Straits Echo, 3 July 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 926 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. riANG lee A Co r-: C VO t r r r 1 f v :>: >':■;! c*\ (2 feW \v SOLE AO ENTS. BASS’S ALE. the BANK S CISTERN SHIPPING Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Company, Ltd., (ENGINE WORKS.) INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. £1,200,000 £1,525,000 £1.200,000
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    • 27 1 1 HE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. NQddIN 4 Y /£> 7 2, C 5 O) > 3 CD <d if® rOKTO TIAWQ LEE a Oo„ S«J. Amti.
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  • 421 2 Professor A. MacAInter, m.d., k.k s who was at the great SbaDghai Conference in China, gave at the Religious Tract Society’s Meeting a masterly record of the present situation in China in a brief address. Touching on the awakening which is everywhere so apparent, he remarked that
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  • 606 2 The Bangkok Government Gazette announces that His Majesty the King of Siam has been pleased to supplement the Bankruptcy Act of the Siamese year 110 with an Act of ten articles, to the following effect: 1 —In the event of a debtor being indebted to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 76 2 A Sheep Shearer’s Trials. I have followed the shearing season through New Zealand and all over Australia.” says Mr. R. L. McBeau of Duntroon, N. Z and the chauges of water and tucker always bnug an attack of diarrhoea. The only relief I can obtain is from CbainberUrn’s Colic, Cholera
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    • 466 2 Try This for Chronic Diarrhwa. Many sufferers from chronic diarrhoea I have obtained prompt relief by the U9e of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Some of the worst cases of this disease have been permanently cured by it after other treatment and skilled physicians bad failed. Try it and
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    • 1359 2 NOTICE OF REMOVAL THE ROBINSON PIANO Co., L TD., Have pleasure in announcing that their business will from July 1st be carried! on in more convenient premises situated on the GROUND FLOOR at No. 20, BEACH STREET. By entrusting your Tuning and Repairing to us you will have the satisfaction
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  • 42 3 Pro in Agent» Dus Silesia Colombo 8 K.&.Co. 5?h July. 0 A pear Singapore A A. A Co. t> r h Erroll Glasgow IS.B A Co. 9tb Bencleucb London |S.B ACo 9»h Delta Colombo |A.G.<S:Co. 15tb Japan Singapore A.A.A.Co. 30th
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  • 28 3 For Ayents Leave* Silesia Japan S.K &Co. July. C. Apear Calcutta A.A.A Co. Erroil Singapore S.B&Co. Bencleuch Singapore S.B ACo. Delta Singapore A.G.&Co. Japau Calcutta A.A. A.Co.
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  • Shipping.
    • 59 3 Calypso, Br. s-s, 339, Bannatyne, 2nd July, Singapore, 30th June, Gen.— W. M. A Co. De Kock, Dut. 8 8., 565, Punch, 3rd July, Langsa, 2ad July, Gen.—H. L. A Co. Hakata Maru, Jap. Bs, 6,161, Murai, 3rd July, Yokohama, 10th June, Gen.—B. Co. Kistna, Br. 8.8., 524, Learmont,
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    • 65 3 3rd July. Perak, for Port Swettenham, Malacca and Port Dickson. Sree Banka, for Batu Bahra. Calypso, for Deli. Fitzpatrick, for Rangoon. Janet Nicoll, for Kopah, Renoug, Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy. Malaya, for De'i. Hye Leong, for Teluk Anson. Palermo, for Colombo and Tuticorin. Flying Fish, for Port Weld
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    • 220 3 Foe Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Mauritius, Eg>pt and via Brindisi, for Europe etc.—Per Arcadia, to-morrow, 10 a.ra. Batu Babra— Per Padang, to-morrow, lpm Langkat—Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Vidar, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Deli A Langsa—Per De Kock, to-morrow, 2 pmPort Swettenham and Singapore—Per Kistna, to-morrow,
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  • 239 3 Per P. and O. s.s. Syria, due at Penang on 7th July To Penang (from London, June 6) Mrs. Faithful!, Miss F. M. B. Jones. To Singapore (from London) Mrs. W. Cummings and children, Mr. S. Trust, Mrs. C. Kitson and child, Mr. G. W. Scott,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 833 3 piO.SteamNavigationCoy. Arrival» and Departures. Mail Service. Outward Iv A Marmora connects g with Himalaya J ul Un do Macedonia 4S *> ij„ d<> India A”? rt Homeward. Connecting Due Date. Sterner. w j t j, s.S. London. U I V 4 Arcadia 1H Malta \iig- 1 Devanha 15 Marmora 21*
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    • 384 3 (S HIPPING.) Next HAMBURG-AMERIKA LIME. FREIGHT SERVICE. Sailings for Singapore, China and Japan. 8.8. Silvia 9th July 1908. 8.s. Slavonia 16th Next Sailings Homeward. VIA COLOMBO. 8.8. Dortmund-, for Havre and Hamburg 16th July, 1908. Taking cargo at through Rates to Antwerp, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Copenhagen Lisbon, Oporto, London, Liverpool, Glasgow,
