Straits Echo, 3 April 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1095 1 WlitiftfcaS’S STOUT. TIANQ LEE A Co. r a i VJ t/lD 501 AO ENTS. BAiSb ALE.. < b a K S Ohartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation XI.200.000 1.475.000 XI.200,000 Paid up Capital Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietor* Head Office
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    • 29 1 iHE best beer in the far east. V vP V o -i 5 es o *0 VS 5 V Hi S > CD '■rot SR.V 5 > TIAWQLEE a Co,. So/e
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  • 1203 2 SOME EARLY ENGINES. The Uses of Water and Steam. Mow that turbiues a>e being so extensively used in all kinds of steam vessels, Mr. Garnett’s book Tui nines (George Bell and Sons) is dounly valuable. Ibe author shows that the idea of turning flowing water into a means of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 82 2 Accidents Will H ippen in the Best Regulated Families. The average home is f «qto-u'ly in need of a (food I n i men I, as xrcnlen a will h'pi>en and slight ml men'm anpear w lien least expected F'*»- a rot or In u'«e, a l>u n or >ratd.
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    • 509 2 h Chronic Diarrhoea Cured. V) ii> •> j k it. ■u e< oi Ml 1(1 Some physicians claim that chronic diariboea canuot be cured Don't you believe it. There are incurable cases, but none so bad that they cannot be helped by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and even
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    • 746 2 The 2TEW wa y playing the piano: MEINS PLEASURE. The OLD way Hard Work. See and hear the RACHALS AUT0-PIARO. and be convinced. THE ROBINSON PIANO Co.. Ltd.! K. M. H. MERICAIM, MONEY CHANGER. I have just opened a shop at Ibe E. O. Hotel, Penang, whe<e all soits of
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    • 634 2 AUCTION SALK. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE. TO BE SOLD BT PUBLIC AUCTION, On Thur., 16th April, 1908. AT 10-30 A.M., At Logan'* Buildings, Beach Street, Penang, The property of CHEAH TEK SOON. LOT I.—All that piece of land messuages Nos. 254 and 256, Penang Road, in Penang, situate in
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  • 39 3 Vtstetr From Agent Due Manila Singapore G ACo. 3 d Apr. Cniua C -loinbo S K ACo. 4 b Oceana Colombo G ACo. 9 b Benavon Boodou S.B.ACo I2ib I'riDz E'*e Ft iedric* Colombo B.M.ACo. 5tb h
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  • 35 3 r ex*elh For M anila Colomho A .G Af!n. A pr. Ciiiua Stnuapore 3 K AC.». >cnana A G *Cn. Rvnitvnn Singapore 8 B ACo. Print Eit** Friedrich 2 a <a 1 BMACo. 1
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  • Shipping.
    • 148 3 Omafere, Br. 8.8, 340, Lyons, 2ud Apr., Singapore, 3Dt Mar*, Gen.—E. S. Co, Ltd. Manila Br s s.. 2,711. Andrew», 2nd Apr., Singapore, 31st Mar., Gen.—A. G. Co. KINZ Ludwig, Ger. s.s., 5,703, Binzer, 2ud Apr., Yokohama, 20tb Mar., ‘•on —B M A Co. Pachumba Br. 8s 541, Sirua,
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    • 61 3 3rd April. Manila, for Colombo and Tuticoriu. Dtli, for '['rang and Pang Nga. Fartang, for Batu Bahra. Omat>er*. for Port Swettenham A Singapore. Kum 6aug. for Calcutta. Japan, for Singapore. China and Japan. Hye Leong. for Teluk Auson. Un Feng, for Pulau Langkawi, Perils and Selul. Pack imba, for
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    • 238 3 For Madras mails for Europe etc., via Bomh.y—Per Tarobi. to-morrow, 10 a.m. Madras—Per Vorwaerts, to-morrow, Ipm Asahan—Per Mary Austin, to morrow, 1 p m. Deli—Per Perak, to-morrow, Ipm. P•uukalau Braudau Per Petrel, toraoriow, I p in Tran —Per Leong Ho, to-morrow, 1p m. Teluk Ansou—Per Vidar, to-morrow, 1
