Straits Echo, 23 May 1908

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 938 1 SOL E AO ENTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT. N|k 3 Co :s a O rn 03 x O (4 ■>» U A MQC® 5 •mv SiSsva tianq LEE Co. T II K BANKS. EASTERN SHIPPING Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Company, Ltd., (ENGINE WORKS.) Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation* INCORPORATED BY
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    • 30 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. VAOddIN m sT Y 0> 2> C 5 O) > ~a CO ft 9> <e >V Sr® /OKTO TIANO LEE A Oo. t Sol»
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  • 785 2 Following is tbe Report of the Court of Directors of the Atlas Assurance Co., Ltd for the year ending 31st December, 1907, which was presented t> the 100th annual meeting of shareholders held at the Cannon Street Hotel, London, on the 27ih of April laat: The
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 69 2 Chamberlain's Fain Balm. You will buut a good while before you tiud a liniment that is equil to Chamberlain s l*aiu Halm. In cases of rheumatism and sciatica it relieves the intense pain and makes sieep and rest possible. Soreness of the nuncios, swellings and lameness are quickly relieved by
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    • 479 2 Cheap Week End Excursions to Selangor. First class return tickets will be granted per s.s. Kistna,” timed to leave Penang for Port Swettenbam every Saturday afternoon available only for return per s.s. Perak,” or Pin Seng,” due to leave Port Swettenbam on tbe next afternoon and expected to arrive in
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    • 1136 2 r ROBINSON PIANO C 0 L TD. Hold the FINEST STOCK of Pianos in the East. YACHT, COTTAGE, CRAND& AUTOPIANO. Prices from $3OO. Time payments. Organs, Gramophones, Records alhkinds of sma!! instruments fittings. Tunings singly or by contract. Repairs bi/ Experienced Workmen. m I The Bandy Patent Electric Punkah. REPRODUCES
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  • 41 3 P easel-r Fron, AgeiJf Due Keernuu Liverpool W M &Co. 24'h May. O. A pear Singapore A.A.ACo. 25th Sardinia Colombo A.G.ACo. 26th Kleist Colombo B M &Co. 17 ih Achilles China W.M &Co. 30ih Benvorlicb London S.B &Co. 30th
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  • 37 3 Vessel* Ft r A<jen ts henvet i KVemun Japan G. A pear Calcutta Sardinia S'Egapore Kleist Singapore Achilles {Antwerp Beuvorliob Japan VV.M &Co A.A. A.Co. G &CV B M *Co W M &Co S.B ACo. May.
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  • Shipping.
    • 133 3 Kistna, Hr. s.s., 524, Learmont, 22nd Mar, Singapore, 20th May, Geu H. L. A Co. Dortmund, Ger. s.s, 5,065, Mafchow, 22nd May, Hamburg, 22nd Apr., Geu.—B M. A Co. Jin Ho, Br. s.s,, 110, Morris, 22nd May, Langkat, 20th May, Gen.—E. S. Co., Ltd. V idar, Br. s 8.,
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    • 68 3 23rd Mat. Kamakura Marti, for Colombo. Oceana, for Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Mauritius, Eg) pt and via Brindisi, for Europe etc. Jin Ho, for Langkat. Vidar, for Teluk Ansou. De Kock, for Deli and Langsa. Kistna, for Port Sweltenhain and Singapore. Palitana, for Rangoon and Calcutta. Flying Dragon, for
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    • 78 3 For Tongkah—Per Malacca, 25th instant, 11 a. in. Batu Bahra—Per Padang, 25th instant, 11 a.m. Tongkah—Per Avagyee, 25th instant, 11 am. Calcutta—Per Kum Sang, 25th instant, 11 a.m. Singapore—Per Muttra, 25th instant, 11 am. Trang—Per Leong Ho, 26th instant, 1 Deli—Per Perak, 26th instant, 1 p.m. Pangkalan
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  • 365 3 Per P. ami O. 8.3. Sardinia, due at Penaug on 26th May To Penang (from London, Apr. 25) Mr. W. N. Buckmaster, Mr. E. A. Steward, Mr. S. Sowdon, Mr. and Mrs C. B. Whitehead, Mrs. Houston and children. Miss VaiBey, Miss Day, Mr. F. R.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 633 3 P.&O, Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outward Jan» 4 Malta connecting with China 18 Dcvanha do Moldavia July 2 Marmora do Himalaya Delta do Macedonia Homeward. Date. Steamer. Connecting Due with S.S. London. May 23 Oceana June 6 Delta 20 Delhi July 4 Arcadia 18 Malta
