Straits Echo, 2 July 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1003 1 SOLE AO ENTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT. v V7A V&S m o 1 r: jnvs.ssva TIANG LEE Co. T H K BANKS. eastern shipping Company, Lid., (ENGINE WORKS.) Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation* £1,200,000 £1,525,000 £1,200,000 Engineers, Shipbuilders, Brass Iron Founders. Engineering
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    • 22 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. •^TnoddiNlty^' 9* Y 7 o «0 > ~TJ IS CD svi > 4 Jl® ro TO TI4MQLM
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  • 3737 2 RESULT OF DIVANS ABOLITION. Exaggerated Fallacies Exploded. Among the papers presented to tbe Legislative Council this afternoon, says the Hongkong Telegraph of the 18th ult, is tbe following illuminating report by the Assistant Colonial Secretary Recent Exaggerations. A lurid picture has frequently been drawn, •specially in recent
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 54 2 A Good Suggestion. firt rry a bottle of Cbatnb3rlain’s Colic. Cholera aud Diarrbcet Remedy iu your hand when travelling. It caunot be obtained on board the train or steamship. You will theu be protected agaiust attacks of diarrlnei, which chauge of water and diet *o otteu brings ou- The George
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    • 392 2 Try This for Chronic Diarrhcua. Many sufferers from chronic diarrhoea have obtained prompt relief by the use of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Some of the worst cases of this disease have been permanently cured by it after other treatment and skilled physicians had failed. Try it and you
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    • 1122 2 i NOTICE OF REMOVAL. THE ROBINSON PIANO Co., L TD., Have pleasure iu aunoifticing that their business will from July Ist be carried on in more convenient premises situated on the GROUND FLOOR at No. 20, BEACH STREET. By entrusting your Tuning and Repairing to us you will have the
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  • 37 3 Ft’-in Agent* Due Marmora Colombo A G.&Co. Benlomoud Singapore S.B ACo. G A pear Singapore A.A.A Co. Erroll Glasgow ,S.B ACo. Bencleucb Condon S.B ACo Japan Singapore A.AA.CV tfrd July. 3rd 9tb 9cb 30» b
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  • 36 3 1 e$sel* For Ayent* 1 Marmora Singapore A G &Go. Julv. Benlomoni Liverpool S B. A Co. C. A pear Calcutta A. A A Co. 1 Errol] Singapore S.B&Co. Bencleuch Singapore S.B&Co. Japan Calcutta A.A.A.Co.
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  • Shipping.
    • 118 3 Fitzpatrick, Br. s a., 730, William», Ist Julv, Rangoon, 2"th June, (fon. E. S. Co., Ltd. Lightning, Br. as 2,122, Geulles, Ist Julv, Calcutta, 25th June, Gen. A. A. A. Co. Janet Nicoll, Br. a.s 474, Bell, Ist July, Tavoy, 24th June, Gen. —E. S. Co., Ltd. Menelaus, Br.
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    • 49 3 2nd July. Petrel, for Pangkalan Brandan. Mary Austin, for Aaahan. Leong Ho, for Trang. Ban Whatt Soon, for Deli. Canton, for Pangkor and Teluk Anaon. Teeeta, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Pegu, for Langsa, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Sabang. Un Peng, for Pulau Langkawi, Perils and Setul.