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    • 43 3 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow Amoy. r PHE b-9. Cheang Chew, Captain E. Sbep--L herd, will be despatched to above ports on Friday, tbe lOtb, at 4 p.m. For Freight or Passage, apply to KENG BEE Co., Penang Agent. Penang, 2od July, 1908. 345
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  • 94 4 Justice satisfies everybody and justice alene Emtrton, Pnb'lHh«d dally (exempt Holiday».) at th CRITERION PRESS, Lid., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penacg. PRICE DAILY LOCAL fit per tnnnra OUT8TATION8 Postage Kxtra. MAIL BDITION (Post Free) »15 OABLR ADDRKS Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343 i».#.—All business communications should be addressed
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  • 623 4 From our report of the meeting of the Government Wharves Committee, it will be seen that a satisfactory settlement has been reached with regard to Rule 86. The importers, both European and Chinese, as our readers are aware, took strong objection to the clause forbidding their coolies from
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  • 148 4 The Report of the Examiners on the Queen’s and Government Scholarships of the Straits Settlements held last March is published in the Government Gezette of the 26th ult. There were sixteen candidates examined all of these entered for the Government Scholarships, and thirteen of them
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  • 112 4 We would remind our readers that the “Patbescope” opens at the King Street Theatre this eveuing. All tfce pictures on the programme—of which there are no less than twenty —are new to Penang, having just been received from the manufacturers. We were privileged to witness the trial show
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  • 76 4 The following business in tin has been done to-day Penang Eastern Smelliug Co., a buyers, no sellers y Penang Tin Exchange, 12J tons at 62 62£ Straits Trading Co., 50 „63 05 Singapore: Straits Trading Co., 100 „63 To*al.„l62| tons. lin is quoted in London
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  • 419 4 Ihe Royal Mail steamer Arcadia, having left Singapore at 8 a.m. to day, is expected to arrive here at 9 a m. to morrow and will leave for Colombo and Bombay at noon the same day. On Sunday next there will be Divine Service with Holy Communion
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  • 996 4 A meeting of the Government Wharves Committee, as stated in yesterday’s Echo, was held at the Resident Councillor’s Office at 3 p ni. yesterday, for the purpose of discussing the objection to Rule 36, which is as follows: Goods will be delivered to consignees against delivery orders
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  • 886 4 Penang Butterflies vs. Mahometan Recreation Club. A large number of people assembled on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon to see the League match between the Butterfly and the Mahomedans As was expected the Butteiflies, who put a strong eleven on the field, defeated their opponents by 3 eo al
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 318 4 MATSUO’S JAPANESE CINEMATOGRAPH. Location:— Corner of Campbell Street and Penang Road. Grand Programme To-night. NEW PICTURES! NEW PICTURES!! TWO PERFORMANCES EVERT NIGHT. First show, from 7 to 8-30 p.m Second show, from 0 to 11-30 p.m. lot ClilHH 2nd CIhhh 3rd Clans 4th ClaoH 1st SHOW. PRICES OF ADMISSION $0.50.
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    • 35 4 Well Named. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and P'* l rbtei Remedy is just what its name impl**® For pains in the stomach, cramp, colic r diarrhoea, it has no equal. The Oeorgo Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents
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    • 29 5 Echo Special.) Doctor IniprisonedTor Desertion. r d July.—Doctor Bosu Apcar was sentenced 1;' Master Attendant yesterday to a [J rt ni M’» le m P nBonment r desertion.
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    • 211 5 {Supplied by Reuter.) Ihe British Legation and the Refugees. fnmlon 2nd July.-A German telegram 1v i ra n states that the Shah has comSSrfTK* Ed«rd tbat the Br,.i s b !o,,n was granting asylum to refugees. Kmi Edward replied defending the legation a n d pointing out that numerous
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    • 26 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Committee St ape Passed. London,2nd July.— Tbe Old Age Pensions Bill has passed the Committee of the House of C tnmons.
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    • 28 5 (Supplied h v Reuter.) A Twelve Hours' Flight. London, 3rd July.—Count Zeppelin’s airship has accomplished a twelve hours flight in the Alps, returning safely to Lake Constance.
