Straits Echo, 7 May 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1051 1 BASS’S ALE. ON V/ o U (rf u I-.'. V ""''vv o xx Vx7 < P -X’ "•Hr •MOIS S.SS3NNM9 NOAH JOHAN, PHOTOGRAPHERS, 307, (India Street, Penang. (Corner of Carnarvon Street.) Enlargement to any size. All works on Bromide, P. 0. P., etc Out-door Photograph; Undertaken. All work in connection
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    • 27 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. NOddIN V C 5 > 3? CD sft <A A r 'h 'M tom 0 TIANQ lee a Co., Sole Afmtu
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  • 1648 2 ITS USE AND ABUSE. In All Npheres of Life. Mr. T. P. O’Connor has an interesting article in P.T.O• on the subject of the Use and Abuse of the Ghost. The subject comes m very appositely in view of the action brought by Mr. Harris, Editor of Vanity
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 37 2 Have You Rheumatism? If bo. apply Chaui bei lam’s Pain Balm. It has cured others and there is no reason why it should not cure you. One application relievos the pain. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 199 2 y Pain in the Stomach. Q It is most annoying, as well as disagreey able, to be troubled with pains in the stom- ach, and theie is no need of it, for one dose i of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera und Diar0 ihoea Remedy will allay the pain. Try it t
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    • 729 2 j ROBINSON PIANO C°" L TD j I Hold the FINEST STOCK of Pianos in the East. I I YACHT, COTTACE, CRAND AUTOPIANO. Prices from $300. Time payments. Organs, Gramophones, Records all kinds of small instruments fittings. Tunings singly or by contract. j S Repairs by Experienced Workmen, NOTICE. THE
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    • 558 2 k I ARTEE TULLY, TURF COMMISSION AGENT, Raffles Place (OVER ROBINSON PIANO CO.) ARTIE TULLY, THE WELL-KNOWN STRAITS BOOKMAKER, Has opened a book on the forthcoming Singapore May Meeting, 12, 14 aud 16. DOUBLE EVENTS FOR SALE. JOHN MARTIN, MINER ON 3 AND 4, 3 AND 5, AND 4 AND
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  • 38 3 Vestel* From Age**» Due Persia Benlomond Devauha P. Heinrich T)deus Arcadia Singapore London Singapoie Colombo Singapore Colombo S.K.&C0. bth May. S B ACo. 8th A.G.&Co. t9th B M &Co. 13th VV M &Co. IlCth A.G.&Co. 21st
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  • 33 3 Yettel* For A a+vir Persia Fiume S K A'V May. Benlomond Singapore S.B.ACo. Devanha Colombo A G AOn. P. Heinricb Singapore B M ACo, Tydeus Antwerp W.M.ACo Arcadia Singapore A G ACo.
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  • 36 3 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service UUTWAm. H*>IWI»VV amok Arcadia 21 May. I Drvanha 9 May Malta 4 June. I Oceana 23 Lxtra Service. Outwards Homewards. Palermo 0 May. j Nore 15 May. Namur 12 Japan 29
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  • Shipping.
    • 46 3 Delhi, Br. s s. t 8,000, Andrews, 6th May, Bombay, 30th Apr., Gen.—A. G A Co. Taroba, Br. 8.8 3,657, Jacobs, 7th May, Madras, 28th Apr., Gen.—H. L. Co. A. Apcar, Br. s.s, 2,931, Stewart, 7th May, Calcutta, 30th Apr., Gen. A- A. A. Co.