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  • 299 3 Per P. and O. sh. In ua couuectiug with •he steamer O <'f ana at Colombo, due at Penang on 9th April To I’enaug (trom Loudou, Mar. 13) Mrs. W. K. Smith and child, Mr* A. H. Or; (from Ma'seilles, Mar. 20) Mr. and M'« C.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 853 3 (SHIPPING.) P.&O. Steam Navigation Coy Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outward. Apr. 9 Oceana connecting with India 23 Della do Victoria May 7 Delhi do Britannia 21 Arcadia do Moollan June 4 Malta do China Homeward Date Steamer Connecting Due Date. Steamer. wUb g g> LondoD> Apr. 11 Delhi
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    • 360 3 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINE. PASSENGER SERVICE. By the new steamers, Rhenania,” Habsbubo,” Hoe ■nbtaufen.” These steamers offer to the public the highest comfori yet attained in Ocean Travelling. Thev have very large cabins, provided with only lower berths. The Cabins are amidships and fitted with fans. Laundry on board. Doctor an' Stewardesses
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  • 95 4 Justice satisfies everybody and justice atone-— Emerttn. Published dally (except Sunday*.) CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penarq. PRICE DAILY LOCAL $24 per annum OUTBTATIONB Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Post Free) «15 CABLE ADDRESS Echo Penang.” Telephone No. 343 H.H.— All business communications shoo Id be
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  • 701 4 Yesterday we referred briefly to the fact that the Kedah Government had instituted a duty on all imports into the Kulim district, and that the tax would be levied early next month. That the authorities do not expect a very large revenue from the tax is
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  • 510 4 Mr. Foo Clioo Choon Increasing His Lead. The following list gives the state of the poll in the Echos Most Popular Man Coinpetition up to 3 p uo. to-day. After a day or two of inaction Mr. Foo
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  • 244 4 Wk would remind our readers that the R ival Cioem itograph, which did so well at j the King S’reef Theatre last year, opens again in P-nane this evening tins time at the theatrical hall in Kuala Kaugsa Road (a turning off Kimlierley Street) known generally to
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  • 98 4 The following busiuess in tin has been done to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange. buyers, no sellers j $71-70 Eastern Smeltinc Co 75 tons at 72 Straits Trading Co., 100 72 Singapore: Straits Trading Co., 50 72 Total...225 tons. '•’iv is quoted in London to-dav at
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  • 691 4 THE ASSIZES. (Before Mr. Justice Fisher.) Housebreaking and Voluntarily Causing Hurt. Yap Kirn SeDg aud Yip Sip Cheng, two Chinese, were arraigned, yesterday afternoon, on the following charges (1) housebreaking by night after having made preparation for Causing hurt, (2) voluntarily causiug grievous hurt to Ko Pun Sui
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  • 191 4 A Gov*rnme"t Ga elte Extraordinary was issued on WVdm-8«lay last in which appeared notifications of the appointment, His Extad'encv f he Governor, Sir John \nder on, k c.m.o .of the following to be D-strict Judges for Singapore, Penang and M Gacca Messrs. J O. Anthonisz W
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  • 909 4 (Before Mr. Hamilton.) It will be remembered that Liang Yin, a Chinese woman, was on the 19th uk arraigned on the charge of committing theft in respect of $40 in cash, the property of her husband, and that Cheah Ah Kean, a coolie to the complainant, was
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 550 4 WANTED. r OUNG ENGLISHMAN seeks ror with privute family or mess. Answers to C. Q. X PENANG SALES ROOM. AN AUCTION SALE OF e' Household Furnitur WILL TAKE PLACE AT NO. 171, BUIIMAH ROAD, On Saturday. 4th April. 1938, AT 12 NOON The property of H. E. MIDDLETON, E«q i
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    • 34 4 Oon>san capsulpy contain odlv th** purest R st Indian S*ndil W"o1 oil and Kawa Knwa Tb« firs* do«« quickly removes violent ii.fl itmn itnry symp'onaß, bots of 40 capsules, at all dealers and Chemists.