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    • 378 3 (S HIPPIN G.) HAMBURG-AMER1KA LINIE. •nt'V} FREIGHT SERVICE. Next Sailings for Singapore, China and Japan. s.s. Istria 8tb Juue, 1908. 8.8. Sazonia 15tb 1908. Next Sailings Homeward. VIA HONGKONG, STRAITS A COLOMBO. Taking cargo at through Rates to Antwerp, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Copenhagen Lisbon, Oporto, London, Liverpool, Glasgow, Marseilles, Trieste, Genoa,
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  • 95 4 Justice satisfies everybody and justice alene —fontnon. Published dally (except Sundays.) »t rn CRITERION PRESS, Lid., No. 226—232, Beach Street. Penarq. PRICE DAILY LOCA) $24 per annnir. OUTSTATIONS Post age Kxlra. MAIL EDITION (Poet Free) $l5 CABLE ADDRESS Echo—Penang." Telephone No. 343. .V.A.—AH business rommauication- should be
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  • 572 4 It was a happy inspiration to fix Empire Day oil May 24th—postponed this year to tiie 2*>th, because the 24th falls on a Sunday. The day is the anniversary of the birth of Victoria the Good, and surely no day could be more appropriate on which to celebrate
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  • 162 4 FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. 34th May. St. (xeorge’s Church. 8-a.m.—Matins (Choral). 8-30 a.m.—Holy Commuuiou (Plain). 10 a.m.—Matius (Chinese). 5 p m.—Sunday School. 6—EveusoDg aud SermonPresbyterian Church. The Rev. Ernest Lawsou, m a., will conduct services at Prye Dock at 9-15 a m and in the Church, Northam
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  • 51 4 On Monday next—Empire Day—there will be no publication of the Straits Echo The General Post Office and the Sub-P«>st Offices will be open ouly from 7 a. m. to noon. The Money Order and the Savings Bank Departments will be closed and only the Morning Express will be
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  • 555 4 The following business in tin has been done tc-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange, 7 buyers, no sellers Eastern Smelting Co., 7 buyers, no sellers 3 Straits Trading Co., buyers, no sellers Singapore: Straits Tradiug Co., 25 tous at 66f Tin is quoted in London to-day
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  • 250 4 THE ASSIZES. (Before Mr. Justice Braddell Gant; Robbery. Yesterday afternoon the hearing was resumed of the case in which threa Chinese, (1) Lee Teng, (2) Yap Cbai aud (3) Kua Geng Heng were arraigued on the charge of gang robbery. The check-roll of the rice-mill, chop Ban Soon
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  • 342 4 (Before Mr. Scott.) To-day Lim Aw Taw, a Chinaman, was charged by a nonia, named Phan Yoon Njoug, with criminal breach of tiust in respect of money entrusted to him to pay to Air. Gould as retainer in a lawsuit to which the nonia was a party.
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  • 312 4 Au inquest was held yesterday by Mr. R. Scott, the coroner, on the death of a native child, whose corp e was recently found under a tree. Only the head and the upper part of the body I remained. A boy to a European residing at Cantonment Road said
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    • 253 4 To the Editor op the Straits Etna Dear Sir,— Readiug the correspondence from “Fair Play” in vour valuable journal I would suggest that if the ageuts could make arrangements to supply on board the B 1 boats plying between the Straits and Negapatain wholesome food, i.e. mutton and potatoes,
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  • 309 4 A Dog- in-the-Manger Policy. The Board of Licensing Justices, consisting of Alessrs. L E. P. Wolferstau, President, F. J. Hallifax, 11. Hilton, Dr. G. W. Park, and D. Beatty, Secretary to the Board, sat at 10 30 a m. this morning in the District Court, to
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  • 340 4 An Interesting Communication. The following is communicated to the Sinqapore Free Press from a leliable source in Singapore It seems to indicate that the Imperial Chinese Government is much exercised in mind over the continued development of the revolutionary movement in Yunnan, and the anxiety
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 201 4 MATSUO’S JAPANESE CINEMATOGRAPH. Location:~Corner of Campbell Street and Penang Road. Grand Change Programme TO-NIGHT. NEW PICTURES! NEW PICTURES!! TWO PERFORMANCES EVERT NIGHT. First show, from 7 to Second show, from 9 to 11-30 p.m. PRICES OF ADMISSION Ist SHOW. 2nd SHOW. Ist Class $0 ;,0. I lstClo-Ts $l.OO. 2ud