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    • 78 3 7th May. Mary Austin, for Asahan. Ban Whatt Soon, for Tongkah. Leong Ho, for Trang. Perak, for Deli. Petrel, for Pangkalan Brandar. Cornelia, for Port Swettenham aud Malacca. Malacca, for Tongkah. Canton, for Pangkor and Teluk Ausou. A. Apcar, for Singapore, China and Japan. Clan Macintosh, for Rangoon. Un
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    • 209 3 For Port Swettenham aud Singapore—Per Omapere, to-inorrow, 1 p in. Batu Bahra—Per Sree Banka, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Kopah, Renong, Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy—Per Janet Nicoll, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Hye Leong, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Deli—Per Calypso, to-morrow, 3 p.m. DeH —Per Malaya, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Colombo—Per
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  • 277 3 Per P. and O. s s. Namur, due at Penang on I2th May: To Penang: (from London. Apr. 11) Mis Walter Fox child, Mrs. Law, Mr. and Mrs. Shaw and child, Mrs C. Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. Neal and children, Miss Metcalf, Mr. W. L. Swain,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 628 3 PlO. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals and Departures. May 7 Delhi 21 Arcadia J uu* 4 Malta 18 Devanha July 2 Marmara 10 Della Mail Service. Outward connecting with Britannia do Mooltan do China do Moldavia do Himalaya do Macedonia Homeward. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India THROUGH STEAMER. For freight, passage
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    • 420 3 (S HIPPIN G.) s —-si HAMBURG-AMERIKA LIME. FREIGHT SERVICE. Next Sailings for Singapore, China and Japan. 8.8. Andalusia 9th May, 1908 s.s. Dortmund 23rd Next Sailings Homeward. VIA HONGKONG. STRAITS A COLOMBO. Taking cargo at through Ratos to Antwerp, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Copenhagen Lisbon. Oporto. London, Liverpool, Glasgow, Marseilles, Trieste, Genoa,
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    • 156 3 NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. I Special Cheap Return Tickets to J Colombo. y RETURN TICKETS to Colombo and back available for Three Mouths from date of depart me to the date of arrival on return will be issued at the following reduced rates: 1st Class from Singapore, 2nd do. 1st Class
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  • 95 4 Justice satisfies everybody and justice alone— Emerum. Published dally (except Sunday*.) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Lid., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penarg. PRICE DAILY LOCAL $24 per annum OUTSTATIONS Postage Kxtra. MAIL EDITION (Poet Free) $l5 CABLE ADDRESS Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343 ALA, —All business communications should be
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  • 504 4 To-day the Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria completes the 60th anniversary of liis accession to the throne of Austria, and, seventy-seven years of age on his last birthday, the Emperor has spent a long and eventful life. He has had no easy task in keeping together the
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  • 62 4 We are courteously informed by Mr. A. E. Pringle, Inspector of Schools, Penang, thit a telegram has been received from Cambridge to the effect that the Queen’s Scholarship for 1908 has bpen awarded to Leong Yew Koh, of St. Xavier’s Institution, Penang. We heartily congratulate the Rev.
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  • 321 4 Yesterday’s Paperchase. In response to the notice appearing in the local papers twenty-two sportsmen turned up to enjoy the good things two knowing hares spent the previous afternoon preparing, and well they did it, for from start to finish the course was much enjoyed Scent was found
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  • 72 4 The following business in tin has been doue to-day Penang Peuang Tin Exchange, 25 tons at 3701 Eastern Smelting Co., 25 7(>| Straits Trading Co., 50 7o| Singapore: Straits Trading Co., 100 70§ T0’a1...200 tons. Tin i 9 quoted in London to-day at J 1139
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  • 300 4 s Yesterday there was one case of cholera in Province Wellesley. j Mr. Jay Gould easily retained possession of the world’s tennis championship, defeating r Mr. Eustace H. Miles in New York by 3 j sets to 1. The largest German cruiser alloat, the Bleucher, which
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  • 638 4 IN CIVIL ORIGINAL JURISDICTION. (Before Mr. Justice Fisher.) Chop Hin Lee Chau VJ. The Phtenix Assurance Co., Ltd. This case was continued yesterday afternoon. Mr. Cleaver for the Plaintiffs. Mr. Thornton for the Defendants. In reply to Mr. Cleaver the l engali witness Sunder Singh said that when
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  • 290 4 (Bejore Judge Woferstan.) Man Bin Yusoof vs. MacAlister Sc Co. j The further hearing of the above action, which stood postponed, was resumed to- d *y The claim was for the recovery of $220, being damages arising from breach of contract. i Tbe case for the plaintiff was
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  • 923 4 (Before Mr. Scott Maram and Musada. two to M,. Willi.™ Ileory tl,e Australian Horn, Kepo«itorv, w“Tth morning charged with cruelty to animal, h! working a horse which was in an uu8“1 1 Mr. Mawley was charged with J!■ i the animal to lie workedf The de«en? 1Dg