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    • 168 5 (i Supplied by Reuter.) Heavier Taxes Predicted. London, 3rd April.—lncrease of taxation ia predicted for this years Budget in view of the provision for old-aye pensions. Mr. 11. 11. Asquith's Estimate*. London. 3rd April.—The Income tax has yielded XI *BU,(XK) above Mr H H Asquith's Estimate in
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    • 125 5 (Supplied bt/ Reuter.) Humoured Amalgamation of British aud Russian Proposals. Londou, 2ud April.— Reuter’s correspond eut learns that Great Britai i and Htissi are exchanging views with respect to the Macedonian proposals, which mav lead to Great Britain proposing the amalgamation of the two schemes in such a manner
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    • 238 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Port of London Bill. Loudon, 3rd April.—Mr LL»yd-George, President of the Board of Trade, introduc ed the Bill establishing public authority to control the Port of L<»udou and to improve the approaches, accommodation and equipment so as to euable Londou to compete with the other
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    • 176 5 (Supplied bit Reuter.) Mr. Jiirrcll’N Defence of Lord Hudclo. London, April. Mr. Augustin*' Lirrell, Chief Secretary 1o the Lord Leuten&nt of Ireland, refened in the House of Commons to the coward'y falsehood connecting Lord Haddo with the Deft of the Dublin jewels. Lord Hadd*», he adde»l waa
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    • 51 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Largely Over-Subscribed. Loudon, 2ud April.—The Tient*»in-Pu kow Railway loan of JE5.000 000. bearing interest at 5 per cent, aud issued at 98f partly in London and pirtiy in Germany, has been largely over-subscribed. It is notewort by tliat the Obiueso applied for a considerable
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    • 121 5 (Supplied by Reuter Two Loan» Issued. Loudon, 3rd April.—A telegram from Berlin states that German and Prussian loans of X 12.500,000 and X 20,000.000, respectively, bearing interest at 4 per cent., have been issued at ln addition to this a Banking Syndicate has taken X10.000.C00 of Prussitu Treasury notes.
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    • 125 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Integrity of Chinese Possessions. London. 3 d April.—A telegram from Washington states that it is understood th* policy which is beiug ciniel out by Mt. Fisher, the American Consul at Harbin, equally applied to Southern Manchuria Mr. Fisher recognised that such a p<dicy would uot be
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    • 52 5 (Nay plied by Reuter.\ Due iu Australia in SeptemDer. Loudon 3»d April.—The American Pacific fl-*et will reach Australia in Septembe' »ud will stay ten days each at Melbourne «od Sydney. The 11 -et has also been iuvited to vi»it the other capitals of the States ol the
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  • 550 5 A Western Australia paper writes regarding Singapore's new batch of race-horse»: The light weight jockeys. Jack Gibliu and “Dodger” Ross, have left for Siogapoie, where they have been engaged to do riding for Mr. Jmmy Nicholas, who has shipped t team of horses to the equatorial port.
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  • 1113 5 (From Our Own Correspondent Wednesday, Ist April. Another Gambling Raid. Seventeen wealiny otraiis-bom Chinese were arrested last Saturdav night in a i raid made at Fairyland,” Pasir Panjang, i by Captain Chancellor, the Chtef Police Officer, and a posse of police. Fairyland is the beautiful sea-side residence of
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  • 1022 5 Lvux writes in the Dai y Report J There is a good deal of trouble in connec- tion with the Crown Agents for the Colonies. which is a species of aunexe to the C>vil 1 Service instead of beiug p*rt aud pare*»! of it. But.
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  • 619 5 A Perak resident writes to the Free Frees as follows: It may not be geuerally known that what is usually termed here the Truck Enactment has already been passed and may come into operation at any moment in all the Federated Malav States It i 8 popularly
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  • 190 5 Arrived. Per 8.8. Kist-a. from Siugapore Mr. md Mrs. Khoo Siew Gin and Mr. J. O Connor. From Pott Swettenbam Cant. au<l Mis. Talbot and children. Mr. and Mr*. C H Hye, Mr and Mrs. F. A. Heong, Mr and Mrs. W. E. Siew, Mr. and Mrs. H E*
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  • 75 5 To-dat. 3 d Dav qf 3rd Moon. Town Band. Esplanade. t> to 7 p.m. Matsuo's Cinematograph, corner of Penang Road and Campliell Street, 7 p.m. and 9 pm. Tim R iyal Cinematograph, Kuala Kangs* I» ad theatre, 9 pm. Otand Openinq Ni ht. r To-morrow. 4‘h D-iv of 3
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  • 25 5 E glish Oceana) ...9th Apr. Chinn Dp. hi ...11th t’hiiia i Prime s A i ei ...14*h GoniiH* ipE im F 'edrich> 15rh
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  • 18 5 First Quarter Apr. Bth O Full Mnou ]6th 1.*0.1 (JimiHr 24th O N*-W Moon 30» h
