Straits Echo, 11 April 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1104 1 TIANO LEE 00. •f jFTk CO <2 >- 0/0 i:!lW oo A C/l ''jUmPa >« V iS, 0SOLE'AGENTS. BANKS. > Chartered Bank of India, Hongkong Shanghai Australia and China. Banking Corporation INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. JOl 200.000 X 1.475.000 J 01.200,000 Haul up Capital Ite*erve Fun 1 Reserve Liability of
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    • 40 1 ft 2 DC U-. UJ DC t--4sA>^ -o oc 7 Q U-J u CQ CP THEOAI NIPPON SRrWPRy/ <3* E/a c.q lid Eza I OkYC.JAPAN. rs^\ ivn ru.jju-' CQ N> cu 9MND X t—• ITIA»Q LEE A O*. Seh Amu.
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  • 975 2 AN IMPERIAL DECREE. Friendly Office» of the Powers. Tbe following is a translation of an Imperial Decree, dated Peking, 22nd March, 1908:— We have received a memorial from the Waiwupu in which is a report upou the arrangements made by that Ministry with tbe various Powers with regard
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 60 2 Chronic Diarrhoea Cured. boroo jtliybiciaUb cliimi that eh ionic diairhoea cauuot be cuied. D.u\ y„ u i^lieve it. There are incuiabte cabm, t.ui b< IU H 8 o bd<l that they Cannot lie tleipi-il v Chamherlaiu’b Colic, Cholera and Dianboea ody. and oven b-ntnoiary >*l*t ineaua much to one ao
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    • 503 2 NOTICE. THE FEDERAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. (OF CANADA) I HAVE appointed Messrs. Sandilands, Buttery Company, Beach Street, to be our a Agents for Penang and Province a Wellesley. 1 (Sgd.) Harold E. WAITE, Manaqer, South-Eastern Asia. 20 3 145 NOTICE. TAMIL IMMIGRATION FUND ENACTMENT, 190?. IpMPLOYEK.S of Tamil labour me
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    • 1274 2 PRESENT am. PjĕlST. it hV nLi r ce m. KstSTKEK LC.\PO.\ ~7~~ —Y NOAH JOHAN, The NEW «ay of S playing the piaDO: 1 PHOTOGRAPHERS, MEINS PLEASURE.! :{OT Ch«lta Street, Penang. H {Corner of Carnarvon Street.) The OLD way Hard Work. See and hear the RACHALS AUTO-PIANO I and be
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  • 45 3 Vessel g Fron> Aynt* Due Benavon P Alice Sumatra Prinz E'*e Fneclrict> Aj«x fiondon S ogapoTe Ijoudou Colombo 'Jiniiapor*' 1 SB ACo 12 hApr. K M ACo. j 4 G ACo 14 li m P.M ACo 5»b W M ACo. 18 h 1
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  • 33 3 Vessel* For A if at* 1 j t Sinj'ip'Xft R Apr. P. Alice Colombo |m M ACo. Sumatra Japan A A AI V>. Prinz Eite* Friedrich R M Ai'n Aiai Liverpool |W.M.<fcOo-
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  • 34 3 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Oirr\v.\m>* Hommwakmm Delia 23 At'r I Delhi It Ayr De.hi 7 Mau. Ma ta 25 Lxtra Service. Outwards Homkwakdh Id /tpr Rnrne.o 16 4pr Cahdia 22 Nure )5 May
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  • Shipping.
    • 42 3 Jin Ho, Hi. s.s., 110, Gleuday, 11th Apr., 9th Apr., Gen.—E. S. Co„ Ltd. Canton, Hr. s.s., 106, Gillies, 11th Apr...' Teluk Anson, 10th Apr., Gen.—Kong Soon. Sappho, Hr. s.s., 320, Upton, 11th Apr., Tongkah, 10th Apr., Gen. —A. G. Co.
