Straits Echo, 15 April 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1062 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. TIANQ LEE Co. 7 \o\\ I! jfe^w < ?'Ci U SOLE AOENTS BASS’S ALE. ANK > Oharlsrwd Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED by royal OHARtER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking: Corporation.£l,2oo,ooo 1,475,000 jei ,200,000 Paid op Capital Reserve Fund Re**rve Liability of Proprietor# Hoad Office: HATTON COURT. THREADNEEDLE
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    • 23 1 HE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST HOddlN 4 sT V Q 05 CO > CD 6 7/ OftTO tTIAIW L«1 Otn Mo/t AfU.
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  • 1155 2 4 Week’n Record of Strenuous Endeavour. Monday.—More tyranny Got the sack just because I was U u minutes late The boss had the blooming cbt>k to ask me wt*at I meant, and when i said the missus was bad be sai l I was full
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  • 908 2 Tuesday, the 28th July, Thursday, the 30th July, aud Saturday, the Ist August, 1908. PROPOSED PROGRAMME To be considered and if approved to be passed at a General Meeting to be called for the purpose. NOTICE. —No amendments to this Programme will lie considered
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 81 2 Don’t Neglect u Cold. Perhaps you believe you will be able to tbrow off every cod you contract. Y-ij may have doue so many tune* befoie, and yet the very o* xt fold may deve'op into pneumonia You cmuot always tell the condition of vour system, and it in t»eitHr
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    • 421 2 OotiObriB brings about satisfactory results without the aid of any local treatment and is the latest and most scientific Remedy and far superior to combinations of plaiu Sandalwood oil, Copaiba etc. At ail chemists and dealers. NOTICE. THE FEDERAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. (OF CANADA I HAVE appointed Messrs*. X Sandilands,
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    • 301 2 c One Moment Please. Are you looking for a really good piano, at a REASONABLE PRICE? If so, it will pay you to visit our Show Room», where you will hud all the Best MAKERS represented. Prices A terms will astonish you. Has it ever occurred to you, that for
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    • 521 2 NOAH JOHAN, PHOTOGRAPHERS, 307, hulia Street, Penang. (Corner of Carnarvon street Enlargement to any size. AH works on Bromide, P. 0. P-, etc. Out-door Photography Undertaken. All work in connection with Photography is undertaken here and will receive the best attention. Developing and printing for amateurs. CHARGES MODERATE. 14 <>8
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  • 43 3 Vessels Fr^,m A>i*nt* Dim Sumatra London A.G ACo I5ih Ap’. Prmz E te F lied net Borneo Ajnx Pakling Oolmnbo S oca pore po* <* Sin^apo'e B.M ACV> A.G ACo. W M A»;.*. W M ACo .Vh 17 h 18 b 18th
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  • 32 3 Vetsel* f' ,,r A-Mmi* j Suraatri F'pan Priu* Eit" Frwxlrifb Borneo Vntwerp Ai» ,r,.*«iww<i Pakliog Antwerp O AC» Apr. RM A «V A G A' V» iv u *r*o.: W.M ACo.
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  • 39 3 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. HuilKWi D n 23 Air I Mata 25 A»r De hi 7 May D v uiha 9 M>y Lllra Service. Outwards Uomkwards Sumatra 15 Air 15 4 P r Cui.d'a '42 Nore >5 May
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  • Shipping.
    • 176 3 Japara, Dut 8.e., 1,194, Hut, 14th Apr., Parian*;, 4 h Apr Gen.— H L. A Co. I'jomed Br. «.s.. 3,005, Sorrible, 14rb Apr., Liverpool, 14 b Mar., Gen.—W. M. A Co. i’uixz Eitrl Friedrich. Ger. s.s 5,001, Aialciion 14 b Apr Bremen, 11th Mar., Geu—B M A Co. A
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    • 48 3 15th April. Jin Ho. for Laugkat. Vidar, for Teluk Anson. Thonnwa. for Rangoon and Calcutta. Hok Canton, for Langsa, T. Setnawe, Segli, Olehleb and Sabang. Tony Chay Un. for Pauukor. Sumat a for Singapore, China and Japan. Maaya, for Deli. Flying Fish, for Port Weld and Taiping.