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  • 81 5 Tbe teturns of tiu exports from the Federated Malay States for the five months ended May last have bean issued Compared with tlie output for the corresponding period of last year the figures are as follows 1908 output, 346,344 pkl. Duty, $2.965,170 1907 326,730 $4 223.476
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  • 294 5 A correspondent siguing himself Peking” writes to the Ceylon Times as follows: With reference to the opium question >n Cbiua, I note that, in your issue of last night over a copyright cablegram from Hongkong, you have the headline a revelation from Hougkong.” The figuies
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  • 980 5 IN ORIGINAL CIVIL JURISDICTION. x( Before Mr. Justice Fisher.) >V. C. Boomgardt vs. Criterion Press, Ltd. At 2 p.m. yesterday the evidence of Inspector Ellis of Taiping was taken od behalf of th > plaintiff. At the commencement of the proceedings, the Judge said that he supposed the
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  • 735 5 (Before Mr. Scott Ong Tak Lung, a Chinan an, yesterday pleaded not guilty to the charge oj theft in respect of a belt containing $27.45 in bank notes, the property of Mr. P. P Aeria, from his quarters at the District Hospital on Weduesdav. The complainant said
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  • 213 5 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Play in the Liwu Tenuis Tournameut, in connection with the Penang Cricket Club, commeuces on Monday The following ties have been fixed for next week Monday. Double Handicap, Class A. Ker and Stronach vs. Nicholas Jamieson (5) Sproule and Hodge vs. Threlfall and Parsons
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  • 340 5 The Motor Car and Athletic Journal maintains its high level of excellence, both in the illustration and the letter press. The Ju'y number sbou’d prove specially interesting to Penangites, Mr. D A M. Brown beiug selected as the Doyen of Local Sport” for this month’s is
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  • 892 5 (From Our Oum Correspondent) Wednesday. July 1. Murder of a Municipal Inspector. A well-known Municipal servant, Inspector W. Goularte of the Rabies Department, was shot dead on the verandah of his house off Brasbasah Road on Monday night He had just tiuished dinner and was stan 1ing on
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  • 66 5 Arrived. Per s-s. Kistna, 3rd July, from Singapore Capt. Me Lean. Prom Port Swettenham Sultan Abdullah, Raja Hussin, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Robertson, Miss Young, Meisrs. E. H. ColleyBhaw, A. C. Loft and Paul. Departed. Per 8.8. Teesta, 2nd July, for Poit Swettenham Nonia Wong Cboon Moiy. For
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  • 102 5 To-day sth Dav of 6th Moon. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p in. Matsuo’s Cinematograph, corner of Penang Road and Campbell Street,7 The Emperor Cinematograph, Kuala Kacgsar Theatre, 9 p m. The Patbescope.” King Street Theatre. <•3O p.m. and 9-30 p.m. Grand Opening Night To- MORROW. 6rh
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  • 15 5 China Arcadia > 4th July. German (Scharnhoret) 8th China (Kleist 8th English {Delta) ..il5th
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  • 17 5 First Quarter July 7th O Full Moon 14th Last Quarter 20th O New Moon 28tb
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  • 34 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. OUTWARDS. HomRWARPh Delta 15 July. I Arcadia 4 July. Delhi 29 I Malta 18 Extra Service. Outwards Homewards 7 July. I Namur 10 July. Nyanza ‘2l I Sardinia 24
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 31 5 'iuipU eu t inflammatory symptoms ,u> n lBa PP ear after treatment with Rie* rati UoBau Capsules. No better prepathe I Dow 00 the market. Certified by e leadl “8 Specialists.
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    • 32 5 Gonosan (in capsules) is well tolerated bv the digestive apparatus no complication of any sort occurs, and its action is most favorable in Cystitis. Approved by the leading specialists of the day.