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    • 55 3 11th April. Awa Siam, for Colombo and Tuticoriu. Jin Ho, for Ltngkat. Vidar. for Teluk Anson. O' Kock, for Deli and Laugsa. Kixtu'i, for Port Swettenham Singapore. Pong Cl>ay On, for Panukor. Flying Drajon, for Pulau Langkawi and Se<ul. Delhi, for Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, JJ luntius, Egypt and
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    • 207 3 For Deli—Per Calypso, 13th instant, 0 a.ui. Tongkah—Per Sappho, 13th instant, 1 p in. Hatu Bahra—Per Sree Banka, 13th instant, 1 pin. Touuk>h —Per Ban Whalt Soon, 13th instant, 1 p m. Hatu Habra—Per Padang, 13th instant, 1 p.m. Singapore—Per Hebe, 13th instant, 1 Asahau—Per Mary Austin,
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  • 254 3 Per P. and O. 8.8. Sumatra, due at Penang on 14th April To Penang (from Loudon, Mar. 14) Mr. F. 11 English, Mr. and Mrs. M. Kendall and chi id. Mrs. N. 13. Eaton, Mr. Ilucklaud, Mr. I). I. Anderson, Mr. F. Wat* son, Mrs Hutson
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 853 3 P.&O. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outward. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. THROUGH STEAMER(calling at Bombay). fakes by mail steameks. lot Olaas Sod CItUN I'u I uudotk l-y k,66 £44 To Mur***)!!**! 1 »>r (Jib altar £6l-12.,. £4l-16 EXTRA STEAMERB. Intermediate Service. WITH
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    • 448 3 (SHIPPING.) HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. FREIGHT SERVICE. Mext s a j|i n g B for Singapore, China and Japan. s.a. Brisgavbi loth April. Neat Sailings Homeward. VIA HONGKONG. STRAITS COLOMBO. Taking cargo at through Rates to Antwerp, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Copenhagen. Lisbon. Oporto. London, Liverpool, Glasgow, Marseilles, Trieste, Genoa, Ports in the Levant,
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    • 161 3 NORDDLUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. Special Cheap Return Tickets to Colombo. RETURN TICKETS to Colombo uud back available for Thtee Months from date of departure to the date of arrival on return will be issued at the following reduced rates Ist Cla«8 from Singapore, SIHO 30. 2nd Cla s do. SI 13-15.
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    • 93 3 Cheap Week End Excursions to Selangor. FIRBT CLASS RETURN TICKETS will be sri anted per s.s. Kistna,” timed to leave Penau« for Port Swettenbam every Saturday afteruoou available only for return per h s. Perak.” or Pin Seng/’ due to leave Port Swettenbam on tbe next afternoon and expected to
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  • 93 4 Justice eaueflea everybody and Justice atone- K’nrrtmi. r übltMhfwl bally (except Mundaya.) CRITERION" PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penacg. PRICK DULY LOCAL tit per annum ODTsTtTI"NH Pontage Kxtra. MAIL EDITION (Poet Kree) *l5 OABI.K ADDRESS Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343. ft. h —All txudnew communications »honM be
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  • 661 4 There is considerable significance in the welcome which Australia gave to the announcement that the United States Fleet, which is on its way to the Far East, would call at the Antipodes, but far more importance must be attached to a resolution passed by a meeting
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  • 496 4 The Lull Before the Storm. The following list gives the state of the poll in the Echo'e Most Popular Man Competition up to 3p m to-day. No more votes have been received for Mr. Foo Choo Choon, aud
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  • 47 4 To ensure getting all the copies of the paper they want voters in the Echo’s Popular Man Competition are requested to hook their orders without delay, as we cannot guarantee to take further orders after the next few days.
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  • 87 4 Following is the list of subscr ptious received to date in aid of the funds of the Osaka Han-Ai Orphan Asylum Mr. Tay Kee Hoon $3O Khoo Teow Him 30 Gan Nvroh Bee 30 Ong Hun Chong 30 KhawJmTok 30 Lim Soo Chee 30 Gob
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  • 77 4 Thb following business iu tin has been doue to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange, t buyers, no sellers s Eastern Smelting Co., buyers, no sellers j Straits Trading Co., 50 tons at 711 Singapore Straits Trading Co., 100 72 Total... 150 tons. Tin is quoted in
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  • 1162 4 IN CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION. I Before the Acting Chief Justice and Justices Fisher and Smith.) As stated by us yesterday, we publish below the results of the two appeals heard by the Full Court of Appeal at its last sitting, the judgments of which were reserved till yesterday.