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 321 4 *4 DE SUMATRA POST.” Daily Published at Mcdan-Deli, j IS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER OF SUMATRA. THE NEW MODEL PIANOS by COLLARD COLLARD are constructed on the most advanced principles, and possess Complete Metal Framing; Perfected Overstrung Scale Compass of 7 and 7} Octaves; and Improved Check Action, with under Dampers;
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    • 207 5 The Indian NorthWest Frontier. (Supplied by Reuter.) The End of the Trouble in Sight. 1,1 Several Indian Princes offered troops to the British Goyernmeut. QiientioiiM in Parliament. London. 7th May.-Mr. H. F Lynch Liberal Member for Kipou, asked m the House of Commons, in view of the development of the
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    • 111 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Status of British Subjects. Loudon, 7th May. In the House of Commons yesterday. Sir Edward Grey, toreign Secretary, stated that a modification of the status of British subjects iu Siam, with provisions to safeguard their interests will form part of the proposals
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    • 75 5 Supplied by Reuter.) A Settlement Probable. Loudon. 7th May. Mr. Winston Churchill President of the Board of Irade, left Dundee for London to confer with the Labour repiesentatives with a view to a settlement of the shipbuilding strike. TOu the 4th inst. lteuter wired that fifteen thousand
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    • 44 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) London Stock Exchange Reduced by »00 Members. London, 7th May.— Owing to be <J e P r 6 r S sion in the money market 200 stock brokers are not renewing their membership to the London Stock Exchange.
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    • 26 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Arrival at Pola. London, 7th May.—The Kaiser has arnv_ ed at Pola, the naval port and arsenal ot Austria, from Corfu.
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    • 151 5 (Supplied by Reuter s Two Thousand Guineas. London. 7th May.-The following .8 the result of the race for the Two lbouB d Guineas which was ruu at Newmarket la. Wednesday. „«100' The Two Thousand Guineas Stakes of 100 sovs. each for entire colts and fill» 6 in
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  • 1014 5 (From Our Own Correspondent London, 10th April. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman has tendered his resignation to the King, and His Majesty has sent for Mr. Asquith, who has arrived at Biarritz. An extraordinary un burst of good feeling has manifested itself towards the ex-Premier. There
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  • 323 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) TaipiDg, 6th May. Official Movements. The Resident returned from Ipoh las. evening after a week’s stay there. Mr. McLean has been transferred to Brian to act as Asst. District Officer (Lands) in place of Mr. Lee-Warner, aud Mr CrumEwing to Gopeng to act as
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  • 190 5 First Day’s Handicaps. t Following are the handicaps for the first j day’s racing at the furthcoming Singapore meeting. There were 18 entries f<>r the Paddock Stakes and the Committee decided to make two races of it, nine horses iu each, ou the original conditions aud stakes duplicated.
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  • 413 5 Proposed Change of Venue. Writing on the 14th ult. the Amsterdam j correspondent of the London and China Express says:—A proposal is Pending to abolish the auctions of Banca tin in Holland, aud to hold these in India in future, and on this matter the advice of
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  • 665 5 Tbe following items of information re garding companies in Malaya are taken from the Monetary and Commercial” column of the London and China Express of the 17th ult.:— Rambutan. Managers advise completion of repairs to boiler and restarting of plant. Pahang Consolidated. The following
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  • 440 5 A correspondent writes to the London and j China Express from Chungking as to!-| lows: It is amusing from time to tone to come across the sapient uttering* of Celestial* whilst in Europe concerning cust*m w vogue in their owu country, etc., and iniou.t-. ed for European
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  • 86 5 Arrived. Per s s Delhi, 6th May, from Colombo Mr E W Thring. Mr. and Mrs. Towgood, Hon R N. and Mrs Bland. From Bombay Mr. Porter. From Hobart Miss H. Miles. From Marseilles: Mr. T. Fitzgerald, Mr. A. C. Barberer. From London Mr. Pullen Thompson. Per s.s. Malaya
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  • 56 5 To-day. Bdi Day of 4th Moon. Matsuo’s Cinematograph, corner of Penang Road and Campbell Street,7 p.m. &9 p.m. To-morrow. 9th Day of 4th Moon. Penang Impressionists’ At Home,” Engineers’ Institute, 4 to 7 p.m. Towu Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. Matsuo’s Cinematograph, corner of Penang Road aud Campbell
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  • 16 5 China Deranha) ...9th May. China York) ...12th Gerjnan (Prinz Heinrich ...13th English Arcadia) ...21st
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  • 16 5 First Quarter May Bth O Full Moon 16th Last Quarter 23rd O New Moon
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 29 5 Lingering Coughs. Persistent coughs that continue through the spring and summer usually indicate some trouble, and it is a «.nous mistake to neglect them. C a pensary, Wholesale Ageuts.