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    • 217 3 For Deli Per D« Kuck, to-morrow, 1 p.ui. Port Swetteuham and Malacca—Per Cornelia, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Pulau Lautjkawi and Setul —Per Flying Dragon, to morrow, 3 p.m. Smgapore, Honekoug, Swatow and Amoy t'er Hong Wan 1, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore—Per Tarobi, to morrow, 4 p.m.
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  • 138 3 Per P. aud O. hr. Victoria, connecting with the steamer Delta at Colombo due at Peeautr on 23rd April To Penang: (from Loudon, Mar. 28) Mr. S C. Kobinaon. To Singapore (from London) Mis* E. L. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Pringle and ••hildran, Mr
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 835 3 PI 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outward. ronneoting with Victoria do Britannia do Mooltan do China do Moldavia Homeward. Apr. 23 Delta May 7 Delhi 21 Arcadia Jan* 4 Malta 18 Itevanhu Apr. 25 Molts Mav 9 Devnuha 23 June C Delta ‘2O Delhi flimalo
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    • 408 3 (S HIPPING.) HAMBURG-AMERIKA LIME. FREIGHT SERVICE. Next Sailings for Singapore, China and Japan. s 9. Briigavia 15th April. Next Sailings Homeward. VI HONGKONG. SI H \ITS COLOMBO. Tsk'ng cargo at ttrouoh to A mstpriD tn, R.>"f»rdarn, C<>ppubatj**t' i) 0»"»r*i» L «U,n. I, > G'-> <w. e* I eu<*a, mi tii*.
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    • 162 3 I NOKDD! ITSCHEK LLOYD, BREMEN. Special Cheap Return Tickets to Colombo. RETURN TICKETS to Colombo and hack available for Tbiee Month» from date ot «tepartU'e to the date of arrival ou return will le issued at the following reduced rate*» 1st Cl**s from Singapore, $160 30. 2nd Cla s do.
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    • 50 3 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. r H.>4. Hong Waul, Captain G. King* L horn, will loave for tbe above porta on I'buraday, the ltiib iust at 'S p.rn. For freight or paaaage apply to KOE GUAN Co., Agent» for WEE BIN A Co. of Singapore. Fnuaag, 15tb April, 1906
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  • 94 4 Justice satisfied everybody and justice aleae Sn.mti. ''nhltah'H dally (except Sundays.) *T TRS CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 22G—232, Beach Street, Penang. PRTCE: DAILY LOCAL $24 per annum OUTSTATIONS Postage Kxtra MAIL EDITION (Post Free) $l5 CABLEADDRKBS Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343 jf.B.— All business communications should be addressed
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  • 647 4 1 The reconstruction of the Cabinet has met with general approval, both the Liberal and Unionist organs, according to Reuter, declaring that the Ministry has been greatly strengthened, though Mr. McKenna’s advocacy of economy causes the Unionists some apprehension with regard to the Navy. The approval of
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  • 532 4 Mr. Foo Choo Choon Again Leads. The following list gives the state of the poll in the Echo's Moat Popular Man Competition up to 3 p.m to-day. There is no doubt that both Mr. Foo Choo CHoon’s and
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  • 127 4 Homeward Bound. Mr A Huttenbach. accompanied by Mrs. Hutteub*cb, left for London this morning hv the Germau mail liner Prime ss Alice \t 0 o’clock yesterday morning Mr. Huttenbach received a visit from member* of the Penang Kice Guild, amoDg them Messrs Yeoh Seng Lye, Yeoh Seng
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  • 136 4 Thr following business iu fin has been done to-day Penang Eastern Smelting Co., buyers, no sellers j ®72f Penang Tin Exchange. 50 tons at 72 Straits Trading Co., 125 791 Singapore: Straits Trading Co., 50 721 T0ta1.„225 tons. lin is quoted in London <o-day a*