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  • 312 4 (Before Mr. Hamilton Ng Ah Jong was yesterday charged with being in possession of more than twelve cfficial doses of deleterious dru T, to wit, 9 360 grains of cocaine, valued at $312, and 33 600 grains of morphine powder, valued at $315. The accused, who was
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  • 143 4 PALM SUNDAY. I‘Jtli April. St. George’s Church. 8 am.—Matins (Choral). 8- a.m.—Holy Communion (Flam). 9- —Holy Communion (for Cnintse). 5 p.m.—Suuday School. 6 p m.—Evensong and Sermou. Methodist Episcopal English Church. 74, Maxwell Road. 8-45 a.m —Sunday School. 6 p.m.—Divine ServicePresbyterian Church. Nobtham Road. Rev. Ernest Lawson, m
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  • 148 4 The N-D. L. mail steamer Print Friedrich, having left Colombo at ■> P- 1 yesterday, is expected to arrive here Tuesday next at lp. m and will b <tv 0 Singapore, Cbiua, and Japau probably i--5 p. m. on the same day. To-night the Royal Cinematograph tfj
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 383 4 KUALA KANGSAfI ROAD THEATRE. TO-NIGHT! TO=NIGHT!! SPECIAL x LADIES’ NIGHT. Gentlemen, Briig Ynur Ladies; Babas, Bring Your Nonias; Lovers, Bring Your Sweethearts TO THE ROYAL 1 It will not cost you ons cent more to do so IF YOU TAKE A RESERVED TICKET. Every Gentleman taking a H ■VI I
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    • 44 5 (Su}>j>lied by lieuter.) An Explanation. Loudon. 10th April.—The papers announce that ttie King’s visit to Biarritz was undertaken solely in conformity with the stroug opinion of his medical advisers, owing to His Majesty’s repeated attacks of influenza in successive springs.
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    • 37 5 (Supplied by lieuter.) Rumoured Acceptance of a Peerage. London, 10th April.—The Daily New» states that Mr. Jobu Morley, Secretary of State for India, has definitely accepted a peerage. He will retain the India Office.
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    • 106 5 (Supplied by lieuter.) ('luiitte Reaped ing Self-Governing Colonies. Loudon. 11th April.—The Anglo-Ameri-can Arbitiatiou Treaty, which was signed on the fctb inst., contains a clause by which the Imperial Government reserves the right, before concluding arbitration agreements affecting self-governing colonies, to obtain the concurrence of the latter. [The
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    • 78 5 (Suppln-d ha Renter.) Asiatic Immigration Bill Passed. London, lith April—l‘he Canadian House of Cmi moils has passed the Bill, introduced by the llou. Frank Oliver, Minister of the Interior and SuperintendentGeneral of Indian Affairs, to legalise the exclusion of Asiatic imni'grants not. coming direct from the couitiy of their
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    • 22 5 Sir H. CampbellBannerman. (Supplied by Reuter, i Somewhat Weaker.” Loudou, 11th April.—Sir Henry Camp-liell-Rdnuerman pasted a restless night aud is somewhat weaker.
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    • 27 5 (Supplied by Renter.) A Warm Welcome. Loudon, lltli April.—Mr. 11. H. Asquith, the Premier, was lomlly cheered ou his arrival iu London from Biarritz
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    • 54 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Morning Attack. Loudon, 10th April.—General d’Aniade, Commander in-t hief of the Frpuch troops iu Morocco, telegraphs that Mulai Halid’s (general) Mahalla attacked the Freuch camp at Settat at three iu the morning on the Bth ii)Bt. The MoroccaDs were repulsed with heavy loss and the
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    • 84 5 (Supplied bo Reuter.) Lieut. -General Inord Grenfell Appointed Field Marshall. London, 11th April.— Lieut Geu. Lord fireulell has been appointed a Field Marshall. i t u^'<J t*ueral Lord Frauds Wallace Greu#ll, Ist Baron of Kilvev, was born iu 1841 aud eutervil tho 60th Rifles in 1869. He
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    • 27 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Arrival at Corfu. Loudon, 11th April.—The Kaiser and Kaiseriu, who are now at Corfu, have met the Greek Royal family.