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    • 267 3 For Singapore,China Japan—Per Marmora, to-morrow, 9 a m. Port -Swettenham and Singapore—Per Vorwarts, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port Swettenham, Malacca and Port Dickson—Per Perak, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Batu Bahra—Per Sree Banka, to-morrow, Ipm. Deli—Per Calypso, to-morrow, 1 pm. Ringoon—Per Fitzpatrick, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Kopah, Renoug, Victoria Point, Mergui and
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  • 236 3 Per P. and O. s.s. Himalaya, connecting with the steamer Marmora at Colombo, due at Penang on 3rd July:— To Penang (from London, June 5) Mr. F. J. WeH (from Marseilles, June 12) Dr. R. Denman. To Singapore (from London) Mr. Mundell, Mr. F. D. B.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 446 3 p.M.SteamtoiptiBD Coy. Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outward. Marmom connecting with JfiWaya July v' ,7 do Macedonia l ,r do Mongolia A“K a Homeward. Date. Steamer. 4 Arcadia 1H Malta 1 Devanhx 15 Marmora 2!* Della 10 Delhi lakes by mail steamers. ut Ul&*« and Claw ’o Undos by Se
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    • 471 3 (S HIPPIN G.) For freight, passage or particulars apply to HUTTENBACH, UEBERT Co., Penang, Telephon* No. 521. Telegrams: Huttlieb.' 1 Agents INTENDED SAILINGS. Kon. Paketraart Maatschappij, (ROYAL PACKET COMPANY). Fob Intended to Sail. Steam**. Deli. Deli and Langsa. Langsa, Telok Semawe, Segii, Sabang, Olehleh, Padang and Batavia. Pulo Weh (Sabang),
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    • 384 3 •V: Next HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. FREIGHT SERVICE. Sailings for Singapore, China and Japan. 8.8. Silvia 8.8. Slavonia 9th July 1908. 16th Next Sailings Homeward. VIA COLOMBO. 8.8. Dortmund, for Havre and Hamburg 16th July, 1908. Taking cargo at through Ratea to Antwerp, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Copenhagen Lisbon. Oporto, London, Liverpool, Glasgow, Marseilles.
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  • 94 4 Justice «atisfiee everybody and justice alene K'ntrton. Pnbltahod daily (except Monday*.) AT TH» CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY LOCAL $24 per annum OUTSTATIONB Footage Kxtra MAIL BDITION (Poet;Free) $l5 OVBLB A DORKS Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343 A.A.—All bostness commanicatlons ehoald be add
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  • 472 4 With a perversity that is essentially feminine the Suffragists invariably manage to pit themselves in the wrong. Apparently they still regard the Premier with suspicion, notwithstanding the fact that so recently as six weeks ago he gave what was tantamount to an official pledge to concede the suffrage
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  • 228 4 We understand that there is an outcry among the business community here, European and Chinese alike, against Rule 36 of the Regulations of the Government Wharves, Penang, which came into operation yesterday. Rule 36 is as follows: Goods will be delivered to consignees against delivery orders or
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  • 197 4 Programme. The following is the programme of the Free School Sports to be held on the Esplanade on Siturday, commencing at 2.45 p.m. The Town Band will be in attendance. 1. High Jump Under 15. 2. High Jump Open. 3. 50 Tarda Flat Kara under. (Heats.)
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  • 46 4 A ride has been arranged for Sunday morning meet on the Parade Ground at 645 a m aud finish at. the Swimming Club Mr. Campbell’s brake will be at the meet to take out the syces or anything the riders wish to send.
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  • 247 4 The following business in tin has been done to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange, 7 buyers, no sellers j $62 T Eastern Smelting Co., 7 buyers, no sellers 7 62f Straits Trading C<*., 75 tous at 62f Sineapore: Straits Trading Co., 175 M (> gof T0ta1...250
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  • 354 4 IN ORIGINAL CIVIL JURISDICTION. (Before Mr. Justice Fisher.) W. C. Boomgardt vs. Criterion Press, Ltd. This is a case in which Mr. W. C. Boomgardt, formerly Sanitary Inspector under the Taiping Sanitary Board, is suing the Criterion Press, L f d for damages for libel alleged to have
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  • 69 4 (Before Judye Wolferstan.) We reported yesterday that in a gambling case two Chinese womeu falsely personated two prisoners arrested by the Police in house No 6 Fish Lace, on the 29th ult, and that Mr. Scott instructed Inspector Dooley to proceed against the accused Consequently, a warrant was
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  • 403 4 (Refore Mr. ScoH.) It will be remembered that Tan Hi, a Chinaman, was arrested on the23rd ult.onthe charge of committing robbery in respect of $1 46 from the person of one Chan Ah Cbye. The case was postponed till yesterday, when the charge was withdrawn by the
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  • 987 4 Government Service vs. Penamr Wanderers. A fair crowd of spectators journeyed down to Pangkor Road yesterday afternoon to witness the League match between the ab v teams on the C. R. C. ground. The gai,e was, on the whole, not a very interestin' one, for the Government Service
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 264 4 MATSUO’S Japanese mnmmi Location: —Corner of Campbell Street and Penang Road. Grand Programme To-night. NEW PICTURES! NEW PICTURES!! TWO PERFORMANCES EVERY NIGHT. First show, from 7 to 8-30 p.m Second show, from 9 to 11-30 p.m. Int Clans 2nd Clans 3rd Clans 4th CUbs Ist SHOW. PRICES OF ADMISSION $0.50.