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  • 134 4 IN CRIMINAL Al'PE 1 LATE JURISDICTION. (Before Mr Jutt ce Fisher.) Yesterday af ernoon the following criminal appeals were disposed of Kwok Ginn Sin vs. The Crown, on the Complaint of Uug Khoi Fa. This was an appeal against ti e order of the Balik Pulau Magistrate, binding
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  • 406 4 (Before Mr. Scott Yio lio Seng, a Cuinaman, was yesterday charged with being in possession of a counterfeit guilder. The defendant admitted the possession of the coin and said that he received the same io change for a tive dollar note at a gaming table. He also
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  • 288 4 1 lie tollowing have beeu cboseu to represent Perak iu the malch against Penang fo be played at, Penang ou Saturday and Moudav, the 18‘h and 20lh instant: E. Bradbery (Capt R. B. Bauuou C. W. H Cochrane, F G. Finch, N. Grenier C R. Hartley, S. A Maartensz,
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  • 90 4 Maundy Thursday, 16th Apru 7 30 a m —Holy Communion. 6 p.m.— Eveusong and Sermon. Good Friday, 17th April 9 15 a m —Matins and Litany. 10 a m.—' Sto y of tbe Cross an ,i Sermon. 6 p in.—Eveusong aud Sermon. Holy Saturday, 18th
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  • 167 4 Though the ex»ensious to this church have not been completed as yet, the ceiliog, the portico, altars etc. remaining ro be constructed, the Blessing of the additions alreadv made will take place on Easter Day. Xbe Rev. Ch. Letessier, delegated by the Bishop will
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  • 622 4 Matsuo's Cinematograph. Matsuo’s Show is still doing fair business J aud there should be a good house to witness I the change of programme this evening. The Royal Cinematograph. There will also be a change of programme at the Royal Ciuematograph this evening, when some new pictures will
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 353 4 CENTRAL SALES ROOM Important Auction Sale. Favoured with instruction* ♦he -indejsigned will Be|| by PUBLIC AUCTION, On Sat., 18th April, 1908. AT NORTH AM HOAD, Commencing at ll am. All the Valuable European and Country-made Household Furniture, &c., Ac. COM J’BISINCA Di üble auJ Single Bttdsteiils, Dining Table, Dinner Waggon,
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    • 176 5 (Suj'jtlied by Reuter.) Re-election at Manchester ami Dewsbury. London, |st,b Ap r —Tbe House of C«»m* moub held a formal meeting, when writ»* were issued lor bye-elections at .Mancbestet (N. W.) and Dewsbury. 31 r. George Wbiteley, Patrouage Secretary nf tLe Tie-taury, announced flint the first business oo
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    • 259 5 (Supplied by Reuter The U. S. and Itusaia. London, 14th April.—A telegram from Washington states that Mr. Elibu Root, the U. S. Secretary of State, and Biron Rosen, the Hu-sian Ambassador at W sliugtou, had a long conference with regatd to the situation in M tuchuria. After tbe conference
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    • 108 5 [Supplied by Reuter.) Complete Agmment between Germany and Italy. Loudon, 15mi April.—The semi-official pipers state that the interviews between Prince von Buelow, the Pi Premier, who is now at Rome, and Signor Tittoni. Italian Minister for Foteigu Afftirs. have resulted in acomple'e agreement with regard to Macedonia. The
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    • 78 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Amur Railway. London, 14th Ap> il.—The Duma is debatiin; the question of the Amur Railway M. Btolypin, the Russian President of the Council of Ministers, urged the importance of the line not merely st-afegically but to develop the settlement aud to meet the inroads of
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    • 85 5 (Supplied by Reuter Lunches on Board a British Battleship. London, 14tb April.- The Kaiser, speaking at a luncheon given in his houour on board the battleship Implacable at Corfu said that be hoped the twofltgs (British and German) would continue to float together in the interest of peace.