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  • 702 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Btb April. Good-bye to Mr. and Mrs. Birch. The Bri'ish lies.dent and Mrs. Birch will lie leaving Taiping on Monday next by the afternoon train, tn route to England, and Goveruuieut Officials and the Public have been invited to be present at the
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  • 187 5 Output for March. 190 h. The Managing Director of the Tronoh Mines, L f d sends us the following returns of the outputs of tin-ore from the Company’s property for the month of March last Tronoh Mines Piculs 2701 07 Lahat Mines, <24 days’ working) 2ti4
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  • 703 5 I We have receive«l from the local branch of this bank tbe Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet for the year ended 31st December, 1907. to be considered at the 50' h I annual general meeting of shareholders at Batavia on tbe 3«d of June next.
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    • 718 5 To the Epiior or the Straits Echo. Sir, Motor-earsarerapidly increasing in number here and motor-car driving is almost he comiug a craze in this little arcca-nut ieland. In view of the latter fact it is evident that chauffeurs are in great demand at present and. as there is
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  • 55 5 A RkIVKD. Per ss. Delli. llth April, from Hongkong: Mrs 11m Chi Wan, Mrs. Tse rhino. From Singapore M• P. B Bamroong, Mr. W. S. Gibson, Mr. D G. Nvbius. Departed Per s.B. De hi. 1 'th Ap il. for M irneilles Mr. Croroat, Mr. E. A. Smith an
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  • 96 5 To-im 11 h Dtv of 3'd Moon. Football :C.R. C P. F. 8., C. R C Ground. Matsuo’s Cinematograph, corner of Penang Road an*i Camp!»ell Street. 7 p.m. and 9 p in. The Roval Cinematograph. Kmla K»e <T<l r R-ad Theatre, 845 pm. Siecal Ladle* Ni ht. The Qu°en
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  • 19 5 China (Print* tAi* ...14 h Apr German (J* f?'*el Friedrich) l* h English D*U-x) ,:.28 d China'
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 29 5 Uouonuu.itf liappv combination of Kaw» IlMiinu witli Santab in the proper* t'on of partj£>«wa £i«i to 4 part a Oleum. Seoul cure*, 4w*iW. 00 ooaapJipaUtna. Ail cbtimuU and dtalurk
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    • 22 5 Grimanlt and Co.’s Sarsaparilla c’ean. •es tbs blood from all impurities arising from Scrofula, Eczema. Bad Legs, Skis Diseases, Pimples aud Sores.
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    • 213 5 It > ttwwvw wvTWfgtf j PERRIER, f The Champagne of Table Wafers. f SARKIES BROTHERS, f Sole Importers, f Penang Singapore Rangoon.} motorTcars! NAPIER, SPYKER, 4 6 Cylinders. COVENTRY SIMPLES, 2, 4 6 Cylinders. ALL CARS SPECIALLYliUILT FOR THE TROPICS. For full particularf, apply ADAMSON, DILFILLAN 00., LTD., AGENTS. 7
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  • 700 6 OtHriul Minnie*. Minutes ot h M'vtiug ot the Municipal Commissioners h«4d ou I'htiraJitT, the ‘2t>th March, 1908 IVaaeni. F. J. H«ilifax. K*q (President) L. H «'..»> loft, E»q. r<itn Ku Enq Lim Olieug Teik, Esq. Absent. J. W. iiallifax, Esq. «Juah Beug Kee, E q. 1. The m
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  • 802 6 (From Our Own Correspondent W**Hne*(l»y, April 8. Another Action for Damages. It «ill be remembered that in a recent action brought by tb*» Comte de Boncy, th* CouBul-Geueral for Fr mce, againwt Mr. H« Yang Peng, for the false imprisonment aud defamation of bin two young soup, the
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  • 523 6 (By a Banker.) Until tbe last century tbe question of tbe universality of tbe great flood was never laised, and for more than tour thousand years tbe whole world—scientists, savages, literates, men of tbe world, everybody—oelieved without any questiou that the eutne globe was submerged.
