vs. F. M. S. The Malay Mail is informed that the F. M. S. cricket team to play the Colony on the Ist and 3rd prox. will be selected from the following:— Pebak. Grenier Scharenguivel Bannon Selangor. liubback Bacon McKenzie Thompson Wyatt Martin Oorbetta Greenbill. Negri Se.m bilan.
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  • 65 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following were the results of the ties played off on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon Single Handicap, Class B. Keun beat Reimann, 6 1 6 1. Whitlock w. o. from Donald. The Double Handicap, Class A ties, A. G. Anthony and Waugh vs Haslam and
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  • 244 4 The ludia-Ceylon Association held a social gathering at the Clubhouse yesterday, at 5 30 pm, in honour of Mr. H. A. Cader, who, as stated in yesterday’s Echo, leaves tomorrow bv the Teeeta for India. There were present the President (Mr. P. K. Nambyar),
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  • 344 4 The following business m t,m has been done to-day Pen;ing Eastern Smelting Co., buyers, no sellers Penang Tin Exchange, 62-*- tons at 66.50 Straits Trading Co., 209 67 Singapore Straits Trading Co., 1"5 „67 To a1...437£ tons. Tin is quoted in Loudon to-day at <£l32
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  • 2916 4 ORDINARY MEETING 0* An ordinary meeting of the Municipal r Commissioners was held at the Municipal a Offices yesterday afternoon, when the following gentlemen were present: Mr. F. J. Hallifax (President), Mr. J. W. Hallifax, Mr. L, H Clayton, Mr. Lim Eu Toh and Mr. Lim Cheug Teik,
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    • 93 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) Beresford’s Strongly-worried Memorandum. London, 9th July.—The D<nhj News state» that Admiral Lord Charles lieresford h* B addressed to the Admiralty a strongly-word-ed memorandum stating that with an inadequate H°et at his command he was unable to guarantee the security of the United Kingdom from
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    • 58 5 (frho Special.) Scharnhorst.” F,rP loth July.— A fire occurred S |n gaF re h German Mail steamer on bojnl she arrived at Singa,slf^ outbreak was confined to the pore-. Jfie alK W as extinguished by provision roo contents of the room the creW i| destroyed by tire and re
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    • 142 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) War Hisks. July.— Th6 Committee apJami lo' »»='<!« 'h« establish,neat, of a v Hnn.l guarantee for war risks to ship- after considering the most cod the tin* evidence, reported that it was undesirable f! t ,.e State to recoup the losses of ship, owners and traders
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    • 115 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Apology Demanded by Great Britain. Loudon, lOib July.—Sir Edward Grey, Foreign Secretary, replying in the House of Commons yesterday to Mr. J. B. Lousdale, Member for Mid Armagh, said that an apology for the disrespect shown to the British Legation lus been demanded from the Persian
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    • 35 5 (Suftplied by Renter.) A Deficit Owing to Operations in Morocco. London, 9th Juiy.—The Budget Committee of the French Chamber states that the expenditure iu Morocco threatens to entail a deficit of ninety-six million francs.
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    • 611 4 Second Day, 9th July. I (Echo Special.) Kua,a Lu,n P» r > 9th July.—The leather was again tine and there was a her tair attendance. The result ot the various races were as follows HB F**Griffin Handicap —2-30 r y Value »350. A handicap f or »11 e
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  • 384 5 The ordinary general meeting of the Straits Trading Company was held at the Company’s Registered Office in Singapore on Tuesday, with Mr. C. McArthur, Managing Director, iu the chair. The half-yearly statement of accounts and balance sheet, and the reports of the Directors and Auditors, which have
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  • 2268 5 IN ORIGINAL CIVIL JURISDICTION. (Before Mr. Justice Fisher.) W. C. Boomgardt vs. Criterion Press, Ltd. Yesterday morning, when the hearing of the above case was resumed, Lim Kia Chiang, whose cross examination by Mr. Thornton was concluded at the adjournment the day before, was re-examined bv Mr. IvenB,
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  • 56 5 (Before Judge Wolferstan Cl e‘Din, younger son of Mr. Mahomed Ariff. the well-koowu millionaire and landowner, summonsed his elder brother, Wan Chi, yesterday for wrongful confinement. The defendant denied the charge through Mr Armstrong, of Messrs. Logan and Ross, aud Mr. Nambyar appeared for the prosecu tion. The
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  • 870 5 (Be/ore Mr. Nunn.) A Chinaman was yesterday fine! five dollars for lettiug off crackers without the necessary pass. Yesterday Sergeant Phillip proiecutel six Chiuese for obs’ructing the foreshore of Weld Quay with firewood. TV e Land Bailiff gave evidence to the effect that two of the defendants
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  • 59 5 Arrived. Pes s.s. Kislna, lOlh July, from Singapore Messrs. K. S. B. Robertson and II PeBcia From Port Swettenham Capt. Vaz, Misses Miles (2), Messrs J. A. Hunter and Yap Aik. Departed. Per s.s. Taroba, Oth July, for Singapore Mrs. Yeoh Boon Chit. Mr. and Mrs Tat Jin, Messrs.