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    • 49 5 (Supplied b I'e der -t Famous Church Burned Down. London, 14»h April.—A famous irairison church at Berlin, which is the Kai-er’s place of worship, has been burned down, and a priceless colitciiou ot ilacs has l»een destroyed. The Crown Prince helped the firemeu to put out the fire
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  • 287 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) I poll, l*2tb April. Fatal Railway Accident. On Friday last a Sikh w«uinn was crossing the railway line on theLabat Road section I about halt a mile from Ipob when she waI> uu oyer l»v the incoming train. Her skull Iw is smashed She
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  • 120 5 Rome, March 19. 1 am informed that it is the intention id the King of Italy shortly to confer a title o' nobility upon Seuator Elkins. The Duke o* ♦he Abruzzi will be promoted to the ra* k o 1 Vice-Admiral, aud after the marriage
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  • 158 5 Imperial Government Will Encourage Their Retnrn. H E Yang Shih-cbi. travelling Iniperia Commissioner and brother of Viceroy Y n Rhih-bsiang, has been ordered bv He M‘jesty the Empress-Dowager to return this post as Junior Vice-President of th* Board of Agriculture, Industry and Com merce. As lie has
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  • 350 5 The Peking correspondent of the N C. D Neies writes under date the 15'h ul*.: —News emanates from the Imperial Palaces that the Empress-Dowager has been indisposed last wepk. cliuflyou account of the diplomatic difficulties with Japan arising from the c» 8 of the Tatsv Maru Her
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  • 1128 5 1S*2 to 1907. T By Bov them Gross y Coni'lined, from l d Wednesday) U.i ilip 2nd oi Jtnuary. l8dG.a' Snu/apon Keppel R nd, which leads on to K**ppp| Haibi ur, named after Admiral Sir Harry Keppel, was opener! In th*>se days, however, the Harbour
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  • 550 5 Arrivkd. Pe r s Thon w. 15'h April, t'» M m All Abb.r. F B C»x. H S ed Aliiinitd Abtitri aiid Sh*t!< •'Dmi I 0r G J rm i'i M *il sir Pimz e s .1 C° f-.MH P.11,11!; on 15* »1 A p-'l; fr..»i N«gai».k' VI r
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  • 111 5 To-pat 16*1) l>av ot 3'd Moon. B'i II l roubad 'Urs, Town II ill, 5 p in. uud 930 m Town Bainl Esplanade. 5 45 to 645 p.m. and 9 t*» 11 in. Lodge Scotia, 9 p in. Matsuo’s Cinematograph, coru«*r of Penane Road and Cample I Street, 7
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  • 19 5 English 'Delia) ...23*d Apr. China (Hf'lh ~9R*li China (Prim Ret. Ludpold) ...28 h Gerniiin (Buelow > 29 h
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  • 18 5 O Full Moon Apr. 16th Last Quarter 24th O New Moon 30’h First Quarter May Bth
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 34 5 Riedel's Gonosan is not unpleasant to take and is not attended by those distressing bvwhich so often accompany the use of balsams aud Santal oils. It has secured unqualified praise from the leading Specialists
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    • 41 5 TO'WIT BALL TO-NIGHT, TOM LIDDIARD'S NEW BIJOU TROUBADOURS. Penaug Pu* lie at tho abilities of ih**s»n i»-v»*r Y nn '‘ter-. Complete Change To-night. EVERYTHING NEW. Popular Pr ces:-$2 and $l. Comm*ncino pm. Don’t forget the Matinee. *1 o*day,. 5 P. M.