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    • 182 5 (Supplied by Renter.) Alderman Hirst Arrested. London, 220 d May —ln connection with the Mile End Poor Law Scandal instigation oii;ht. guardians were arrested yesterday evening, including Alderman Hirst, who was thrice Major of Stepney. Alderman Hi st was arrested at the Council meeting, weanug his robes at
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    • 61 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Welcomed by the Papers. London, *2*2ad May.—Papers of all shades in Russia welcome iu the most ordial manner King Edward’s approaching visit to the Tbir, as setting the seal of friendship between the two countries. They consider that the visit, following President
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    • 100 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Currency Appeals Shelved. London, 22nd May —A telegram from Washington states that, at a conference of the Semite, the House agreed upon a subsidy for carrying mails to Japan, China, Australasia aud the PhilippinesThe Reform Currency Appeals wore detiuitely shelved. [Yesterday lteuter wired The
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    • 67 5 (Sujrjdied by Reuter Lord Milner’s Views. Loudou, 22ud May.— Lord Miluer, speaking at the South African Association banquet last night, said that South Africa was now governed by commaudos placed in power bv Great Britain, and was revert iug to ihe conditions befoie the war. He timted
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    • 56 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Second Reform Rill. Loudon, 23rd May.—The papers give prominence to Mr. li. H. Asquith’s promise of a second Reform Bill, which will mark an epoch in political history. The Radical papers aie welcoming the Bill, with the proT i«o that there must be votes for
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    • 106 5 (Sufijdied by lleuter.) Russia's Decision. London, 22nd May.—The Russian Cabinet liaH decided to repeal tbe increased duties on Ceylon and Indian Teas from the 1st September. On the doth May Reuter wired that the hu-sian Ministry of Commerce had presented 0 Oabiuet a proposal to abrogate
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  • 857 5 (From Our Own Correspondent London, May 1st. The King’s Birthday. The Kiug’s Birthday will be officially celebrated at. all home naval and military stations ou Friday, the 2<ub Juue next, aud at all stations abroad on the 9th November —his natal day. Admiral Moore At Home.
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  • 944 5 {From Our Own Correspondent) Wednesday, 20th May. Chinese Revolutionaries. As telegraphed at the time, sixty Chinese revolutionaries arrived here by the I reneb mail steamer Lai Sany on Monday from Saigon. From Hanoi, they made tbeir way to Saigon, but the French Government promptly placed them uuder arrest,
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  • 793 5 1K82 —190?. liy Southern Cro'S (Continued from 16th May.) Ou April 3rd, 1889, the dismantling of Fort Ful ertou commenced and the mountings of the 7-iu. guus were temoved. Fort Fullertou was situated at the mouth of the Siugaporo River and had become obsolete When
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  • 99 5 Arrived. Per s.s. Palitana, 23rd May, from Singapore: Mrs Fanny Schwartz, Messrs. Darke and K- Moses. Per s.s. Oceana, 23rd May, from Hougkong: Mr. Lee Kliong Fook. From Singapore: Mr. C. Matthew, Mrs. P. Duval, Mrs H Smith, Messrs. E. F slier, G H. Hone and A Sarkies. Departed.
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  • 95 5 To-dat 24th Day of 4th Moon. Hunt Club Gymkhana, Race Course, 2 45 pm. Matsuo’s Cinematograph, corner of Penang Road and Cam pi »ell Street, 7 p.m &9pm. Grand Change of Programme. To-moriow, -5th I*aT of 4<h Mo >n. Fifth Sunday after E ister. Empire Day. Matsuo a Cinematograph,
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  • 19 5 China Eitel Friedrich)... 27tb May. German Klei*t ...27th English (Ma ta) ...4 h Juue. China (Delta) ...6rh
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  • 34 5 P. O. SAILINGS. .Mail Service. Outwards Homewards. Malta 4 Juue. I Delta (i June. Devanha IS Delhi 20 Extra Service. Outwards Homewards. Sardinia 26 May. Japan 29 May. Socotra 9 June Sumatra. li June
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 30 5 Ihe most rapid aud satisfactory results ar obtained by treatment with Oonosan (bLawa Santal). Booklet aud sample to medical men free ou application to any of tb«e chief Penang Chemists.