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    • 42 5 t ARE YOU A SUBSCRIBER TO THE ECHO”? If not, you should, register your name AT ONCE. OUR NEW SERIAL STORY, The Expiation of John Reedham,” By ANNIE S. SWAN, THE FAMOUS NOVELIST, COMMENCES IN TO-MORROW’S “ECHO.” I f JL 1 1
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    • 223 5 TO LET. AMOTH,” No. 5, Pangkore Road, XV immediate entry, and PANGKORE HOUSE,” No. 3, Pangkore Road, entry 1st August, 1908. Apply to E. A. MANASSEH Co., 3 7-08 347 u c 146, Penang Street. TOWN HALL, PENANG. ONE NIGHT ONLY. TUESDAY, JULY 7th. Return of the MARVELLOUS CORRICKS. The
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  • 82 6 King Chulalongkorn’s diary in the form of letters to his daughter, the Princess Nipho Noph&dol, descriptive of his travels in Europe last year is still being published, and the fifteenth letter is now issued. This letter, says the Bangkok Times, makes very interesting reading, and in speaking
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  • 155 6 To a reporter in San Francisco whose questions came rather thick and fast the brilliant Chinese ambassador, Wu Ting-fang, said You are pushing me too bard, young man. You.are taking advantage of me. You are like the Peking poor relat ion.” Mr. Wu laughed. Yes,” he said the
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  • 348 6 Mr. Meadows Frost, H. B. M. Consul, Kedah, in his report on the trade and commerce of the Monthonsof Saiburi and Puket, Western Siamese States of the Malay Peninsula, for 1907, writes Montbon Puket is a richer country owing to the extensive mineral deposits, which it only
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  • 538 6 That artificial value which rarity and lustre have attached to the diamond, adds considerably to tbe eagerness with which information is sought concerning its genesis and formation. The history of no known diamond goes back to times prior to the Christian era the earliest known diamond of which
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  • 122 6 Prnano, 3rd July. (By c •urtcsy oj the Chartered Hunt r.) London Demand Hunt. ..2/3ss 4 months’ si gut tta '.v 2/4 T 3 Credit ...2/4 3 Documentary ...2/4/* Calcutta, Demand Bank Its 114$ 8 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174$ Moulinein, Demand Bank 173$ 3 days’
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  • 183 6 iotd leaf ...365. 8. Pepper( W.Coast 31b5.5 oz.) no stock •Vhite Pepper $15.75 buyers "r ing Pepper 10-12$ buyers /loves (picked) 31. —buyers Mace 70. —sellers Mace Picking- 55. —buyers Nutmegs IBs 18. —buyers No. 1 6.30 sales Sugar 2 no stock Basket 3.50 buyers Tapioca Flour 1.80 nominal
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  • 187 6 3rd July, 1908. Brisk— ets. Soup per catt\ 15 Roast 20 Steaks 22 Stew or Curry Meal 16 Rump Steak 20 Ox Tail each 25 Tongue 50 Feet 20 Heart 32 Liver per cattv 30 Pork— Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head 20 Feet 24 Tongte 3
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  • 624 6 L&u Dividend. Name. 3 PQ 7/- dur. 1907 A 3/- dur. 08 p. c. foi *903. 1/6 interim to. i 907. 7/- dur. 07 A 2/3 dur. 08 45 p.c. for yr. euding 30/6/07 percent during 1907. p.c. for 1907. p.c. for yr ending 30/6/06 25 per ceut for
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 54 6 A Good Suggestion. Carry a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera aud Diarrho-i Remedy iu your hand luggage when travelling. It cannot be obtained on board the train or steamship. You will then tie protected against attack» of «liarrluea, which change of water and diet »o often brings on- The George
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    • 172 6 Infantile Cholera. Any unusual looseness of a child’s bowels during the hot weather should be a warning to mothers. Iufantile cholera may develop in a few hours, and prompt action should be taken to avoid it. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, followed by a dose of castor oil, will
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  • 846 7 Tuesday, tlie 28th. July, Thursday, the 30th Joly, and Saturday, the Ist August, 1908. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 28th July, 1908. 1. —The Maiden Plate. Value SSOO. A Race for Maiden Horses Weight as per scale reduced 14 lbs. All horses imported into the Straits
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  • 951 7 Prometheus writes to the Saturday Review from the Laos States, Upper Siam, as follows Having noticed for many years past the lively interest you take in the affairs and conditions of fellow-countrymen in out-of-the-way places, I appeal for publicity through you in the matter of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 251 7 Entries Close at noon on Thursday, 16th July, 1908 (except for Race 8, third Day); Handicaps for First Day will be published on or before Monday, 20tli July, 1908. A penalty of < lbs. is incurred in a handicap by the winner of any race ruu subsequent to the publication
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    • 44 7 Grimault’s Skin Soap, bo justly renowned for its cleansing and curative properties in removing dhob e’s itch, &c.. prevents all skin diseases: it is nice to use, has a most lefieshiug smell and should always be used in hot countries for washing and shaving.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 765 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.4. Charges Moderate, Cc nsultation Free. KBSIDIJre AT /Vo. 21a Penang Road. A f«w doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mths. TEA V TEA SOLE AGENTS FOR PENANG, PATERSON, SIMONS Co., Ltd. WONG KIM MUN, Wo. 77a, Bishop
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