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    • 112 5 (Supplied by Herder.) wnins street Minister, refusing to Af,[ b l denutation of suffragists, the prorece.vea P minster vesten]aJ ]e d to cension to waH a huge crowd r Tuglv r-*- -re made at the police were preset in enormous force and ’rested twenty-nine women Mr.
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    • 62 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Suppression Suggested in Canada. Lou ion. Ist July.— A telegram from Ottawa states that, Mr. Mackenzie lvmg. in big r( .port on the Chinese claims to tn.npen sation at Vancouver, refers to tho huge protits of two opium manufacturers who are among the claimants,
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    • 39 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) braided the Freedom of the City of Belfast. London. 2nd July —The freedom of the city of Belfast has been conferred on Sir Robert Hart in recognition of his distinguished career in China.
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    • 35 5 (Supplied by Reuter A Decrease. London, Ist July.—The revenue of Great Britain for the quarter ended June 30 shows a decrease of £2, 337.388 as compared with the corresponding period of last year.
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    • 29 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) 280 Emigrate to Kilindini. LondoD, 2nd July—A telegram from Lourenco Marques states that 280 Transvaal Boers are sailing for Mombasa to settle at Kilindini.
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    • 30 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) New Doctors of Divinity. Loudon, 2nd July.—The degree of Doctor of Divinity has been conferred on the Bishop of Shanghai and the Bishop of Tokio.
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    • 33 5 (Supplied by Reut(r) Situation Aggravated. London, 2nd July —The arrival of th® Shah’s reinforcements at Tabriz has aggravate 1 the situation. Revolutionaries aHed the mob and opposed the entrance of the troops.
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  • 220 5 Experiment in Canton. Ihirty-one Per Cent. Reported Curbd Canton, June 18. It is reported that plague cases treated in tong Rin Sho, Canton, have a high percentage of cures. According to the reP° r t of this plague hospital, thirty one per the patients have been cured, and
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  • 150 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipob, 30th JuneThe Sub-Farms. The result of the tenders for the SubFarms for the State of Perak, from Ist July to 31st December next, has just been made known. The amount of the accepted tender is a little over $87,000, a decrease of upwards
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  • 687 5 (F, oni Our Own Correspondent.) I Alor Star, 1st JulyOfficial Movements and Changes i Mr. J. J. Fieury, Government Veterinary < Surgeon, Kedah, returned last evening by the g Tong Chuan from South Kedah, where he had beeu on inspection duty. Chief Inspector Speers, of Kwala
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  • 885 5 A. B.” writes to the Ceylon Times Last year this function was under tbe charge of Mr. Bourne, and was held at the I Grand Hotel. London. This time it was in t the equally competent bauds of Mr. Vincent Wickwar, and was at the Trocadero,
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  • 156 5 Help from Perak. Says Tuesday’s Times of Malaya —This morning a dozen representative Cantonese Towkays met the Acting Protector of Chinese, Perak, at his office and, with his co-operation, set on foot a vigorous campaign on behalf of the sufferers from the recent terrible floods in the
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  • 841 5 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following are the handicaps for the next Lawn Tenuis Tournament in connection with the Penang Cricktt Club: Cha mp ions hip. A. G. Anthony bye C. C. Itojfeers r bye j <j E. S. Haslam 7 Dr. T. Hill Jamieson J. R. Brown a
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  • 45 5 Arrived. Per s s. Teesta, 2nd July, from Negapatam Mr. A Davies. From Madras: Mr. Henderson. Per s.s. Malaya, 2nd July, from Belawan Mrs. Guenther, Mrs. Gray, Mrs. and Dr. Zellwege. Mr. Goko. Departed. Per ss. Thongwa, Ist July, for Madras Miss Emilv Pereira.