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  • 129 6 Pinahg. 11th April. (By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Sink ...2/3J 4 months’ sight Bxnk ...2/4y* R 8 Credit ...2/4 T 3 g m 3 Documentary ...2/4 j Calcutta, Demand Bank lis 174$ 3 days’ sight Private 175 f Bombay, Demand Bank 174 Moolmein, Demand Bank 173
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  • 190 6 I Gold leaf $65.40 B. Pepper( W.Coast 31b5.5 0r..) no stock White Pepper $lB 50 seller» Trang Pepper 12| buyers i Gloves (picked) 31. —buyers Mace 75. —sellers i Mace Pickings 57. —buyers Nutmegs 110 s 23 —sellers SNo. 1 5.30 sales 2 no stock Baske* 3.75 sales Tapioca
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  • 1117 6 ©J Number of 4I 3 j 2 C 1 I Capital. Shares y Last Dividend. j Name. ss '5 o iBBued i 2 w S i j i 1 I a Mining. i 1903 300.000 ***** 10 10 J 5 for year ending 31/3/07 Mat Tin Mini tig Co.,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 49 6 Neuralgia and Sciatica Cured. Ihe great pain relieving power of Cham hcrlaiu’n Bain Btlm ha« tieen 'be eutpnee and delight of tn«uv suflyre's fr« in neuralgia and sciatica. The exciuci&nng am«t cliaracterintic of Onae «lineaKee ie quirk y ■W«y«d by thin Iminieut. '1 lie (jtorge Town l>iHpeiihary. WboUitale Agents.
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    • 38 6 Get a Bottle To-day. Colic, pains iu the stomach, and diarrhoea are not only painful, but may indicate a serious disorder. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Keuieoy relieves piomptly and cures permanently. The Decree Town Dispensary, Wtiolesale Agents.
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    • 106 6 Dr. Boh8 of Strassburg introduced Gonosan in the treatment of the most painful of diseases to which mankind is liable. It is better, safer and more effective than other pieparations of Copaiba, Cubebs or plain Sandalwood oil. IT. K AND A OF OSAKA, JAPAN. No. 8, Church Street, Penang. IMPORTER
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  • 987 7 Tuesday, the 28th July, Thursday, the 30th July, and Saturday, the Ist August, 1908. PROPOSED PROGRAMME To be considered and if approved to be passed at a General Meeting to be railed for the purpose. NOTICE.—No amendment* to this Programme will be considered unless
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  • 841 7 From Our Own Correspondent.) London, March 20th. The West Kents. Colonel G. W. MauDseli, commanding the home battalion of the Royal West Kent Regiment, has just bean placed on half pay on completing four yeaiß in command. Major R. J. Woulfe Flanagan, who rej ceutly got
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 288 7 Entries Close at noon on Thursday, 16th July, 1908 (except lor Race 8, third Day): Handicaps l«*r T'lrst Day will be published on or before Monday, 2ot n July, 1908. A penalty of 7 lbs is incurred in a in.aJic.p by the Muuer ot any race run subsequent to the
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    • 84 7 Accidents Will Happen in the Best Regulated Families. The average home is frequently in not'd of a gool 1 niinent, as accident» will bappeu and sligh’ ailment* appear when least expected. For a cut or bruise, a burn or scald, Chainberlaiu’s Pain Balm is excellent. It is H i,„ good
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 882 8 W; MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen A Co., Pha, U.S.A. Moderate, Consultation Free ABKIDIM9 AT No. 21a, Penang Road. A lew doors from the Eastern and Orients' 6 mth» Hotel. UPTON’S TEAS WERE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL AT THE PtRIS EXHIBITION. AO UNI'S, PE NANO PATERSON, SIMONS Co.,
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