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    • 35 5 Have You Rheumatism? If so, apply Chanilerlain’s Pain Balm It has cured others and there is no reason why it should not cure you. One application relievos the pain. The George Town Dispeusary Wholesale Agents.
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    • 192 5 THE NEW MODEL PIANOS by COLLARD COLLARD are constructed ou the most advanced principles, and possess Complete Metal Framing; erfected Overstrung Scale Compass of 7 and 7} Octaves; and Improved Check Action, with under Dampers; so regulated and adjusted as to eusuie a perfect repetition. The prices arp, considering the
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    • 242 5 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. P HE Ordinary Meeting of the Mum- C,p r,V" ,n,n,BS,onerB will b«ld at the JSW2ZT L. A. Coutieb BIGGS, Secretary. TO LET. 'V 0 J QUAY, lately in the ■f occupation of the Sugar Estates Omce. Could be let in Hoors to suit tenants, on a lease or
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 30 5 WEATHER Thk foliowing report is kindly supplied b\ f he Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis:— 1 lie rainfall during the 24 hours ended at 9 to. day was nil.
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  • 1572 6 Tbe lady barber in not a new arrival in tbe great v/orld of women workers. Indeed, unless I am much mistaken (writes a correspondent) women have been employed in shaving and cutting hair for several centuries past. Strange to say, however, only a year or
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  • 450 6 (By a Banker.) To those to whom the mighty past presents greater attractions than the Jess rehoed and classic utilitarianism of the present day, Athens, the cradle of seithetic architecture, and the birthplace of chaste and graceful statuary and ornate design, far surpasses any other
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  • 121 6 Pbnanq. 23rd May. {By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Sank ..2/3}-$ 4 months’ sight Bank ..2'4 T^ 3 Credit -2/4 A 3 Documentary ...2/4$ Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174$ 3 days’ sight Private 175$ Bombay. Demand Bank 174$ Moulmein, Demand Bank 173$ 3 days’ sight Private 175$
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  • 187 6 Hold leaf »65.40 B.Pepper( W.Coast 3lbs..*>oz.) no stock White Pepper »17 .-sellers Trang Pepper 10 75 sales Cloves (picked) 31. —buyers Mace 70. —sellers Mace Pickings 55. —buyers Nutmegs 110 s 20-50 sellers r No. 1 fi.3o sales Sugar 1 2 no stock (.Basket 3.77$ sales Tapioca Flour 1.80
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  • 206 6 23rd Mat, 1938. Beef— ets. Soup per cat (a 12 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tougue 60 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 30 Pork— Pork per catty 34 Pig’s Head 20 Feet 25 Tongue
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  • 7 6 ANTHONY AND ANDERSON, Exchange Share Brokers*
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 38 6 I*rof. Schmidt prefers Gonosau (SantalKawa Riedel’s) to auy other preparation of Sautalwood oil. Although he used the drug in more than 20 cases, he has never observed auy sigus of nausea, flatulency, uephritic pains, pruritus uor skin eruptions.
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  • 895 7 The Attitude of the Straits and the F.M.S. Tbe following letter appears iu the Bungkok Times of tiie Bih lust., above the nom de plume, Auother Irresponsible Some of your coriespondeuts seem to think that uot nearly enough commeut is made iu the Press ou the new
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  • 182 7 I he following clipping from a Home paper of the 26th ult., explains the absence of some of the 1* rench guests from the opening of the Franco-Bi itish Exhibition;— It was officially stated last night that the I rinceof ales, who will be accompanied by the
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  • 153 7 Bricklayer’s Beautiful Voice Gains Him Free Training for Opera. What is described by the German papers as one of the most marvellous baritone voices ever listened to,” has been discovered in Berlin, the possessor being Berthold Pusch, a young bricklayer, who has just entered his nineteenth year.