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    • 164 5 The first violeut inflammatory symptoms quickly disappear alter treatment with Riedel’s Gouosau Capsules. No better preparation now on the market. Certified by the leading Specialists. DUE PER S. S. SUMATRA.” P r'Ti P CYLINDER II GAR, KISH TENSION MAGNETS, AND COIL AND ACCUMULATOR SYSTEM. 2 Seater, with seat at back
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  • 1293 6 Annual Report. Ttaa Annual Report on Education in tbe Straits Settlements for tbe year 1907 is issued as a Supplement to tbe Straits Settlements Government Gazette of tbe Ist inst. Mr. J. B. Elcum says 1. There were no changes of importance in the Btaff of
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  • 120 6, 7th May. {By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Sank ...2/3J 4 months’ sight Bank ..2/4 3 Credit ...2/4A 3 Documentary ...2/44 'alcui.ta, Demand Bank Rs 1744 3 days’ sight Private 1754 Bombay. Demand Bank 174 Moulmein, Demand Bank 173 3 days’ sight Private 175 J Madras,
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  • 182 6 Gold loaf $65.40 B. Pepper( VV.Coast •libs.» u*. i no stock White Pepper $17.50 sellers Trang Pepper 11. —sellers Cloves (picked) 31. —buyers Mace 70. —sellers Mace Pickings 55. —buyers Nutmegs 11 Os 20-50 sellers No. 1 5.30 sales Sugar 2 no stock Basket 3.85 sales Tapioca Flour 1-80
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  • 198 6, 7th Mat, 1908. Beef— cts. Soup }>er catty 12 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 60 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 28 Pork Pork per catty 34 Pig’s Head 22 Feet 26 Tongue 30
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  • 1112 6 2 5 33 r o j-! Capital. Number of Shares issued. 'f 1 P 3 3 i S 3 Lait Dividend. Naina. 3 O 3 a 1903 1907 1901 1907 1903 1901 1907 1901 1899 1906 1905 1906 1904 1906 1907 1907 1904 1907 8 300,000 300,000 600,000 60,000
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 70 6 Chamberlain’s Fain Balm. You will huut a good while before you bud a liniment that is equal to Chamberlain s I’ain Balm. Iu cases of rheumatism and sciatica it relieves the intense pain and makes sleep and rest possible. Soreness of the mutcles, swellings and lameness aie quickly relieved by
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    • 108 6 Australian Newspaper Man’s Experience With Diarrhoea. Mr. S. G. Mathers, publisher of Chronicle, Normantown, Queensland, says: Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy completely cured me of chronic dysentery from which I bad suffered for years. I feel confident that this remedy also saved the life of my infant daughter, who
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  • 638 7 Ibe morals and literary tastes of sweet ■eveuteeu (in tbe evening schools of London) are to be fenced in and guarded very closely next year by London’s educational authority. A remarkable list of English literary classics which are not considered suitable for students under 18
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1004 7 BAXTER Co.’s BEST NAVY CANVAS. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. INSURANCES, DAVID CORSAR SON’S WELL-KNOWN EXTRA NAVY CANVAS, No 0. SANOILANDS. BUTTERY Co John Gazley While Bros.’ PORTLAND CEMENT, “LION BRAND.” SandllanJs, Buttery Co., AGENI'B. PENANG F. M. 8. General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation, Ltd. WE have been appointed Agents
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    • 201 7 l'rof. Schmidt prefers Gonosan (SantalKawa Riedel’s) to any other preparation of Sautalwood oil. Although he used the drug in inoie than 20 cases, be has never observed any signs of nausea, flatulency, nephritic pains, pruritus nor skin eruptions. Kigaiid's Bocool Extract is an exact reproduction of this sweet yet powerful
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 768 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha t U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Cc nsultation Free. KBBIDINO AT No. 21a, Penang Road. A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mthi. UPTON’S TEAS WERE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL AT THE PARIS EXHIBITION. AGENTS, PENANG: PATERSON, SIMONS Co.,
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