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  • 87 5 To-day 12th Day of tith Moon. P. C. C. Tennis Tournament. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p m. Matsuo’s Cinematograph, corner of Peuang Road and Campbell Street, 7 p.m. 0 p.m. The Pathescope,” King Street Theatre, i-30 p in. and 0 30 p.m Entire Change of Programme. To-morrow.
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  • 17 5 English lDel'a) ...15th July China (Malta) ...18th German (P. Regent Lnitpold) ...22nd China (Goeben ...22ud
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  • 18 5 O Full Moon July 14th Bast. Quarter 20th O New Moon 28th Fust Quarter Aug. sth
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 38 5 Prof. Schmidt prefers Gonosan (SantalKawa Riedel’s) to any other preparation of Santalwood oil. Although he used the drug in more than 20 cases, he has never observed any signs of nausea, flatulency, nephritic pains, pruritus nor skin eruptions.
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    • 572 5 THE NEW MODEL PIANOS by COLLARD COLLARD are constructed on the most advanced principles, and possess Complete Metal Framing Perfected Overstrung Scale Compass of 7 and 7\ Octaves; and Improved Check Action, with under Dampers; so regulated aud adjusted as to ensure a perfect repetition. The prices are, considering the
      572 words

  • 2155 6 The Hon. VV. Evans, the Resident Councillor of Malacca, having been to Singapore to act as Colonial Secretary while the lion. Captain Young and Lady Evelyn were away on a holiday in Java, suggested a month ago that it might be possible to
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  • 118 6 Pbnaho. 10th July. (By cuurtesy oj the Chartered Bank.» London Demand Bank ..2/3}s months’ sight Bank ~2;4 t V 3 Credit .2/4 A Documentary ...2/4,*, Calcutta, Demand Bank Its 1741 i days’ sight Prw*r*> 1.6 Bombay. Demand Bank 1741 Mouimein. Demand Bank 173£ 4 days’sight. Privai*- T. 61 Vladras.
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  • 174 6 told leaf $65. i. Pepper( VV.Coast or.. > no stock iVhite Pepper $15.75 buyers irang Pepper 10-12£ buyers Jloves (picked 31. —buyers dace 70. —sellers 1»-« Pick ms; 55. —buyers iutmeifs 110« 18. —buyers Mu. I 6.30 sales Uk».n < 2 no stock K t-ket 3.50 buyers .'apioca
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  • 905 6 a I s J Number of -5 w 5 5 I Capital. Shares I > y Last Dividend. Name. J; .2 S issued. a ‘3 I 3 3 i 0- CQ o 1 —I j D lw7 toSIoOO IS lo Jo **brj-r-togM/8/07 BJ.Ti.IJSw Ji» U, ISI I 60.001} 10
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 68 6 Infantile Cholera. Any unusual looseuess of a child’s bowels during the hot weather should be a waruiug to mothers. Infantile cholera inav develop in a few hours, and prompt action should be taken to avoid it. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Romedv, followed bv a dose of castor oil, will
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    • 42 6 to all accounts we have the assuranoe that Gonosan is one of the most valuable discoveries of modern pharmacology and is far ahead of all preparations of Copaiba, Cubebs, etc. It is the safest aud most successful. At all Chemists and Dealers-
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    • 54 6 A Good Suggestion. Carry a bottle of Cbamb?rlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrboei Remedy in your hand luggage when travelling. It cannot be obtained on board the train or steamship- You will then be protected against attacks of diarrboei, wlr'h change of water and diet so often brings on- The George
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  • 890 7 Bishop Tugwell of Western Equatorial Africa presided at the meeting in London last month, in the Council Chamber, Caxton Hall, known as Section I) 11., when the subjects discussed were Opium and Liquor Traffic. The Rev. Professor A. Caldecott, of King’s College, London, and Chairman of the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1275 7 BAXTER Co s best navy canvas. WELL-KNOWN EXTRA NA VY CANVAS, No. 0. r >nirANnS. MITTEBV CoWin M) Bite Bros.' >ORTLAND cement, L ION BRAND.” iaadilands, Huttery Co., agents. PENANG A F. M. 3. BURRELL Co.’s LKD HAW LINSEED OILS, PAINTS TURPENTINE BE HAD RETAIL FROM ALL THE LEA DUSO
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    • 76 7 Well Named, Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is just what its name implies. For pains in the stomach, cramp, colic or diarrfaoei, it has no equal. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents. Grimault’s Skin Soap, so justly renowned for its cleausing and curative properties in removing dhobie’s itch, &c.,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 797 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A. Charts Moderate, Ccnsultation Free. KBBIDIK9 AT No. 21a Penang Road. A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mth*. TEA V TEA SOLE AGENTS FOB PENANG. PATERSON, SIMONS Co., Ltd. WONG KIM MUN. No. 77a, Bishop Street,
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