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  • 195 7 Seattle, March 26.—Within the next fortnight, work will be begun on what will be the only Buddhist temple in the United States owned by a Buddhist organisation, the building being on ground also owned by the society. Tbe ground has been purchased at a cost
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  • 290 7 An Expensive Unest. A correspondent writing from Hsinehon near'l aijuanfu, Shansi, states: —The Lama and his followers began to arrive on Sunday, March 15, very early in the morning and were dribbling in all the rest of the day. We did not go out until the afternoon,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1056 7 BAXTER Co.’s BEST NAVY CANVAS. SANDILANOS, BUTTERY Co. DAVID CORSAR SON’S WELL-KNOWN EXTRA NAVY CANVAS, No 0. SANOII.ANIIS. BIITTEUY Co insurances. SALE. General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation, Ltd. John Bazley White Bros.’ PORTLAND CErYIENT, ■yTTE have been appointed Agents for W the above Company for Penang. Province Wellesley
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    • 84 7 Lingering Coughs. Persistent coughs that continue through the spring and summer usually indicate some throat or lung trouble, uud it is a serious mistake to neglect them. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is famous for its cures of coughs of this nature and a few doses taken in time may save a
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    • 71 7 Australian Newspaper Man's Experience With Diarrhoea. Mr. S. G. Mathers, publisher of Chronicle, Normautown, Queensland, says: Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy completely cured me of chronic dysentery from which I had suffered for years, I feel confident that this remedy also saved the life of my infant daughter, who
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1058 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. RBBIDINO AT No. 21a Penang Road. A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mtha UPTON’S TEAS WERE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL AT THE PARIS EXHIBITION. AGENTS, PENANG: mtkSON, SIMONS Co., Lid. WON
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  • 2154 9 vv. A. GRAHAM’S REPOKT. *£VtL M r IMS, to H'b February. 19°7 The District Ollirers. Tbe Diatrict Officer, of Batu Meoukebaeg Putob. 'i'uogku Sunul aud lucbo abmcounuued ru cb.rg.ot rhe.r resDistrict, throughout the year under 9*", Tuugku Small bas dono good work X. whole but considerable difficulty was mud
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  • 271 9 A wholly unprecedented situation has arisen in American politics, ovor which some interesting remarks are made iu the North Anieriran Magazine. Whatever may have instigated the present popular trend towards Radicalism in the U. S A. there can be no doubt that in the eyes of
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  • 615 9 American Heiress Widowed on Honeymoon Tour. A romantic union of wealth and title has been brought to a sad end by the sudden death of the Due de Chaulnes, who married Miss Shonts, of New York, only a month ago, says Lloyd's News of the 26th ult.
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  • 1391 9 A PROTEST What About Water Polo l Says a home paper:— La Milo’s liviug statuary studies are once again excitiug an animated controversy. The storm centre ou this occasion is Swansea, where La Milo has been engaged to appear ou the 7th iust. A certain section of
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  • 672 9 The most startling paradox of modern i scientific discovery is the new ultraviolet- i ravs microscope, which, by the aid of an invisible ray, photographs invisible objects in *bo d«rk. Tho power is double that of any existing microscope that works with white light. A writer u
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  • 687 9 Brave Convent Nuns Labour Unceasingly to Elevate and Succour the Ignorant Suffering Poor. Their Sister Superior Tells How Helpful Dr. Williams* Pink Pills Are in This Work and Relates Instances Where Cases of Anaemia, Rheumatism, Stomach Disorder, and Other Ailments Have Been Cured by Their
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 53 9 Pain in the Stomach. It is most annoying, as well as disagreeable*. to be troubled with pains in the stomach, and there is do need of it, for one dose of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera und Diarrhoea K“medy will allay the pain. Try it once and be convinced. The George Town
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  • 856 10 Tuesday, the 28th July, Thursday, the 30th July, and Saturday, the 1st August, 1908. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 28th July, 1908. 1. —The Maiden Plate. Value $500. A Race for Maiden Horses Weight as per scale reduced 14 lbs. All horses imported into the Straits
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 241 10 FOR SALE. JOHN MARTIN, MINER A ROMANCE OF MODERN MALAYA. BY OLIVER ASHWELL. AUTHOR OF Talet of the Fen," Chronicle$ of Ih* Carburettor Club," In Peril in Penang" etc. PRICE 50 CENTS Mat be kyd at THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltl., 226, 232. Reach Street, Penang. The Early History of Penang,
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    • 292 10 Entries Close at noon on Thursday, 16th July, 1908 (except for Race 8, Third Day); Handicaps for First Day will be published on or before Monday, 20th July, 1908. A penalty of 7 lbs. is incurred iua haudicap by the wiucer of any race run subsequent to the publication of
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    • 198 10 JUST RECEIVED JOHANN FABER'S STATIONER! Paper 15 cents Fasteners per box. New Flat Reversible Pocket Pencils 10 to 15 cents each. Nickle-plated Pocket Pencils, Automatic Pocket Pencils a XTJOHANN FABER. Vr 30 cents each. )j 30 cents each. Blue Pencils, 60 cents per dozen. '10*+ fan .rriciM.jtiiirtiAgtaai Drawing Pencils, B
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