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    • 184 5 Mr. Mrs. /Iuttenbach r. p. c. NOTICS. IEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. notice. GOOD FRIDAY. April 17tb. 190&. ticiius wiil run ctH od Sundiiys, PH. HENSHAW. 1o 4 08 2i >3 Act in j Traffic Manager. The Champagne of Table Waters. I SARK!ns BROTHERS, So/e mporters, Penang Singapore Rangoon. c 8
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  • 1691 6 A Remarkable List. To-day Sir Robert Ila>t enters upon his seventy-fourth ye w, having been born in County Armagh. Ireland, ou 2>th Feb, 1835, says the Northern Whig ot 20. b Feb Since his last birthday he has received three additional orders of chivalry—
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  • 119 6 Pbnaito, 15th Apbil (By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...2/3} 4 months* sight Ban 1 ,.2 4 T R 3 Credit .2/4A 3 Documentar v ...2./4i Calcutta, Demand Bank iis. 174^ 3 days’ sight Prw-'e 175} Boiubir. Demand Bank 174 Mouiiuein, Demand Bank 173 3 days’
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  • 175 6 >o!d ieat ...$65.40 B. Pepper( W.Coast 3lbs.5 oz. no stock White Pepper $18 50 tellers Pepper 12| buyers Cloves (picked) 31. —buyers Mace 75. —sellers Mace Pickings 57. —buyers Nutmegs 110s 23 —sellers C No. 1 5.30 sales Sugar < 2 no stock (Basket 3.75 sales Tapioca Flour 1.80
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  • 210 6 Pbnano, 15th Apkil, 1908. Bbek— cts. Soup per catty 12 d Roast 22 8 Steaks 2*2 !r Stew or Curry Meat 15 0 Rump Steak 22 18 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 50 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 30 Pork—- Pork per catty 32 J- Pig’s
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  • 1142 6 Number of 15 g g S Capital. Shares 1 > La*l Dividend. Name. jjj s c8 g r 12 S of a issued. 3 as X go- 1 <fy Mining. 1903 300,000 30,000 10 10 25 for year ending 31/3/07 Belat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. «7 1907 300.000 22.500
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 48 6 Neuralgia and Sciatica Cured. The «rent pum relieving power of Ch.'fin beiUin’a l*aiu Bilm has been the t>uiprit>e and delight of many Miff-re. s from neuralgia and aciatica. The exc> uciating paius cliaiacteriaUc of thebe diseases are qu'ckiy allayed by this luuiueut. *1 bo Town Otspousury. Whoh-ttitln Adonis.
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    • 322 6 Get a Bottle To-day. Colic. pains in the stomach, and diarrhoea aro not only painful, but may indicate a «eiious disorder. Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera an<l Diarrhoea Remeuv relieves promptly and cures permanenth. The Georye Town Dispensary, Wholesale AgeDts. The NEWJRENM REMEDY MARK. i"s successful and highly popular remedy, used in
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  • 175 7 Hip whole of the capital of Ticttls':i,00().000 11 he New S'eaniship Company formed by and Siamese merchants in Bangkok as already b«-en promised. Tbe promoters re row considering tbe expediency of lcreasing the capital of tb« Company, to meet tbe wishes of applicants for shares,
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  • 652 7 It is one of the most striking points iu the isrory of the eighteenth century especially, nd of other centuries before it, that while j »e mam lines of development depend on .«uses beyond ihe power or single men—or .tarried women—to alter, yet it is possible to iy
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1004 7 BAXTER Co.’s BEST NAVY CANVAS. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. INSURANCES. General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation, Ltd. DAVID CORSAR SON’S WELL-KNOWN EXTRA NAVY CANVAS, No 0. SANIHUNDS. RIITTf IMf Co WE have Lweu appointed Agents fo» the aLove Company for Penang. Province Wellesley and i ho State of Perak, and
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    • 110 7 Chronic Diarrhoea Cured. So ne physicians claim that chronic diarthoea cannot be cured. Don't you believe it. There are incurable cases, but none to had i bat they cannot be helped by Chamlierlaiu’b Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy, and even temporary relief means much lo one so sorely htfh-ted. The
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 857 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co. t Pha t U.S.A Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. tMIDIHa AT 11 a, Penang Road. A few doors from the Eastern and Orieota' Hotel. 6 mth. LIPTON’8 TEAS were awarded THK GOLD MEDAL AT THE PARIS EXHIBITION. AGENTS, PEN A NO PATERSON,
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