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  • 86 5 To-day 4‘h Day of 6th Moon. League Football Mahommedans vs. Butterflips, Esplanade. Matsuo’s Cinematograph, corner of Peuaug Road and Campbell Street, 7 p.m. 9 p.m The Emperor Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Theatre, 9 p.m. The Eistern Magical Company, Parish Hall, 9 p m. To-morrow. sth Dav of 6th Moon. Town
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  • 15 5 English Marmora) ...3rd July. China Arcadia > ...4th German (Scharnhorst) ...Bth China {Kleist) ...Bth
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  • 17 5 First Quarter July 7th O Full Moon 14th Last Quarter 20th O New Moon 28th
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  • 20 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Homewards. Marmora 3 July. Arcadia 4 July Delta 15 j Malta 13 Lxtra Service.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 33 5 Well Named. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is just what its name implies. For pains in the stomach, cramp, colic or diarrhoea, it has no equal. The George [Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 232 5 According to all accounts we have the assurance that Gonosan is one of the most valuable discoveriei of modern pharmacology and is far ahead of all preparations of Copaiba, Cubebs, etc. It is the safest and most successful. At all Chemists and Dealers. INTERNATIONAL BODEGA. U r NTIL further notice
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    • 328 5 “THE PATHESCOff KING STREET THEATRE HALL. GRAND OPENING NIGHT, FRIDAY, 3rd JULY. The up-to-date Show. All F.ATHE Freres’ ««filar Pictures. '*'£o* The Lady Barrister, The Calatian Eighw'aymia, The Legend of the Ghost, The Little Cripple, Engaged all the same, and a host of other New Pictures. Worked by PAT HE
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  • 122 6 Psnano, 2nd July. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...2/3|j} 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 T V 3 Credit -.2/4$ 3 Documentary ...2/4 6 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs 174 i 3 days’ sight Private 17G Bombay. Demand Bank 174 A Moulmein, Demand Bank 173£ 3 days’
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  • 173 6 lold lea? $65. B.Pepper( VV.C«*a«»i u/ no stock While Pepper $15.75 buyers Trang Pepper 10-12£ buyers Cloves (picked) 31 —*buyers \lace 70. —sellers Vince Picmng» 55. —buyers Nutmeg» 110* 18. —buyers (No I 6.30 sales »a»fa* I 2 no stock Hanke 1 3.50 buyers L'apioca Flour 1.80 nominal lopra
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  • 439 6 La«t Dividend. Name. 7/- dur. 1907 A 3/- dur. 08 57| p. c. foi 1 903. I 1/6 interim to. i 907. 30 p.c. for 06 A 10 int. 07 20 per cent. do. p.c. for ’O6 A 6 p.c. for ’O7 1 per cent for 1906 and per
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 37 6 Dr. Bobs of Strassburg introduced Gonosan in the treatment of the most painful of diseases to which mankind is liable. It is better, safer aud more effective than other pieparations of Copaiba, Cubebs or plain Sandalwood oil.
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    • 68 6 Infantile Cholera. Any unusual looseness of a child’s bowels during the hot weather should be a warning to mothers. Infantile cholera may develop in a few hours, and prompt action should be taken to avoid it. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, followed by a dose of castor oil, will
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1160 7 BAXTER Co's best navy canvas. ciwnll ANDS, BUTTERY Co. INSURANCES. THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. General Accident Fire and Liie Assurance Corporation, Ltd. DAVID CORSAR SON’S WELL-KNOWN EXTRA NAVY CANVAS, No 0. cnnll ANDS. BUTTEBV Co PORTLAND CEMENT, lion BRAND.” Saudllands, Buttery Co., agents. PENANG A F. M. 8. BURRELL Co.’s
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    • 171 7 A Sheep Shearer’s Trials. 1 have followed the shearing season through New Zealand and all over Australia,” savs Mr. R. L. Me Dean of Duntroon, N. Z and the changes of water and tucker alwavs bring an attack of diarrhoea. The only relief I can obtain is from Chamberlain’s Colic,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 775 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr, Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Ccnsultation Free. BBSIDIHO AT No. 2/a Penang Road. A few doors from (he Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mtha. V TEA SOLE AGENTS FOli PENANG. PATERSON, SIMONS Co., Ltd. WONG KIM MUN, FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PLANTERS,
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