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  • 38 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. liit w a Ri>h Homewards. Oceana 9 A»r. Dp l hi 11 Apr. Delta 23 i Mata 25 Litra Service. Outwards Homewards. 14 Apr j Romeo 17 Apr. Ceu'on 8 N>re 5 May.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 157 5 THE mO-MIESE STORE, 5 7, CHIN* STREET. W« ARB H LDINO A CLEARANCE f'*r a m<>nt|i, (h>wiuhioi; from the lit and HI. ding 30 h April uext. Please watcb for exp Hgd and band bills. ENORMOUS SALE. 30 3 08 167 G.>no**n (in capsne-*) is whII tolerated l,\ t.iH rtieps'ive
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  • 667 6 Home Amusing Blunders. Every foreigner who has explored in a jinnkisba the great stieet labyrinth of Tokio must have noticed the comparatively frequent occurrence of English signboards over the shops of Japanese tradesmen. One seldom runs across a Fienek or German signboard, but in all parts of the
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  • 523 6 Observers have Du* noted the occasional display of exceptional lustre in the planet Mars. Oue such dinpliy took olace, by reason of that planet’s pet iodic I close approach to our eaitlt, a few tn>*n'hs ag<*, and Prote-sor Percival L*>well, direc'or of the Lowed Obseivr»'*rv FDestiff
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  • 599 6 Messrs. J. Bussell Grant Co.’s Keport. London, March 12. The market for Malay Rubber Company shares continues to improve in sympathy with the article, and a good business is pass mg at advancing rates in all the leadiug companies Investment orders are coming io tr<>m all quarters,
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  • 117 6 Pbnano. 3rd April. (By courtety of the Chartered Bank.) London Damnl Sink --2/3J 4 months’ sight Baofc ..2,4-^ Credit -2/4 A 3 Documentary ...2/4$ Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs 174 3 days’ sight Pr-vate 175$ Bombay. Demand Bank 173} Mouimein, Demand R»nV 171$ 3 days’ sight Private 175$ Madras, Demand
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  • 186 6 lold leaf |fis.4U B. Pepper( W.Coast 3lbs.- t > oO no stock tVbite Pepper $lB 50 teller» Trang Pepper 12$ buyers Jloves (picked) 31 buyer» VI ace lb.—tellers Vlace Pickings 57. buyer» luimegs 11 Os 23- —stllers No. 1 5.30 »aie» Sugar J 2 no stock Basket 3.75 tales
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  • 182 6, 3rd April, 1908. Brep— ct»Soup per catty 12 Roast ,i 22 Steaks >• -2 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 22 Ox Tail «acb 30 Tongue Feet Heart Liver per catty 30 Pork— Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head 20 Feet 24 Tongue 30 Mutton per
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  • 85 6 > It» 10 lu 10 I 1 10 10 I 1 10 1 1 5* 1 1 1 I 10 1 1 1 10 5 10 1 10 lu 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •SO AO 50 1 1
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 85 6 Don’t Neglect a Cold. Perhaps you believe you will be able to throw off every ro'd you contract. Y.*u luay have done ho many times before, aud yet the very n« j xt cold inrv develop into puentnonia You cm not a I wavs tell the condition of your Hymen),
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    • 38 6 Get a Bottle To-day. Colic, pirns in the stomach, aud diarrhoea are uot only painful, but uiay indicate a serious disorder. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoei Kemeiy relieves promptly and cures permanently. The tleortje town Dispensary, Wholesale Aleuts.
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  • 928 7 [*>y virtue of winch this will be read on Monday moruiugl [Perhaps the superscription errs on the side of presumption but so would the substitution of readable for will be read.” May be read has too many limitations to be used in conjunction with “on Monday mornin»;
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 954 7 BAXTER Co/s BEST NAVY CANVAS. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. INSURANCES, General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation, Ltd. DAVID CORSAR SON’S WELL-KNOWN EXTRA NAVY CANVAS, No. 0. SANDIMNDS. BIITTEBY Co, John Bazley White Bros.’ PORTLAND CEMENT, “LION BRAND” Sandilands, Buttery Co AGENTS. PENANG A F. M. 8. WE have beeu appointed
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    • 97 7 Neuralgia and Sciatica Cured. The great pain relieving power of Cbaruheilain’a Pain Btlin ha* heeu the surprise and delight of in;«nv Miff re<8 from neuralgia and M'ianca. Tim *-xc uciating pain* characteristic of these diseases are quickly a'layed by tb'« linimeut. r l'be George Town P sp^iiKarv. Whnl*-«al« Agent*. MARTIN’S
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 896 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co. t Pha, U,S.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. KK8IDINO AT No. 2ta, Penang Road. FELLOWS’ A few doors from (he Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mth» icoiFom STBUPIl A FRESH CONSIGNMENT OF EXCELDA HANDKERCHIEFS' Khoo Buan Phuan CHOP Gim Seng Moh, 203,
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